(Journal) Deshpande2003 - Maintenance Strategy For Tilting Table of Rolling Mill Based On Reliability Considerations

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Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18


Maintenance strategy for tilting table of rolling mill based on reliability

V.S. Deshpande*, J.P. Modak
Department of Mechanical Engineering, P.C.E. & A, Nagpur University, Nagpur 440 019, Maharashtra, India
Received 18 June 2002; accepted 15 July 2002

Reliability centred maintenance (RCM) is a new strategic framework for ensuring that any asset continues to perform, as its users want it to
perform. RCM is a process used to determine the maintenance requirement of any physical asset in its operating context. RCM process entails
asking seven questions about each of the selected assets. It makes use of two documents namely, RCM information worksheet and RCM
decision worksheet. RCM decision diagram integrates all the decision processes into a single strategic framework. RCM concept developed
by US commercial airlines industry has been successfully implemented by Military, Navy, Nuclear power plants, electric power generation
and distribution undertakings and several other sectors. These projects have been carried out in the United Kingdom, The Republic of Ireland,
the United States, Hong Kong, Australia, Spain and Singapore. The fact that people has enthusiastically received RCM at all levels and has
enabled users to achieve some remarkable successes in all of these countries, suggests that it can be universally employed. Literature review
indicates that RCM approach is not conventionally applied in process industries in India. Presently, predictive maintenance (PDM) approach
along with conventional preventive maintenance is used in continuous/process industries. This approach if implemented in totality will
increase the production cost to a large degree and make the production uneconomical. Similarly breakdown maintenance (BDM) approach
cannot be applied in such industries as each breakdown involves huge costs. RCM approach is a compromise between PDM and BDM
approach for optimising the cost and ensuring the availability of machine.
The RCM approach has been applied to the tilting table system of rolling mill for the research work reported in this paper. In the present
study, preventive maintenance tasks suggested for power transmission subsystem, guiding and transportation subsystem and hydraulic
subsystem in tilting tables are 14 scheduled on-condition tasks, 10 scheduled on-restoration tasks, seven scheduled discard task. Whereas for
14 failure modes no scheduled maintenance has been proposed. Existing maintenance schedule for tilting tables indicates the maintenance
action as and when required. Hence RCM based schedule specifies that additional preventive maintenance tasks need to be executed as
compared to none initially. Cost incurred for this can be offset from the savings accrued from reduction in loss of production due to repetitive
breakdowns. The methodology of RCM adopted in western industries cannot be applied as it is to Indian industries because of labour oriented
nature, partially computerised information systems, non-availability of the information about cost of loss of production due to breakdown and
age-reliability pattern of equipment, insufficient maintenance database. These problems can be overcome by development of sound MMIS,
formulation of RCM review group and imparting suitable training to acquire the relevant skills in RCM. Thus RCM methodology can be
applied to Indian industry for reduction of breakdowns as well as optimisation of preventive maintenance cost. This can further boost up the
prospects of Indian industry to offer the products at globally competitive prices.
q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Reliability centred maintenance; Rolling mill

1. Introduction of physical assets. Hence failure of these assets results in

wealth erosion, service interruption and some of the worst
In the current scenario continued operation of highly accidents and environmental incidents in industrial history
mechanised and automated businesses is essential for such as Bhopal gas tragedy. As a result, the process by
wealth generation. This depends on the continued integrity which these failures occur and management of these failures
have to be accorded very high priority. The first industry to
* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ 91-712-263822; fax: þ 91-7104-37681. deal with this issue was international civil aviation industry.
E-mail address: vishwasd@nagpur.dot.net.in (V.S. Deshpande), On the basis of continued research, this industry evolved a
barlingay@satyam.net.in (V.S. Deshpande). completely new strategic framework for ensuring that any
0951-8320/03/$ - see front matter q 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 9 5 1 - 8 3 2 0 ( 0 2 ) 0 0 1 5 2 - 7
2 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

