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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy



An Undergraduate Thesis Presented to

the Faculty of the College of Business and Accountancy of the
University Of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela Campus
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela

In Partial Fulfillment
of the Requirement for the Subject
Accountancy Research




University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


The researchers offer their gratitude to the following persons who shared their

invaluable time and assistance for this endeavor:

Amongst, the researchers convey gratitude to the parents for unconditional

love, guidance, and unending support;

To Rovelinda A. Martinez, research statistician, for her guidance and

immediate responses and helping them in doing their tasks;

To Samuel U. Itchon, CPA, research instructor and Ms. Dytas C. Cullanan,

MBA, Thesis Adviser, for their unending help and guidance, and to make this

research study possible;

To Dean Acct., Jonathan B. De Veyra, MBA, for his encouragement, unending

guidance, and support; and

To our dear friends, for the love, support, and happiness.

Lastly, the God Almighty, for answering our prayers for giving them strength,

wisdom, guidance, and unconditional love.

-The Researchers

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


The researchers wholeheartedly dedicate this Research Study to their families and

loved ones, to all of their professors, to their friends, and above all, to our Almighty God. This

will not be a success because of your unwavering support and love.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


Accounting is very important area and gains more importance over time not

only for practitioners but also other actors in economic system, such as educators,

regulators, students and many others. Financial world is changing so fast that it

become very important for accounting education to cope with this changing


As the graduate students with accounting profession is one of main resources

of jobs related to accounting area, it has been crucial to provide these students with

necessary up to date information and education tailored to needs of financial world.

Since the mid-1980s, professional accounting bodies, employers of accounting

graduates and academics alike have criticized accounting curriculum for failing to

equip graduates with the competencies (knowledge, skills and personal attributes)

required by members of the accounting profession in the modern, technologically-

astute, rapidly changing business environment (Bui & Porter, 2020).

This study determined the preparation techniques and strategies of accounting

instructors in the shift to distance learning modality.

The study sought to provide answers to the following questions: What is the

demographic profile of the accounting instructors in terms of: a. age; b. gender; c. years in the

service; and d. education?; What are the preparation techniques and strategies of accounting

instructors in the distance learning modality? a. instructional planning; b. utilization of

teaching device; and c. educational growth and development?; What are the challenges

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

encountered by the accounting instructors in the distance learning modality?; What are the

techniques and strategies used by the accounting instructors in distance learning modality?;

What strategic plan in preparation techniques and strategies my be proposed in support to

accounting instructors?

In light of this research, the researcher found out the following integral aspects that

were present: The preparation of accounting instructors were based on available guidelines set

forth by the college institution.; The strategies used by the accounting instructors were

tantamount to the expected class setting.; The learning environment in distance learning

modality were suited to engage the students into learning atmosphere that is conducive.; The

preparation techniques were employed using multimedia instruction.

Based on the findings, the researcher drawn the following conclusions: The

accounting instructors were dependent to the modern technology as medium of instruction for

the delivery of teaching instruction.; The used of differenitiated tasks were observable that

made the discussion interactive despite that it took place in a varied school setting.; The

preparation as to the presentation of the concepts were in the form of engaging activities

which is vital to facilitate the instruction.; Different teaching strategies were utilized form the

beghinning of the teaching instruction until the assessment period.

Based on the conclusions, the researcher drawn the following: Accounting instructors

should have trainigs and seminars involving teaching strategies during exigiency of time.;

Resource person who are expert in the procedure in the field of education should serve as the

mentor for further improvement of knowledge and skills. There should be a mentor and

mentee partnerships wherein the purpose is to assist one another in some unknown situations.

Instructors should have training or seminars in using online teaching platforms. Current

offering and possibilities for accounting instructors related to the new normal setting of

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

education should be identified by school. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED

should provide conference and forum with regard to the performance of instructors and the

professional competency.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Acknowlegment ii
Dedication iii
Abstract v
Table Contents vii


Introduction 1

Theoretical Framework 4

Conceptual Framework 6

Operational Framework 10

Statement of the Problem 10

Hypothesis of the Study 11

Significance of the Study 12

Scope and Delimitation 13

Definition of Terms 14


State of the Art 16

Foreign Study 16

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Local Study 23

Foreign Literature 27

Local Literaturn 31

Synthesis of the Study 37

Gaps that bridged to the present study 38


Research Design 39

Locale of the Study 40

The population of the Study 40

Research Instrument and Validation 41

Evaluation and Scoring 41

Data Gathering Procedure 42

Statistical Treatment 43




Summary of Findings 49

Conclusions 49

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Recommendation 50



Letters 67

Questionnaire 78

Curriculum Vitae 82


Table 1 Percentage Distribution of Accounting Instructors According to Age Bracket 43

Table 2 Percentage Distribution of Accounting Instructors According to Gender 44

Table 3 Percentage Distribution of Accounting Instructors According to University 44

Table 4 Frequency Distribution of Accounting Instructors

on Preparation Techniques and Strategies of the Accounting
Instructors in the Distance Learning Modalitty 45

Table 5 Frequency Distribution of Accounting

Instructors Affecting the Preparation
Techniques and Strategies 45

Table 6 Hindrances that Afffect the Preparation

Techniques and Strategies 47


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm of Distance Learning 5

Figure 2. Conceptual Framework 9

Figure 3. Operational Framework 10


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


The Problem and its Background


Accounting is very important area and gains more importance over time not

only for practitioners but also other actors in economic system, such as educators,

regulators, students and many others. Financial world is changing so fast that it

become very important for accounting education to cope with this changing


As the graduate students with accounting profession is one of main resources

of jobs related to accounting area, it has been crucial to provide these students with

necessary up to date information and education tailored to needs of financial world.

Since the mid-1980s, professional accounting bodies, employers of accounting

graduates and academics alike have criticized accounting curriculum for failing to

equip graduates with the competencies (knowledge, skills and personal attributes)

required by members of the accounting profession in the modern, technologically-

astute, rapidly changing business environment (Bui & Porter, 2020).

It is important to remember the fact that accounting professionals and

academicians have embarked on a process of analyzing and criticizing accounting

curricula since two papers raised concerns about accounting education (American

Accounting Association (AAA) 1986 Futures Committee Report, and Arthur

Andersen & Co. et al. 2019 Perspectives Paper).


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Both papers suggest that without significant changes to accounting education,

future accountants will not receive the preparation they need to meet the emerging

needs of business. As Heraclitus once said, in what has become a frequently quoted

remark, “the only thing that is constant is change”. This inevitable fact also remains

true for both accounting and accounting education.

When COVID-19 struck in the Philippines, the educational system changed.

The educational system adopted teaching method that practice online to stop the

widespread of the virus. It’s called the new normal to ensure the the safety of the

instructors and the students.

The teachers facilitate the development of the student as a member of the

community and society (Martineau et al., 2020). Teachers are bound to maintain high-

quality education in the face of the pandemic. The significant transition of existing

courses to the internet necessitates the creation of detailed lesson plans, instructional

materials, and technological assistance. Indeed, teachers in higher educational

institutions and all schools around the Philippines have adopted this modal of

educational strategy. Due to shifting, transitioning to online instruction education

programs is difficult for both students and teachers, and most teachers are unprepared

for online education. Teachers were highly aware of the presence and consequences

caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. They have undergone many pieces of training

and seminars to be more enhanced to deliver better education even there is a so-called

COVID-19 pandemic as it is a standard of the department to train teachers not just for

professional growth but to become ready for unexpected circumstances.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

It is a process of self-learning stimulated for the instructors. The quick-shifting

modality provoked their interest. Allocates other teaching method platforms for

making their work much easier with the help of funding of the school. The capabilities

to continue the education process in the online form of learning in this new normal, the

Higher Educational Institution need to study how successful online learning provides

quality education to the students. (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020). Understanding the

methods, skills, and capabilities of Instructors in the shifting learning modalities where

we are currently confronting is necessary to continue transitional learning.

