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Echoes of the Past

Emerging from the depths of my unconsciousness, I found myself in a world consumed by chaos, An
apocalyptic landscape drained of hope,
Where the echoes of devastation vibrated with every breath.
The city I once knew, now reduced to ruins, A place of once vibrant streets now lay in ruins, Burnt
remains of buildings stood as solemn witnesses, To the incomprehensible horrors that had unfolded
Between the wreckage,
the cries of suffering persisted,
The suffering wails of mothers mourning their lost children, The sorrowful sobs of fathers burdened
by their failures, A symphony of heartbreak that pierced the very soul
Soldiered sitting on the cold wet floor, Covered in mud, weary looking like mole rats And me; all my
comrades had gone missing, Waves of loneliness rushed through me
Bombs crashing on the ground, Exploding into big balls of fire
The sparks from bulldogs that have just left the gun, Trickling down like rainfall
I trudged forward, my drained body aching,
Haunted by the memories engraved deep within me, The weight of survivor's guilt enveloping me,
For I alone had escaped the clutches of certain death
In the distance, I glimpsed a glimmer of hope, A flickering light in the middle of the darkness, A
sanctuary promising comfort and rest, And yet, I wondered if such refuge truly existed

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