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| ’ | LOCbobl e ’ A ( ful C [ » q fu —_ — — > — > > — a> — my SYSTEMS A TECHNICAL GENERA 1, The purpose of an accumulator is to: a relieve excess pressure, LAT store fluid under pressure. ‘store compressed ges for tyre inflation, 4, remove air from the system. 2. The primary purpose of a hydraulic reservoir i 20° t@ compensate for leaks and expansion. b. toallowa space inte which spare fluid may be stored. e 4d. tomaintain fluid between a jack and the accumulator. 3. The best extinguishant to use on a wheel or brake fire is - a. C02 c. Freon d. Water \_be Dry powder Y Landing gear ground locking pins are: pop pl 5. The oi fitted before flight to ensure the landing gear locks are fully cocked. removed prior to flight and returned to stores = fitted after fight to maintain a hydrauliclock in the down lock jack removed prior to flight and stowed on the aircraft where they are visible to the crew. ontents of a piston engine(wet sump) are checked ? 2. immediately after the engineis shut down . While the engine is running before shutdown ‘@ short time after the engine has stopped. & The stack pipe itia hiydraulic reservoir? 2. feeds the eniergency services b, Feeds altthesystems ‘Feeds the normal systems but reserves fluid for the emergency systems ‘d. Prevents debris from circulating in the system 7. the function of outflow valve in a pressurization system is ot ‘Air outflow only Air outflow, pressure relief & Cabin pressure warning © Manual dumping of cabin pressure 6. Air outflow pressure relief vacuum relief & Ona multi engined aircraft, an engine fire warning systam consists of: a. flashing red lights for each engine and a warning horn. SAHIL KHURANA SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 96871866200 2 A, Jb” steady red light for each engine and a common warning bell ‘c. flashing red light for each engine and a common warning bell d. steady red light and bell for each engine 9. Generator warning light is on when Generator doesn’t feed the battery bus bar Generator is offiine c._ Battery is not charging Generator is disconnected F 20, waz volts ci at wane b. 10amps ©. a5amps 4. 24amps 1L. Which of the following is correct ‘a. CG,rangeis given in the fight manual b. CGrangeis.a specification under which we have to load the aircraft \ Grange should not be exceeded wv LL dAll are correct Ww ~~ 412. The ability of metal to hold its magnetism is called >, ‘a. Residual magnetism, b. Retaining factor, 5 retentivity, x Cc d. magnetivity DY 7 ye 13, What component of a pressu dion system prevents the cabin alt from becoming higher than seat? > a. Cabin rate of descent control co > of negative pressure reietalve < supercharger over speed.valve d. compressor ratio limitswitch 14, The basic caatonip between voltage current and resistance is exactly stated by? Lae Ohm's at b. Kitchotttaw c. Néwton's law 4. Lenzsiaw + » 13% What is the approximate cabin alt above which u must breathe 100% oxygen if you are to < : AG. antain an alveoar partial pressure equal to that atsea level? ps? a. 26,0008 \ f Sb. 30,000Ft L Une 34 000ft d. 38,0008 16. A vent is normally arranged in the battery compartment to L SAHIL KHURANA, SEC=7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866280 n nN, o ._a Exhaust the gases, which form whenever the battery is being charged ». Exhaust the gases, which form whenever the battery is being discharged Enable the positive lead to be taken separetely d. Enable the negative lead to be taken separately 17. Main source of aircraft continuous electricity? LLU L WT | 9-7AC A DC generator. A b. Battery 6 = 3 c. TRU — ad 18, Configuration warring comes in which configuration a. Overload in primary n secondary — b, Malfunction in hydraulicsystem a4 _s-“Wrong selection of configuration. — . a. 19. Turn & slip indicator on which gyro : —_> Crate — tied ¥ 20. Visual smoke detector = a. Alpha particles . - b. Take sample of smoke — ‘ Cs ” Se“ Photo electric — ‘ - 24, Amplitude of voltage loss in OPEN CIRCUIT IN Series of using 12 volt battery — 9 = fay = 2 _— <6 Bes a d2av — = 22. in a/c having more than one battery . a. The extra one is used as a'standby and serves in the failure of the other battery 3 — b. The batteries are usually. connected in series : G ‘The batteries are usually connected in parallel ~~ d. None of the above is applicable aa 23. atthe finalstage of battery life ~~ a. voltege will decrease b. current will decrease = 47 both voltage and current will decrease As ~— / ‘The purpose of fire detection systemin an aircraft is to A = ‘Ketive fire warning for the zone in which they are fitted Fy FT 2 od. Giverire waming and operate fire extinguishers ==> ( Operate fire extingui r~ i — 25, Rectifiers are used to A — 1 FConvert ACin to 0C , ) SAHIL KHURANA” SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 TY f t b. Converts DC in to AC G Increases ACVoltage d. Increases DCvoltage 26. During a cruising flight if engine roughness is experienced. The first thing to be suspected is a. Carburetor Icing b. Magneto failure Spark plug fouling d, Allarecorrect 27. The place Freon changes from vapor to liquid & loses its heat energy Is called a. Condenser b. Diffuser Heat exchanger 28. alrsupply to an aircraft cabin by a pressurization system is referred too: a. Fresh C b. Charge air. c. Ram d, Conditioned ai 29. If the cabin rate of climb is too great, the cabin press cause the 2. Outfiow valve to close slower. b. Cabin compressor to increase. ©. Outflow valve to close faster. 4. Cabin compressor speed to decrease, < 30. What component ofa pressuraatiin System prevents the cabin alttude froin becoming higher than airplane altitude xX a. ‘cabinrate of descont conta, b. Negative pressure relief vaive. c. Supercharger of speed valve. Compressor roti ini switeh, su Theat neve cabin for presurzation a. Allram air: x ~ b. Re circiilated? a Mixture of fresh. i 3, cooeet and recirculated air. ase most common method by which cabin humicity i Da. To inject water into the cabin blower. b. To use an atomized water spray in the cabin. c. To use a venture humidifier. d. Spray by ajet pump. 33. Ifany magnetis heated excessively or hammered, it will result in a. Equal spreading of magnetism. b. Increase of magnetism. SAHIL KHURANA SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 nares LOGE LUTA ’ CEULETLETULETUUU LG Gt , TW UL 2 B > c. Loss of great deal of magnetism. d._ No change of magnetism. 34. To determine the diraction of the magnetic field about of current carrying wire, use Ohm's law. Left hand thumb rule. Right hand thumb rule. ‘Wheat stone bridge. aoe ® 5. A fully efficient 60 ampere hour battery will supply 6 amperes for 6 hours. 6 amperes 10 hours. 60 amperes for 01 hour. 6 amperes indefinitely. _ aoge 36, The basic relationship between voltage current and resistance is exactly stated by a. Ohm's law. b. Kirchhotf’s law. c. Newton's law. d. Lenz's tow. 37. Ifa charged glass rod and a charged comb are brought together will a. Experience no force. b. Experience attraction. Experience repulsion. 4. Initially attraction repulsion. , 38, In aircraft more than one battery a. Theextra oneis used as standby and serves in the failure of another battery. b, Thebatteries are usually connected irrseries. ¢. Thebatteries are usually connected in parallel. G._None of the above appliabev 39, In any magnet, which, of thé following is more active magnetically a. Northpole. b. South pole. / c. Both north aiid South poles. 4. Central partof magnet. 40. Aséumre the voltage across a fan is 12 volts and the current through a, 10 ohms. b. 24.0hms. e d. . a4 ohms. |. ohms. 41. A starter motor draws 70 amperes at a potential of 24 volts. compute the wattage of this electrical unit a. 1680 watts b. 94 watts. c. 46watts. ‘SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC 7, DWARKAY NEW DELHI 09871266290 Derr. d._ none of the above. 42. Whatis/are reasonts) for using alternative current in aircraft a. AC voltages can be increased or decreased very efficiontly with transform and operate more efficiently at high attitudes. 4 < b. ACdovices are much simpler and consequently are less prone to trouble tahn are DC devices. c. Tum off ancillary electrical equipment before shutting down engine. d._ Allthe above are true. 43, Which of the following is true with respect to electrical system / a. Donot start a flight with a flat battery. y b. Do not start engine with high gear ratios and other unnecessary electrical equipment itched on. \ & Tum off ancillary electrical equipment before shutting down engine. 4. Allthe above are true. ‘4a. Electrical circuits are protected from overheating by means of 2, Thermocouples , b. Shunts — G Fuses d. Solenoids \ 1S within which the aircrafts is to be scessary to the flight crew members for 45, The manual associated with C or A containing limitati consider airworthy and instructions and inform: the safe operation of the aircraft is a. Operation manual. b. Maintenance manual. © Quality manual. ight manual. 46, The manual which is not requize® to be approved by DGCA but the contents of which may influence DGCA's decision concerning grant of approvalis QC manual. i Engineering organtationsnanual. Flight manual. 