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From Sins! From Sickness! From Problems!

Volume: 24 Issue: 4 December 2023 Annual Subscription: ` 25/- Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus

Don't Be Weary,
(Isaiah 40:29)
02 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December


My loving Christmas greetings to you in the sweet name of our
Lord Jesus Christ!
Praise the Lord who has helped us thus far. He protected and
carried us throughout this year 2023! Are you getting ready to celebrate
Christmas this month? Celebration is good but celebrate the festival in
a way that pleases God with what you have. Do not borrow and spend
money for Christmas celebration and become a debtor.
Especially, keep your children happy during this time and
encourage them to help a poor child by giving new clothes. Inculcate in
your children the practice of giving to others.
This month of December is the preparatory month for the new
year. Assign some days to wait at the presence of God and do the
preparatory prayer as a family. It's even better to fast and pray.
Even in this year 2023, the Lord's name was gloried through
mighty miracles in our 'Jesus Redeems' ministries. Praise the Lord for
many souls were saved through our ministry!
I was able to feel the power of your prayer in every ministry.
I praise the Lord for your continual ministry support through your
prayers and your sacricial offering. Our 'Jesus Redeems' ministry team
continues to pray for you and your family.
I am able to sense that the revival has started in our nation
through our prayers. This revival must spread throughout
the nation. We must pray and act more for this
You can contact us if you are willing to work
towards the revival in your area. Grace be with you!

Your brother,
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 03
Don't Be Weary,
(Isaiah 40:29)

Dearly Beloved,
The Lord who helped us see the The Lord never forsakes
beginning of this year 2023, has brought those who are weary! The Lord
us to the last month. strengthens, encourages, and
wonderfully leads them to inherit
Praise the Lord who wonderfully
the promise.
protected us and marvelously led us for
the past 11 months! The Lord desires to Just like fear and trouble, the
speak with you and bless you even in devil uses 'weariness' as his weapon.
this last month. He brings weariness and
Even today, the Lord gives you discouragement to stop us from
this promise, “He gives power to the receiving our blessings.
weak, and to those who have no 'Weariness in our body' is
might He increases strength.” different! When we rest for a while
(Isaiah 40:29). our bodies are refreshed.
Are you worried thinking, “The But Satan tries to paralyze
Lord has given me a promise, but it is our life by making our soul weary,
not fullled. Many have received the but the Lord will never leave us.
miracles and are testifying; I have been What is the weariness in your life
praying with faith, but nothing has today?
happened?” Whenever we are weary,
Don't be weary! Because the the Lord always strengthens us!
Lord looks at you and gives you this Let us meditate some incidents that
promise, “My son/daughter, I am the happened in the lives of the men of
Lord who strengthens you who is weary God in the Bible whom God
and increase the strength to you!” strengthened when they were
04 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December


The Lord came to Abraham in a families of the earth shall be
vision and said, “Do not be afraid, blessed.” (Gen. 12:2,3). He promised
Abram I am your shield, your him 7 types of blessings.
exceedingly great reward.” Abraham was expecting all the
Gen. 15:1. blessings from the Lord, but the days
When the great God who were passing by, and he didn't receive
created and reigns the whole universe, the blessing of a child just as the Lord
comes down to the earth, to speak had promised.
with an ordinary man Abraham, he Therefore, he became weary.
should have been very happy? It's true that the Lord gave a promise
But Abraham was not happy. He to Abraham, but it was not fullled.
was disappointed and asked the Lord, That's the reason, even when
“Lord GOD, what will You give God came to Abraham to speak with
me, seeing I go childless;…” him, he replied to the Lord with
[Gen. 15:2]. disappointment saying, “Lord, You
He said, “Knowing that I am gave me a promise! But You didn't give
childless, what is the benet when You me a child?”
say, 'I am with you! Do not fear! I am The Lord understood that
your shield'”. Abraham was weary. But he was not
My dear ones, Abraham replied mad at Abraham to ask, “Will you not
contrary to what the Lord said to him believe the Lord who gave you a
because of the weariness in his soul. promise?”

