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International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

Review Article


1* 2 3 4
Binu Alappat A , Kamdev Das , Arun Kumar Das , Roshy Joseph C

1. Ph.D. Scholar, Dept. of Rasasastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Gopabhandu Ayurveda Maha Vidyalaya, Puri,
Odisha, India.
2. Professor & HOD, Dept. Of Rasasastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, SSN Ayurveda Medical College & Research
Centre, Paikmal, Bargarh, Odisha, India.
3. Professor, PG Dept. of Rasasastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana, Gopabhandu Ayurveda Maha Vidyalaya, Puri,
Odisha, India.
4. Assistant Professor, Dept. of Rasa shastra and Bhaishajya Kalpana, Govt. Ayurveda Medical College &
Hospital, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, India.


Three arsenic compounds which are deadly poisons are Haratala (Orpiment-Arsenic trisulphide), Manashila
(Realgar-Arsenic disulphide) and Gouripashana (Arsenic oxide). But in Ayurveda these compounds have
miraculous medicinal effects on human body. These special actions are mentioned in various texts of
Rasasastra (alchemy) in Ayurveda and Siddha system. Haratala (Arsenic trisulfide) is an inorganic
compound with the formula As2S3. This bright yellow solid is a well known as mineral orpiment. In olden days
Haratala was used for dhatuvada purpose (making lower metals to higher metals), further used for external
application and internally for chronic diseases after purification and incineration. Here in the article an attempt
has been made to collect various Ayurvedic review on haratala and its therapeutic importance from various
literatures and journals.

Key words: Ayurveda; Rasasastra; Haratala; Arsenic trisulphide (AS2S3).

*Address for correspondence:

Dr. Binu Alappat A
Ph.D. Scholar,
Dept. of Rasasastra & Bhaishajya Kalpana,
Gopabhandu Ayurveda Maha Vidyalaya,
Puri, Odisha, India – 752 002.

[Received: 18-12-2014; Revised: 04-02-2015; Accepted: 08-02-2015]

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 1

International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

INTRODUCTION vrana sodhana (wound cleaning), pandu

karma (coloring the skin after scars of
Ayurvedic medicines are widely used all wounds), arsha (piles), for various skin
over the world for various diseases. disorders, granthi (nodules), upadamsa
Rasasastra and Bhaishajya kalpana deals (penile and veneral diseases), visarpa
with the conversion of raw drugs into (herpes) and as a hair remover in different
medicinal form. Rasasastra deals about yogas (formulations). In kalpasthana, two
Metals, Minerals, Ratnas (gems and references are available regarding dhatu
precious stones), Calcium compounds, vishas in lutadamsa chikitsa.
Visha dravyas (poisonous drugs) etc. and Simultaneously in uttara tantra, seven
its method of converting into medicine. references are available in the subject of
Three arsenic compounds which are worms, eye diseases, skin diseases and
deadly poisons are Haratala (Orpiment- several paediatric disorders in the form of
Arsenic trisulphide), Manashila (Realgar- oil, powder, and dhumapana
Arsenic disulphide) and Gouripashana (fumigation).[4]
(Arsenic oxide). Haratala (Arsenic
trisulfide) is an inorganic compound with Vagbhata has used haratala mainly in
the formula As2S3. This bright yellow solid nasa rogas (nasal diseases), sotha
is a well known mineral orpiment. (oedema), vrischika damsa (scorpion
This chalcogenide material is a group sting), for vidarana action (self opening of
V/VI, intrinsic p-type semiconductor and the abscess).[5] Acharyas Bhela and
exhibits photo-induced phase-change Kashyapa have described the indications
properties. The word arsenic is derived of haratala. In Rasashastra, majority of
from the Greek word Arsenikon, meaning Rasacharyas placed haratala in Uparasa
“potent”.[1] At the time of 2000 BC, the group. In Sarangadhara Samhita it is
word becomes synonyms with poison. In placed in Upaloha and upadhatu varga
fact, it was considered as the perfect (group).
poison for many reasons - its physical
qualities (odorless and nearly tasteless Mythologically Haratala is considered as
with a sugar like appearance), its ability to Harebijam and some has opined as the
cause a slow painful death and the sexual pleasure of Lord Shiva. Some
inability to detect it in the body.[2] others opine that, the demon Hiranya
Kasipu was killed by Lord Narasimha in
In ancient days arsenic was used to treat the evening. The vomit of the demon
diseases and such functions were became Haratala which came out from
described by Hippocrates, Aristotle, Pliny axillary fossa.
the Elder and Paracelsus. It was used to
treat dietary deficiencies (pellagra, The data in the present review are
anorexia), neuralgia, rheumatism, asthma, organised in various sections based on
chorea, tuberculosis, diabetes, fever, skin Ayurvedic view and recent research
disorders, malaria and syphilis and it is carried out on the drug.
still being used for the treatment of some
protozoal infections.[3] MATERIAL AND METHODS

