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(Saint Augustine Church, Barberton, OH) (October 23, 2011)

Thirtieth Sunday in Ordinary Time

Today Jesus tells us love of God and neighbor are two parts of the greatest commandment. Loving families do both. They express their love of God as a family knowing this will help them love each other. What energizes their love? Participating in Mass and family meals together often. (Insert graphic 1106-0086)

"Poor pitiable sinners do not turn away from Me... Day and night I am on the watch for you in the tabernacle. I will not reproach you... I will not cast your sins in your face... But I will wash them in My Blood and in My Wounds. No need to be afraid... come to Me... If you but knew how dearly I love you. (An excerpt from the beautiful booklet, I Wait for You, revelations of the Sacred Heart of Jesus to a humble
362 Holy Hours were kept before the Blessed Sacrament this past week. religious sister named Josefa Menendez) The Holy Hour program needs you! Please call Judy Solits at

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Barberton Area Community Ministries item for the Month of October is Vegetables; corn, peas, carrots or green beans. Please bring your donations when you come to Mass and place them in the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, together we can help those less fortunate. Items will be delivered to BACM on Monday morning.
(Insert Graphic2404-0066.tif) The next Coffee and Donuts will be Sunday, November 20 following the 9:00 and 11:00am Masses. Hosts will be John and Helen Diebel and JoAnn Hummel & Barb Stith. Springtime of Hopes - items for October are razors and shaving cream. Please place your donations inside the bench in front of the giving tree in the vestibule, items will be picked up on Monday morning. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter. For more information, please contact Greg Meier at 330-289-3987. October is Respect Life month bringing with it many opportunities to witness on behalf of the unborn, sick and elderly. Culture of Life meets the second Tuesday of every month after the 5:15 Mass and Benediction. For more information on the many ways you can stand up for life, please contact Lynn Willig at 330-658-2642.

Looking for an entertaining, memorable and unique Christmas activity? The Civic Theatre will present an all-new holiday musical comedy, Away in the Basement: A Church Basement Ladies Christmas, on Tuesday, December 20, 2011 at 7:00 pm. It is a feel-good holiday show for the whole family. Tickets are $20. To qualify for a pre-show personal guided tour of the beautiful Historic Civic Theatre, tickets must be purchased by October 31. Otherwise, reservations and ticket money are due by December 5. Some carpooling will be available. For reservations, please call the Rectory (330-745-0011).
Please continue to pray for the Inquirers participating in the RCIA process. May they experience deeper conversion to our Lord and be open to His will for their lives.

FREE BUMPER STICKERS are available at the bookrack in the vestibule of the church. They are an easy way to evangelize, as they say Proud to be Roman Catholic. Please take one for your car.
ST. AUGUSTINE PARISH DINNER: Sunday, November 6 from 12:00-2:00 pm in the school cafeteria. The menu will be: parishioner-made lasagna, salad, bread, dessert and beverages. Dinner prices are: Adults $5.00, Children under 10, $3.00. Tickets will be on sale after the 4:00 pm, 7:30, 9:00 and 11:00 Masses the weekends of Oct. 22-23 and 29-30. Volunteers will be needed on November 5 to help prepare food and/or set up. Help will also be needed on Sunday: for final setup, kitchen help & serving, and clean up. If you would like to volunteer, please call Karen (745-0011). CELEBRATE THE HOPE THAT SAVES Today is World Mission

Sunday. We are called to this Eucharistic celebration along with Catholics in every parish, chapel and church throughout the world to fulfill the call we first heard at Baptism, the Call to be missionaries, to share our faith. On World Mission Sunday, we are invited to celebrate the hope that saves through prayer and participating in the Eucharist, and by giving generously to the collection today for the Society for the Propagation of Faith. Let us pray especially at this Mass for all who long to hear the hope-filled, saving message of Jesus, and for the priests, religious and lay catechists in mission countries worldwide who offer them that Good News.
PTO PIE SALE! This is the last week to order your Market Day pies! Order forms are located in the back of the church. The PTO earns bonus money when we sell over 100 pies. Our goal for this sale is 125! These are frozen and great for the holidays. You can also write "DONATE" on your pie order form and the PTO will store and then deliver pies to the church for the Christmas Dinner that St. Augustine Church has every year for the community. You may place your completed order with your check made payable to Market Day, in the offertory basket at Mass. Pick up will be November 5 in the school cafeteria between 9:30-10:30 am. If you have any questions, feel free to call the Market Day Chairperson, Angela Nonno at 330-745-5407. THANK YOU! for all your support last year with BOX TOPS and ACME receipts. The St. Augustine PTO earned over $2000 with your participation! Help us surpass this amount this year. Keep sending in BOXTOPS, ACME receipts, CAMPBELL and TYSON A+ labels. Please place these in the bins under the bench near the St. Monica Gift Shop. We appreciate your support!

Catholics across the country will be celebrating Priesthood Sunday on October 30, 2011. It is a day set aside to celebrate the importance of the gift of priesthood in the life of the Church. It is a time for us to reflect on the ministry that our priests share with us when we gather at the Table of the Lord when we call in our times of need. Consider sharing a personal note or card of thanks. Together we pray that many of our young people will be inspired by the ministry and witness of our priests. May their hearts be open to hearing and responding to Gods call in their lives. More information can be found at (Insert Graphic 2102-0005.tif) Wednesday, November 2 there will be a special All Souls Day Mass in our church for the repose of the souls of those who have passed away during the past year. You are especially invited to attend the Mass at 7:00pm when the names of the deceased will be read and a

special candle lit for each one. life and faith.