When the Lord called Abraham, He (the Lord) brought him

He said, “I will make you a great (Abraham) outside and said, “Look
nation; now toward heaven, and count
the stars if you are able to number
I will bless you and make them.” And He said to him,
your name great; and you shall be “So shall your descendants be.”
a blessing. I will bless those who (Gen. 15:5). The Lord once again
bless you, and I will curse him who strengthened Abraham with the
curses you; and in you all the promise.
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 05
The Holy Bible says, “He
(Abraham) Believed in the Lord,…” a village near Marthandam in
(Gen. 15:6). Kanyakumari district.
Just as the Lord promised, at the I was praying in the presence
right time, He gave Abraham the of the Lord in a room upstairs in the
blessing of the womb and multiplied his house where I stayed for that day's
descendants. The Jews in Israel today meeting. Suddenly, I heard the noise
are Abraham's descendants. The Lord of some speaking in a different
was faithful in fullling His promise. language, apping their wings and
roaming around me in the closed
My dear ones, Is the promise you
room where I was praying. I couldn't
received from the Lord is delayed? The
understand that language.
Lord might have given you many
promises regarding When I opened my eyes,
your family, I couldn't see anything. When
children, marriage, Don't be weary! I asked the Lord, “What was
business, ministry The Lord it?” The Lord opened my
spiritual eyes.
and for your will surely
personal life I was able to see the
through ministers
fulfill all the
vision through my spiritual
of God, messages, promises eyes, the angels going up and
and scriptures. Are He has down from heaven speaking in
you worried given you at the a different language.
saying, “I believed right time. That evening when I was
all the promises praying in the stage with my
that the Lord gave eyes closed, I was able to see
me, but it is not with my spiritual eyes the
fullled?” angels throughout the eld going up
Don't be weary! The Lord will and down from heaven.
fulll all the promises which He has That was a wonderful
given you. He is not a God who forgets experience. The Lord did mighty
His promises. Even we may forget but things in that meeting.
He never forgets. I have witnessed it to
When I nished the meeting
this day in my ministry.
and came to the house, I knelt at the
During the initial days (1980) of presence of the Lord and I asked,
my ministry, I was invited to share God's “Lord, this is a new experience for
message in a gospel meeting arranged in me”. The Lord replied and asked me,
06 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December
and prayed for the promise that the
“Son, do you remember the promise I
Lord gave me in the initial days of my
gave you when I called you for
When I was praying in that
Yes! One day, When I was praying
room where I stayed, the Lord
the Lord gave a promise. When I went
brought to my remembrance and
to Chennai and prayed with a mother,
said, “Son, I gave you a promise few
Mrs. Edwards who had the gift of
years ago and I am fullling it today
prophecy, she blessed me in prayer and
for you.”
said, “Brother, the Lord is giving you
John 1:42-51 as a promise. She asked See, even when I had
me to meditate, pray and inherit those forgotten the promise, the Lord
blessings.” didn't forget to fulll it. The reason I
share this with you is to let you
When I read through the passage,
know, even if we forget, the Lord
according to John 1:51, the Lord had
will never forget.
given me a promise that I will see angels
climbing up and down from heaven. It will be fullled at the right
time. The Lord who fullled the
In those days, I wondered
promise for Abraham will fulll it for
whether the angels could climb up and
you. Believe!
down from heaven. But I had believed

Even the prophet 'Elijah' who save his life. He came to an
did great things for the Lord became unknown place and sat under a
weary! He became weary because broom tree and cried saying, “It is
'Jezebel', the wife of 'Ahab', the king enough, now Lord take my life”
who ruled the nation, sent a threatening (I Kings 19:1-5).
message to kill Elijah who killed the My dear ones, are you feeling
prophets of Baal. weary just as Elijah about your
Elijah was afraid, his soul was problem and lamenting, “Why
weary after he heard message. should I live in this world? It would
Therefore, he ran to the wilderness to be good if the Lord takes me.”?
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 07
Are you worried saying, “Yes, I am
praying a lot! But why nothing is They printed yers and setup a
happening?” public meeting to stop the building
Don't be weary! Because the
I became weary when the
Lord looks at you and gives you this
building work ceased for more than a
promise, “My son/daughter, don't
look at your circumstance and be
afraid! Don't fear! I am with you! During that time, when we, the
ministers of God gathered together to
My dear ones our adversary,
the devil will bring people against you pray, the Lord changed my weary soul
and your family to make you weary. and strengthened me when the Holy
He will use your co-worker or your Spirit came down and said, “This
boss against your House of God will be built
job, business, or amongst great opposition,
ministry to
Don't be but it can't be stopped by
paralyze you and afraid anyone.
make you weary. of anything! Therefore, do not
But don't The Lord fear.” See, just as the Lord
be afraid of will never said, the house of God was
anything! The built amidst great
let you
Lord will not let opposition.
you be weary. He
be weary!
After that, the place
gives power to the was always overowing
weak! when the Lord brought souls to pray.
(Isaiah 40:29). Not only that, but the Lord by His
The Lord is mighty to change grace also enabled us to build
any problem. The Lord can 'Tabernacle of God' where the 24-
completely change any situation. hour prayers are happening every day.
Just as the Lord said, when we Therefore, even if higher
began building the 'House of God' in ofcials rise up against you, do not
the beginning of 1980, a building fear!
where 3000 people can gather to
Because the Lord who is with
pray, great opposition arose from the
you is mightier than the authority of
nearby village which became a huge
the ofcials. Therefore, don't be
problem and lead to the investigation
by the police and government ofcials. weary!
08 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December

The Lord looks at you and say that they will destroy you will be
says, “My son/daughter, Arise and destroyed. The Lord who gives power
fulll your work. Those who rise up to the weak is with you. Therefore,
against you to scare you and who don't be weary!

