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Gambling Article

Young adults’ gambling and its association with

mental health and substance use problems

Abstract Mohammad R. Hayatbakhsh

Objective: To examine the socio-
School of Population Health, University of Queensland
demographic characteristics of young
Alexandra Clavarino
adults’ gambling and its association with
mental health and substance use behaviour.
School of Pharmacy, University of Queensland
Methods: The study is based on 3,512
Gail M. Williams
young adults (1648 males) for whom data
from the Mater-University of Queensland School of Population Health, University of Queensland
Study of Pregnancy (MUSP) were
William Bor
available on self-report gambling, gambling
expenditure, Achenbach’s Young Adult Self Mater Children’s Hospital, Queensland
Report and substance use at the 21-year
follow-up of the MUSP. The participants’ age Jake M. Najman
ranged between 18.2 and 23.6 (mean = School of Population Health, University of Queensland
20.6, standard deviation = 0.8) years.

Results: Two-fifths of the young adults
reported gambling. Males reported more ecent decades have witnessed a reported for adolescents,9 suggesting that
money spent on gambling and were significant increase in the prevalence gambling behaviour begins relatively early
significantly more likely to be at risk of of gambling and gambling problems in life.10 It is believed that the relaxation of
problem gambling. Gambling and problem in young adults.1-4 In Australia, between gambling legalisation in most countries has
gambling were significantly more common 1991/92 and 2004/05, annual gambling been associated with an increase in gambling
in less-educated individuals, those who had expenditure (player losses) rose from activity as well as problem gambling.8,11 The
higher income or those who had a paid job. $7.3 billion to $16.9 billion in real terms.5 Australian Federal Government Productivity
Individuals who reported gambling were Although a lot of research has been reported Commission8 exhaustively reviewed national
more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink more on the prevalence and correlates of gambling and international research, and estimated
than a glass of alcohol per day, use illicit
in adults, there is a shortage of evidence about that around 2.1% of the adult Australian
drugs, or exhibit high levels of externalising
the characteristics of adolescent and young population have moderate to severe problems
behaviour than non-gamblers.
adult gamblers. Research has shown that with their gambling. In a critical analysis of
Conclusions: The findings confirm the
onset of gambling in adolescence and early prevalence rates of problem gambling across
high prevalence of gambling and gambling
adulthood is associated with greater gambling different developed countries, including
expenditure in young adults. Individuals
involvement in adulthood.6 The objectives of Australia, Walker and Dickerson12 indicate
who are involved in gambling are more
likely to report cigarette smoking, alcohol
this study are based on the need to increase current problem gambling involves 1-2% of
consumption, and use of illicit drugs. There our understanding of gambling behaviour the adult community. More recent studies in
is a need for further research to explore and its association with psychopathology and Australia have indicated that less than 1% of
the mechanisms of association between substance use disorders in a population of the adult population is affected by problem
gambling behaviour and individuals’ mental young adults. Such information may help key gambling.1,13 The difference in the prevalence
health and substance use. stakeholders, including those in the gambling estimates in these studies could be due to
Implications: Substance abuse and mental health services and government agencies. the definition and measurement of problem
health services are recommended to Research indicates that between 70% and gambling or the time at which problem
consider co-morbid gambling problems in 90% of adults have gambled at some time in gambling was estimated.
treatment-seeking patients. their lives.7,8 These rates are similar to those International studies have shown that
Key words: young adult, gambling, problem
gambling, mental health, substance use Submitted: March 2011 Revision requested: May 2011 Accepted: June 2011
Aust NZ J Public Health. 2012; 36:160-6 Correspondence to: Dr Mohammad R. Hayatbakhsh, University of Queensland,
doi: 10.1111/j.1753-6405.2011.00815.x School of Population Health, Herston Road, Herston, Queensland 4006;
e-mail: m.hayatbakhsh@uq.edu.au

