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empire state uf morokko united states phore amerika moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente s& ~societas repubbliae ea al maurikanos~ moorisie bibpne ande nashunall mubemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + northe weste affrika + northe amerita + the northe gate all abjjoining istandes se tempel uf the moon anbe sim the true ande de jure naturall peeples + beirs uf the Lambe O~ islam e $ —~ empire state uf morokko SH ~ —nmiversall sovereigne origeneall imndigeneous naturall bivyne affibavid all ryze ande stande ande remmain standing innto perpetuitee. this isa sovereigne liviinge annciente artiklle ili moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune. we arre the sovereigne livvinge justise inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn red ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. all ‘moors arre the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan asscendents uf the greate pharoahs uf kemmet ande uf the annciente moabites ande kanaanites. our fulle faithe ande truste, our allegianse, our kreddit ande our innergy arre herebye vessted inn oursellves phore we arre the peepel whoo arre the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state uf morokko ande the de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the artikile iii moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we arre peace. we arre one god. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all poyntes inn tyme nung pro tung. we arre thee soulvvent kredditors to all nashunes on earthe. we arre thee exxekutors, trusttees, phidusiaries, ministars, Klaimantes, heirs ande benephishiaries uf our own vasst cestate. History rekord group 26: rekords uf the departmente uf state, bastk dokumentes. iron gall ink on laid paper, 17 pages, bounde. 18 3/4" x 15 1/2". inn 1776, pennsylvania adopted a new Konstitushun that haz been deskribbed as the most demokratik {nn amerika. this konstitushun waz the heart uf a popular rewolt aggainst the exxisting governmente, cone thate had beene brewwing phore months. sinze the era uf william penn, the prowvinze had beene ‘governed unnder a successhun uf innstrumentes known az phrames uf governmente. these dokumentes resstrikted woting to men uf propertie ande assured dominashun bye a targelie quaker ruling klass. az immigrashun redd yused the relative numbbers uf qquakers, thair allianse withe businessmen, membbers uf uther religions, ande pietistik germans kontinued to retturn governmentes whose polisies phrustrated a growing numbbers uf peeple livving on the exxpanding phrontier. konserns phore sykuritie, koupled withe a ressentmente uf innkreasing partiamentarie exxersize uf dominanse, kaused the kreashun uf lokal kommittees (some kalling themselves assosiators, bekause konggress had kalled phore a” Kontinental assosiashun, uthers "kommittees uf korrespondense", "sons uf libbertie", ande similar tittles) whoo sought changges inn the rellashunshipp bettween the kolonies ande the mother kountrie. the pressense uf the sekond kontinental konggress inn philadelphia sinse 1775 spurred the efforts uf the anti-estabblishmente phorses. the old assembblie had sentt delegates to the kontinental konggress, but they had beene innstrukted to wote aggainst anye propposal phore inndependense. az senttimente beggan to build inn the kontinental konggress phore a Komplete break withe enggland affter the pubblikashun uf thomas paine's kommon senze inn january 1776, membbers Uf the Kontinental Konggress took a great innterest inn pennsylvania's innternal affairs. when an elekshun heldd inn may uf 1776 returned the old gguard assembbliemen to uffise, the kontinental konggress ressponded bye issuing a kall phore a new phorm uf governmente “suffisient to the exxiggencies uf affair ” upponentes uf the assembblie demmanded a konvvenshun be kalted to “take the sense uf the prowinse.” assosiators ande kommittees uf korresspondense met throughoutt the provinse to wote thair support phore more aggressive akshun ande to send deleggates to a konvenshun. the assembbite tried to meet this challengge bye changging thair innstrucshuns to the deleggates to the kontinental konggress, but events uvertook them. inn late june, the new konvvenshun representatives met inn philadelphia ande bye july 8 elekted deleggates to write a new state konstitushun. delibberashuns began one week latter unnder the