“…Then an angel to share His burden or to pray with
appeared to Him from heaven, Him. He was left alone in that situation.
strengthening Him.” Luke 22:43. When He was weary, the Lord
The holy Bible says when Lord God sent His angel to strengthen Him.
Jesus Christ was pouring out his After that Jesus Christ woke up bravely
soul and praying in the garden of and looked at the Roman soldiers and
Gethsemane, an angel asked twice, “…:who
came down and are you searching…
strengthened Him. Don't be [John 18:4,7].
What does this afraid! Not only that,
mean? His soul was also
weary! That's the reason
You are but He also went
courageously for the
he says in Matt. 26: 38, not alone! inquiry. He surrendered
“…My soul is
exceedingly sorrowful
Jesus Christ is Himself boldly to lift up
the cross. The strength
even to death;…” with you! from the Lord was the
The Lord Jesus reason for His courage.
Christ asked His 3 disciples My dear ones, when we are
whom He took with Him, “Will you alone, we become weary because we
not pray together with me?” feel that there is no one to understand,
He believed that they would to love or to help us.
pray with Him, but His 3 disciples Today are you feeling weary? The
slept. Therefore, his soul became Lord looks at you and says “My
weary since He didn't have anyone son/daughter, do not fear anything!
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 09
Don't be afraid about any
situation! I who give power to
the weak has come searching for
you! You are not alone; I am with
Not only that, but I also
carried the cross to be with you and
to lead you! I took all the shame
upon Me. Are you worried about
being left alone?
I also hung on the cross when
everyone around me left me. All the
sufferings that I took on me was for
you. I have come searching for you
to be with you and strengthen you.
At the right time, I will
fulll the promise which I have
given you. Therefore, don't be
weary!” Also, don't be afraid! You
are not alone! Jesus Christ is with

'Jesus Redeems'
Day: 2023
Special December 25
Live Broadcast
Time: Evening 4:30 – 6:30.
Puppet Show! Special Songs!
Celebrate the Celebrity! Short Movie!
Season 4 Prayer Time and many other programs!
In Tamil : will be telecast in Sathiyam T.V, Comforter Digital Channel
( and 'Jesus Redeems' social medial
(YouTube, Facebook)

In Kannada: December 25 In Hindi: December 25

Big J TV Evening 4:30 – 6:30 Sadhna TV Evening 4:30 – 6:30

Special Christmas
Message and Prayer: Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus.
For Contact: +91 94883 75315. Email:
10 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December Coimbatore District News!


On October Bro. Vincent Selva Kumar shared
11th, 2023, a 12- clearly about the importance of
hour Revival 'Warfare anointing' and 'Prophecy
fasting prayer was anointing' that we need for the end
held in Codissia hall time revival.
in Coimbatore. Pastor When he led the people in
Benz (Comfort Church prayer, the Holy Spirit came upon
– Covai) and his church everyone in a mighty way. Bro. Sam
members made all the Jebaraj prayed for all the evil spirits
arrangements for this against the revival to be destroyed.
fasting prayer. All the three halls in the Pastor Benz led the people in the
Codissia campus were overowing with prayer of supplication.
more than 50,000 people from in and
around Covai. There was mighty Following that, our brother
anointing of the Holy Spirit from the invited all the pastors who participated
beginning of this prayer. in this prayer to the stage and prayed
specially for the blessing and
Following the time of worship by protection of Coimbatore district.
pastor Benz, our brother Mohan C. Lastly, our brother shared the message
Lazarus shared about the end time about the end time revival and
revival and lead the people in prayer. challenged the people to work for the
Everyone united their hearts together revival. At that time, everyone who
and prayed for the revival of had gathered were lled with mighty
Coimbatore. Following that, 'Prophet' - anointing.
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 11

The presence of God was

without measure. Many were
delivered from sin, sickness, and evil
spirits without exclusively praying for
their deliverance. Many shared their
testimonies and gloried God. All
glory to the Lord Almighty.
– Co-ordinartor.

Prayer with the church pastors

Pr. Benz Bro. Sa

m Jebar

Some testimonies which the Lord

Jesus Christ did when the people prayed for the nation…

[40 years] Healed from brain [30 years] Problem in my ear

disease! disappeared!
I suffered from brain disease for I had pain on both my
40 years. I was not healed ears for 30 years and I lost
even after many the ability to hear.
treatments. When the Doctors said that I must
presence of God came undergo surgery. When the
upon me, I was healed presence of God lled me,
completely from the the pain completely left and
brain disease I had for 40 years. I was able to hear clearly. - Sarah,
- Elizabeth, Covai. Tiruppur.
12 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December