© 2012 The Authors. ANZJPH © 2012 Public Health Association of Australia
Gambling Young adults’ gambling, mental health and substance abuse

gambling behaviour is more common among males, those with invited to join the study and 8,458 agreed to participate (phase 1).
a lower level of education,1,7,12-14 and people who have a paid job Of these, 7,223 gave birth to a live singleton infant and it is this
and higher income.1 Some research has found that the prevalence group of mothers and offspring that constitutes the MUSP birth
of gambling and problem gambling are greater in unmarried cohort sample. The original cohort were from south-east Queensland
individuals,1,15 while others suggested the opposite.7 (mainly Brisbane, the Gold Coast and the Sunshine Coast) and
The adverse effects of uncontrolled gambling on individuals, appeared to be representative of public obstetrical patients but
their families and entire social systems are considered of growing differed from private patients in a number of characteristics.38
concern to the community and public health.16-18 One of the strongest In the 21-year survey of the MUSP, between June 2001 and
relationships consistently found in the literature associates problem December 2004, 3,512 young adults (1,648 males) responded to
gambling with some of the most common mental health disorders, questions about gambling involvement. The Canadian Problem
such as depression, anxiety and substance use disorders.14,19-22 Gambling Index (CPGI)39 questionnaire was attached to the main
Gambling problems correlate with depression, anxiety and suicide questionnaire from mid-July 2003, resulting in data for 969 young
in both adolescents and adults.23-31 The Queensland Household adults (428 male). Data collection was mainly via face-to-face
Gambling Survey (QHGS) in 2006-07 found that approximately interview. Persons living outside Brisbane or who were unable
72% of problem gamblers report having felt seriously depressed to make an appointment for a face-to-face interview completed
in the previous year, with 39% having been under a doctor’s care a mailed questionnaire and did not do the physical assessment.
for stress-related issues.1 Alcohol and drug abuse are perhaps the Informed consent was obtained from all participants.
best-documented co-morbid diagnoses for problem gamblers.20,23,24,32
Among a large national sample from the United States, in a 2001-02 Measurements
survey, it was found that three-quarters of pathological gamblers Young adults’ prevalence of gambling and problem gambling,
also had an alcohol use disorder, 38% had a drug use disorder socio-demographic information, substance use and psycho-
and 60% were affected by nicotine dependence.19 The QHGS also behavioural characteristics were assessed at the 21-year phase of
found that while only 22% of recreational gamblers report smoking the MUSP.
cigarettes, more than 60% of people in the problem-gambling group
were smokers.1 Problem gamblers have consistently been found Gambling and problem gambling
to be substantially more likely to exhibit high levels of antisocial Prevalence of gambling among young adults was measured at
behaviours and use illicit drugs than non-problem gamblers.33,34 the 21-year follow-up of the MUSP by asking participants ‘Do
However, most of these findings have been derived from studies you spend money on gambling (e.g. buy lottery tickets, play the
based on adults. pokies, go to the casino, bet on horses, dogs, etc)?’ According to
Notwithstanding considerable evidence in the existing literature their response, young adults were divided into two groups: ‘non-
about substantial risk gambling and gambling problems, most gambler’, and ‘gambler’. The second question asked about the
studies have focused on adult gamblers.3,35 There remains a need amount of money young adults spent on gambling per week. The
for further investigation into this problem among young people.2,36 range of answers varied from zero to $500 per week. Subsequently,
This study involves the merging of specifically collected data participants were divided into four groups: no money spent (60%),
relating to gambling behaviour with an existing prospective data set $1 to $6 (20%), $7 to $34 (15%), and $35 or more (5%) per week.
describing the early life course of a population sample in Brisbane. The self-administered CPGI39 was used to establish the prevalence
The main contribution of this study is to describe socio-demographic of problem gambling in young adults. The CPGI is a 31-item
characteristics of gambling in a cohort of young people who are at questionnaire which measures problems which correspond to DSM-
risk of gambling and substance use problems. It aims to identify IV criteria for pathological gambling40 and the South Oaks Gambling
mental health problems and substance use disorders associated with Screen (SOGS)41 and is, therefore, considered an appropriate
young adults’ gambling behaviour. measure of problem gambling for use in the general population.
The CPGI has three main sections: gambling involvement,
problem gambling assessment and correlates of problem gambling
Methods and materials (including familial history of gambling). It yields five categories of
Study sample gambling behaviours: no gambling, non-problem gambling, low-
The data for this study have been taken from the Mater- risk gambling, moderate-risk gambling and high-risk (problem)
University of Queensland Study of Pregnancy (MUSP). The Mater gambling. Initial studies indicate that the CPGI demonstrates good
Misericordiae Mothers’ Hospital is one of two major obstetric units reliability and validity.39
in Brisbane, Australia. The project involves a 21-year longitudinal Within the CPGI, nine items make up a sub-scale known as the
investigation that began in 1981. Pregnant women attending their Problem Gambling Severity Index (PGSI). The PGSI distinguishes
first clinic visit (at approximately 18 weeks gestation) at the Mater four gambler sub-types: non-problem, low risk, moderate risk and
Hospital were invited to participate in the study.37,38 Over three years problem. The non-problem group is further divided into gamblers
(between 1981 and 1984), 8,556 consecutive pregnant women were and non-gamblers as these sub-types are believed to display different

