LevelTesting Guideline

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ILA Vietnam Level testing booklet



English for Young learners

English for Adults

This copy is to remain in the level testing room. Do

not remove.

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Level Testing

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Level testing guidelines
As a level tester you are the face of ILA. You are a candidate’s first contact with the school and we
would like students to feel our teachers are: friendly, welcoming, energetic. The first impression will
weigh heavily on whether they sign up or not. Level testing shouldn’t be stressful for you or the
student. Dress professionally (as per dress code policy) and be punctual.

LT steps:
 Greet the student, introduce yourself and ask their name.
 Ask for their test sheet and check the program you are testing for.
 Try to start a conversation in which you prompt the student to speak. For ideas, please use the
cue questions at the end of this booklet. Here are some useful prompts:
 Tell me about your family.
 Tell me about your house/room.
 Tell me about your school/job.
 What do you do?
 Ask follow-up questions and show interested to elicit more language.
 Use the back of the test sheet to make notes if you need to. For example, present simple OK,
past simple NO, confident, etc.
 Meanwhile, consider your experience teaching various levels and ages to get a sense of where a
student would fit in.
 Once you have finished, thank the student for their time and invite them to wait outside.
 On the test sheet, please indicate what level / module the student should join. Also indicate
whether the student can join on ongoing course (e.g. up to 30 hrs studied).
 Add a couple of personal comment about the student. FO will use this to help explain why they
were place in a certain level.

 Speaking tests are not exclusively or even primarily tests of accuracy in grammar and
lexis. You should also consider confidence and ability to communicate. Please use summary
tables at the end of this booklet to help you.
 Use open ended questions whenever possible and avoid Yes/No questions to encourage them
to speak more. For example, “Where have you travelled in VN?” instead of “Have you ever been
to Hanoi?”
 To narrow down your sense of the student’s level, use the guideline questions at the back of this
booklet which refer to the content of the course books
 With lower-level ILA Jumpstart- and ILA Super Juniors-age students, you can use pictures in the
course books to base your questions.
 For younger learners, consider maturity level too. For example ILA Smart Teens4 students are
usually around 13 or 14 and the course book subjects include such themes as dating and
genetic engineering. Would a high level 11 year old fit into this learning environment?
 Do not confuse confidence for ability or shyness for a lack of it. Do whatever you can to
encourage the student to speak, even if it is only a few words.
 If you think a student is right on the border of two levels, recommend the lower level, as this will
help to increase the students’ confidence and provide a good foundation in the following level.
 When level-testing ILA Super Juniors, remember to test their writing abilities. If they can only
 a few short words or just letters, they would fit best in J1A
 only letters, they would fit best in a K class.
 If you are unsure of where to place a student, please ask a member of the academic team for a
second opinion.

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 ILA Jumpstart Levels 1-5 do not require a level test. Students from 2.5 years to 4 years are
placed according to their age:
ILA Jumpstart 1-5 age and level definitions:

L1 2y6m
L2 2y10m
L3 3y2m
L4 3y6m
L5 3y8m

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Young learners

Testing up from program to program (Transfers)

When students reach a certain age, ILA will arrange for transfer level tests. If you get a transfer
level test, here are some points to remember:

From ILA Jumpstart Levels 6-11 to ILA Super Juniors. ILA Jumpstart students from Level 6
onwards should also have their writing skills tested. They should have good pen control skills
and should be able to write most of Vietnamese and/or English alphabet and simple English
and/or Vietnamese words in order to be recommended for an ILA Super Juniors class.
 When testing ILA Jumpstarts into the ILA Super Juniors programme please bear in mind:
 Their cognitive abilities are lower than that of 7 or 8 year olds and they may
struggle with the pace and dynamics of anything higher than an ILA Super
 Even those students finishing ILA Jumpstart 11 are usually 6.5 or younger,
whereas students in ILA Super Juniors J3A and above are often older (i.e.
this affects their ability to integrate well with the class).
 Fingerprints is very heavy on revision, so even if a student has completed ILA
Jumpstart 11, this does not mean they are equivalent of ILA Super Juniors
J3B in terms of ability.
 Students transferring from ILA Jumpstarts often have trouble adjusting to the
physical class setup and new classroom environment, and therefore need a
lower level class to maintain their confidence.

From ILA Super Juniors to ILA Smart Teens

Note that the numbers of the levels do not correspond from program to program (e.g. ILA Super
Juniors 3 does not correspond with ILA Smart Teens 3), so do not assume they will place into the
same number in a higher-level program.
When testing junior into the ILA Smart Teens programme please bear in mind
 Students in ILA Smart Teens4 are usually 13-14, and transferring ILA Super
Juniors are usually 11 (i.e. the age difference affects the ability of younger
students to integrate into the class)
 The material in higher level teenage classes deals with topics that might not
be appropriate for 11-12 year olds (e.g. ILA Smart Teens4 covers love,
dating, genetic engineering, political protests).
 ILA Super Juniors is also heavy on revision, meaning that even if a student
finishes ILA Super Juniors6B, there will still be new material and practice for
them in lower level ILA Smart Teens classes (e.g. word/sentence stress,
intonation, writing compositions, past passive, etc.)

From ILA Smart Teens to EA (Adult Classes)

 ILA Smart Teens students aged 16 and under continue automatically in the ILA Smart
Teens programme and students aged 17 can level test into the adult programme. If there is
not a suitable adult class available the student can stay in the Smart Teens programme with
AM approval.
 Students wishing to study business English should be 22 years or older. Younger students
may join the class with AM approval.

 Teachers may request that an EY student be re-level tested if they do not think they are at
the correct level. (Students and their parents sometimes ask the teacher to arrange this, but

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the decision about whether to recommend a re-level test remains the teacher’s, subject to
management approval.) You may know the previous level of the student from additional
paperwork accompanying the test sheet, but you should ignore this and assess the student
as usual based on their performance in the speaking test.

