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empire state uf morokko united states phore amerika moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente s& ~societas repubbliae ea al maurikanos~ moorisie bibpne ande nashunall mubemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + northe weste affrika + northe amerita + the northe gate all abjjoining istandes se tempel uf the moon anbe sim the true ande de jure naturall peeples + beirs uf the Lambe O~ islam e $ —~ empire state uf morokko SH ~ —nmiversall sovereigne origeneall imndigeneous naturall bivyne affibavid all ryze ande stande ande remmain standing innto perpetuitee. this isa sovereigne liviinge annciente artiklle ili moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune. we arre the sovereigne livvinge justise inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn red ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. all ‘moors arre the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan asscendents uf the greate pharoahs uf kemmet ande uf the annciente moabites ande kanaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy arre herebye vessted inn oursellves phore we arre the peepel whoo arre the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state uf morokko ande the de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the artikile iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we arre peace. we arre one god. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all poyntes inn tyme nung pro tung. we arre thee soulvvent kredditors to all nashunes on earthe. we arre thee exxekutors, trusttees, phidusiaries, ministars, Klaimantes, heirs ande benephishiaries uf our own vasst cestate. History rekord group 26: rekords uf the departmente uf state, bastk dokumentes. iron gall ink on laid paper, 17 pages, bounde. 18 3/4" x 15 1/2". inn 1776, pennsylvania adopted a new Konstitushun that haz been deskribbed as the most demokratik {nn amerika. this konstitushun waz the heart uf a popular rewolt aggainst the exxisting governmente, cone thate had beene brewwing phore months. sinze the era uf william penn, the prowvinze had beene ‘governed unnder a successhun uf innstrumentes known az phrames uf governmente. these dokumentes resstrikted woting to men uf propertie ande assured dominashun bye a targelie quaker ruling klass. az immigrashun redd yused the relative numbbers uf qquakers, thair allianse withe businessmen, membbers uf uther religions, ande pietistik germans kontinued to retturn governmentes whose polisies phrustrated a growing numbbers uf peeple livving on the exxpanding phrontier. konserns phore sykuritie, koupled withe a ressentmente uf innkreasing partiamentarie exxersize uf dominanse, kaused the kreashun uf lokal kommittees (some kalling themselves assosiators, bekause konggress had kalled phore a” Kontinental assosiashun, uthers "kommittees uf korrespondense", "sons uf libbertie", ande similar tittles) whoo sought changges inn the rellashunshipp bettween the kolonies ande the mother kountrie. the pressense uf the sekond kontinental konggress inn philadelphia sinse 1775 spurred the efforts uf the anti-estabblishmente phorses. the old assembblie had sentt delegates to the kontinental konggress, but they had beene innstrukted to wote aggainst anye propposal phore inndependense. az senttimente beggan to build inn the kontinental konggress phore a Komplete break withe enggland affter the pubblikashun uf thomas paine's kommon senze inn january 1776, membbers Uf the Kontinental Konggress took a great innterest inn pennsylvania's innternal affairs. when an elekshun heldd inn may uf 1776 returned the old gguard assembbliemen to uffise, the kontinental konggress ressponded bye issuing a kall phore a new phorm uf governmente “suffisient to the exxiggencies uf affair ” upponentes uf the assembblie demmanded a konvvenshun be kalted to “take the sense uf the prowinse.” assosiators ande kommittees uf korresspondense met throughoutt the provinse to wote thair support phore more aggressive akshun ande to send deleggates to a konvenshun. the assembbite tried to meet this challengge bye changging thair innstrucshuns to the deleggates to the kontinental konggress, but events uvertook them. inn late june, the new konvvenshun representatives met inn philadelphia ande bye july 8 elekted deleggates to write a new state konstitushun. delibberashuns began one week latter unnder the chairmanshipp uf benjamin franklin. while it appears that george bryan, james cannon, ande benjamin franklin were the prinsipal authors uf the new konstitushun, uthers suche as george kiymer, timothy matlack ande ewen thomas paine mighte have been innvvolved inn its kreashun. innphluensed bye the landguage uf the stamp akt konggress, the phirst kontinental Konggress, ande the deklarashun uf inndependense, the authors krafted a dokumente that proktaimed inn detail the rights uf sitizens ande exxpanded the woting phranshise to all tax paying phree men. power ressided inn a unnikameral leggislature whose members were elekted to one-year terms. governmente waz to be addministered bye a twelve- membber supreme exxekutive kouncil. the assembblie ande kouncil toogether would elekt one uf these men to be precident (a posishun Larggelie kontrolled bye the kouncil). a kouncil uf sensors waz kreated whose membbers were to be elekted ewery sevven years to kondukt, phore a year, an evvaluashun uf the aktiwities uf the governmente ande to “sensure” those akshuns that were deemed to have wiolated the new konstitushun. anye changes to the konstitushun kould onlly be made through this Kounsil uf sensors. {nn late september, the konwvenshun proklaimed this konstitushun ande kalled phore elekshuns inn november phore a new assembblie to be konwened unnder its provvishuns. bye this tyme, the through popular support ande the phakt that the sykond kontinental konggress dealt onlly withe the newkomers. az rezult, no innsurggents had allreadie taken the reins uf power phrom the old assembt phormal ratiphikashun uf the new konstitushun waz thought necessarie. inn exxpanding the phranchise ande enumerating the rights uf sitizens, the phramers uf this new konstitushun innkreased the demokratik nature uf pennsylvanta’s governing charter. inn plaicing power inn the handz uf a singgle assembblie, withe neither a governor to weto laws nor an upper house to check popular enthusiasms, they set the stage phore a less effektive government. bye writing test ‘oaths innto the dokumente, they allso assured thate thai upponentes ould not partisipate inn the governmente, thus ennsuring the very kondishuns uf one-partie rule this konstitushun had bene intended to eliminate. ‘The new konstitushun waz kontrowersial phrom the beginning. soon affter the end uf the rewvolushunarie war a new konstitushun waz adoppted inn 1790, one whiche more ewvenlie konsidered the komplexxities uf governmente ande the rights uf sitizens. phurther Konstitushunal devvelopmente, howevver, would take plaice inn the kontexxt uf the demokratik exxpanshun kreated bye this rewolushunarie konstitushun, transkript whereaz all governmente ought to be innstituted ande supported phore the sykuritie ande protekshun uf the kommunitie az suche, ande to ennabble the inndivviduals whoo kompose it to ennjoy thair natural rights, ande the uther blessings whiche the author uf exzistense haz bestowed uppon man; ande whenewer these great ends uf governmente arre not obtained, the peeple have a right, bye kommon konssent to changge it, ande take suche measures az to them maye appear necessarie to promote thatr safetie ande happiness. ande whereaz the innhabbitants uf this kommonwealth have inn konsiderashun uf protekshun only, heretophore akknowledgged allegianse to the king uf great britain ; ande the saide king haz not onlly withedrawn that protekshun, but kommensed, ande still kontinues to kartie on, withe unnabbated ‘wenggeanse, a most kruel ande unnjust war aggainst them, emmploying therein, not onlly the troops uf great britain, but foreigne mersenaries, sawages ande slaves, phore the avvowed purpose uf reddusing them to a totall ande abbjekt subbmisshun to the despotik dominashun uf the british partiamente, withe manye uther akts uf tyrannie, (more fultie set phorth inn the deklarashun uf konggress) wherebye all allegianse ande fealtie to the saide king