© 2012 The Authors. ANZJPH © 2012 Public Health Association of Australia
Hayatbakhsh et al. Article

characteristics. Tabulation of the nine items is as follows: a score of of social problems, attention problems and thought problems.43,44.
1 for each response of ‘sometimes,’ a score of 2 for each response For the purpose of this study, YASR internalising and externalising
of ‘often’ and a score of 3 for each ‘always’ response. Based on behaviours were selected as measures of the young adult’s mental
this scoring procedure, a respondent’s index can range from 0 to health. For both variables we used the 90th percentile as a cut-
27 and the cut-off points for each gambler sub-type are as follows: off, above which were considered the cases with high levels of
0 = non-problem gambler; 1-2 = low risk gambler; 3-7 = moderate externalising and internalising behaviours.45
risk gambler; and 8 or higher = problem gambler.
Statistical analysis
Socio-demographic factors Frequencies and cross-tabulations were used to describe gambling
The participants’ educational level was categorised as did not practices, gambling expenditure and sub-types of gambling in young
complete high school, completed high school, completed tertiary, adults. We also explored socio-demographic characteristics of young
including college (e.g. business, trade, secretarial, teachers) and adults who participated in the survey. Chi-square analyses were used
TAFE, and university degree. A separate question asked about to test cross-sectional associations between gambling practice and
education; options were: no, full-time and part-time. Marital status various mental health and substance use factors. Logistic regression
was either married/de-facto relationship or unmarried (including models examined the association of gambling behaviour and other
single, divorced and separated). Level of income was divided into factors (expressed in odds ratio) that were significantly associated
three groups: low income (up to 25th percentile), middle income with gambling.
(between 25th and 75th percentiles) and high income (highest 25 Of 969 young adults who had data available on the CPGI, 41.4%
percentiles). The participants were grouped into a dichotomous gambled at 21 years; of those 30.1% were non-problem gamblers
variable: paid job and no paid job, according to whether they had (NPG), 6.3% were categorised as low-risk gamblers, 3.8% as
a paid job at the time the survey was conducted moderate-risk gamblers, and just over 1.0% met the criteria for
problem gambling (or high-risk gamblers). Due to the small number
Substance use of participants, the low, moderate and high-risk problem gamblers
The extent of smoking by young adults was assessed via the were combined into one group. This did not substantially change the
average number of cigarettes smoked per day during the week pattern of results. In this study, the combined low, moderate and high
preceding the survey (non-smokers, fewer than 10 cigarettes risk gamblers are called ‘at risk and problem’ gamblers (ARPG).
per day and 10 or more cigarettes per day). Regarding alcohol This group constituted 11.3% of the cohort of young adults.
consumption, the participants were divided into three groups: no
alcohol use, up to one drink (glass) per day, and more than one
drink per day. Results
Consumption of illicit drugs was assessed from a self-report Of 3,512 (1,648 male and 1,864 female) young adults, 76.9%
questionnaire. The illicit drugs under study included cannabis, had a paid job (44.5% full-time), while 23.1% reported no paid
amphetamines (amphetamine and ecstasy), heroin, cocaine, job. Nearly 23.0% of the participants were studying full-time and
inhalants and hallucinogens. Young adults were asked two separate another 12.0% were in part-time study. The overall prevalence of