Global English / Academic English / Business English

 Adult students’ scores place them into a specific module, not just a level. Their score is a
combination of the speaking and grammar test scores, but you are responsible only for
assessing the speaking without regard to the grammar test. Occasionally a student’s grammar
score will be drastically different from their speaking test score. If this happens, Front Office staff
will consult the level tester on where to place that student.

Exam English
 As with other students, assess according to their speaking ability – regardless of a student’s
desire to join an exam class.
 Be aware that some students might try to put pressure on you to let them study in an exam
class. You can listen politely, but do not be persuaded. Inform the student that they are unlikely
to progress much if their level of English is not high enough for the course.
 It is often necessary to give advice to people considering an exam class. Be sure to ask them:
 What score/band do you need in the exam?
 When do you need to take the exam?

 Students often ask when you think they will be ready to take the exam. Refer to the FAQs on
page 10. In general, if the student’s English is weak, or they won’t be taking the exam in the
next six months or so, a ECS class may be more suitable.


 All Vietnamese candidates for jobs at ILA take a placement test involving a written grammar
test and a speaking test with a level tester. When you have a candidate to test, this is
clearly marked on the placement test form.
 You should conduct the level test in the normal way as if they were a prospective student.
You are not interviewing them for the job.
 At the end of the test, you give them a score and provide comments as usual. However,
you need to give a speaking score out of 100 using the corporate scale which should be in
the level testing booklet. This score is much higher than the regular scale – for example
Upper Intermediate begins at 40 but on the corporate scale it begins at 80.

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EY LEVEL SUMMARY - Level Description & Course Contents
Jumpstart Programme
Level Brief Description Structure
Absolute beginner (4.5 or What's your name?; 1~10; Colours; Shapes
L6 older); may answer own name,
say a few numbers or colours Pencil, book, table, chair, frog, flower, bee, apple…
L7 Can name familiar words such Body parts; Can you fly/dance/sing…
as toys, colours, fruit
Can produce chunks of words How old are you?; Clothing
L8 together such as 'I can…' or 'It's
as…' Do you have a teddy bear/bike/ball…
Can produce chunks of words in/on; where is the…?
L9 about themselves such as like,
dislikes, feelings Food & drinks; feelings (happy, sad, tired, hungry…)
Can make short sentences (if Family members; Zoo animals; Food
L10 not accurate all time), describe
things in their own environment
Can make short sentences Places in town: school, library, park, restaurant…
L11 often including verbs even if not
accurate all time Whether: sunny, windy, rainy, hot, cold…

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Super Juniors Programme
Level Brief Description Structure
Absolute (or false) beginner. Can Can you spell…? Can you write…?
recognize full alphabet and write G: Present simple “to be”, adjectives, nouns
familiar words
V: Colours, classroom objects, toys, transport
Beginner, but already has basic G: Prepositions, Present continuous, have got
J1B vocabulary such as colours, toys,
numbers, family, animals V: family, action verbs, weather, rooms
J2A Can handle a few basic sentences G: like/don't like, what’s this?
such as 'I can…' or 'I have…' V: Daily routine, time, clothes, sports
when prompted or even some
J2B G: Past simple, adverbs of frequency
basic questions
V: Animals, food and drink
J3A Can make sentences, express G: Past simple, gerund/to-infinitive
likes & dislikes, tries to V: Jobs, sports, school subjects, farm animals
communicate in English without
J3B G: Past simple questions, must (rules), superlatives, going to
the need for translation first
V: shops, travel, seasons
J4A Can answer a series of questions G: Past continuous, Comparisons
of familiar topics and differentiates V: hobbies and sports, nature, insects
between present, past & future,
J4B G: Should (advice), 1st conditional, present perfect
even if not accurate all the time
V: technology, clothes
J5A Can hold short conversations on G: present simple passive, Present perfect (for/since)
topics of interest, voice opinion, V: adventure stories, places in town
respond to questions on all tenses, G: Second conditional (if/would), past simple passive
even if not accurate all the time
V: media. Oceans, heroes
J6A Can talk about more mature G: past perfect, reported speech, future passive
topics, reasons & consequences, V: the environment, the future
future ambitions
J6B G: present perfect continuous, relative clauses
V: medicine, extreme sports
J7A The student can use most verb G: Present/Past/Future tenses, comparatives
tenses fairly accurately and is able V: family members, childhood, endangered animals
J7B to have a conversation about most G: Zero to second conditional, present perfect, reported speech
V: recipes and instructions, narratives
J8A The student can voice his/her G: All tenses
opinion about more mature topics V: culture, advice, literature
J8B and discuss them with his/her G: reported questions, third conditional, future continuous
V: opinions, fiction, emails/internet

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Smart Teens Programme

Level Brief Description Structures (Grammar / Vocabulary)