asset continues to perform, as its users want it to perform. The ‘INTENDED FUNCTION’ also implies specific
This framework was referred as reliability centred main- performance expectation.
tenance (RCM) [1]. The brief considerations in this RCM process entails asking seven questions about each
approach are as follows. of the selected asset as follows:
Maintenance concept has evolved over three generations.
Third generation concept requires longer equipment avail- † What are the functions and associated performance
ability in cost-effective fashion. Research has identified that standards of the assets in its present operating context?
conventional bathtub curve is not applicable in almost 90% † In what ways does it fail to fulfil its function?
of cases. Hence modern maintenance managers face several † What causes each functional failure?
challenges for ensuring equipment availability at affordable † What happens when each failure occurs?
cost. RCM provides a framework, which enables users to † In what ways does each failure matter?
respond to these challenges, quickly and simply. † What can be done to prevent each failure?
RCM is a process used to determine the maintenance † What should be done if a suitable preventive
requirement of any physical asset in its operating context. A maintenance task cannot be found?
comprehensive plant register indicating the list of assets and
development of suitable numbering system is a prior The answers to the first four questions are recorded on
requirement before the application of RCM review process. RCM information worksheet and answers to the remaining
RCM process entails asking seven questions about each three questions are recorded on decision worksheet. Thus
of the selected assets. It makes use of two documents these two key working documents are used in the
namely, RCM information worksheet and RCM decision application of RCM [1,8,9].
worksheet. RCM decision diagram integrates all the
decision processes into a single strategic framework. 2.1. RCM information worksheet
Answers to the questions regarding failure consequences,
preventive tasks and default actions in decision diagram are These are used to record the functions of the asset under
recorded on decision worksheet. review and to list all the associated functional failures,
Military and Navy also successfully implemented RCM failure modes and failure effects.
concept developed by US commercial airlines industry
[2 –4]. It has also been employed in Nuclear power plants 2.1.1. Functions and performance standard
[5 – 7] and electric power generation and distribution Maintenance means ensuring that physical asset con-
undertakings. The other sectors includes: railways, brew- tinues to fulfil its intended functions. The functions of the
eries, offshore oil and gas industries, pharmaceutical assets and its desired standards of performance define the
companies, steel mill, bank, oil refineries, aluminium objectives of maintenance with respect to any asset.
processing industries, several engineering and metalwork- Functions. Functions can be divided into four categories
ing companies. These projects have been carried out in the as stated below.
United Kingdom, The Republic of Ireland, the United
States, Hong Kong, Australia, Spain and Singapore. The † Primary functions. Every asset is put into service to fulfil
fact that RCM has been enthusiastically received by people specific functions known as primary functions.
at all levels and has enabled users to achieve some † Secondary functions. Typical secondary functions
remarkable successes in all of these countries, suggests include containment, support, hygiene, appearance, and
that it is much less affected by cultural differences than gauges.
many other participative techniques of this nature [1]. † Protective devices. In order to eliminate failure con-
sequences, increasing use is made of automotive
protective devices. Protective devices ensure that the
2. RCM methodology consequences of the failure functions being protected are
much less serious than they would be if there were no
RCM starts with a comprehensive, zero-based review of protections.
the maintenance requirement of each asset in its operating † Superfluous functions. Superfluous items or com-
context. RCM is called reliability centred maintenance ponents are sometimes encountered when equipment
because it recognises that maintenance can do no more than has been modified frequently over a period of years or
ensure that physical assets continue to achieve their built in when new equipment has been overspecified. These
capability or inherent reliability. RCM starts with a items although do not serve any useful function can
comprehensive, zero-based review of the maintenance fail and reduce the overall system reliability.
requirement of each asset in its operating context.
The ‘INTENDED FUNCTION’ of any asset can be Performance standards. Maintenance ensures that
defined in a number of ways; depending on exactly physical assets continue to fulfil their intended functions
where and how it is being used (the operating context). by anticipating, preventing or correcting situations where
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 3

the equipment has failed. Failure is defined as the inability 2.2. RCM decision worksheet
of an item to meet a desired standard of performance. The
two performance standards associated with every function RCM decision worksheet provides answers to the
are the desired performance and the inherent reliability of questions namely,
the asset with respect to that function. RCM recognises that
† In what way does each failure matter?
† The inherent reliability of any item is established by its † What can be done to prevent each failure?
design and by how it is made. † What if a suitable preventive task not is found?
† Maintenance cannot yield reliability beyond this inherent
2.2.1. Failure consequences
Failure prevention has much more to do with avoiding or
Listing of the desired performance is to be done when
reducing the consequences of failure than it has do with
functions and performance standards are recorded. Per-
preventing the failures themselves. A preventive task is
formance standard includes output, product quality, safety,
worth doing if it deals successfully with the consequences of
energy efficiency and the environment.
the failure, which it is meant to prevent. The RCM process
Functions and the operating context. The presence of
groups failure consequences into four categories and it does
redundancy or alternative means of production as well as
so in two stages. The first stage separates hidden functions
quality standards and standards of customer service are to be
from evident functions. A hidden function is one whose
considered when function of any asset is defined.
failure will not become evident to the operating crew under
normal circumstances. The next stage is to classify evident
2.1.2. Functional failures failure into three further categories in descending order of
A functional failure is defined as the inability of any importance as follows.
physical asset to meet a desired standard of performance.
Operations and engineering people working together should 1. Safety and environmental consequences
set performance standards. Different functional failures, 2. Operational consequences
which can apply to a single function, include total and 3. Non-operational consequences
partial loss of function.
Hidden failure consequences. The failure of duty
2.1.3. Failure modes equipment when the standby equipment is in failed state
The process of anticipating, preventing, detecting or is known as a multiple failure. The only consequence of a
correcting failures is applied to individual failure modes, i.e. hidden failure is increased risk of a multiple failure. The
maintenance is managed at failure mode level. Root causes main objective of maintenance program for a hidden
of failure are normal wear and tear, dirt, inadequate function is to prevent—or at least to reduce the risk of—
lubrication, disassembly, incorrect set-up or operation, the associated multiple failure. The performance standard
incorrect process or packaging materials. Only failure for a hidden function is the availability needed to reduce
modes, which might reasonably be expected to occur in the risk of the associated multiple failure to an acceptable
the context in question, should be recorded. Failure modes level.
for stand by components are different from regular duty Safety and environmental consequences. Evident failure
components. modes are grouped into three categories, as follows

