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Class: …………………….………….
El-Fouad Schools

WH Questions …………….………………..……..………3

The Present Simple Tense ………………………………..……9

The Present Continuous Tense …………………………....….20

The Future Simple Tense …………………………………… 32

The Past Simple Tense………………………………..........…43

The Past Simple of Verb to Be "Was/Were"…………........….…..56

Plural …………………………………………..……..….... 64

The Countable and Uncountable Nouns ……….…..….......…. 73

Some and Any ……………………………………....…...…. 75

Many and Much ……………………………………............. 78

A few and A little …………………………………....…..… 81

Quizzes ………………..……………………………..........…... 83

El-Fouad Schools

“WH” Questions

Information Questions

*What are the information questions?

They are the questions used to ask about something/ someone
using a question word.
*What are the question words? When do we use them?
Question word Usage
Used to ask about person /people.
Ex: ☻ Who is she?
- She’s my Mum.
Who ☻Who did this?
- Adam did this.
☻Who brought this necklace?
- Sue brought it.

Used to ask about things – jobs-

animals – time - ……….. etc
Ex: ☻What’s this?
- This is a book.
What ☻What does your father work?
- He’s a doctor.
☻What’s this animal?
- It’s a kangaroo.
☻What time is it? = What is the time?
- It’s half past four.

El-Fouad Schools

Used to ask about time in general (day /

week / month / year…..etc)
Ex: ☻When did they arrive?
- Yesterday.
When ☻When are you going to come?
- Next Monday.
☻When is your birthday?
- On the 21st of May.

Used to ask about the place.

Ex: ☻Where is she?
- At home.
☻Where can I find a pen?
- In the drawer.
Where ☻Where are the rest of the students?
- In the playground.
☻Where is my jacket?
- On my bed.

Used to ask about possession.

Ex: ☻Whose book did you borrow?
- David’s.
☻Whose key is this?
Whose - It’s mum’s.
☻Whose car is this?
- It’s Ali’s.
☻Whose socks are these?
- They're dad’s.

El-Fouad Schools

Used to ask about the reason or cause

of something.
Ex: ☻Why are you crying?
- Because I’m punished.
☻Why was sally absent yesterday?
- Because she was sick.
☻Why do you sit at the restaurant?
- To have lunch.
Used to ask generally about the state or
manners of something/ someone.
Ex: ☻How did you come to school?
- By bus.
☻How does he drive?
How - Carefully.
☻How is the weather today?
- It is sunny.
☻How was your day?
- It was busy.
Used to ask about the quantity of
something countable.
☻How many pens are there on the
How many table?
- Ten pens.

Used to ask about the quantity of

something uncountable or price.
How much ☻How much rice do you need?
- Ten kilos.
☻How much does it cost?
- 100 pounds.
☻How much rice do you need?
- 400 grammes.

El-Fouad Schools

Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1-(What – Where – When) do you live? - In London.
2-(Where – What – How) do you go to school? - By car.
3-(When – Who – Why) are banks open? - From 9 to 10.
4-(Why – Who – How) are you wearing this coat?
- Because it is too cold.
5-(What – When – Who) likes ice cream? - Sue.
6-(Why – What – How) do you like to drink? - Orange juice.
7-(Where – When – Who) did you go yesterday? - To the museum.
8-(Who – Where – What) did you see in the garden? - A small bag.
9-(Which – Where – How) do they go every day? - To the club.
10-(Who – Why – What) are you crying? - Because I lost my pen.
11-(How – When – Which) does he practise the piano?
- On Thursday.
12-(How – When – Who) do you spell "house"? - H-o-u-s-e.
13-(Who – How – What) does the turtle walk? - Slowly
14-(What – Who – Where) is the cinema? - It is over there.
15-(Where – Who – How) does Ali come to school? - On foot.
16-(Who – When – Why) is coming to the party? - My friend.
17-(What – When – Where) is your favourite kind of music? - Jazz.
18-(Why – When – What) do you have English classes?
- Every Tuesday.
19-(What – Where - Why) would you like to have? -Milkshake.
20-(When – Who – What) is your best friend? - Meg.
El-Fouad Schools

21-(Which – Who – Why) are you sad?

- Because I got low marks in the test.
22-(Where –What – Who) do you have lunch with?
- With my family.
23-(Whose – When – Where) does the party start?
- At seven o'clock.
24-(Whose – Who – Where) is this lady? - My English teacher.
25-(Why – When – Where) do you come to school? - To learn.
26-Where is my pen?
(In spring – In the drawer – On 4th July).
27-When is your graduation party?
(At home – Next Sunday – On the beach).
28-(What – Who – When) are you doing? -I'm helping my mum.
29-(Who – Whose – When) socks are these? - They are Soha's.
30-(Which – Whose – Who) is reading in the library? - Mark.
31-Where are you going? - (Mona's - To the market – By bus)
32-(Why – Who – Which) are you late? - Because I missed the bus.
33-How did you go to Paris? - (By plane – basketball – Nadeen)
34-Whose bag is this? - (In summer – Reading – It's Tom's)
35-Where do you eat? - (At the restaurant – At noon – Everyday)
36-(When – Whose – Who) bag is this? - It's Arwa's.
37-(When – How – What) do you have breakfast? - In the morning.
38-(What – Which – Whose) house is this? - It's Lara's.

El-Fouad Schools

39-Who gives you this present? - (Ahmed's – My friend – A pencil).

40-When is your favourite festival?
(In winter – At home – Mercedes).
41-How (many – much – old) chocolate do you need? - Two bars.
42-How (much – many – far) is your dress? - 200 pounds.
43-(Whose – When – Who) shoes are these? - They're Jack's.
44-(What – How – Who) makes the cakes? - A baker
45-(When – What – How) is London famous for? - The Big Ben.
46-(When – Where – What) is Salma from? - Egypt.
47-What is the pen made of? - (By car – plastic – Twelve).
48-When is your birthday?
(Glass – At home – On 20th September).
49-How much is this mobile phone?
(1000 pounds – Funny – A mouse).
50-Why do you go to the cinema?
(In the evening – Omar – To watch the movie).
51-(Who – When – Whose) watch is this? - It's Marwan's.

El-Fouad Schools

The Present Simple Tense

a) Actions that happen frequently or as usual habits.

b) Facts (things that really happen or exist).

The water boils at 100C.
The cow gives us milk.
Every usually
(year – day – month)

sometimes Key words often

On (days) never

In (seasons – months)

Affirmative state

I He
Verb + s
You She
Verb in base Verb + es
We Verb (in base) It
(infinitive form)
Verb + ies
They Singular nouns

Plural nouns

El-Fouad Schools

Verb + s:

walk walks
talk talks
sail sails
run runs

Verb + es:
*When the verb ends with (sh – ch – ss – o – x), just add "es".
wash washes
watch watches
press presses
fix fixes
go goes

Verb + ies:
*When the verb ends with consonant + “y”, cross the “y” and
add “ies”.
study studies
carry carries
fry fries
cry cries
try tries
fly flies

El-Fouad Schools

☻When the verb ends with vowel + “y”, don’t cross the “y”
and add “s” only.

play plays
stay stays
buy buys
obey obeys


* Dad always fixes his car.

