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Name : Amanda Firstya Nareswari

Class/No. : XII MIPA 1/05

1. Reminder
Ryu : Why you don't follow Mr. Heri course this morning, Arin?
Arin : I came late today, so I don't allowed to join first class. I also got punishment to clean
the school yard untill the first class was ended.
Ryu : I already guessed it! You look tired.What time did you came to school?
Arin : Actually I came to school at 07.05. It's just 5 minutes left after bell rang.
Ryu : Well, no matter how little, time is still valuable. If you don't want to clean the school
yard again, you must come to the school early tomorrow.
Arin : Yea, I always try it but I can't.
Analysis : If clause + a reminder

2. Suggestion
Amy : It's been six years since our last meet, Bob. What activities have you been involved
in lately?
Boby : Yes, we grow up so well. Now i'm works at a coffee shop.
Amy : Wow that's awesome. Why don't you continue your study to college? Every one
knows that you're a smart students since you at elementary school.
Boby : Actually, I also want continue to college too. But, I don't have much money. I must
pay for my sisters who are still in elementary school.
Amy : Come on, we live in a modern era. We can find various information about
scholarship on social media. If you don't have enough money and still want continue
to college, why don't you try to apply a scholarship?
Boby : I was try it before but I don't accepted.
Amy : Ah i see.. sorry. If you really want to go to college, you have to take a break from
your work and start to study harder.
Boby : I wan't but I'm afraid I can't.
Amy : I will help you if you want my help.
Analysis : If clause+suggestion
3. Imperative
Ani : I want learn how to cook cookies.
Bin : Why you suddenly want to learn it?
Ani : Because I want make a small business to increase my pocket money.
Bin : That is a good idea. Eum, actually my mom can make such a delicious cookies. If
you want to learn with my mom, tell me.
Ani : Wow, let's meet your mom now!
Bin : I’m sorry, my mom was out of town now. But, if you want to learn with me, come to
my house tomorrow. I'm not sure I can make a cookies as delicious as my mom made
but I will try my best.
Ani : Okey! See you at 9 A.M.
Analysis : If clause+imperative

4. General truth
Ali : I feel stress as a 12th grade student. Have you prepare a plan for your college?
Belle : I'm not sure about my plan. I'm so afraid I will fail on SNBP or on report selection.
You're a eligible student too, right?
Ali : Yes you're right. What university do you want to choose?
Belle : I want to choose UGM. But everyone know that if choose TOP 3 university on
SNBP, we will not pass it easily.
Ali : Yes you're right. Choose UGM on SNBP same as suicide. On SNBP, we must to be
realistic. By the way, what's your plan if you fail in this selection?
Belle : Actually, I don't prepare something. I believe I can pass this selection easily.
Ali : Don't be too confident. If you don't want to be hurt, lower your expectations. From
now, you must start study to prepare the test.
Belle : Yes you're right. I will fail on the test selection If I don't start study from now.
Analysis : If clause+ a general truth

5. Show a dream
Abe : What country actually do you want to live in?
Cia : Actually I proud I can live in Indonesia. Indonesia like a heaven.There are many
food that I can try and many unique place that I can visit. I also feel comfy with the
weather and the people.
Abe : I’m agree with you. People in Indonesia are very friendly. How about country you
want to visit?
Cia : If I am rich , I will visit all countries in Asia especially South Korea and Japan.
Abe : Why you choose to visit South Korea not to North Korea?
Cia : Because I want to try their original food like Ramyeon and Tanghulu.
Abe : If I were you, I will visit North Korea to meet Kim Jong Un and become his
daughter's friend.
Cia : HAHAHA, I hope they welcome you and not give you a missile attack.
Analysis : If clause + to show a dream

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