2.1.4. Failure effects † Those which could affect safety

Listing of what actually happens when each failure mode † Those which affect production or operations
occurs is known as failure effect. Specifically when describing † Those which involve the direct cost of repair
the effects of failure the following should be recorded.
The RCM process considers the safety implications of
† What evidence (if any) that the failure has occurred? each failure mode first. A failure mode has safety
Examples include warning lights or alarms to sound, loud consequences if it causes a loss of function or other damage,
noises, fire, smoke, escaping steam, unusual smells or which could hurt or kill someone. The RCM process always
pools of liquid and the floor? assesses safety consequences at the most conservative level.
† What physical damages (if any) is caused by the failure? A failure mode has environmental consequences if it causes
† What must be done to repair the failure? a loss of function or other damages which could lead to the
breach of any known environmental standard or regulation.
Amount of down time with each failure is properly If a failure mode could affect the safety or environment, the
accounted for. The effect of failure should be described if RCM process stipulates that one must try to prevent it.
nothing was being done to prevent it. For failure modes, which have safety or environmental
4 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Fig. 1. The evaluation of failure consequences.

consequences, a preventive task is only worth doing if it classified as non-operational. For failure modes with
reduces the risk of failure to an acceptably low level. non-operational consequences, a preventive task is worth
Operational consequences. A failure has operational doing if over a period of time; it costs less than the cost of
consequences if it has a direct adverse effect on operational repairing the failures, which it is meant prevent.
capability. In general, failures affect operations in four ways Thus the RCM process,
namely, output, product quality, customer service, increased
operating cost in addition to the direct cost of repair. All of † Provides a comprehensive strategic framework for
these consequences are economic. To assess the economic managing failures. As summarised in Fig. 1, this
impact of these failures it is needed to assess how much they framework classifies all failures on the basis of their
are likely to cost over a period of time. For failure modes consequences. In doing so it separates hidden failures
with operational consequences, a preventive task is worth from evident failures, and then ranks the consequences of
doing, if over a period of time, it costs less than the cost of the evident failures in descending order of importance.
the operational consequences plus the cost of repairing the † Provides a basis for deciding whether preventive
failure, which it is meant to prevent. This type of analysis is maintenance is worth doing in each case.
carried out for each individual failure mode and not for † Suggests what action should be taken if a suitable
machine as whole. This is because each preventive task is preventive task cannot be found.
designed to prevent a specific failure mode. So the economic
feasibility of each task can only be compared to the cost of 2.2.2. Preventive tasks
failure mode which it is meant to prevent. The actions which can be taken to deal with failures can
The non-operational consequences. The consequence of be divided into two groups—preventive tasks and default
an evident failure, which has no direct adverse effect on tasks which must be undertaken if suitable preventive tasks
safety, the environment or operational capability, is cannot be found. Whether or not a preventive task is
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 5

Fig. 2. P–F curve.

technically feasible depends on the technical characteristics † It is possible to define a clear potential failure condition.
of the failure mode and of the tasks as shown in Fig. 4. † The P –F interval is fairly consistent.
The three principal categories of preventive tasks are † It is practical to monitor the item at intervals less than the
scheduled on-condition tasks, scheduled restoration tasks P – F interval.
and scheduled discard tasks. † The net P –F interval is long enough to prevent or
Scheduled on-condition tasks. On-condition maintenance avoid the consequences of the functional failure.
is based on the fact that many failures develop over a period
of time. If evidence can be found that this failure process is Categories of on-condition techniques. The four major
under way it may be possible to prevent failure and/or to categories of on-condition techniques are as follows:
avoid its consequences.
Potential failures. The point in the failure process at † Condition monitoring techniques
which it is possible to detect that the failure is occurring or † Product quality variation
about to occur is known as potential failure. Examples of † Primary effects monitoring: primary effects such as
potential failures include hot spots showing deterioration of speed, flow rate, pressure, temperature, power, current
furnace refractors, vibrations indicating imminent bearing are monitored to provide information about equipment
failure, cracks showing metal fatigue and excessive tread condition.
wear on tyres. † The human senses
The general process of occurring of failures is illustrated
in Fig. 2. It is called the P – F curve because it shows how a Schedule restoration tasks. Scheduled restoration entails
failure starts, deteriorates to the point at which it can be remanufacturing a single component or overhauling an entire
detected (the potential failure point ‘P’) and then if it is not assembly at or before specified age limit, regardless of its
detected and corrected, continues to deteriorate usually at a condition at the time. Scheduled restoration tasks are also
accelerating rate until it reaches the point of functional known as scheduled rework tasks. They include overhauls at
failure (‘F’). If a potential failure is detected between the regular intervals. The frequency of scheduled restoration task
point P and the point F, there are two possibilities namely, to is governed by the age at which the item or component shows
prevent the functional failure and to avoid the consequences a rapid increase in the conditional probability of failure.
of the failure. Scheduled discard tasks. Scheduled discard means
On-condition maintenance is defined as checking items replacing an item or component with a new one at preset
for potential failures so that action can be taken to prevent or intervals.
avoid the consequences of the functional failure. On- Selecting preventive tasks. The basic order of preference
condition tasks are so called because the items which are for selecting preventive tasks is as follows:
inspected are left in service on the condition that they On-condition tasks, scheduled restoration tasks, sched-
continue to meet specified performance standards. The uled discard tasks. Two preventive options, which are
frequency of on-conditional tasks must be less than the P –F available for age related failures are scheduled restoration
interval. On-condition tasks are technically feasible if: tasks and scheduled discard tasks.
6 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Fig. 3. RCM decision diagram.