* My grandparents travel to USA every year.
* Adam and I play football twice a week.
* Mum never cooks fish.



El-Fouad Schools

A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1- Sam always (score – scoring – scores) goals.
2- We often (go – going – goes) to school by bus.
3- The children (plays – play – playing) football every Friday.
4- She never (fly – flies – flys) to France.
5- He always (do – does – doing) his homework in the
6- Linda (study – studies – studyes) French every Tuesday.
7- Mark (have – has – having) a party every weekend.
8- Mona usually (watches – watchs – watch) T.V in the
9- He never (miss – misses – missing) a match this season.
10- They (are having – have – has) a test on Monday.
11- We always (help – helping – helps) our friends.
12- The students (tries – try – tryes) to answer the questions.
13- It always (snowing – snows – snow) in winter.
14- My friend Jack (living – lives – live) in a big house.
15- Every day, my father (go – going – goes) to work by car.
16- We usually (travel – travels – travelling) to London by
17- Sally always (listen – listens – listening) to music in the
18- I (go – goes – going) to the cinema every week.
19- Mona and Mera usually (brushes – brushing – brush) their
20- (Menna – We – They) has lunch at two o’clock.
21- We sometimes (watching – watches – watch) T.V in the
22- Soha visits her grandma (last – every – next) week.
23- Dan (play – plays – playing) basketball on Monday.
24- (He – You – They) does the ironing by himself.
El-Fouad Schools

B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- Maha (wash) the dishes. (always)
2- She (travel) to Paris. (every year)
3- The child (tie) the shoelaces. (always)
4- They (do) the laundry on Sundays. (Mike)
5- They (play) tennis at the club. (sometimes)
6- She (studies) Maths on Fridays. (Mona and I)
7- Ali (sleep) late at night. (never)
8- He (do) his homework. (every day)
9- Sara (have) cheese and tea for breakfast. (usually)
10- She (enjoy) the trip. (every year)
11- Lamia (go) to Italy in summer. (always)
12- He often (fries) chicken. (I)
13- Peter (be) in the playground. (correct)
14- He (fly) his kite in the garden. (often)
15- My family (go) to the beach. (In summer)
El-Fouad Schools

The Negative & Question Forms

Negative Form:

singular subject
He, She, It + doesn’t + verb in base

plural subject
They, You, We, I + don’t + verb in base

* Sally doesn’t watch T.V. every night. = Sally never watches....
* They don’t go to school on Friday. = They never go to …..

Question Form:

Yes, subject+ does

singular subject
Does + + verb in base ?
(he, she, it) No, subject+ doesn’t

Yes, subject+ do
plural subject
Do + (they, you, we, I) + verb in base ? No, subject+ don’t

* Do the students study every day?
*Does she have lunch at 2 p.m.?

El-Fouad Schools

A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1- He (don’t – doesn’t – isn’t) study English.
2- The girls (don’t – doesn’t – aren’t) sleep early.
3- (Do – Does – Is) Mack read a book?
4- The cat doesn’t (drinks – drinking – drink) milk.
5- (Do – Does – Are) you catch fish?
6- They don’t (rides – ride – riding) bikes.
7- My friends (aren’t – doesn’t – don’t) like cheese.
8- We don’t (have – has – haven’t) any money to buy tickets.
B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- Kitty writes her lessons. (not)
2- Yes, Suzan catches the train on time. (Does)
3- I play tennis in the club. (not)
4- No, the teachers don’t correct the exams. (Do)
5- Aya never goes to club on foot. (not)
6- Yes, the plane arrives early. (Does)
7- I sometimes do my homework at night. (not)
8- No, Salma doesn’t watch T.V. (Does)
9- We close our shop on Friday. (not)

El-Fouad Schools

10- Sam has a toothache. (not)

11- The girls drink milk every morning. (negative)
12- Yes, she has an English test. (question)
13- No, they never tell lies. (question)
14- No, we never go to the theatre. (Do)
15- She doesn’t go to the club on Sunday. (never)

C) Complete the dialogue:

(1)A: ………………………………………..………?
B: No, I don’t drink milk.
A: ………………………………………….……?
B: No, mum doesn’t give me sandwiches.
(2)A: ……………………………………...…..…..…?
B: No, we don’t have a quiz on Tuesday.
(3)A: …………………………………………….….?
B: Yes, he plays tennis with me.
(4)A: ……………………………………….…….…?
B: Yes, I like chocolate very much.

El-Fouad Schools

WH Questions of Present Simple Tense

WH word + do + Plural subject + verb (in base) ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) (I/they/you/we)

Ex: * Where do you live?

I live in Cairo.

* Who do they go to school with?

They go to school with their friends.

WH word + does + Singular subject + verb (in base) ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) (he/she/it)

Ex: * What does she draw/ do?

She draws a cat.

* When does Omar study?

Omar studies every night.

El-Fouad Schools

A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- We have a science lesson on Tuesday. (When)
2- I live in Cairo. (Where)
3- We travel to London every month. (When)
4- They go to school by bus. (How)
5- My dad goes to the supermarket with me. (Who)
6- The thief steals my money. (What)
7- Jack always sleeps at 9 o’clock. (When)
8- Jasmine cleans her bedroom every morning. (What)
9- Mona goes to her work by taxi. (How)
10- He has a mobile phone. (What)
11- Omar goes shopping with me. (Who)
12- Ahmed sits in the playground. (Where)
13- My baby spells car, (c – a – r). (How)

El-Fouad Schools

B) Complete the dialogue:

(1)A: ……………………………………………?
B: My favourite subject is Maths.
A: When do you have your Science lesson?
B: ……………………………………………..
(2)A: ………………………………………………?
B: I go to the club every weekend.

(3)A: ………………………………………………?
B: I get up at 7 o’clock.
A: ………………………………………………?
B: I go to school by bus.
(4)A: ……………………………………………….?
B: I live in Nasr City.
(5)A: ……………………………………………?
B: I feel better today.
(6)A: …………………………………………….?
B: Adel swims in the sea.

El-Fouad Schools

The Present Continuous Tense

a) Actions that happen at the same moment of speaking,
which are still going on and haven't stopped yet.

At the moment Now

This year Key words At present

This week
Exclamation mark (!)
Stop! – Look out! - Watch out! – Be careful!