4 4. Operational manuals oe 47. A certficate(of irworthiness is issued in a particular category. in respect of light aireraft, which of the folowing category may apply ‘ a. Transport category. b, Utllnyatezory. ’ Aa Permit to fly category. ‘ #94. SNormal category. ee ‘Which of the following is/are true with respect to log book Cc ‘a. The engine and the propeller, log book preserved for 1 year after the engine or propeller is J withdrawn form services. r b. The aircraft log book shall be preserved until such a time a sthe aircraft is withdrawn from f services and its C of A cancelled by DGCA. If the aircraft meets with an accident and gets damage beyond economical repairs the raft SAMIL KHURANA, ‘SECT, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Ll p L PP PF y PLE bO LPL EEL LL OEL Ol logbook shall be preserved for 2 year after the accident. d. Allthe aboveare true. 49, The aircraft flight is manual fora specific aircraft i a. Forms part of the aircraft Cor A. 'b. Must be used to determine the pertinent operation regulations fro the particular aircraft. €. Willinclude information is respect of the aircraft operating, d. All the above statements are correct. 50. The aircraft flight manual fora specific aircraft an 3. Forms part of the aircraft C or A. , Must be used to determine the pertinent operations regulations for tthe particular alrcrait: Will include information in respect of the aircrafts operation limitations. d. All the above statements are correct, 51. Which of the following is contained under the contents of certificate of aieworthiness 2, Classification of aircraft with category and subdivision, b. Empty weight of aircraft. & Constructor of aircraft. ¢. Allthe above. 52. n the alreaft log book, name the section, which bears the a repairs and overhaul a First section. > b, Second section. & Third section. d._ Sixth section. namely, replacement major 53. When an aircraft is equipped with-mote than one engine a. Aseparate log book should be nisintained for each engine, b. Itlsnotmandatory to maintain two different two different log books. © Then, an additional sheat'doseribing details of the no.2 engine can be affixed to the main log book. d. Any of the above can he followed. ei one fuel tank the correct action will be : a, Switch off the booster pump off the tank. b. Switch off the booster pump of the collective tank. Cutoff the engine driven fuel pump of the tenk. 4. Switch “OW the booster pump of the collective tank. 88. Markthe correct statement with regard to booster pump ‘2. “Booster pumpis electrically driven. b. Booster pump is installed in the fuel tank. Booster pumpis mechanical driven and provided positive pressure to engine driven pump. d. 1&2 are correct answer. 56. While flying at altitude is hot ait is selected to remove the crab-ice the hot air is taken from a. Exhaust gases pipe. b. Muff which heat the outside air by cycling around the exhaust pipe. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ds cc. Thacock pit. d. Electrical heater. 57. Whatis the most commonly recommended practice for preventing condensation in the fuel tank a. Drain a pint of fuel from the tank sump each night. b. Strainall fuel as itis putin the tanks. . Filleach fuel tankatter each fight. Install a quick drain gas collator. 58. Whatis wet wing a. Which takes more than 15 mts to dry. b. Which contain fuel cells in the wing. Which allow rain water to pour on it. d. Which does not allow water to pour on the wing. 59, When is tandem aircraft b. Aircraft having seats side by side. Aircraft having seats in parallel. d. none, 60, What is a gascolator AN a. Itis installed in the oil tank to allow quick oil drain, “= . Itis installed in the fuel tank to sum so asto quick digin the fuel from the fuel strainer. ¢._ Itis installed in the fuel and cil tank to check for eirtand water. d. Allare correct answers. ye SS 61, Oil pressure in the lubrication systemindi¢ates a. System pressure. es b. Scavenge pressure. © Ollipressure after oil tank, fH Both 18:3are correct a / 62. Incase you experience aise smote from the exhaust, ItIndicates a. Lean mixture. . b._ Rich mixture. 2 2% oilbumning inthe combu 4. Good mixti€e cfusing. ve 63. Thé purpose of wick discharger on the flying controls is Ve To avoid static electricity. , (ah, Tosflutter of the controls. #9. “To avoid ratio interference. “Cd. Allcorrect. 64. Black smoke from the exhaust a. High oil consumption, ab Rich fuel mixture. Lean fuel mixture. d. Detonation. SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ner Pa PP PP PE LEGG oT, ply 1 ) vl I VEEL LEEEULLy , TAT TA 65. Bonding of aircraft is for the purpose of a. Increasing the electrical potential between the aircraft metal and ratio. b. Eliminating spark or arcing due to build up of static electricity in the aircraft structure. «Isolating spark or arcing in certain section of the aircraft structure. ‘ d. Both2&3 are correct. : 66. If there is standing water on the runway & runway surface is so damp the there is thin film of water which cannot be penetrated by the tires. What type of aquaplaning itis. a. Dynamic, y b. Viscous. Reverted rubber. 4. Allare correct. 67. The total resistance of a number of power consumer devises connected in seriesis a. The addition of individual resistance. b. ‘The addition of the reciprocals of th © The reciprocal of the total, dividual resistance. 68. In a simple electrical circuit if the power consuming devices ara consumed equal to 2, The sum of the resistance taken by the devices divided By the number of devices. b. The sum of the resistance taken by the devices. the sum of the reciprocals of the resistance taken by the devices, 4, Allin correct answers, a parallel total resistance 69. Battery capacity percentage efficiency must always be 2. Above 70%, b. Above 80%. © Above 9076, d. Above 100%. 70. Ifa generator fails in fight’ 2. The voltmeter will read zero. b, The ammeter reading will decrease. «The wattmeter will show an increase. 72. Ona multi engine aircraft if one generators fail you should ‘a. Stop and feather and engine concemed, b. Switch off the failed ganarator and continue normal use of the electrical system. , Switelvoff the falled generator and cut down on the electrical services being us. A Naaction required since is 2 mult engined area. “WY 72. Which airs fed in to the cabin of a pressurised aircraft a. Charged air. b. Ramair. © Compressed air. 4. Conditioned air. 73. Battery voltage is measured by SAHILKHURANA SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI oeg71866200 \ SC Both 1 & 2 are correct answers. AC Power ON cieut black, 10 a. Voltmeter. b. Ammeter. Hydro meter. . Allcorrect. 74, Serviceable turn and slip indicator, while taking a tun during taxing will show a. Needle should tum in the direction of the turn and the ball should go outside of the turn. Needle and ball should go inside of the turn. c,Needle should tum in the opposite direction of the turn and ball should go in the direction turn. . After gaining exp. nce pilot con immediately locate the faulty instrument. 75. Turn buckle isa device which a, Connects two cables. b, Can be used enly for adjusting the tension of the cable. _Isused only on small aircraft. 7%, Dolls eye tor show b. Power ‘OFF circuit black. © Power ‘ON’ circuit white. d. Power ‘OFF’ circuit white. . wy . \ 7. The method of ascertain the voltage ofa standard aircraft lead acid battery is by checking 3. The voltage on open circuit. ~w b. The voltage offload. ei ‘© The voltage with rated load switched ON. \. 4d. The voltage with rated load switched OFF. 78. Certain aircraft instruments require an altemating current 400 cycles per second and # normal oft SA a Arotary transformer. « “\" © b. An invertor. b © Anconvertor. : 4. Anrectifier._« sat : 79, Electro = Aietve force is measured in 2. Watts. > b. Ohm c, Volt ute, Arapere. ‘80. A generator warning light will be illuminated N02. When the battery voltage exceeds that of the generator and cut out has opened. b. When the generator is supplying current to a fully charged battery and no electrical load are switches on. ‘c. When the battery charge currentis lower then the required to maintain to fully charged stats. 4d. Allcorrect. SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871266290, peut 1 FEY 81. Certificate of airworthiness (C&A) is a document which contains a. Registration number of the aircraft. b, The date of validity or serviceability. & 4, .. Thename of the engineer who has renewed the C& A. . Both 1& 2 are correct. LECEECEEL 82, When a comb is rubbed on the hair, comb will have static electricity the polarity on the comb © willbe j ae >. Negative < re H b. Positive. AY ss c. Neutral we r d. None. > — nae 23. The air delivered to the cabin for pressurizations a a. Ramair. ~ be. Re-circulated a Pr Bc Coot 7 ee d. zure of fresh and re-circulated air. "1 Fy ) 84, Hydraulic pressure is normally = a 27 1000 PI. > mm A b. 100 +150 PSI \ mets 200to 350 PSI. _ 4. 500 to 0 PSI. a alt , - 85. One coulomb is : = 2. Equal to one volt. « 1. Equal to one ampere. te pe Equal to one ohms. * : 100 PSE - b. 1000to 3000 PSI. 2 ued Btn Pe? a. Db & 500 t0 1000 PSI. Ppowatic ALA eats 2oe00w3OC? 81000 Psi. 93, Hydraulic fuses are used in the system to protect © a. Direction of fluid. b. Rate of fluid. Ae Wolume of fluid, 4. Both2&3. ”AX 94, Bleed air is used in the air conditioning and pressurization system to 2+ Die he uln power we b._Adtvatethe pnoumate sytem. _2- Operate cabin pression 8a condtoning seem a. one 5. What is done regee the compass deviation : , 2.” Compensate bth the magnets for magnetic interference i b. Align the compass card with the magnets. Compensate the electrical interference when electrical power @. Botheg3 are correct. i 4 M6. ASH is calibrated with : Ro Se votand nam. ° sulland Pit. “E Still and Static. d. Ramand Still. 