[25 years] Relieved from pain and said that I should be healed by the time
healed! reached home that night.
I suffered from The power of God engulfed me, and
I was completely healed from arthritis of
the pain in my throat,
11 years. - Mahalakshmi, Covai.
back and the portion of
my bones for 25 years.
[10 years] Miraculously healed
When the power of God came upon
me, I was relieved from pain and I from Biles!
was healed completely. I was unable to walk
- Rahel, Somanur. because of the pain I had due
to the cracks on both my feet
for the past 10 years.
[20 years] Delivered from the Not only that, but I also
spirit of serpent! had a tumor on the left side of
I suffered from the my stomach.
spirit of serpent for 20 When the power of God touched
years. My stomach me, the cracks and the tumor
portion was swollen all miraculously disappeared. - Velammal,
the time, and I always felt Pollachi.
a serpent swirling inside my
stomach. [10 years] Pain Left!
I visited so many temples, but I Whenever I eat, I had
was not delivered. When the a pain in the nerve in my
presence of the Lord lled me, I felt throat for the past 10 years.
the spirit of serpent leave through When the power of
my mouth. God lled me, the Lord
removed the pain that I had
At that moment, I was
for 10 years. - Naomi, Covai.
completely delivered. - Babu,
[8 years] 'Thyroid' Tumor
[11 years] Healed
I had a 'Thyroid' tumor
from arthritis! in my neck portion for the
I was affected past 8 years. I was not healed
with arthritis for the even after taking many
past 11 years. I had medications.
terrible pain from my hip to the When the power of
foot. Doctor said that it can't be God took hold of me, the
healed. I had a zeal for my healing and Lord made that tumor disappear.
- Janusia.
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 13
Jesus Christ says, “…Give to the poor,
and you will have treasure in heaven; …” Mark 10:21.

During Festival Time... Remember

The Poor and Needy!
Sharing Christ's love through good deeds!
By the grace of God, every year during Christmas
festival, through our 'Jesus Redeems' -New Life Society,
we distribute new clothes, things for transgenders,
also share Christmas gifts and love feast to the poor
and needy people. We also proclaim the good news of
Christ's birth.

In this year 2023…

According to the Lord's leading, this year we are
planning to show God's love to more than 20,000 poor
and needy through Christmas special programs, sharing
the good news of Christ's birth, providing them new
clothes, equipment for the differently abled, and
serve them a love feast.
Particularly, in the cities of Chennai, Madurai,
and Trichy, we have decided to distribute Christmas gifts to the poor and the down-
trodden who are living on the roadsides neglected by society.
Christmas Festival Beneficiaries!
Dearly beloved, we invite you to join us to
Disabled Lepers
share the good news of Christ's birth to the poor
Elderly People living on the roadsides and needy people through good deeds. Pray for
Transgenders Destitute this ministry! Those who are lead can support us
Widows Poor and Needy children through giving! You will have great reward in
heaven! - Your brother.
Those who ask Alms Gypsies

Beneficiaries – Around
If the Lord leads you, you can participate
20,000 People One beneficiary ` 1,000/--& in this ministry through giving for a
single beneficiary or more.
You can send your donations through money order (M.O) or
SCAN & PAY through cheque to 'New Life Society'.
Upi Id: NEWLIFESOC@SBI To Send your Donations…
A/C Name New Life Society ur
For yo tion
Bank Name Tamilnad Mercantile Bank Ltd., contr izens
Bank Details

ian Cit
Online Donations: A/C No 054 1007 1040 0513 (For In

Branch Prahasapuram, Nazareth n cert


Foreign Contributions: +91 890 383 5315. Branch Code 000054

Tax ex
emptio ble
is avai

NEW LIFE SOCIETY, Nalumavadi-628211, IFS Code TMBL 0000054

Thoothukudi Dt., T.N., India.
E-Mail: For more information: +91 890 383 5315, +91 98427 35305.
14 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December Gujarat State news!

In Gandhinagar (Gujarat),
Ministries were arranged in Gandhinagar, the capital city
of Gujarat on October 13th, 14th, and 15th (3 days). Ministry
arrangements were made in 'Fantasy
World' under the leadership of Bro. D. J.
Pandian, I.A.S. and Bro. D. Kishore Rao,
I.A.S... along with God's children of Green City
\ Bible church.
Bro. Bro.
D. J. Pandian, I.A.S., Kishore Rao, I.A.S.,

PASTORS MEET! Bishop Sylvanus Christian (C.N.I), Bishop

Devadas (Shalom), Bishop George Philip,
More than 1,000 pastors Pr. Saji Matthew participated and
participated in the pastors meet encouraged the people.
held on October 13 . Bro Mohan C. Those who
Lazarus shared God's message which participated in this
gathering took a decision
red up on everyone who attended.
to work for the 'Revival of
In this gathering, the men of God,

Ministers of God on stage

Pastors who gathered

'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 15
When Bro Sam Jebaraj led the
FASTING PRAYER! people to pray for the evil spirits that are
Fasting prayer was held on working against the end time revival,
October 14th from (morning 9:00 AM to everyone joined with him and prayed with
evening 3:00 PM). More than 2000 God's zeal against those spirits. Lastly, our brother
children participated and prayed. shared God's message about the end time
revival and when he led the people
The Lord lled each and every
in prayer, the Holy Spirit came
one with the spirit of prayer.
down mightily on all who were
Everyone prayed earnestly with
gathered. Everyone left the
burden when our brother led them
meeting with the heavenly vision,
in prayer for the end time revival and
“We will spread the revival re
the blessing of the state of Gujarat.
in our nation!”