I am Verb +ing

He, She, It is Verb +ing

We, They, you are Verb +ing

Verbs end with e:

*When the verb ends with (e), cross the (e) and add (ing)
write writing
dance dancing
smile smiling
ride riding
have having
El-Fouad Schools

Verbs end with (C.V.C):

*When the last three letters in the verb are consonant + vowel +
consonant (C.V.C), double the last letter and then add (ing).
run running p u t Putting
swim swimming sk i p skipping
cl a p clapping g e t getting
si t sitting travel travelling
hi t hitting

No doubling:
*When the last three letters are vowel + vowel + consonant
(V.V.C), don’t double and just add (ing).
sail sailing
e a t eating
*When the verb consists of two or more syllables.
answer answering
water watering
open opening
listen listening

El-Fouad Schools

Verbs end with (X/Y/W):

*When the last three letters are (C.V.C) but the last consonant is
(x/ y/ w).
fix fixing
play playing
follow following

Changing (ie) into (Y):

*When the verb ends with (ie) change them into (y) and then add
die dying
lie lying
tie tying
A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- Ali (am – is – are) watching TV now.
2- Look! The car is (comes – come – coming) very fast.
3- The babies (am – is – are) crying at the moment.
4- Listen! The telephone is (ringing – rings – ring).
5- (They – The cat – I) is eating fish.
6-Mazen is still (studies – studying – study) his lessons.
7-Marry is washing the dishes (now – next week – yesterday).
8-(The mechanic – We – I) are doing our homework at present.
9 -The man is (lieing – lying –lies) on the ground.
10-Mum is (makes – making –makeing) a sandwich.
11-Reem is doing homework (now – everyday – yesterday).

El-Fouad Schools

12-(Last day – Listen! – Everyday) The students are playing

13-I (buy – buying – am buying) a new camera now.
14-She is (writeing – writing – writes) a letter to Mona.
15-The monkeys are eating bananas (every day – at the moment
– next day).
16-Look! The man (ties – is tying – is tieing) his shoelaces.
17-I'm (having – haveing – have) a party in my school today.
18-This year, Salma and Mona (studies – are studying –study)
19-(Sometimes – Yesterday – Watch out!) You're smoking too
20-Ali is going to the supermarket (usually – today –

B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- We always wait for our teachers. (now)
2- The children carry their bags. (Look!)
3- They have a new story every year. (This year)
4- Every week, my father fixes his car. (Today)
5- Lara and Tina eat their food. (are)
6- The bus comes fast. (Look out!)

El-Fouad Schools

7- We often study French. (now)

8- He washes his car every day. (today)
9- They study German. (this year)
10- She sometimes draws pictures. (Look!)
11- I watch T.V every night. (now)
12- We are doing our homework. (He)
13- Mona and I skate on ice. (this week)
14- She always cleans her bed room. (now)
15- I read a book every day. (Now)
16- Adel often wears a blue jacket. (at the moment)
17- The baby always follows his mother. (is)
18- The baby lies on his bed. (at present)
19- Every week, my father goes to work by his car. (Today)
20- I have an exam. (This week)
21- Huda never ties her shoelaces. (now)

El-Fouad Schools

The Negative & Question Forms

Negative Form:

I + am not + verb + ing

Singular subject
He, She, It + isn’t + verb + ing

Plural subject
They, You, We + aren’t + verb + ing

*I am not going to school now.
*Sally isn’t brushing her teeth at the moment.
*They aren’t playing in the playground at present.

Question Form:

Am + I + verb + ing ?
singular subject
Is + (he, she, it) + verb + ing ?

plural subject
Are + (they, you, we) + verb + ing ?

* Is Adam mixing a juice now?
*Are they washing the dishes at the moment?
*Am I doing something wrong?
El-Fouad Schools


Statement (.) Question (?)

I'm….. Are you….?

(He/She/It) is ……… Is (he/she/it) ……….?

They are… Are they…?

I / We you

my / our your

you I / We

us you

El-Fouad Schools

A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- Yes, I’m cooking lunch now. (Are)
2- They are making cakes at the moment. (not)
3- No, the children aren’t helping their mum. (Are)
4- I’m going to the club today. (not)
5- The child is sleeping in his bed. (Is)
6- No, Aya isn’t doing karate. (Is)
7- It’s raining at the moment. (not)
8- No, he isn’t travelling to Italy today. (Is)
9- We are reading funny stories this year. (not)
10- Yes, my friends are coming to the party. (are)
11- I’m eating fish at the moment. (not)
12- Yes, Nada is playing the piano at the moment. (Is)
13- We are writing a letter now. (not)
14- Yes, we’re drinking orange juice. (Are)
15- No, Salma isn’t watching T.V. (Is)
16- I’m going to the club today. (not)
17- Yes, they are playing well. (Are)
El-Fouad Schools

18- Yes, my father is fixing his car. (Is)

19- I am going to the zoo now. (not)
20- No, the cat isn’t running now. (Is)
21- The children are carrying their bags now. (not)

B) Complete the dialogue:

(1) Mona: …………………………………………?
Omar: No, we aren’t going out today.
Mona: ………………………………………….?
Omar: Yes, Hany is eating a sandwich.
Mona: …………………………………………..?
Omar: No, the bus isn’t leaving now.
(2)A: ………………………………………………?
B: No, Laila isn't washing the dishes.
A: ……………………………………………...?
B: Yes, she is cooking lunch now.
(3) A: ……………………………………………?
B: No, I am not watching T.V. now.
A: …………………………………………….?
B: Yes, I’m studying Science now.

El-Fouad Schools

WH Questions of Present Continuous


WH word + am + I + verb + ing ?


Ex: What am I doing here ?

WH word + are + plural subject + verb + ing ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) ( they/you/we)

Ex: What are you doing/studying now?

I'm studying English now.

WH word + is + singular subject + verb + ing ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) ( he/she/it)

Ex: Where is she going today ?

She is going to the club.

El-Fouad Schools

A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- Noha is writing a letter to my friend. (What)
2- They’re crying because they’re hungry. (Why)
3- Sarah is helping her mum. (Who)
4- Ramy is having lunch now. (What)
5- We are going to the cinema this week. (Where)
6- Mum is cooking pasta now. (What)
7- Soha is sitting in the class. (Who)
8- I’m watching T.V in the evening. (When)
9- Samar is travelling to Aswan by train. (How)
10- We’re moving today to Cairo. (When)
11- Jana is going to school on foot. (How)
12- Nader is eating salad at the restaurant. (Where)
13- I’m watching a cartoon movie. (What)
14- I’m helping my mum because she is ill. (Why)
15- My family is travelling to U.S.A by plane. (How)


El-Fouad Schools

B) Complete the dialogue:

(1)A: ………………………………………………?
B: This year, I’m travelling to London.
A: ………………………………………………?
B: I’m going there by plane.
(2)A: ……………………………………………..?
B: I’m studying English.
A: Are you good at it?
B: ……………………………………………..

(3) Ali: …………………………………………….?

Ahmed: We’re sitting in the garden.
Ali: ……………………………………………?
Ahmed: I’m laughing because I’m happy.
(4)Ali: …………………………………………….?
Ahmed: We’re sitting in the garden.
Ali: ……………………………………………?
Ahmed: I’m laughing because I’m happy.
(5)Sally: …………………………………………..?
Hana: I’m cooking food now.
Sally: …………………………………………..?
Hana: My favourite dish is pasta.

El-Fouad Schools

The Future Simple Tense

Usage Actions that are decided to take place in the future.

soon tonight after + time

this afternoon
this evening
Key words
in the future tomorrow
later by next

I am going to Verb in base

He, She, It is going to Verb in base

We, They, you are going to Verb in base

*Ahmed is going to play tennis tomorrow.
*Sue and Sally are going to go on a trip next week.
*I am going to visit my grandmother this evening.
*Tonight, We are going to travel to Hurghada.
Present simple Future simple
(is / am / are) (is / am / are) going to be
goes is going to go
has is going to have
does is going to do
El-Fouad Schools

A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:-

1- The children (travelling – are travelling – are going to travel) to

Aswan tonight.