Beginner, but already has basic vocabulary G Present simple, adjectives, adverbs of frequency
S1A knowledge such as colours, numbers, family V Classroom objects and language, greetings,
members feelings, parts of the body, food, daily activities
G Present continuous, can for ability, past simple
V Clothes, family, months, numbers, dates
Can answer a structured series of questions G Past simple, comparisons, be going to, must
S2A and can attempt to make own sentences V TV, films, transport, jobs, physical appearance,
when guided school subjects
G Present continuous for future, past continuous,
superlatives, will, if-clauses (1 conditional
V sports, health, emotions, directions and places,
weather, holidays
Can express likes, dislikes, limited opinions; G Present Perfect, future tenses, question tags,
S3A distinguish between tenses but still makes relative pronouns, present simple passive
mistakes in this area V Objects, geographical features, places, jobs
G Used to, past passive, 2 conditional, causative,
S3B reported speech
V music, catastrophes, environment, computers
nd rd
Can describe a series of events in most G present perfect, future, 2 & 3 conditionals
S4A tenses; can voice some opinions, although V Relationships, describing clothes and pictures
mostly limited G relative clauses, present/past passive, causative
V Describing character, travel, TV programmes
Can present own opinion & discuss familiar G passives, relative clauses, reported speech
S5A topics with little prompting; make past, V Feelings, health, personality adjectives
present & future distinction most of the time. G Modal verbs, past perfect, mixed conditionals
V Discussing global issues, conflicts
G Phrasal verbs, indirect questions
V Geographical features, reacting to movies
S6A Can elaborate opinions well & present both G Past perfect forms, reporting verbs
sides of an argument; able to think critically V Making decisions, crime, advertising
and expand on answers G Causative, ability could / be able to / manage to
V Metaphors to describe emotions, money
G All conditionals & tenses
V Superheroes, life choices
S7A Can virtually follow native speaker speed; G: All tenses, gerunds and infinitives,
form arguments/ be critical with most topics; V: Work and jobs, phrasal verbs, travel, space
S7B makes minor grammatical mistakes; has G: Comparisons, speculation and deduction
excellent vocabulary range. V: money and phrasal verbs, the body, health
S7C G: Reported speech, passives all tenses,
V: media, natural disasters, technology
S8A Can follow native speaker speed; form G: All tenses
arguments/ be critical with most topics; V:scientific subjects, describing mental processes
S8B makes minor grammatical mistakes; has G: adding emphasis, reporting structures
excellent vocabulary range, including V: GM food, crimes, describing cities/towns
S8C collocations, idioms, etc. Should be able to G: Passives, causatives, participle clauses
complete higher level Cambridge exams in V: Advertising & consumerism, extreme sports, career
a satisfactory manner.

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EA LEVEL SUMMARY - Level Description & Module Contents

Global English

Level Brief Description Module Structures

Absolute (or false) Beginner; may B1 be – affirmative & negative, possessive
know words like numbers, jobs, adjectives, possessives, indefinite

foods; can recognize & answer a articles, plural nouns, yes/no questions
limited number of self with be
introduction questions B2
can, definite article, present simple,
adverbs of frequency
False Beginner; can answer most Present simple, Adverbs of frequency,
introduction questions but can't E1 Prepositions of time

form correct sentences or comparatives & superlatives,

questions yet E2 Countable/uncountable nouns, modals,
Past simple, present continuous,

will, first conditional, present perfect

Can express likes, dislikes, Present tense, adverbs of frequency,
desires, limited opinions; past simple, comparatives &

distinguish between tenses but P1 superlatives

still makes mistakes in this area;
Will, going to, Modals, present perfect,
can ask questions on familiar P2
topics P3 Passive, past tenses,

second conditional, gerunds, past

P4 tenses
Can present/elaborate own I1 Tense review, Quantifiers
opinion; make past, present &
Used to, comparatives & superlatives,
future distinction most of the

I2 modals
time; discuss most topics with
some level of detail without much I3 Passives, , ,

third conditional, reported speech,

I4 relative pronouns
Can virtually follow native U1 Tenses, modals
Upper Intermediate

speaker speed; carry form

arguments/be critical with most U2 Comparison and contrast, Nouns
topics; makes minor grammatical
mistakes; main meaning is
communicated easily U3 Passives, Mixed conditionals

U4 Making predictions, verb patterns

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Can follow native speaker speed; Adverb phrases, nouns, future passive,
carry form arguments/be critical A1 conditional clauses
with different topics; makes minor reflexive pronouns, Indefinite pronouns,
grammatical mistakes; main

A2 future perfect,
meaning is communicated easily
A3 adverb time clauses, indirect questions,
and clearly.
comparative and superlative adverbs ,
relative clauses, cleft sentences,
infinitive clauses

Business English
Level Brief Description Module Structures
False Beginner; can answer most Articles, to be, wh-questions, present
introduction questions but can't simple, adverbs of frequency,

form correct sentences or E1 adjectives, can

questions yet Nouns, past simple, question forms,
E2 comparatives & superlatives
E3 Present continuous, will, should,
present perfect
Can express likes, dislikes, Modal verbs, present tenses, verb and

desires, limited opinions; P1 noun combinations

distinguish between tenses but Past tenses, multiword verbs, time

still makes mistakes in this area; P2 clauses, questions

can ask questions on familiar P3 Future plans, reported speech,
topics conditionals, passives
Can present/elaborate own Present tenses, future, noun

opinion; make past, present & I1 combinations

future distinction most of the Articles, finance expressions, idioms, -
time; discuss most topics with I2 ing/to infinitive
some level of detail without much
I3 Narrative tenses, relative clauses,
Can virtually follow native Idioms, noun compounds and noun

speaker speed; carry form U1 phrases, multiword phrases, prefixes


arguments/be critical with most Passives, adverbs of degree, modal

topics; makes minor grammatical perfect
mistakes; main meaning is
communicated easily U3 Dependent prepositions, gerunds,
conditionals, prediction and probability
Can virtually follow native Adverbs, emphasizing, nouns, relative
speaker speed; carry form A1 clauses

arguments/be critical with most -ing/to infinitive, modal perfect,

topics; makes minor grammatical multiword verbs, ellipsis
mistakes; main meaning is
communicated easily A3 Rhetorical questions, rhetorical
devices, cleft sentences, instructive