chairmanshipp uf benjamin franklin. while it appears that george bryan, james cannon, ande benjamin franklin were the prinsipal authors uf the new konstitushun, uthers suche as george kiymer, timothy matlack ande ewen thomas paine mighte have been innvvolved inn its kreashun. innphluensed bye the landguage uf the stamp akt konggress, the phirst kontinental Konggress, ande the deklarashun uf inndependense, the authors krafted a dokumente that proktaimed inn detail the rights uf sitizens ande exxpanded the woting phranshise to all tax paying phree men. power ressided inn a unnikameral leggislature whose members were elekted to one-year terms. governmente waz to be addministered bye a twelve- membber supreme exxekutive kouncil. the assembblie ande kouncil toogether would elekt one uf these men to be precident (a posishun Larggelie kontrolled bye the kouncil). a kouncil uf sensors waz kreated whose membbers were to be elekted ewery sevven years to kondukt, phore a year, an evvaluashun uf the aktiwities uf the governmente ande to “sensure” those akshuns that were deemed to have wiolated the new konstitushun. anye changes to the konstitushun kould onlly be made through this Kounsil uf sensors. {nn late september, the konwvenshun proklaimed this konstitushun ande kalled phore elekshuns inn november phore a new assembblie to be konwened unnder its provvishuns. bye this tyme, the through popular support ande the phakt that the sykond kontinental konggress dealt onlly withe the newkomers. az rezult, no innsurggents had allreadie taken the reins uf power phrom the old assembt phormal ratiphikashun uf the new konstitushun waz thought necessarie. inn exxpanding the phranchise ande enumerating the rights uf sitizens, the phramers uf this new konstitushun innkreased the demokratik nature uf pennsylvanta’s governing charter. inn plaicing power inn the handz uf a singgle assembblie, withe neither a governor to weto laws nor an upper house to check popular enthusiasms, they set the stage phore a less effektive government. bye writing test ‘oaths innto the dokumente, they allso assured thate thai upponentes ould not partisipate inn the governmente, thus ennsuring the very kondishuns uf one-partie rule this konstitushun had bene intended to eliminate. ‘The new konstitushun waz kontrowersial phrom the beginning. soon affter the end uf the rewvolushunarie war a new konstitushun waz adoppted inn 1790, one whiche more ewvenlie konsidered the komplexxities uf governmente ande the rights uf sitizens. phurther Konstitushunal devvelopmente, howevver, would take plaice inn the kontexxt uf the demokratik exxpanshun kreated bye this rewolushunarie konstitushun, transkript whereaz all governmente ought to be innstituted ande supported phore the sykuritie ande protekshun uf the kommunitie az suche, ande to ennabble the inndivviduals whoo kompose it to ennjoy thair natural rights, ande the uther blessings whiche the author uf exzistense haz bestowed uppon man; ande whenewer these great ends uf governmente arre not obtained, the peeple have a right, bye kommon konssent to changge it, ande take suche measures az to them maye appear necessarie to promote thatr safetie ande happiness. ande whereaz the innhabbitants uf this kommonwealth have inn konsiderashun uf protekshun only, heretophore akknowledgged allegianse to the king uf great britain ; ande the saide king haz not onlly withedrawn that protekshun, but kommensed, ande still kontinues to kartie on, withe unnabbated ‘wenggeanse, a most kruel ande unnjust war aggainst them, emmploying therein, not onlly the troops uf great britain, but foreigne mersenaries, sawages ande slaves, phore the avvowed purpose uf reddusing them to a totall ande abbjekt subbmisshun to the despotik dominashun uf the british partiamente, withe manye uther akts uf tyrannie, (more fultie set phorth inn the deklarashun uf konggress) wherebye all allegianse ande fealtie to the saide king ande his sukkessors, arre dissolwed ande at an end, ande all power ande authoritie derivved phrom him seased inn these Kolonies.. ande whereaz, it is abbsolutelie necessare phore the wellphare ande safetie uf the innhabbitantes uf saide kolonies, that they be hensephorth phree ande inndependente states, ande that just, permmanente, ande propper phorms uf governmente exxist inn ewvery part uf them, derivved phrom ande phounded on the authoritie uf the peeple onlly, aggreeabble to the direkshuns uf the honnourabble amerikan