2.2.3. Default actions a different make or type or relocating a machine. It also

If a preventive task cannot be found which is both means any other change to a process or procedure, which
technically feasible and worth doing for any failure mode, affects the operation of the plant. In case of failures, which
then the default action, which must be taken, is governed by have safety or environmental consequences, redesign is the
consequences of the failure. The default actions are compulsory default action.
scheduled failure-finding tasks and no scheduled mainten-
ance redesign. 2.2.4. The RCM decision diagram
Scheduled failure-finding tasks. Scheduled failure-find- The RCM decision diagram integrates all the decision
ing entails checking hidden function at regular intervals to processes into a single strategic framework. This frame-
find out whether it has failed. The more often a hidden work is applied to each of the failure modes listed on the
function is checked, the higher will be its overall RCM worksheet. The RCM decision diagram is as shown
availability. For higher reliability, i.e. greater MTBF, the in Fig. 3.
failure-finding frequency should be low. Failure-finding
task is only worth doing if it secures the desired availability 2.2.5. RCM decision worksheet
of the hidden function. The answers to the last three questions are recorded on
No scheduled maintenance. No scheduled maintenance is RCM decision worksheet The RCM decision worksheet is
valid if as shown in Tables 4 – 6. It is used to record the answers to
the questions in the decision diagram covering the aspects of
† a suitable scheduled task cannot be found for a hidden failure consequences, preventive tasks and default actions
function and the associated multiple failure does not have and in the light of these answers, to record:
safety or environmental consequences.
† A cost-effective preventive task cannot be found for † What routine maintenance (if any) is to be done, how
failures, which have operational or non-operational often it is to be done and by whom?
consequences. † Which failures are serious enough to warrant redesign?
† Cases where a deliberate decision has been made to let
Redesign. Redesign refers to any change to the specifica- failures happen.
tion of any item of equipment. Basically this means any
action which should result in a change to drawing or a parts The decision worksheet is divided into columns. The
list. It includes changing the specification of a component, columns headed F, FF and FM identifies the failure mode
adding a new item, replacing an entire machine with one of under consideration. They are used to cross-refer
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 7

Fig. 4. Using the decision worksheet to record failure consequences.

the information and decision worksheets. The headings on † If it becomes necessary to answer any of the default
the next columns refer to the questions on the RCM decision questions the columns headed H4 and H5 or S4 are
diagram as follows: used to record the answers.

† The columns headed H, S, E, O and N are used to record

the answers to the questions concerning the conse- The last three columns record the task, which has
quences of each failure mode. been selected (if any), the frequency with which it
† The next three columns (headed H1, H2, H2) record is to be done and who has been selected to do it.
whether a preventive task has been selected and if so The proposed task column is also used to record
what type of task? the cases where redesign is required or it has been
8 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Fig. 5. Failure consequences-a summary.

decided that the failure mode does not need scheduled † The column headed H3/S3/O3/N3 is used to record
maintenance. whether a suitable discard task could be found to prevent
Failure consequences. The questions for failure con- the failures.
sequences H, S, E and O are asked for each failure mode and
the answers are recorded on the basis shown in Fig. 4. Fig. 5 In each case, a task is only suitable if it is worth doing
shows how these answers are recorded on decision and technically feasible. Technical feasibility criteria are
worksheet. as shown in Fig. 6. If a task is selected a description of the
Preventive tasks. The eighth to tenth columns on decision task and its frequency must be recorded.
worksheet are used to record whether a preventive task has The default questions. The columns headed H4, H5 and S4
been selected as follows: on the decision work sheet are used to record to the answers to
the three default questions. The default questions are only
† The column headed H1/S1/O1/N1 is used to record asked if the answers to the previous questions are all ‘no’.
whether a suitable on-condition task could be found to
anticipate failure mode in time to avoid the 1. Default action (H4)
consequences. Is a failure-finding task technically feasible and worth
† The column headed H2/S2/O2/N2 is used to record doing?
whether a scheduled restoration task could be found to Record yes if it is possible to do the task and it is
prevent the failures. practical to do it at required frequency and it
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 9

Fig. 6. Technical feasibility criteria.

reduces the risk of multiple failure to an acceptable In case of evident operational and non-operational
level. consequences the consequence of the failure are purely
2. Default action (H5) economic and no suitable preventive task has been found.
Could the multiple failure affect the safety or As a result, the initial default decision is no scheduled
environment? (This question is only asked if maintenance but redesign is desirable.
answer to question H4 is no. If the answer to the
question is yes then redesign is compulsory If the
answer is no the default action is no scheduled 3. Scope of this article
maintenance but redesign may be desirable.
3. Default action (S4) Application of methodology of RCM for selection of
Is a combination of task technically feasible and proper maintenance strategy is still a new concept in Indian
worth doing? industry. Although this concept has been applied widely in
Yes if the combination of any two or more various countries, its relevance to the Indian industry has not
preventive task will reduce the risk of failure to been realised so far. Indian industry is labour oriented and
the acceptable level. If the answer is no redesign is information system specifically in context of maintenance
compulsory. is not fully computerised. In the present study, RCM
10 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Fig. 7. Rolling mill.

