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Exercise 1: Compose at least 1 Thesis Statement with supporting 3 premises, a conclusion and

an insight for the following: (1) Philosophy of Man, (2) Ethics, (3) Chinese Philosophy, (4)
Aesthetics. Observe 1 sentence only per item.
Main Thesis: The Doctrine of the Mean, as advocated by Aristotle, asserts
that virtue is found through balanced moderation.
Premise 1: Aristotle posits that virtues lie between extremes and can be
attained through the Doctrine of the Mean.
Premise 2: Aristotle's ethical framework emphasizes that the Mean is not
a rigid midpoint but varies depending on context, allowing for flexibility in
applying the principle.
Premise 3: Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean is a crucial component of his
virtue ethics, guiding individuals toward a harmonious and virtuous life by
avoiding extremes.
Insight: This philosophical concept encourages individuals to discern the
nuanced middle ground in their actions, promoting a virtuous character
molded by thoughtful moderation.
Conclusion: Aristotle's Doctrine of the Mean maintains that the path to
virtue involves achieving a balanced middle ground, facilitated by the
adaptable nature of the Mean, ultimately nurturing moral excellence.
References: (Must use Reading Materials in class + 1 or 2 other sources)
1. Aristotle. "Nicomachean Ethics." Translated by W. D. Ross. Oxford
(Oxfordshire); New York : Oxford University Press, 1980.
2. Kenny, Anthony. “Aristotle on the Perfect Life.” Clarendon, Oxford,
Sourced from Nicomachean Ethics and Internet

Further Instructions:
1. Write your Thesis Statements in 1 yellow page, back-to-back, 2 Thesis Statements in
front and two at the back.
2. Submit your output on August 11, 2023, Friday, before 12:00 noon at the Philosophy

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