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Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

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Minimal Liquid Discharge (MLD) and Zero Liquid Discharge (ZLD)

strategies for wastewater management and resource recovery – Analysis,
challenges and prospects
Argyris Panagopoulos *, Katherine-Joanne Haralambous
School of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, 9 Iroon Polytechniou St., Zografou, 15780, Athens, Greece


Editor: Teik Thye Lim Brine is a saline wastewater generated from several industries (e.g., desalination, energy and oil production) and
its disposal can have adverse environmental impacts. To address this issue, brine treatment seems to be a
Keywords: promising option to eliminate the wastewater discharge, while also recovering extra freshwater and valuable
Minimal liquid discharge materials such as salts. This can be achieved through minimal liquid discharge (MLD) and zero liquid discharge
Zero liquid discharge
(ZLD) strategies. In this work, MLD and ZLD frameworks are analyzed and evaluated under 9 criteria (framework
Brine treatment
stages, technologies, freshwater recovery target, feed brine salinity, energy consumption of each technology,
High-salinity wastewater treatment
Resource recovery GHGs emissions, cost impact, resource recovery and social impact). Moreover, a case-study is presented under
Industrial wastewater treatment two different scenarios, Scenario 1 (MLD system) and Scenario 2 (ZLD system). Results showed that the energy
consumption of the ZLD system is 10.43 kW h/m3 which is 1.93 times higher than the energy consumption of the
MLD system (5.4 kW h/m3). The total freshwater recovery of the MLD system is 84.6 %, whereas the total
freshwater recovery of the ZLD system is 98.15 %. Overall, the results suggest that the MLD and ZLD strategies
can be valuable strategies for wastewater utilization, reuse, and resource recovery.

freshwater and have an average freshwater recovery of 40 %, according

1. Introduction to the authors, the desalination brine produced is estimated at 128,652,
000 m3/day [12]. It is worth noting that the previously mentioned
Increasing urbanization and industrialization have resulted in high quantity of desalination brine produced per day is sizeable since it is
demands for freshwater in many regions of the world. Freshwater equivalent to the volume of water of 56,800 Olympic-style pools.
shortages are one of the major international problems that pose a sig­ Currently, several disposal methods have adopted in brine management
nificant threat to water quality, health, ecosystems, and economic such as sewer discharge, deep-well injection, surface water discharge,
development [1]. Freshwater is extensively used in many industries, evaporation ponds [6]. Nevertheless, these disposal strategies have
thus generating large quantities of wastewater. When wastewater is recently been considered unsustainable due to environmental negative
released into water bodies without proper treatment, it can cause sig­ effects, stricter discharge standards and increased attempts to recover
nificant pollution that negatively impacts the marine environment and useful resources from brine (brine mining) [13,14]. For instance,
hence public health [2,3,4,5]. Saline wastewater is commonly known as evaporation pond requires a significantly large footprint area, deep-well
‘brine’ or ‘concentrate’, comes from different sources such as desalina­ injection is inappropriate in countries with an intense seismic activity (e.
tion plant, oil and gas production industry, textile industry, food in­ g. Greece), sewer discharge and land use are practiced only for limited
dustry, leather industry, etc. and has become a major cause of pollution quantities of brine, and surface water discharge has a direct adverse
and threat to aquatic ecosystems. The brine produced has a high salt effect on the aquatic ecosystem [6]. This is why consideration is given to
concentration (up to 400,000 mg/L total dissolved solids (TDS)) as well alternative brine management approaches that are not based on disposal
as several toxic or non-toxic chemicals used in the processes [6,7,8,9,10, but on minimizing waste (to achieve the maximum freshwater produc­
11]. The quantity of brine produced per day by the different industries is tion and the minimum solid waste production) [15]. In order to avoid
significantly high. Taking into account, for example, that desalination the negative aspects of brine rejection, increased attention is paid to
plants worldwide currently produce about 142,000,000 m3/day of brine concentration and zero liquid discharge (ZLD) framework. Under

* Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Panagopoulos).
Received 4 July 2020; Received in revised form 21 August 2020; Accepted 21 August 2020
Available online 1 September 2020
2213-3437/© 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Nomenclature LCAs Life-cycle assessments

MCr Membrane crystallization
Abbreviations MD Membrane distillation
BC Brine concentrator MED Multi-effect distillation
BCr Brine crystallizer MLD Minimal liquid discharge
COD Chemical oxygen demand MSF Multi-stage flash distillation
EC Electrocoagulation NF Nanofiltration
ED Electrodialysis OARO Osmotically assisted reverse osmosis
EDM Electrodialysis metathesis RES Renewable energy sources
EDR Electrodialysis reversal RO Reverse osmosis
EFC Eutectic freeze crystallization SD Spray dryer
FGD Flue gas desulfurization TDS Total dissolved solids
FO Forward osmosis TOC Total organic carbon
GHGs Greenhouse gases WAIV Wind-aided intensified evaporation
HPRO High-pressure reverse osmosis ZLD Zero liquid discharge
IEX Ion exchange