methodology has been applied to tilting table system of a (v) Mill stands:
rolling mill. An attempt has been made to compare the RCM (a) Roughing stand
based tasks with the existing ones. Limitations in appli- (b) Intermediate stand
cation of RCM are also highlighted along with possible (c) Finishing stand
remedial solutions. (vi) Skids
(vii) Roller conveyors
4. Rolling mill application Hot saw
(ix) Turnover cooling bed (TOCB)
The methodology of RCM has been applied to the rolling
mill. In rolling mill, blooms are pressed between the rolls to 4.1. Manufacturing process
reduce the cross-sectional area. The capacity of rolling mill
is expressed as follows. The bloom is heated in reheating furnace up to the
required temperature (1000 –1200 8C) depending upon the
(a) To roll sizes from 25- to 160-mm diameter. grade of blooms. It takes 4 – 7 h of heating. When bloom is
(b) To roll sizes from 40- to 140-mm square section. heated to required temperature it is taken out by ejector on
(c) Rectangular bars from 100 £ 18 mm 2 to turning table. From turning table, it is taken on the approach
2 table. In approach table, rollers are provided for the forward
160 £ 12 mm
movement of blooms. From approach table, the blooms go
Layout of rolling mill is shown in Fig. 7. Rolling mill to the TT-1 (tilting Table 1) through extension table. The
consists of the following equipment. tilting table provides specific angle and direction to enter in
the roughing stand. For the tilting operations, hydraulic
(i) Reheating furnace system is provided in the tilting table.
(ii) Turning table In roughing stand reduction of bloom dimensions is
(iii) Tilting table done, then it goes to TT-2. Forward and backward
(iv) Approach table movement of bloom is done till the exact dimension is
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 11

Table 1
RCM information worksheet for power transmission subsystem

RCM information worksheet Unit: power transmission subsystem

Sr. no Function Component: (a) reduction gear box; (b) full geared coupling; (c) sprocket; (d) chain; (e) key;
(f) V-belt; (g) pulley

Functional failure Failure mode Failure effect

1 The function of reduction gearbox is to supply (A) Reduction gear box (i) Oil contamination Frictional power loss increase. After some limit
the reduced speed to the shaft from the motor. not working load torque will not be overcome
The full-geared coupling connects the two shafts. (ii) Low oil level Tooth wear and transmitted speed variation
The purpose of coupling is to connect the shaft and will increase. This may contribute to some
transmit the torque extent increased traction
(iii) Teeth damaged For excessively worn out teeth transmitted
speed variation level will increase For great
alteration in dimensions, transmitted motion
will be jerkish which will induce sever impact
in the driven shaft
(B) Full geared (i) Teeth worn Impact will increase. Due to this induced stress
coupling fails in coupling increase. Hence coupling fails.
It results in interruption of motion
(ii) Hub damaged Transmitted speed will be very low, may lead
to breakage of damaged hub
2 Sprocket is provided at the side of the (A) Sprocket fails (i) Teeth wear Increase in chordal action causing greater angular
roll for the transmission of power through velocity variation band It will increase
the duplex chain Key is provided for fixing vibrations and that will affect the
the sprocket on the roll shaft microstructure of bloom
(ii) Key failure Sudden stoppage and severe shock. Life of roller
shaft gets reduced
(B) Chain fails (i) Misalignment of sprocket Alteration in geometry of chain motion path
which will cause enhanced chordal action and
therefore shock impact
(ii) Misalignment of roll Cause variation in chain tension, effect on driven
sprocket, causes tooth wear and friction energy
(iii) Hot service condition— Induces thermal stresses in chain which will
permanent deformation induce low cycle thermal fatigue. It will dry up
of chain the chain bush lubricant which will increase
chain bush friction and cause wear
(iv) Change in length Change in length will vary the chain sag. It will
enhance the tendency of chain climbing. Cyclic
load on driven shaft is increased It exhausts the
fatigue life of shaft
(v) Increase Chordal action Greater variation in angular velocity band It
increases variable load on driven sprocket
which in turn increase shaft torsional vibrations
It will affect microstructure of bloom
(vi) Increase in variation Causes variation in supply torque if load torque
in chain tension on driven sprocket is constant cyclic variation
of shaft stress increase
(vii) Lock fails Interruption of power transmission
(C) Incorrect Key (i) Loose key Impact on driven rotating member Therefore it
clearance can reduce the life of driven rotating member.
It can cause key failure
(ii) Tight key Rise in initial compressive and shear stress.
It will further increase during power
transmission. Cause early key failure and
reduces life
(iii) Shear deformation Heavy pressure on edges of key. Under the
effect of slight relative displacement between
edges of key and shaft at one end and driven
wheel at other, key edges gets worn out
(D) V-Belt (C-55) (i) V-Belt loose Slipping of belt will occur. It will not transmit
the required effort torque to overcome the
load torque. This will make movement of
bloom jirkish
(ii) Overload Slippage of belt in the V groove of drive pulley
will increase. It enhances wear on the side of
(iii) Worn Resistance torque will not be overcome because
of insufficient effort torque and no movement
(E) Pulley (i) Overload Reduction in pulley life
(ii) Damaged No transmission of power
12 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Fig. 8. Power transmission subsystem.