This new normal was only favorable for some instructors and students, but

some were not. As we are still adjusting to the new environment, many students and

instructors face challenges that affect their preparation techniques and strategies. A

work-from-home set-up was good until household responsibilities ran after you.

Environmental noises affect the teaching of the instructor. Due to a long day seated in

front of gadgets to conduct an online class, instructors can't exercise, which can lead to

bad posture, muscle pains, or any related health problems regarding not having an

exercise. A work-from-home set-up was good until an unstable internet connection

interrupted you from your class. Those challenges would evaluate the effectiveness of

the strategies and techniques of the instructors in the new normal. It will help to assess

both the instructors and the students amid COVID-19.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Theoretical Framework

The development of new technologies has promoted an astounding growth in

distance education, both in the number of students enrolling and in the number of

universities adding education at a distance to their curriculum (Garrison, 1990). While

the application of modem technology may glamorize distance education, literature in

the field reveals a conceptually fragmented framework lacking in both theoretical

foundation and programmatic research.

Without a strong base in research and theory, distance education has struggled

for recognition by the traditional academic community. Distance education has been

described by some as no more than a hodgepodge of ideas and practices taken from

traditional classroom settings and imposed on learners who just happen to be separated

physically from an instructor. As distance education struggles to identify appropriate

theoretical frameworks, implementation issues also become important.

These issues involve the learner, the instructor, and the technology. Because of

the very nature of distance education as learner-centered instruction, distance

educators must move ahead to investigate how the learner, the instructor, and the

technology collaborate to generate knowledge. Below is the theoretical paradigm of

the study:

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Figure 1. Theoretical Paradigm of Distance Learning


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Conceptual Framework

In this study, it utilized the model of input, process and output to categorized the

significant variables that lead the researchers in determining the factors that made the problem

and its proposed recommendations.

First, is the inputs which are the conditions that exist prior to group activity, whereas

processes are the interactions among group members. Outputs are the results of group activity

that are valued by the team or the organization.

The input-process-output model has historically been the dominant approach to

understanding and explaining team performance and continues to exert a strong influence on

group research today. The framework is based on classic systems theory, which states that the

general structure of a system is as important in determining how effectively it will function as

its individual components. Similarly, the IPO model has a causal structure, in that outputs are

a function of various group processes, which are in turn influenced by numerous input

variables. In its simplest form, the model is depicted as the following:

Inputs reflect the resources that groups have at their disposal and are generally divided

into three categories: individual-level factors, group-level factors, and environmental factors.

Individual-level factors are what group members bring to the group, such as motivation,

personality, abilities, experiences, and demographic attributes. Examples of group-level

factors are work structure, team norms, and group size. Environmental factors capture the

broader context in which groups operate, such as reward structure, stress level, task

characteristics, and organizational culture.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Processes are the mediating mechanisms that convert inputs to outputs. A key aspect

of the definition is that processes represent interactions that take place among team members.

Many different taxonomies of teamwork behaviors have been proposed, but common

examples include coordination, communication, conflict management, and motivation.

In comparison with inputs and outputs, group processes are often more difficult to

measure, because a thorough understanding of what groups are doing and how they complete

their work may require observing members while they actually perform a task. This may lead

to a more accurate reflection of the true group processes, as opposed to relying on members to

self-report their processes retrospectively. In addition, group processes evolve over time,

which means that they cannot be adequately represented through a single observation. These

difficult methodological issues have caused many studies to ignore processes and focus only

on inputs and outputs. Empirical group research has therefore been criticized as treating

processes as a “black box” (loosely specified and unmeasured), despite how prominently

featured they are in the IPO model. Recently, however, a number of researchers have given

renewed emphasis to the importance of capturing team member interactions, emphasizing the

need to measure processes longitudinally and with more sophisticated measures.

Indicators of team effectiveness have generally been clustered into two general

categories: group performance and member reactions. Group performance refers to the degree

to which the group achieves the standard set by the users of its output. Examples include

quality, quantity, timeliness, efficiency, and costs. In contrast, member reactions involve

perceptions of satisfaction with group functioning, team viability, and personal development.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

For example, although the group may have been able to produce a high-quality

product, mutual antagonism may be so high that members would prefer not to work with one

another on future projects. In addition, some groups contribute to member well-being and

growth, whereas others block individual development and hinder personal needs from being

met. Below is the conceptual paradigm of the study:

Figure 2. The Conceptual Paradigm of the Study
Demographic profile of
the accounting
instructors in terms
years in the service; and
c. education
Strategic plan in modality
preparation distance learning Preparation
techniques and
techniques and
instructors in
the accounting strategies of
strategies my be strategies used by accounting
proposed in support  Techniques and instructors in the
to accounting distance learning
instructors modality
distance learning
instructors in the instructional
accounting planning;
utilization of
teaching device;
encountered by the
 The challenges
c. educational
growth and
College of Business and Accountancy
Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Operational Framework

Title/ Approval on the Pilot Testing Data Gathering

Proposed Tittle

Recommendation of Statistical Analysis

the Study

Figure 3. Operational Framework

This study determined the preparation techniques and strategies of the accounting

instructors in the shift to distance learning modality of Isabela District 6. The correlation of

hindrances, strategies, and techniques in affecting distance learning. The illustration above

shows the process that made this study possible.

Statement of the Problem

This study determined the preparation techniques and strategies of accounting

instructors in the shift to distance learning modality.

The study sought to provide answers to the following questions:


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

1. What is the demographic profile of the accounting instructors in terms of:

a. age;

b. gender;

c. years in the service; and

d. education?

2. What are the preparation techniques and strategies of accounting

instructors in the distance learning modality?

a. instructional planning;

b. utilization of teaching device; and

c. educational growth and development?

3. What are the challenges encountered by the accounting instructors in

the distance learning modality?

4. What are the techniques and strategies used by the accounting instructors in

distance learning modality?

5. What strategic plan in preparation techniques and strategies my be proposed

in support to accounting instructors?


A hypothesis is a prediction of the possible outcomes of a study (Fraenkel & Wallen,

2019). This study hypothesized the preparation techniques and strategies among accounting

instructors. Specifically, below are the hypothesis of this study:


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

1. There is no significant relationship between demographic profile and the

preparation techniques and strategies.

2. There is a significant relationship between the age of the respondents and the

effectiveness of teaching distance learning modality.

3. There is no significant relationship between the gender of the respondents and the

learning modality.

4. There is no significant relationship between the hindrances and the preparation

techniques and strategies.

Significance of the Study

The preparation techniques and strategies of the accounting instructors in the shift to

distance learning modality is the primordial concern of this study. The result of the study

would benefit as to how distance learning being conducted.

This study would help to seek solutions to the problems encountered in distance

learning and provide alternative preparation techniques and strategies for accounting

instructors in distance learning modality. The findings of the study may benefit the following:

Students. They gain knowledge that can increase distance learning. Thus, it would

provide wide view as to the supposed learning environment they might engage.