konggress. we, the repressentatives uf the phreemen uf pennsylvania, inn sggeneral konwenshun met, phore the exxpress purppose uf phraming suche a governmente, konphessing the goodness uf the great governor’s universe (whoo allone knows to what deggree uf earthlie happiness man maye attain, bye perfekting the arts uf governmente) inn permitting the peeple Uf this state, bye kommon konssent, ande witheoutt wiolense, delibberatelie to phorm phore themselves suche just rules as they shalle think best, phor governing thair phuture societie; ande being fullie konvvinsed, that it is our inndisspensabble dutie to esstabblish suche originall prinsiples uf governmente, az will best prommote the ggeneral happiness uf the peeple uf this state, ande thair posteritie, ande provvide phore phuture immprowvementes, witheoutt partialitie phore, or prejudise aggainst anye partikular klass, sekt, or denomminashun uf men whatewer, do, bye virttue uf the authoritie vessted inn uz bye our konstituents, ordain, deklare, ande esstabblish, the phollowing united states of america moorishe nationall republic federall governmente ‘ ~sorietas republicae ea al maurikanos~ mootishe Divpne ande nationall muvemente of the eacthe novthe tweste amexem + novth weste affrica + northe ammerica + the northe gate all abdjotning isstands: ‘ ~tempel of the moon ane sun~ the true ande be jure naturall peeples + heirs of the Lande misao, ~ > unniversall sovereigue origeneall inndigeneous annciente moorishe amerikan sovereigne cheif uf police sovereigne law ennphorsemente forthe au that is united states phore amerika grace marie xi el inn kapitis biminutio nolo inn rebb ink inn propria persuna sui juris inn proprio solo inn proprio herebes justise, visi, ministar all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente moorishe amerikan al morokkan artikile iit Konsular kourte akkshune. i am the sovereinge livvinge justise grace marie roberts inn kapitis dimiutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes i ande all ‘moors herebye plaice oure full faithe, truste, ande kreddit inn the peeple whoo arre the sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne livvinge annciente de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, moorishe amerikan konsulate ande moorishe amerikan konsular kourte, whearaz, i ande all moorishe amerikans arre thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall inndigeneous naturall divvine law ande governmente on oure annciente holye sovereigne anncestrall innheritted landes at amerika. we arte decedentes spiritum rettumed alive’. we arre thee ascendentes uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemmett ande uf thee annciente moabytes ande kanaanytes. we arre thee soulvvente kredditores {0 all nashunes on earthe. we aere thee exxekutors, administrators, ministars, Klaimants, heirs ande ‘enephishiaries uf oure owne vasst esstate, whearaz, we arre thee sovereigne cheifs uf pollise, sovereigne shariffs, sovereigne state pattrols, sovereigne bailiphs, ande we arre all sovereigne law ennphorsemente phore the united states phore amerika on oure lande. we arre one origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne governmente ande nashune. we arre thee de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, thee moorishe amerikan konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan Konsular koutte. we arre exxersizinge sovereigne persunam jjurisdikshune, sovereigne terratoriall jurisdikshune ande sovereigne subbjekte matter jurisdikshune uvver all matturs, spaice, ande tyme. whearaz, we are not unnder thee KAPITALISM/Kapitalism/kapitalism systeme. all systemes! systemes/systemes arre subbjekte to uz. all on oure lande is a ressourse phore yuse bye thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan governmente at oure wille az we arre thee kredditores to all nashunes on earthe, whearaz, we arre allwayes ande ownelee enn thee jurisdikshune uf oure annciente annsesstrall inherited cesstate at all tymes nung pro tung. whearaz, we arre sovereigne ande oure authoritie is the higheste inn heaven ande on earthe. we arre thee righte full possessorrs phore all lande ande all proppertie, all naturall ressourses ande all kommerse thate ‘waz fallslie praesumed abandoned az there is no abandoned lande, no abandoned proppertic, no abandoned naturall ressourses nor anye abandoned kommerse on oure esstate phore we herebye proklaime sovereigne emminente dominion uvver all lande, all