97, Mark the correct statement with regards to static RPM. [LAT Increase with increase in tempt. Decrease with increase in tempt. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI oss71866200 ‘a, The gauge will show more suction pressure and instrument will record erroneous reading. —_, 17 The gauge will show less suction pressure and instrument will record erroneous reading. gg OY P< f B c Noeffect with tempt. dd. Allare wrong answers. 98, To have a good lubrication , the lubrication oll should have low pour point this means : ‘The temperature at which 2 fluid would solodify. b. The temperature beyond which 2 fluid will igni c. The temperatura at which the fluid will pour into the crankcase. d,_ None of the above. > 99, The pressure measured along a scale, which has zero value at complete vacuum, called a. Ambient pressure bb. Standard barometric pressure c. Absolute pressure 4d. Gauge pressure wv 100, As altitude increases, the air thins out and air pressure decreases, resulting in the deficiency of ‘oxygen in the blood cells or tissues. This is roferred as . 2% Hypoxia b, Hypoxaemia c. Anexia 4. Hyperoxia awe 1101. The 2 typos of ice that are generally encountered daring flight are ‘2. Rime ice and prime ice b. Antiice and de ice Glaze and rime ice 4. Glazeand prime ice —_— 2 102. The method which is used to el 2. Anti Ae De icin «Prime icing 4. None of the above inavé Ice that had formed is, called 103, To provide resistance'to deterioration by the elemont and many chemicals the outer ply of the deicer boot isusually made of a. Pliable rubbers Neoprene rubber ©. Neosportie rubber d. Metal coated soft rubber 64. to thermal anti icing system, the source of hot air may be obtained from a: Bleeding hot air from the turbine compressor b. Bleeding hot air from engine exhaust heat exchangers / © Ram it heated by a combustion chamber ,_dKny of the above 4105. ina vacuum system which is operated by suction pump, any restriction in the master filter will cause ‘a. An increased suction within the system which will result in erroneous instrument indications ‘SAHIL KHURANA, SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 14 b, Therelief valve to become inoperative c. Areduced vacuum within the system, which will result in erroneous instrument indications d. An increased suction which will be compensated for by the normal action of the pressure relief valve 106. The location of the ice formation is at the “pitot tubes”, which of the following heating method = of control is best suited at this location? X Be leetricl ~ Pp b. Pneumatic . Thermal (- d. alcohol 1107, ‘The storage pressure range for a high pressure pneumatic system, normally ran; <2 2000-3000 PSI b, 1000-3000 Ps! 100-150 PSI 4. 500-3000 Pst wD air turbine refrigerating uni to supply cooled air are 108. The air conditioning system which referred to as 2. Water cycle vacuums “Vapour cycle system © Aireycle system 4. Liquid cycle system & 109, Assume there’s an ICE formation over the statievent, on a mb out. Now the altimeter a. Will over read the actual altitude > © Se Willunder read the actual altitude. \. © Willreadzero AX 4. Willread tha maximum altitudé available on the indicator 110. Ifa glass rodis rubbed with iece of silk, the glass acquires 2. Negativecharge SC ~ Positive charge SC ~ fe Neutral charge 4. Nocharge «7 1 The apitvor etal to hold its magnetism is called 2, Residual agnetism b. Réfaining factor Cpe retentivity ‘Ai. Magnetivity v¢112. If equal current passes through a coil of wire consisting of eight dosely wound turns and ‘through a single turn loop of the same diameter as the coil, the magnetic fields will be A Nimost identical indirection at every point 'b. Varying identical in direction at every point «Almost identical in direction but at few points Davo nop, d. Varying in direction onty at few points C Sgt (Seed, ‘SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 1s 113. The power consumed in a circuit through which 1. ampere under a pressure of 1 volt is termed as a Watt 'b, Horse power Phase power LEUGU — 4. None of the above ~ = 114. Ifa permanent magnet is dipped into a box of icon filling, more filling will dling to a a. Center of the magnet - ff b. North pole of the magnet / me © South pole of the magnet ) E UAC The ends than to the middle ! — ss 115. The reason the battery has a slightly lower voltage than the electrical system in which it is used —~— a : = a. Related to the charging operation a — b. Tosafeguard the electrolyte used in the battery a ¢. To prevent electrical system from getting fused r 4. None of the above - 116. Avent is normally arranged in the battery compartment to a. Exhaust the gases, which form whenever the battery is being charged Q b. Exhaust the gases, which form whenever the battary is heing discharged f © Enable the positive lead to be taken separately 4. Enable the negative lead to be taken separately 117. Hydraulic fuses operate on the Principle ot 2. Direction of flow b. Rateof flow © Volume of flow = Both (b) and (c} ‘118, Which of the following affeci(s) the strength of a magnetic fleld produced by an electro magnet 2. The material used for the core of the coil b. The number of turns iit the coil © Thenumber of electro flow in the coil 4, Allof the above amu) 119. A flow rate of one coulomb per one secondis \-& One ampere b. Onewote © One watt » ami vort 120. One micro volt is equal to GEEEEELELEL ULL 2. 1000 volts b. 1/1000volts —— { © 1/1000 volts T } 6 ar000000 vorts ‘SAHIL KHURANA, SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 EULA 16 321, A 1000 watt, 50 volt room heater would use.. ae : A a. Voltage output . : i b. amperage output oo - \& number of cycles persecond ( RPA). % ; 226, What is ampere hour rating ofa storae battery that is designed to deliver 45 amp for 2.5 hour? 4 << c 3 112.5 amp-nr A NS Ee. oe , Looe *C ay ie 6 © 4Samp-hr peso 2s we ko 127. What is the basic advantage of using A.C. for electrical power for lage aircraft? 4 A (AIRCRAFT systems/operates at higher voltage than DC system and therefore use less current ; and ea usesinaller and lighter weight wing Te 6 128. ‘The ciirrent required to operate an aircraft autosyn fuel flow indicating system is ‘ » fe Direct current aaa ee ee Sol “+ Zw Pulzating current VHE ath Fuel oe a 4x Alternating current Ag es Gx 5° 129. The most satisfactory extinguishing agent for electrical fire Is. a. Water 4 / b, Carbon tetrachloride / ; Ct 2 Carbon dioxide ; ‘d. Methyl bromide SAHIL KHURANA : SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI : 09871866290 Gob u , LAU UP Ue UNL 9b Le 8 LULL LLL ee Lae Ue Pe LAL | 7 130. What advantage to mineral base lubricants have over vegetable oil base lubricants when used in aircraft engine? b. Sealing quality & Chemical stability 131, What is the primary purpose of the oil to fuel heat exchanger 2. Cool the fuel b. Cool the oll c. Decrease the viscosity of the oi 132, Why are all oil tanks equipped with vent lines a. To prevent pressure build up in the engine b. To eliminating foaming in the tank ¢. To prevent the pressure built up in the tank 4. To eliminating foaming in the engine 333. In climbing, indication comes of higher differential pressure, to‘coirect the pilot should select a. Higher cabin altitude b, Lower cabin altitude 134. In descending cabin pressure drops, it means ~ a. Negative pressure valve does not open . b, Nogative pressure valve opens 335. Fusible plug in tyre? a. Releases the excess pressure when tyre becomes hot b. Increases tyre pressure when tyre-becomes hot & The plug fuses when landing 336. Aquaplani a. False b. True ‘OV tyre pressure in PSI and answer in kts 137. What controlsthe operation of the cobin pressure regulator? a. Cabin alr pressure b. Ramair prossute © Bleed air pressure 4. Compression air pressure 438. The purpose of a dump valve in a pressurized aircraft is to relieve All positive pressure from the cabin b. Anegative pressure differential & The load on the compressor . Pressure in excess of the maximum differential 4139. What component of a pressurization system prevents the cabin altitude frm becoming higher than airplane altitude? 2 Cabin rate of descent control SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI c9871866290 b. ie a. Negative pressure relief valve Supercharger overspeed valve Compression ratio limit switch 140. An aircraft altimeter is set to 29.92 hg on the ground. The altimeter will read? b. a. 141, Afveltot a. Measures the amount of fuel being delivered to each engine a L Prossure altitude Density altitude eld elevation True altitude isa component b. Shows the amount of fuel in any given tank we Indicates the amount of fuel in all the fuel tanks. 142. The purposes of the baffle plate in a fuel tank isto Provide an expansion space for the fuel b. Resist fuel surging within within the fuel tank o a. e a. Provide internal structure integrity Prevent fuel overflow during refueling ‘uel boost pumps are operated TMA 4H tre iting the total rate at which all engines consuming fuel, Electrically and provide a positive flow a fuel to the’Bagine During take off only Primarily for fue! transfer ““b, Mechanically and provide a positive flow of age ‘the engine 144, Which of the following fire extinguishing agents used in hand operated extinguishers are b. . 