Table 1
Characteristics of brine effluents from different industries [9,6,24,25,26,27,28,29,30,31].
Source Total dissolved Osmotic Major ions Other parameters
solids (TDS) (mg/L) pressure (bar)

Brackish water 7,500-22,000 6.35-18.65 Ca2+ (600-1,900 mg/L), Mg2+ (300-1,600 mg/L), Na+ (900-5,000 mg/L), K+ (70- TOC (0-15 mg/L)
desalination 500 mg/L), Cl- (3,000-15,000 mg/L), SO2-4 (900-9,000 mg/L), HCO3- (800-1,400
2+ 2+
Seawater desalination 50,000-82,000 42.39 -69.53 Ca (500-900 mg/L), Mg (1,700-2,900 mg/L), Na+ (15,000-26,000 mg/L), K+ TOC (2-10 mg/L)
(500-900 mg/L), Cl- (20,000-44,000 mg/L), SO2-
4 (4,000-7,000 mg/L), HCO3- (100-
1,900 mg/L)
Textile industry 1,500-50,000 1.27-42.39 Ca2+ (50-600 mg/L), Mg2+ (50-1,700 mg/L), Na+ (220-3,500 mg/L), Cl- (2,000- COD (40-7,000 mg/L)
16,000 mg/L), SO2-4 (500-2,800 mg/L)
Flue gas 5,000-50,000 4.24-42.39 Ca2+ (700-4,800 mg/L), Mg2+ (1,100-5,400 mg/L), Na+ (600-5,200 mg/L), Cl- COD (50-400 mg/L)
desulfurization (1,500-28,000 mg/L), SO2-4 (1,500-8,000 mg/L), SiO2 (5-80 mg/L)
Oil and gas flowback 20,000-130,000 16.95-110.23 Ca2+ (1,000-3,800 mg/L), Mg2+ (50-300 mg/L), Na+ (10,000-15,000 mg/L), K+ COD (80-1,200 mg/L),
water (100-400 mg/L), Cl- (10,000-16,000 mg/L), SO2-
4 (4,000-7,000 mg/L), HCO3- (100- DOC (5-50 mg/L)
1,900 mg/L), Br- (10-400 mg/L), Ba2+ (50-250 mg/L), Sr2+ (200-1,400 mg/L), CO2-3
(100-900 mg/L)
2+ 2+
Oil and gas produced 5,000-400,000 4.24-339.18 Ca (400-18,100 mg/L), Mg (20-3,200 mg/L), Na (1,100-80,000 mg/L), K
+ +
COD (20-8,500 mg/L)
water (20-2,900 mg/L), Cl- (5,000-150,000 mg/L), SO2-
4 (10-200 mg/L), Ba
mg/L), Sr2+ (40-6,800 mg/L)
Landfill leachate 1,000-50,000 0.84-42.39 Ca2+ (100-1,800 mg/L), Na+ (300-19,000 mg/L), Cl- (400-22,000 mg/L), SO2- 4 (50- COD (40-7,800 mg/L),
4,000 mg/L), TOC (20-400 mg/L)
Dairy industry 8,000-120,000 6.78-101.75 Ca2+ (50-2,400 mg/L), Na+ (700-33,000 mg/L), Cl- (900-48,000 mg/L) COD (100-20,000 mg/L)
Municipal wastewater 600-4,000 0.50-3.39 Ca2+ (40-220 mg/L), Mg2+ (10-150 mg/L), Na+ (90-1,100 mg/L), K+ (15-110 mg/ COD (10-30 mg/L), TOC
L), Cl- (100-1,900 mg/L), SO2-
4 (85-300 mg/L), HCO3- (150-450 mg/L) (10-30 mg/L)

