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Pass First Player marker to left, then all players:

Refresh Exhausted Cards
Resolve “at the start of the turn” effects
Place investigators returning from Lost in Time and Space on location or street in Arkham
Perform Upkeep Actions
(Bank Loans, Retainers, Blessings, Curses, etc. but skip first turn after gaining)
Adjust Skills
Players may move Skill Sliders a total number of “stops” equal to Focus

In order from First Player, each investigator performs movement based on their location
Delayed investigators receive no Movement Points and stand up instead of move
Arkham Movement
Perform actions costing Movement Points (e.g., Tomes)
Move 1 area per Movement Point, subtracting any Movement Points spent for other actions. Investigators may trade items
with another investigator in the same area before, during or after moving but not during combat.
Fight or evade each monster when entering, remaining in, or leaving an area containing monsters. Combat ends movement.
Investigator may gain any clue tokens on the ending location

Other World Movement

(Movement Points cannot be received or spent)
In first (left) Other World area: Move to second (right) Other World area
In second (right) Other World area: Return to matching gate in Arkham and
place Explored marker under investigator (if no matching gate, then Lost in Time and Space;
if monster on gate, investigator may wait to fight or evade until next Arkham Movement)

In order from First Player, each investigator in Arkham has an encounter based on their location:
Location without Gate
Use special location ability or draw location encounter card and read entry for current location
Perform any tests required on the card. If the location is not sealed and “a monster appears,” fight or evade. If “a gate opens,”
add 1 to doom track, and investigator is drawn through to the first (left) Other World area and delayed.
Location with Gate
Investigator is drawn through to the first (left) Other World area
Location with Gate and Explored Marker
Investigator with Explored marker may attempt to close/seal gate. If sealed, place elder sign on location.
Closed gates return monsters with matching dimension symbols to the cup

In order from First Player, each investigator in an Other World has an encounter:
Draw Gate Cards
Draw until card color matches one of the Other World colors, then read the named world or “Other” entry
Resolve any monster encounters or tests indicated on the card

First Player draws and resolves Mythos card in the following order:
Gate Location
Location without gate: Open gate, remove any clues on the location, spawn monster(s), add 1 to doom track
If a gate opens on an investigator, they are drawn through to the first (left) Other World area and delayed
Location with gate: Monster Surge (draw monsters equal to number of open gates or investigators, whichever is greater)
See also: Monster/Outskirt Limits
Location with elder sign: Gate is blocked. Exception: Gate Bursts
Place Clue Token(s)
Clue tokens cannot be placed on locations with a gate
Clue tokens placed on a location with an investigator may immediately be gained by that investigator
Move Monsters
Monsters matching dimension symbol move along arrows of the same color as symbol’s background color
Half white and black arrows count as white and black
See also: Special monster movement based on monster border color
Resolve Headline, Environment or Rumor
Headline: Read Headline, resolve effects then discard
Environment: Place drawn Environment card in play, discarding any previously in play Environment cards
Rumor: If Rumor card is already in play, leave in play, discarding the drawn Rumor card;
otherwise, place drawn Rumor card in play

Monster Movement Outskirts Limit (+1 per expansion board beyond 1st)
Normal Number of Investigators Monsters in Outskirts
Stationary 1 7
2 6
3 5
4 4
Flying 5 3
Stalking 6 2
Aquatic 7 1
8 0

Monster Limit = Gate Limit (+1 per expansion board beyond 1st)
Number of Investigators
Number of Investigators Number of Open Gates
– 1 per expansion board beyond 1st
1-2 8
3-4 7
5-6 6
7-8 5

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