Youth praying with tears

Prayer warriors who had gathered for the Fasting Prayer

On Sunday morning,
Oct 15th, many participated in
the worship service held in
Green City Bible church. The
message, 'Do things that
pleasing God' brought
awareness to everyone who
heard the message.
16 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December
When our brother shared God's Who translated
message about “The deliverance the message
BLESSING FESTIVAL! the Lord gives”, many were
in Hindi

Many were gathered, and delivered from sin sickness and the
the place was lled that same struggles of Satan. They gave their
evening for the blessing festival. testimonies and gloried God.
- Co-ordinator.

Pr. Ravi (Ranchi)

People who were gathered for the blessing festival

Some testimonies from the ministry in Gujarat…

I completely lost my I had a tumor in my From
eyesight in my left eye 8 years neck for the time I was
ago. During prayer several years. born I had a
time, when I placed During prayer tumor in the
my hands on my time, when I palm of my
eye and prayed, placed my hand right hand.
the Lord gave me over the tumor, When I prayed
clear vision. the Lord miraculously made for that and opened my eyes
- Punnamath. the tumor disappear. the tumor was gone.
- Pushpa Banu. - Santhosh.
I was unable to lift both I was affected by
my hands for 15 years and I paralysis, and I couldn't move
suffered greatly. During prayer my neck. I suffered from this
time, I felt the hand of God sickness for many years.
holding my hand and lifting me. During prayer time, when the
From that time, I am able to lift power of God came upon me,
my hands. - Mala. I was completely healed.
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 17
Deaf ears were opened!
My daughter [4
I was
[5 years] Healed from
years] was deaf in both
not able to
thyroid problems!
the ears from I suffered from
hear through
birth. When I thyroid
my left ear
was problems for
from birth.
worshipping the past 5
the Lord, the During prayer
time, I felt
power of God During
came upon my something was
plucked out of my ear.
prayer time, I
daughter and both the ears felt the hand of
were opened and she From that moment, I
started to hear clearly.
God touch me.
received the ability to Immediately, I was healed
hear. - Geetha.
from the thyroid problems
[43 years] weakness Delivered from the that that I had for the past 5
gone! spirit of serpent! years.
I suffered I was affected by the
for the past spirit of [5 years] Healed from
43 years, serpent for stomach pain!
unable to the past 8 I often suffered from
stand or sit years. stomach pain for the past
due to the 5 years.
lack of blood During
prayer time,
ow from my hip to my prayer time, I
the power of placed my
foot. God came
During prayer time,
hand over my
mightily upon me, and the stomach, and I
the power of God came spirit of serpent left me. prayed with
upon me and changed the
From that moment, tears. The power of God
problem that I had for 43
I was totally delivered. touched me, and I was
years, and I was healed
- Mesa. completely healed from
stomach pain.
[3 years] Healed from Healed from allergies!
back pain! Due to the allergy Healed from
I suffered from back in my eyes, I rheumatoid arthritis!
had water I suffered from
pain, and I was not able
owing rheumatoid arthritis, and I
to lift my hands for the
was unable to
past 3 years. through my
lift anything
During prayer ears for a
and walk.
time, the long time. During prayer
power of God Duri time, when the
touched me, ng prayer time, the Lord power of God
and I was stopped the water ow came upon me,
miraculously problems I had in my rheumatoid arthritis left,
healed, and
ear. and I received my healing.
all the problems left me.
- Neli.
18 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December Nalumavadi- Tabernacle of God news!
Testimonies from standing in the gap prayer – Nalumavadi!


The Lord is ready to always grant you what you ask for. When
'Jabez' called on the Lord, He granted what he requested. (1 Chro. 4:10).
The Lord will grant you what you ask of Him. The Lord started this standing
in the gap prayer to pray for you.
Look at the miracles the Lord did listening to your prayers at the
Standing in the Gap prayer:

