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Your Look At Work


At all times, all team members are expected to be neatly groomed and dressed in a manner that is appropriate to the job and
duties they are performing. Professional grooming makes the statement to guests, business contacts, and other team members
that we are proud to be part of the Six Flags family of parks.
The purpose of Six Flags’ grooming guidelines is to promote a consistent and professional appearance of our team
members. Remember that the guests’ perception of your appearance is just as important as their perception of the park’s
These guidelines are meant as a guide and may not cover all scenarios. Your department may have additional guidelines
based on business, health, or safety needs. If you have questions regarding the following guidelines, please contact your
department manager or Human Resources.
Requests for an exception to the Six Flags grooming guidelines must be submitted to the Human Resources department.
Please see the Grooming Guideline Exceptions section below for further details.

General Grooming Items

Here is what Six Flags generally expects of you as a team member:

ID Cards - Unless notified to the contrary, team member IDs must be visible whenever you are on Six Flags property.
This includes all park and corporate office locations.

Clothing - Attire, whether personal or Company issued, must be worn neatly and to Company standards. Wearing, for
example, sagging or ill-fitting clothing is not permitted. Alterations to uniforms, or changes to the way the
uniform is intended to be worn, are also not permitted.

Undergarments - Proper undergarments must be worn at all times and not visible, with the exception of plain t-shirts.

Bracelets - Only one bracelet per wrist may be worn if they are no wider than one inch (1”), do not detract from the uniform,
complement the color of the uniform, and fit securely. Bracelets with loose extensions, sharp points, studs, or
offensive or inappropriate wording or images, are not permitted. Some positions may not allow bracelets due to
safety or health code reasons.

Piercings - No visible piercings, other than earrings, a single nose stud, or a single, small nose ring (only piercing one nostril),
are permitted. Ear gauges are not permitted.

Body modifications - Visible, intentional body modifications that create a distracting or unprofessional appearance are not
permitted. This includes, but is not limited to dental grills, tongue splitting, tooth filling, disfiguring skin, or bone

Deodorants and perfumes - The use of deodorant is required due to the close contact with guests and co-workers. Perfumes
and colognes should be limited.

Grooming For All Team Members

Hair must be neat, clean, well-groomed, and not distracting.

Shaved patterns are permissible so long as they do not display vulgar, offensive, or discriminatory symbols or language, and
do not detract from our consistent and uniform appearance.
In safety-sensitive positions, long hair must be securely pulled back. Items used to secure the hair must be complimentary
to the uniform.
Not all hairstyles are permitted. This includes, but is not limited to, styles that:
• Cover the face or eyes or impair an employee’s vision.
• Restrict one’s ability to perform assigned duties.
• Have exaggerated and/or extreme variations in length from side to side or have extreme heights (i.e. mohawks)
that detract from our consistent and uniform appearance.
Any hairstyle that, in the opinion of the company, detracts or takes away from park theming will not be permitted.


Fingernails must be kept clean, neatly trimmed and may not interfere with the
safe execution of an employee’s duties. Charms are not permitted. Due to health
code requirements in some states, culinary service employees are not allowed to
wear nail polish or artificial nails, and fingernails may not extend past the end of
the finger.


Visible tattoos are permissible provided they are not on or above the neck.
Tattoos may not distract from the uniform or be perceived as vulgar, offensive, or
inappropriate. Tattoos that the Company may deem a violation of its
anti-discrimination and harassment policies are also not permitted. This may
include, but are not limited to any tattoo that may be perceived as discriminatory
based on race, color, religion, sex, national origin or ancestry, creed, age, sexual
orientation, or any other basis proscribed by applicable non-discrimination laws or
Company policy.


Necklace: One (1) necklace may be worn as long as it does not restrict Team Members ability to perform their job and does not
present a safety hazard.

Rings: For safety reasons, some positions may limit or prohibit wearing of rings.

Earrings: Earrings may not be larger than the size of a quarter. Gold, silver, pearl, or diamond studs are permitted. Hoops no
larger than a quarter are permitted. Dangling earrings are NOT permitted. Ear cuffs, up to one matched pair, may be worn.
Dangling ear cuffs are not permitted.

Body Jewelry: Visible body piercings, other than earrings and a single nose stud, are not permitted.

Watches: One wristwatch that does not detract from the uniform or dress may be worn.
For safety purposes, watches may not dangle.

Team Member Grooming

Beards, goatees, and mustaches are permitted subject to the following:

• Must be well groomed without patches;
• Mustaches may not extend past the corners of the mouth or below the lines of the upper lip; and
• Beards and goatees must be trimmed to conform to the chin and jaw line and may not exceed 2” in length.
At all times exaggerated beard, goatee or mustache styles are not permitted.