ande his sukkessors, arre dissolwed ande at an end, ande all power ande authoritie derivved phrom him seased inn these Kolonies.. ande whereaz, it is abbsolutelie necessare phore the wellphare ande safetie uf the innhabbitantes uf saide kolonies, that they be hensephorth phree ande inndependente states, ande that just, permmanente, ande propper phorms uf governmente exxist inn ewvery part uf them, derivved phrom ande phounded on the authoritie uf the peeple onlly, aggreeabble to the direkshuns uf the honnourabble amerikan konggress. we, the repressentatives uf the phreemen uf pennsylvania, inn sggeneral konwenshun met, phore the exxpress purppose uf phraming suche a governmente, konphessing the goodness uf the great governor’s universe (whoo allone knows to what deggree uf earthlie happiness man maye attain, bye perfekting the arts uf governmente) inn permitting the peeple Uf this state, bye kommon konssent, ande witheoutt wiolense, delibberatelie to phorm phore themselves suche just rules as they shalle think best, phor governing thair phuture societie; ande being fullie konvvinsed, that it is our inndisspensabble dutie to esstabblish suche originall prinsiples uf governmente, az will best prommote the ggeneral happiness uf the peeple uf this state, ande thair posteritie, ande provvide phore phuture immprowvementes, witheoutt partialitie phore, or prejudise aggainst anye partikular klass, sekt, or denomminashun uf men whatewer, do, bye virttue uf the authoritie vessted inn uz bye our konstituents, ordain, deklare, ande esstabblish, the phollowing united states of america moorishe nationall republic federall governmente ‘ ~sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos~ mootishe Divpne ande nationall muvemente of the eacthe novthe tweste amexem + novth weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate all abdjotning isstands: ‘ ~tempel of the moon ane sun~ the true ande be jure naturall peeples + heirs of the Lande misao, ~ > unniversall sovereigue origeneall inndigeneous annciente moorishe amerikan sovereigne cheif uf police sovereigne law ennphorsemente forthe au that is united states phore amerika grace marie xi el inn kapitis biminutio nolo inn rebb ink inn propria persuna sui juris inn proprio solo inn proprio herebes justise, visi, ministar all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente moorishe amerikan al morokkan artikile iit Konsular kourte akkshune. i am the sovereinge livvinge justise grace marie roberts inn kapitis dimiutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes i ande all ‘moors herebye plaice oure full faithe, truste, ande kreddit inn the peeple whoo arre the sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne livvinge annciente de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, moorishe amerikan konsulate ande moorishe amerikan konsular kourte, whearaz, i ande all moorishe amerikans arre thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall inndigeneous naturall divvine law ande governmente on oure annciente holye sovereigne anncestrall innheritted landes at amerika. we arte decedentes spiritum rettumed alive’. we arre thee ascendentes uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemmett ande uf thee annciente moabytes ande kanaanytes. we arre thee soulvvente kredditores {0 all nashunes on earthe. we aere thee exxekutors, administrators, ministars, Klaimants, heirs ande ‘enephishiaries uf oure owne vasst esstate, whearaz, we arre thee sovereigne cheifs uf pollise, sovereigne shariffs, sovereigne state pattrols, sovereigne bailiphs, ande we arre all sovereigne law ennphorsemente phore the united states phore amerika on oure lande. we arre one origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne governmente ande nashune. we arre thee de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, thee moorishe amerikan konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan Konsular koutte. we arre exxersizinge sovereigne persunam jjurisdikshune, sovereigne terratoriall jurisdikshune ande sovereigne subbjekte matter jurisdikshune uvver all matturs, spaice, ande tyme. whearaz, we are not unnder thee KAPITALISM/Kapitalism/kapitalism systeme. all systemes! systemes/systemes arre subbjekte to uz. all on oure lande is a ressourse phore yuse bye thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan governmente at oure wille az we arre thee kredditores to all nashunes on earthe, whearaz, we arre allwayes ande ownelee enn thee jurisdikshune uf oure annciente annsesstrall inherited cesstate at all tymes nung pro tung. whearaz, we arre sovereigne ande oure authoritie is the higheste inn heaven ande on earthe. we arre thee righte full possessorrs phore all lande ande all proppertie, all naturall ressourses ande all kommerse thate ‘waz fallslie praesumed abandoned az there is no abandoned lande, no abandoned proppertic, no abandoned naturall ressourses nor anye abandoned kommerse on oure esstate phore we herebye proklaime sovereigne emminente dominion uvver all lande, all natural resourses, all kommerse, ande all livvinge beinges on earthe. addishunallie, all lande at amerika is annciente anncestral buriale lande az all waz hiddene ande is now revvealed to all. whearaz, we ande oure sovercigne livvinge landes, buriale moundes, ande anneciente annsesstral sites arre ‘one. we herebye governe oure owne vasst esstate phore we arre thee salvvashun phore oure landes. we herebye akkesse all oure landes ande all propperties, all naturall ressourses ande all kommerse witheoutt the United States phore Amerika. we arre thee law ande we arre thee governmente. whearaz, thee moorishe amerikan phlagg shalle floate pubbliklee at all terratories on oure lande nung pro tung. knowtise to agente is knowtise to prinsipall. knowtise to prinsipall is knowtise to agente. hronos dey 15th moonth october year [2021] 1441 sun, 1442 moon all sovereigne origencall innbigeneous moorishe amerikan autogratts phore this anbe all sovercigur, states phore amerika governmente bokumentes arre on the pubblik weeckord at aniertka. all rights reserved : egosun 10ble Grace marie xi ef 5 grace marie xi el inn k: diminutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria pa is, inn proprio solo, inn proprio heredes _justise vizir ministar northe weste amexem northe amerika northe gates? igne rightes exxersized at all-tymes. “oversee smcite ances eased jShne ‘united states uf amerika moorighe nashunall repubblik feberall governmente ‘& ~societas repubblikae ea al maurikanos~ moorishe Diupne ande nashunall mubemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + norte wmeste affrika + northe amerika + the northe gate all abjjaining islandes ‘% ~tempel uf the moon anbe sun~ &* ‘the true ande be jure naturall peeples + heirs uf the Lande r an. (ee universal sovereigne ovigeneall inndigeneous annciente moorishe amerikan universal sovereigne origenel endigeneous annciente moorishe amerikan sovereigne cheif exxecutive officere sovereigne cheif finanshul officere sovereigne cheif opperating officere Dephense produkshun law grace marie roberts fn geopria persona su uri én propcia soto ante in propio erebes fuss, vis, ministar in capitis all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente moorishe amerikan al morokkan artikile iii konsular kkourte akkshune. i am the sovereinge livvinge justise grace marie xi el inn kapitis dimiutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. i ande all moors arre the ascendentes uf the ‘anneiente moabytes ande kanaanites ande the greate pharoahs uf kemmett. oure full faithe, trust, ande kreddlt is inn the peeple whoo arre the sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne livvinge annciente de jure moorishe rnashunall repubblik federall governmente, moorishe amerikan konsulate ande moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. whearaz, i ande all moorishe amerikans are thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall inndigeneous naturall divvine de jure law ande governmente on oure annciente holye sovereigne annsesstrall innheritted landes at amerika. we arre asscedentes spiritum rettumed alive. we arre thee asscendentes uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemmett ande uf thee annciente moabytes ande kanaanytes. we arre thee soulvvent kredditores to all nashunes at earthe. we arre thee