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1) Lea el texto sobre Forensic Science

Forensic science has evolved significantly over the years due to advancements in technology. As new tools and
techniques emerge, forensic scientists, investigators, and researchers can conduct more precise and efficient
investigations. Since the arrival of DNA analysis, the field has witnessed a revolution in the way evidence is
collected and processed. Because of these technological innovations, the accuracy of forensic findings has
greatly improved, leading to more reliable outcomes in criminal cases. As forensic science relies heavily on
meticulous data collection and analysis, the integration of modern technology has simplified processes,
making it possible for crime scene reconstructors and forensic analysts to work with greater detail. The alliance
between traditional investigative methods and advanced technology has not only enhanced the speed of
solving crimes but also increased the whole effectiveness of forensic science in the pursuit of justice.

2) Identifique los conectores de causa que aparecen en el texto y traduzca las oraciones en la que éstos se
3) Identifique sustantivos referidos a profesiones.
4) Responda la siguiente pregunta sobre el texto: How has technology played an important role in the
evolution of forensic science?
5) Subraye TRUE o FALSE
a) TRUE or FALSE: Forensic scientists only rely on traditional investigative methods, excluding modern
b) TRUE OR FALSE: The integration of advanced technology has had a big impact on the speed of solving
crimes in forensic science.


1)Lea el texto sobre Forensic Science

Forensic science has evolved significantly over the years due to advancements in technology. As new tools and
techniques emerge, forensic scientists, investigators, and researchers can conduct more precise and efficient
investigations. Since the arrival of DNA analysis, the field has witnessed a revolution in the way evidence is
collected and processed. Because of these technological innovations, the accuracy of forensic findings has
greatly improved, leading to more reliable outcomes in criminal cases. As forensic science relies heavily on
meticulous data collection and analysis, the integration of modern technology has simplified processes,
making it possible for crime scene reconstructors and forensic analysts to work with greater detail. The alliance
between traditional investigative methods and advanced technology has not only enhanced the speed of
solving crimes but also increased the whole effectiveness of forensic science in the pursuit of justice.

2) Identifique los conectores de causa que aparecen en el texto y traduzca las oraciones en la que éstos se

3) Identifique sustantivos referidos a profesiones.

4) Responda la siguiente pregunta sobre el texto: How has technology played an important role in the
evolution of forensic science?

5) Subraye TRUE o FALSE

a)TRUE or FALSE: Forensic scientists only rely on traditional investigative methods, excluding modern

b) TRUE OR FALSE: The integration of advanced technology has had a big impact on the speed of solving
crimes in forensic science.

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