the ZLD framework, approximately 100 % of freshwater is recovered 2. Characteristics of brine effluents and categories of treatment
and a solid salt is produced which can be disposed of in a more envi­ technologies
ronmentally friendly way [16,17,18,19,20]. In addition to ZLD, the
minimal liquid discharge (MLD) framework has recently attracted in­ 2.1. Brine effluents
terest due to lower capital costs and energy demands compared to the
ZLD framework, as the freshwater recovery goal is up to 95 % [21,22]. In Brine is a saline reject stream containing dissolved salts, organic
this review article, we analyze and evaluate the MLD and ZLD strategies matter, metals, nutrients and pathogenic substances. Many industries,
for wastewater management and resource recovery. Initially, the char­ such as desalination plants, oil and gas production industries, textile
acteristics of brine effluents and categories of pretreatment and treat­ industries, dairy industries, etc., produce these reject streams [6,7,8,9,
ment technologies are analyzed and discussed. Subsequently, both MLD 10,11]. Table 1 illustrates the principal characteristics of brine effluents
and ZLD strategies are analyzed and evaluated under 9 criteria (frame­ from various industries. With regard to desalination brine, its compo­
work stages, technologies, freshwater recovery target, feed brine sition depends on the quality of the feedwater, the technology category,
salinity, energy consumption of each technology, GHGs emissions, cost the recovery rate, the purity of the freshwater produced, the pretreat­
impact, resource recovery, social impact). Furthermore, a case-study is ment methods and the chemical additives (e.g., antiscalants, flocculants,
presented under two different scenarios, Scenario 1 (MLD system) and coagulants in the desalination industry) [23,6]. High recovery and
Scenario 2 (ZLD system). Finally, current challenges, prospects and heavy use of chemical additives lead to a more concentrated and less
future research needs on MLD and ZLD systems are highlighted. pure brine. Furthermore, it is interesting to mention that brine from
brackish water or seawater desalination plants presents low total
organic carbon (TOC), up to 15 mg/L. In contrast, industrial brine such
as brine from the textile industry can have chemical oxygen demand

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Table 2
Comparison of pretreatment technologies and processes used in MLD & ZLD systems.
Technology Removal targets Cost impacts Limitations References
Chemical precipitation Hardness US$0.82–0.93/m - Performance is affected by the brine’s composition [36,35]
- A by-product is generated, and its safe disposal is therefore required
Chemical coagulation Organic matter US$0.09–0.12/m A by-product is generated, and its safe disposal is therefore required [40,39,94]
Electrocoagulation (EC) Hardness, organic matter and silica US$0.25–0.35/m3 A by-product is generated (less than in chemical coagulation), [41,42,44]
and its safe disposal is therefore required
Ion exchange (IEX) Hardness and silica US$0.08–0.21/m3 Performance is affected by the resin type and the brine solution’s TDS [47,48,49]
Nanofiltration (NF) Hardness, organic matter and silica US$0.08–0.12/m3 - Fouling problems [55,56,57,95]
- Limited to low-salinity brine effluents