The references of haratala are available in The data was collected from Ayurveda
Susrutha samhita, sutra sthana, for literatures and scientific journals.
cleansing wounds. In chikitsa sthana, as

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 2

International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

Availability As2S3 occurs both in crystalline and

amorphous forms. Both forms feature
Italy and Iran are main sources. In India, it polymeric structures consisting of trigonal
is manufactured in surat and culcutta. pyramidal As (III) centres linked by
sulphide centres. The sulphide centres
Synonyms of haratala are two-fold coordinated to two arsenic
atoms. In the crystalline form, the
Synonyms of haratala are collected compound adopts a ruffled sheet
from various Ayurvedic texts and structure.[6] The bonding between the
tabulated in Table 1. sheets consists of van der Waals forces.
The crystalline forms are usually found in
Vernacular names geological samples. Amorphous As2S3
does not possess a layered structure but
Hindi - Haratala is more highly cross-linked. Like other
Malayalam - Aritalam glasses, there is no medium or long-range
Gujarati - Haratala order, but the first co-ordination sphere is
Marathi - Haratala well defined. As2S3 is a good glass former
Bengali - Haratala and exhibits a wide glass-forming region
Punjabi - Haratala in its phase diagram.
Oriya - Haratala
Tamil - Ardidaram, Vellikuo Types of haratala
Telugu - Haratala, Pasanam Most of the Ayurvedic Rasa shastra
Kannada - Haridala, Haratala, texts have described as two types. They
Aradala are Patra haratala and Pinda haratala.[7]
Assamese - Haratala
Patra haratala
Description of drug
It is usually preferred and practiced for
It is golden yellow coloured, hard the therapeutically purposes. It is golden
substance. The layers were found to form yellow in colour, heavy and unctuous.
a hard mass. It has soft surface. It is a This type of haratala contains number of
chemical compound of arsenic and layers and bright. The haratala which
sulphur. The name orpiment originated contains more number of layers is
from Latin word Ori pigment. These kings considered as rasayana (rejuvenator).
yellow have 69% of arsenic and 31% of According to the classics of Rasa sastra
sulphur. this is the best quality of orpiment.

Molecular formula : As2S3 Pinda haratala

Molar mass : 246.04 g mol−1
Appearance : Orange crystals This type of haratala is mostly without
Density : 3.43 g cm-3 layers and les in potency. If it is
Melting point : 310 °C (590 °F; consumed by the woman, it may lead
583 K) menstrual cycle. This type of Haratala is
Boiling point : 707 °C (1,305 °F; not preferred for the oral application
980 K) because the portion of clay has mixed