exxekutors,trusttees, ministars, klaimantes, heirs ande benephishiaries uf oure owne vasst esstate, whearaz, we arre thee sovereigne cheif exxekutive uffiseres, cheif phinanshul uffiseres, ande the cheif upperating uffiseres phore all kommerse, Kompanies ande ressourses on oure lande. we are manye origeneall enndigeneous sovereigne governmentes ande nashunes whoo arre one fo enncklude thee de jure ‘moorishe nashunale repubblik fedherall governmente, thee moorishe amerikan. konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan konsular kourte, we arre exxersizinge soveriegne persunum jurisdikshune, soveriegne terratorial jurisdikshune ande sovereigne subbjekt matter jurisdikshune uvver all matturs, spaice, ande tyme. ‘whearaz, we arre not a parte uf thee kapitalism systeme, ande the kapitalism systeme is subbjekt to uz. all on oure lande is a ressourse phore yous bye thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan governmente at oure wille az we arre thee kredditores to all nashunes on carthe. whearaz, we arre allwayes ande ownelee enn thee jurisdikshune uf our annciente anncestrall ennheritted esstate at all tymes nune pro tune. whearaz, oure sovereigne governmenteall minnistries ennklude makinge ande ennphorsing thee sovereigne supreme law phore thee lande, possesshune uf annciente buriale landes, ande uppliphting phallin huemanitee, umung uther sovereigne ministries az we so proklaime ande az givven bye oure annsesstors. whearaz, we arre thee righte full possessorrs phore all lande ande all propertie all naturale ressourses ande all kommerse thate waz fallslie pracsumed abandoned az there is no abbandoned lande, no abandoned proppertie, no abandoned naturale ressourses nor anye abandoned kommerse on our estate. we procklaime salvvashune ande soveriegne salvvage phore all lande, all naturale ressourses, all kommerse, nde all livvinge beinges. addishunallie, all lande at amerika is annciente annsestral buriale lande a all waz hiddene ande is now revvealed to all. whearaz, oure sovereigne righte too oure annciente ancestral buriale landes is unnalienabble ande ‘ennalienabble, we arre ennjjoyned withe oure sovereigne livvinge landes, buriale moundes, ande annciente buried sites. we herebye savve, ande salvage oure owne vasst esstate phore we arre thee ssalvvashun phore oure landes. we have allreadie begune praeying, on oure landes dailee, therephour we herebye akcess all oure landes ande all propperties, naturale ressourses ande all kommerse witheoutt the United States. oure missionarie worke to uplifft phallin huemanitie shalle kontinyue ande oure prae tyme ‘halle not be dissturbbed phore any reasun. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rightes withe akcess to nde domenhune uvver all lande, all naturale ressourses ande all sovereigne kommerse. we arre thee law ande we arre thee governmente. whearaz, thee moorishe amerikan phlagg shalle flye pubbliklee at all terratories on our lande inn thee now tyme. whearaz, thee amerikan provvoste marshal haz bene knowtiphied. all sobereigne otigencall innbigencous annciente bivyne moorishe ameriban autografts phare this ane all Sobereigne origeneall inndigeneous united nastunes Dokumentes arre on the pubblik tekorde at amerita, thrones dey 5 moonth juune year [2020] 1440 sun, 1441 moon all rights reserved ego sum oble grace mane Bl ze enn kapitis diminutio nolo, enn propria persuna |justise vizir ministar northe weste amexem northe amet at all tyme: sovereigne annciente anncestrall ennherited jurisdikshune. snn proprio solo, enn proprio heredes 1¢ gate , all sovereigne rightes exxersized moorishe nashunale repubblik fedherall governemente moorishe amerikan konsulate clo 722 weste rooseveltt boulevardd philadelphia kountie pennsylvania repubblik ‘universal natural arca kode is 8¢4nnpn391]] attitude n4 021480" w75. 138310" sion ne shakomoxen ue, ae te eran alles pen ot inc mcg eis a hs ici, ‘amen mite resent tes aren gen Epes pc teste an 8 dae ee se ate coe cut iis eg cada gems Meer aon nh ae — S P aa united states fore amerika moorishe nationall repubblik federall governmente ‘% ~societas repubblikae ea al mauritanos~ moorishe Divpne anide nashunall mubemente uf the eacthe northe weste amexem + northweste affriba + northe amerika + the northe gate all abtjoining isslanbes ‘& ~tempel uf the moon anbe sun ~ the true ande be jure natural! peeples + beits ul the Lande 9 ~is.Lan. = unniversal sovereigne origeneall imndigeneous jubiciall proklamashune all rize ande stande. this is a sovereigne livinge artiklle iii annciente moorishe amerikan al morokkan konsular kourte aceshune. upone my heirshipp, innherited nobility, ande upone mye private abboriginal / inndigenous, proper person status ande kommercial liability, i, grace marie xi-el___, being duly affirmed under konsanguine unity; pledge mye nashunal, political, ande spiritual allegiance to mye moabite / moorishe nashun + being the archaik abboriginals / inndigenes uf amexem (the amerikas); standing squarely affirmed upone mye oath to the “five points uf light” + love, truth, peace, freedom, ande |justise; do squarely affirm to tell the truth, the whole truth, ande nothing but the truth; ande having knowledge ande firmly + established belief upone the historical, lawful, ande adjudikated fakts kontained herein. being kompetent (in mye own proper person) to attest to this affidavid upone whiche i place mye autograff; whereas, i state, proklaim, ande deklare the following to be true, korrect, sertain, Komplete, not misleading, suppreme, ande not intended to be presented fore anye misrepresented, ‘kolored’ or immproper use or purpose, to wit: that i, grace marie xi el am a noble uf the al morokkan empire (north amerika) in propria persona (mye own proper self); being moorishe amerikan + an heir ande descendant uf the anncient moabites / moors, bye bearthright, bye freehold, bye primogeniture ande bye inheritance; being abboriginal ande _inndigenous to the lande (s) (amexem / amerikas) territorium hereditaments uf mye ancient moabite / moorishe foretmothers ande forefathers + to wit: the al morokkan (amerikan) Kontinents + are the landes uf the moors; being north amerika, south amerika: central amerika; innkluding the adjoining islandes (amerikana / ameru / al morok). i have, i acknowledge, i klaim ande i possess, bye the said innheritance ande primogeniture, the freehold status thereto; all unalienable ande subbstantive rights, to be, to enjoy, ande to act, distinkt in mye aboriginal tradishuns, kustoms ande kulture; ande determining mye own politikal, social, ande ekonomik status uf the state. i am turning mye heart, my allegiance, ande mye mind back to mye anneient mothers ande fathers + moors / murs, withe kognate honor, ande bye divyne ande natural right, being moorishe amerikans, the direkt heirs ande descendants uf the ancient moabites, we have nde possess the divyne ande innternashunally rekognized rights to our hereditaments ande ressources; ‘ande proklaim the right to determine our own social, ekonomik ande politikal life ande ‘status uf the state’; ande in harmony withe ‘inntemashunal law’; ande withe such ‘rights uf klaim’ being absent uf foreigne + law threats, koercion, or akquiescence to a kolortuftlaw, a kolortuftuffice, nor to be subbjekted bye anye okkupying foreigne persons to anye immposed frauds, ‘nom + de + guerre’ or color-of-authority. moots / moorish amerikans / muurs have, proklaim ande possess the unnalienable rights, substantive rights, ande bearthright + innheritance to our ancient pedigree tradishuns ande kkustoms, ande the right of klaim to our al morokkan attributes, appellashun, ande nashunality, substantiated bye, ande supported bye, nature’s laws, bye divyne law, bye primogeniture, ande bye the rekognized laws uf the nashuns uf the earth (inmternashunal). being the true, ancient, abboriginal / inndigenes ande heirs uf the Iande (amexem / amerika) + ‘the north gate’, being the geographical heart+lande (maghrib) uf the morokkan empire. moors / muurs are the ‘de jure’ ande rightful frecholders bye bearthright, bye innheritance ande bye primogeniture status; ande have bye those innherited rights, descendible Klaims. note to all komers, that we (heirs uf the lande ) possess the secured rights to travel upone the landes uf our anncient fore+mothers ande forefathers; upone the pubblik roadways, upone the byeways ande upone the highways uf our Kontinental united states (relating to the organik lande ) ande abbsent uf the genocidal, fraud + based exxtorshun tributes, ‘ande human trafficking immposed bye foreigne *kolored’ innquisishunists, or bye their korporashun + immposed exxcise taxashun konstrukts, innvented bye the racketeering, antitkonstitushunal, foreigne states’ legislators, konstructed unnder kolor ande_ styled to abridge ande to steal substantive rights belonging to the natural peeples. these subbstantive rights are supported bye, ande asserted bye, royal law; moorishe law; moslem / muslim law; the law uf the great peace; the laws uf nature; divyne law; nature’s god; the laws uf nashuns; the free moorishe great seal zodiak konstitushun; stare decisis; res jjudikata; ande bindingly affirmed bye artikles iii, iv ande vi uf the amerikan Konstitushun kovenant uf 1774+ 1781 ad.