2- I'm going to (visiting – visit – visits) my uncle soon.

3- Tomorrow, my mother is (buy – buying – going to buy) the

house needs from the supermarket.

4- My friends (are going to have – have – are having) a test next


5- Mary (goes – is going – is going to go) shopping tonight.

6- Tomorrow, It (is raining – is going to rain – rains) heavily.

7- The train (arrives – is arriving – is going to arrive) soon.

8- She is going to (see –saw – seeing) a nice film.

9- Mona and Noha (am – is –are) going to swim in the pool.

10- (Now – This afternoon – On Monday), John is going to eat


11- Tonight, Heba (goes – is going to go – is going) to the club.

12- (Tomorrow – Every day – Today), we are going to have a


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13- Omar (watches – is going to watch – is watching) the match

this evening.

14- Next year, I (am going to be – am being – be) in grade four.

15- Sue and Susan are (selling – going to sell – sell) their old
house next week.

16- (On Sunday – By Sunday – Yesterday), they are going to

move to a new flat.

17- I have a toothache, I'm (seeing – see – going to see) the dentist

18- Yousef (is going to go – is going – goes) to meet his friends


19- The students are going to do their homework (now – this

afternoon – everyday).

20- Jack is going to buy a present for Joe's birthday (on Tuesday –
tomorrow – today).

21- She is late. I'm going to call her (now – today – soon).

22- Next Saturday, we are (having – have – going to have) an

English exam.

23- Sally is going to study medicine (this year – in the future –

every year).

El-Fouad Schools

24- The workers (are cutting – are going to cut – cut) the tree this

25- Ahmed and Ali are (swimming – swiming – going to swim) in

the sea this afternoon.

26- (Yesterday – This evening – Today), Michel is going to take

the dog for a walk.

27- The chef (is cooking – cooks – is going to cook) fish


28- They are going to visit the zoo (now – tomorrow – yesterday).

29- She (helps – is helping – is going to help) her mum next


30-I am (go to – going to – goes to) make my bed tomorrow.

B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:-

1- I always clean this room. (Tomorrow)
2- Jana and Lama are going to school now. (next Monday)
3- Look! They are riding their bikes. (This afternoon)
4- She meets her friend every week. (Later)
5- I sometimes watch TV. (tomorrow)
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6- Maged usually studies Math with Ahmed. (tonight)

7- Ramy is always busy at school. (Tomorrow)
8-Reem sometimes goes to the club on foot. (soon)
9-He is the president of the USA. (Next year)
10-We sell our old TV. (by Thursday)
11-My boss is giving us a pay now. (next month)
12-I go to the club every week. (Tomorrow)
13-They are travelling by plane. (tonight)
14-I am a doctor. (When I grow up,)
15-Adam travels to London every summer. (Next summer)
16-She always watches the matches. (tonight)
17-I do my homework every day. (tomorrow)
18-My mum does the housework on Friday. (This afternoon)

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The Negative & Question Forms

Negative Form:

I + am not + going to+ verb in base

Singular subject
He, She, It + isn’t + going to+ verb in base

Plural subject
They, You, We + aren’t + going to + verb in base

*They aren’t going to travel next week.
*She isn’t going to study medicine next year.
*The children aren’t going to play football tomorrow.

Question Form:

Am + I + going to + verb in base?

singular subject
Is + (he, she, it) + going to + verb in base?

plural subject
Are + (they, you, we) + going to + verb in base?

*Are the children going to visit their grandparents tonight?
*Is Mum going to prepare the dinner this evening?
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A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- They're going to visit the zoo tomorrow. (not)
2- No, I'm not going to go to the cinema tonight. (Are)
3- He is going to win the match. (not)
4- Yes, Salma is going to study hard next year. (Is)
5- Noah is going to buy a new car. (not)
6- No, I'm not going to sleep early tonight. (Are)
7- They're going to finish their homework soon. (not)
8- Yes, she is going to live in Cairo next year. (Is)
9- Ali is going to score a goal. (not)
10- I'm going to meet my friend. (not)
11- Yes, they are going to play tennis next Friday. (Are)
12- No, we aren't going to read stories tonight. (Are)
13- Lana is going to have pineapple juice. (not)
14-My sister is going to swim in the pool. (not)

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B)Complete the dialogue:

(1)A: ……………………………………………………..…?
B: No, I'm not going to study this evening.
A: …………………………………………………...……?
B: Yes, I'm going to watch the match.
(2)A: Are you going to go out tonight?
B: …………………………………………………….…..
A: Is your friend going to meet you at the mall?
B: …………………………………………………...……

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WH Questions of Future Simple Tense

WH word + am + I + going to + verb (in base) ?


Ex: Where am I going to sit ?

WH word + are + plural subject + going to + verb (in base) ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) ( they/you/we )

Ex: What are you going to do tomorrow?

I'm going to study my lessons.

WH word + is + singular subject + going to + verb (stem) ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) ( he/she/it )

Ex: Where is Adam going to travel next week?

He is going to travel to Paris.

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A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- Samy and Alaa are going to travel to Tokyo by plane. (How)

2-Maha is going to throw out the rubbish. (Who)
3- Dina is going to play volleyball next Friday. (When)
4- We're going to travel to Paris by plane. (How)
5- The children are going to play in the playground. (Where)
6- Maha is going to cook fish for lunch. (Who)
7-Jane is going to go to the market to buy flour and eggs. (Why)
8- I'm going to draw a new picture. (What)
9- We are going to stay in a hotel. (Where)
10- We are going to walk to the park. (Where)
11- My dad is going to water the plants. (What)
12-Samar is going to take the dog for a walk. (What)

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B) Complete the dialogue:

(1)A: When are you going to go to the cinema?
B: ………………………………………..
A: ………………………………………..?
B: I'm going to go with my friends.

(2)A: …………………………………………?
B: She is going to go to London next month.
A: …………………………………………...?
B: She is going to go there by plane.

(3)A: …………………………………………….?
B: I'm going to spend the summer holiday in Alexandria.
A: How are you going to go there?
B: ………………………………………………

(4)A: Where are you going to go tomorrow?

B: ……………………………………………….……….
A: ……………………………………………………….?
B: We are going to see the wild animals.


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The Past Simple Tense

Usage To talk about actions which happened completely in

the past and had finished or stopped.

Last ago

Previous Key words Yesterday

In the past This morning

Form To form the past simple tense, verbs are divided into two
a) Regular verbs. b) Irregular verbs.
Add (d, ed, ied) - They are completely
to the verb. changed.