achieved. Blooms are allowed to undergo fixed number of guiding and transportation subsystem and hydraulic
passes on each of the three stands depending upon the size subsystem.
of incoming bloom and requirement of the customer.
The blooms are transferred from one stand to another 4.3.1. Power transmission subsystem
through skids. These transfers are known as skid transfer. Power transmission subsystem is as shown in Fig. 8. The
By this skid arrangement in the extension table, billet is motor is coupled with the reduction gearbox by full geared
transferred into platform no. 2. In the platform no. 2 there coupling. The reduction gearbox is equipped in the system
is TT-3 and TT-4. From TT-3 billet is transferred to the to reduce the speed as per the requirement by changing the
intermediate rolling stand (S2). In S2 forward and back- gears. If the speed of the motor is higher than required, it can
ward movement achieves the required dimension. Now the be reduced by reduction gearbox. The reduction gearbox is
billet is transferred to the platform no. 3 by the help of skid connected with 3-grooved pulley where the C-55 belt is used
arrangement in the extension table. for power transmission. This 3-grooved pulley is attached
After the final pass on third, i.e. finishing stand the with sprocket of the driving roll. The sprocket along with
blooms are taken to the hot saw through roller conveyor. the chain of the driving roll is connected with sprocket of
Here the blooms are cut to the required size and then passed driven roll in series. The driving roll drives the driven rolls.
to turn over cooling bed (TOCB). Product is inspected after The duplex chain is used. One tilting table consists of 10
cooling. rolls. All these rolls start rotating with the drive obtained
from driven roll. Power transmission subsystem consists of
4.2. Identification and formulation of proposed work the following components.

Analysis of machine breakdown/shutdown list for a span (a) Sprocket

of about 2 years has revealed that most of the failures, which (b) Chain
have occurred, are due to failure of roller chain of tilting (c) Key
tables. Hence it has been decided to focus attention on (d) V-belt
maintenance aspects of tilting table system. (e) Pulley
(f) Reduction gear box
4.3. Approach (g) Full geared box coupling

RCM concept has been applied to tilting table system as 4.3.2. Guiding and transportation subsystem
illustrated herein. Tilting table system has been categorised Side view of the rollers of the tilting table is as shown in
into three subsystems, power transmission subsystem, Fig. 9. The rollers are fitted with double spherical roller
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 13

Fig. 9. Guiding and transportation subsystem.

bearing. Roller bearing is enclosed with the plummer block. from other end of the cylinder through hose-pipe, which
It is covered by mild steel plate, 50 – 75 mm thick, as per the brings down the tilting table. Counter weight system is
requirement. This mild steel plate is fixed at both sides by attached to the hydraulic subsystem as shown in Fig. 11.
foundation bolts so that rolls should not move (vibrate) at One arm and counterweight assembled by the brass bush
different loads of blooms. Guiding and transportation and key at its end are provided. Major components of
subsystem consists of the following components. hydraulic subsystem are,

(a) Rolls (a) Hydraulic power pack

(b) Double spherical roller bearing (b) Hydraulic Cylinder
(c) Plummer block (c) Hose-pipe
(d) Foundation bolt (d) Spherical bearing with pin
(e) Counterweight and arm
4.3.3. Hydraulic subsystem
Hydraulic subsystem (Fig. 10) is used for upward and 4.4. RCM information worksheet
downward movement of the tilting table. In the tilting
operation, the hydraulic cylinder helps in upward movement RCM information worksheets were prepared for power
of tilting table. Hydraulic cylinder is attached with the transmission subsystem, guiding and transportation sub-
power pack system. Hydraulic power pack supplies power system and hydraulic subsystem to indicate the functions,
to the hydraulic subsystem. In this system, the oil goes functional failures, failure modes, i.e. causes of failure.
inside the cylinder through hose-pipe and provides the RCM information worksheet for power transmission
upward movement to the tilting table. Then oil comes out subsystem is as shown in Table 1. Significant function is

Fig. 10. Hydraulic subsystem (hydraulic cylinder).

14 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Table 2
RCM information worksheet for guiding and transportation subsystem

RCM information worksheet Unit: guiding and transportation subsystem

Sr. no Function Component: (a) Roll; (b) Roll bearing; (c) Plummer block; (d) Foundation bolt