Accounting Instructors. This study aids in finding solutions to the issues that arise

during distance learning and provide different preparation methods and strategies for

accounting professors utilizing this mode of delivery.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

College Institutions. The results of this survey would provide institutions with an

understanding of the state of their responsibility. This study might help them understand what

modifications they should make for their students and other activities.

Future Researchers. This study would enable them to understand about preparatory

methods and strategies of accounting instructors in distance learnin. This study can provide

knowledge on preparation strategies and techniques.

Scope and Delimitation

This study dealt on preparation strategies and techniques of accounting instructors

engage with distance learningas to the delivery of instructions . The accounting instructors

from Isabela State University-Cauayan Campus, Isabela State University-Echague Campus,

and University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela Campus District 6, as it is the most

attainable area for the researcher. Therefore, the results can be generalized only in the said

locale and to the interested individuals.

Definition of Terms

Analysis of Variance. A statistical method used to correlate the variables in

the hypothesis. In this study, it refers to the method of analyzing the gathered data and

its interpretation.

Asynchronous. A method used by the instructors allows their students to learn

in their own schedule within a certain timeframe. In this study, it refers to the learning

modality utilized in the delivery of teaching instruction.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Blended. The combination of asynchronous and synchronous learning

methods. In this study, it refers to the learning modality that can be made by means of

leaqrning activity sheets, modular method or with the aid of multimedia instruction.

CHED Memorandum. A set of guidelines used by the instructors for the

preparation in distance learning. In this study, it refers to the source of other data

thatcontributed to the researchers in conceptualizing the study.

Distance Learning. A new normal set-up used to conduct classes virtually

without being physically present in the classroom. In this study, it refers to the mode

of instruction that takes place not in actual school setting but into different learning

environment which is distant between the student and the learning facilitator.

Hindrances. These are the challenges faced by instructors in distance learning.

In this study, it refers to the barrier that inhibits normal form of the delivery of

teavhing instruction.

Online learning. A distance learning method used to conduct classes virtually.

In this study, it refers to the learning environment where students and learning

facilitator use multimedia in teaching-learning process.

Strategy. It is the plan and method used by the instructors to attain a specific

goal. In this study, it refers to the method used by the accounting instructors in the

delivery of teaching instruction.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Synchronous. A method used to conduct classes virtually that runs in real-

time. In this study, it refers to the method used by the accounting instructors where

classes are initiated with all students using multimedia instruction.

Technique. It is a method used by the instructors for a particular activity.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


Review and Related Literature and Studies

This chapter presents the related literature and studies both local from foreign and

local sources. It also includes the study of the art, synthesis of the study, and gaps that bridged

to the present study are defined conceptually and operationally for clarity.

State of the Art

Covid-19 widely affected the mode of education, particularly in teaching. Different

techniques and strategies have been prepared and examined to cope with this new setup. This

study determined the preparation techniques and strategies of the accounting instructors in the

shift to distance learning modality.

This study is relevant to accounting instructors for this provides answers to the

problems, particularly in preparation techniques and strategies. It focuses to recognize work

and undertakings in the new set up in the field of education. Thus, this study provide

recommendations that will help for future studies.

Foreign Study

Under assurance of learning and assessment subject area, to a great extent, some methods

of learning and assessment are evaluated. Some of these assessment methods are case studies,

homework, online homework, quizzes, exams, performance evaluations which includes

especially feedbacks.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

After case studies, the other most important topics are skills and performance words,

which are closely related with performance evaluations. Also, while skills and performance

evaluation related studies show smooth changes between 2009-2016, there is a sharp increase

in research about case studies in accounting education similar to other studies Shawver (2017)

conducts a study to determine whether case studies can promote a change in a student’s

ethical awareness.

Wynn-Williams, Whiting, and Adler (2018) investigate the effect of case-based studies

on student learning styles. They assigned to students 10 case studies during the semester and

submitted a written response to one case. They divided students into three groups: (1) those

who did all their casework prior to the first assessment, (2) students who did all their

casework after the first assessment, and (3) students who did casework both before and after

the first assessment. Results show that active involvement in case studies appears to lead to a

more balanced indicated learning style.

Doran, Healy, McCutcheon, and O'Callaghan (2017) conduct a research about case

studies used in accounting and finance classes at one Irish university. Throughout this study,

three scenarios were used: (1) a case study requiring a debate, (2) a case study of a board

meeting format, and (3) a so-called family council format in which students form groups to

solve issues related to a family business.

In the teaching exercises described in this paper, students’ individual engagement was

apparent and great value was placed by all students on active rather than passive involvement.

The researchers found that, by using appropriate strategies, case studies can be successfully

delivered in large class settings. As a performance evaluation method,


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Kuechler (2018) compare multiple choice questions to constructed-response questions to

determine whether they differentiate in assessing the same learning ouput. According to the

study results, multiple-choice questions and constructed-response exams measure the same

level of understanding.

Higher education has been seeing a sharp increase in online learning for more than a

decade (Allen & Seaman, 2017), allowing faculty to expand to various modalities

(Fredericksen, 2017), and now the COVID-19 pandemic has accelerated this transformation

with the necessitation of virtual learning for the masses. This creates not only an opportunity

for increased research in online learning but also an opportunity to apply the best practices in

online learning that we already know. In recent years, institutions began incorporating hybrid

and fully online courses. Although this evolution was slow and often met with skepticism

(Dumford & Miller, 2018), it has become inevitable in the current pandemic climate.

Educators have been unexpectedly forced into the world of virtual learning, and now, it

doesn't appear that higher education is going to be able to return to its old "normal" anytime


Educators may be planning to use traditional teaching methods that are intended for

in-person courses (i.e., lecture; midterm/final exam assessments) in an online or hybrid

format. However, these methods do not align with best practices that are encouraged for

remote learners (Geri et al.,2017). The online mode can deliver some aspects of the course

asynchronously, which means that students can engage and complete coursework at any time

during a given instructional period such as a week. This mode has several advantages,

including eliminating geographical and time barriers among the student, instructor, and


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

The online teaching modality may be particularly useful because students' lives have

been disrupted by the pandemic in several ways, presenting unforeseen barriers to learning,

which may include geographical constraints in that some students cannot live in dormitories

and time constraints in that they may be facing multiple demands (e.g., childcare, eldercare,

work demands). These benefits will likely open the avenue for significant increases in online

course delivery. (Ahmad et al., 2020)

Similarly, the pandemic has driven home the importance of online education to

accounting professionals now working remotely. With no warning whatsoever, in-person

training and large conferences disappeared. At the same time, Cerified Public Accountants

(CPAs) were asked to learn new rules and regulations to effectively guide their clients

through unprecedented times for their businesses.

As a result, online education has become the only safe and effective way to

communicate with the masses working from home. In the blink of an eye, CPAs who excelled

at in-person education must now transition to online learning. Naturally, some firms are better

prepared than others to deal with the disruption and make "the shift in delivery" work for

them. (Zarret, S. 2020)

To address the educational chaos caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, online education

has become widely used. Daily reports on its constraints and challenges appear in the global

media. However, accounts of teachers' and students' experiences with this abrupt shift in

pedagogical modality are conspicuously absent from the available literature.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

The foregoing article presents the findings of a study that investigated teachers' and

students' experiences with online education during the pandemic in the context of higher

education in Bangladesh and Nepal. According to an online survey of 147 students and 76

teachers, as well as interviews with a sub-sample of 17 participants, they adapt the action

potentials of digital artifacts to local contexts and use them in the best possible ways to

facilitate communication and enhance student learning in difficult circumstances. The major

challenges and constraints they face in transitioning to online education include, among other

things, a poor network, a lack of digital skills, and a lack of technological support from

institutions. The study results point to some important policy, pedagogical, and research

implications, which are discussed in the final section. (Shrestha et al., 2021)

In research from Elfirdoussi et al. (2020), it stated that COVID-19 is changing the

lifestyle of human beings around the globe. This outbreak is going to affect our future; the

challenge we are facing is trying to understand how this will happen and get prepared for

these changes. This environmental virus is not the first of its kind, but it is certainly the first

virus to go global at an incredible speed.