Just as a joy that is shared is doubled, a sorrow that is

shared is halved. Please come and join us for a time of healing support and celebration of

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PRAY FOR THE SICK Patrick Blasdel, Patricia Patterson, Karl Bartel, Jennifer Marco, Ruth Barker, Jacob Hurley, Debbie Bernard, Donald Williams, Irene Lyle, Bob Buchanan & Margaret Gardner (Insert Graphic 1103-0082.tif) Jack Kleman Hollenbaugh Son of Michael & Erin (Kleman) Hollenbaugh Alyssa Grace Waybright Daughter of Kenneth & Jennifer (Hardman) Waybright II (Insert Graphic 1108-0066.tif) III Steven Beckler & Cynthia Montis LIFE HAS CHANGED, NOT ENDED Frank Pawlus, Pauline Ulichney, John Rogers, Mary Delagrange, Lois Leksan & Joseph Gmitter Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord! (Insert Graphic 2303-0010.tif) Mens Fellowship will meet Saturday, October 29 in the School Cafeteria from 7-8:25am. We will continue our Bible study on the New Testament Series with session #8, the Gospel of Luke. For questions, please contact Gib Adolph at 330-848-1043 or All men of the parish are welcome to join in for any session.
(Insert Graphic 1300-0121.tif) Stewardship: Time, Talent & Treasure October16 $ 7,919 $ 1,713 $ 9,632 $ 718 $ 155 $ 1,425 $ 156 COMPARATIVE FIGURES 11-12 10-11 $ 447,663 $ 447,404 $ 467,028 $ 465,516 $ (19,364) $ (18,112) CAPITAL CAMPAIGN $ 1,524,138 $ 74,519

Sunday Offering Faith Direct Offering Total Offerings Saint Vincent De Paul SVDP Blanket Sunday School Support Propagation of Faith

Year to date Income Year to Date Expenses Difference

Spent to date Amount on Deposit


Chris Silva of Silva-Hostetler Funeral Home will be the guest of Saint Augustine on Wednesday, November 16 at 6:30pm in the school cafeteria. Mr. Silva will talk about options available when planning funerals as well as options regarding funeral liturgies. Increasingly it is becoming apparent that unless pre-planned, funerals do not necessarily go the way the deceased would have wanted. There is absolutely NO obligation involved by attendance. This is meant to serve the parish community. Please tell anyone you know who may be interested about this opportunity. (Insert Graphic 1000-0030.tif) October 24-30 Monday, October 24 Weekday 6:30 Lucille Linkowski 12:05 Victor Alexander Tuesday, October 25 Weekday 5:15 Francis OBrien Anniversary Wednesday, October 26 Weekday 6:30 Edward Blackert 8:30 Lewis Canfora 12:05 Frances Ratay Thursday, October 27 Weekday 6:30 Theresa Pramik Friday, October 28 St. Simon & St. Jude, Apostles 6:30 OBrien family 12:05 Michael Jerin Sr. Saturday, October 29 Weekday 8:30 Edna Gray & family 2:00 WEDDING Steven Beckler & Cynthia Montis 4:00 Rose Myzwinski Sunday, October 30 Thirty-First Sunday in Ordinary Time 7:30 John Kelly 9:00 Joseph Lieberth Anniversary 11:00 Mary Debovec 5:15 The People of Saint Augustine Parish

Readings for the Week of October 24

Monday Rom 8:12-17, Ps 68:2 & 4,6-7ab,20-21, Lk 13:10-17 Tuesday Rom 8:18-25, Ps 126:1b-2ab,2cd-3,4-5,6, Lk 13:18-21 Wednesday Rom 8:26-30, Ps 13:4-5,6, Lk 13:22-30 Thursday Rom 8:31b-39, Ps 109:21-22,26-27,30-31, Lk 13:31-35 Friday Eph 2:19-22, Ps 19:2-3,4-5, Lk 6:12-16 Saturday Rom 11:1-2a,11-12,25-29, Ps 94:12-13a,14-15,17-18, Lk 14:1,7-11 Sunday Mal 1:14b-2:2b,8-10, Ps 131:1,2,3, 1 Thes 2:7b-9,13, Mt 23:1-12 (Insert Graphic 1101-0006.tif) Congratulations to Martin & Bernadette Paridon as you celebrate your 25 Wedding Anniversary on October 25.

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The Barberton Christmas Walk is right around the corner..Saturday, November 26. Saint Augustine will be sponsoring its annual Cookie Booth and we are looking for volunteers. If you would like to spread some Christmas Cheer, we are in need of Christmas Cookie donations as well as volunteers to help serve the donated goodies. For more details, please contact Mary King at the Rectory 330-745-0011. Thank you and God Bless!

Stewardship Corner:

Tell them to do good, to be rich in good works, to be generous, ready to share, thus accumulating as treasure a good foundation for the future, so as to win the life that is true life. 1 Tim 6:18-19

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