Regular Verbs: They form their past by adding d / ed / ied to the

Verb + ed:
walk walked
talk talked
wash washed
brush brushed

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Verb + d: *When the verb already ends with (e),

just add (d) to the verb.
dance danced
arrive arrived
practise practised
receive received

Verb + ied: *When the verb ends with a consonant + (y) ,

cross the (y) and then add (ied).
study studied
carry carried
try tried

Verb ends with (V + Y):

*When the verb ends with a vowel + (y), don’t cross the (y) just
add (ed) to the verb.
play played
stay stayed

*When the last three letters are
consonant + vowel + consonant (C.V.C),
double the last consonant and add (ed).
stop stopped
travel travelled
chop chopped
rob robbed
clap clapped
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No Doubling: *When the last three letters are

Vowel + vowel + consonant (V.V.C),
don’t double the consonant, just add (ed).
sail sailed
wait waited

☻When the verb consists of two or more syllables.

open opened
water watered
answer answered
iron ironed

Verb ends with(X,Y,W):

*When the last three letters are (C.V.C) and the last consonant is
(X/Y/W) , don’t double the last consonant, just add (ed ).
fix fixed
follow followed
mix mixed

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A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1- Adel (watch – watched – watching) TV yesterday.

2- He (jump – jumped – jumping) with his friends last night.
3- She (looked – look – looks) at the horse this morning.
4- They (uses – use – used) axes to chop down trees last week.
5- We (visited – visit – visiting) the Pyramids a few days ago.
6- My uncle (work – worked – works) in a big company in 2010.
7- Ann (brush – brushes – brushed) her teeth yesterday.
8- Brad (walks – walking – walked) on the beach last summer.
9- Sally enjoyed her stay in Alex (next year – today – last year).
10- Aya and Ibrahim (washed – washing – wash) their faces this
morning before praying.
11- (Two days ago – Tomorrow – Now), Tara and I danced at
Tom's birthday party.
12- Tina (receives – receive – received) a letter from her dad ten
minutes ago.
13- Alaa (called – calling – call) Mona a month ago.
14- My pen friend (arrives – arrive – arrived) in Egypt yesterday.
B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- The children are helping their parents now. (yesterday)
2- Eyad walks to school every Sunday. (last Sunday)

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3- At present, kings live in castles. (In the past)

4- I'm going to travel abroad next year. (last year)
5- I tidy my room every day. (yesterday)
6- Zeinab always studies English. (three days ago)
7- Jack is chopping carrots today. (this morning)
8- The mechanic is going to fix the cars. (ten minutes ago)
9- I will stay in a big hotel next summer. (last summer)
10- Todd( jumps) onto the ground yesterday. (correct)
11- The thief is robbing the bank now. (yesterday)
12- The boy tries to tie his shoelaces. (the previous day)
13- The sailor is going to sail to the island. (last week )
14- My sister carries a heavy bag. ( last night)
15- I am watering the flowers now. (two days ago)
16- Jack (jump) onto the ground yesterday. (Correct)

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The Negative & Question Forms

Negative Form:

Subject + didn’t + verb in base

If the verb has

If it’s an irregular verb
“d/ed”, remove
change it to the simple
form / base form.


*Ahmed walked to school. (not)

- Ahmed didn’t walk to school.
* The students learned a lot of things last week. (not)
- The students didn’t learn a lot of things last week.


didn’t, never comes with the

past form of the verb, it must
come with the base form of the

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Question Form:

Did + + Subject + verb in base ?


* Yes, Mona revised the lessons this morning. (Did)

- Did Mona revise the lessons this morning?
* Yes, my parents travelled to Luxor last week. (Did)
- Did your parents travel to Luxor last week?
* No, I didn’t stop running. (Did)
- Did you stop running?

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A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1- Did the cows (live –lives –lived) in the barn?
2- She (don't – doesn't – didn't) play football last week.
3- You didn't (climbed – climb – climbs) the mountain with us last
4- Did they (play – played – playing) well last night?
5- (Do – Does – Did) you travel to Paris in 2011?
6- (Does – Do – Did) the boy clean his room yesterday?
7- My friend didn't (mend – mends – mended) his bike last Friday.
8- (Do – Does – Did) he visit his grandpa yesterday?

B)Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- She cooked a good meal. (not)
2- Yes, they watched the film on T.V. (Did)
3- Yes, Rana looked at the board. (No,)
4- No, I didn't help my brother with his homework. (Did)
5- No, the boy didn't climb the tree. (Yes,)
6- Hany walked across the fields. (not)
7- Yes, the hen clucked sadly. (Did)

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8- He picked up the red flower. (not)

9- She didn't (liked) sweets. (correct)
10- Yes, Ali lived on a big farm. (Did)
11- Did the children cook the food? (No,)
12- Did they travel by plane? (No,)
13- Yes, the carpenter fixed the door. (Did)
14- Did they (travelled) to London? (correct)
15- I danced last night. (not)
16- Yes, we walked to the park yesterday. (Did)
17- Did Leila and you open the doors of the car? (No,)

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B) Complete the dialogue:

(1) A: ……………………………….……………….……….?
B: Yes, we studied English hard.
A: Did you answer the test easily?
B: ………………………………………………………….


(2) A: Did Ali watch the film?

B: …………………………………………..……………..
A: …………………………………………………………?
B: Yes, I watched the film with him.


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WH Questions of Past Simple Tense

WH word + did + plural subject + verb (stem) ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) ( I/they/you/we )

Ex: What did you do/study yesterday?

I studied my lessons yesterday.

WH word + did + singular subject + verb (stem) ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) ( he/she/it )

Ex: Where did she play tennis ?

She played tennis at the club.

A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- I played football last weekend. (What)
2- Soha carried some bags. (What)
3- Farmers worked in fields. (Where)
4- Menna cleaned the car last Sunday. (When)
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5- The girl played skittles in the club. (Where)

6- The chef cooked delicious food. (Who)
7- Dalia watered the flower yesterday. (What)
8- Malak visited her grandma last Tuesday. (Who)
9- She travelled to Aswan last week. (Where)

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B) Complete the dialogue:

(1) A: …………………………………………………………?
B: I walked to the club yesterday.
A: ………………………………………………………….?
B: I played tennis there.

(2) A: ……………………………………………………………?
B: I watched a new movie on T.V yesterday.
A: Did you like it?
B: ……………………………………………………………

(3) A: ……………………………………………………………?
B: I travelled to London last holiday.
A: …………………………………………………………….?
B: By plane.


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The Past Simple of Verb to Be

Explanation The past simple of “be” is “was/were”.

Usage: To talk about something that happened and finished.

Last ago

Previous Key words Yesterday

In the past This morning


Verb to be “Present” Verb to be “Past”

I am I was

He, She, It is He, She, It was

We, They, you are We, They, you were

*I was in the oasis last week.
*My lamp was in his hands yesterday.
*They were at the cinema yesterday.