245. what ph a b. c a. dhs nai war caecan ia evecex ena ca USER “by. ec. a. 4147. The fusible plugs installed in some a/c wheels will? a b. acceptable for general use in ajréraft® Soda acid, aerosol foam, carbonrtetrachloride Dry chemical water, carbon tetrachloride Dry chemical, water, carbon di oxide Carbon dioxide aerosolfoam, soda acid Thickness anid chord Span and chord oe edraland angle of attack Sigepyback and lateral axis isa slippage mark tsa bolance mark Indicates the tyre is a high pressure tyre Indicates the tyre is a high speed type Facilitate servicing of the wheel assembly Indicate the tire tread separation a actors are involved in the aspect ratio of airplane wings SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866260 TU WO Tw ee 19 © Matt at a specific elevated temperature d, Matt the need to check the air pressure 148. A fully charged hydraulic accumulator provides a Air pressure to various hydraulic components b, A source of additional hydraulic power when heavy demands are placed on the system Positive fuel flow to the pump inlet d, Additional hydraulic fluids . 349. A unit which transforms hydraulic pressure into linear motion Is called é (a. An actuating cylinder b, A hydraulic pump . Amaster pump d. Anaccumulator 150. Whats the main purpose of a pressurized reservoir in a hydraulic system?" a. Prevent tank collapse b. Provent hydraulic pump cavitation c. Prevent hydraulic fluid from foaming 4. Prevent normal accurnulator pressure from slaving 151. What type of seal is used with petroleum based hydraulic fluid? a. Notural rubber b. Butyl rubber i Di bter—> Heo t - Synthetic rubber eee as (AC Neoprene rubber trgla se” 7 tne) 352. Which component of air cycle cocting system undergoes a pressure and temp. drop of sir ‘during operation? < a. _Water separator « 2 Bepansion turbine Primary heat exchanger d. Refrigeration valves 153. Ifthe static tube is dosed (blocked)? a. Altimeter willoverread at diving b. ASI will under read at climbing I c ASIwill evér read while descending 4. Both band care correct answers to A also 354, During flight the forces acting at the propeller are 4. Centrifugal, thrust, torsion JP) 7 Ncompression, thrust, torsion \¢ & Centrifugal and torsion only 4. Tension, torsion and thrust 355. Hydraulic reserve a. Vented to the atmosphere b. Generally equipped with a fluid quantity guage F ‘ © Topressurize system of the accumulates SAHIL KHURANA SEC ~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 99871866200 LU © 20 «Band 2 are correct 156. Which instrument is generally elactrically operated? a. RPM gauge 7 wnat eal Fuel quantity gauge < Gyre d. None strument >)? 157. Ina circuit current flow of 4 amps. And resistance is 5 ohms, how much power is needed? S&S a. 20watt eso wart 5 c. 100 watt 4. 10watt bs BO 158. Oil pressure in the engine i a. System pressure b. Oil pressure after the engine pressure pump to the engine ¢._ Oil pressure after the scavenge pressure pump to the oil cooler LAC Both a and 2 ara correct re 159. 8:1 rich mix is used ina piston engine what happens . \\ _ a. complete combustion of oxygen Wi BY Full complete combustion ~\ . Complete combustion of hydrogen and carbon “>> 4160. Cam shaft P.M is a. The same of crankshaft. AF ofthe crankshaft. . Double of crankshaft d. None. 21. ase gate valve is sticking a. Power willinerease, 4 “~~ be Power will decrease ‘c _No change in power d. Power will echagedetns ict 162, Waste gatin the turbo - super charger : Controls the bypass air in the turbine ofthe turbo charger. b. Is@.buttertly type valve which when closed, the turbine of the turbo charger operates ¢._ Islocated in the nozzle box of the turbo super charger. 4. allare correctanswers. i Q . 1163. Hydraulic system icing will occur due to a. Excess oil in reservoi b. Excess oil in the sump. c. Excessive air pressure in the accumulator. None. 164.0n a single engine aircraft, when engine ignition switch is selected to OFF position; what ‘SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 reer 2 happens to magnetos a. Magnetos earthing wire circuit is completed. b. Magnetos earthing wire circuit is broken. & Magnetos will not supply current to spark plugs. \ 9 183 arecorrect. 365. During starting if back fire occurs, corrective action taken by the pilotisto a. Shut off the engine. = b, Loan the mixture. f Rich the mixture. 4. Continue cranking. 167. Before takeoff, Power checkis carried out establish the ye a. Mag drop check. +b. Oilconsumption check. * Performance of the engine. ‘ d. Serviceability of the magneto switch. 168, Exhaust valve is identified by 2. The word—Is—on the valve. b._Ithas a different colour coding. + €., The number of the valves inthe engine divided by 2. Exhaust valve diameter is bigger than inlet valve. 169. /C engines oil for lubricatioh.uses: 2. Straight mineral b, Alcohol mixed oil. & Vegetable lubricants such as cotton seed oil. d. Allcorrect. 170, Mark the correct statement : a. One strokeis 180 rotation of the crank shaft. b. One strokes 180 rotation of the cam shaft. Turbo supercharger is driven by exhaust gases. 4d, Both 4 &3are correct, 2D. Eohaust valve closing how many times during two revolution of the crank shaft 6 One. ~ b. Two. «. Three. Four, 172. One power stroke occurs at : a. 180, SAHIL KHURANA ? SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 go a Ui Ki WU WF Pt ti Ht il DR i We tah To Taal al b Ww b. Oncoin four stroke. cOnce in two revolution of the crank shat. d. Both 2 & 3 are correct answers. 173. What would cause a carburettor to flood. a. Afrozen air vent in the fuel tank. b. Punctured float in the carburetor. c Excess fuel in gas tank. d. Turning the propeller over too fast. < a 1174, An engine which is designed to operate at normal sea level atmospheric pressure is subi) a. Normally aspirated engine. . Naturally aspirated engine. Cs c. Unsupercharged engine. Se dd. Any of the above Y~ sais WG Me meron a. Hyper charger system. b. turbo charger system. ‘¢, Hi-super charger system. d. None of the above. 176. Mark the correct statement with regard to detonati ‘ture burns with explosion b, Mixture bums slowly at beginning sure burns at the last part ~ a. Late ignition NS b. Advance © Bothiand2 Ww G. Ignition takes place ay ing “elit of the compression stroke ka 178. Breather in the crankcase is a To provide positivepressure in the crank case b. To provide ainbient pressure in the crankcase © To providenegative pressure in the crankcase 4, To provide breathing of the engine ; 179. Compression ratiois 1. Ageato area _> bAreato cylinder sg © Volume to volume DS? d. Area to volume 180. Detonation is caused due to 2. Lean mixture ‘SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 < ein cer rn ’ GOLGI Wi COL ’ , — B ’ , I wn — TULEUELEL 1; | , TVA 4. Extra rich mixture 181. Vibration is caused by b, Rich mixture ¢. Not properly fixing of the propeller d. Allarecorrect 182, Purpose of dead cut at low RPM is a. To check the serviceability of the magnetos 'b, To check the serviceability of the magneto switch c. Toavoid spark plug from fouling, d. Both Zand Zarecorrect, 183. Choke in the carb a. Reduces the pressure b. Increases the pressure - Reduces the velocity d. Both 2 and 3 are correct 184. The first indication of carb icing In airplanes equipped witiPconstant speed propellers would most likely to be a. Rough running engines followed by an increase of REM, b. Decrease in manifold pressure ms Decrease in RPM d._ Rough running engine followed by loss of RPM? 185. The of 17:1isa (fuel/air) a. Lean mixture b, Extra rich mixture = Correct mixture . d. Sychrometric mixture 186. RPM of the camshafts. a. Thesameas the crankshaft RPM b, the crankshaft REM ¢ Double the erankshaft RPM. d, None“ 187. Throw of the crankshaft is: a, Equalto one stroke 1B. Equalto % stroke c. SEqual to 2 strokes d, Equalto crank check 188. Oil temp. connection is taken from a. Inlet side of the scavenge pump b. Outlet side of the scavenge pump G. Outlet side of the oil tank d. Outlet side of the oil cooler ‘SAMIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 9g7166290 ? ws 24 189, Purpose ofa trickler in the carb is a. To depress the float 1b. To make the mixture rich for starting © To check the carb for proper functioning d Both 1and2 are correct 190. What is the crank check in the cranks shaft? also known as crank pin b. itis apart of the crank shaft which connects crank pin to the mé © Itisalso known as crank arm d. Both 2 and 3 are correct 191. Main difference between internal supercharger and extemal supercharger i a. Its position with the engine b. Compression of the air before and the fuel/air after the carb \ ee ~~ d. and 3arecorrect 192. In the lubrication system, oil will remove heat besides reducing the frictidn between 2 parts (moving) which port ofthe angie willbe experiencing ra est and require more lubrication Bearing \ Crank pin ah Cylinder wall DR Accessory section ae re 193. Detonation is normally due to a. Rich mixture b. Fouling of the spark plugs ay Less oilin the tank KE d. More air in the cylinder charges.» 