[3 years] Pain [10 years] Relieved from pain and

Disappeared! Healed!
I suffered from the I suffered greatly
pain that I had in my kidneys from the pain I had in my
for the past 3 years. During hip for the past 10 years.
prayer time, the power of Due to this pain, I was
God came upon me, and the unable to rise up and bend
pain disappeared. down. During prayer time,
- Muthu Krishnan, Chennai. just as our brother
requested, I placed my hand
Tumors Disappeared! over that place and prayed
I had multiple and the pain disappeared completely.
tumors in both my foot. - Hepzibah, Salem.
I suffered from pain for the
past one year and was Miraculous healing in knee Joints
unable to walk and kneel.
For around four years,
During prayer time, the
I experienced acute pain in
Lord made my tumors
both of my knee joints.
disappear and healed my
Following our brother's
pain. - Mariammal, Kadupatti.
guidance, I placed my hand
on my knees during the
I often suffered from
prayer. The pain vanished in
the pain in my stomach
an instant. - Ebenezer,
for the past one year. The
doctors examined me and
said that I have 2 tumors
and it must be removed Spirit of fear left!
immediately through I was affected by the spirit of fear
surgery. During prayer time, for the past one month and my heart was
the Holy Spirit came upon constantly uttering. I was afraid of
me, and both the tumors disappeared. everything I saw. I didn't have peace and I
- Kumaresan, Pudukadu. was afraid of death every day.
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 19
prayer time, the Holy
Miraculous change in my Hand!
Spirit came upon me Due to an accident, I had constant
and the spirit of fear pain in my left hand. I was unable
that was in me left. to sleep on my left side.
At that During prayer time, I felt
moment I was free
someone touch that hand.
from fear, and I am
living peacefully. Immediately, there was a change
- Kalpana, Coimbatore. in that hand. At that moment, the
pain disappeared. - Sundar,
[10 years] Healed from mental Tanjore.
I suffered greatly from mental Miraculous healing in my Eyes!
illness for the past 10 years. I had pain in my right eye
There was no benet for a month. During prayer time,
from medical just as uncle said, I placed my hand
treatments. over my eye and prayed. At that
Without time, the power of God lled me
knowing what I was and made my pain disappear.
doing, I would - Dharnish, Madurai.
attempt to hang
myself or take too
Miraculous healing in broken Bone!
much medicine!
Since I fell unexpectedly,
I was unable to sit in the
I broke the wrist bone on my
Tabernacle of God. I told my husband
right hand. I suffered greatly with
that we go home. But during prayer
pain, and I was unable to turn my
time, the Holy Spirit came mightily
hand. There was no benet with
upon me.
treatments. During prayer time,
At that very moment, I was after I placed my hand over my
completely healed. - Sangeetha, wrist and prayed, I'm able to turn
Andiyur (Erode District). my hand completely. - Juda, Trichy.

See, the Lord Jesus Christ who performed miracles for

these people will do a miracle for you! Nalumavadi –
Whatever might be your need, please inform us with your clear standing in the gap prayer!
address with pin code. We will also pray for you. You can also fast The day of your
and pray the same day in faith. The Lord Jesus Christ will also do a
miracle for you and turn your sorrow. miracle: 2023
We pray from 9 AM to 3 PM on the Standing in the Gap December 30
prayers – prayer day. You can also (last Saturday)
join us in prayer during the same time. We will let you know the
answer we receive from the Lord. – Your brother. Address: Standing in the Gap Prayer,
Nalumavadi-628 211, Thoothukudi Dist., India.
20 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December Karnataka State News!

Revival Downpour
n g a l o r e !
In Ba

Praise and
For the past 25 years, worship
revival fasting prayer was held on headed by
November 1st, in the state of Karnataka, Pr. Immanuel
in the city of Bangalore. In the same Bro. Manoah Pr. Immanuel
way, on November 1st, 2023, 26th
[12 hour] revival fasting prayer was
conducted on palace ground hall.
Around 75,000 children of God
from 31 districts gathered with intense
hunger to pray. Both the halls which
were arranged for this fasting prayer
was overowing.
Following the praise and wor-
ship led by the worship team headed by
Pr. Immanuel, our brother Mohan C.
Lazarus led the prayer based on God's
word and all who had gathered united
their hearts and prayed earnestly.
Following that, the spiritual
books written by our
brother which was
translated in Kannada
was dedicated by
Pr. Robert Daniel
(Bethel AG Tamil
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 21
When Bro. Sam Jebaraj led Helped in translating
God's children in spiritual warfare God's messages.
prayer, the Holy Spirit worked mightily.
When 'Prophet' – Bro. Vincent Selva
Kumar shared God's message on the
title “We must rise to spread the
revival re which was already
poured down” and led the people to
receive the four different kinds of Bro. Gangadhar
Bro. Anbu
anointing, many were lled with those anointing. Many of
people in prayer, the power of
their spiritual eyes were opened.
Holy Spirit fell upon everyone who
Lastly, when our brother shared God's message had gathered. Because of that
on the title “Where is the God of Elijah?” and led the anointing many yokes of sin,
sickness and the struggles of the
devil were broken. Many shared
their testimonies about the healing
and deliverance they received and
gloried God.
My dear ones, the cloud, as
small as a man's hand has risen in
the state of Karnataka. A revival
downpour is going to happen!
Pray for the ministers of God
and for the youth of the church
to rise for the Lord and spread
the revival re. All glory be to
God! - Meeting Co-ordinator.
22 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December
Few testimonies the Lord raised during the Fasting Prayer at Bengaluru...
sensation all the time.
[8 years] Pain gone!
During prayer time, the
I suffered greatly with the pain in Holy Spirit
my right ear for the past 8 through our brother called
years. The doctor suggested my name and healed me.
that I undergo surgery. I lived - Elizabeth.
in pain since I didn't have
money for the surgery.
Sometimes I'll had an urge to Healed from fever!
take my life. My daughter
During prayer time, the Holy Spirit suffered from typhoid
came upon me mightily and at that very fever for the past 2 years.
moment the pain left me. - Parthiban. There was no benet from
any treatment.
I brought my
Tumor disappeared!
daughter to the prayer with
I suffered from a tumor in my
a 108-degree fever. During prayer time,
lower abdomen for the past
she was completely healed.
one month. Because of the
tumor I was unable to sit or
stand. On November 2
nd Miraculous healing in my Ears!
(2023), the doctor said that I I heard noises in
have to undergo a surgery. both my ears for the past
The day before, on 3 months. I was in
November 1 , I attended the meeting and constant pain. Sometimes
prayed with faith. The Lord made the there was blood owing
tumor disappear. - Sharmila. out of my ear. After the
prayer, all problems
were gone, and I was miraculously
[8 years] healed from knee pain! healed. - Mohan.
I suffered from pain on both my
knees, and I was unable to
lift my hands for the past 8 Vision cleared!
years. During prayer time, My vision was not
the power of God came clear, and I suffered from it
upon me, and I was for the past 2 months.
completely healed. During prayer time, the
Holy Spirit through our
brother called my name.
Healed from intestinal ulcer! And at that moment, my vision became
I suffered from intestinal ulcer for clear. - Regina.
the past 6 months. I had a burning
'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 23