The closure of schools had far-reaching economic and societal consequences, affecting

not only students, professors, and their families. It has also shed light on a variety of social

and economic issues, such as student debt, digital learning, food insecurity, and homeless

people, as well as access to childcare, healthcare, housing, the Internet, and disability services.

As a result, each education division at the regional and national levels must take protective

measures and steps to create flexible and innovative programs that can be accessed at any

time and from any location, as well as find smart ways to overcome national examinations.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Several countries are affected by the coronavirus disease 2019 outbreak, which is an

infectious disease caused by SARS-CoV-2. As a result, governments took a variety of

measures to combat the virus outbreak. To combat the virus's spread, schools and universities

have devised a variety of methods for reaching students via the Internet.

The study aimed to analyze the opportunities and challenges of emergency remote

teaching based on experiences of the COVID-19 emergency. A qualitative research method

was undertaken in two steps. In the first step, a thematic analysis of an online discussion

forum with international experts from different sectors and countries was carried out. In the

second step (an Italian case study), both the data and the statements of opinion leaders from

secondary online sources, including web articles, statistical data, and legislation, were

analyzed The results reveal several technological, pedagogical, and social challenges. The

technological challenges are mainly related to the unreliability of Internet connections and

many students’ lack of necessary electronic devices.

The pedagogical challenges are principally associated with teachers’ and learners’ lack

of digital skills, the lack of structured content versus the abundance of online resources,

learners’ lack of interactivity and motivation, and teachers’ lack of social and cognitive

presence (the ability to construct meaning through sustained communication within a

community of inquiry). The social challenges are mainly related to the lack of human

interaction between teachers and students as well as among the latter, the lack of physical

spaces at home to receive lessons, and the lack of support of parents who are frequently

working remotely in the same spaces.


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Based on the lessons learned from this worldwide emergency, challenges and

proposals for action to face these same challenges, which should be and sometimes have been

implemented, are provided. (Ferri et al., 2020)

According to new research, Traditionally, in a teacher-centered classroom, instructors

control the environment to control how information is dispersed and shared. In an online

course, with instant access to vast resources of data and information, students are no longer

dependent on the faculty for knowledge. Learning is becoming more collaborative,

contextual, and active. Educators must identify their objectives, design their curriculum, and

then consider how the online environment serves the instructional objectives/activities of that

curriculum. This requires changes in pedagogy.

With learning-centered instruction, instructors take on the role of facilitating and

sharing information while guiding students toward solutions. Teachers, as well as learners,

must take on new roles in the teaching-learning relationship, and faculty must be willing to

release control of learning to the students. Online learning environments also require a range

of interactive methodologies. Instructors find that when adapting courses to online models,

they pay more attention to the instructional design of their courses. As a result, the quality,

quantity, and patterns of communication students practice during learning improve.

From this perspective, instructional strategies are tools available to educators for

designing and facilitating learning. (“Instructional Strategies for Online Courses - ION

Professional eLearning Programs - UIS,” n.d.)


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Local Study

As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, the study investigated the challenges and issues

in teaching and learning continuity in public higher education in the Philippines. The

exploratory mixed-method triangulation design was used in the study, which analyzed data

from 3, 989 students and faculty members. It was discovered that during school lockdowns,

teachers adjusted their teaching and learning designs in accordance with the institution's

policies. Due to limited or no internet connectivity, the majority of students struggled to

complete the learning activities and requirements. The qualitative responses revealed

emerging themes such as the trajectory for flexible learning delivery, the role of technology,

the teaching and learning environment, and the prioritization of safety and security. Scenario

analysis provided a context for strategic actions during and after the pandemic. It is concluded

that higher education institutions must migrate to flexible teaching and learning modes,

recalibrate the curriculum, capacitate the faculty, upgrade the infrastructure, implement a

strategic plan, and assess all aspects of the plan in order to ensure teaching and learning

continuity. (Dayagbil et al., 2021)

To address the cause of the pandemic, the Philippines' new normal of education

requires different learning modalities, as suggested by the Department of Education. One of

the adoptions that should be considered is online learning.

As a result, this study was carried out to investigate the teacher's level perceptions of

the various strains of online modalities of learning as adoption to the new normal. The

primary instrument was a modified-adopted questionnaire, which was used in a quantitative

approach. The findings revealed that teachers' levels of comfort and confidence in integrating

technology in the classroom indicated that respondents are somewhat confident and

comfortable using technology. Furthermore, the respondents' age and years of teaching

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experience have no bearing on their perception of the strain that they may face when

integrating technology for online learning.

However, it is also demonstrated that the teacher's confidence and comfort levels in

using technology in teaching have no relationship with their perception of the various strains

on online learning and can be treated separately. Thus, the challenges that schools may face in

adopting online learning modalities should be considered by every school and the government

itself for educational success.(Quintos et al., n.d)

According to Palma, (2021). He describes Filipinos’ vital perceptions and their cultural

influence on the new modalities of learning in primary education programs in the Philippines

amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Educators call distance learning when students continue to

learn while staying at home. Using interviews and a series of observations, I gathered two sets

of significant responses about distance learning from the stakeholders; the first was from a

private institution, Brokenshire College Toril, and the rest from the public schools in the same

locale, Toril, Davao City.

In research from Rellin et al. (2020). As accounting education is part of the universities '

hierarchical structure and includes all the disadvantages of this hierarchical structure, the pace

of reaction to innovations is reduced (Celik & Ecer, 2009). Moreover, educators are also

alarmed as these rates might also be representative of the quality of accounting education in

the Philippines. One scenario may be that accounting educators have a responsibility to help

prepare students to make the transition from overwhelmed high school seniors to professional

service team members. It is incumbent upon accounting educators to prepare students to be

competitive in the unfolding economic future (Kermis, 2011). Major proponents and

advocates of accounting education call for the modification of current practices and

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College of Business and Accountancy

integration of new and innovative learning methodologies to stimulate the recovery in terms

of the volume of CPAs being produced.

In the modern paradigm, teachers are considered facilitators and mainly act as guides

for their students. Today's teaching approaches have to provide opportunities for self-

development and combine learned material with real-world experiences. Teaching tools such

as interactive case studies, simulations and games, and teamwork have been stated to be of

high importance to help accounting students adjust to the real-world challenges they will face

as accountants (Kermis 2011).

Accounting educationalists are therefore responsible for developing programs that, while

remaining true to their academic credentials, often meet the requirements of accountancy

training bodies and employers hiring accounting graduates. To this end, accounting

educationalists are well-placed to tailor the learning outcomes of their undergraduate

programs to meet the expectations of the accountancy profession (Ballantine & Larres, 2009).

Research from Joaquin (2020), observes that despite the innovations made by Philippine

HEIs in terms of alternative learning modes and technologies for delivering education, there

are still gaps and challenges in their responses. It recommends that policy responses and

learning innovations should be grounded on a deeper understanding of distance education and

should be sensitive to the call of the times. It was further concluded by the proponents that as

the Philippines ventures into a new mode of learning, several factors need to be considered.