194, Quantity of fuel in the'a/¢ engine is controlled by a. Fuel pump ee b. Carb \ © Venturi 4, Throttle 195. he fitgPingication of carb icing in a/c equipped with constant speed propeller would most likelypbe> 3, DecreSce in RPM ‘Decrease in fuel flow ZA Noecrease in manifold pressure Ag. Decrease in cylinder temperature 196. The term “SHANK” is generally used i a. Small end of the connecting rod b. The flat position between small end and big end of the connecting rod The flat portion of the crankshaft where propeller installed 4. Both 2and 3 are correct answers internal combustion engine, it means SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 99871866290’ akiwk ee , PF a PP PP uP - ’ ( Bp Lt | VULEEETETELET IG . ¥ TU ) 25 197. The difference between the power being produced and power available is a. BHP b. FHP INP d. MEP 3 Ww 198, During compre: isknown as Detonation Pre ignition Firing back in the carb > After burning stroke the temp of the mbsture reaches the flash point before reaching TDC™ pose ) _ 199. The primary purpose of mixing TEL Inthe fuel to E a. Suppress detonation b._ Increase the temp. c. Increase BHP Alleorrect » 200. The tarm “hydraulicing” means > , a. More fluid in the piston chamber Ss b. More fluid in the cylinder chamber ~ & Excessive hydraulic fluid in the system = 4. Allare correct answer 201. Battery voltage is tested by? a. Voltmeter b. Ammeter © Hydrometer d. electrometer 202. If generator fails in flight; the indication in the cockpit will be: 2. Gen failure light “ON” 2ndvoltmeter showing zero r b. Generator failure light “ON” and ammeter not showing any reading © Generator failure light “ON” and voltmeter showing battery voltage only 4283 8 203. An ASI takes time to register the correct reading due to 5 2. Position-error i b, Inertia oF the aircraft ~ ‘© Compressibility error | dN Lag error -°204. When a charged glass rod is rubbed with a charged comb, i will eause Attraction b. Repulsion © Attraction and repulsion 4. None SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871856290 205, Blue smoke is observed from the exhaust, it indicates, a. Good mixture during cruise Insufficient oil in the tank Piston rings worn or sticking 4. Normal oil consumption 206. Great effect of viscosity on lubricated oil is due to a Temperature b. Pressure Humidity 4. Typeor oil 207. During taxing, ifa tum is made, the slip indicator needle a. Move the direction of the turn and ball moves opposite b. Does not move but the ball moves opposite Both theneedle and ball move in the direction of the turn 4, Allarecorrect answers ce i 208. Which instrument provides the most pertinent i formatiog (pany) for bank control in straight and level flight 3. Turnand slip indicator b. attitude indicator c. Headingindicator d. Magnetic compass 208. Great effect of viscosity om lubricated of a. Temperature he b. Pressure © Olling 4. Volatility a. Northerly turning error'\¢ b. Magnetic attractions inthe a/c G Acceleration and deceleration of the a/c d. Vertical comochentof the earth's magnetic field 211. after fight the a/c defects are recorded in 2. Cofa\ b. Tehiop oak Certificate of maintenance None A® 242. The flag on altimeter is Fully visible at a. Sealevel b. 10000f c. 12000ft é. None 213. Viscosity of aliquid mainly depends on SAHIL KHURANA SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 1 ly Ey Fa Att fi fi Ht yl su Pa PP ik WW WP BP y a on nn 7 Type of fluid Temperature Pressure Both a and b are corract answers eore 14. On a multi engine a/c generator are connected in é =A a. Series a b. Parallel : Series parallel connection 4. Parallel so that each generator should carry equal ioad os 215. Ina monocoque/semi-monocoque, fuselage construction Formers give shape to the fuselage b. Ina semi-monocoque construction, light frame work covered by a sl alloy and would carties most of the stress Stringers are few in number and lighter than longerons . Former and bulk heads are vertical members and carry load usually of aluminium 216, Mark the correct statement with regard to “stress Raiser” ‘a, His used to increase strass on the wing fittings b. Itis caused due to cracks developed on the wing fittings, °\> c._ Stress indicating components fitted on the a/c XI d. Allare correct answers : 227. What will happen if the oil cooler becomes blocked a. Theoil temp will rise indicating the loss of fuel = b. The circulation of oil though the engine willstop, leading to an engine failure c. The pressure by pass vaive will allow the oil to by passthe cooler and continue to circulate d, The oil pressure reliof valve will open 218, The viscosity of the Fluid varie a. Fromone fluid to another’, b. With the temperature With the pressure d. Asinaandb 219. To have a good lubrication oil should have low pour point. This 2. Temperatiiie at which a fluid would solidify b. The temperature beyond which a fluid will ignite e The temperature at which the fluid will pour into the crank case , 4d. Noneof the above 220; 2 balls are hanging from a stand. A charged rod is rubbed against both the balls at the same 1. Tho charge on the balls will be » a. Both the balls will be positively charge end will repel b. Both will be negatively charged Ball A will be positively charged and ball 6 will be negetively charged 4, Ball B will be positively charged and ball A will be negatively charged 221, What is the ampere hour capacity of a battery which supplied a current of 4.5 A for 25 hrs? SAHIL KHURANA, SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871266290 a, 2125 amps hr b, 90.amps © 112.5 ampshour @. Samp hour 222, The pressure on the fuel in the tank and high altitude will be a. High b. Low . Sameas sea level 4d. High and then low because a. The magnetic poles of the magnet detach b, The magnetic poles get interchanged Magnetic properties of the magnet decrease d. None of the above 224, The essential difference botwoon ACand DC is ww : A a. Inductive reactance b. Capacitive reactance Botha andb ¢. Resonance 225, The magnetic compass deviation is due to a. Northerly and southerly turning errors b. Acceleration errors = & a/celectric components 4d, earth's magnetic field a. ramair SS b. bleed air ae c chargeair \ @. conditioned aig 221. The spn ain ghohe rotor ofthe atid indicators a. Vertical, Meroe ¢) ezsontal and aligned wth ore ncaa 4. None‘f the above 922% The energy stored in a battery is in the form of Oo is b. Current ©) Chemical nergy 229, Ohms law gives a relation between a. land b. Vande SAHILKHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 Ly yawn meade a ) 29 IMR d. None 230. VSI works on the principle of a. Difference in static pressure b, Difference in barometric pressure Pitot pressure d. None , 231, Amount of charge is measured by a. Volts \ b. Amperes & Coulombs d. Farads UUGULLULLEE aa 232. Viscosity of the ol is high due to ; _ a. High engine temperature ~ = b. High bearing pressure rr High intermolecular forces _ 4. Allof the above _" 233. Heading indicator, attitude indicator and tum indicatot can be classified as =f) a. Gyro instruments \ : b. Engine instrument . Vaccum instruments , d. Pressure instruments 234, The voltage in the given circuit is a. 2v bv oe av |. 36v Obs fons sd Ewes 235. naDC a a The polarity remains same but magnitude changes L b. Polarity remains constant but increase or decreases with open or close circuit & Null polarity», “s 4. Polarity ctianges but magnitude remains the same 236. CSD-unit that is disconnected in flight due to malfunction such as over temp may be recontlected ‘Automatically the temp falls below in to the normal operating range Z By the flight crew when the temp comes to the range Only on the ground 4. Bothaandb correct i 237. Aturn and slip indicator employs a. Ties gyro b. Earth gyro < Rategyro SAHIL KHURANA, SEC--7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 CULL UL ELL ts nn 30 S Ring laser gyro 238. When AC generator are operated in parallel the . a, Amperes and frequency must both be equal Frequency and voltage must be both be equal - © Amperes and voltage must be both be equal d._ Only voltage must be equal . 239. A CSD unit that is disconnected in flight due to malfunction such as over temp ma ‘ reconnected ’ ‘a. During operation GPWS typically monitors the radio altimeter ADC b. Landing gear and fiap position ‘ c The purpose of transformer rectifier unit in electrical system of an a/cis to d. Only on the ground /240,_In anti-icing system of an a/c, which of the following is correct 7 3 __-© Hot airis used to prevent ice formation at the inlet cowling of the er b. The pneumatic rubber boots are used to remove ice formation 5 Hot airisused to remove the ice formation by heating F d. Allofthe above are correct s A A 241. The charging method used in ACbattery during fying it \.\ a. Constant current method b. Constant voltage method Kirchoff’s law 4. Allthe above are correct 242. If an a/celectrical system automaticcesét circuit breaker 2. Are useful where only temporaryoverload are normally incorrect , b, Mustbe used in all circuit differentinsafe operation of the a/c G Should not be usedas circuit protection devices 4. Always eliminate need oftaswiteh ow 243. The point at which steap? following through a vapour cycle system gives up heat and changes toa gasto liqui a. Condensers Bb. Expansion valves . Comp ad ‘ 244, Thepainary function of cabin pressurization system outfiow valve is to 3, Provide protection against over pressurization fb. Maintain the desire cabin pressure />, Maintain the same cabin pressure at the altitude S¢ 4. Operate safety valve ~ © 25, what will be the result if the instrument static pressure the become disconnected inside a \ pressurized cabin during cruising flight a. Altimeter and ASI will both read low b. The altimeter and ASI will both read high c. The altimeter will ead low and ASI will road high SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 PP PF Pt Ot , Il CUE bbb c , “| LULA WI ww 31 246. Smoke detectors which use a/c instrument of a. Electro mechanically devices b. Photoelectrical devices Visual devices d. Electromission devices 1d trancibility in the air are called 247. The correct inflation pressure for an a/ctyre can be obtained 1a. Tyre manufacture space b. Operator manual information stamp on the wheel ‘d. Airplane air frame logbook 248, Radar altimeter determines height by . 