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A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:-

1-Yesterday (is – was – were) my birthday.
2-(I – They – You) was two in this photo.
3-The clouds (was – were – are) dark yesterday.
4-The two cats (is – was – were) in the hall last night.
5-Yesterday, the children (are – was – were) at the beach.
6-The moon (is – was – were) full last night.
7-You (are – was – were) at home last night.
8-I (am – was –were) at my aunt's house yesterday.
9-We (are – was – were) at the party last Monday.
10-Last year, Ali (is – was – were) seven.
11-Mum and dad (were – are – was) at the cinema two hours ago.
12-My cat (was – is – were) ill last night.
13- I (was – am – were) angry yesterday.
14-They (was – are – were) absent last week.
15- Ramy (is – am – was) glad two hours ago.
16-Nada and Salma (was – are – were) sad this morning.
17-The teacher (is – was – were) angry with me yesterday.
18-Yesterday, Ali (is – was – were) absent yesterday.
19-The boys (was – wasn't – were) at the club this morning.
20-There (was – were – are) some bottles of water on the table
this morning.

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B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1-This year, Logy is six. (last year)
2-He is at the cinema today. (three days ago)
3-It's hot today. (yesterday)
4-Today, we are at the beach. (Two hours ago)
5-I'm at home now. (five hours ago)
6-They are in the playground at the moment. (ten minutes ago)
7- Omar is at the club now. (yesterday)
8- She is at work. (this morning)
………………………………………… …………..
9- The weather is nice today. (yesterday)
10-This week, we are in Alex. (Last week)

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The Negative Form of


Explanations The negative form of (was/were) is (wasn’t/

Was ----------> was not OR wasn’t.
Were ----------> were not OR weren’t.
*Kate wasn’t happy yesterday.
*Jim and Louise weren’t at home last week.
*I wasn’t ill last night.


The Question Form of


It was cold yesterday.

Question: Was it cold yesterday?

Answer: Yes, it was.

No, it wasn’t.

I was at home yesterday.

Question: Were you at home yesterday?

Answer: Yes, I was.

No, I wasn’t.
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They were in Cairo last week.

Question: Were they in Cairo last week?

Answer: Yes, they were.

No, they weren’t.

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A)Choose the correct answer between brackets:-

1-(Is – Was – Were) the weather cold yesterday?
2-(Is – Was – Were) the girls happy at the beach?
3-(Is – Was – Were) the sky grey yesterday?
4-(Was – Were – Are) your father at home?
5-I (wasn't – weren't – 'm not) at school yesterday.
6-The lesson (isn't – wasn't – aren't) easy yesterday.
7- (Was – Were – Are) your uncle sick this morning?
8-(Was – Were – Are) you at the club this morning?
9- (Was – Were – Is) Ali at school this morning?
B) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1-No, we weren’t on the plane last night. (Were)
2-It was very hot last week. (not)
3-Yes, she was on the swing. (Was)
4-Tom was in the swimming pool. (not)
5-The children were angry yesterday. (not)
6-No, I was at the museum. (Were)

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WH Questions of "Was/Were"

WH word + were + plural subject ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why) (I/they/you/we)

Ex: Where were you yesterday?

I was at the cinema yesterday.

WH word + was + singular subject ?

(What/Where/When/How/Why/Who) (he/she/it)

Ex: When was your English lesson ?

It was an hour ago.

A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1-I was at my uncle's house this morning. (Where)
2-The boys were at the playground. (Where)
3-The sports lesson was interesting. (How)
4-The English lesson was at 10 o'clock. (When)
5-We were in the class this morning. (When)

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6-She was at school this morning. (Where )

7-My dad was at work two hours ago. (Who)
8-My holiday was amazing. (How)
9- I was late because I got up late. (Why)


B) Complete the dialogue:

(1)A: …………………………………………………..?
B: I was at the cinema.
A: ………………………………..............................
B: Yes, the film was very interesting.

(2)A: ……………………………………………………?
B: I was absent because I was very sick.
A: Were you at home?
B: ……………………………………………………

(3)A: Where were you last Sunday?

B: …………………………………………………
A: …………………………………………………?
B: Yes, there were a lot of monkeys.

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1)Adding (S): * We add "s "to make the plural form of most
Camera cameras
Snake snakes

2)Adding (ES): * Nouns ending in s, ss, sh, ch, x, o: add (es).

Bus buses
Match matches

Radio radios
Piano pianos
Photo photos
Video videos
Kilo kilos
Zoo Zoos
Stereo Stereos
Hippo Hippos
3)Nouns end with (C.+Y):

* When the nouns end with (consonant + y), cross the (y)
and add (ies).
City cities
Lady ladies
Fly flies
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4)Nouns end with (V.+Y):

* When the nouns end with (vowel + y), don’t cross the (y),
just add (s).
Boy boys
Toy toys
Key keys

5)Nouns end with (f/ fe):

* When the nouns end with (f/ fe), cross the (f/ fe) and add (ves).
Thief thieves
Knife knives
Wolf wolves


Roof Roofs
Giraffe giraffes
Cliff cliffs
Chef chefs
Staff Staffs

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Irregular Nouns
Singular Plural
Tooth Teeth

Foot Feet

Goose Geese

Person People - persons

Man Men

Woman Women

Child Children

Ox Oxen

Sheep Sheep

Deer Deer

Fish Fish

Mouse Mice


Adjectives don’t take (s) in the plural.

An old book --------< old books
A big cat ---------< big cats

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The singular pronouns are changed to plural pronouns

when you change a sentence.
Singular Plural
I We
am are
He, She, It They
is are
You You
my our
me us
her, his, its their
your your
has have
This These
That Those
There is There are
does do
A) Change into plural:
1- The dog is in the garden.
2- She is a tall girl.
3- It is a tomato.
4- She is a housewife.
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5- It is a monkey.
6- He is a thief.
7- You are a nice child.
8- The baby is in the bedroom.
9- This is my tooth.
10- The glass is on the table.
11- That’s a beautiful dress.
12- This cat has a long tail.
13- She has got a long dress.
B)Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- There are some (flower – flowers – floweres) in the vase.
2- There are twenty two (desks –desk – deskes) in the class.
3- The crocodile has sharp (tooth – teeth – tooths).
4- (Child – Children – Childs) like to play in the garden.
5- (Mice – Mouse – Mouses) live in holes.
6- The (boy – boys – boies) are wearing shirts.
7- The (babies – babys – baby) have short hair.
8- We are reading nice (story – stories – storys).
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9- We have got some (toys – toy – toies).

10- There are big (lorries – lorry – lorrys) in the street.
11- (Butterfly – Butterflies – Butterflys) have nice colors.
12- There are (monkey – monkeys – monkies) in the cages.
13- Those are beautiful (ladies – lady – ladys).
14-The (keys – key – keies) are on the table.
15-The (mans – man – men) carry heavy (box – boxes – boxs).
16- The girls are wearing new (dress – dresses – dressies).
17- These are some (buses – bus – busies) in my school.
18- We need two (battery – batterys – batteries) for the remote
19- (Hippo – Hippos – Hippoes) have four legs.
20- The (policemen – policemans – policeman) catch the thieves.
21- Can you go to the supermarket?
We need some (potato – potatoes – potatos).
22- Most (family – familys – families) enjoy the holiday together.
23- Jack wants to make some (shelfs – shelves – shelf) in his
24- Can you help me wash the (dishes – dishies – dishs), please?
25- In autumn, the (leaves – leafs – leaf) of trees fall.
26- There are a lot of (shelfs – shelf – shelves) in the library.
27- I have a box of (match – matches – matchs) to light the fire.
28-Kate has got two (cousin – cousines – cousins).
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29- Nowadays, (women – womans – woman) do the same jobs as

30- My baby brother has two (tooths – tooth – teeth).
31- There are some (sheep – sheeps – sheepes) on the farm.
32- (Giraffe – Giraffes – Giraves) have long necks.
33- My uncle has two (wives – wifes – wife).
34- Man has got two (foots – foot – feet).

C) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- The policeman catches the thief. (plural)
2- A butterfly has a nice colour. (have)
3- A baby has one tooth. (have)
4- There is a giraffe in the zoo. (are)
5- There is a book on the shelf. (are)
6- There is a nice photo. (are)
7- The mouse is in the house. (are)
8- The woman is carrying her child. (are)
9- There is a bus in the street. (are)
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10- It is a kilo of sugar. (are)

11- The lady is feeding her baby. (are)
12- The boy is playing with his toy. (are)
13- The key is on the table. (are)
14- My cousin has got a piano. (have)
15- I take a photo with my camera. (We)
16- The ox is on the farm. (are)
17- She has a radio and a knife. (have)
18- There is a fly in my flat. (are)
19- There is a thief in the bank. (are)
20- The man works hard. (plural)
21- There is a goose swimming in the pond. (are)
22- There is a fox on the farm. (are)
23- A child likes to play with a toy. (plural)
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24- She is a tall girl. (Plural)

25- I have got a sheep, a cow and an ox on my farm. (Plural)
26- That house over the hill is white. (houses)
27- Pass him that dish; he can't reach it. (Plural)
28- Help me! I'm lost. (Plural)
29- There is a hippo, a giraffe and a deer in the zoo. (are)
30- The mouse has a long tail. (have)
31- The tooth is white and the leaf is green. (plural)
32- This lady is wearing a nice dress. (These)
33- The man is carrying a heavy box. (are)
34- The boy is wearing a shirt. (are)
35- He is reading an interesting story. (They)

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Countable and Uncountable Nouns

Countable Nouns Uncountable Nouns
They are the nouns They are the nouns
Definition which we can count. Definition which we can’t count.
Ex: apples – chairs – desks – pens – Ex: sand – water – oil – ink –
pencils. money – rice.
* The countable nouns * The uncountable nouns
have plurals: don’t have plurals:
Orange --------> oranges Sand --------> sands
Apple --------> apples Jam --------> jams
Student -------> students Water -------> waters
* They also can be used with (a) *They can’t be used with (a) and
and (an) when they are singular. (an), because we can’t count
Ex: an umbrella them.
a desk Ex: a water a sugar
a milkshake a luggage a homework
a money a music
* Countable nouns take are/ were. * Uncountable nouns take is/ was.
Ex: *There are a lot of tapes in the Ex: *There is a lot of sugar in the
drawer. tea.
* There were a lot of balls in *There was a lot of furniture
the garden. in the house.

****Change from Uncountable Nouns to Countable Nouns***

Uncountable Countable
Chocolate A bar /bars of chocolate
Jam A jar / jars of jam
Rice A bag / bags of rice
Sugar A bag / bags of sugar
Water A bottle / bottles of water

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A glass / glasses of Pepsi

(Or) a can / cans of Pepsi
A piece / pieces of music –
Music – News – advice
news – advice
Jewellery – furniture – A piece / pieces of jewellery –
information furniture – information
Bread A loaf / loaves of bread
(Or) a slice / slices of bread
Paper A sheet / sheets of paper

A) Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- There is some chocolate in the fridge. (two)
2- I need some jam, please. (a)
3- There is some sugar. (three)
4- I listen to some music. (piece)
5- She drinks some Pepsi. (two)
6- I want a bottle of water. (some)
7- My dad gives me some advice. (a)
8- Dina buys some bread. (three)
9- I have three pieces of jewellery. (some)
10- Jack hears some bad news. (a)
El-Fouad Schools

Some & Any

Comes with countable and Comes with countable and

uncountable nouns. uncountable nouns.
1) Request: to ask for
Usage something in a polite Usage 1) Negative Sentences:
way. Ex: *There isn’t any food in the
Ex: *Will you lend me some fridge.
money? *There aren’t any apples in
*Could I have some sugar? the basket.
2) Offer:
to provide or supply 2) Question Forms:
something. Ex: *Are there any books in the
Ex: *Would you like some coffee? bookcase?
*Is there any rice left?
*Have you got any money?
*Does she have any problems at
A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- Would you like to listen to (some – any – a) music?
Yes, Please. I’d like to listen to (some – any – a).
2- A: There aren’t (some – any – a) books on the shelves.
B: I’m sure there are (some – any – a).
3- Sue and Kate don’t have (some – any – a) problems.
4- Did Sandra Bullock have (some – any – a) surgical
No, She didn’t have (some – any – a).

El-Fouad Schools

5- There aren’t (some – any – a) pens on the desk, but yesterday

there were (some – any –a).
6- (Some – Any – A) machines are powered by electricity.
7- There is (some – any – a) furniture in the living room, but
there isn’t (some – any – a) in the bedroom.
8- Sonya is carrying (some – any – a) heavy luggage.
9- Rosa borrowed (some – any – a) money from her uncle.
10- Would you like (some – any – a) milk shake?
No, thanks I don’t want (some – any – a).
11- The teacher made (some – a – an) announcement.
12- I saw (some – a – any) birds yesterday, but today I don’t see
(some – any – a).
13- Jane has (some – any – a) homework to do tonight.
14- Are there (some – any – a) tapes in the drawer?
Yes, there are (some – any – a).
15- There is (some – a – an) table in my bedroom and (some – a
– any) posters on the wall.
16- Do you know how to play (some – a – an) piece of music
from Beethoven? - No, I don’t know (some – any – a) but I
can play (any – a – an) piece of music from Mozart.
17- Yesterday, Julia had (some – an – a) accident, but thanks
God, she didn’t have (an – any – some) injuries.

El-Fouad Schools

18- Mum threw (some – a – any) pieces of paper in (some – an –

a) old basket.
19- I’ve received (some – any – a) letters in the mail two days
ago, but I haven’t received (some – any – a) promotions.
20- There was (some – a – an) earthquake in Asia two weeks
B) Correct the mistakes:
1- There isn’t some cars in the street.
2- Is there some milk in the fridge?
3- Would you like any coffee? - Yes, please. I need any.
4- Are there some money in his bag? - No, there aren’t some.
5- I haven’t got some jewellery.
6- There aren’t some boots under the table.
7- I see any birds on the tree.
8- Is there some houses on the other side of the road?

