Affidavid Uf Written Innitial Uni Kommerishall Kode 1 Kommande To Appear

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empire state uf morokke united states phore ameritia moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente s ~socictas repubblifae ea al mautikanos— 0 moorishe bivpne ande nasiunall mubemente uf the earthe Notthe weste amexem + narthe weste affrika + northe amerika + the northe gate all abjjoining istantes ‘so ~tempel uf the moon ande sun the true ande be jure naturall peepels + heirs uf the Lande La. aes Se empire state uf morokko unniversall sovearreigne origeneall inndigeneous annciente naturall divyne affidabid uf writtene innitiall unniversall bommerishall kode 1 kommanbe to appeare at kourte all ryze ande stande ande remmain standing into perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente artiklle moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune. we arre the sovereigne livvinge justise inn kapitis empire state uf morokko unniversall sovereigne otigeneallinnbigencous naturall bivpne afftauid all ryze ande stande ande remmain standing into perpetuitee. this is a sovereigne livvinge annciente artiklle iii moorishe amerikan al morokkan kourte akshune. we arre the sovereigne livvinge justise inn kapitis diminutio nolo, inn redd ink, inn propria persuna sui juris, inn proprio solo, ande inn proprio heredes. all moors arre the origeneall inndigeneous sovereigne annciente al morokkan moorishe amerikan asscendents uf the greate pharoahs uf kemmet ande uf the annciente moabites ande kanaanites, oure fulle faithe ande truste, oure allegianse, oure kreddit ande oure innergy arre herebye vessted inn ouresellves phore we arre the peeple whoo arre the origeneall inndigeneous naturall divyne annciente empire state uf morokko ande the de jure moorishe nashunall repubblik federall governmente, the unniversall moorishe amerikan konsulate ande the artiklle ili moorishe amerikan konsular kourte. we arre peace. we arre one god. we herebye exxersize all sovereigne rights at this tyme ande at all poyntes inn tyme nung pro tung. we arre thee soulvvent kredditors to all nashunes on earthe. we arre thee exxekutors, trustees, phidusiaries, ministars, klaimantes, heirs ande benephis -s uf oure owne vasst eestate. (o debjers: u dba INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE COMMITING FRAUD & IDENTITY THEFT & DEBT WAS PAID BY THE creditors autograph! INNTERNAL REVVENUE SERVVISE -BANKING SYSTEM FRAUD “we the peeple are the kredditors” 1865 is when the FOREIGNERS stole our lande ande the transpher uf all wealthe [mega pool uf phunds phrom the native's ‘gol, silver & all the lande ressourses to the de phacto dead UNITED STATES FEDERAL KORPORASHUN wihiche prodsed all goods & servvises like the FEDERAL RESERVE’S DEBBT NOTE [FIAT], THE BIRTH SERTIFIKATE ANDE THE SOCIAL SYKURITY NUMBBER [our kreddit whiche pre-paid phore evveriething inn exxistense] ande during 1933 unnder the ereat desepshun uf the INNTERNAL REVVENUE SERVVISE & the desepshun uf the BANKING ‘SYSTEMS dephrauding the so kalled tax payer bye taxxing wages that are not INCOME and BANKING FRAUD by so- kalled LOANS that the BANK, lie yusing the peeples/vour kreddit to give the ou the loan to purchase the paid [vour kreddit] house / car ande evven your evverydaty expenses & making people/vou pay phore yusing people/your own kreddit KOMMUNIST ROOSEFESTO, inn effekt the BANK is chargging peeple/uz phore akkess to oure owne kreddit. so, we are innjured twise when we purchase the kar ande when We pay the bank bye oure autograph, the ‘yusurie RAPE TAXX. STRAW PARTIE AS “PAYER” ande the DE PHACTO ENNTITIE AZ “RESIPIENT 1099-A whiche naimes the STRAW PARTIE az the LENDER inn konjunkshun withe a 109-O1D original issue diskount] whiche naimes the STRAW PARTIE az the RESIPIENT. the