This includes teacher capacity, situation and context of the learner, and efficiency of the

learning environment. These are, of course, on top of the more obvious issues of internet

speed, cost of materials, and mode of delivery.


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

In the new normal education setting, the classroom is our home and the learning space

wherein the teaching-learning processes are exchanged are the learning delivery modalities

that provide safe methods wherein education can still foster and succeed. Education, being a

necessity for Filipinos, will find its space even amid a persistent pandemic.

In this primary consideration that the different learning modalities are chosen and the

specifics of their use and applications are conceived. As face-to-face or physical classroom

instruction is not an option as long as the coronavirus vaccines and drugs are not available to

Filipino schoolchildren according to President Rodrigo Duterte, the alternative learning

delivery modalities are the ways teachers have to conduct their classes.

Distance Learning refers to a learning delivery modality where learning takes place

between the teacher and the learners who are geographically remote from each other during


This modality has three types: Modular Distance Learning (MDL), Online Distance

Learning (ODL), and TV/Radio-Based Instruction. Modular Distance Learning is an

individualized asynchronous instruction that allows learners to study and learn through self-

learning modules (SLMs) in print or digital format/electronic copy, whichever is applicable in

the context of the learner, and other learning resources like textbooks, activity sheets, a

compendium of notes, E-books and other study materials. The teacher, same as in normal

times and in the traditional manner, has to monitor, assess, and assist the learners and may

visit the homes of the learners if possible and safe. Parents and other capable individuals or

family members of the learner may assist the learner while studying the modules. Distance

Learning is most effective for independent learners and those that have the opportunity to be

assisted or supervised by a knowledgeable adult at home.


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Meanwhile, online distance learning sees the teacher as a facilitator and motivator for

active participation of learners through the use of various technologies accessed through the

internet while they are geographically remote from each other during instruction. Online

learning allows live synchronous instruction through online learning platforms such as

Google Classroom, Zoom, Messenger Video Chat, Schoology, and others. ODL requires a

stable internet connection and real-time interactions and responses can be recorded. The

learners may download materials from the internet, complete and submit assignments online,

attend webinars and virtual classes.

This is practiced effectively by using a Learning Management System or related

technologies. The DepEd Commons and LR Portal fall in this category. TV/Radio-Based

Instruction utilizes SLMs converted to video lessons for Television-Based Instruction and

SLMs converted to radio script for RadioBased Instruction.

Another learning delivery modality is Blended Learning, as the term implies, combines

the face-to-face learning modality which may be limited in varying degrees with that of the

other learning delivery modes. Blended learning allows the school to limit the physical

attendance of learners in school and reduce physical contact. However, blended learning

requires more attention to detail and is more time-consuming because of the various types of

activities required. (Rmos,2020)

Foreign Literature

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced all the universities in Indonesia to switch their

on-campus learning to online learning. Some universities could only provide emergency

online learning since they were not ready to conduct proper online learning. This switching

may decrease the students’ engagement with learning and impact their perceived

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

competencies. Operational accounting competencies (OAC) are important basic competencies

that allow accounting graduates to perform generic jobs in their field. Hence, this study

attempts to identify the impact of emergency online learning on students’ perceived OAC. A

survey was used to collect data on the students’ engagement with synchronous and

asynchronous learning and OAC.

The improvement in the students’ perceived OAC was mainly caused by asynchronous

learning in terms of active, collaborative, and enrichment learning. Lecturers should improve

their skills in organizing online learning to increase their students’ engagement. Accounting

departments need to provide a more complete structure, better infrastructure, and other

necessary technologies to improve online learning, as the pandemic’s duration cannot be

predicted. (Yanto et al., 2021)

The COVID-19 pandemic has triggered the greatest disturbance in the history of

education, with almost universal impacts on students and teachers worldwide. This pandemic

affected all sectors all over the world including the educational sector. UNESCO reported on

April 1, 2020, that 189 countries announced the closure of all kinds of educational institutions

affecting 1,542,412,000 out of the total enrolled learners (89.4%). However, in late July 2020,

the number of affected learners dropped to 1,066,817,855 including learners enrolled in

tertiary education. This number constitutes 60.9% of the total learners in 107 countries

(UNESCO, 2020).

Worldwide, many universities decided to convert the mean of teaching from the

traditional one (face-to-face) to online learning, at the same time all in-campus activities have

been canceled or postponed until further notice (Sahu, 2020). Most universities are well

equipped for online learning by investing in learning management systems (LMSs) (such as

Microsoft Teams and Blackboard) (Lim, 2020). These LMSs enable the instructors to interact

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with their students virtually through live or recorded lectures, chatting, online exams and

quizzes, and assignments. However, some faculty members and students might face

challenges in coping with the new way of delivery. (Sarea et al., 2021)

Online education changes all components of teaching and learning in higher

education. Many empirical studies have been conducted to examine issues in delivering online

courses; however, few have synthesized prior studies and provided an overview of issues in

online courses. A review of the literature using Cooper’s framework was conducted to

identify such issues. Three major categories of findings were identified: issues related to

online learners, instructors, and content development.

Learners’ issues included learners’ expectations, readiness, identity, and participation

in online courses. Instructors’ issues included changing faculty roles, transitioning from face-

to-face to online, time management, and teaching styles. Content issues included the role of

instructors in content development, integration of multimedia in content, the role of

instructional strategies in content development, and considerations for content development.

To address these challenges in online education, higher education institutions need to provide

professional development for instructors, training for learners, and technical support for

content development. (Kebritchi et al., 2019)

Accounting Education recently published a special issue in which accounting

academics all over the world recounted their response to the pandemic, offering some ideas

about lessons learned (Sangster et al., 2020). The forum should make us painfully aware that

this was an unprecedented worldwide event that had to be met rapidly and decisively; and, it

serves to remind us of the impressive scope of our community and the commonality of our


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Before the pandemic, the use of technology in the accounting classroom had been

uneven mostly because it was a personal choice of instructors. A strong case could be made

by advocates at all points of the spectrum from those using essentially no technology to early

adopters of technology that most people had not even heard about. As a group, accounting

educators had been more sensitized to the need for accounting students to have a facility with

the software used by potential employers, but that truth scarcely created a mandate nor did its

relevance convincingly penetrate pedagogy. Therefore, the tools of the pandemic could still

be seen as either a stopgap or as that which triggered universal upscaling. (Fogarty, 2020)

Online education has been the fastest-growing segment of higher education. Because it

is so unlike traditional classroom-based instruction, many questions have been raised as to the

quality of the education offered in the online modality. After an extensive survey of the

literature, the U.S. Department of Education issued a report concluding that online or hybrid

modalities are more effective than face-to-face instruction (U.S., n.d). Still, throughout the

higher education community, many have reservations about the quality of online education.

Educators question whether the content of courses is altered and if student learning is

diminished as classes are delivered through these different conduits of instruction.

Apparently, COVID-19 pandemic affected all aspects of human life, with significant

impacts on education, as higher education institutions across the world were forced to make a

rapid transition to a fully online education format with no time to prepare. This qualitative

study applied the narrative approach to examine the stories of six university instructors

regarding their experiences with promoting student engagement during the COVID-19

emergency remote teaching. The study findings present the instructors’ feelings during the

transition to distance education, the challenges they faced, and their efforts to promote their

students’ engagement by using various strategies and assessments and by providing the

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

students with emotional support. The findings also present the effect of local culture and

millennial generation student status on students’ engagement. (Aladsani, 2021)

South African universities have been forced to transit from face-to-face to online

learning (e-learning) as a result of the coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). However, various

challenges hinder disadvantaged students from realizing the full potential of e-learning.