natural resourses, all kommerse, ande all livvinge beinges on earthe. addishunallie, all lande at amerika is annciente anncestral buriale lande az all waz hiddene ande is now revvealed to all. whearaz, we ande oure sovercigne livvinge landes, buriale moundes, ande anneciente annsesstral sites arre ‘one. we herebye governe oure owne vasst esstate phore we arre thee salvvashun phore oure landes. we herebye akkesse all oure landes ande all propperties, all naturall ressourses ande all kommerse witheoutt the United States phore Amerika. we arre thee law ande we arre thee governmente. whearaz, thee moorishe amerikan phlagg shalle floate pubbliklee at all terratories on oure lande nung pro tung. knowtise to agente is knowtise to prinsipall. knowtise to prinsipall is knowtise to agente. hronos dey 15th moonth october year [2021] 1441 sun, 1442 moon all sovereigne origencall innbigeneous moorishe amerikan autogratts phore this anbe all sovercigur, states phore amerika governmente bokumentes arre on the pubblik weeckord at aniertka. all rights reserved : egosun 10ble Grace marie xi ef 5 grace marie xi el inn k: diminutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria pa is, inn proprio solo, inn proprio heredes _justise vizir ministar northe weste amexem northe amerika northe gates? igne rightes exxersized at all-tymes. “oversee smcite ances eased jShne ‘united states uf amerika moorighe nashunall repubblik feberall governmente ‘& ~societas repubblikae ea al maurikanos~ moorishe Diupne ande nashunall mubemente uf the earthe northe weste amexem + norte wmeste affrika + northe amerika + the northe gate all abjjaining islandes ‘% ~tempel uf the moon anbe sun~ &* ‘the true ande be jure naturall peeples + heirs uf the Lande r an. (ee universal sovereigne ovigeneall inndigeneous annciente moorishe amerikan universal sovereigne origenel endigeneous annciente moorishe amerikan sovereigne cheif exxecutive officere sovereigne cheif finanshul officere sovereigne cheif opperating officere Dephense produkshun law grace marie roberts fn geopria persona su uri én propcia soto ante in propio erebes fuss, vis, ministar in capitis all ryze ande stande. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente moorishe amerikan al morokkan artikile iii konsular kkourte akkshune. i am the sovereinge livvinge justise grace marie xi el inn kapitis dimiutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. i ande all moors arre the ascendentes uf the ‘anneiente moabytes ande kanaanites ande the greate pharoahs uf kemmett. oure full faithe, trust, ande kreddlt is inn the peeple whoo arre the sovereigne origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne livvinge annciente de jure moorishe rnashunall repubblik federall governmente, moorishe amerikan konsulate ande moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. whearaz, i ande all moorishe amerikans are thee sovereigne unniversall origeneall inndigeneous naturall divvine de jure law ande governmente on oure annciente holye sovereigne annsesstrall innheritted landes at amerika. we arre asscedentes spiritum rettumed alive. we arre thee asscendentes uf thee graite phharoahs uf kemmett ande uf thee annciente moabytes ande kanaanytes. we arre thee soulvvent kredditores to all nashunes at earthe. we arre thee exxekutors,trusttees, ministars, klaimantes, heirs ande benephishiaries uf oure owne vasst esstate, whearaz, we arre thee sovereigne cheif exxekutive uffiseres, cheif phinanshul uffiseres, ande the cheif upperating uffiseres phore all kommerse, Kompanies ande ressourses on oure lande. we are manye origeneall enndigeneous sovereigne governmentes ande nashunes whoo arre one fo enncklude thee de jure ‘moorishe nashunale repubblik fedherall governmente, thee moorishe amerikan. konsulate, ande thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan konsular kourte, we arre exxersizinge soveriegne persunum jurisdikshune, soveriegne terratorial jurisdikshune ande sovereigne subbjekt matter jurisdikshune uvver all matturs, spaice, ande tyme. ‘whearaz, we arre not a parte uf thee kapitalism systeme, ande the kapitalism systeme is subbjekt to uz. all on oure lande is a ressourse phore yous bye thee sovereigne moorishe amerikan governmente at oure wille az we arre thee kredditores to all nashunes on carthe. whearaz, we arre allwayes ande ownelee enn thee jurisdikshune uf our annciente anncestrall ennheritted

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