2° Transmitting a signal and receiving back a reflected signal 249. In general terms, where in a hydraulic system is a pressure filter located? 2. Between the main pump and reservoir b. Inthereturn line of the reservoir Inthe suction line AC In the main supply, downstream of the mein pump 250. What s the most probable cause of hydraulic hafdfmening in an aircraft hydraulicsystem in fight? 2. Lowaccumutator fluid pressure _b~ Low accumulator gas pressure é © Low reservoir fluid level 4. Low reservoir gas pressure a ‘ 251.1n which of the following'locations within an aircraft hydraulic system might a full flow pressure relief valve is Fitted? (27 Between the pump andreservoir b. In thereturn fine Between thé’pum and the main stream accumulator 4d, In the supply ine between the reservoir and pump 252. Which of the following methods are used to lower the alighting gear in the event of main hydraulic system failure in flight? Ax fluid stored under pressureina cylinder P otvcas yo ti ©) B™ Compressed air stored in a cylinder |” a — nat ¢. Hand pump z f a. Accumulator 253.1n the event a hydraullc accumulator has no gauge, which of the following would allow the correct gas pressure to be ascertained a. Hand pump and main syatem pressure gauge SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 b._-Hand pump, stop watch and main system pressure gauge © Main pumps running d. Hand pump, stop watch, main system pressure gauge and shuttle valve closed 254. Aircraft on board cabin chemical oxygen generators are designed to automatically drop to their half hung position when? ean a. The cabin altitude increases to 10000 ft AWS ¢ ~» \ »> b. The cabin altitude reaches 16000 ft . The cabin fills with smoke O (SC Tho cabin altitude reaches 14000 ft —~ ssn ee ci og aecesdeatpvn ne ) a. Lowpressure oxygen on demand Va . z b. High pressure continuous flow oxygen/air mix DO eee oes = © E lowprossure continuous flow oxygen 256. The colour of an American oxygen cylinder is: 2. Black with a white hemispherical end p b. White with a black hemispherical end G _ Green with a white hemispherical end Green 257, When a portable oxygen set is selected totorma it will provide: .-& 100 % continuous flow oxygen for 60 minutes b. Diluted oxygen on demand for60.minutes &_ 100% oxygen on demand for 39 ihinutes Dx 100% oxygen on dlomand}foh6d minutos 258. A crew narrow pariel Oxygen regulator level, when selected to 100 % oxygen will provide? Ug 100% pressure oxygen to the mask 100% on Gemand 10060) fern an emergency 4. 109 oo eaured oxygen on demand .an‘acraftis maintaining level light andits cabin altitude is increasing? ‘The cabin prassure differential will increase The maximum cabin pressure differential will increase The cabin pressure differential will reduce The cabin pressure differential will remain constant 260. On landing, the cabin pressure is equalised with atmospheric pressure by the operation of? 2. Alighting gear down selection CY 1b. Squat switches with open the outfiow or discharge valves at the touch down SAHIL KHURANA SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ani VOUGULLEEL \, Fs , ’ a , ) PEPLurryt LEtl s ) mE bbw eb do Lv 3 ¢. Squat switches which open the dump valves at the touch down d. The alighting gear reaching the fully extended position 264.1n a bleed air (bootstrap) air conditioning system, where is the water extractor located? a. Upstream of the cold air unit turbine (2® Downstream of the cold air unit turbine Downstream of the cold unit compressor d. Upstroam of the cold air unit compressor C 262. A ruptured re discon te nce sin of gas turbine engine bay Fre exingusher inate? a. The extinguisher t overcharged and therefore over pressurized b. That excess pressure has been released from the extinguisher to return it to within safe limits “The extinguisher has discharged due to excess pressure v ‘That the extinguisher pneumatic firing system has been activated 268, Which of the following portable fire extinguishers are most sultableforan engine start fire? a. Chemical dry powder b. Foam, Methyl bromide C02, ~ 264. whatis the colour code of a portable hian¢ held water fire extinguisher? a. Black b. Green with red letters Red with black letters a Red 265. When an engine bay fixe fire extingulsher is activated, to what location isthe extinguishant detected? The engine take The low pressure end of the outside of the engine compressor & Into the combustion chambers 4, The high pressure end of the of the engine turbine 266. lhan’aircraft low pressure refuelling system , what is fitted to prevent a fuel tank from A, biting over pressurized? ax Low level float switches ) b. High level float switchos “Vent valves . Fuel hose pressure relief valves Z 267. Why are baffles fitted to the aircraft fuel tanks? 3. To direct furl to the main supply b. To assistin cooling the fuel tank SAHIL KHURANA, SEC=7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871865290 wit D ©. To assist in heating the fuel tank aa equalise fuel pressure within the tank, so preventing surge ae orc 268, What will be the affect on the indicated fuel contents fa capacitive system fuel content ——~ gauge fails in flight? A The gauge will fluctuate between high and lov contents , XS. AT The gauge will indicate ful scale deflection low ss The gauge will remain in the last fixed position &% 4. The gauge wil remain in the high postion OY woul Av \7 — c _Jettinsoning and heating of the fuel 2 D » a. Transfer and heating of the fuel ‘Transfer and jettinson of the fuel 4d. Jettinsoning of the fuel as an emergency pump in the event of rmaipeeeins lure 270, A red band painted on the wall ofa tyre is a? a. _Ugntspot be Balance mark Heavy spot 4. Creep mark 271. The rated pressure of an aircraft tyreis th a, Loaded pressure when the tyrets cola S—> b. Unloaded pressure when the tyre is hot” ¢. Loaded pressure when the de“ unloaded pressure when the ty ww 272. The rated pressure of aivairtraft tyreisrecommended by? a. The aircraft operator “the aviation authority of the country from which the aircraft operates The Européailavtion authority 4. The e ‘dnbfacturer m7. roo tyre is worn to its limits when itis wom to? , _a 4: from the bottom of the wear indicator grooves C .. A, Zim from thebortom of any groove ©) c ~ 4mm from the bottom of any groove ‘See 2 mm from the bottom of the wear indicator grooves fe Ned 274, an advantage of a nosewheel undercarriage configuration over taihwheel configuration? a._A reduced landing speed 6 Reduced possibility of a nose-over in across wind Reduced aireraft weight SAHIL KHURANA, SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871865290 « nA 35, d. Less complex construction of the undercarriage 275, Aircraft nose wheel shimmy is? a. Rapid oscillation of the wheel about the wheel axis b. Commonly caused low shock absorber gas pressure Oscillation of the wheel about its track d. Rapid vertical displacement of the wheel due to uneven ground 276. A fire of the aircraft's wheel, or wheel brake: require which of the following types of, portable hand held extinguishers to be used? ” a Co2orBe . rn b, Coz / 7 c., Foam et Dry powder 27.A retractable main under carriage unit is locked down by? a. Hydreulic pressure b. Torque links Amechanical lock and a spring loaded over-centre locks, d. Ahydraulic lock and mechanical lock © Gilonly 4. Airanda coil spring 279. wheel brake anti-skid unitissensitive to? a. Aircraftspeed 3 b. Hydraulic system fluid pressure Hydraulic system fluid pressure AP Angular deceleration Uv 280, An additional static vent is included in a static system to Eliminate instrument error caused by differ in static pressure which may occur when a/c yaw b. Show ensure adequate static pressure under severe icing condition AZ, Take into acceleration direction of winds > d..None of the aboveis correct, ye 281. An altemate static source is provided to a Compensate & cancel static source errors during yawing Re
a. Outflow vaive to clause slower S b. Cabin compressor speed to increase > _-G™” Outflow valve to clase faster 4. Cabin compressor speed to decrease th! 284. A/e generator that are driven by a constant speed drive mechanism are used fo regulate the altemetor toa constant Ad a._voltage output be hertz output © ampere output 4, all of the above are correct, 225. What willbe the rasult ifthe instrument static prossure, Didi disconnected inside pressurized cabin during cruising flight a. thealtimeter will read low and the AS! will read low 286. The ASI operates from the application of a. Pitot pressure b. Staticpressure ‘c. Pitot and static pressure , Dynamic and static 287. Which of the following is likely to cause thermal RWY in NF-Cd battery a. High thermal resistance condition b. Excessive current drawn frombattery ¢. Constant current charging of the battery to more than 100% of its capacity d, Whenever charge with-constant voltage beyond its rated capacity 268. The purpose'of trarisformer rectified unit in the electrical system of the o/¢ a, Make akeriate e ‘Current to direct current b. Make, c Runall i ansformer ited othe afc d. Ailofthe above are wrong 289. ‘The purpose of pressurization in the a/c’is used to 2 provide comfort to the passenger of thea/e SC b. fly the a/c at higher altitude * G release the cabin air to outboard d. all of the above are correct 290. Static electricity constitute of fire hazard because 2. Ametal component becomes very hot and ignite inflammable gases and material 1b. Spark occurs due to difference in potential and ignite inflammable gases ‘SAHIL KHURANA SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 onn o Fa a Sb , l t it | Cea | [ i Cc © _9/ctyres become heavily charged and may burst on landing d._ high potential build up 291. What type of oxygan system uses the re-breather bay type mask Diluterdemand Continuous flow Demand flow Allof the above S ao re 292. The purpose of fiag on in HSI 0 ingicate Receiver is not turned to prop frequency ‘sin (a) and signal being received is unreliable ‘As in (b) and to call attention to deviation from desired setting As in (b) and HIS wil automatically correct for deviati aore error, So 293, What is the purpose of the fuel tank vent {2° To maintain atmospheric pressure 204. tf the cil quantity is below the min as seen on the aipstick angi enginé are run a. There will not be any change in oil temp. but the cil pressure will be too low Bil temp will increase and oil pressure fluctuate © Both oil temp and oil pressure fluctuate d. None of the above is correct 295. The function of the fire detection system is a, To discharge the power plant fire extinguishing system at the ori -b* To activate tha warning device in the event of the power plant To identify the location of the fire 4. All of the above in of the fire 296, A hydraulic motor converts fluid pressure to 2. Linear motion Rotary m Angular motion 4d. Vertical motion as 297. What components ‘Of the pressurization system prevent the cabin altitude from becoming igher thait-airplane altitude? 