Therefore, this study’s main objective is to propose alternative pathways to overcome such

challenges for students, to enable them to have access to effective e-learning.

Findings articulate the digital divide as a hindrance to students realizing the full

potential of e-learning, yet lecturers still want students to submit assessment tasks and engage

with course activities on the Moodle learning management system. With universities using

face-to-face learning becoming vulnerable to the COVID-19 pandemic and other challenges

which result in a shutdown of university sites, alternatives need to be sought to allow students,

particularly disadvantaged students, to realize e-learning. (Mpungose, 2020)

Thus, the unanticipated transition to blended learning nicely fits into the context of the

COVID-19 pandemic. It is suddenly of utmost importance to education. Therefore, teachers

and educators need to keep up with the evolving learning and tools theories to support

learners' needs. As a result, online cloud-based platforms such as ZOOM Cloud Meeting and

Google Drive are presently essential to support diverse and geographically disperse learners

from all four corners of the globe. The educators’ role has changed from the “sage on the

stage” to “the guide on the side”.

Local Literature

The COVID-19 pandemic has impacted education at all levels in various ways.

Institutions and teacher educators had to quickly respond to an unexpected and ‘forced’

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College of Business and Accountancy

transition from face-to-face to remote teaching. They also had to create learning environments

for student teachers doing their preparation in the light of the requirements of teacher

education programs and the conditions in which both universities and schools had to operate.

On the other hand, the shift to distance teaching and learning during the COVID-19

pandemic brought about a real challenge for both instructors and students.

To face these difficulties in teaching undergraduate chemistry courses at the

University of Santo Tomas, a blended learning strategy in the context of teaching and learning

Physical Chemistry 1 and Analytical Chemistry for Chemical Engineering students were

employed. Here, we present an online strategy that facilitated the transition from traditional

face-to-face learning to full online instruction. This is a five-component blended learning

strategy referred to as Discover, Learn, Practice, Collaborate and Assess (DLPCA).

In DLPCA, the asynchronous part of the teaching was achieved through the broadcast

of pre-recorded lecture videos on YouTube to allow students to study and progress with

learning at their own pace. The synchronous part of the teaching was conducted using video

conferencing platforms, such as Zoom or Google Meet. The DLPCA strategy was presented

and discussed with the students before implementation. The analysis of the teaching and

learning experience based on three indicators (i) student’s learning experience, (ii) student’s

academic performance, and, (iii) instructor observations showed that DLPCA had a positive

impact on students and instructors. The identified challenges were the stability of the internet

connection and the instructor’s familiarity with readily available internet-based teaching tools,

such as video conferencing software.

Instructors must also find means to improve their interaction with students and

maintain student interest and engagement during online classes. The survey also indicated that

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College of Business and Accountancy

most of the students are satisfied with the DLCPA strategy. Hence, this strategy is considered

a manageable and effective alternative that can be adapted to full online instruction in other

undergraduate Chemistry lecture courses. Overall, the findings and insights in this study will

add valuable resources for further hybrid instruction in the post-COVID-19 time in higher

education. (Lapitan et al., 2021).

The outbreak of the COVID-19 Pandemic across the world has profoundly altered almost

all aspects of life, including education, and Indonesia has not been an exception to these

changes. The difficulty of handling the outbreak from spreading more widely has made world

leaders develop super-strict rules so that the chain of the spread of COVID-19 can be broken.

Some standards that the World Health Organization (2019) has recommended, such as social

distancing and physical distancing, have created difficult choices for each country to

implement. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (2020) stated

that changes in learning systems force schools to implement distance education or online

learning, e-learning, distance education, correspondence education, flexible learning, and

massive open online courses. (Calimlim et al., 2021)

The motivation level to learn of college students was affected by the sudden

implementation of online learning due to the COVID-19 pandemic. All schools are closed for

face-to-face classes to prevent the transmission of the virus. The sample included the total

enumeration of 196 education students currently enrolled at Polytechnic University of the

Philippines-Ragay, Camarines Sur Branch for the First Semester of the School Year 2020-

2021. Data were obtained using the Duncan and Mckeachie (1991) Motivated Strategies for

Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) modified into Google Survey Form. Descriptive statistics,

One-Way Analysis of Variance, and Pearson's correlation have been used to interpret results.

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

According to new research, in the Philippines, the Covid-19 crisis has affected about 27

million learners, 1 million teachers, and non-teaching staff, as well as the families of learners.

The disruption caused by Covid-19 has forced the adoption of online learning in schools.

Teacher training is a major consideration that would require schools to readjust their

budget allocation to respond to this emerging need. Online teaching involves a lot of

preparation, and teachers now find themselves having to use tools they are not familiar with.

For sure, there will be adjustments.

Bridging the digital divide with offline learning methods is the biggest challenge for

schools It can be noted that the onset of the total lockdown last year in 2020, was in the

middle of the audit and tax season. A lot of difficulties and uncertainties were encountered in

conducting the audit and assurance works. The auditors were faced with many unfamiliar

issues and first-time situations brought about by the Covid-19 crisis. Despite the many

challenges, the auditors performed their role in their audit of the financial statements to meet

the statutory requirements of their clients and helped ensure that taxes were paid promptly.

These contributed a lot to the timely tax collection where the government’s funds are badly

needed transitioning to online learning is the widening inequality of access to and usage of

information and communications technology (ICT). (“What will schools look like under the

‘new normal?” 2020)

In the study from Moralista and F. Oducado (2020), it states further that, aculty

perceived several difficulties and challenges in the online education setting. Uncertainty

defines faculty perception toward online education during the pandemic outbreak as they are

called to shift to a new normal or non-traditional mode of delivery of instruction.


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Despite some reservations, HEIs faculty are expected to step out of the traditions of

residential face-to-face education. As faculty transit and adapt to the new normal in the higher

education landscape, they must be afforded continued support, training, and development and

be provided with ways to more fully understand and expand the opportunities that online

education presents. Additionally, faculty must learn to embrace the educational challenges

brought by the COVID-19 pandemic and view online teaching and learning as an inviting


The COVID-19 global health crisis has affected the mental and psychological health and

well-being of people around the world. However, little is known about the impact of COVID-

19 among Filipino teachers. This study was conducted to determine the impact of the COVID-

19 pandemic on the quality of life (QoL) of professional teachers in the Philippines. A

descriptive cross-sectional study was used involving 139 licensed professional teachers. The

COVID-19 Impact on Quality of Life (COV19-QoL) was the primary measure used in this


Moreover, descriptive statistics, t-test, and one-way ANOVA were the statistical tools

employed to analyze the data. Results indicated a moderate COVID-19 impact on the QoL of

the teachers. There was a significant difference in the impact of COVID-19 on QoL by degree

program. However, the impact of COVID-19 on QoL did not significantly differ by age, sex,

marital status, employment status, monthly salary, presence of a COVID-19 case near their

residence, personal knowledge of someone who was infected or died of COVID-19, presence

of a medical condition, and perceived threat.


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

The psychological well-being and QoL of teachers must be recognized and teachers must

be provided with support as they continue to adapt to the impact brought by the COVID-19

pandemic. This study contributes to the growing literature on the impact of the pandemic.

