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Defence Attack Attack Move Max Shoot Shoot
Troop Type Example Options Armour Special Rules
Value Action Value Action Move Action Value
Fearsome; Bloodthirsty;
Elite Cavalry Mounted
Norman Elite Heavy Cavalry Drilled; Mounted Bows; 3+ 4 (4:1) 5+ 5+ 3+ 7+ 10" - - Wild Charge; Counter-Charge
MAA page 76
Fearsome; Bloodthirsty;
Heavy Cavalry Mounted
Armoured Cavalry Mounted Bows; Mounted 4+ 3 (3:1) 5+ 5+ 4+ 5+ 10" - - Counter-Charge
Sergeants page 78
Light Cavalry Unarmoured Bow Cavalry Javelins Only; Veteran 5+ 3 (3:1) 6 7+ 5+ 5+ 12" 6+ 5+/12" Skirmish; Evade
Mounted Sergeants page 80
Elite Heavy Foot. Heavy Armoured Huscarls
Fearsome; Bloodthirsty 3+ 4 (4:1) 4+ 5+ 3+ 5+ 6" - - Flexible
Foot MAA page 82 Infantry
Heavy Infantry Armoured Inf Spear & Shield
Veteran; Javelins;
4+ 3 (3:1) 4+ 6+ 5+ 5+ 6" - - Wall of Spears / Shield Wall
Foot Sergeants page 84 Bloodthirsty
Light/Medium Infantry Light Armoured Inf Spear & Veteran; Javelins; Mixed
4+ 2 (2:1) 4+ 6+ 5+ 5+ 8" - - Wall of Spears / Shield Wall
Foot page 86 Shield Weapons
Warriors Fearsome; Bloodthirsty; Flexible; Wild Charge; Counter-Charge versus
Unarmoured Tribal Infantry 4+ 2 (2:1) 6 5+ 3+ 6+ 8" - -
page 88 Armoured Infantry; Fast
Levied Infantry Peasants or slaves None 5+ 1 6 7+ 6 6+ 6" - - Smelly; Go Back To Your Farms
page 90
Archers Bow or Slings also see
Classic Slingers
Veteran 4+ 2 (2:1) 5+ 7+ 6 6+ 6" 6+ 5+/18" -
page 94
Crossbow Crossbowmen, Pavises 4+ 2 (2:1) 5+ 7+ 6 6+ 6" 7+ 4+/18" -
page 95
Handgonners Early forearmed infantry Pavises 4+ 2 (2:1) 6 7+ 6 6+ 6" 8+ 6/12" Bang; Panic
page 118
Skirmishers Missile armed Foot
None 5+ 1 6 7+ 6 5+ 8" 7+ 5+/12" Hard to target; Skirmish; Evade; Fast
Bidowers page 97

Key: Options - Addional Upgrade or Downgrade Options

Courage - These are the scores required in LR to perform this activity N/A if we use cards Move Activation - Score needed Activate a unit to Move (2xD6)
Armour - The score required with 2Dx6 to pass a moral test for each troop type Max Move - Maximum Move distances
Defence Value - The number of Hits Required to remove a figure from this type of unit Max Move - Unit Movement distance in good going
Attack Value - Score needed to Activate a unit needs to Attack/Charge (2xD6) Shoot Value - Score to Hit when Shooting / Maximum Range
Attack Value - Score to Hit when Attacking