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 3

International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

with it. Generally it is preferred for the Marana of Haratala

external applications like ointments etc.
Method 1
Shodhana (Purification)
Shoditha Haratala should be crushed into
There are different methods mentioned in fine powder and ground well (Bhavana)
classics to purify the drug. Screening with decoction of punarnava (Boerhavia
various texts of Rasashastra fourteen diffusa) for one day. Then contents are
different liquid medias are used for made into thin, round and flat cake
shodhana of haratala. Number of shaped (Chakrikas) and dried under the
references are tabulated in Table 2. The sunrays. These Chakrikas should be kept
liquid medias mentioned in Table 2 are in a Sharavasamputa (earthen vessel)
used for swedana but in addition and Sandhibandhana (binding the edges)
Churnodoka and Kanji are also used for should be done. An earthen pot should be
Bhavana. taken and half filled with ash of
punarnava, Saravasamputa should be
Method 1 placed and again filled with the ash of
punarnava in the earthen pot. Then
Haratala has to be boiled in dola yantra Sandhibandhana should be done and
with any one of the juice of Kushmanda puta (incineration) given.[12]
(Benincasa hispida),[8] tilakshara (ash of
Sesamum indicum) or churnodaka (lime Method 2
Purified Haratala and Shuktika Bhasma
Method 2 (ash of conch shell) is to be taken in equal
quantity, rubbed with juice of Kumari (Aloe
The small pieces of haratala should be vera) for one prahara (3 hours) and made
added with one tenth of tankana (Borax) into chakrika. Then it is dried in sunlight
and washed with lemon juice and kanji and subjected to laghuputa (mild
(gruel). After that, this has to be tied in a incineration).[13]
cloth as pottali (bolus) and boiled in lime
water and kanji throughout a day in dola Method 3
Purified Haratala is to be broken into
Method 3 pieces, rubbed with lime water, juice of
Apamarga (Achyranthes aspera), solution
Another method is to boil the haratala in of Ksharas (ash) and then to be kept in an
dolayantra with the juice of kushmanda or earthen vessel with powdered Ksharas of
shalmali (Salmalia malabarica) for a barley husks put below and upon. This is
day.[10] to be covered with an earthen basin. The
remaining portion of vessel is to be filled
Method 4 with the kernel of a kushmanda fruit
(Benincasa hispida). The mouth of the
Patra Haratala is purified by subjecting to vessel is then to be closed. It is next to be
bhavana (grinding) for seven times with subjected to heat which is to be increased
churnodaka (lime water).[11] gradually at uniform rate for twelve hours.
Haratala thus incinerated.[14]

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 4

International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

Table 1: Synonyms of haratala mentionedin various Classical texts










Aalam + + + + + +
Alam + + + + + + + + + + + +
+ +
Kanak rasah +
Karsuram +
Kancanakam +
Kancanrasah +
Kharjura + +
Godantam + + + + + + +
Gauram + +
Gaurilalitam +
Citragandham +

Table 2: The liquid media used for Shodhana of Haratala and Number of References

S.No. Name of materials No. of References

1 Kushmanda Swarasa 15
2 Kanjika 10
3 Tilataila 09
4 Triphala Kwatha 08
5 Churnodaka 08
6 Nimbu Swarasa 06
7 Tila Kshara Jala 04
8 Shalmali Moola Kwatha 04
9 Palashamula jala 02
10 Gruha dhuma Jala 01
11 Snuhi Kshira 01
12 Katukalaburasa 01
13 Mahishi Mutra 01
14 Balamula Kwatha 01

Method 4 and Bala (Sida cordifolia) and made into a

ump which is to be dried in the shade and
One palam (48g) of purified Haratala is to filled in a samputam or in a glass bottle
be rubbed with the juice of kanya (Aloe with the ashes of Palasha (Butea
vera) dried, kept in a samputam and monosperma), placed on all sides of lump
heated for 36 hours.[14] and then heated in Valuka yantram (sand
filled vessel).[14]
Method 5
Method 6
Haratala is to be powdered very fine and
rubbed for two days with the juice of Fine powder of Haratala is to be subjected
Dugdhika, Sahadevi (Vernonia cinerea) to Bhavana for twenty days with the juice

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 5

International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

of Asvattha (Ficus religiosa), rubbed in a Prevoius research works on haratala

clean mortar and made into a ball which is
to be kept inside a vessel, one half of Antimicrobial activity of haratala
which is filled with the ashes and the
mouth of the vessel is to be closed by 250 mg/ml concentration of Hartala
means of a basin, usual. The whole thing bhasma showed 100% inhibition result on
is now to be heated for 12 hours in Streptococcus pneumonia &
Gajaputa. [14] Staphylococcus aureus but 75% on
Klebsiella pneumonia and 50% on
Method 7 Pseudomonas aeruginosa. In 200 mg/ml
conc. of Hartala bhasma showed 75%
Purified haratala should be given bhavana inhibition result on Streptococcus
with palasha moola kwatha (decoction of pneumonia, 50% on Staphylococcus
Butea monosperma root) and then aureus, 250% on Klebsiella pneumonia
bhavana with goat’s urine for three times. but no any antimicrobial effect seen on
Then chakrikas should be prepared and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. So Hartala
dried under hot sun. This should be kept bhasma has antibacterial property on
in sharava samputa and then kapota puta Gram +ve > Gram –ve. In 150mg/ml
is given for 12 times.[15] concentration. of Hartala bhasma no any
antimicrobial effect was seen on gram +ve
Properties of haratala and gram –ve bacteria.[17]

