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EXCHANGE : #P-2324-18330

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Information About Your Exchange


Card of Acceptance

Invitation Letter

Card of Confirmation

Evaluation Form




All documents marked as

required (*) are mandatory to
be uploaded
You cannot submit your
Application Form without
uploading these documents first.

Standard documents: basic

documents that are requested
from every student doing an
IFMSA Exchange for organisation

Special Documents: extra

documents that the hosting
National Member Organisation
requires for your exchange.

Upon Arrival Documents:

should be uploaded to the
database before the start of your

Standard Documents
All standard documents must be uploaded
before submitting the AF!

- SCOPE Terms and Conditions(*) These

documents are required to be sent with *
Application Form

Upload a file as your - SCOPE Terms

and Conditions(*) These documents
are required to be sent with
Application Form
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

- Passport copy(*) These documents are

required to be sent with Application Form

Upload a file as your - Passport

copy(*) These documents are
required to be sent with Application
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

- Photo(*) These documents are required to

be sent with Application Form

Upload a file as your - Photo(*) These

documents are required to be sent
with Application Form
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

- Proof of Enrollment(*) These documents are

required to be sent with Application Form

Upload a file as your - Proof of

Enrollment(*) These documents are
required to be sent with Application
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB


Special Documents
Documents requested by this specific
hosting NMO in their ECs.

Motivation Letter for Department 1 *

Upload a file as your Motivation

Letter for Department 1
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Motivation Letter for Department 2 *

Upload a file as your Motivation

Letter for Department 2
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Motivation Letter for Department 3 *

Upload a file as your Motivation

Letter for Department 3
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Motivation Letter for Department 4 *

Upload a file as your Motivation

Letter for Department 4
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Passport copy *

Upload a file as your Passport copy

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Vaccination Card *

Upload a file as your Vaccination Card

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Language certificate *

Upload a file as your Language

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Tuberculosis test *

Upload a file as your Tuberculosis test

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Incomings Code of Conduct *

Upload a file as your Incomings Code

of Conduct
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

ICs' Social Media Consent Form *

Upload a file as your ICs' Social Media

Consent Form
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Proof of Enrollment *

Upload a file as your Proof of

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Curriculum Vitae *

Upload a file as your Curriculum Vitae

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB


Upon Arrival Documents

To be uploaded before the starting date of
the exchange as stated in the CA.

Negative COVID-19 PCR test (maximum 48

hours prior to departure )

Upload a file as your Negative COVID-

19 PCR test (maximum 48 hours prior
to departure )
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Health Insurance (PRINTED) *

Upload a file as your Health Insurance

PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB

Vaccination passport COVID-19 *

Upload a file as your Vaccination

passport COVID-19
PDF, JPG, DOC or DOCX up to 4MB


Download All Documents

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