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Aim higt 1 Unit 2: winning and losing 1- Vocabulary _1 -Surfing cle oS) del) 1-_ Set off we 2-_ Shore ibs 3-_ Beach er 4- Face down Le} che 5- A five meter 5 Lelsb Ui See shark Je 6-_ Sink GH 7-_ Sharp aa 8- Backwards and eel 5 als forwar 9- Grip bs: 10- Battle ale 11- Unfortunately Balle pul 12- Shake 5! 13-Huge ae 14- Compete ily 15- Scream tHe 16- Outstanding i a 17- Teenage Ble 18- Surfer Else OSI 19- Head for 4ak 20- Career Ae 21- Sponsors eel ell 22- Survival instinct elinll oe 23- Towards oli 24- Joke aS 25- Wound Co 26- Rush Cle 27- Prediction cists 28- Superstar egitaius eat 29- attack es 30- champion dh: 31- recuperate ks 32- accident Atle 33- destined ste 34- lose oe 35- win pote 3) 5s set something_aside JAY e My dad sets some money aside every month for holidays set something back Jan © our teacher set the start of the game back because the other team arrived late setsomethingdown = Ueox: 5} Udy e the taxi driver sets us down at the airport but he forgot to give us our suitcase the cold weather sets in early in Scotland set off al) olay © we have got a school trip and the coach set off at 9 o’ clock set on somebody sal poles o e the thieves set on the man as he left the bank rr itions of movemen (1) walk across: to go passing something 4 52 (2) go into: to go inside something i day (3) goup:togohigher GY i» (4) go along: to continue (5) go towards: goforward iy all (6) go through: to go to a place by entering through something Expressions with {pla (1) play a joke on someone = trick somebody = vas4 €4; (2) play along with something= pretend to agree with someone = @ Gils la padd (3) play the fool= behave in a silly way = elas Cb pay (4) play for time= do something slowly so you have more time to do it = Ly (5) play something back= play something that recorded on a machine= oc! (6) play with fire= take a risk= 2 yeali ab (7) play it cool= be calm in a difficult situation= 2358 2 wal (8) play your cards tight= use your opportunities well= ill Jeiu! Note: PLAY: with team sports and ball sports PLAY:2 9S lel 5 ascleall GLY! ee paki GO: with sports that ends in- ing GO? > oth AN LSY! ae padtcing DO: with other sports DO; GLI! ab ae Sports (1) Badminton: 44) oS : (2) Volleyball: » sUall » s Bie Hie eas (3) Athletics: os sil) Gt!) Sige (4) Eootball: o5 = s (5) Judo : 35> (1) Basketball: +Ll! -)s (2) Weight lifting: U2! «3 (3) Golf: il s> (4) Ice hockey: stall 5 sell (5) Rugby: 4S: ys! asall oS (6) Diving: obs!) . (7) Rowing: -a>“J! hae (8) Windsurfing: ¢!s2Y! oS) 03 Exercise Choose the correct answer (1) When did they set (up- off-back-away) on their journey? (2) You need a see to go (jogging- skating- surfing- gripping) (3) There isn’t a cloud in the sky. It’s a (perfect- dangerous- predictable- gripping) (4) (on- in- for-at) the morning of 31 October last year, our plane landed in Rome (5) Do you feel tired? Why are you (laying- lying- learning-lining) (6) Be careful when you use this knife; it’s very (blunt- outstanding- soft- sharp) (7) (Careers- sponsors- officials- towards) often give jobs to some sports stars (8) Be careful, a car is coming (along- through-forwards- towards) (9) After the accident, there were lots of (heals- cures- scraps- wounds) (10) People and animals have a survival (instinct- grip- destiny- battle) (11) People take some time to (recuperate- rush- recover- get over) (12) My little brother always (does- makes- goes- plays) the fool (13) The rain set (aside- back- in- down) for the day, so we couldn’t go out (14) The coach for Paris sets (back- up- off- on) at ten o’ clock (15) One hundred meters is the shortest race in Olympic (athletics- gymnastics- surfing- judo) Grammar P, imple tila (1) To talk about actions that started and finished in the past g elas ed Ge Cysall Bayo) zolall ard ius (ald) i wtil Example: A woman invented the washing machine (2) Actions that happened one after the other in the past Agta) GLY) Ge de pone ge Cura panty ealdl (,§ Cire (ll Examples: She thought of an idea, found a pen and_wrote it down (3) Past habits a2! Global ye Gyoall pasiny Examples: | watched cartoons when | was a child