Healed from suicidal thought! Spirit through our brother

Due to the unending called my name and gave
pain in both my shoulders me good healing.
for the past 2 years, I even - Siranjeevi.
thought to commit suicide
several times. During prayer
time, the power of God Healed from shoulder pain!
touched me, and I received
I suffered from the
perfect healing. - Sowpackiammal.
pain in the bone of my
[ 3 years] Chest pain healed! right shoulder for the
I had pain in the portion of my past one year. During
chest for the past 3 years. prayer time, the Holy
Not only that, but I also Spirit through our brother
immediately vomit after I called me by name and
eat. The doctor said that healed my pain. - Anjali.
there was no problem in me.
During prayer time, the Holy Healed from skin allergy!
Spirit through our brother I suffered greatly
called me by name and gave me perfect from skin allergy for the
healing. - Arockia Mary. past 6 months. I always
felt itchy. During prayer
Called My Name and healed! time, when the power of
I was tearing up in my eye for the God came upon me
past 1 year. During prayer time, the Holy mightily, I was healed at
that moment.

In this Worldwide Revival Plan!

Those who would like to can send offering to 'Jesus Redeems' ministries
can send it through following methods:
Pay through UPI Bank Transfer:
1) 3)

Website: Cheque: Jesus Redeems.

2) 4) Jesus Redeems
Demand Draft: (or) Mohan C. Lazarus.

To Address: Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, After you send the offering, contact this number 89038 35315
Jesus Redeems, and give the details or send the details to this
5) E.M.O. Nalumavadi - 628211,
Thoothukudi Dist., T.N., India.
same number in WhatsApp or through
email it to
24 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December Nalumavadi- Tabernacle of god news!

The end time revival will begin in the churches! So, the churches Bro. Vincent
must get ready. Therefore, we invite the leaders of the church and
conduct the 'Church pastors revival vision camp!'. So far, we have
conducted the camp for the church pastors of North India, South India,
and Tamil Nadu.
Since the Holy Spirit gave the burden to “conduct a camp
exclusively for the church pastors in Maharashtra”, we conducted a
revival vision camp on October 4,5, and 6th in Tabernacle of God – Bro. Sam Jebaraj
Nalumavadi. In this camp, around 498 church pastors predetermined by God participated
with much desire. From the beginning of the camp, we were able to feel the mighty move of
the Holy Spirit.
Our brother Mohan C. Lazarus shared clearly about the end time revival prayer
anointing, warfare anointing and when he led the people in prayer, all were lled with the
Holy Spirit. 'Prophet' – Bro. Vincent Selvakumar shared the importance of the revival
anointing, prophetic anointing and to pray with the discernment of the spirits. And when he
led the people in prayer, the Holy Spirit came down mightily and opened the spiritual eyes of
many people. Many were lled with the prophetic anointing.
Bro. Sam Jebaraj shared about the importance of forming prayer groups for revival
and about prayer walks. And when he led the people in prayer, they committed to do this. We
Helped in Translating must pray for the revival of the state of Camp Co-ordinator
God's message. Maharashtra because the Lord has given us
the burden to pray to the Lord to reveal
the evil schemes of the devil against the
state and to intensify prayer in the coming
days. Therefore, you also pray, and we
will see glorious revival in the state of
Maharashtra. - coordinator. Bro. Job Jebaraj
(Mumbai Prayer Network)
Pr. Ravi (Ranchi) Pr. Vijayaraj (Mumbai)
News! 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 25