Functional failure Failure mode (cause of failure) Failure effect

1 The function of the system (A) Roll not working (i) Due to failure of Sprocket does not get motion.
is forward movements of billets. key, sprocket is free Roll does not move. Transportation
It is achieved by the stops
continuous rolling movement of the (ii) Due to bearing seizure Shaft gets jammed. Roll does
rolls for the smooth rolling. not move transportation stops
For smooth rolling movement of (B) Double spherical (i) Due to wear out, Interrupted contact between rollers and
roll, bearing is provided at roller bearing fails sieve bearing fails driven shaft. Rubbing of cage
both the ends of roll. element with roller increases. This
Roller bearing is enclosed with causes additional friction and power
Plummer block. Foundation bolts are loss. Hence sieve bearing fails
bolted in the Plummer block. (ii) Scant lubrication Frictional power loss increases. Bearing
Thus it performs guiding and temperature rises. Bearing parts
transportation functions surface damage takes place
(iii) High temperature Considerable expansion of roller which
might cause considerable Jamming
between roller inner and outer race
(iv) Roller wear Cause impact in bearing which
will lead to dynamic severity
(increase in stresses and vibrations)
(C) Plummer block (i) Dynamic load Stresses will increase. Vibrations will
damaged increase which may lead to
initiation of crack and eventual
(ii) Vibrations Additional stress due to vibrations
will increase leading to crack
initiation. This may ultimately lead
to failure
(iii) High temperature Lubricant evaporation will occur and
friction will increase. This leads
to increased power loss which
may in turn increase bearing
temperature and damage of bearing
part surface. This will ultimately
lead to bearing Jamming
(D) Foundation bolt fails (i) Dynamic load Will increase stress and vibration.
This leads to accelerated crack
formation and eventually the actual
(ii) Vibrations Vibrations will increase stress under
vibration. Therefore it will add
to all adverse effects of
increase in dynamic load. It
will loosen the foundation bolts
(iii) Thread wear It will weaken the thread.
Because of weak thread, it
will lead to shear off
and thread failure

transmission of power from motor to rollers. Loss of this is supporting and guiding and ensuring the smooth forward
function can occur due to failure of individual components movement of billets. Failure of components namely, rolls,
such as gearbox, coupling, 3-grooved pulley, belt, and double spherical roller bearing, plummer block, foundation
sprocket and roller chain. Root causes of functional failures, bolts can result in functional loss. Movement of roller can
i.e. failure modes are identified with each failure such as stop due to failure of key or bearing seizure. Failure of
worn out parts, overloading, misalignment, etc. roller bearing can be attributed to wearout, scant lubrica-
RCM information worksheet for guiding and transpor- tion, temperature rise or roller wear. Plummer block can
tation subsystem is as shown in Table 2. Important function get damaged due to dynamic load, vibrations or high
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 15

Table 3
RCM information worksheet for hydraulic subsystem

RCM information worksheet Unit: hydraulic subsystem

Sr. no. Function Component: (a) hydraulic power pack; (b) cylinder; (c) hosepipe; (d) spherical bearing with pin;
(e) counter weight arm

Function failure Failure mode Failure effect

1 Hydraulic system is used for (A) Hydraulic power (i) Pressure drop Tractive effort will not be
tilting operation of the table. pack fails obtained. It will slow down
It consists of cylinder, power the process or will interrupt
pack, hose-pipe. Hydraulic power pack is the motion
component for supplying power to (ii) Hose-pipe leakage Will lead to pressure drop.
the hydraulic system Hence tractive effort will not
be obtained
(iii) Piston ring damage Tractive force on piston will
not be built. Friction between
cylinder and piston will increase
and will lead to power loss
(iv) Strainer damaged Will cause increase in dirt
in system which will affect
the functioning of all parts
(B) Hydraulic cylinder (i) Corroded Increase in friction between piston
and cylinder will increase power
loss. This may interrupt the
motion which may even increase
the wear of piston ring
(ii) Damaged (Inside surface roughness increases or
distortion along the axis takes
place). Will cause piston ring
damage and associated failure. It
will also cause the impact
between piston and cylinder which
will increase additional unwanted
(C) Hose-pipe (i) Ruptured No oil flow. No motion
(ii) Leakage Will not supply enough oil
flow rate to cylinder. This
will not create enough tractive
force on piston. It will
also slow down the motion
or interrupt the motion
(D) Spherical bearing (i) Damaged Friction in bearing will be
with pin increased. This will generate heat
resulting in increase of temperature.
This will further deteriorate bearing
function and eventually it may
seize the bearing
(E) Counterweight (i) Bush wear Motion will become jerkish. Increase
and Arm impact at the bush which
will cause additional unwanted stresses,
initiation of crack and eventual
early failure
(ii) Pin broken Interrupts the motion. No Tilting

temperature. Foundation bolts can fail due to vibrations or Hose-pipe, Spherical bearing with pin, Counterweight and
thread wear. These details are summarised in the arm can result in functional loss. Failure of Power pack can
information worksheet. be attributed to pressure drop, leakage of hose-pipe, leakage
RCM information worksheet for hydraulic subsystem is of piston ring, or jamming of strainer. Hydraulic cylinder
as shown in Table 3. Important function is tilting operation can get damaged or corroded. Hose-pipe can leak or rupture.
of table by upward or downward movement. Failure of Spherical bearing with pin can get damaged. Counterweight
components Hydraulic power pack, Hydraulic Cylinder, and arm can fail due to bush wear or breaking of pin.
16 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

Fig. 11. Hydraulic subsystem (counter weight and arm).