questions regarding consumption of cannabis. The first question young adult gambling and a demographic profile of gamblers and
was ‘in the last month how often did you use cannabis, marijuana, non-gamblers are outlined in Table 1. Some 40.1 % (44.2% males
pot, etc?’ Options included: have never used, use every day, use and 36.6% females) of the participants reported gambling. Male
every few days, used once or so and not used in last month. In the participants reported higher amounts of money spent on gambling.
analysis, young adults were grouped into three categories: never In addition, male participants were significantly more likely to be
used, occasional users (including ‘once or so’ and ‘not in the last NPG and ARPG compared with females.
month’), and frequent users (including ‘every day’ and ‘every few Less-educated individuals were significantly more likely to
days’). The participants’ use of other illicit drugs during the last 12 gamble than respondents holding tertiary and university degrees.
months was categorised as ‘never used’ and ‘ever used’. Those who didn’t complete high school were also likely to spend
greater amounts of money on gambling than those who had higher
Psycho-behavioural factors education. Middle and high incomes were associated with greater
In the present study, the young adult’s symptoms of problem gambling expenditure. Having a paid job and a higher level of
behaviours during the last six months were measured using the income were associated with both gambling and at risk or problem
Young Adult Self-Report (YASR), version of the Child Behaviour gambling. Young adults who did not have a paid job were less likely
Checklist (CBCL).42 The YASR is a questionnaire for individuals to be NPG and more likely to be ARPG. By contrast, those with high
aged 18-30 years which contains 114 problem items that can be incomes were more likely to gamble and to be ARPG than lower
scored on eight syndromes, including externalising behaviours income earners; the highest proportion of ARPG was observed
(such as delinquency and aggression), internalising behaviours among individuals who reported higher income compared to others.
(such as withdrawal behaviours, anxiety and depression), symptoms Young adults who were married or living in de facto relationships

© 2012 The Authors. ANZJPH © 2012 Public Health Association of Australia
Gambling Young adults’ gambling, mental health and substance abuse

Table 1: Gambling and young adult socio-demographic characteristics.

Variables N Gambling Gambling expenditure (dollars per week) Problem Gambling Severity Index
No Yes p* None <7.0 7.0-34.9 35.0+ p* NG NPG ARPG p*
Gender <0.001 <0.001 % % % <0.001
Male 1,637 55.8 44.2 55.8 16.2 20.9 7.1 426 50.9 34.3 14.8
Female 1,875 63.4 36.6 63.4 21.9 12.8 1.9 543 64.6 26.9 8.5
Education completed <.001 <0.001 NS
Incomplete high school 715 52.9 47.1 52.9 14.3 23.6 9.2 183 53.0 29.5 17.5
Completed high school 1,873 61.5 38.5 61.4 20.6 14.7 3.3 492 60.8 30.1 9.2
Tertiary education 781 62.1 37.9 62.1 19.5 15.7 2.7 237 59.1 30.4 10.6
University 143 62.2 37.8 62.2 25.9 9.1 2.8 57 56.1 31.6 12.3
Paid job <0.001 <0.001 <0.01
Yes 2,702 57.8 42.2 57.8 20.0 17.6 4.6 767 57.2 32.5 10.3
No 810 66.9 33.1 66.9 16.7 13.0 3.4 202 63.9 21.3 14.9
Income <0.001 <0.001 <0.01
Low 976 70.0 30.0 70.0 17.7 10.8 1.5 219 69.4 21.0 9.6
Middle 1,763 58.9 41.1 58.9 19.7 17.4 4.0 462 57.8 32.0 10.2
High 773 49.3 50.7 49.3 20.0 22.0 8.7 288 51.7 34.0 14.2
Marital status NS <0.05 NS
Married/de facto 572 57.7 42.3 57.7 20.1 19.1 3.1 266 54.9 35.0 10.1
Single/separate 2,760 60.5 39.5 60.5 19.0 15.8 4.7 703 60.0 28.3 11.7
Note: * p value derived from Chi-square tests; NG non-gambler; NPG no-problem gambler; ARPG at risk and problem gambler; NS non-significant.

