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Night that cost me my life.

1872. I was 17 years old. I lived in a poor family, we didn’t have much. My
parents had a deal with the most prestigious family in town. The deal
was, in exchange for money ( a big amount ) my parents would give them
the best horse. The problem was, my parents never planned on giving
them the horse, but they didn’t know that mistake would cost them my
“Now that we have you the money, give us the horse”
“You can take the keys and go to the stable”
I usually sleep downstairs. In the middle of the night I heard some
noises coming from the front door. Suddenly, I felt a plastic sack
covering my whole face.

A few instants later, I felt some humidity covering my whole face and
body, when unexpectedly someone grabbed my hand and pulled me out
I opened my eyes and I heard a boy screaming. He started running away
so I decided to run after him.
Once in town, we stopped in front of a shop, and I didn’t see my
reflection in the mirror and I realized that boy was the only one who
could see me. He looked at me and asked me:
“ Who are you? And why am I the only one who can see you?”
“The last thing I remember is that I fell asleep” I said.
“I think you are the girl who disappeared… 5 years ago”
I started to feel anxious. He was lying, obviously I didn't disappear.
“What year is it” I asked
“1877” As I looked at him with schock.
Was I really dead? Of course not, my parents would look for me. “My
parents were making a great deal with a family in town…” Flashbacks
came, my parents fighting and then everything went dark. So maybe, it
was true… but how? I decided to look for answers, but the only place I
could think of was: my home.
The boy, who pulled me out, his name was Damian. A rich kid. A
kid who has everything ( not like me ) he was around my age.
Nice, good looking… He wanted to go with me, so I said yes.
We walked for a very long time and we got to know each other. It
was a very quick connection, like he had been my friend forever, I
felt like I could really trust him.

Finally, we arrived at my house. My parents were not there. I

checked the living room, the kitchen, my parents bedroom, but
there was no one. I decided to go to my room, but the moment I
stepped in, I felt a weird vibe, a dark vibe. I saw a tiny light. Then
I heard a voice, it said:
“You have been given a second chance in life, but you must make
a decision now. Either go to the world of the dead forever, or stay
here with your new friend , he is not who he says he is. You could
also look for your parents.”
“What do you mean he is not who he says he is” I said
“You shall ask him. When you make your choice, either say life or
death, but there’s no going back”

I turned around and I saw Damian. Was the voice right about
him? Should I ask him?
“Who are you” I said, waiting for an answer.
“Look I can explain” He said
“Okay then, tell me”
“My parents…killed you. I’m truly sorry. But I’m not like them. I
promise. I-”
I didn’t let him finish. How could he lie to me like that? Hiding
the real answer.
I didn’t think straight. Last thing I remember is saying “death”
without realising he had more story to tell.
I think about him every day. But it’s too late, I can’t change my
decision. If I only stayed a few more minutes.

That’s my story, I never saw Damian or my parents ever again.

Ana Paula

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