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1. During his third missionary journey Paul returned to Ephesus and spent three years there. He taught
about Jesus in the synagogue and in a city school. Some of the most unusual miracles in the Book of Acts
occurred during Paul’s stay in Ephesus. Paul spent a good deal of time in Ephesus because of what he
taught he convinced the magicians and sorcerers burned all of their expensive sorcery books and turned
to God. So many people stopped worshipping idols (and buying idol statues) that a silversmith named
Demetrius led a riot against Paul.

2. Paul were protected by Romans because Paul wrote the letter to both the Jewish and the Gentile
Christians in Rome in order to persuade them to build up a peaceful and close relationship between
their house churches.

The Jews were so determined to kill Paul because Jewish religious leaders’ hated Paul for his ministry to
the Gentiles. Considering themselves devout and committed to their false version of the faith, they took
a sacred oath. This was not merely a personal vendetta, but a satanic commitment to oppose Christ. The
religious leaders hated the gospel of Christ, and so were opposed to Paul, the apostle of Christ.

3. In the first five years of Nero's rule, he was known as a generous politician. It has been claimed that
throughtout the very early middle East that persecution of Christian started because they refused to
worship the emperor, which give Nero reason to hunt them. In 64 A.D a massive fire broke out and
destroyed much of Rome, rumors say that it was Nero doings and then Nero ordered that Christians
should be rounded and killed. He persecuted Christian by first, he would arrest whoever who confessed
that they are Christian, then they would be torn apart by dogs, crucified or possibly set the fire to
illuminate the dark night and even to brighten the garden parties.

4.The Gospel of John is very different from the other three. The three (Matthew, Mark, and Luke) are
called the Synoptic gospels because they take one basic point of view of Jesus' lifem teachings, and the
like. John differs from the other three because John took great pains to make it crystal clear that Jesus
was indeed God in human form. John builds this on the historical and apologetic foundation already
provided by the other three gospels, and provides the theology the others don’t even attempt. They
record events; John tries to give a record of Jesus’ own explanations for Himself and why He did what He

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