(COD) of up to 7,000 mg/L. Industrial brines, as presented in Table 1, (NF) is a membrane-based technology that has been used in the pre­
have a wide range of characteristics as they depend on the activities of treatment of the brine since it is fairly reliable and does not produce
each industry. Among others, brines from oil and gas production have sludge [23,52,53,54]. Several schemes were evaluated, such as NF with
the highest total dissolved solids (TDS), reaching up to 400,000 mg/L electrodialysis (ED) or NF with reverse osmosis (RO) [55,56,57]. NF has
[10]. It should also be noted that differentiation in composition can be the potential to address scaling ions, organic matter, and silica, ac­
observed even in brines from the same category of industry (e.g., dairy) cording to several studies [58,56,59]. Nevertheless, NF as a
as a product is manufactured with different quality characteristics. membrane-based process poses fouling problems while its adoption is
limited to low-salinity brines (<55,000 mg/L TDS) due to osmotic
2.2. Pretreatment and treatment technologies pressure constraints [6]. Overall, a summary of pretreatment processes
and methods is presented in Table 2.
Before determining the appropriate treatment technologies for a The treatment technologies used in MLD & ZLD systems can be
given brine effluent, an analysis of the various compounds present in grouped into two categories: membrane-based and thermal-based. The
brine effluent is required. Based on the nature of the contaminations (e. membrane-based technologies include RO, high-pressure reverse
g., organic, inorganic, etc.), several processes and technologies can be osmosis (HPRO), forward osmosis (FO), osmotically assisted reverse
used for pretreatment. Pretreatment is necessary to address fouling is­ osmosis (OARO), membrane distillation (MD), membrane crystallization
sues (e.g., organic, biological, physical, chemical) as these four fouling (MCr), ED, electrodialysis reversal (EDR) and electrodialysis metathesis
mechanisms can have an adverse impact on the performance of the (EDM) [6]. While RO may be the most widely adopted desalination
treatment technologies under the MLD/ZLD frameworks. In particular, technology, due to limitations in salinity (<70 g/L TDS) and low re­
scaling ions (Ca2+, Mg2+ and SO2- covery (<50 %), RO is rarely used as the principal technology in MLD &
4 ), organic matter, and silica (SiO2) are
the principal drivers of fouling [23,32]. With regard to hardness ions ZLD [60,61,62]. An improved version of RO called HPRO can concen­
(Ca2+ and Mg2+), chemical precipitation is the most commonly used trate the brine 1.7 times more but also has comparatively poor perfor­
pretreatment process, as it can effectively remove hardness and thus mance with brine effluents; however, newly designed membranes have
minimize membrane fouling from magnesium and calcium precipitates the potential to boost HPRO performance [63,64,65]. More recently, a
[33,34]. Nonetheless, organic fouling and silica scaling are not suffi­ new membrane-based technology called OARO has shown a higher re­
ciently addressed. In addition, a by-product is co-produced during covery (up to 72 %) compared to RO/HPRO at higher feed salinities (up
chemical precipitation which has to be disposed of, thus increasing the to 140 g/L TDS). However, its economic cost is significantly high (US
economic costs even more [35,36]. However, extensive efforts are being $2.40/m3) since it includes multiple RO/FO stages [66,67]. FO is more
made to enhance the chemical precipitation (e.g., by adding seed ma­ cost-effective compared to previously mentioned technologies and can
terial to enhance the growth of crystals) or to seek alternative strategies be used at even higher feed salinities (up to 200 g/L TDS). Nevertheless,
that may involve techniques of various kinds [37,38]. Even after these membrane problems and lack of generic draw solution are the primary
drawbacks, chemical precipitation remains very important in MLD & issues that hinder its usage [68,69] In addition to FO, two
ZLD systems, as other pretreatment methods and technologies are still to thermal-driven membrane-based technologies, MD and MCr, have great
be thoroughly assessed to conclude on their technical and economic potential because they significantly increase the feed salinity concen­
sustainability. Concerning organic matter, chemical coagulation has tration to 350 g/L TDS; however, membrane issues (e.g., membrane
shown good results in removing organic matter from municipal brine fouling and wetting) are also presented [70,71,72]. As far as
effluents [39]. However, the analysis revealed significant operating electrical-driven membrane-based technologies (ED, EDR, and EDM) are
costs due to the heavy use of chemicals and the demand for sludge concerned, these technologies are not as effective as FO and MD; how­
disposal [40,39]. An alternative to the chemical coagulation process is ever, they are effective in concentrating silica-contaminated brine ef­
electrocoagulation (EC) which produces lower volumes of sludge and fluents because silica is neutrally charged [73,74,75]. EDM is more
has a smaller footprint than chemical coagulation [41,42]. EC has ach­ interesting of the three approaches, as it separates problematic salts
ieved over 80 % removal of hardness ions in brine effluents, while from the brine and hence improves recovery without the need for
research studies have shown that EC can be used efficiently in organics multiple stages [76,77,78]. On the other side, thermal-based technolo­
and silica removal, however, more research studies are needed to gies include brine concentrator (BC), brine crystallizer (BCr),
investigate these aspects [43,44,42,45]. Ion exchange (IEX) is an effi­ multi-stage flash distillation (MSF), multi-effect distillation (MED),
cient process for hardness removal in brine effluents. This process has spray dryer (SD), eutectic freeze crystallization (EFC) and wind-aided
shown particularly good results in desalination brine pretreatment while intensified evaporation (WAIV) [6]. Concerning the commercial brine
being considered a cost-effective process (US$0.08–0.21/m3) [46,47]. treatment technologies, BC and BCr, while their performance is excep­
The primary driver of the cost is the regeneration of the membranes, and tional (up to 99 % freshwater recovery), both their costs (capital and
it has been proposed to recycle brine as a regenerant to minimize costs operational) are significantly high, resulting in the need for different
[47,48]. However, the performance of the process is affected by the resin options [79,80,81,82]. For instance, evaporation technologies such as
type and the brine solution’s TDS, while the ability to remove silica MSF and MED are alternative options that have lower energy demands.
varies among IEX membranes [49,50]. To improve the efficiency of the Nevertheless, scaling is a major issue for these systems, even when
IEX process, the implementation of multiple resins to simultaneous pretreatment is performed [83,15,84,85]. SD is a commercial crystalli­
remove different substances has been proposed [51]. Nanofiltration zation technology that can produce solid salt products with desired

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Table 3
Comparison of treatment technologies used in MLD & ZLD systems.
Technology Maximum feed brine Maximum freshwater Limitations Energy consumption Cost Impacts References
salinity (mg/L TDS) recovery (%) (kWh/m3)