Sideburns should follow the natural contour of the face and must not extend below the bottom of the earlobe.

Employee-Issued Uniforms

Those team members issued uniforms are required to wear all uniform items issued to them. This includes name tags and any applicable
safety related apparel or accessories.
Shoes, plain and without patterns or designs, must be those specified for the uniform. For most positions, closed toed athletic slip resistant
shoes are required. Shoes must always be clean and in good repair. Socks are required.
You will be issued wardrobe instructions, which must be strictly followed. It is your personal responsibility to ensure that the highest
condition of neatness and cleanliness prevail at all times. Failing to do so will detract from the professional and positive atmosphere that we all
work to create.
Lost uniform items may only be replaced with authorized uniform items. Contact the Human Resources or Wardrobe Department for
replacement uniforms.
On non-operational days or when assigned duties dictate, employees may be given permission to wear non-uniform items. When this occurs,
team members must follow the Dress for Your Day Guidelines.

Dress For Your Day

Non-uniformed team members must always present a professional image that complements the positive, comfortable work environment we
embrace. Our “Dress for Your Day” policy allows non-uniformed team members to dress for their day’s events and work assignments. This
means, for example, that you may wear jeans (subject to the conditions below) on any business day of the week so long as your day permits
such attire and you will not be in guest areas when the park is in operation.
There may be occasions, such as vendor meetings, when team members will be expected to wear business casual or business attire. We trust
and expect our team members to exercise sound judgment in this regard and to be prepared in the event the circumstances of their day changes
(i.e., unscheduled meetings). If your clothing is not consistent with such need, you may be asked to go home and return to work in appropriate
attire. In such case, nonexempt employees will not be compensated for time spent away from work.

Below are general guidelines outlining examples of unacceptable workplace attire. Since it is impossible to list every type of clothing, this
list is only intended as guidance and should not be considered a complete list.

• Clothing should not be too revealing (for example, no low-cut tops, exposed stomachs or backs, miniskirts,
or spandex or other form-fitting pants). Strapless or spaghetti strap tops or dresses are not permitted unless
appropriately covered. Attire with sheer or see-through fabrics are also prohibited.
• Clothing, including jeans, should not be worn or have holes, rips, tears, or bleached spots.
Jeans and denim may be worn in guest areas only when the park is not in operation.
• Clothing should not have writing, slogans, sports logos, large branding or other similar graphics.
• No t-shirts, tank tops, halter tops, sweatshirts or hoodies.
• No cargo style shorts or pants.
• No workout clothing, including athletic style shorts or pants, yoga pants or sweatpants.
• No slippers, boots that look like slippers, sheepskin boots, house shoes, flip-flops or similar beach shoes.

Team Member Grooming
Grooming Violations

If your clothing is not consistent with this guidance, you may be asked to go home and return to work in appropriate attire. In
such a case, nonexempt employees will not be compensated for time spent away from work. Any questions about what constitutes
appropriate workplace attire should be directed to your department manager or Human Resources. Anyone who disregards this
policy may be subject to discipline up to and including termination.

Grooming Guideline Exceptions

Any team member that requires a reasonable accommodation for reasons based on religion, disability, or other grounds protected
by federal, state or local laws, should contact the Human Resources department. Reasonable accommodations will be granted
unless it would cause an undue hardship to Six Flags. Six Flags prohibits any form of discipline, reprisal, intimidation, or
retaliation for requesting a reasonable accommodation for grounds protected by federal, state or local law.

Conduct While Working

Your total appearance, second only to your “Guest First” attitude will be our guests’ most lasting impression of Six Flags.
Remember to never eat, drink, chew gum or tobacco, or smoke while at any work location in front of our guests or areas guests
may access (except where otherwise approved and authorized).
Smoking, vaping, and the use of nicotine/tobacco products is allowed only in designated employee smoking areas and is never
permitted in offices, buildings, or structures.
The showing of personal public display of affection in view of our guests is not acceptable (i.e., hugging, holding hands etc.).

Clarifications and Legal Requirements

This policy cannot anticipate all fashion trends or grooming related concerns. Six Flags reserves the right to modify this policy
at any time.
Where applicable, team members in food-handling position will be required to fully comply with all state and local food
handling restrictions (i.e., hair restraints). In the event of any inconsistency between this policy and an applicable state or local
restriction, the more restrictive policy shall control.
Any questions regarding this policy should be referred to Human Resources. Human Resources is the final authority of the
grooming guidelines and interpretations.


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