(Rabacal et al., 2020)

According to the research of Tria, (2020), it reveals that he Commission on Higher

Education suggested strengthening online platforms and blended learning such as but not

limited to google classroom, messenger, zoom, Edmodo, Facebook, and YouTube (CHED,

2020). In addition, both will adopt numerous learning delivery options such as but not limited

to face-to-face, blended learning, distance learning, home-schooling, and other modes of

delivery (CHED, 2020; DepEd, 2020).

However, the implementation would pose such problems for students who have limited

internet access, no gadgets, and the poor. According to the report of Akamai (2017), the

Philippines has the slowest internet connectivity in Asia. Besides, such challenges would be

equity gaps, students’ security and safety, quality of learning compromised, and poor

assessment results (Winthrop, 2020).

In terms of teaching, teacher training in online instruction, blended learning, and distance

learning are also recommended in order to adjust to the new instructional format (Toquero,

2020). Teacher competencies in both pedagogy and technology should be reinforced. In this

transition to the new normal, from the four corners of the classroom to the borders of virtual

reality, every learning institution needs to study how successful online learning is in providing

quality education and outcomes-based education to students (Basilaia & Kvavadze, 2020).

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

The pandemic had an extensive impact on the education system, affecting thousands of

students and educators. The consequences of this pandemic include the closure of schools and

other learning spaces. The crisis is wreaking havoc on pre-existing education, limiting

opportunities for many more of the most vulnerable youth, children, and adults to continue

learning. Learning is decreasing because it threatens how education can be acquired in this

time of the pandemic.

The shutdown of educational institutions hampers the delivery of access to food and

services for the people of the communities, likewise to the capacity of parents to work,

increasing the risk and violence against children and women within the family. To make

matter worse the education demand is much more challenging. Adjustments and nonstop

webinar sessions are fed by the Department of Education to educators just to ensure that

education will continue despite the pandemic. Education has no exceptions in this crisis

especially in the field of Physical education many of us P.E instructors find it hard to deliver

the instruction and lessons to our learners, particularly in the product base performance of our


Synthesis of the Study

The shift to distance teaching and learning during the COVID-19 pandemic brought

about a real challenge for both instructors and students. The above studies show the

correlation between these variables. Teaching methods to cope with this new setup of

education takes time to prepare and strategize.


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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Amidst the Covid-19 pandemic, the closure of schools affects the performance of

students and instructors. Instructors have difficulty comprehending the lesson due to

environmental hindrances and poor internet connection likewise, to the students. This study

also shows how the life status of students and instructors gives an additional burden on them.

The above studies arise with teaching methods similarly to lessen the burdens of the

instructors and students regardless of their status in life and improve the effectiveness of

distance learning. This study aims to answer the questions and give recommendations,

particularly on the topic of this study.

Gaps that Bridge to the Present Study

The forgoing studies delved on the conditions and status of the learning delivery mode

used by accounting instructors. Most of the studies were tackling on the effects of distance

learning modality which impact the accounting instructor on the basis of teaching approaches

which are not appropriate to utilized.

However, this present study is the only study that focuses on the preparation

techniques and strategies of accounting instructors. The learnining modality and the strategies

used by the accounting instructors were given emphasized. Thus, this is the gap bridged by

the study.

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Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy



In this chapter, the researchers described the choice of research design and methods.

Also presented here were the locale of the study, respondents of the study, instrumentation,

data gathering procedure, and data analysis tools used in this research study.

Research Design

Qualitative research methods are designed in a manner that helps reveal the behavior

and perception of a target audience regarding a particular topic. There are various types of

qualitative research methods like an in-depth interview, focus groups, ethnographic research,

content analysis, case study research that are usually used. The results of qualitative methods

are more descriptive, and therefore the interferences are often draw quite easily from the


It came from direct observation and in-depth analysis of the interviews among

variables in the field of research. The results will be analyzed as part of the quantitative

analysis. Conducting in-depth interviews is one of the most common qualitative research

methods. It is a personal interview that is carried out with one respondent at a time. This is

purely a conversational method and invites opportunities to get details in depth from the


More so, one of the advantages of this method provides a great opportunity to gather

precise data about what people believe and what their motivations are. If the researcher is

well experienced asking the right questions can help to collect meaningful data. If they should

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

need more evidence the researchers should ask follow-up questions that will help them gather

more information.

These interviews can be done face-to-face or on phone and normally can last between

half an hour to two hours or even more. When the in-depth interview is conducted face to face

it gives a better opportunity to read the body language of the respondents and match the


Locale of the Study

This study was conducted on three different universities in the Sixth District of Isabela

which were Isabela State University – Cauayan Campus; Isabela State University – Echague

Campus, and the University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – Isabela Campus wherein the

respondents, relevant to similar community of practice, were found. These univerisities were

profiled based on their offering of accountancy courses – necessary aspect for our study.

Population of the Study

The respondent of this studys were accounting instructors of three different

univerisities which were the Isabela State University-Cauayan Campus, Isabela State

University-Echague Campus, and the University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela

Campus which offering accountancy courses in the Sixth District of Isabela.

The entire population of the respondents totaled to 13 accounting instructors in the

District 6 of Isabela. The researchers used a purposive sampling technique in this study. The

researchers chose respondents of the study who have prior knowledge about the topic being

investigated upon and are timely, relevant, and appropriate to share their views on how they

prepare and what strategies they used in the shift of learning modality due to the new-normal

setup of education.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Research Instrument and Validation

In this study, an interview form for 13 accounting instructors. They were ineterviewed

as to the strategies used in distance learning, the cahllenges experience and the procedure of

preparing the learning instruction.

The self made questionnaires were validated by 3 jurors who were experts in the field

of research. A 5-point Likert scale was used to determine the preparation technique of

acccounting instructors. The 3-point liker scali was shown below

This study used a 3-point Likert Scale below:

A 3-point Likert Scale will be use below:

Range Description

4.01 – 5.00 Excelllent

3.01 – 4.00 Highly Satisfactory

2.50 – 3.00 Very Satisfactory

2.01 – 2.49 Satisfactory

1.00 – 2.00 Poor

Data Gathering Procedure

The researchers asked permission from the Commission on Higher Education (CHED)

to conduct the said undertaking. After approval, a letter was sent to the College Administrator

to conduct the study.

The researcher distributed the questionnaires to the respondent accounting instructors.

Similarly, an observation will be initiated in an actual school setting. Subsequently, an


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

interview will be conducted with the respondents to gather data and to validate and analyze

the data gathered.

Statistical Treatment

In the analysis and interpretation of the data collected, the researcher used the

following statistical tools:

Frequency and Percentage Distribution. This algorithm is often used to calculate

the percentage of demographic profile data. The frequency is calculated using this formula.

Where: % = f÷N x 100

% = Percent f = Frequency N = number of cases.

Mean. Can be otained by dividing the sum of data by the number of respondents.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation

This chapter contains the Research Method used in this study. It presents the data in

tabular form interpreted and analyzed.

Table 1
Percentage Distribution of Accounting Instructors
According to Age Bracket

Age Frequency Percentage

20-25 2 15.38%
26-30 1 7.69%
31-35 6 46.15%
36-40 1 7.69%
Others 3 23.08%
Total 13 100%

Table 1 illustrates the percentage distribution of accounting instructors according to

their age bracket. Hence, it shows that the majority of the respondents were aged 31-35 years

old with 6 or 46.15 percent, while respondents 41 years old and above got 3 or 23.08 percent,

and the respondents aged 20-25 years old with 2 or 15.38 percent.