The properties of Haratala from various Anti asthmatic effect of haratala

classics are tabulated in Table 3.
Haratala is one of ingredient in
Karmas sameerapanaga rasa. Pharmaceutical
standardization of sameera pannaga rasa
Lekhana (scrapping), jantughna and its effect on tamaka shwasa
(antiseptic), Romasatana (falling of hairs), (bronchial asthma) conducted at I.P.G.T.
nadi daurbalya (weekness of nerves), & R.A., Jamnagar, have proved its effect
dipana (appetiser), pachana (digestive), on asthma.[18]
anulomana (laxative), sothahara (anti-
inflammatory), raktha shodaka, tvachya Anticonvulsant effect
(good for skin), jwaraghna (anti pyretic).
Haratala bhasma is having a definite
Indications of haratala demonstrable anticonvulsant action as
ascribed by experimental study conducted
Kushta (skin diseases), vata vyadhi on Albino rats (In vivo method).[19]
(diseases of vata), agnimandya
(indigestion), sula (abdominal pain), Toxic effects of ashodhita haratala
gulma (tumour), pleeharoga (disease of (Unpurified)
spleen), kasa (cough), swasa (asthma),
kshaya (emaciation), nadi vrana (sinus Toxic effects of ashodhita haratala are
ulcers), bhagandara (fistula), vatarakta tabulated in Table 4.
(arthritis), phiranga (syphilis).[16]

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International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

Table 3: Showing the properties of Haratala from some of the prime texts (Enlisted
in abbreviations)


Name of Texts
Snigdha Usna Guru Usna Katu
A.S. Kasaya, katu + + +
A.P. Katu, kasaya + + + +
Bh.P. Katu, kasaya + + + +
D.N. Katu + + + +
M.N.P. Katu ,kasaya + + + +
R.N. Katu + + + +
R.Cha. Katu + + + +
R.K.D. Katu, kasaya, tikta + + + + +
R.J. Katu + + + +
R.M. - +
R.A. - +
R.P.S. Katu + + + +
R.R.S. Katu + + + +
R.T. - + + +
R. Chi. - +
R. Chu. Katu + + + +
Ra sa sa. Katu kasaya + + +
S.N. +
S.B.M. Katu, kasaya + + +
Ba. R. Katu + + + +
Y.R. Katu, kasaya + + +

If the haratala is used without proper (burning sensation), Angasankhochaka,

purification the toxic effects are Daha Pida, Kapha Roga, Vata Roga and Kushta
(burning sensation), Kampaka (tremors), roga.[22]
Toda (pricking pain), Kshobha, Pida,
Raktadusti (vitiates blood), Kushta (skin Chronic arsenic poisoning
disease), Malinikaroti Gatram, Vata Kapha The most common early sites of arsenic
Prakopatamaka Roga, Mrtyusankakara.[20] poisoning are muscle of the neck,
eyelids, nipples and axillae, especially
The other opinion is, if used without hyperkeratosis, weaknesses, aching, skin
proper purification it shortens the life pigmentation e t c . Gastro - intestinal
span, causes diseases of Kapha and involvement is less prominent in chronic
Vata, prameha (diabetes). It is responsible exposures. Other signs and symptoms
for santapa (burning sensation) in the that arise in arsenic poisoning include
body, sphota (boils) and snayu garlic odour of the breath, perspiration,
sankucha. excessive salivation, sweating,
stomatitis, generalized itching, sore
According to Ayurveda Prakasha, the throat, coryza, lacrimation, numbness,
toxic effects of improper incinerated burning or tingling of the extremities,
Haratala bhasma are Dehanashaka, Daha dermatitis, vitiligo and alopecia.