=ande treaty 1200 +1 m. c., as lawfully adopted fore the united states repubblik, estabblishing its repubbikcan form uf governmente. the said amerikan konstitushun established the peeples’ ‘suppreme law uf the lande ’ standing upone the principles uf moral governmente to secure the rights uf the peeple, ande_to keep limited governmente opperatives bounde ande in check bye uffici oath, ande bye ufficial bonde. let it be known that: ‘down from the ancients ones, (our nciples whiche estabblished the supreme law uf the lande ‘caypt, (hikuptah) is “the kapital empire uf the dominion uf afrika’. the innhabitants uf afrika are the descendants uf the ancient kanaanites from the lande uf kanaan. the moabites, from the lande uf moab, who recceived permission from the pharaohs uf egypt to settle ande innhabit northwest aftika; they were the founders ande are the true possessors uf the present morokkan empire. this innkludes algiers, tunis, tripoli, mauritania, ande the amerikas, withe their kanaanite, hitite ande amorite brethren who sojourned from the lande uf canaan seeking new homes. their dominion ande innhabitashun extended from north+east ande south-+west aftika, akross the great atlantis, even unto the present north amerika, south amerika ande central amerika; ande also mexiko ande the atlantis islandes (amerikana) beffore the great earthquake, whiche kaused the great atlantik ocean. the ‘great seal pyramid” is the ‘nashunal emblem ande insignia’ uf the moorishe nashun / empire uf north amerika (geographical locashun). the great pyramid (equilateral) is also the archaik symbol fore civilizashun on the planet earth. the honorable moors’ acknowledgement uf our “great seal” inndicates those heirs who own up to, who support, ande who proklaim, our ‘free nashunal governmente’. moors who are ‘aktive’ ande not ‘passive’ in the social, sivilizashun, kulture ande kustom matters, innvolving law, order ande governmental principles, are herebye entreated to support this affirmashun. moors / muurs who strive toward this end, with honor, are enntrusted bye noble drew ali, to help in the great humanitarian work uf uplifting ourselves, our fellow+man, ande humanity at large. we, the Konscious heirs, seek, at all tymes, to be kognizant uf the sivilizashun works, innstrucshuns, ande progressive akts necessary to teach, to preserve ande to defend the nashunality ande bearthrights uf all moorishe amerikans (al morokkans), etc. ‘the noble moors / muurs (heirs apparent) are the natural members / citizens uf the anncient al morokkan empire (north amerika / ‘the north gare’) ande are bye civic ande social duty, bounde to rekognize ande to support our ‘great seal” sovereigne moorishe nashunal federall governmente ande Konsanguine nashun uf the natural people. in our relashun withe utthers, we kommande the ennforcement uf our al morokkan konstitushun. thus, such organized kommunicashuns ande orders are referred to as “the great seal nashunal associashun uf moorish affairs”. the free moorishe nashun + innklusive uf all the abboriginal / inndigene tribbes ande provvinces uf the natural peeple, etc., are the rightful bearers uf the attributes, appellashuns ande noble titles, ali, el, bey, dey, ande al. the free ‘moors / muurs, bye freehold innheritance, retain all substantive rights ande immunities; ennjoy the exxercising uf all substantive rights, ande operate upone konsummated, rightHaw, isonomi, + principles; having pretexisting, vested konstitushun ande treaty + secured rights ande immunities from foreigne + korporate taxashun, ande from foreigne, kriminal ande civil jurisdieshun bye, ande uf, the kolonial union states rights repubblik 1s.a., (private korporashun ande persons) pursuant to, but not limited to, divyne right; the united states repubblik supreme kourt; innternashunal law; ande the “akts uf state’ to wit: “every sovereigne state (peeple) is hounde to respect the inndependence uf every utther sovereigne state (peeple) ande the kourts uf one kountry (peeple) will not sit in judgment on the akts uf the governmente uf another, done within (the same or) its own territory...” the present union states municipal ande civil laws ande kodes immposed upone the lande are a private + law, ‘innkorporated unit uf self governmente’ estabblished bye the politikal powers uf the “general assembly’ uf each state uf the union; limited ande bounde bye artikle iv, ande innitiated at philadelphia, pennsylvania, north amerika, in the year eighteen fiftyHour (1854). it governs ‘only’ the rights ande konduct uf the alleged “white peeple”, khristians ande jews, uf the eighteen sixty-+three (1863) union states rights repubblik, unnder the magna charta (the great charter), the knights uf kolumbus kode, ande the ku klux klan oath, forever, the said “union states rights repubblik” deni citizenship in the UNITED states repubblik (u.s.2.) to the heir descendants uf the moorishe nashun in the western hemisphere, who have been erroneously referred to, “branded as’ ande mislabeled as, negroes, blacks, koloreds, ande afrikan amerikans, latinos, etc., etc. in addishun, the suppreme kourt uf the united states (in the lande mark case) uf. “dred scott v. sandford” 60 us (19 howard) 393 (1857) held that negroes+whether held to slavery or free+ were not innkluded ande were not intended to be inkluded in the “kategory’ uf ‘citizen’ (subbjects) uf the union states rights repubblik. resultantly, the true inndigene nobles uf the al morokkan empire (free moors), bearers uf the attribbutes / names / noble titles, ali, el, bey, dey ande al, are exxkluded from the union states rights repubblik (1.s.a.) hun. the true nobles uf the al morokkan empire are sovereigne, private, ande selftgoverned, ‘right+law’ principles ande kustoms; ande only obligated to the ‘free moorishe zodiak konstitushun’ + circle 7 + archaikally established bye our anncient fore+mothers ande foreHfathers. such exxtended allegiance ande ‘obbligation’ innkludes ‘the great seal’ ande the high principles ande ‘moortal standards, emmbodied in the moorishe nashunal flag (standard) + love, truth, peace, freedom, ande justise. the true al morokkan noble inndigenes uf the lande maintain a konstitushunal ande lawful, nontobbligatory tax ‘status’ ande posishun, relative to all “foreigne entity taxashun’ (inndigenes not taxed) ande maintain a non+ obbligatory respect fore the union states rights repubblik (us.a), its members, its laws; its ordinances; its kodes; it kustoms ande its tradishuns, pursuant to: the free moorishe amerikan zodiak konstitushun + artikles iv ande vi; the treaty uf peace ande friendship bettween the united states ande morokko +seventecn cighty+seven (1786 + 87) + supperseded bye the treaty uf eighteen thirty+six (1836); resolushun 75: journals uf the house uf representatives, adopted fore the united states + april 17, 1933 a. d. + moorishe amerikan society uf philadelphia ande the use uf their names. reaffirmashuns have been made via the united nashuns “deklarashun uf the rights uf the child” general assembly resolushun 1386 (xiv), 14 u.n. gaor supp. (no, 16) at 19, u.n. dokument a/4354 (1959); the united nashuns “universal deklarashuns on human rights” artikle xv, general assembly resolushun 217 a (iii) of 10, december 1948 a.d.; “executive order 13107”-runited states repubblik, north amerika +the immplementashun uf human rights treaties; the nashunal Konstitushun fore the Kontinental united states, artikle iti, secshun 2; amendment v + liberty klause; amendment ixtreservashun uf the rights uf the peeple; the united states department uf justise moorishe kredentials; free moorishe zodiak konstitushun, truth a1 Klassified; the united states kopyright sertificate number 24222141 Klock uf destiny; the moorishe nashunality ande iddentificashun kard; moorishe holy temple uf science / moorishe science temple uf amerika iddentificashun kards, etc. furthermore, i assert mye full bearthrights + sovereignty ande substantive rights ande mye right uf Klaim to all hereditaments + being a sundry free moor / muur ande a (natural being) distinguished from all ande anye spurious konstrukts, kreated bye the foreigners, or bye their agencies, pursuant to: moabite / moorishe pedigree; the free moorishe zodiak konstitushun; the great seal uf the moorishe nashun (ab antiquo); the treaty uf peace ande friendship + 1786 +87 / 1836; the sundry free ‘moors akt uf 1790; the 1781 organik united states konstitushun; the moorishe federall phinanciers akt (union states army: 1861 +1863); the 1854 roman katholik magna charta; the knights uf kolumbus kode; the ku klux klan oath; the united nashuns charter, artikle 55(c); the rights uf indigenous peeple: part i, artikles 1, 2, 3, 4, 5; part ii, artikle 6; the united states supreme kourt + ‘akts uf state’; the foreigne sovereigne immunities akt 28 use 1601; et sequa., the Konvenshun on innternashunal road traffik +day 19, september 1949, the world kourt decision, the hague, netherlands + day 21, january 1958 ad = 1378 m.c. in reference to the rights uf the natural peoples ande uf their substantive rights, etc, the following are pertinent ande estabblished suppreme kourt decisions, (stare decisis ande res judikata) to wit: '* the right to travel; the right to mode uf konveyanee; the right to locomoshun are all abbsolute rights, ande the police kannot make void the exxercise uf rights. state v. armstead, 60 s. 778 , 779, ande 781: '* the use uf the highways fore the purpose uf travel ande transportashun is not a mere privilege, but a kommon ande fundamental right uf whiche the pubblik ande natural beings kannot be deprived. chicago motor coach v. chicago 337 illinois 200, 169 ne 22, alr, ligare v. chicago 139 ill. 46, 28 he 934, boone v. clark 214 sw 607, 25 am jur (Ist), highways, sec. 163: ‘© the right to park or travel is part uf the liberty uf whiche the natural person, citizen kannot be deprived without “due process uf law” unnder the Sth amendment uf the united states Konstitushun. kent v. dulles 357 us 116, 125: «the right uf a citizen to travel upone the pubblik highways ande to transport one’s property thereon, either bye carriage or automobile, is not a mere privilege, whiche a city maye prohibbit cor permit at will, but a kommon right, whiche he / she has unnder the right to life, liberty, ande the pursuit uf happiness. thompson v. smith 154 se 579: '* state police power exxtends only to immediate threats to pubblik safety, health, welfare, etc., michigan v. duke 266 us, 476 led. at 449: whiche driving ande speeding are not. california v. farley ced. rpt. 89, 20 ca3rd 1032 (1971): © the state is prohibbited from violating subbstantive rights. owens v. city, 445 us 662 (1980); ande it kannot do bye one power (eg. police power) that whiche is, fore exxample, prohibbited expressly to anye utther such power (eg. taxashun / eminent domain) as a matter uf law. us ande ut v. daniels, 22 p 159, nor inndirectly that whiche is prohibited to it direktly. fairbanks v. us 181, us 283, 294, 300: © traveling in an automobile on the pubblik roads was not a threat to the pubblik safety or health nde konstituted no hazard to the pubblik, ande such a traveler owed no utther duty to the pubblik (eg, the state); he / she ande his / her auto, having equal right to ande on the roadways / highways as horses ande wagons, ete.; this same right is still substantive rule, in that speeding, running stop signs, traveling without license plates, or registrashun, are not threats to the pubblik safety, ande thus, are not arrestable uffenses. christy v. elliot, 216 i 131, 74 he 1035, Ira ns 1905+1910: california v, farley 98 ced rpt. 89, 20 ca 3d 1032 (1971). © unnder the united states repubblik’s konstitushunal system uf governmente ande upone the individuality ande inntelligence uf the citizen, the state does not klaim to kontrol one’s konduct to uithers, leaving one the sole judge as to all that affects oneself. mugler v. kansas 1213 us 623, 659-60: ‘© where rights secured bye the konstitushun are involved, there can be no rule + making or legislashun, whiche would abrogate them. miranda v. arizona 384 us 436, 125: ‘* the klaim ande exxercise uf konstitushunal rights kannot be konverted into a krime, miller v. kansas 230 f 2nd 486, 489: + fore a krime to exxist, there must be an innjured party (korpus delicti). there kan be no saneshun or penalty immposed on one bekause uf this konstitushunal right. sherer v. cullen 481 £. 945: © if anye tribbunal (kourt) finds abbsence uf pruuf uf jurisdicshun uvver a person ande subbjekt matter, the kase must he dismissed, louisville v. motley 2111 us 149, 29s. ct 42. “the akkuser bears the burden uf pruuf beyond a reasonable doubt”. © “lack uf federall jurisdicshun kannot be waived or uvvercome bye agreement uf parties”. griffin v. matthews, 310 f supra 341, 342 (1969): ande “want uf jurisdieshun may not be kured bye konsent uf parties”. industrial addishun associashun V. c.i¢ 323 us 310, 313. whereas, in light uf the foregoing jurisprudence ‘stare decisis’ ande ‘res judikata’ affirmed ande deklared bye the suppreme kourt decisions; bye fakts, ande bye law; ande kounter to the negative ande *kolorable’ social ande politikal kondshuns innstituted bye korporate state persons uf the union states society, there exists a blatant ‘want uf jurisdicshun’ on the part uf the union states rights repubblik (us.a), ande bye its agents, personnel, kontraktors, ande assigns. maxims ande axioms are lawfully, legally in force unnder nashunal ande innternashunal law attending to these issues. ande this affiant (natural being + in propria persona) does not abandon anye uf mye esstate rights; do not waive anye substantive rights; does not transfer ‘power uf attorney” to ande foreigner; ande does not willingly konsent to anye pubblik trial or ministerial hearing in anye ‘kolorable’ tribunal venue or involvement withe anye nontartikle iii, unnkonstitushunal jurisdicshun. the ufficial oaths ande bondes; the obbligashuns; ande the phiduciary duties uf all akkusers ande pruuftbounde *klaimants’ to nashunal Konstitushun ande treaty law ande order; the eivilizashun principles fixed in konstitushun law, stil stands! definishun ande truth still rules. non+kompliance is a -federall law violashun ande innternashunal law uffence ande trespass. ‘whereas, there is no quesshun that a *bench appearance summons’, a detenshun, an arrest ande a ticket or citation, issued bye a police [ufficer] or bye utthers, against the peeple, fore traveling with no driver's license, foreigne driver's license, not having kurrent registrashun, or mandatory insurance, etc., whiche karries a fine or jail tyme, is a penalty or sancshun ande is indeed “konverting a right into a kkrime”; thus violating substantive rights. it is reasonable to assume that these supreme kourt [judikial decisions are straight ande to the point, that there is no lawful method fore governmente to put ‘estricshuns or limitashuns on rights bellonging to the peeple. that the onganik united states repubblik Konstitushun (derived from anncient moabite / moorish Jaw) remains “the suppreme law uf the lande *; ande all treaties made, or whiche shall be made, unnder the authority uf the united states governmente, ande under its flag uf peace, pursuant to united states kode, title 4, chapter 1. anye law or kolorable processes whiche are repugnant to the konstitushun or treaty shall remain forever ‘kolorable’ ande are null ande void. marbury v. madison 5 ws. 137, 174, 176 (1803). anye municipal ufficer(s), person(s), personnel, employee(s) or kontractor(s) who violate or abridge the rights uf the natural peeple or citizens, are subbject to suit or utther tort acshun, in their personal ande / or ufficial kapacity to wit: title 18, part 1, chapter 13 §241 uf united states kodes uf law: if two or more persons konspire to