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The Problem

Reading is an extremely complex process that no one can

explain satisfactorily. Those who are interested in reading

have their fundamental diverse views which results from two

different schools of psychology: behaviorism and


In relation to these, most models of reading are

partial in that they are concerned with specific aspects, or

mode. They do not attempt to account for all aspects of the

reading process. There has been no single model that can be

called the most acceptable.

Comprehension is the reason for reading. Good readers

are both purposeful and active and have the skills to absorb

the text they read, analyze it, make sense of it, and make

it their own. To be able to accurately comprehend a passage,

students need to decode what they read, make connections

between what they read and what they already know and think

deeply about what they have read. (Ifeoma,2017). Identifies

comprehension as “the process of receiving language,

listening, or reading input. Comprehension is the ability to

take in information, analyze it in its respective segments,


and come up with an understanding of the input in a cohesive

and accurate manner. Brown (2017). However, in recent years,

considerable research effort has focused on a conceptual


Adekoya and Arau in Ifeoma (2017) believe that many

bilingual students fail to comprehend what they read in

school situations because they lack the vital reading

strategies necessary to acquire knowledge and general

information from text. Comprehension also means building up

meaning from words; it is central both to academic and

lifelong learning.

According to Snow (2019), reading comprehension is the

process of simultaneously extracting and constructing

meaning through interaction, and involvement with written

language. It consists of three elements: the reader, the

text and the activity or purpose for reading. It is a

process in which readers filter understanding through the

lens of their motivation, knowledge, cognitive abilities,

and experiences.

Schramm (2018) states reading comprehension is an

active process to construct the meaning and the

understanding about the text. To do this, there are two ways

readers should do. First, good readers will quickly reject

the irrelevant information and find what he/she is looking


for, second, it is enough to comprehend the gist of the text

only, but more detailed comprehension is necessary.

In the study conducted by Gilani, et al (2017), it

states that reading is a difficult process which the ability

to read real word in isolation or in context with

comprehension. Readers should be able to comprehend the

context in many different content areas. They need the

ability to construct meaning from written language by

manipulating, constructing, and translating text.

Similarly, Peregoy & Boyle (2017) states that reading

is a set of skills that involves making sense and deriving

meaning from printed words. It means that, to get

comprehension from the text students must have the ability

to cultivate their minds. Then learners should be able to

find meaning by analyzing information that they need in the


Camagong Elementary School, District of Cabusao,

composed of junior high school teachers, is not new to the

profound change in the educational system with regards to

curriculum and instruction. The school encounter challenges

across the new curriculum and its strands but still it

continues to make a progress in the field of educational

system. Facilitating learning is essential in addressing any


form of a problem and must find potential solutions and

resolve their roles as pedagogical teachers.

In conclusion, the teaching of reading development

should be organized around situations, problems or projects

that engage the learners both as an individual and a member

of a team. It should also nurture interest in learning.

Learners are generally interested in problems that puzzle

them. They have a natural urge to find solutions.

Similarly, it should demonstrate a commitment to the

development of a culture of excellent readers. A culture of

excellent readers is characterized by excellence, integrity,

hard work, and discipline, promotes the strong link between

reading skills and performance, recognizes that

developmental reading reflects, influences, and shapes our

culture, thus, this research study is conceptualized.

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to identify the reading development of

Grade 2 learners in Camagong Elementary School using

innovative material.

Specifically, this study will seek to answer the

following questions:

1. What are the learning competencies used by the

teachers in reading instruction?


2. What are the teaching strategies used by the

teachers in teaching reading?

3. What are the challenges encountered in teaching

reading among grade 2 learners along:

a. delivery of instruction;

b. strategies used in teaching; and

c. assessment of reading?

4. What innovative instructional material may be

proposed to improve reading performance of grade 2


Assumption of the Study

There is significant difference in the performance of

grade 2 learners who are given innovative instruction

materials in the reading instruction.


The study has the following hypotheses:

1. There is no significant agreement on the reading

performance of grade 2 learners.

2. There is no significant agreement on the strategies used

in the delivery of reading instruction.


3. There is no significant relationship between the grade 2

learners and the teaching strategies used by the teachers.

Significance of the Study

The result of this study will be beneficial to the


Learners. These materials may help them better

understand difficulties met since they will be given

illustrative examples and provide them many opportunities to

participate and respond. They will discover their strengths

and capabilities to develop their own techniques in

developing reading skills. They will be trained to be

flexible and to cope easily on different learning process

and experience.

Public Elementary Schools. The demands of the learners

and teachers for attaining the academic excellence by

developing innovative instructional materials will be given

more time and effort to be materialize and implemented. They

will also understand the needs of the teachers to be

provided with more comprehensive trainings and programs.


Faculty. The findings of this study will help them

identify the skills or aspects of problem-solving that need

to be emphasized or strengthened.

They will be more effective in teaching reading

development using innovative instructional materials which

are especially designed for the needs of pupils in

understanding the subject.

Future Researchers. The findings of this study may

encourage the interest of other researchers to conduct

similar studies in other schools aiming for the purpose of

providing assessment of the existing innovative

instructional materials in reading development which lead

them in achieving the goals of education such as quality,

excellence, and dynamic lifelong learning.

Scope and Delimitation

This study will determine the reading development and

performance of grade 2 learners while the other are 7

teachers teaching reading in Camagong Elementary School for

school year 2022-2023.

The first group of respondents will be the teachers

while the second group will be composed of grade 2 learners.


This study will be delimited to all grade 2

teachers teaching reading and grade 2 learners.

Locale of the Study

The locale of this study is at the City of Iriga,

Camarines Sur Division, District of Cabusao, Camagong

Elementary School District which is composed of 1 Elementary

School Head Teacher I, 7 teachers and with a population of

196 learners.

Definition of Terms

The following terminologies are defined conceptually

and operationally:

Assessment is an evaluation of the faculty and experts

of the quality or worth of the available innovative

instructional materials.

In this study, it refers to the tool that is used by

grade 2 teachers to measure the level of performance of the

learners in reading activities and lessons.


Objectives are purpose, goal of the ICT-Based

Instructional Materials.

In this study, it refers to the learning competencies

set forth by K to 12 Curriculum.

Content is the collection of competencies provided by

the syllabus in English.

In this study, it refers to the concept being taught by

grade 2 teachers in reading development. It is also

comprised of the lessons to develop the skills of learners

in reading literacy.

Evaluation is the last part of the lesson proper where

the faculty gives the assessment such as experiences and

quizzes. In this study, it refers to the formative

assessment used by grade 2 teachers to determine the mastery

level of the learners.

Experts are the teachers with master’s degree who have

at least ten years of teaching experience.

In this study, it refers to the resource person who are

experienced in the field of reading instruction.

Faculty are the teachers who have less than ten years

of teaching experience.

In this study, it refers to the teachers handing

general subjects in primary and intermediate level.


Innovative Instructional Materials are the

instructional materials, with clearly defined objectives,

learning activities as well as feedback and evaluation with

the use of innovative communication tools.

In this study, it refers to the learning materials that

are used to support the learning progress of the learners.



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