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Academic English

Level Brief Description Module Structures


False Beginner; can answer most Present simple, past simple, should,
introduction questions but can't E1 going to, because and so

form correct sentences or Gerunds, conjunctions, so and such

questions yet E2 with adjectives
Can express likes, dislikes, Simple present vs. present continuous,

desires, limited opinions; adverbs of frequency, past simple,

distinguish between tenses but P1 nouns, can

still makes mistakes in this area; Conjunctions, will, modal verbs,

can ask questions on familiar comparatives and superlatives,,
topics P2 present perfect
Can present/elaborate own Tag questions, past continuous,

opinion; make past, present & I1 passive voice, verb + to-infinitives

future distinction most of the
time; discuss most topics with Conditionals, Phrasal verbs, Past
some level of detail without much passive voice
prompting I2
Can virtually follow native Indefinite pronouns, Adjective clauses,

speaker speed; carry form U1 indirect questions, past tenses


arguments/be critical with most

topics; makes minor grammatical Reported speech, real conditionals,
mistakes; main meaning is quantifiers, past perfect, used to
communicated easily U2
Can virtually follow native Passive Voice, Compound Adjectives,

speaker speed; carry form A1 future perfect, past modals

arguments/be critical with most
Verb + gerund/to-infinitive, connectors,
topics; makes minor grammatical
phrasal verbs, causative, present
mistakes; main meaning is
communicated easily A2

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EA class or Exam class? FAQs
What are the differences between the courses?

Global English EFS IELTS TOEFL iBT

The levels of Global The EFS course is an IELTS courses are for The TOEFL preparation
English course run introduction to the IELTS students who already course is for learners
from Beginner to and TOEFL exams. The have an Intermediate with at least an
Advanced and the focus is on the content level of English who are Intermediate level of
content of the of the two exams and preparing to take the English who are
courses includes skills, rather than IELTS exam within the preparing to take the
skills (reading, language teaching. It is next six months. The TOEFL exam within the
writing, speaking, designed for learners aim of the courses is to next six months. The
listening) and with a strong pre- give the language and focus of this course is
language intermediate level or the exam technique to giving the language and
(vocabulary, above who are maximize performance exam skills to maximize
grammar, considering taking a in the exam. performance in the
pronunciation etc.). recognized exam in the TOEFL iBT exam.
These classes are the future.
quickest way to
improve your level of TOEIC FCE CAE
The TOEIC preparation The FCE course is for The CAE course is for
Business courses are for learners higher intermediate higher upper-
English with at least an level students. It intermediate level
Intermediate level of combines general students. It combines
English who are
The levels of preparing to take the
English with the exam general English with
Business English exam within the next six skills necessary for the exam skills
course run from months. The focus of the test. As the necessary for the test.
Beginner to these courses is content of this course As the content of this
Advanced and the providing the language is more general, it is course is more
content of the and exam skills practice better suited to general, it is better
courses includes to maximize students who want to suited to students who
skills (reading, performance in the
writing, speaking, practice English and want to practice
exam. general academic English and general
listening) and
language exam skills. academic exam skills.
pronunciation etc).
These classes are
ideal for professionals
who wish to focus on
business language.


The levels of
Academic English
course run from
Beginner to
Advanced and the
content of the
courses includes
skills (reading,

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writing, speaking,
listening) and
pronunciation etc.).
These classes are
designed for students
who wish to study
abroad or at an

Should I take an exam class or an EA class?

This depends on your level of English and on your plans for the future. If you need to take the
exam within the next six months, and you already have the level of English you need to achieve
your desired band (IELTS) or score (TOEFL), an exam class will help you perform to the best of
your ability on exam day.

If you want to continue increasing your level of English you should choose an appropriate EA class
and progress through the levels until you are confident you have the level to attain the IELTS or
TOEFL scores you need and then move to the relevant exam class to prepare for exam day. The
students who study longest in EA classes are usually the most successful in the exams.

What is the EFS course?

The Exam Foundation Skills course is designed specifically for learners who are thinking about
taking one of the recognized exams (IELTS and TOEFL) within the next year, but do not yet have
the level of English to gain the band or score required. These are typically people who are thinking

of studying abroad in a year or two, or deciding which of the two exams to aim for to increase their
career prospects.

Most of the course is based on introducing students to the content of the two exams and skills work,
particularly writing and speaking. There are also classes which teach the study skills necessary to
be a successful English learner. Although the course contains little language teaching, there is
some vocabulary input and your teacher will be available to explain or correct language points.

What if my English isn’t good enough?

The requirement for entry onto the EFS course is a low-Intermediate level or above. Learners with
lower levels should consider studying a few EA courses first to improve their English level quickly.

What happens when I finish the EFS course?

Again, this depends on your level of English and on your plans for the future. If you want to
continue increasing your level of English quickly you should go to an EA class until you are
confident you have the level for the IELTS or TOEFL courses. The students who study longest in
EA classes are usually the most successful in the exams. If you have an Intermediate level or
above and feel ready to prepare for the exams, you should take the appropriate exam class.

How long should I study at ILA before I take the exam?

It is very important to know exactly what the band or score that you would like to achieve before you
sign up for one of the exam courses.

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The following table shows approximately what you can expect to achieve after completing each ILA
EA level.

EA levels Length of Approximate Approximate Approximate

course IELTS band TOEFL iBT TOEIC score
score L/R S/W

Beginner 92 hours 120 50/30

- -

Elementary 184 hours -
225 90/70
Pre-Intermediate 184 hours -
4-5 57-86 550 120
Intermediate 184 hours

Upper- 184 hours 5.5-6.5 87-109 785 160/150

Advanced 184 hours 7-8 110-120 945 180

Taking an exam class is the best way to maximize your performance in the exam, assuming you
already have the level of English. The following table shows what level you need for entry to exam
classes, and approximately what band or score you can expect to achieve on completion of the