Form: Regular verbs: We add to the verb (d- ed) Examples: (1) He played football yesterday (2) They wanted to go to school yesterday Irregular verbs: e¢bis G3: Present |Past present |past Am-is _|was build [built are were burn burnt buy bought |begin |began blow blew break [broke bring brought | cost cost come [came feed fed find found |forget [forgot feel felt fly flew feed fed fall fell grow grew go went get got give gave hit hit hurt hurt have had has had hold held keep. _|kept know knew lose lost can could catch |caught cut cut choose [chose draw drew drink [drank Do did does did dig dug drive [drove eat ate fight _| fought ring rang ride rode read read run ran say said sell sold see saw steal [stole steal stole sing sang sink sank swim |swam speak [spoke |shoot |shot send sent set set sleep slept think {thought leave _|left teach |taught may might _|must _|Had to meet met pay paid put put rise rose tell told take took wear wore win won write wrote Underline the correct word: (1) She (was- is- be- were) ill yesterday (2) They (don’t- weren’t- wasn’t- didn’t) busy last week (3) You (didn’t- weren’t- don’t- doesn’t) have tea yesterday (4) (Do- Did- Are- Were) they late for school yesterday (5) He (visits- visited- is visiting-visit) his grandparents a week ago (6) She didn’t (went- go-goes-going) to school this morning (7) We (eat- ate- have eaten- eats) cake yesterday (8) He (cut- has cut- is cutting- cuts) himself last Friday (9) (Was- did- is- were) she fat two years ago? (10) Rana (type- typed- types- typing) her letter yesterday Rewrite the following using words between brackets: (1) She borrows a book from the library (yesterday) (2) He left home early yesterday (not) (3) | go to London every year (six years ago) (4) He felt ill last night (not) (5) They walked home yesterday (didn’t) (6) Yes, | played football (Did) (7) We made some cakes last night (any) she baked a cake last night (didn’t) (8) She leaves home early (yesterday) (9) The weather is very hot today (yesterday) (10) We go to the circus every week (last week) The past continuous: Usage: (1) Actions that were in progress at a specific time in the past Cy gh Gian Gls Leal ge Cyasll eal gi ae Example: Were you doing your science project at 8 o’clock (2) For past action that were in progress at a specific time when another actions interrupted it cst old (8 Cast JLail yo Canal dabiy ti Gam ali Laric tae Oy Example: (1) He was walking down the street when he saw it (2) for two or more actions that were happening at the same time in the past cgi Lge SSI} Galed Ge Caalll cealall (58 Si gl Gadi Example: My dad was fixing my bike and | was helping him While &when (1) while: past continuous+ past simple continuous past simple, while+ past continuous (2) when, past simple+ past continuous past continuous, when+ past simple Examples: (1) while | was playing football, | broke my leg (2) | broke my leg, while | was playing football (3) When | broke my leg, | was playing football (4) | was playing football, when | broke my leg Underline the correct answer: (1) | (am- can- was- were) watching a horror film on T.V at 5pm yesterday (2) Mum (has been- is- was- will be) working in the kitchen all day yesterday (3) What (he was doing- he did- is he doing- was he doing) when you saw him? (4) No, | (weren’t- didn’t- wasn’t won't) waiting for the bus when you met me (5) Was she making a cup of coffee? No, she (was- wasn’t- isn’t- didn’t) (6) While | (was reading- reads- reading- am reading) a paper my sister came in (7) They (see- saw- seen- sees) a snake while they were walking along the road (8) When | (came- was coming- comes-come) home, my father was having lunch (9) We (had- has- were having- having) lunch when the match began (10) | cut myself while | (shaved- shaves- shaving- was shaving) Rewrite as shown between brackets (1) When the light went out, | was doing my homework (while) (2) While | was cleaning the board, the teacher came (when) (3) They were building a flat (He) (4) | am staying at home now (yesterday at 6 o’clock) (5) While | was playing football, it rained (when) Good luck

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