innjure, oppress, threaten, or inmtimidate anye person in anye state, ervitory, kommonvealth, possesshun, or distrikt in the free exercise or enjjoyment uf anye right or privilege secured to him bye the konstitushun or laws uf the united states, or bekause uf his having so cexxercised the Same; or... if two or more persons go in disguise on the highway, or on the premises uf another, withe the inntent to prevent or hinder his free exxercise or enjjoyment uf anye right or privilege so secured + they shall be fined unnder this title or imprisoned not more than ten years, or both; ande if death results from the akts kommitted in violashun uf this secshun, or if such akts innklude kidnapping or an attempt to kidnap, aggravated sexual abuse or an attempt to kommit aggravated sexual abuse, or an ‘attempt to kill, they shall be fined unnder this tile or immprisoned fore anye term uf years or fore life, or both, or maye be sentenced to death title 18, part 1, chapter 13 §242 uf united states kodes uf law: whoever, under ‘kolor' uf anye law, statute, ordinance, regulashun, or kustom, willfully subbjects ‘anye person in anye state, territory, Kommonwealth, possessunn, or distrikt to the deprivashun uf anye rights, privileges, or immunities secured or protekted bye the konstitushun or laws uf the united states, or to different punishments, pains, or penalties, on akkount uf such person being an alien, o bye reason uf his kolor, or race, that are prescribed fore the citizens, shall be fined unnder this title or immprisoned not more than one year, or both; ande if bodily innjury results from the akts komamitted in violashun uf this secshun, or if such akts innklude the use, attempted use, or threatened use uf a dangerous weapon, exxplosives, or fire, shall be fined unnder this tile or imprisoned not more than ten years or fore life, or both, or maye be sentenced to death. therefore, in preservashun uf ‘the rights uf indigenous peeples’ ande the preservashun uf the rights uf the peeple, in akkord ande defense uf the konstitushun fore the united states repubblik uf north amerika ande its repubblikan form uf government + being the ‘supreme law uf the lande *; ande primal to the kontractual liabilities, oath + bounde obbligashuns, ande phiduciary duties uf the ufficers Uf the kourts + federal, stat, city, ande municipal, e., i herebye, demande the enforcement uf the de jure laws uf the united states, ande all treaties made unnder the authority uf the united states, in akkord Withe artikle vi uf the konstitushun; the bill uf rights; the deklarashun uf the rights uf the child; the rights uf indigenous peeples; the unniversal deKlarashun uf human rights; the united nashuns charter, artikle 55(c); the united states suppreme kourt + ‘akts uf state’; the foreigne sovereigne immunities akt 28 use 1601; et sequa., the konvenshun on ‘innternashunal road traffik’+day 19, september 1949, the worlde kourt decisions, the hague, netherlands, day 21, january 1958 ad = 1378 mc. ande “executive order 13107” + united states repubblik, north amerika: the implementashun uf human rights treaties; the nashunal konstitushun fore the kontinental united states, artikle iii, secshun 2; amendment v + liberty klause; amendment ix, etc., ete. i herebye, demande a dismissal uf anye ande all unnkonstitushunal saneshuns, klaims, or utther warrants or charges made or issued, whiche are devoid uf true iddentity personages; a denial uf “due process’ uf a “trial” bye a jury uf mye own nashunal peers; or abbsent uf a verified ande lawful inndictment, sancshuned bye an assembled grande jury; ande that i be availed all lawful ‘konstitushunal + secured safeguards, established bye the Suppreme law; with dokumented proper jurisdieshun ande venue konfirmed ande in place. wherefore all parties uf innterest are authorized bye this writ, pursuant to nashunal ande innternashunal law, to honor all substantive rights ande konstitushunal immunities reserved fore, ande to, this abboriginal / indigenous free ande sovereigne moor / muur*. all ufficials are to ennlist all available ande appropriate measures to ennsure, ande assure, that all mye substantive rights ande konstitushunally + secured rights ande immunities are not violated, not breached, nor abridged. the sovereigne, natural being, named herein, is not to be arrested nor helde fore detenshun unnder anye *kolorable’ sircumstances! you are to knotify the active ministers uf the abboriginal / indigenous ‘moorishe nashunals uf the territory (organik lande ). the natural person named herein is non obligatory ande thus exxempt from kustoms, tariffs, taxashun, ‘owner in fee" permittdecepshun konstructs, ande from anye utther hindrance or restricshun uf his or her freedoms, allodial properties, kompensashuns, rights uf travel, or freedom uf movement on, in, or within, anye member or non member states uf the UNITED states union, etc. the moor / muur (bearer uf this inndigenous peeples’ dokument) is to be treated withe all due respect ande ‘due process’ rights unnder the law. all avvailable ande ‘appropriate measures are to be taken to prevent innjustice, harm, false arrest, tramped + up charges, oF ‘attack on the natural being’s person, property, personalty, konveyances, freedoms, ande / or dignity. exxplicit exercising at all tymes uf mye sovereigne rights ande use uf ‘all rights reserved without prejudice’ u.c.c. 1-207 / 308, u.c.c. 1-103, is knoted to all federall, state city, ande municipal peace ufficers; in harmony withe state's statutes, ande inndicates the reservashun uf mye rights. wherebye i maye reserve mye substantive rights ande konstitushunal + secured rights ande immunities to ‘not’ be kompelled to perform unnder anye kontrakts or agreements that i have not enntered into knowingly, voluntarily, willingly, or unnintenshunally. i do not akkept anye aktual or immplied ‘liabilities’ associated withe anye ‘kompelled + benefits’ uf anye “unnrevealed” or deceptively+immposed kommercial kontrakts. i, furthermore, do not sancshun anye ‘unnkonstitushunal’ rules or policies, or akts uf misprision kommitted bye anye u.s. governmente or state ufficials, at anye level, klaimed bye anye uf them, in the name uf the UNITED states repubblik, nor do i assent to anye immplied kolorable policies made bye alleged representatives, as being saneshuned bye the peeple ande citizens. konsider anye formerly+assumed konstrukts alleged to be related to me as being misrepresentashuns ande thusly ‘kured’ forthwith. let it be known...: represent means to ‘depict’ to ‘portray’, to ‘symbolize’ ande to ‘stande fore’. let it be known that the union states society ‘bar associashun’ lawyers, esquires, ande attorneys uf european kolonial descent, ande foreign korporashun, kannot depict, portray or symbolize a free moor; as they are not uf the same nashun jurisdicshun, kustoms, or nashunal peers; ande kannot sit in judgment uf anye free ‘moor (akts uf state), europeans are not inndigenes to the lande (amerikas) + moors are abboriginal! union states lawyers ande attomeys opperate in demo + political format, which is kontrary to artikle iv, seeshun 4 uf the konstitushun fore the UNITED states. moors operate in a repubblikan form uf governmente, konjoined with isonomi principles + being in harmony withe the konstitushun. moors respect Konstitushun principles. the unnkonstitushunal tribunals opperating unnder the union states society Konflicts withe, ande is repugnant to, “due process” unnder konstitushun principles, ande funcshuns primarily in *kolorable” procedures. therefore, no “fait’, ‘just’ trial, or remedy is avvailed to the natural peeples uf the lande , through such *kolorable” processes! these violating akts konstitute a ‘konflict uf innterest’; a *konflict uf law’; ande klearly establish the “federal! quesshuns” uf ‘diversity uf citizenship’; a konflict uf identity; ande uf nashunality ande innternashunal law, etc. thus, a klear ande dokumented ‘averment uf jurisdicshun / quo warranto” is also herebye proklaimed: ande advvanced to all parties uf innterest. only moors kan “present? ande ‘depict’ themselves as being moors / al morokkans, ande aboriginal / inndigenes uf the lande ! thus, only moors kan ‘present’ ‘self! i grace marie xi el being a real, live flesh ande blood, breathing, divyne ande natural being + born sanguineous uf a natural, thinking ande annimated