RO 70,000 50 - Not effective as a stand-alone technology in 2-6 US$0.75/m3 [60,61,62]

brine treatment
- Membrane fouling issues
- Intensive pretreatment required
HPRO 120,000 50 - Membrane fouling issues 3-9 US$0.79/m3 [63,64,65]
- Intensive pretreatment required
OARO 140,000 72 - Multiple RO/FO stages 6-19 US$2.40/m3 [66,67]
- Lack of a generic draw solution
- Membrane fouling issues
- Intensive pretreatment required
FO 200,000 98 - Lack of a generic draw solution 0.8-13 US$0.63/m3 [68,69]
- Membrane fouling issues
- Intensive pretreatment required
MD 350,000 90 - Membrane fouling and wetting issues 39-67 US$1.17/m3 [70,71,72]
- Intensive pretreatment required
MCr 350,000 90 - Membrane fouling and wetting issues 39-73 US$1.24/m [70,71,72]
- Intensive pretreatment required
ED & EDR 200,000 86 - Energy cost increases with increasing feed 7-15 US$0.85/m3 [73,74,75]
- Membrane fouling issues
- Intensive pretreatment required
EDM 150,000 92 - Energy cost increases with increasing feed 0.6-5.1 US$0.60/m3 [76,77,78]
- Membrane fouling issues
- Intensive pretreatment required
BC 250,000 99 High capital costs due to the expensive anti- 15.86-26 US$1.11/m3 [79,80,81,
corrosion materials (stainless steel or titanium) 82]
BCr 300,000 99 High capital costs due to the expensive anti- 52-70 US$1.22/m3 [79,80,81,
corrosion materials (stainless steel or titanium) 82]
MSF 180,000 85 - Scaling issues 12.5-24 US$1.40/m3 [83,15,84,
- Moderate capital costs 85]
MED 180,000 85 - Scaling issues 7.7-21 US$1.10/m3 [83,15,84,
- Moderate capital costs 85]
SD 250,000 No recovery - Highly unlikely to be economically viable on a 52-64 US$0.09/kgsolid [86,87,88]
large scale. produced
- No freshwater recovery
EFC 250,000 98 - High capital costs 43.8-68.5 US$1.42/m3 [89,90]
- This technology hasn’t been applied extensively
in multicomponent brine solutions
WAIV 100,000 No recovery - No freshwater recovery 0.3-1 US$1.37/ [91,92,93]
- No selective salt production m3evaporated

quality standards. To utilize this advantage, however, the feed brine contributed to the adaptation of stricter regulations for brine disposal
effluent must contain specific ions, (e.g., Mg2+ and Cl-) to generate the that may restrict several disposal methods in the coming years [98,99].
desired high-purity salt (e.g., MgCl2) and decrease the treatment cost Under these conditions, treatment systems should be designed that can
[86,87,88]. Unlike SD, EFC has no restriction in the feed composition maximize the freshwater recovery and achieve resource recovery by
since it generates high-purity solid salts (>90 % purity). Even so, its minimizing the volume of the brine effluent (Fig. 2). Hence, the devel­
capital expenditures are high, and there are only a few studies on the opment and adoption of ZLD systems can achieve this goal. ZLD systems
brine treatment aspect [89,90]. WAIV is a straightforward crystalliza­ incorporate numerous desalination technologies to produce freshwater
tion technology for brine crystallization and has a small footprint. and remove completely the liquid waste [16,100,17]. The freshwater
However, just like the SD, this technology doesn’t recover freshwater generated from the ZLD systems is of high purity and can be used for
[91,92,93]. A summary of membrane-based and thermal-based treat­ domestic or industrial use. Besides the freshwater, the compressed solid
ment technologies is presented in Table 3. Overall, both pretreatment salt that is produced can either be sold, used by the industry itself, or
and treatment technologies are illustrated in Fig. 1. discarded in an environmentally friendly manner. In more detail, when
the technologies are properly selected, the production of multiple
3. Minimal and zero liquid discharge (MLD and ZLD) high-purity salts can be achieved instead of a compact mixed solid salt
frameworks [6]. Early implementation of the ZLD systems started in the 1970s when
power plants near the Colorado River introduced ZLD systems due to the
3.1. Concept and current status increasing salinity of river water. As of now, most of the ZLD systems
around the world are operating in the US [60,101]. The global ZLD
Recently, the demand for freshwater has become very high, and market size reached US$0.71 billion in 2018 and is expected to reach US
therefore alternative strategies to obtain freshwater have to be found. $1.76 billion by 2026, demonstrating a compound annual growth rate of
One such solution is the wastewater recycling and reuse. This approach 12.1 % over the forecast timeframe. There are many companies involved
allows for the recovery of both freshwater and other useful materials. In in the ZLD market all over the world, with the following being the main:
addition, it is an approach that is based on the circular economy model Condorchem Envitech (Spain), Aquarion Group (Switzerland), SafBon
which is a modern sustainable development concept promoted by the Water Technology (US), Toshiba Infrastructure Systems & Solutions
European Union [96,97]. Furthermore, increasing public awareness of Corporation (Japan), Arvind Envisol (India), Fluence Corporation
the adverse impacts of brine effluents on the environment has Limited (US), Veolia Water Technologies (France), Hydro Air Research