Table 2: Association of young adults’ gambling, substance use and mental health.
Variables Gambling Gambling expenditure ($ per week) Problem gambling severity index
No Yes p* None <7.0 7.0-34.9 35.0+ p* NG NPG ARPG p*
(2,103) (1,409) (2,103) (676) (581) (152) (568) (292) (109)
% % % % % % % % %
Cigarette smoking (per day) <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Non-smoker 69.2 55.6 69.2 65.7 48.5 38.2 69.7 62.0 39.5
<10 per day 16.1 19.4 16.1 17.9 21.3 18.4 17.1 17.1 19.3
10+ per day 14.7 25.0 14.7 16.4 30.1 43.4 13.2 20.9 41.3
Alcohol consumption <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Abstainer 11.3 4.1 11.3 3.4 4.5 5.3 11.1 5.1 5.5
≤1 drink per day 59.2 47.3 59.2 59.8 39.2 22.4 59.9 50.0 35.8
>1 drink per day 29.5 48.7 29.5 36.8 56.3 72.4 29.1 44.9 58.7
Cannabis ever used <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
No 55.0 42.9 55.0 47.9 40.8 28.3 55.1 51.0 27.5
Yes 45.0 57.1 45.0 52.1 59.2 71.7 44.9 49.0 72.5
Pattern of current cannabis use <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
No use 55.0 42.9 55.0 47.9 40.8 28.3 55.1 51.0 27.5
Occasional use 35.3 41.2 35.3 40.4 41.5 43.4 35.7 38.4 45.9
Frequent use 9.7 16.0 9.7 11.7 17.7 28.3 9.2 10.6 26.6
Use of other illicit drugs <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
No 77.1 68.9 77.1 74.7 66.8 51.3 74.8 72.6 54.1
Yes 22.9 31.1 22.9 25.3 33.2 48.7 25.2 27.4 45.9
Internalising NS NS NS
Normal 90.1 89.9 90.1 89.1 90.9 90.1 89.6 90.8 84.4
Top 10% 9.9 10.1 99.9 10.9 9.1 9.9 10.4 9.2 15.6
Externalising <0.001 <0.001 <0.001
Normal 92.8 88.0 92.8 89.5 89.2 77.0 94.0 89.0 74.3
Top 10% 7.2 12.0 7.2 10.5 10.8 23.0 6.0 11.0 25.7
Notes: * p value derived from chi-square tests; NG non-gambler; NPG no-problem gambler; ARPG at risk and problem gambler; NS non-significant.