2. Cobin RGD control De Negative pressure relief valve © Super charge over speed valve ‘6. Compression ratio limit switch < 298. Ifthe cabin rate of limb is too great, the control should be adjusted to cause the a. Outflow valve to close slower 1. Cabin compressor speed to increase \utflow valve to close faster d. Cabin compressor speed to decrease 299. The air delivered to the cabin for pressurization is, SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866280 a. Allram air b. Re-circulated air ¢. Mixture of fresh air and re-circulated air d. Coolant air 300. Most common method by which cabin humid a. To inject water into cabin blower - by Tousean atomized watt inthe cabin Touse an atomized water spray in the cat oer se To use a venture humiaitier 4. Spray by ajet pump ‘ 301, Which of the following has the greatest effect on the viscosity of the lubricating oil? >> a. Temperature yy b, Oiliness Pressure . Volatility Sage emperor ssp dn GY ‘a. Entering the oil cooler 303. Oil dilution is resorted vw a. For case of starting piston engine under all conditions b. To reduce viscosity of oil in cold weather, or to Facilitate starting engine in winter ¢. To reduce gumming effect of the engineoilS, 4. To achieve operating temperature quick’, AX. 308, What is the primary purpose of therhydraulic actuator a. Transmit hydraulic fluid b. Transform fluid pressure into'mechanical force c Transform fluid pressurednto static pressure GL ‘Transfer Fd from teattssure sige to the reum sige of he Ryéraut system = ALON 305. The purposegFthehydraulic pressure regulator is a. Dircct the entire pump output to the essor in case of emergency b. Boost shé}fessure in the portions of the system that require higher pressure LAT Raliove pump ts load when no actuating unit are being operating A> 306. Which of the following instrument makes use of both pitot and static correction instruments? A No altimeter eo & Vs pS a. and2 2and3 Lonly Bonly aos 307. Assuming during flight, the impact source of the pitot static system gets blocked now wi ‘SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC—7, DWARKA/NEW DELHI 09871856290 pos ray er Tid \ail Yat ® . a 4 | a9 the following instruments will give an erroneous reading? a. The bank and tum indicator VEU b, Thevsi «The altimeter =< 4. The As! a 308. Thenormal operating errors to he found in any a/c magnetic compass are: — 2. Acceleration, deceleration errors PA b._ Latitude error’s due to eerth’s rate of rotation =a s 309, Rigidity of gyroscope is that property by which Be || rotates evenly me b, Causes secondary precession E \\\ Itmovesat 90 deg to the applied force |S Reece 310. Two batteries are placed in a/c ‘a. Both are connected in series b. Both are connected in parallel! & Oneused for normal operation and one for stand by a 5 y Ltt 4 & Gohms é b. Tohms | \ BLL Ina 24V circuit, if curtentis 4 amps, the resistanc | | a. 1630W b. 1800 {| 313, Force of magnetism will be maxat | 1. NP ay \ b. SP ed €. Centre.of the magnet d. NPand SP pole ’ | \ | sxe. rorpressurtton air used is | pm Chargeaie SON" \{ | 315. Lubricating oil provides, /- a. Lubrication SY bi Flushing * c. Cooling and sealing 4. Allof the above GULtCetuiud Wb 316. A pressure filter is fitted in a hydraulic system? a, Between the reservoir and the pump b. Inthereturn line SAHIL KHURANA * SEC ~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 9871866290 TUL Wl Cheeta pthc cutlet trom the reser PH AO Biarthe pump 317. Ahandheld portable weter fire extinguisher is colour coded? ae b. Green seal és alae en keenest ee not fitted with a gauge? ry a. Stop watch, hand pump and main system pressure gauge. wd p b, Stop watch, hand pump and adapter gauge we © c. Main system pressure gauge, flow meter and hand pump NX? d. Main pump running ~~ = The pump control piston rm b, The acov The pressure regulator valve 4. The accumulator & Per (Gia wnat the purpose ofthe one-way restictorvalve? (DU%-' a. To prevent cavitation in the up tine of te ulidercarriege circurt when the undercarriage is selected down “ os b. Toprevent cavitation in the dotin lind of the undercarriage circuit when the undercarriage is selected down aN © To prevent cavitation in the down line of the undercarriage circuit when the undercarriage is selected up { = ; To prevent cavitatioain the up line of the undercarriage circuit when the undercarriage is, selected up._ : S21 Hows th @Saercarriage normally locked dom on a down selection? a. By.a méthanical lock and locking pins with flags b. By.a'fpechanical loch and hydraulic pressure & By fiydrauliclock with a mechanical locking pin LKB a mechanical lock and overcentrelock Com, TT LC os 322.A hydraulic fuse is fitted in a hydraulic system, to prevent excessive fluid loss in the event of aleak? Sa. Upstreamof the fuse b. Anywhere in the system {De tnthereservoie yi iron aint u SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866250 nnn pp ee eee me tee ee vee J 4. 323, What indications are given that an engine bay fire extinguisher has become verpressurised? a. Ared pin extending at the base of the fire extinguisher OP PPP FP 5 ’ Vt 5 ’ uF i Pi af i Pa a i TAU Ui td g b. Aruptured red dise or diaphragm oe ¢ Awaming light illuminated on the CWP ¢. yellow flap on the cw a. CO? Foam ~ b. BCF- foam z © CO2- dry powder . 4. C02. BF 325, What fual identification markings should be used on a tanker thet contaias AVTUR? 326. How much fuel a 15 litres r 1 required fora ratained sample? a. White letters on a red background with a yellow colour code. gS
100% oxygen on demand? e g a. Emergency > b. 100% oxygen = & Test mask d. Normal 5 SS & 332,In 2 bootstrap bleed air conditioning systom, if the cabin temperatures reducad? ‘The bootstrap compressor rpm will increase Nw 3 b, Pressure at the outlet of the cold air unit will increase . ¢ ¢. Pressure at the cold air unit compressor inlet will increase, a d. The flowrate at the mass flow controller outlet wil increase 5 ‘333. What is shimmy? ‘a. Movement of the wheel abouta vertical datum anh b. Theabilty ofthe wheel tocaster A & Movement of the wheel about its track > i 4d. Scuffing of the tyre Aw c 5 : 334, If an aircraft is deccenira stig happen to the cabin pressure differential? a. twill remain constant, Sy Se b, Iewill increase < ray 335. On touchdown the cabin pressure will be equalised by the operation of the? a. outfioyvaives moving to the fully open position z 2, b. Dumpvalves operated by the squat switches a s£ Outvard pressure rolicf valves 7j AN Inward pressure relief valves = \t aircraft brake pad wear is measured by? \_-<(~ Measuring individual pad thickness b, Measuring across the brake calliper with brakes ‘ON” per with brakes “OFF” ; 4. Measuring the wear indicator pins SAHIL KHURANA SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI (09871865290 i 43 337. Suction gauge isan important part for which instrument? a. Forall Gyro instruments For all Pitot sta Alemator b. : ppe2 Be ones ‘ a. Engine off is Gives volume of suction oy Either a orb i 339. Impact side of pitot static blocked, which instrument will give erroneous reading? a. ASI . b. VSI & Altimeter d. Turn and slip indicator 340. Change of speed and direction of wind effects ‘e a. Speed of sound b. G/s _ , t TAS d. 1as 341. On an aircraft which employs stressed skin construction: a. Theskin of the airplane takes no part of the oad ‘ b. Theskin of the airplane takes all of the'structural load « Theaircraft skins designed to take partof the load d. Theskin is fabric which is stretched.over: ‘a structure, which in tum takes alll of the load ~ se 342. Aircraft wing constructiofwhich employs the principle ofthe skin taking part of the load is. termed: a. Monocoque b. Stressed skit Semi monocoque 4, Warren oxox erider 343. The'€omponent of the aircraft wing which can be considered to be the primary structural \ { CECEETULEE TT UGG UU H _» meter is called: “a. The rib >. | Themain spar Thecontrol surface spar 4. Thelateral datum 344. The control surfaces on a wing are usually attached to: a. Themain spar b. Therear spar TELUGU E GT SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~T, DWARKA, NEW DELHI (09871865290 L Vv Gy 9-ARMED