Sample DLP For Catch - Up Friday

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Name: ___________________

Date: January 18, 2024

Daily Learning Plan
I. Objectives
1. Improve learners’ vocabulary through learning new words.
2. Read a variety of reading materials silently.
3. Develop learners’ understanding of the materials read.

II. Subject Matter

A. Content: DEAR – Drop Everything and Read
B. Reference: DO Memorandum No. 001 s. 2024
C. Materi: flashcards , stories, PowerPoint presentation

III. Procedure

A. Pre-Reading

1. Singing songs

B. During Reading

1. Motivation
Using flashcards.
2. Reading of words and phrases
3. Group reading
4. Call on a model pupil to read aloud the story.

C. Post Reading (Activities)

1. Individual Reading

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