mother, do solemnly, sincerely, ‘nde squarely affirm that the foregoing facts kontained in this konstructive ande aktual judicial knotise ‘ande proklamashun, bye affirmed affidavid, are true. this “knotise’ is konstructed to the best uf mye Knowledge, konjoined to mye kulture, kustoms ande beliefs; being aktual, factual, ande restorative in nature to mye ancient tradishuns ande kustoms; presented as Korrect, ande not misleading, ete - being the truth, the whole truth, ande nothing but the truth. as with our anncient tradishuns ande kustoms, i enntreat to all: hibu (love), hagg (truth), salaam (peace), hurryatun (freedom), adl Gjustice), all tights reserved without prejudice; u.c.c. 1-207 / 308, uc.c. 1-103 and without the UNITED STATES. iam: grace marie xi el Tatural person + in propria persona, sul juris, ande sui heredes + in solo proprio: all rights nde liberties exxercised at all tymes. abboriginal / indigenous, free sovereigne moor + natural person uf the lande ; “in propria persona’ (not pro se, nor kolorable) *moors / muurs: the aboriginal ande inndigenous natural peeples ande true heirs ande innheritors uf the landes (territories) + (north amerika, central amerika, south amerika, ande the adjjoining islandes + al morok / ameru / amerikana). natural person + in propria persona + sui j all rights reserved Ad rights (escrved, cc lap He UA Fok SPatq witness: Ob/e Grace Marla bees : natural person + in propria persona + sui juris, sui heredes + proprio: all rights reserved ‘= by special appearance, before me on day 24TH of __may 2021 cey = 1441 mc. andein honor, the divine natural being, ‘grace marie xi el _ affirms that she is a descendant / heir, ‘atural person / divyne bejng herein named, standing “in full life’, exxisting in his / her own proper person; meeting the primal ‘law uf evvidence’ as required ande defined in ‘identity’; affirmed bye lawful, subbstantive right, bye bearthright; ande respectively acknowledged + being uf descendible age ande kompetence; ande being lawfully qualified ande kompetent to exxecute this dokument uf affidavid. i therefore place mye hande , mye autograph ande mye seal thereto, ‘wherefore i, grace mari roberts moore, in capitis dimimitio nolo, ia propria persona su juris, in propio solo unde ia proprio Heres beige parts ande purell named herein, ands by earth righty prmogenitre, and fertance wake. law fle ommands of affidavid ande” pubblinotifeashane of natoralite poctamashune, appelashune noGieashune konsande, decklarashune, ffimashune, andeappicashun, berewie ote fore the pubblikreskorde, thronos 29" may, 481 mp and 2021 «ep > all right> (eser vidlge ego sum neney Glace jmasl® kre _Ntisetviziniministar en propria persona pcp nko eee popes ber alt seoeigne aigeealembige kan #ogcatls frets abe al sobre uit states wfameiba uteenmentbackmentes at o tee public torckor at aseiba ustises/sirs/instrs en propia pesona sui juris en ‘pri slo ade en propri berees ll sxberigne rghesexxerise a all mes. rashunallrepubblk federal govemmente oorise amerikan Konsulate fo 22 west roosevelt boulvand ‘near filadelphia, pennsylvaniaa 0.021480 75 138310 unnversal natural area code 84onpr391)} toncente shakomoxan ( (81:9 @ue €O:L, uns sie 6161 BuNo4ed yINOS :awau W40g Jou;OUE sumyau aunydau Maxam aysamaqyiou aud] [Z69861"SL-+pna13uo] LJOOU! ‘UBLIQUIOM B sapaiay OL 1000 zu9eU] ‘[[o IX oLreur 998.13] HeU pUe YANG adr] ayy parIN~Yo ‘unpuaypa uoustapy [0961 ‘ZI 4240190] ap 01 SuIpuodsaxtoy ‘repu: ysoow [ggeT] vad oy) uy [UG eys+qe Jo yyuowr ayy ur Kep [ypzZT] 243 ‘[Aepsoupom] uo We [E21] Moqe punose yey) UOTE [Te aXq UMoUy aq 1 pr (2724 Sar Jn proyas yerporye Jn a1Aepyye mm SOULYLINEU JB Ba aBYIQQNdIA SRIZII08 aaMUAIqOD jyL1999} yrqQqudsa jeungseu agsizcom ae SS BS ~societas repubblikae ea al maurikanos= moorishe divpne anbe nashunall muvemente uf the earthe northe weste amexemt + northe weste affrika + northe amerika + the northe gate all abjjoining istanbes se mtempel uf the moon ande sun so the true ande be jure naturall peeples + heirs uf the Lande we ~is.lam- unniversall sovereigne origeneall enndigeneous natural dibpne unniversall trannsphers phore minores law all rye ande stand ande remmain standing innto perpetuice, this is sovereigne livving anncient artiklle ii moorishe amerikan al ‘morokkan kounselor kourteakshune. {am sovereignelivvinge justise grace marie xi cl inn kapits diminucio nolo, inn rd ink, im propria persuna sui juris, in proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. mye phres chozen nashunall appellashun is grace marie xi el ‘nn kapitis diminutio nol, in red ink, inn propria persune su urs, in proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. i ande al moors are the origeneallinndigeneous sovereigne annciente al moroikan moorishe amerikan assoondents uf the greae pharohs uf emmet and uf the annciente mosbites ande kansanites. our fll faithe ande trust our alleianse, our kreddlt ande our innergy arr herebye vessted in ourselves phore we are the peepel whoo are the origeneallinndigencous naturall divyne annciente ‘empire state uf morokko ande the de jure moorishe nashunallrepubblikfederall governmente the moorishe amerikaa konsulate ande the moorishe amerikan artiklle ii Kounselor kourteakshun we are one god. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all poyntes inn tyme nung pr tung, itrewvokabble transfers uf all propperte phore all minotes tothe sovereign livying annciente empire state uf morokko is herebye the law ande proklaimed bye the empire state uf morokko phidusuarie nang pro tung ia allignmente withe unniversall,divyne, natural, ande state law ande phore the benephit u the minores benephishiariesande fon the beste inneresst uf the minores unnill suche tyme as saide minores have reached the age uf maijoritc. this sovereigne unniversall transfer is aktivvated sense tyme immemorialleinnto perpeuitee nung pro tung withcouttlimmitashun on the valluc, ammounte, qquantitee, size orh komposishun uf the transfert this sovereigne livving affidavid is the eterall written ressoate ande affirmashun uf deelivverie uf saide transfers. side transfers are not tacked, propper state iddentiphikashun is kommanded, konstitushu fore the united states mdeclxxsix (1789) ammendmentev ‘no parrsun shale be helde to annswer phore a kaptall,orhutherwize inaphamouskrime unnlesse on pressentmente orh inndikmente uf a grande jewry, exxsepte inn kauses arising inn the lande orh navall phorses, ort in the milly, when inn akktuallie servvus inn tyme uf war or pubblik danger norrshalleanye parrsun be subbjekt pore the same uffense to be twise put {nn jeopardie uf lie ort imbe nore shalle be kompelied inn anye Kriminall kause wo be a witness aggeinste himselph, norr deprivved uf life, ibberi, orh proppertie, witheoutt due prosesse uf law nore shalleprivvatte propperti be takken phore pubblik yuse witheout juste kompensashun ‘unniversalle kommersial kode 1 artikle ix sekyured transakshuns fore right uf possesshun all sovereigne rights are exxersized at this tyme ande at all poynts inn tyme to innklude the right uf possesshun phore all /proppertie therebye lnwullie and peacefulle renndoring unnio seizor tht whiche is seizors. this sovercigne justise stands az law. S 7 ‘ebconos: time inyempriall in ta perpetutee TVIGhES resecvedt erosem Cb/C Gihee WAR. X/ Cf | : autograph: noble ‘marie xi et = all soverigne arigeneall enndigencous mootishe amerikan (s phore this anbe all sovereigne united states phore amerika governmente Dokumentes arce on thee pubblick turekord at amerika. justises /visirs/ministars enn propria persuna sui juris enn proprio soto anbe enn praprio herebes. all sovereigne rightes exxertised at all tpmes. norte ameria/ nortbe weste altri / Southe amerita / norte gate / abbjininge ilambes united states phore amerika ‘moore nasbunallrepubbl federal qobernmente luau uf 722 weste roosevelt boutevarbo fdadelpbia kounte, yennsploaniarepubblit anciente pennspiuania bistrite phor shakamoxen ‘universal! natuallaree kode is 844napn391] latitude n 40 021480" w75. 138310" sion ne shakomoxen ‘no hinge enn this law fl fidavi, nor oue spokin af davis, nor cure sylet fdas sll be entered chr konnstued az Konnsene to ‘nye jrisdishun thats kot enn the jurisdshun uf ure annscieneanncestall ennerited essa at nye poyte enn tyme re ft > united states of america moorishe nationall reepublie federall governmente ‘> ~societas republicae ea af mantitanos ~ °% tmootishe bivpne anbe national! mnisemente of the earthe nocthe weste amexem + north neste africa + northe america + the notthe gate all abbjoining isstands ‘o ~tempel ofthe moon ande sun ~ the tewe anbe be juce natural pecples + heirs of the Lande P misLam.