Cancer is becoming more common not
only in India, but globally as well, due to a variety
of factors such as changes in human lifestyle, food
choices, and genetic variations. During this era of expressways
Lung cancer, oral cancer, cervical cancer, construction across the country, the number
breast cancer, and gastric (stomach) cancer are of accidents has also increased. This is due
ve types of cancer that are becoming more to an increase in motor vehicles and high-
prevalent in the country. Approximately 25 out of speed driving. Nevertheless, another reason
every 100,000 Indian women are affected by is the delayed hospitalization of accident
breast cancer. Ten years ago, only 16 women victims.
were affected by cancer; today, there are 25 Tamil Nadu has been at the top of
cases across the nation. the list of vehicular accidents in recent years
Tamil Nadu has a high rate of breast with the highest number of accident
cancer. According to research reports, 37 fatalities. While leading the country in the
women are diagnosed with breast cancer for number of trafc accidents in 2022, Tamil
every 100,000 women who get screened. Nadu came in second in terms of accident-
Women above the age of 50 are more related fatalities.
likely to contract breast cancer. According to In the entire year 2022, 4,61,312
doctors, one in every eight women above the age accidents occurred across the country.
of 60 develops breast cancer, and women in cities There have been 1,55,781 fatalities in these
are more likely to acquire breast cancer than accidents. These accidents claimed the lives
those in rural areas. of 1,68,491 persons. A total of 4,43,366
The notion that breast cancer exclusively people suffered serious injuries.
affects women is false as well. Men can acquire In terms of accidents, Tamil Nadu
breast cancer, too. However, the probability is ranked rst in 2022 with 18,972 accidents.
only 0.5 to 1%. This is particularly valid in cases Kerala ranks second with 17,627 accidents,
when there is a family history of cancer. while Uttar Pradesh comes in third place
Oncologist Dr. Suresh Kumar stated, with 14,900 accidents. However, UP has the
“There are generally 4 stages in cancer. If treated highest number of fatalities. Accidents in UP
in the early stages, surgery can be undertaken last year claimed the lives of 8,479 people.
and complete recovery can be obtained. In stage Tamil Nadu came in second with 5,978
two, forty percent of cases can be cured with fatalities, and Maharashtra came in third with
radiation therapy, chemotherapy, and surgery. 4,923 fatalities.
Excellent breast cancer therapy is available at the There has been a total of 76,752
Tamil Nadu Government Multi Super Speciality road accidents in major cities across the
Hospital at the Omandurar Government Estate, country. Chennai, which was ranked 1st in
on Anna Salai in Chennai, India. 2021, has dropped to 5th place this year. In a
similar vein, Chennai, which was previously
Treatment for breast cancer often costs
placed 2nd in terms of accident casualties, is
between 7 and 8 lakhs of rupees in a private
now in the 10th position, while Chennai,
hospital. However, at Omandurar Hospital, all
which was the 1st big city with the highest
treatments are provided at no cost.” (Thanks
number of injuries, is now in the 4th place.
Dhinakaran, 2023 Oct., 19 page 6.)
(Thanks Dhinakaran, 2023 November 1 page 2.)
(Let's pray fervently for a sickness (Pray with a heavy heart for an
free, healthy India) accident-free India.)
26 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December
Jesus Redeems, Office: (+91) 04639 - 35 33 33
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For immediate sending of your prayer request through SMS/WhatsApp all 24 hours contact
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During Pongal Holidays, 'Jesus Redeems' - 2023 December 27
In Tabernacle of God – Nalumavadi!
‘Jesus Redeems’ Jesus Redeems Publications
fasting prayer camp
(3 Days)

January 14, 15,16.
(Sunday) (Monday) (Tuesday)
Things to Note:
Registration is mandatory.
Only registrants who are selected will be
admitted. Message about admission will be
sent through S.M.S.
Children 9 years and under are not
permitted. There will be no personal prayer
Bible Land
time and prayer for healing and deliverance.
The only purpose of this prayer camp is to
Calendar and Diary
pray for the nation. Registration will be closed
on December 30th, 2023.
Registration is only for those who have the featuring
salvation experience and who could fast and
pray for 3 days. Registration fee is ` 100.
promises for 2024.
Lodging is provided separately for men
and women. Per calendar
For Postal Delivery
Direct purchase across India
` 30/&. ` 60/&.
Per diary
Direct purchase ` 250/&.
God's chosen vessels:
For Postal Delivery
Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus, across India ` 300/&.
Bro. Vincent Selvakumar,
Bro. S. Sam Jebaraj.

For More Details: 83000 11234.

For Registration: Online shopping:
For more Information: Email:
or Phone: 04639&35 33 33, 70947 77783.
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Date of Publication: 15-12-2023.
Date of Posting: 15th & 16th of every month.
Office of Posting: BPC, Tuticorin HO - 628 001.

In Tabernacle of God – Nalumavadi 'Jesus Redeems'

2024 New Year's

Promise Meeting!
January 1 Time: 1:00 P.M. – 5:00 P.M.

Promise Message:

Bro. Mohan C. Lazarus

For Contact: 04639 - 35 33 33

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