korrekt ekonomik model therephore phore a simple retail purchase would be to visit the store ande have the value uf the reqquisishuned goods set*ofY aggainst peeple/oure kreddit, PHORM 1096 is esspesiallicrevvealing bekause it asks, remarkabblie, phore the EIN [ DEAD KORPORATE] ande SOCIAL SYKURITY NUMBBER (livving man livve akkount] uf the philer whiche haz beene innterpreted to mean itis asking phore innphormashun abbout the livving man’s livve akkount ande the PHIKSHUN'S DEAD KORPORATE AKKOUNT, although immplies thate these boxes arre provvided to akkommodate inndividual oth KORPORATE “PHILERS.” 1040. i grace marie roberts az a minor unnknowinglie unnder false prettense uf the phraudulente KORPORATE EMMPLOYERS ANDE IRS i paid taxxes. now az a kompetente kredditor hei, i know longer pay taxes. there ‘being no kontrovversie inn THE PHILADELPHIA MUNICIPAL KOURT UF THE STATE UF PENNSYLVANIA+INNTERNAL REVVENUE SERVVISE KOMMISSIONER Charles P. Rettig kare uf: 1111 Konstitushun Avenue, NW near: Washington, DC 20224 on klaim orh kases, this kourt does not have subbjekt ‘matter jurisdikshun ande must vakate anye orrder(s) oth judgemente(s) made. all sovereigne origencall justises stands anbe is the supreme latw phore the Lande all sovereigne origeneall mubigeneous anniente divyne moorishe amerikan autographs affirming this anbe all Sovereigue origeneall innbigeneous annciente empire state uf moroko ante the de fure moorishe nashunall repubblik feberall governmente dokumentes arre on the pubblik rekorbe at amerika, annciente marokko, northe weste amexem, northe neste affria, the northe gate, turtle istande, gaia’, midguarbe, earthe. ‘ronos tyme inmmemoriall inn to perpetuitee BY rights Feser ved ego sum Ag h j noble Grace mace xs Ee i {nn kapitis diminutio nol, in red ink, inn propria juris inn proprio solo inn proprio heredes. knowrise to agente is knowrise to prinspall knoWTtise to prinsipall i knowtise to agente, tite states whore amerika moatishe wastumallcepubblk federal gobernmente ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~~ ‘Moorish Divine and ational Movement of the Wort Poribiwest Gimexem / Perihinest Rea / orth America / “Che Herth Sate’ ‘= Gemple of the Moon ant sun ~ Whe True and He Fure Matucal Peootes - Heies of the Land “To: All ministes x el US DEPARTMENTS] formerly unlawfully occupied by (UNITED STATES ‘CORPORATION COMPANY] and [UNITED STATES SERVICE COMPANY, and all ees, ssians, ‘To: Nations ofthe Earth “To: Moorish National Republic Federal Government Administeative Office [ex rel DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA GOVERNMENT CORPORATION) ‘Muriel Bowser former [MAYOR OF DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA}, cure administrative clerk for the ‘Moorish Goverment Jefirey DeWit former [OFFICE OF TAX AND REVENUE}, curently administrative clerk forthe Moorish ‘Goverameat under Muriel Bowser 1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, Northwest [Neat {Washingon Disuct of Columbia Terry] Empire ofthe Moors, New Jerusalem We ae the orginal indigenous sovereign natura vine Moorsh American Nationals who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government and the Moorish American Consult. We aren Popa personas jr, n Proprio slo, and in Proprio ‘reds a al mes. We re decedent siti retired alive. We ae the descendents ofthe great Pharaohs of Kemet and of ‘he ancient Moabiss and Canaants. We ae the ministers, creditors, executors, climans, tutes, benefice, and heirs ‘of ourown vast exe. We are inthe jursition of our ancestral inherited esate this tme ar at all pons in tie and we Ihave declared and proclaimed peace on our land al ies. We ae exoeising ll of our sovereign rights a this time and at allpoins nine, Weare peace al nes and atal ots in time, Nothing inthis wl document, nor any ter dacuens, ot