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Fig. 1. Classification of pretreatment and treatment technologies in the MLD and ZLD systems.

plant, which was built in San Luis Potosi (Mexico) in 2008, is an example
of the MLD strategy. It is a plant with an annual vehicle production
capacity of 160,000 and is located in an arid area, 400 km northwest of
Mexico City. By integrating various technologies and processes such as
RO, IEX, etc., the plant can turn up to 90 % of the wastewater into
reusable water, leaving less than 10 % of the liquid waste to be disposed
of in adjacent solar ponds for evaporation [104].

3.2. Analysis and assessment of the MLD and ZLD frameworks

This review article performs an analysis and assessment of the two

strategies for the management and utilization of brine effluents. The
assessment will be carried out using criteria covering all the aspects
(performance, economy, environment and society). The criteria used in
this study are: (1) framework stages, (2) technologies, (3) freshwater
recovery, (4) feed brine salinity, (5) energy consumption of each tech­
nology, (6) GHGs emissions, (7) cost impact, (8) resource recovery, and
(9) social acceptance (Fig. 3). A key feature of both MLD and ZLD sys­
tems is the number of stages that they consist of. A conventional ZLD
system is composed of four stages. The stages are (i) pretreatment, (ii)
preconcentration, (iii) evaporation, and (iv) crystallization (Fig. 4). The
pretreatment stage consists of membrane-based or chemical processes
aiming to remove contaminants that may adversely affect the perfor­
Fig. 2. Key motivations to adopt MLD and ZLD systems.
mance of the preceding stages [6,91]. Generally, the clearer the brine
effluent is, the less pretreatment is needed. Afterwards, in the second
(Italy), Lenntech (Netherlands), Samco Technologies Inc. (India), stage, freshwater recovery and reduction of the effluent’s volume are
Aquatech (US), Shiva Global Environmental Private Limited (India) accomplished via membrane-based technologies. This stage is important
[102]. Whereas for some industries ZLD strategy is a sustainable solu­ from an economic perspective, as it greatly decreases the size of the next
tion, it is not the most reasonable choice for all given the high costs. To two very costly stages. Finally, freshwater recovery (up to 100 %),
this end, when regulatory and environmental needs and requirements reduction of the volume of the brine, total elimination of the liquid
are fulfilled, the MLD strategy appears to be a promising and more waste and production of one or more solid products are accomplished in
cost-effective option for industries. As discussed in more detail below, the succeeding two stages primarily through thermal-based technologies
the MLD strategy is similar to the ZLD strategy because it uses common [6,105]. In contrast to the ZLD systems, MLD systems consist of 2 stages
technologies, but the technologies have been combined to recover up to (pretreatment and preconcentration) rather than 4 stages, as the fresh­
95 % of freshwater [22,103]. The General Motors vehicle assembly water recovery goal is set at 95 % (Fig. 5) [106]. As for the types of

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Fig. 3. The nine criteria used in the assessment of the MLD and ZLD strategies.

Fig. 4. The four stages in the ZLD framework. The stages are pretreatment, preconcentration, evaporation, and crystallization.

Fig. 5. The two stages in the MLD framework. The stages are pretreatment and preconcentration.