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 7

International Journal of Research in Alternative Medicines
ISSN: 2349-9834

Table 4 shows the toxic symptom of Ashodhita Haratala from various literatures





Toxic symptom

Anga dipti hara +

Anga sankoca kara + + + + + + + + + + +
Aruci kara +
Asma kara + +
Atughnam + + + + + + + + +
Balahani kara +
Daha kara +
Dehanasaka +
Kampa kara +
Kapharoga kara + + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Ksobha kara +
Kustha kara + + + + +
Meha kara + + + + + + + + + + +
Murcha kara + +
Malinikaroti angam +
Pangutva kara +
Pidika kara + + + +
Sphota kara + + + + + + + + +
Tapa kara + + + + + + + + + + + + +
Toda kara +
Vataroga kara + + + + + + + + + + + + + +

Poisoning may begin insidiously with the Eventually those actions proceed to
symptoms of weakness, longer anorexia, atrophy, degeneration and possibly to
occasional nausea,vomiting, diarrhoea or cancer. Skin eruptions are common in
constipation. Subsequent symptoms may patients who received inorganic arsenic
stimulate acute coryza. Dermatitis and medication.
keratosis of the palms and soles are the
common features. Eventually the cirrhosis Formulations of haratala
of liver may occur. Peripheral neuritis
results in motor and sensory paralysis of Rasamanikya,[23][24][25] Kasturi bhairava
the extremities usually the legs are more rasa, Vethala rasa, Taalakeshvara rasa,
severely affected than the arms. The Sarveswari rasa, Taalasindura,
bone marrow is seriously injured by Sameerapannaga rasa, Krimikashtanala
arsenic by which severe explosion of all rasa, Gulmakalanala rasa,
haematological pathways may be Chandakeshwara rasa, Thalaka bhasma,
affected and causes hyperkeratosis, Nithyananda rasa, Bhuthankusha rasa,
Particularly of the palms and soles are Manthana bhairava rasa, Vidhyadara
effected and hyper pigmentation over the rasa, Rakthapithanthaka rasa, Rasendra
trunk and extremities also can occur. gudika, Vatha gajankusha rasa,

Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10 Page 8

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ISSN: 2349-9834

Vatarakthanthaka rasa, Sannipata [4] Susruta. Sushruta samhitha. Kaviraj

bhairava rasa, Kaphakethu rasa.[26] Ambika datta shastri, editor. 1 ed.
Varanasi: Chaukhamba Samskrit
Samsthana; 2005. Kalpasthana.
Matra (Dose) [5] Vagbhata. Ashtanga Hrdaya, Vol. 3.
Srikantha Murthy KR, editor. 1 ed.
1/8 -1/2 ratti (15.63-62.5mg) Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy; 1995.
Uttarasthana, 20/24.p.183.
[6] Retrieved form:
Anupana (Adjuvant)
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Guduchi kvatha (Decoction of Tinospora [7] Satpute AD. Rasaratna Samuchchaya. 1
cordifolia), Madhu (honey), Ghrita (ghee), ed. Delhi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit
Milk are the common anupana found in Pratishthan; 2003.p.66.
[8] Shreeshananda Sharma V, Seetha Devi
the context of haratala. P, Sandhya Rani Sharma. Pharmaceutical
and analytical study of shodhana and
Antidote marama of haratala. IJIPSR.
Kushmanda swarasa (Fruit juice of [9] Vagbhattacharya. Rasaratna
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CONCLUSION Pratishthan; 2003.p.66.
[11] Sadananda Sharma. Rasa Tarangini.
Kashinath Shastry, editor. 11 ed. New
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many diseases externally and internally. 2004. 11/25. p.248.
With the help of Ayurvedic guidelines its [12] Sadanand Sharma. Rasa Tarangini.
anti fungal, antibacterial and antimicrobial Kashinath Shastri, editor. 11 ed. New
Delhi: Motilal Banarasidas; 2004. 11/239.
activities are proven through different p. 254.
researches, still its miraculous medical [13] Sadananda Sharma. Rasa Tarangini.
actions of internal use are unpredictable Kashinath Shastry, editor. 11 ed. New
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Cite This Article

Binu Alappat A, Kamdev Das, Arun Kumar Das, Roshy Joseph C. Ayurvedic review of Haratala (Arsenic
trisulphide – As2 S3) and its therapeutic importance. Int J Res Altern Med. 2015;2(1):1-10.

Source of Support: Nil Conflict of Interest: None Declared

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