Exam Class Length of Entry level Approximate Approximate Approximate

course IELTS band TOEFL score TOEIC score
EFS 60 hours Intermediate
4 40 – 56 550 120
Modules 1-2
IELTS 1 60 hours Intermediate
5 57 – 86 550 120
Module 3
IELTS 2 60 hours Upper-Int
5.5 – 6.5 87 – 109 785 160/150
Module 1
IELTS 3 60 hours Upper-Int
6.5+ 87 – 109 785 160/150
Module 3
TOEFL iBT 60 hours per Intermediate
5 – 6.5+ 57 – 120 550 120
(3 modules) module Module 3
TOEIC 1 60 hours Intermediate
5.0 – 5.5 57 – 86 550 120
Module 3
TOEIC 2 60 hours Upper-Int
5.5 – 6.0+ 87 – 109 785 160/150
Module 2
FCE A 60 hours Intermediate
Module 3
5 – 6.5 57 – 109 550 120
FCE B 60 hours Intermediate
Module 4
CAE A 60 hours Upper-Int
Module 2
7–8 110 – 120 785 160/150
CAE B 60 hours Upper-Int
Module 3

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At entry to this level students can do one or two of the

following but NOT all of them:

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Modules 1 (Units 1-3) & Module 2 (Units 4-6)

BEGINNERS - Prompt Questions J1B BEGINNERS - Prompt Questions

MODULE 1 (Units 1-3) Page MODULE 2 (Units 4-6)
Hi. My name’s (examiner’s name). What’s your name? Nice to meet
7 37 What do you do in your free time?
Can you ride a motorbike? Can you play a musical instrument (e.g.
8 Examiner points to alphabet. Can you say these letters? 38
piano)? Can you speak Chinese?
Point to parts of your body and ask: What’s this? What are these?
9 Are you a student or do you work? 39
(e.g. arm, legs, hands)
9 What’s your job? Or What are you studying? 41 What day is it today? (Prompt if necessary, e.g. Is it Monday?)
Examiner points to numbers. Can you say these numbers?
10 41 What’s tomorrow? What was yesterday? When’s the weekend?
Hold up fingers and ask: How many fingers?
13 What’s your phone number? 41 What’s your favourite day of the week? Why?
Hold up a pen and ask: What’s this? (repeat with a book and some
15 47 (If student has a job) Tell me about your job? Do you like it? Why/not?
other items, e.g. phone, keys, bag etc.)
19 (If student has been able to count 1-10) Can you count to 20? 47 (If student does not work) What job would you like in the future? Why?
Point to clocks (cover the caption). What’s the time? (If you have a
19 How much is a coffee in Ho Chi Minh City? 52
watch or phone) What’s the time now?
Put a pen on the desk and ask: Where is the pen? (Move the pen
22 52 What time do you go to work/school? What time do you come home?
around to elicit under, in front of, behind)
22 Point to the picture and ask: Where is the plant? Where are the keys? 57 What food do you like? What food don’t you like?
28 I’m from (e.g. Australia). Where are you from? Which city? 57 What do you eat for breakfast?
30 Do you have a big family or a small family? 57 Do you like coffee/orange juice/pizza?
32 Can you tell me about them? 62 What time do you get up? What time do you go to bed?

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Modules 1 (Units 1-4), Module 2 (Units 5-8), Module 3 (Units 9-12), Module 4 (Units 13-16)

ELEMENTARY - Prompt Questions ELEMENTARY - Prompt Questions

MODULE 1 (Units 1-4) Page MODULE 2 (Units 5-8)
Do you live in a house or apartment? Can you tell me about it? Where
7 How old are you? Are you married? Do you have any children? 36
is it? Is that far?
13 What do you do on weekends? How do you relax? 42 What do you like to drink? How much XXXX do you drink?
Point to the pictures and ask student to chose one. What can you see
16 What’s your job? Or What job would you like to have in the future? 45
in the picture? (Ask What’s this? if necessary)
Do you ride a motorbike? Do you have to wear a helmet in VN? Can
18 What do you like/dislike about your job? 49
you smoke in the cinema in VN?
Tell me about your day. What time do you get up? What do you do
25 55 Is there a supermarket/cinema/hospital near your house?
after that? Do you have a busy life?

ELEMENTARY - Prompt Questions ELEMENTARY - Prompt Questions

MODULE 3 (Units 9-12) Page MODULE 4 (Units 13-16)
Were you at home/work/school yesterday? Were you busy yesterday?
62 82 Do you think VN will have a woman president in the future? Why/not?
Was it hot/cold/rainy yesterday?
What did you do yesterday/last weekend? (Develop a brief
68 conversation depending on student’s answers, prompting them to use 84 Next time you go shopping, will you use cash or a credit card?
past simple tense)
Mime reading a book: What am I doing now? Point to the pictures on What are you going to do tomorrow/next weekend? Are you going to
74 88
Pg 74/5, What are they doing? (drinking coffee) go swimming? Are you going to play tennis?
Have you ever been to another country/city? Did you like it?
Why/not? What did you do there?
98 Have you ever had an accident or been in hospital? Tell me about that.

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Pre-intermediate Level
Modules 1 (Units 1-4), Module 2 (Units 5-8), Module 3 (Units 9-12) & Module 4 (Units 13-16)

PRE-INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions PRE-INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions

Page Page
MODULE 1 (Units 1-4) MODULE 2 (Units 5-8)
Do you read much? Are you reading anything interesting at the Are you going to buy anything soon? How much do you think it will
4-6 46
moment? What? How often do you read a newspaper? cost?
Your friend tells you she hasn’t done her homework and asks her if Is there anything you have to do tomorrow/this week? Is there
12 54
you’ll help her. What will you say? anything you don’t have to do until later?
Can you cook anything? What? How do you cook it? Or
22 When was the last time you did a test or exam? Did you pass? 59
Can you play any games? How do you play it?
Have you ever been to another city in VN? Can you compare it with Have you bought anything electronic recently e.g. a phone or laptop?
28 62
HCMC? Which place do you like the best? Why? Can you tell me about that?
35 Can you please describe your mother or father’s personality?

