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B.Tech Semester V Semester End Examination December 2022

Course (Subject): Web Technologies
Course Code: B20EF0501

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 100

Note:Answer ONE FULL question from each section. Marks CO PO Bloom’s
1. a)Elements in HTML have attributes; these are additional values that 10 1 1,2,3, L2
configure the elements or adjust their behavior in various ways to meet 4,5,9,
the criteria the users want.Explain Inline Text Element?List the common 10
Text-Level semantic Elements with suitable example?
b) HTML5 was the successor to previous HTML versions and 10 1 1,2,3, L2
introduced new elements and capabilities to the language on top of the 4,5,9,
previous version. Explain in detail HTML5 Semantic Elements with 10
suitable example webpage.
c) HTML5 introduced an element to insert a figure with a caption. Write 5 1 1,2,3, L3
the suitable html code for the below webpage and explain each elements. 4,5,9,

2. a) Create a registration form to accept students’ information who are 10 1 1,2,3, L3
interested in participating the event by providing appropriate form 4,5,9,
elements such as Name, Semester,Gender, College name, Address, City, 10
name of the event and two buttons submit and clear the contents and
show the implementation of the same using HTML5.

b) With suitable example illustrate, how the forms data is packaged into 8 1 1,2,3, L2
a query string. And explain the two important attributes of any forms. 4,5,9,
What is the difference between GET and POST? 10
c) Microformats on your website is that it makes it easier for Google to 7 1 1,2,3, L2
extract the information already on the page. They standardize the page 4,5,9,
data, making it more accessible. Define Microformats in HTML and 10
illustrate the example markup for a person’s contact information that
uses the hcard microformat.

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3. a) CSS is a W3C standard for describing the appearance of HTML 10 2 1,2,3, L2
elements. Another common way to describe CSS’s function is to say that 4,5,9,
CSS is used to define The presentation of HTML documents? Explain 10
the Benefit of CSS, with suitable example explain its syntax.
b) In HTML, when we wish to separate our page into different columns, 8 2 1,2,3, L3
there are multiple ways to do achieve this in CSS.How do you create 4,5,9,
multiple columns using float and write the CSS code for creating 3 10
c) CSS text formatting properties is used to format text and style text. 7 2 1,2,3, L2
The List in CSS specifies the listing of the contents or items in a 4,5,9,
particular manner. Explain the various text and list properties used in 10
the below sample output.

4 a)The table-layout property in CSS specifies the layout of the table 10 2 1,2,3, L3
which consists of table cells, rows, and columns. Design a CSS web 4,5,9,
page with all suitable HTML elements to display the Seven wonders of 10
the world table with its following information inside the table.

b)One of the main problems faced by web designers is that the size of 8 2 1,2,3, L2
the screen used to view the page can vary quite a bit. Most designers take 4,5,9,
one of two basic approaches to dealing with the problems of screen size. 10
Explain the two Approaches to CSS Layout in detail.
c) A Student started internship in Web Development Company and got 7 2 1,2,3, L3
the project of preparing a web page with different alignments added to 4,5,9,
that. Create a webpage to illustrate the box model (margin, border and 10
padding property) with respect to CSS where the style definition placed
in external style sheet files.
5. a) Create an html page to show online exam using JavaScript. Let the 10 3 1,2,3, L2
page displays four Questions and have four optional answers using 4,5,9,
radio buttons and by clicking submit button display the score in an 10
alert box. Reset the page into initial condition for next exam.
b) JavaScript is almost always used to interact with the HTML document 8 3 1,2,3, L2
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in which it is contained. As such, there needs to be some way of 4,5,9,
programmatically accessing the elements and attributes within the 10
HTML. Explain the Essential Document Object Methods with examples.
c) JavaScript is not a full-fledged object-oriented programming 7 3 1,2,3, L2
language. It does not have classes per se, and it does not support many of 4,5,9,
the patterns you’d expect from an object-oriented language like 10
inheritance and polymorphism in a straightforward way. The language
does, however, support objects. Explain the concept of object creation
and modification of an array in java script. With the suitable explain
how to Access the object Properties.
6. a) Form validation is one of the most common applications of 10 3 1,2,3, L3
JavaScript. Writing code to prevalidate forms on the client side will 4,5,9,
reduce the number of incorrect submissions, thereby reducing server 10
load. There are a number of common validation activities including
email validation,number validation, and data validation. Explain Empty
Field Validation and Number Validation with suitable example.
b) A JavaScript event is an action that can be detected by JavaScript. 10 3 1,2,3, L2
Many of them are initiated by user actions but some are generated by the 4,5,9,
browser itself. Perhaps the most obvious event is the click event, but 10
JavaScript and the DOM support several others. Explain the following
two classes of Event.i) Form Events ii) Mouse Events
c) JavaScript adds dynamic behavior to the webpage and adds special 5 3 1,2,3, L3
effects to the webpage. Write a script to demonstrate the use of Date 4,5,9,
object. 10
7. a) Like most other programming languages, PHP supports arrays. In 10 4 1,2,3, L2
general, an array is a data structure that allows the programmer to collect 4,5,9,
a number of related elements together in a single variable. How do you 10
create and access an array in PHP? Define Superglobal Arrays. Describe
the $_GET and $_POST Superglobal Arrays with example in PHP
b) PHP provides a convenient way of working with files via its rich 8 4 1,2,3, L3
collection of built in functions. Explain with suitable example the two 4,5,9,
basic techniques for read/writing files in PHP. 10
c) In order to utilize objects, one must understand the classes that define 7 4 1,2,3, L3
them.Although a few classes are built into PHP, you will likely be 4,5,9,
working primarily with your own classes. Classes should be defined in 10
their own files so they can be imported into multiple scripts. With
suitable syntax explain the class and object concept in PHP.
8. a) A database is a system for storing and taking care of data Illustrate 10 4 1,2,3, L3
how to make a connection to a database using the mysqli and PDO 4,5,9,
approaches. 10
b) PHP was among the first server-side languages that could be 8 4 1,2,3, L3
embedded into HTML, making it easier to add functionality to web 4,5,9,
pages without needing to call external files for data. Write a program to 10
create Index Based and Associative Arrays in PHP
c) PHP is a language which is used as server side programming 7 4 1,2,3, L3
language. It can add dynamic behavior and programming logic to web 4,5,9,

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pages. Write a PHP script to finding leap year and demonstrate the 10
programming concepts using form.

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