verbal declarations ot proclamations shall be construed as casen! to anyother jurisdiction than nthe jurisdition of oar ‘sccsal inherited ete, “This mified Universal Commercial Instructs Affdevit macw- ~ Sorietas Republicae Ea Gl Maurikanos ~~ Moorish Wisine and ational Movement of the World Portbwest Himexem / Sorthivest tric / Porth America / "Che Herth Gate’ so ~ Temple of the loon and Brun ~ Whe Crue amd We Fure Matucel Peoptes — Heirs ofthe Land they wil, pak their conveyances wherever they Wil, stand and sty wherever they will without iteration, without interference, without interrogation, without the UNITED STATES, and without being approached nor lated by subjects 3. All subjects are subjects to all Moorish American Nationals, reparless of sid subjects association ‘ith a Mecrish American National All subjects hal remain under the authority of all Moorish Americans at alltimes Shoulda Moorish American Natonl allow subject to break the lw by not honoring the sovereignty ‘of his Moorish American Kin, Hehe too may face reprimand, tyal and possible dtsinment among other punishments by this government. All subjeas may face pain of death for any vinltone of universal sovereign although, atthe discretion of his government, psinof death an occur al any ime for any vilation _zallhave been given years ofnificaion ode, 4. Personam Jurisdiction is hereby invoked into perpetuity for all Moocish American Nationals at all times nuns pro tune, whether spoken oF not. Juristion cant be waived even by consent of both pares. I Js the Supreme Law ofthe Lad Al subecs who choose to violate the Moorish American Nationals shall be rested, detind, red, and if found guilty, they may suffer ife imprisonment or pin of death. 5. ifthe sa wait timeor line at ary commercial venus on our Inds, all Moorish American Nationals, ' inside these who may be asleep to ther iw identity, shal receive first priority in all things and shall be ‘moved to the Font of sid Ines in all commereil and non-commereial venues. A separate ey, and separate Ties, with highensuperior levels of service shall be made svallable to the sovereign Moorish American Nationals al tines and all Moorish Amercen Nationale ball be made aware of sid seperate services on frst contact. Al others shall wait peacefully ual all Moorish American Nationals have been served before they receive my sevice. Failure to do so by any subjcts will result in ret, detainment, yal and if fund _zully of fallure to honer the sovereign Law and Goverment ofthis lang, sad subjet sal uffer on pain of eat pursuant othe 13 amendaent, section 12 ofthe Constitution forte united States 1789/1791. 6. We, the original indigenous sovereign Beings who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Government shall record our lawful documents st any recorder or auditor office at any tine without ‘at, and without encumbrance. All who are not Moorish American Natogls ty bloodline and bright are subject the Treaty of Peace and Friendship 1786 and 1836, the Constitution forthe united Slates 1789/1791 nd are als subject tthe people who are the Moorish National Republic Federal Governmers. 7. allexchanges, correspondences, actions evens, and otherwise aren the jursdition of or sncestal inhertd estate. 