b titude » Ge Main olectrical supply EFA Ly Pe tight intensity I Fos The torque tube The wing trailing edge stiffeners 345. On what type of structure does the skin take none of the structural loa a. Stressed skin b. Monocoque Box or warren girder l, Semimonocoque B46. In normal flight, what is the position of the emergency landing switch? BY a ON b. OFF OPEN 247. In flight, what activates emergency lightning? a. Crew selected ON/OFF switch 348, What is a disadvantage ofan aircraft thermal de-icing system? ‘Leakage’ of hotair may damage other systems b. They can only be selected ‘ON’ in fight They are only effective in ight/ moderate icing conditions , d, They cannot be used during terG often full engine power is required liadsto an aircraft, which of the following icing conditions would give the longest nolo Ctimies? a. Rain ona cold soaked wing b. Snow _preezhg tog NO - 350, Gio ‘of the following portable hand neld fire extinguishers are most suitable for electrical Foam <) db.” Drypowder ee Water gas 352, What type of gas is used to inflate life saving jackets? ‘coz b. Compressed air SAHILKHURANA, SEC 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 ™ y 49 c. Nitrogen d. Helium 352, Prior to fuelling an aircraft, which of the following precautions must be carried out? a. The fuelling hose must be bonded to the aireraft immediately after fuel tank caps are removed Z b. The fuelling hose must be earthed to the nose undercarriage before tank caps are removed d. The fuelling hose must be earthed to ground at all times 353, When fuelling an aircraft, what action may be taken to reduce the build up of static electricity? {2, & To keep the fueling hose as shortas possible | Fg b. To reduce the flow rate of the fuel & To increase the flow rate of the fuel ‘ 4. Touse along fuelling hose AN 354, Convert 20 deg to Fahrenheit and 20 deg F to celcius a. 68degF and-6.7degC b. 67 deg Cand 68 deg F & 68degF and 68 degC * TLETIWUUG UU CULO 355, Ifthe pilot observes high oil temperaturesthén the action taken by the pilot 3. Open the cow flaps Fully enrich the mixture and reduce throttle © Increase the 2/¢ speed d. Any of the above ww 356, Why a/cclrcutts are prefatied in an 2/c’s electrical system 3. Are less complex b. The total weight is less & Stepping up/down is easy 4. Allabove «S.° p 357. Aviation oils are classified in numerical values. The nos indicated 3. Date/month of manufacturing j 2 LDA its viscosity TEULEELE | “e Wts volatility 70> Its flash point a ’ 358. Logbooks preserved for? a. Engine and prop- for 1 yr b. a/clog book~ untied co R cancelled by DGCA & for2 yrs after accident for a/c d. all above 359, Secondary air inlet doors are utilised: ‘SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 TOLLE | 46 a. Whenan aircraft isin the cruise b. When theaircraftis near its maximum IAS. c_When the rpm of the engine is low while stationary. ‘When the rpm of the engine is high when statfonary. 360. INGTE oll vemp is measured 2. Inthe engine b. After FCOC cooler c. After pump ‘The stators in the turbine section of a gas turbine engine QD Increase the velocity of the gas flow Decrease the velocity of the gas flow ¢._ Increase the pressure of the gas 4. Are located behind the rotor 362. Other name of stator in turbine engine? a. Turbine vane b. Turbine guide ©. nozle diaphragm 9 All of above 363. When starting a turbine engine, a hung start: a. Exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified fimits\¢ _A®° Foils to reach idle RPM RPM exceeds specified operating speed 364. The purpose oF an APU in an aircrafts to a. Provide electricity at all evels b._Provide electricity & pneuimatiy pressure du electricity & pneumatic pressure on the ground tei pena pressure in emergency 365. Jet engine power is measured by Berries b Bare ye a muerte meter. — 6. To much fuel in the combustion chamber of jet engine. What indications will comes up during tie alerting IT will cause rich mixture & back smoke will come up from exhaust. i Both 1&2 are correct, 367, ,Design of gas turbine engine depends on: ‘Compressor. ‘Combustion chamber. SAHIL KHURANA, SEC~7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871865290 ‘4% LN, ae J ) LETTETETE TELUGU TT A AM | Bp ) | a “| 5 , a a ys , ila baba 7 © Turbine, a. N.G.Vs. 368. By pass ratio Is Secondary air to primary air. b, Primary air to secondary air. Cold to hotair. d. Either 1to 3. 369. What governs the RPM in turbo prop engine ‘ jovernor. ’b. Fly weight. > . Fly weight force and speeder spring force. d. Allcorrect. 370, The fan rotational speed of a dual axial flow comproscor forward fan engine is the same as the Le Low pressure compressor Ls x), NL . b, Forward turbine wheel bs 371, Wat turbine engine section provides for proer mixing of the fuel and the air? 20 Combustion chamber oe b, Combustion section \ © Turbine section 372. Which of the statement is true? a._At the lower engine speed thrust increases rapidly with increase in RPM _D-At the higher engine speed thrust increases rapidly with small increase in RPM 373. In a gas turbine combustion occurs at.a constant a. Volume A Pressure c. Velocity 374, Some high volume turbo prop and turbo jet engines are equipped with 2 spool or split _sompressor when these engines are operated at high altitude, the 1.2" Low pressure rotor will increase in speed as the compressor lead decrease in the lower density air b. Throttle rust be retarted to prevent over speeding of the two compressor rotor sue to the lower density air 375. Whatis the highest gas pressure ina turbo jet engine? ©. At the outset of the turbine section b. SAtthe entrance of the turbine section é <{2-“tn the entrance of the burner section 4. In the outlet of the burner section 376. Turbine near the rear of a jet engine 2. Increase air velocity for propulsion b. Circulateair to cool the engine Jf Drive the compressor section SAHIL KHURANA, ‘SEC~ 7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290 377, When starting a turbo jet engine \ aA hot start is indicated if the exhaust gas temperature exceeds the specified limit An excessively lean mixture is likely to cause a hot start 378. In.a dual avial flow compressor twin spool compressor system, the first stage turbine drives the \ a. NLand N2 compressor a Jb? N2 compressor c. NL compressor 379. When starting a turbine engine a hung start is indicated ifthe engine 1 Fails to reach idle RPM 'b. RPM exceeds specified operating speed c._ Exhaust gas temperature exceeds specified limit 380. What are the 2 functional elements in 2 centrifugal compressor ‘2. Turbine and compressor cr b. Compressor and manifold ¢ © Impeller and diffuser KS aq 381. Turbine engine compressor which contains vanes n both sidéSof the impeller is ‘ingle entry centrifugal compressor 4 a” Double entry centrifugal compressor sw b. Double entry axial flow compressor > 582. Whats the iat engine inctrumentindeatiSWaa sucessful start of turbine engine? ‘a. Adecreaseintheexhaust gastemp. = ,? b. Arise in the engino fuel flow eo: LS” Reseinine enginegastem. 9) 383, The basic gas turbine Is dividedito two main sections- the cold section and the hot section a. The cold section includes te engine inlet, compressor and turbine section 4 b/ The hot section includedhe combustion chamber, turbine and jet pipe 384, How doesa dual axiaflow compressor improve the efficiency of a turbo jet engine a. More turbinewheels can be used Wor | & pee sable AT higher compressor ratio can be obtained c The velocity ‘of the air entering the combustion chamber increased aa 385, Afvexhaust cone placed aft of the turbine in a jet will cause the pressure to +aAincredse and the velocity to decrease 7o.. Increase and veloci © a. The tongue and groove design be FiRtree design eee TA eEieeen Pove “Tne 387. The turbo prop power plant propeller SAMIL KHURANA ‘SEC—7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866250 ' y TEVEEGLEEELLUUGLUUGUULUE EL 7 rb if 5 , VEVtbe et ) as a. Isgovernad at the same speed as the governor b, Control the speed of the engine in the beta range AF Accounts for 75 to 85 percent of the total thrust 388, An advantage of the axial flow comprassor is a. Lowstarting power requirement b, Low weight High peak efficiency 389. Which type of thrust reverses used on turbine engine powered aircraft ns a. Convergent and divergent 2 b. Mechanical blockage and aerodynamic blockage Cascade vane and blocker door Ty ELOY SP: 2 390. Which of the following engine variable is the most critical during turbine engine operation a. Compressor inlet temp. b. Compressor RPM \ 2 Turbine inlet temp. 391. The higher heat to metal contact in a jetengine is the a. Burner cone b, Exhaust cone \ Turbine inlet guide vanes “ ~ 392. Dirty compressor blades in a turbine engine could result in 2. LowRPM > b. LoweGT ais igheGr | ZO . High RPM. 5 393. What is the proper starting sequence of a turbo jet engine a. Ignition, starter, fuel Ane ¢ b._fuel, starter, 2 Starter, igni 394. What happens to the velocity as subsoni a Increases. AP becreases irflow through a convergent nozzle 395. what happens to the velocity as subsonic airflow through a divergent nozzle a. Increises fb, Decreases 396, What is the primary factor that controls the pressure ratio of an axial flow. ‘compressor? LAO Number of stagesin compressor ! Rotor diameter Compressor inlet temperature 4. Compressor inlet pressure 397. If a turbine engine is unable to reach take off EPR below its EGT limit is reached. This is an SAHIL KHURANA ‘SEC-7, DWARKA, NEW DELHI 09871866290,

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