© 2012 The Authors. ANZJPH © 2012 Public Health Association of Australia
Hayatbakhsh et al. Article

were only slightly less likely to spend money on gambling activities example, participants who spent between $7 and $35 per week on
than those who were separated or single. gambling were nearly three times more likely to smoke 10 or more
The association between young adults’ gambling behaviour and cigarettes per day (OR = 2.9; 95% CI: 2.3-3.6), while for those
substance use and mental health is presented in Table 2. Gambling who spent more than $35 the association was significantly stronger
was associated with cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, (OR = 5.3; 95% CI: 3.7-7.8). The data in Table 3 illustrate a similar
use of illicit drugs and externalising behaviour. Individuals who pattern for the association of gambling and use of other legal and
gambled were more likely to smoke cigarettes, drink more than illegal substances. Further, it is noted that young adults who reported
one glass of alcohol per day, use cannabis or other illicit drugs non-problem or problem gambling were statistically significantly at
and exhibit a higher level of externalising behaviour. Similarly, increased risk of reporting high levels of externalising behaviour.
gambling expenditure was associated with the use of legal and
illegal substances and externalising behaviour. Report of greater
gambling expenditure was associated with increased likelihood Discussion
of cigarette smoking, alcohol consumption, use of cannabis and Gambling is an emerging public health problem with remarkably
other illicit drugs and more symptoms of externalising behaviour. little known about the onset of gambling behaviour over the early
Table 2 also shows that heavy smokers and drinkers of more life course. In this study, we examined the profile of young adult
than one glass of alcohol per day were disproportionately over- gambling, gambling expenditure and ARP gambling in Brisbane,
represented in the ARPG group. A higher proportion of the ARPG Australia. We found that 40.8% of young adult respondents had
group reported having used cannabis, in particular frequent use, participated in at least one gambling activity. Males were more
and having ever used illicit drugs other than cannabis, than non- likely (44.2%) than females (36.6%) to gamble. Those with higher
gamblers and no-problem gamblers. Finally, ARPG were more incomes constituted a greater proportion of the gambling group and
likely to manifest extreme levels of externalising behaviour. By individuals with a higher level of education (tertiary education and
contrast, there appears to be no association between young adults’ university) were less likely to gamble relative to the less-educated
internalising and gambling problems. groups. We also found that gambling activity was associated with
Individuals who reported gambling or problem gambling were young adults’ concurrent substance use. An increased quantity of
more likely to smoke cigarettes, use cannabis or use other illicit cigarettes smoked and illicit drug use was related to greater risk of
drugs (Table 3). There was a direct relationship between amount engagement in gambling activities. In addition, young adults who
of money spent on gambling and frequency of substance use. For reported having gambled or had problem gambling were more

Table 3: Association of young adults’ gambling, substance use and mental health.
Variables Gambling Gambling expenditure Problem Gambling Severity
(dollars per week) Index
No Yes None <7.0 7.0-34.9 35.0+ NG NPG ARPG
OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI) OR (95% CI)
Cigarette smoking (per day)
Non-smoker Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
<10 per day Ref 1.5 (1.3-1.8) Ref 1.2 (0.9-1.5) 1.9 (1.5-2.4) 2.1 (1.3-3.3) Ref 1.1 (0.8-1.7) 2.0 (1.1-3.5)
10+ per day Ref 2.1 (1.8-2.5) Ref 1.2 (0.9-1.5) 2.9 (2.3-3.6) 5.3 (3.7-7.8) Ref 1.8 (1.2-2.6) 5.5 (3.4-8.9)
Alcohol consumption
Abstainer Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
≤1 drink per day Ref 0.4 (0.3-0.6) Ref 0.3 (0.2-0.5) 0.6 (0.4-0.9) 1.2 (0.6-1.7) Ref 0.6 (0.3-1.0) 0.8 (0.3-2.0)
>1 drink per day Ref 2.1 (1.8-2.4) Ref 1.2 (1.1-1.5) 2.5 (2.4-3.5) 6.5 (4.4-9.6) Ref 1.8 (1.4-2.5) 3.4 (2.2-5.2)
Cannabis ever used
No Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
Yes Ref 1.6 (1.4-1.9) Ref 1.3 (1.1-1.6) 1.8 (1.5-2.1) 3.1 (2.2-4.5) Ref 1.2 (0.9-1.6) 3.2 (2.1-5.1)
Pattern of current cannabis use
No use Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
Occasional use Ref 1.5 (1.3-1.7) Ref 1.3 (1.1-1.6) 1.6 (1.3-1.9) 2.4 (1.6-3.5) Ref 1.2 (0.9-1.6) 2.6 (1.6-4.2)
Frequent use Ref 2.1 (1.7-2.6) Ref 1.4 (1.0-1.9) 2.5 (1.9-3.3) 5.7 (3.6-8.9) Ref 1.3 (0.8-2.0) 5.8 (3.2-10.5)
Use of other illicit drugs
No Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
Yes Ref 1.5 (1.3-1.8) Ref 1.1 (0.9-1.4) 1.7 (1.4-2.0) 3.2 (2.3-4.5) Ref 1.1 (0.8-1.5) 2.5 (1.7-3.8)
Normal Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref Ref
Top 10% Ref 1.8 (1.4-2.2) Ref 1.5 (1.1-2.0) 1.6 (1.2-2.1) 3.9 (2.6-5.8) Ref 1.9 (1.2-3.2) 5.4 (3.1-9.4)
Notes: NG non-gambler; NPG no-problem gambler; ARPG at risk and problem gambler