PRE-INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions PRE-INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions

Page Page
MODULE 3 (Units 9-12) MODULE 4 (Units 13-16)
What time do you …? What time is it now? (Indicate the clock.)
Is there anything your friend/family member does that you find
72 Do you think it’s ok to be late for English class? How many minutes 106
really annoying? What is it? Do they do it often?
is OK?
When was the last time you felt really excited/bored? What made
80 Do you eat healthy food? Is there anything you eat too much of? 108
you feel excited/bored? Why was it exciting/boring?
Do you have enough money to do the things you want? What How long have you lived in HCMC? When/why did you move here?
82&88 116
would you do if you won a lot of money? Have you ever lived anywhere else? Where?
What was the last book you read/movie you saw? Who What were you doing this time last year? Can you tell me more
96 122
wrote/directed it? What was it about? about that?
What job would you like to have in the future? Why? Is there a
130 free time activity/hobby that you’d like to try in the future? What?

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Intermediate Level
Module 1 (Units 1-3), Module 2 (Units 4-6), Module 3 (Units 7-9) & Module 4 (Units 10-12)

INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions

MODULE 1 (Units 1-3) Page MODULE 2 (Units 4-6)
Can you tell me about something that you do every day? Is there Can you swim/play a musical instrument/speak another language?
5-6 36
anything you forgot to do recently? Is there anything you can’t do that you would like to be able to do?
Have you played any sport/been to the cinema recently? What did you
14 What are you going to do this evening/tomorrow/this weekend? 46
Are you working on anything/reading anything interesting at the Is there anything you used to do in the past that you don’t have time to
16 49
moment? do now? What? Why don’t you have time?
Tell me something you really enjoy doing? Anything you really hate Have you met anyone interesting lately? Who? What did you talk
24 52
doing? about?
Is there anything you have to do tomorrow? What is it? Why do you
Do you like eating out? What kind of food do you enjoy eating out? Is 57-
26 have to do it? Do you think women should be able to do all the same
there anything you eat too much of? 63
jobs men do?

INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions INTERMEDIATE - Prompt Questions

MODULE 3 (Units 7-9) Page MODULE 4 (Units 10-12)
What would you have done if you’d had been running late for this
68 What were you doing at this time yesterday? 100
78- If it rains this afternoon, do you have a raincoat? Would you catch the Is there anything you should have done recently that you didn’t do?
87 bus? Would you buy a car if you won a lot of money? How do you feel about that?
Can you tell me about a time when you made a big mistake or did
88 What’s your favourite book/movie? Who was it written/directed by? 105
something wrong? Did you apologise to anyone?
Can you tell me about a person who you respect? What kind of person
is he/she? What has he/she been doing lately?
What sorts of things do you worry about? What do you parents say
when you tell them your problems?

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Upper-Intermediate Level
Modules 1 (Units 1-3 p.29), Module 2 (Units 3 p. 30 - 5 ), Module 3 (Units 6-8 p.83) & Module 4 (Units 8 p. 84 - 10)


MODULE 1 (Units 1-3 p. 29) PageMODULE 2 (Units 3 p. 30 - 5)
How much money do you thing you need to be really happy? If you Tell me about someone you know well. How is this person
36 48
could help another person financially, would you? different/similar to you?
Generally speaking, do you think people put too much importance on
4 Hello, my name’s XXXX. Would you like to ask me any questions? 50
material wealth and not enough on more personal aspects of life?
Are there any areas of your life where you could save money? How
12 In an interview situation, what do you do to make a good impression? 56
would you do that?
Tell me about something you weren’t allowed to do when you were a
child? Do you do it now?
Tell me about your plans for the future, both for work and in your
personal life. Have you ever been really disappointed about anything?


Page Page
MODULE 3 (Units 6-8 p. 83) MODULE 4 (Units 8 p. 84 - 10)
Is there anything in your past that you would change if you could, Have you ever had a job interview which went badly? Which questions
71 82&94
anything you would do differently given the time over again? do you think you answered poorly? How should you have answered?
Can you tell me about a time when you bought something that you What do you think the economic outlook is for Vietnam over the next
74 were not happy with? Did you make a complaint? What 92 few years? Do you think things will continue to get better for most
happened? people?
Does it worry you that in other countries there are a lot of CC TV
What would you do if you left school or work and found that your Cameras in public places? Would you be happy for that to happen in
78 96
motorcycle had been stolen? Vietnam? What are the advantages/disadvantages? Do you think it
invades people’s privacy or helps increase security?
How do you think the workplace has been affected by new Can you tell me about anything that makes you feel
80 technology? Do you think technology brings advantages or are 106 stressed/nervous/excited? Why does it make you feel that way? What
there any disadvantages? do you do about it?

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K1 - Fingerprints 1

Page K1A Fingerprints 1 Page K1B Fingerprints 1

6 What's your name? 39 What can you see?
9 Point to the pictures and have the student identify, Ask 'What's this?' Point to body parts and ask 'What's this?'
16,19 Point and ask 'What color is this?' What color is the triangle?' Ask the student to do the same
22 Can you count to 5? 51 Can you sing?

K2 - Fingerprints 2

Page K2A Fingerprints 2 Page K2B Fingerprints 2

4, 5 Point to items in the book, ask is this a ___? 44 Where is the cow?
12 Point and ask 'Who's this?' 47 How many eggs does she have??
What food do you like?
Can you count to 5? (Hold up hand and start with 1, then prompt for
16 52 Do you like milk?

54 Can you say the days of the week? (prompt with Monday…)
17, 19 What can you see?
What day is it today?
Where is the pencil? (put a pencil in several places- on the table, under How do you feel? (point to characters in the book, and ask, How does
20 60
the table, in a book) he/she feel?)

23, 25 What toys do you have? 68 Tell me about this boy (point to the picture in the book)

28 Can you swim? What else can you do?

36, 38 What are you wearing?