technology, MLD systems integrate only membrane-based technologies,

while ZLD systems implement both membrane-based and thermal-based
technologies [103]. Furthermore, it is important to emphasize that there
is a wide variety of technology combinations and arrangements in the
MLD/ZLD systems, and that having a standardized MLD or ZLD system is
not feasible. Hence, MLD/ZLD systems can incorporate more than two
technologies. The freshwater recovery target in the MLD systems is 95 %
while the freshwater recovery target in the ZLD systems is 100 %.
Treatment technologies with variable recovery rates exist in both ap­
proaches, from very low to very high or even without freshwater re­
covery (e.g., WAIV) [93]. Although the maximum feed brine salinity can
be the same (350 g/L TDS) for both frameworks, generally ZLD systems
typically have higher feed brine salinity limits than MLD systems. This is
associated with the last stage (crystallization stage) of the ZLD strategy
in which several crystallization technologies can treat high-salinity
brine effluents (over 250 g/L TDS) [107,6]. MLD systems are more
efficient than ZLD systems with respect to energy demands. This can be
explained by the fact that only membrane-based technologies are
implemented in the first systems. Membrane-based technologies use
electric energy and have energy consumptions ranging from 0.6 kW Fig. 6. The energy consumption of the technologies used in MLD and
h/m3 to 19 kW h/m3, as presented in Table 3. However, the only ZLD systems.
exception to that rule is the MD technology as it is a thermal-driven
membrane-based, having significant high energy consumption (39-69 energy-intensive systems, are associated with higher emissions than
kWh/m3) [108,81]. In addition to membrane-based technologies, ZLD MLD systems. For example, as reported in the literature, GHGs emissions
systems also have phase-changing thermal-based technologies that are in MED (18 kg CO2/m3 H2O) and MSF (24 kg CO2/m3 H2O) are multiple
associated with heat losses during evaporation and condensation [109, times higher than in RO (1.8 kg CO2/m3 H2O) since membrane-based
110]. As a result, the energy consumption of thermal-based technologies technologies have lower consumptions [50]. With regard to economic
starts at 7.7 kW h/m3 and can reach up to 72 kW h/m3 at the crystal­ costs, ZLD systems are more costly than MLD systems, as they have
lization stage (Fig. 6) [6]. High energy consumption is strongly linked thermal-based technologies such as MED, BCr, etc. The explanation
with air pollutants and greenhouse gases (GHGs) emissions since fossil behind this is that the materials of the thermal-based technologies must
fuels generate the required energy. Hence, ZLD systems, as more be made of corrosion-resistant metallic materials (e.g., super/hyper

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

and promoting the importance of recycling and environmental protec­

tion to the local community [117,118]. Overall, the results for the
analysis and assessment carried out for MLD and ZLD systems are
summarized in Table 4.

3.3. Case-study: MLD and ZLD scenarios

In order to have a better understanding of the two brine treatment

frameworks, we evaluate a case-study under two different scenarios.
Scenario 1 considers an MLD system comprising of RO and FO, whereas
Scenario 2 considers an ZLD system comprising of all Scenario 1 tech­
nologies (namely, RO and FO), but also two additional technologies, BC
and BCr. In particular, the technology arrangement in the MLD system is
RO-FO (Fig. 8), while the technology arrangement in the ZLD system is
RO-FO-BC-BCr (Fig. 9). The data and assumptions for the technologies
used in both scenarios are described in Table 5. For the first scenario, the
total freshwater recovery is 84.6 % and the energy required to recover
84.6 m3 of freshwater is 457.2 kW h. The energy consumption of the
Fig. 7. Sale prices of different salts that can potentially be extracted from MLD system is therefore 5.40 kW h/m3. In the second scenario, the ZLD
brine effluents.
system is made up of exactly the same technologies (RO and FO), but the
brine produced by FO is imported for further treatment in BC and finally
duplex stainless steels, titanium) and thus, as explained in a case-study in BCr. As a result, 6.16 m3 of freshwater with an energy consumption of
below, the capital costs are increasing significantly [84,111,112]. 123.2 kW h are recovered from BC while 7.39 m3 of freshwater with an
MLD systems subsequently have significantly lower costs than ZLD energy consumption of 443.52 kW h are recovered from BCr. As a result,
systems but they can also be expensive as they frequently require the total freshwater recovery is 98.15 % and the energy required to
membrane changes and replacements. Although ZLD systems were recover 98.15 m3 of freshwater is 1023.92 kW h. The energy con­
originally designed to eliminate liquid waste and recover as much sumption of the ZLD system is therefore 10.43 kW h/m3 which is 1.93
freshwater as possible, it has been perceived that useful resources such times higher than the energy consumption of the MLD system. It is
as salts (e.g., sodium chloride, magnesium chloride) can be recovered therefore interesting to note that the energy consumption for the further
through appropriate technology combinations [6]. The salts produced recovery of freshwater after the use of FO increases is increased by 7.74
can either be sold or used internally by the industry, thereby reducing times, as can be clarified by the sharp increase in Fig. 10. This is the
the economical treatment expense in the ZLD/MLD systems. Fig. 7 il­ crucial point at which any industry should decide whether the prospect
lustrates the sale prices of different salts which can potentially be of further treatment and the development of a ZLD system is worthwhile,
extracted from brine effluents [113]. Brine effluents are thus not given that the cost of the next two technologies (evaporation and crys­
considered as waste to be rejected, but as a valuable resource that can be tallization) is between 60 and 70 % of the total capital cost [6].
transformed into a variety of valuable products such as freshwater and
salts. Society’s acceptance of ZLD and MLD systems is positive as both
3.4. Challenges and future prospects
systems support the transition from linear to the circular economy,
where waste production is kept to a minimum, low carbon dioxide
While MLD/ZLD systems have the main objective of increasing the
emissions are limited, and resource utilization is made more efficient
production of freshwater and reducing waste generation up to zero (in
[114,115,116]. At the same time, industries using such brine treatment
the case of the ZLD system), their adoption may contribute to unin­
and exploitation systems are becoming more environmentally friendly,
tended environmental consequences. Typically, these systems aim