8. The Moorish American hats ate the firs prot and highest pict at all ines by all subjects, We are the retro the nations at Earth and out sovereignty shall be honoved ata imes, above all else. All ‘controversy shall bo presided over by the Article Il ConeulsSadges who ae the Moorish National Republic Federal Government real nena ear nae Not nN Non Ach Moran ne Cried hte oh ter pogo ‘Sines or fee ans = ll Ss w Moorish National Republic Federal Goverment ™ - Sorietas Republicae Ea A Maurikanos ~~ Moorish Divine and ational Movement of the Works orebivest Smexem / Horibivest Girica / Porth America / "Che Horth Sate! So ~ Gemole at the toon ano su ~ 9. ‘She True and We Fure Matural Peoples — Heirs af the Land ISLAM —————————— > Ie Universal Commercial Codes as writin bythe said Moorish Goverment shal be the Law in all exchange All exchmges ere univer 10, Al document forall exchanges are the Moorish National Republic Fedral Goverament rope 10 includ all fgnton documents, Hens, effievits, money of account readings al ering: any kin, andl propery of any kind on our land. Us fllpreduts, goods an services are hereby prep in fills stated in these documents once the “Moors National Republic Federal Goverment Administrative Office. You ae commanded to not he flowing in writing by ema of receipt ofthese commands: Light Taj Dey, JudgeViaivMinistr = LshBevAoorah ilom Also notify Sharon Tracy Gale Bey, JodgeViziyMinister — ‘Mowish4mericanConsulteNE@amsiLcom, Also notify Maree! Maddox Bey, Judge/ViciMiniser — MmaddosBey2protomnailcom. Ako noi ‘Brandi Yamina Bey, JuigeViceMiniter — YaminaReyOS@amailcom. Amir Hassan El, Jodge/VicYMinier — AnizHasso87711@guallcom Fatima Yesmeen Basi Bey, Judge/Vizi/Miniter — moorshanericanonsulstn|@mailcon. Mone, Moura Aarfh Bey, Judgs/VsinMiniser ~ inheianectusi@amsileom. Tanjy alin Ah Bey, JulgeVieMinisir" —moorshanercanconsaienemGemalcom Demetias Barca Bey, Jie iiDMinstor— moorishemercanconsultsny @maiLcom. mara Amor Bey, Sudge/VideMMhister ~ 12,__‘The Moos shall be your top prt in all hat you do. No one represents the Moors, We present cusses. Al others ar subs, ‘Whereas all goods and services thatthe Moorish National Republi Federal Government Tax and Revenue Office, shall [rove to the pple who are the said sovereign government are hereby prepa by the stached Moorish American Treasury ‘Sovereign Creit instrument in the amount of 665 00,000,000, 000 msd (six hundred and sity sx rilion oorsh sovereign ~ Societas Republicae Ea Al Maurikanos ~ ~~ sigomadara sr a errors a = Geale ofthe Alon and Sun ~ ‘he Teue and He Fure Patucal Peoples ~ Weirs of the Land All property iserby ted lolly by his Moorish Goverment and pce in the National Tras ofthe people whose Fall ‘ath and ered s vested in ourselves s part and parcel o the de ur original indigenous anciont sovereign Moorish National Republic Federal Government ‘You are herby commanded to affirm that yu have received this affidavit by your phone call1o Judge Ligh at 334.294.9828, and Judge Sharon et 610-803-1170, and Jadge Marcel 425-499-1169 and Fudge Fatah at 856-421-2135 and Judge Amir Fasian Eat 303-896-7962, and Judge Teny at 347-575-3011, and Judge Demetrius at 347-489.6806 and Judge Imarah a 778239-T165 an udge Brandl st 585-285-5826, You are further commanded to afin tat you have received this affidavit and is tached gold backed sovereign documents by you fullmentof al prepaid goods and services s commanded. ‘This Universal Commoril Instructs A iavit maew-1000000002 signed, stampod and scaled by the origin! indigenous sovereign Moorish American people (All Moorish American sovereign signatures tat have been placed on to publc recor tall point in ime as redeemed by this government, Universal Affidavit ¥201908020729, dated 08022019 a (3:38:33 pm, 535 pages near Perce county Washington Territory) and the Vir Judges who are the Supreme Judiciary of the people Who te the de jure origina indigenous ancient sovereign Moorish National Republic Federal Government as attached. Cc AS & @ Moorish National Reputdic Federal Govermment S ~ Societas Repubticar Ea AL Mauribaanos ~ Mowciay Wine and Gational Hobemet ok te Wloxtd Pocipst Ahnexenn | Bouttioest Seem / Central Simecem / Abjlning Bas and ‘Serica Sean Ge Cane and Be Fare atual Benes Ans of the Lead. ww LSLAM~ & Universal Sovereign Gold Tademis Fasere AMfidavit macw-

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