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•CELL- Is fhe basic structural and

functional unit that contains the

fundamentalmoleculesof life of
which all living things are composed.
•TISSUE- is a group of similar cells in
close proximity,which are organized
to perform one or more specific
A group of tissues
that performs the same general
•The cells that make up the tissue
system must be in close proximity
and must form a structural part of
the plant.
•This is another group of plant tissues in
addition OF the first two main.groups.
•MERISTEMATICS (Embryonic and
totipotent)- they are undifferentiated,
embryoniccells which initially they are
Totipotentand can differentiate/mature
info other types of cells.
•They are present throughout the life of
a plant are the sources OFseasonal new
growth in height and circumference.
•Primary Meristems- They are located at
the tip of the roots and shoots which are
responsiblefor the increase in plant
•Secondary Meristems- They are located in
the margins of the stem and roots.They
are responsiblefor increase of
•They are made up of similar cells (only
one type of cells)-
•Parenchyma- Generalized box shaped
cells with uniformly thin walls
Collenchyma- Corners of the cells walls
are thickened with cellulose
Sclerenchyma- Highly lignified and
cellulose-rich cell walls , they are dead
and hollow after maturity.
They are made up of more than one type of cells.
Xylem- conducts water and inorganic substances
from the roots to the above ground parts of the
Phloem- transports elaborated organic compounds
in the plant.
Both simple and complex tissues form several
i tissue systems, that work together in a plant.
Plant tissue systems include;-
I.Vascular, 2.Epidermal,
3.Mechanical, 4.Meristematic,
5.Glandular, 6.Ground,
•This system is the arrangement of multiple cell
types which allov,s the transportation of water,
minerals and products of photosynthesis
throughout 'thc plant.
•It is ccmpcsed of the XYLENå and PHLOEM
•Different types of cells present in xylem
•Conducting cells ( Tracheids and/or
Vessel elements)-Their function is to
conductwafer and the other substances.
•Ground cells (Parenchyma,Collenchyma,
Sclerenchyma)- Their function is to
provide the structural support around the
conducting cells.
V" 101
Xylem Properties:
Conducts water and minerals
(rnovementis one way only)

Composed of tracheids (all plants)

and vessel elements (angiosperms)

Walls composed 01dead cells and

are peed (albws water exchange)

Walls impregnated wrth lignin

(spral or annular arrangement)

Vessel Water movement requires both

tie—ent Trachevd cohesion and adhesion
•Have hard but not thick lignified walls
•Single celled, long with tapering ends,
covered with multiple pits, at maturity
they are dead and hollow.
Apart from transportationof materials
trachcids perform a mechanicalactivity of
strengthening and support
occur in certain angiospermseg
•These are tubelike and have a great
diameter than the tracheidst they are
stacked at each ends to forma long and
straw like structure.
•They loose their protoplast elements and
become hollow at maturity.
Based on the lignificationof the
secondary cell wall, they are classified as
a) Annular b)Pitfed
•C) Reticulate d) Scalariform
e) Spiral
Annulgt Spiral Scdarifom Reticulatt Pitted

Opes ofsecottdüT h'dll thicienings in trgchtids

They provide nutrients storage and storage of
other substancessuch as aromatic and other
protective secondary metabolites.

•They are found in two forms..

Axial Parenchyma
Ray parenchyma
•Phloem- transports elaborated organic
compoundsin the plant.
It is the main food conductingtissue of
vascular plants
Celts that make up the phloem
•Sieve cells— small pores, uniform
•Albuminous cells (gymnosperms)
•Companion cells (angiosperms)
•Ground cells (parenchyma etc)
•SIEVE CELLS- they have small pores,
uniform but not connected.
•SIEVE TUBES (Members)-they have pores
on some walls, which are lager than sieve
cells pores. highly specialized and are
arranged in series connected to form a
sieve plate
•Sicvc plates- They function by selecvely
filtering food particles which are to be
transported downward in the plant.
•At maturitythe protoplastis still
present but it has no major orgapelles.
Maintainspressure of gradient in the
sieve tubes
Phloem Parenchyma
Most of these cells are filled with starch
or oil during dormant period
PhloemFibers and Sclcrcids —theseare
many in seed plants

More on Companioncells and Albuminous
•In Angiosperms-each sieve tube member is
associated with a companioncell which is
fully equippedparenchyma cell that
performs all the necessary metabolic
functions of both cells.
•They are joined by numerous
plasmodesmatawhich creates a large
surface area for transportationbetween
the two cells.
In Gymnosperms- each sieve cell is
associated with an albuminous cell.
This performs the same function as the
companioncell in angiosperms

(u) Xydem (b) Ph!oem

G/ aeo

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