Table 4
Assessment of the MLD and ZLD frameworks.
No Criteria ZLD MLD

1 Framework stages 4 2
2 Technologies Membrane-based and thermal-based Membrane-based
3 Freshwater recovery target up to 100 % Up to 95 %
4 Feed brine salinity up to 350,000 mg/L TDS up to 350,000 mg/L TDS
5 Energy consumption of each technology 0.6-72 kW h/m3 0.6-69 kWh/m3
6 GHGs emissions High Moderate
7 Cost impact High Moderate
8 Resource recovery Yes Yes
9 Social impact Positive Positive

Fig. 8. The arrangement of the technologies used in the MLD system (scenario 1).

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Fig. 9. The arrangement of the technologies used in the ZLD system (scenario 2).

odors that may affect wildlife or perhaps even present a risk of leakage
Table 5 [119]. Consequently, in order to avoid potential spoilage from these
Data and assumptions used in the case-study. by-products, impervious liners and systematic monitoring systems are
Parameter Value needed [120]. Recently, in addition to the recovery of freshwater, a
Feed volume (m3) 100 recent approach is directed at the recovery of valuable resources. As far
Feed salinity (mg/L TDS) 35,000 as ZLD systems are concerned, there is a potential not to produce
Feed effluent source Seawater compact mixed solid salts, but to produce several solid salts of high
RO recovery (%) 40 purity. In this manner, we accomplish three objectives: (1) reduction of
RO energy consumption (kWh/m3) 4
costs and need for brine disposal (2) the opportunity to market the
FO recovery (%) 70
FO energy consumption (kWh/m3) 7 produced salts, while following a circular economy policy and (3) the
BC recovery (%) 40 opportunity to use the produced solid salts internally in the industry.
BC energy consumption (kWh/m3) 20 Several salts such as MgCl2, CaCO3, CaCl2, NaCl can be produced
BCr recovery (%) 40
depending on the feed composition, while the commercial sale price of
BCr energy consumption (kWh/m3) 60
these salts can range from US$65/ton to US$400/ton [113]. On the
other hand, while the need for brine disposal remains in MLD systems,
the high-purity concentrated streams can be used internally by the in­
dustry, thus lowering the cost of chemicals. As a result, a wide range of
MLDs and ZLDs can be designed to adopt a circular economy strategy
through the recovery, recycling and reuse of both freshwater and valu­
able resources [121,122,123]. As mentioned earlier, desalination tech­
nologies in MLD/ZLD systems consume massive quantities of energy,
resulting in considerable emissions of GHGs and air pollutants. To
address this challenge, the authors recommend the integration of
renewable energy sources (RES) or industrial waste heat with MLD/ZLD
systems. RES include solar energy, hydropower, wind power,
geothermal energy, etc. [124,71]. For example, as reported in the
literature, the GHGs emissions in RO powered by fossil fuels are 1.8 kg
CO2/m3 H2O, while the GHGs emissions in RO powered by wind power
are only 0.2 kg CO2/m3 H2O [50]. As a consequence, this practice is
considered to decrease GHGs associated with MLD/ZLD systems. Ac­
cording to the authors, future efforts should be made to improve the
multiple perspectives of the treatment systems. In particular, new ma­
terials with sophisticated characteristics, low-cost and cost-effective
materials, advanced system configurations, etc. may improve the effi­
ciency of the MLD and ZLD systems. In this effort, new membranes (e.g.,
Fig. 10. Energy consumption versus recovery rate in Scenarios 1 and 2. omniphobic, janus, superhydrophobic) have recently demonstrated
tremendous promise in this scope [125,126,127]. In addition, process
exclusively on the liquid waste elimination aspect of the treatment simulations, techno-economic assessments and life-cycle assessments
process. As a result, these systems generate mixed solid salts (in ZLD) or (LCAs) are required to assess the feasibility of the different MLD and ZLD
multi-component concentrated streams (in MLD). Hence, there is a need systems. Finally, the major issues in the MLD and ZLD systems are
to reject the very concentrated streams/mixed solid salts in evaporation outlined in Fig. 11, whereas the present and future prospects are illus­
ponds, however, this tactic poses a danger as these by-products create trated in Fig. 12.

Fig. 11. Major issues in the MLD and ZLD systems.

A. Panagopoulos and K.-J. Haralambous Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering 8 (2020) 104418

Fig. 12. Present and future prospects in the MLD and ZLD systems.

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