El-Fouad Schools

Many & Much

Usage 1- is used to express big Usage 1- is used to express big

quantities. quantities.
2- Comes with countable nouns. 2- Comes with uncountable
Ex: *many sides. nouns.
*many letters. Ex: *much rice.
*many books. *much furniture.
*many people. *much water.
*many advertisements. *much information.
*many countries. *much news.
*many policemen. *much traffic.
*many babies. *much music.
3- is used in negative sentences. *much homework.
Ex: *I receive two letters a week. 3- is used in negative sentences.
*I don’t receive many letters. Ex: *I take two spoons of
4- is used to ask question with sugar daily. So, I don’t take
“How” much sugar.
4- is used to ask question with
Ex: *How many students are
*How many apples do you Ex: *How much milk do you
want? need?
*How much bread is there?
A) Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- There aren’t (many – much – a little) hotels in my hometown.
2- There isn’t too (a few– many – much) furniture in my room.
3- There isn’t (much – a few – many) traffic today.
4- There aren’t (much – many – a little) cars on the road today.

El-Fouad Schools

5- I can’t go out today, because I have too (many – much – a few)

6- How (many – much – a few) sides does a rectangle have? Four
7- I couldn’t find (many – much – a few) information on this site.
8- How (much – many – a little) homework did the teacher give you?
9- I haven’t met (many – much – a little) people since I came here.
10- How (many – much – a little) posters do you have? Six posters.
11- I think there are too (much – a little – many) advertisements on
12- The doctor has too (many – much – a few) work, that she has to
work at least twelve hours a day.
13- How (many – a little – much) teeth does a person have?
Thirty two.
14- There isn’t (many – much – a few) international news in the local
15- How (many – much – a little) countries are there in the world?
16- How (many – much – a little) water do you need? A glass.
17- There aren’t (a little – much – many) students in the class today.
18- How (much – many – a few) Lamps do you have in your
bedroom? Three.
19- How (much – many – a little) rice is there? A little.

El-Fouad Schools

B)Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:

1- How much rice is there? (many)
2- How much information do you get? (many)
3- How many jars of jam are there? (much)
4- How much bread do you need? (many)
5- How many bars of chocolate do you want? (much)
6- How much Pepsi is there? (many)

El-Fouad Schools

A few & A little

Usage 1- is used to express

Usage 1- is used to express
small quantities.
small quantities.
2- Comes with countable
2- Comes with uncountable
Ex: *a few apples.
Ex: *a little water.
*a few pens.
*a little oil.
*a few tables.
*a little sand.
*a few girls.
*a little bread.

It’s used to say that It’s used to say that

there are (apples – boys there is (water – oil –
– children - ….) bread – juice - ….)
countable nouns, but in uncountable nouns,
small quantities. but in small quantities.

A)Choose the correct answer between brackets:

1- After Steve tasted the soup, he added (a few – a little –
many) salt to it.
2- I like music. I like to play the piano (a little – a few – many)
after dinner before I begin studying.
3- He’s a lucky little boy, He faced (a few – a little – much)
problems in his young life.
El-Fouad Schools

4- I was hungry, so I ate (many – a few – much) nuts.

5- He seems to be unpopular. He’s got (much – a little – a few)
friends only.
6- Are you finished?
Not yet. I need (a few – a little – much) more minutes.
7- We got there early, because there was (a few – a little –
much) traffic.
8- Mrs. Bahira doesn’t like sweetened tea. She usually adds (a
few – a little – much) sugar or honey. Sometimes, she adds (a
few – many – a little) milk, too.
9- Because the family is very poor, the children have got
( a little – many – a few) toys.
10- The maid threw (a little – much – a few) old toys.

El-Fouad Schools

Quiz (1)
Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- (Do – Does – Is) Hany watching T.V?
2- Nora doesn’t (read – reads – reading) stories in the morning.
3- The children always (are playing – plays – play) football.
4- (What – Who – Whose) is your favourite singer?
- Michael Jackson.
5- What (do – does – are) they do every weekend?
Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- Ali doesn't fly a plane. (never)
2- Alia plays tennis every week. (Alia and I )
3- She travels to London on Friday. (When)
4- No, Heba doesn’t play chess well. (Does)
5- We go to the zoo. (Where)
Complete the dialogue:
A: …………………………………………………………?
B: My dad waters the plants every day.
A: …………………………...…………………………….?
B: Yes, I like the plants.

El-Fouad Schools

Quiz (2)
Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- Listen! The bird (sings – singing – is singing).
2- We're travelling to Luxor (last year – this year – next year).
3- Adam (isn't – didn't – doesn't) doing his homework now.
4- (Are – Do – Is ) the children playing football?
5-(Sometimes – Yesterday – Watch out!) You're smoking too
6- She is (writeing – writing – writes) a letter to her friend.
Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- I'm sitting in my room now. (Where)
2- She is cleaning her room. ( Jana and I )
3- My dad is going to his work now. (not)
4- No, we aren't having a party this summer. (question)
Complete the dialogue:
A: …………………………………………………………?
B:I'm studying German this year.
A: …………………………...…………………………….?
B: No, my sister isn't studying German.

El-Fouad Schools

Quiz (3)
Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- Yesterday, my friends (walk – walked – are going to walk) to
the club.
2- We (aren’t – don’t – didn’t) go to the zoo last summer.
3- (Do – Did – Is) mum cook the food last week?
4- Sam didn’t (played – play – playing) chess two years ago.
5- What (are – do – did) they do last night?
Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- They study English on Monday. (last Monday)
2- Yes, my dad fixed the car yesterday. (Did)
3- The chef cooked delicious food. (Who)
4- They are walking to school now. ( this morning)
5- Madonna carried her bag yesterday. (not)
Complete the dialogue:
A: ……………………………………………………?
B: Sara helped her mum in the kitchen yesterday.
A: ……………………………………………………?
B: No, Sara didn't take the dog for a walk last week.

El-Fouad Schools

Quiz (4)
Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- They are going to visit the zoo (now – tomorrow – yesterday).
2- She (helps – is helping – is going to help) her mum next Friday.
3- The workers (are cutting – are going to cut – cut) the tree this
4- 12- (Tomorrow – Every day – Today), we are going to have a
5- (On Sunday – By Sunday – Yesterday), they are going to move
to a new flat.
Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- I am a doctor. (When I grow up,)
2- We are going to have a picnic next weekend. (not)
3- Yes, she is going to live in Cairo next year. (Is)
4- They are going to watch the match this evening. (When)

Complete the dialogue:
A: ……………………………………………………?
B: We are going to visit the zoo next week.
A: ……………………………………………………?
B: Yes, I'm going to feed the animals.

El-Fouad Schools

Quiz (5)
Choose the correct answer between brackets:
1- I (don’t – didn’t – am not) going to visit my uncle.
2- Yesterday, we (invite – are going to invite – invited) our aunt
to dinner.
3- (Do – Are – Did) you play tennis every day?
4- He didn’t (watched – watches – watch) T.V.
6- Listen! We (play – are playing – are going to play) the piano.
7- She doesn’t (brushes – brushing – brush) her teeth.
8- When I grow up, I (was – am – am going to be) a doctor.
Rewrite the sentences using words between brackets:
1- Dad and mum are travelling to Alex today. (last week)
2- She meets her friend every week. (Later)
3- She is going to go to the club tomorrow. ( usually )
4- Look! The girls are playing. (Yesterday)
5- I’m cleaning my car in the garage. (Where)
6- It rain in winter. (always)

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