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K3 - Fingerprints 3

Page K3A Fingerprints 3 Page K3B Fingerprints 3

Where is the park?
4-5 What’s this? What do you see? 44
Where are you?
6 Where’s the …? What is she doing?
Give the student some objects (e.g. pen, book, ruler) and ask him/her to Play the game - Ask "Is the cat sleeping?' Then encourage student to
10 56
arrange them according to size. ask for the next one
What’s the weather today?
12 Who’s this? What’s her/his name? 64
Is it cold?
What are you wearing?
14 Where’s … (e.g. dad)? 66
What is s/he wearing?
20 Where is your … (e.g. back)? 74 Point and ask ' What's this?'
Which doll is the biggest?
23 Act out an illness and ask the student: What’s wrong? 76
Point to a ball and ask 'What size is this ball?'
28 What animal is this? Can I pet the lion? 79 Which animal is your favorite? Why? Tell me about your favorite animal

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English World
Page SUPER JUNIORS 1A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 1B - Prompt Questions
28 What's this? (toys) 78 Where is the kitchen/bathroom /etc.?
28 What colour is the car / teddy bear / etc.? 90 Look at this family. This is mother. Who is this?
37 What's this? (school items) 94 He's got a plane. What toys have you got?
42 What's this? (transport) 104 What is he / she doing? (action verbs)
52 Who is sad / happy? 111 What's the weather like in this picture?
60 What's this? (food) 120 What are they doing? (action verbs)

Page SUPER JUNIORS 2A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 2B - Prompt Questions
6, 7What are they doing? (present continuous) - Do you know the months of the year? January, February…
34 What's this? (playground) 87 What's the time?
- What do you / don't you like to eat, play, wear, etc.? (like) 98 Where is the fish / boat / shark? (prepositions of place)
52 What's this? (clothes) - How many legs to birds / spiders / dogs have? (they have)
61 What time to do wake up / eat breakfast, etc.? - What did you do in school yesterday? (regular past tense)
- Point to your nose / feet / knee, etc. - What do you eat for breakfast / lunch? (food)

Page SUPER JUNIORS 3A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 3B - Prompt Questions
- Where were you yesterday at 7am? Who was with you? - Where did you go on your last holiday? How did you get there?
- What did you do in the afternoon / after lunch / before dinner? - What shops can I see at the shopping mall? What can I buy there?
42 Which animal is bigger? Who is taller? Etc. 94 Who is the shortest girl / smallest dog? Etc.
How did the city look in the past? Were there cars / bicycles /
- - What are you going to do after this interview /school / dinner today?
restaurants (there was/were)
Can you tell me about Tet festival in Vietnam? What do people usually
69 Do you know these sports? -

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Page SUPER JUNIORS 4A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 4B - Prompt Questions
- Do you belong to any school clubs? What do / can you in this club? - Where can I see lots of snow/flowers/food? Where can't I find much…
- Could you swim / read / dance 3 years ago? What could you do? - Is there anybody in your house / your school / your classroom now?
- Give me an example of something difficult / horrible / enormous - If you see your teacher from school here, what will you do?
Can you tell me how to make a fried egg / VN noodles? (describing a What does an astronaut do? What should they study? How should they
- -
process) prepare?
Where were you yesterday at 7pm? What were you / was your sister / Tell me some project you have done at school this year? Have you gone
- -
mother doing? on a trip?
66 Look at the pictures. Do you know what they will become? - What is a sailor / pilot / poet? (relative clause: he's is a person who…)

Page SUPER JUNIORS 5A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 5B - Prompt Questions
- What/ who with / where did you use to play when you were younger? - How long have you studied at your school / been learning English?
If you want to go to another country, what do you have to prepare / What is the best movie you have ever seen? How many times have you
- -
take with you? seen it? Why? (so good that…)
What sports are interested in? Do your friends also find it interesting?
- - What do you need / ought to do now if you want to be successful?
Why/why not?
Have you ever heard of the Zoo in Singapore? Have you met anyone
- - What do you hating doing? Why?
who has been there?
- Tell me some countries you haven't been yet - What do your parents want you to be? What have they told you?
Where was your best holiday? What was good about it? (so funny/
- - Where is a dangerous / terrible place to travel? Can you tell me why?
great, such good friends that)

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Page SUPER JUNIORS 6A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 6B - Prompt Questions
Have you heard about animals in danger? What have people been Tell me about a sports event (race, match, game) you've seen recently.
- -
doing to put them in danger? Describe it in detail

Page SUPER JUNIORS 7A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 7B - Prompt Questions
Tell me about a famous person who have studied. What do you know Can you explain how the body works? What happens when we
about their lives? Why were they important? breathe? How does the blood flow around our body?

Page SUPER JUNIORS 8A - Prompt Questions Page SUPER JUNIORS 8B - Prompt Questions
Tell me about an article you've read on the internet recently. What
If you could create your own website, what would it be for? What
was it about? Did you find it useful? Did you agree with the author?
would it say?
Why/ why not?

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More! 1
Page Smart Teens 1A Page Smart Teens 1B
20 Hello, what's your name? How are you today? 82 What are you wearing?
22-23 How are you feeling? Are you scared of anything? 90 Tell me about your family
24 Is this your book? Whose book is it? 93 What can you do that your mother/father/ brother/sister can't?
Where is the pencil? (put a pencil in several places- on the table, under
31 103 What do you like doing in your free time?
the table, in a book)
You want your friend to go swimming with you. What can you say to
34 Can you ask me some questions? 111
41-43 Tell me about your house or your room at home 121 Where were you yesterday evening?
53 What things have you got in your room? 133 Tell me everything you did yesterday/last weekend
52 Point to parts of the body and ask 'What's this?'