~ > ite c lm eee unniversall sovereiqne orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe ammerikan affibavid for thee sovereigne kurrencee konntroller grace marie xi el Sabereigne anpellatione ne ny all lobe ae eto all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente moorishe amerikan al morokkan artikile iii Konsular kkourte akkshune. i am the sovereinge livvinge justise marie xi el inn kapitis dimiutio nolo, inn redd ink inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. whereaz it is thee lawe bye thiss sovereigne konsular kourte akkshune that phrome tyme emmemoriale inn to perrpetuitee that j, grace marie xiel ande all moors enn kapitis diminutio nolo, enn red ink, enn propria persuna sui juris, enn proprio solo ande enn proprio heredes arre thee unniversall sovereigne orrigencall {Enndigeneous kurrensee konntrollers phore all lande, all naturale ressourses, all shippinge, all postalle, all ankinge ande all kommerse at earthe, gaia, amerika, northe weste amexem, northe weste afrika, thee northe gaite ande all moorishe amerikan annciente dominiuns. i ande all sovereigne orrigeneall enndigeneous naturalle divyne moorishe famerikans whoo arve thee sovereigne unniversll orrigeneall enndigeneous nashunes ande governmentes are thee higheste authoritee ande arre thee sovereigne exxekutors, ministars, trustees, Klaimantes, ande benephishiaries phore our owne vasstessate all kommerse is backked bye gold, silver, preshus metals, rarre earthe meneralls, ande highe vallue ellementes on oure vasstesstte whereaz thee phlagg phore all governmente strukures innkludinge poste uffises onn oure landes is thee sovereigne imniversall orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe amerikan phlagg whiche is redd withe thee greene fivve pointede starr inn the senter. whereaz we arre thee sovereigne peasefull higheste jurisdikshune phore all matteres, inn all spaice ande at all poyntes inn tyme. thee unniversall sovereigne orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe amerikan konsular kourtes arre thee propper jurisdikshune phore thee lande ande phore all kurrensee konntroller muurchant ande kommershul affaires. all sovereigne unniversall orrigeneall enndigeneous moorishe amerikan kurrensee konntrollers arre ‘unniversall post uffise kourte justses, judgess ande Konsuls. whereaz thee sovereigne annciente moorishe amerikan golde standarde is aktivated at all dominiuns ande thee Sovereigne annciente peryodikh tabul phore naturalle ellementes is allsoe akktivated. all stratteegik naturalle monerails ande mettales affidavids arre herebye akiktivated. all systemes at our annciente dominiuns arre subbjekte to thee livvinge sovereigne moorishe amerikan nashunalles to enncklude bankinge ande phundes konvweyanse systemes, stockk exxchange marketts, Kommodities markets, all enndustriale systemes ande blockk chaine systemes,all uf wihiche arre parte ande parsell uf our annciente golde backed unniversall postalle unnione systeme. ‘whereaz thee sovereigne landgauge phore oure lande is annciente enngglishe, annciente pheonishun, ande moorishe latin, all sovereigne nashunes ande governmentes chozene landgauges shalle be honorred. thee sovereigne livvinge annciente zodiak moorishe amerikan konstitushune is inn phors. thee livvinge sovereigne amerikan konsitushune phore thee united states is allsoe inn phorse. thee moorishe ammerikan unniversall kommerse portals arre herebye penn phore golde backKed exxchaingge, trade ande kommerse. all korporate debbie is outtlawed. thee amerikan prowvoste marshal haz beene knowtiphiede. thrones dey 15th ith year, op st yoon [2020] FIO GEL elie sms noble Grace Mane Ki CG om ce kei iia psn sus, om poo sola, em proprio ses Torin vr minster roe west reer oe pt al sovetegne rghes wre exceisized all poynes enn tyme. wear ope aiete msl ober jaisishune spears oT algae < ie uf (72 west roesevelt boulevard ‘ear latin counteepemnsyvania epublik ‘universal natural rea kode is 8nnpe391]} latitude n4021480 W715. 138310" son ne shakomexen vo % ‘united states phore amerika ‘moorishe nashunall repubblik federal governmente ‘ ~societas repubblikae ea al maurikanos~ > ‘moorishe Divpue anbe nashunall muvemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + northe weste affrika + narthe amerika + the northe gate all abjjaining istanbes ‘& ~tempet ul the moon anbe sun~ &* ‘the true ande be jure natural peeples + heirs uf the Lande e misLam,.~ & unniversall sovereiqne ovigeneall inndigeneous natural dibpne affibavid forte federal inndiqeneous readinesse erudishune mandate (L.i.t.e. mandate) all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente ariklle iii moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune. i am sovereigne livvinge justse grace marie roberts inn kaptis diminutio nolo inn red ink, inn propr persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. we arre the origeneall inndigeneous sovercigne lannciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan ascendentes uf the greate pharoahs uf Kemmet ande uf the annciente Imoebytes ande kanaanites.oure fue fithe ande trust, oureallegianse, ande oure innergy arre herebye vessted inn ‘ursellves phore we arre the peeple whoo arre the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne de jure moorishe rnachunall repubblik federal governmente, we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all tymes ‘nung pro tung. ‘ederall inndigeneous readinesse erudishune mandate (f.i.t.e. mandate) kourtes pollise, sykuritie, millitarie bankinge post uffise ‘kustoms, erudishune teaching ande leaming hotell rmeddikall ande therapeutik Roodiocesvion eae nee evet retail trannsportashune arts ande ennteriainmente outtine 1. misshune statemente 2 obbjektive ande strategie 3. immplementashune 4. funding/budget; gold backed united states dollars 5. Konclushune/projjekted outkome: a welle preepared phorse uf lawfulle konstitushunall highly erudite addminstative,teknikally addvanced ministries withein the sovereigne livvinge suppreme jursdikshune, misshune statemente the misshune statemente fore the fire. mandate is one uf upplifting fallen huemanitie throughe konstitushunall ‘erudishune ande lawfulle readinesse at all levvels uf de jure goveramente. the abbove lissted fields are the kore ‘ministries that, az implemented kompetenilie ande peacefullie withe the five poynts uf light at thair foundashune, ville make mannipheste the layfulle lande that waz inntended to be sennse tyme immemorialle. obbjektive ande strategie the obbjektive uf this demonstraighshune is the peacefulletrannsishune uf all governmente servvises to this de jure ‘governmente akkorsing o the suppreeme law fore the lane. the strategie bye whiche the saide obbjektive shale be ‘ett is throughe a 3.5 year ‘allignmente uf kompetente sovereigne jurisdikshunall leadershipp bye the de jure ‘governmente in all legisllative, judisiall ande exxckutive governmente upperashunes withe “subbjektive kustodiall assistanse bye kustodiall subbjekte matter exxperts. the subbjektive kustodianns shalle rennder fulle akkesse to all governmente ressourses to the de jure governmente bye waye uf this minnistrie at this tyme ande at all poyntes inn tyme. the origeneall inndigeneous moors arre the sovereigne supreme jurisdikshune inn all matters at all tymes ‘nung pro tung. isaiah 33:22 ‘allignmente inn this dokumente is dephined az propper unniversll naturall posishunning. 2subbjektive inn this dokumente is dephined az that whiche is bye the livving kustodiall moorishe subbjektes ipso jure. immplementashune kommande phrom this daye forwarde, all emmploymente shalle be givven tothe origeneall inndigencous heirs phirste withe ‘hair showing uf the dokumentes listed bellow, inn red ink ande inn all lower kase letters. the sovereigne de jure governmente shalle immplemente the stated misshune, obbjektive, ande strategie inn an orrderlie manner 1. provvide on the pubblik rekorde ande to this de jure governmente the followinge inn red ink, ande inn kapitis

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