Special Rules
Bang All units reduced to Armour 1 from this units 'Shooting' Hard to Target +1 to Armour from Shoots and can only be targeted up to 12"
Counter-Charge Mounted against All, Warriors against Infant only - If this unit is attacked , pass a test (7+) Panic Target unit must take compulsory 'Courage' test irrespective of hits caused
Evade If attacked this unit may perform an immediate Skirmish Activation (7+) move Shield Wall Increase Armour by 1+ in Melee and Shooting attacks. Units can move 1/2 Move when in Shieldwall.
If contacted Evading units Armour -1 (Effects of Skirmishing are after Attack) Skirmish Activation order (7+) to Move half and Shoot (with -1 penalty) before or after movement
Fast Unit dose not half its movement in rough terrain Wall of Spears Increase Armour by 1+ in melee. The unit needs at least half figures, in at least 2 ranks,
Flexible This unit suffers no Attack or Defence value penalty in rough terrain Unit cannot Move unless 'Pike' and 'Mobile Schiltron' paid for
Go Back to the Farm Maximum 3 Levied Units in a 24point Warband Wild Charge The Unit must perform an immediate attack test when enemy in Charge range
Upgrades & Cost
2 point per Warband Shield Wall Increase Armour by 1+ in Melee and against Shooting attacks. Units can move 1/2 distance when in Shieldwall. (p112)
Opponents are automatically forced to retreat unless the Shield wall units is broken in the attack. The unit needs at least half figures, in at least 2 ranks and must not be disrupted
1 point Feigned Retreat In any turn the unit may attempt to make an enemy unit within charge range to Attack. Make a Activation roll even it is not in their turn
If the target unit cannot reach it rolls on a Move Activation and if successful move its maximum distance
If the target unit is within charge range it rolls on the Attack Activation score if successful, the Feined retreat unit may withstand the attack, or attempt to Counter Charge or Evade
as per unit options, testing on a 5+ instead on the usual 7+
1 point Drilled Removes 'Wild Charge'
2 points Fearsome Fearsome units cause opponents a -1 adjustment when taking a Courage test after a melee, unless they are also Fearsome
3 points Blood thirsty In Attack dice roll only any '6's rolled count as 2 Hits
1 point Motivated Alters a 'Move' activation to 6+
2 points Mounted Bows Removes 'Wild Charge' and 'Counter-charge'. Replace with 'Shoot' on 6+ effect 5+/12"
0 Mounted Crossbows Removes 'Counter-charge'. Replace with 'Shoot' on 7+ effect 5+/12", Attack value is reduced to 5+
-1 point Javelins Only Replaces 'Bow' with Javelins range 6"
2 points Veteran Light Cavalry - Does not suffers the -1 penalty to shoot value when 'Skirmishing'
Heavy Infantry -Attack value becomes 4+, removes 'Wall of Spears'
Archers - Shoot Value becomes 4+
2 points Armoured Warrior Armour becomes 3
2 points Pavises Increase Armour by 2 (4) against Shooting and by 1 (3) against Attacks. Does not apply in cover or rough terrain

Optional Rules
Alternative Unit Proximity Rules page 25 A minimum of 1” between Units instead of 3"
Alternative Rules for Failed Activation page 39 Failure on unit does not end turn
Multiple Player Game -options page 105 Example - Playing cards to decide Playing order each turn
Reduced Model Figure Units page 104/111 6 Berserk figures act as 12 figure unit
Unit Flanks and Rear page 111 Makes movement trays have more meaning
Shield Wall page 112 An alternative to 'Wall of Spears' or as a paid for upgrade.
Group Moves page 114 Multiple unit moves that can help speed the game up
Leader Skills (Random) page 124 Retains the original random element of Leadership abilities
Leader Skills (Paid For) page 68 Plays select and pay for their Leadership abilities
Holy Men & Banners page 72 Special Characters with unit to boast Courage (Not available to Leader or Levied)
Using Strength Points Units page 110 Using alternative number of figures in a units
Variants/Alternative Units page 116
Camels page 116 +2 points 'Fearsome' verses Mounted, treat Dunes as open ground
Chariots page 116 As Heavy Cavalry , +2 points, Armour 4, Use Limited models & Strength Points, Terrain restrictions
Pike page 117 Medieval Heavy or Light Inf., +1 point, Defence Value increased to 3+ v Mounted, No 'Veteran'
As Mobile Schiltron (Wall of Spears), +1 point half Move, +2 points full Move, Rough Terrain become obstacles
Handgonners page 118 Early Firearm Infantry, as profiled
Slingers page 119 Classic Slingers, as Archers profile, -1 point cost, Shooting Range becomes 12"

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