On the other hand, respondents aged 26-30 and 36-40 got the same with 1 or 7.69

percent only. It shows that respondents majority belong to the 31-35 age bracket.

University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Table 2
Percentage Distribution of Accounting Instructors
According to Gender

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 7 53.85%
Female 6 46.15%
Total 13 100%

Table 2 shows the majority of the respondents were male with 7 or 53.85% percent,

while female with 6 or 46.15 percent only.

Table 3
Percentage Distribution of Accounting Instructors
According to University

University Frequency Percentage

Isabela State University - Cauayan Campus 5 38.46%
Isabela State University – Echague Campus 5 38.46%
University of Perpetual Help System Laguna- 3 23.08%
Isabela Campus
Total 13 100%

Table 3 revealed that the highest number of respondents of accounting instructors was

from the Isabela State University - Cauayan Campus and Isabela State University - Echangue

Campus, with 5 or 38.46 percent. Thus, there was 3 or 23.08 percent of accounting instructors

in the University of Perpetual Help System Laguna-Isabela Campus for the school year 2021-


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Table 4
Frequency Distribution of Accounting Instructors
on Preparation Techniques and Strategies

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

SA A N D SD F TWF Interpretation
1 Attending Capacity 5 7 1 0 0 56 4.31 Excellent
Building/ or Upskilling
through Trainings, and
2 Familiarization with ChEd 3 7 3 0 0 52 4 High
Orders/Memorandum Satisfactory
3 Synchronous 3 9 1 0 0 54 4.15 Excellent
4 Asynchronous 4 9 0 0 0 56 4.31 Excellent
5 Blended (Both 5 8 0 0 0 57 4.38 Excellent
Synchronous and
Total Weighted Mean : 4.23 STRONGLY AGREE

In Table 4, Blended (Both Synchronous and Asynchronous) got the highest total

weighted frequency with 4.38 percent with a scale of Excellent, while Attending Capacity

Building/ or Upskilling through Trainings, and Seminars/Webinars and Asynchronous got the

same total weighted frequency with 4.31 percent with a scale of Excellent.

Thus, the total weighted frequency of Synchronous was 4.15 percent with a scale of

agree, and the Familiarization with Ched Orders/Memorandum with a total weighted

frequency of 4 percent only with a scale of agree. It shows that the preparation techniques and

strategies of accounting instructors rated 4.23 on a scale of Excellent.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Table 5
Frequency Distribution of Accounting Instructors
Affecting Preparation Techniques and Strategies

(5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

Hindrances SA A N D SD TOTAL TWF Interpretation
1 Household 4 5 3 1 0 51 3.92 Highly
Responsibilities Satisfactory
2 Environmental 4 6 2 1 0 52 4 Excellent
3 Financial 1 6 4 1 1 44 3.38 High
Instability Satisfactory
4 Unstable 9 4 0 0 0 61 4.69 Excellent
5 Health Problem 1 6 5 1 0 46 3.54 High
Total Weighted Mean 3.91 AGREE

Table 5 shows that Unstable Internet Connection got the highest total weighted

frequency with 4.69 percent with an interpretation of Excellent , and Environmental Noises

got the total weighted frequency of 4 percent with the interpretation of Highly Satisfactory.

Thus, the total weighted frequency of Household Responsibilities got 3.92 percent with the

interpretation of High satisfactory, while Health Problem with a 3.54 percent total weighted

frequency with the interpretation of Highly Satisfactory, and Financial Instability got the total

weighted frequency with 3.38 percent only with the interpretation of Highly Satisfactory . It

shows that the hindrances affect the preparation techniques and strategies of the accounting

instructors rated 3.91 percent with the interpretation of Highly Satisfactory.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

and strategies in the shift to distance learning: “I can say that these strategies and techniques

are effective in my two years of experience in the academe. Although there are instances of

uncontrollable negative scenarios such as background noises

Table 6

Hindrances that Affect the preparation techniques and strategies

Household Environmental Financial Unstable Internet

Respondents Responsibilities Noises Instability Connection Health Issue
R1 2 2 2 4 3
R2 4 4 4 5 4
R3 3 5 3 5 3
R4 5 5 4 5 4
R5 4 4 5 5 2
R6 5 5 3 5 4
R7 5 5 4 5 5
R8 4 4 4 5 4
R9 3 3 3 4 3
R10 3 3 3 4 3
R11 4 4 4 4 4
R12 4 5 4 5 4
R13 5 5 5 5 3
Mean 3.923076923 4.153846154 3.692307692 4.692307692 3.538461538

Table 6 shows the weighted mean of the hindrances that affect the respondents relative

to preparation techniques and strategies. As illustrated, unstable internet connection got the

highest mean with 4.69 percent which affects preparation techniques and strategies in distance

learning. In contrast, the lowest mean is the Household Responsibilities which has total of

3.92 weighted mean.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

In the study conducted by Ozudogru (2020), its results about the problems faced by

the respondents in the distance learning illustrates that “lack of internet” (20/20) and “limited

internet” (12/20) were the surfacing adverisities in learning such type of education landscape.

This results is quite in resemblance to the hindrance showed in this study, which is unstable

internet connection.

The same problem occurred in the results of Rosalina et. al. (2020), Teacher’s

Challenges towards Learning in Pandemic Era, in which the respondents agreed that the

difficulties in this kind of learning includes three aspects, one of which is “supporting

facilitation as internet connection and internet quota.”

In the same study as Aditya (2021), the same hindrance was perceived by the

instructors in online teaching. The instructors claimed that online learning would be possible

through a stable internet connection and functioning gadgets that might help in online

learning, especially synchronous learning.

Contrary to the results of the study by Rinzin (2020), household responsibilities

resulted in more than one in three students could not study at home as they were engaged in

household chores during the pandemic, a regional study has found. It was the biggest concern

of the youth about not having time to study at home due to household work during the Covid-

19 pandemic.


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

Summary of Findings, Conclusions, and Recommendation

Summary of Findings

In light of this research, the researchersfound out the following integral aspects that

were present:

1. The preparation of accounting instructors were based on

available guidelines set forth by the college institution.

2. The strategies used by the accounting instructors were

tantamount to the expected class setting.

3. The learning environment in distance learning modality were

suited to engage the students into learning atmosphere that is conducive.

4. The preparation techniques were employed using multimedia



Based on the findings, the researchers drawn the following conclusions:

1. The accounting instructors were dependent to the modern technology as

medium of instruction for the delivery of teaching instruction.

2. The used of differenitiated tasks were observable that made the discussion
interactive despite that it took place in a varied school setting.

3. The preparation as to the presentation of the concepts were in the form of

engaging activities which is vital to facilitate the instruction.

4. Different teaching strategies were utilized form the beghinning of the teaching
instruction until the assessment period.


Based on the conclusions, the researcher drawn the following:


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy

1. Accounting instructors should have trainigs and seminars involving teaching

strategies during exigiency of time.

2. Resource person who are expert in the procedure in the field of education

should serve as the mentor for further improvement of knowledge and skills.

3. There should be a mentor and mentee partnerships wherein the purpose is to

assist one another in some unknown situations.

4. Instructors should have training or seminars in using online teaching


5. Current offering and possibilities for accounting instructors related to the

new normal setting of education should be identified by school.

6. The Commission on Higher Education (CHED should provide conference

and forum with regard to the performance of instructors and the professional


University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


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University of Perpetual Help System Laguna – JONELTA

Minante Uno, Cauayan City, Isabela
College of Business and Accountancy


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