© 2012 The Authors. ANZJPH © 2012 Public Health Association of Australia
Gambling Young adults’ gambling, mental health and substance abuse

likely to display externalising behaviour (including aggression and in young adults. With the increase in access to gambling services, it
delinquency). is clear that many young adults now engage in gambling behaviour
Our findings are largely consistent with previous research, and a substantial minority develop problem gambling.1 Individuals
including the QHGS.1 In addition, the data in this study confirms who are involved in gambling, and in particular those who spend
other research that suggested gambling behaviour begins relatively more on gambling, are more likely to report cigarette smoking,
early in life9 and that current problem gambling involves 1-2% of alcohol consumption, use of illicit drugs and exhibit high levels of
the community.12 The present study also supports previous research externalising behaviour. It is recommended that substance abuse and
that indicated an association between gambling problems on one mental health services consider co-morbid gambling problems in
side and psychopathology, including substance use disorder on the treatment-seeking patients. There is a need for research to explore
other.19,21,46 However, our data contradict the findings of those studies the mechanisms of association between gambling behaviour and
that suggest an association between anxiety and depression disorders individuals’ mental health and substance use.
and gambling problems. One possible reason for this discrepancy
could be due to the different methods in assessment of mental
health problems. Unlike McCormick and colleagues31 and Petry References
and colleagues,19 we used self-reported symptoms of internalising 1. Queensland Treasury. Queensland Household Gambling Survey 2006-07.
Brisbane (AUST): State Government of Queensland; 2008.
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gambling behaviour in the United States and Canada: a research synthesis. Am
What is the cause-effect sequence? Does problem gambling precede J Public Health. 1999;89:1369-76.
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abuse? Due to simultaneous collection of data on both gambling 6. Burge AN, Pietrzak RH, Molina CA, Petry NM. Age of gambling initiation and
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9. Shaffer HJ, Hall MN. Estimating the prevalence of adolescent gambling
Limitation disorders: A quantitative synthesis and guide toward standard gambling
A few limitations should be taken into account when interpreting nomenclature. J Gambl Stud. 1996;12:193-214.
the findings of this study. First, the present study had a sizeable 10. Gupta R, Derevensky JL. Adolescent gambling behaviour: A prevalence study
and examination of the correlates associated with problem gambling. J Gambl
reduction in the sample between the first antenatal visit and the Stud. 1998;14:319-45.
21-year follow-up. Of the 7,223 participants who were included 11. Campbell F, Lester D. The impact of gambling opportunities on compulsive
gambling. J Soc Psychol. 1999;139:126-7.
in the original cohort (1981-83), only 48.6% responded to the 21- 12. Walker MB, Dickerson MG. The prevalence of problem and pathological
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