More! 2
Page Smart Teens 2A Page Smart Teens 2B
We are friends, give me some suggestions for what we could do this
7 What did you do yesterday? 65
weekend together
15 Tell me about the last film you saw 66 Tell me about sports you do and do not like
How did you come to school today? What other ways can we travel in 76-
26 What were you doing the last time you got a headache/ were injured?
HCMC? 77
When you get a good mark on a test, how do you feel? How about
28 Tell me about your last holiday 86
when you have to take and exam?
point to map in the book. I'm at the ____ and I want to go to the ____.
36 Tell me what your mother/father brother/sister looks like 96
Can you give me directions please
37 Tell me what the differences are between you and your brother/sister 97 I'm feeling sick, can you give me some advice of what to do?
What do you think the weather will be like tomorrow? How might the
45-47 Tell me everything you are going to do tomorrow/this weekend 106
weather change during the day?

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More! 3
Page Smart Teens 3A Page Smart Teens 3B
6 I'm in the cinema and my phone rings, can you give me advice 66 Tell me some things you used to do when you were younger
What type of films do you like? Have you seen any good films recently? I need to get more exercise. Can you give me advice, what would you
16 85
What did you like about it. do if you were me?
25 Tell me what you are going to do this afternoon 87 If you had more money, what would you do?
If you come across some money on the street what should you do? Show the pictures in exercise 3, ask the student to make deductions
38 97
What does come across mean about the other pictures
You are at the cinema and want to see a film. I work at the cinema, ask
45 98 What can you have done at the barber or the salon?
me some questions about what film to see
Tell me what your parents told you to do this morning. Use 'told' or 'said'
54 What things are made in Vietnam? 107
in your sentences

More! 4
Page Smart Teens 4A Page Smart Teens 4B
What kind of food do you like? How do you eat your (vegetables)?
What did you do before you came to ILA? What are you doing now?
(raw, boiled, steamed)
When people play (sport), what do they wear? What will you do after this interview?
How do you feel at the moment? How do scary movies make you feel?
Do you like playing sports? What sport?
How about action movies? Comedies?
Can you tell me something about your journey to school? (How?
If you had 1 million dollars, what would you do with the money?
Tell the student an issue and ask them what you ought to / should do.
Possible issues:
- I have a headache Who is your favourite singer? Sports star? Actor/Actress?
- I lost my phone
- Somebody stole my motorbike
What do you enjoy doing in your free time? What did you use to do when you were 5 years old, but no longer do?

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English in Mind 4 2nd Edition
S5A Smart Teens 5A - Prompt Questions S5B Smart Teens 5B – Prompt Questions
Unit Unit
Who is an inventor? What is scientific evidence? 6
Tell me where you think we will be living in 50 years.
Unit Unit
2 Tell me about something you can’t stand doing/ wanted to do. 7
What had you been doing before you came here?
Unit Tell me some things your parents have suggested/ persuaded/ Unit What must you remember to do?/ Your best friend has disappeared.
3 recommended that you do. 8 What could have happened?
Unit When you were young, what would you do? What’s something you Unit What is the difference between taken off and taking off? (E.g. His
4 used to do when you were 10 that you don’t do anymore? 9 career was just taking off. The plane was taking off when it crashed.)
Unit What would have happened if you hadn’t gone to school as a child?
5 What would happen if all kids had to stay at school until they were 18?
S5C Smart Teens 5C - Prompt Questions
Can you remember which was the first toy you bought?
Tell me about something you didn’t need to do last weekend. Tell me about something you needn’t have done last weekend.
Children are thought to be the best language learners. Do you agree or disagree? Why / why not?
Why do people go to libraries? Why do studios make films?

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English in Mind 5 2nd Edition
S6A Smart Teens 6A - Prompt Questions S6B Smart Teens 6B – Prompt Questions
How do animals help humans? Do you think animals have a sixth
Unit What urban legends do you know? Do you think they are true? Unit
1 6
sense? Describe some examples you know or stories you have heard
Why/Why not?
Unit Tell me about an occasion when you’ve had to change your plans? Unit
2 7 Have you ever been the victim of a crime? What happened?
What were you planning to do and why did it change?
What do you think you would need to do if you wanted to start your Can you remember something you did in the past that’s changed your
Unit Unit
3 8
situation now? Can you describe it and the differences it’s made / hasn’t
own school? made?
Unit How are your abilities different to 5 years ago? Can you give me some Unit
4 9 Do you ever feel stressed? What do you do to relax?
examples? What about in the future?
Unit Unit Have you ever had your hair cut by a family member? Who? Did they
Can you describe some of your favourite things? 10 do a good job? Why/Why not?
S6C Smart Teens 6C - Prompt Questions
11 Tell me about how your life will be different in ten years’ time.
12 I wish a lot more people would do exercise more frequently? Do you agree? Why/Why not?

14 How do you react in these types of situations? When you’re nervous? Tired? Upset?

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Gateway B2
Page Smart Teens 7A - Prompt Questions Page Smart Teens 7B - Prompt Questions
Have you ever read a science fiction book / seen a science fiction
Should teenagers be aware of nutrition and good diet? Why/why not?
- movie? What was it about? What did you think of it? What message do -
Do you have any healthy/unhealthy habits?
you think the author was trying to send?
Page Smart Teens 7C - Prompt Questions

- What is the most useful invention ever made? Why? What would be a really cool invention for the future?

Gateway B2+
Page Smart Teens 8A - Prompt Questions Page Smart Teens 8B - Prompt Questions

At what age are VN people allowed to drive / vote / get married? Do Do teenagers worry too much about clothes and fashion? What are the
- -
you agree with the legal age? What aspect would you change and why? positive and negative effects of this?
Page Smart Teens 8C - Prompt Questions

- What do you think will be the jobs of the future? How do you see your own career/life develop? What are your ambitions?

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