4.5. RCM decision worksheet RCM decision worksheet for power transmission sub-
system is as shown in Table 4. Totally 22 failure modes
RCM decision worksheets were prepared for power were recorded. Out of these five were allocated on-condition
transmission subsystem, guiding and transportation sub- tasks, eight scheduled restoration tasks, five scheduled
system and hydraulic subsystem, to reveal the nature of discard tasks, no scheduled maintenance as an initial default
hidden, safety, environmental and operational failure decision was suggested for four.
consequences, for the specific failure modes. With the RCM decision worksheet for guiding and transportation
questions based on RCM decision diagram (Fig. 7) subsystem is as shown in Table 5. Totally 12 failure modes
consequences of failure were evaluated. Accordingly, were recorded. Out of these seven were allocated on-
preventive tasks were specified for each failure mode. condition tasks, one scheduled restoration task, one
This information has been compiled in RCM decision scheduled discard task and no scheduled maintenance was
worksheet. suggested for three.
Table 4
RCM decision work sheet for power transmission subsystem

RCM decision work sheet Unit Power transmission subsystem

Component (a) Reduction gear box; (b) Full geared coupling; (c) Sprocket; (d) Chain; (e) Key;
(f) V-belt; (g) Pulley

Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Proposed task

reference evaluation S1 S2 S3 action
O1 O2 O3
F FF FM H S E O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4

1 A i Y N N N N Y Schedule restoration. Checking of oil

1 A ii N N N N Y – Schedule on-condition. Human senses
1 A iii Y N N Y N N Y Schedule discard
1 B i Y N N Y N N Y Schedule discard
1 B ii N N N Y N N N No scheduled maintenance
2 A (i) N – – – Y – – – – – Check wear of sprocket teeth by oil testing. On-condition
2 A (ii) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance
2 B (i) Y N N N N Y – – – – Align the sprocket. Schedule restoration
2 B (v) N – – – N Y – – – – Tighten the chain. Schedule restoration
2 B (ii) Y N N N N Y – – – – Align rolls. Schedule restoration
2 B (iii) Y N N Y N Y – – – – Change the deformed link. Schedule discard
2 B (iv) Y N N N Y – – – – – Tighten the chain. On-condition
2 B (vi) Y N N N N Y – – – – Restore chain tension. Schedule restoration
2 B (vii) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance
2 C (i) Y N N Y N Y – – – – Fit proper key size. Schedule discard at major overhaul
2 C (ii) Y N N N N Y – – – – Fit proper key size. Schedule discard at major over haul
2 C (iii) N N N Y Y – – – – – Change key. On-condition
2 D (i) Y N N Y N Y – – – – Tighten V-belt. Schedule restoration
2 D (ii) Y N N Y N Y – – – – Schedule restoration
2 D (iii) Y N N Y N N Y – – – No scheduled maintenance
2 E (i) Y N N Y N Y – – – – Schedule restoration
2 E (ii) Y N N Y Y – – – – – NDT during major over haul. On-condition
V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18 17

Table 5
RCM decision work sheet for guiding and transportation subsystem

RCM decision work sheet Unit: guiding and transportation subsystem

Component: (a) roll; (b) roll bearing; (c) plummer block; (d) foundation bolt

Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Proposed task

reference evaluation S1 S2 S3 action
O1 O2 O3
F FF FM H S E O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4

1 A (i) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance

1 A (ii) N – – – N Y – – – – Greasing of bearing. Schedule restoration
1 B (i) N – – – N N N N N – No scheduled maintenance
1 B (ii) N – – – Y – – – – – Check bearing for lubrication. Schedule on-condition
1 B (iii) N – – – Y – – – – – Temperature rise check. Schedule on-condition
1 B (iv) N – – – N N Y – – – Bearing replacement. Schedule discard
1 C (i) Y N N Y Y – – – – – Plummer block check. Schedule on-condition
1 C (ii) Y N N N Y – – – – – Vibration check. Schedule on-condition
1 C (iii) Y N N N Y – – – – – Temperature rise check. Schedule on-condition
1 D (i) Y N N Y Y – – – – – Check for foundation bolts. Schedule on-condition
1 D (ii) Y N N N Y – – – – – Vibration check. Schedule on-condition
1 D (iii) N – – – N N N N N – No scheduled maintenance

RCM decision worksheet for hydraulic subsystem is tables are 14 scheduled on-condition tasks, 10 scheduled on-
as shown in Table 6. Totally 11 failure modes were restoration tasks, 7 scheduled discard task. Whereas for 14
recorded. Out of these two were allocated on-condition failure modes no scheduled maintenance has been proposed.
tasks, one scheduled restoration task, one scheduled Existing maintenance schedule for tilting tables indicates the
discard task and no scheduled maintenance was maintenance action as and when required. Hence RCM based
suggested for seven. schedule specifies that additional preventive maintenance
tasks need to be executed as compared to none initially.
In power transmission subsystem, significant aspects are
5. Conclusion correct chain tension and proper key clearance. Equipment
history records reveals that breaking of roller chain is a
In the present study, preventive maintenance tasks frequently occurring failure resulting in breakdown main-
suggested for power transmission subsystem, guiding and tenance. In order to prevent recurrence of this, chain tension
transportation subsystem and Hydraulic subsystem in tilting needs to be adjusted. This implies that schedule restoration

Table 6
RCM decision work sheet for hydraulic subsystem

RCM decision work sheet Unit: Hydraulic subsystem

Component: (a) Hydraulic power pack; (b) Cylinder; (c) Hosepipe; (d) Spherical bearing with pin; (e) Counter weight

Information Consequence H1 H2 H3 Default Proposed task

reference evaluation S1 S2 S3 action
O1 O2 O3
F FF FM H S E O N1 N2 N3 H4 H5 S4

1 A (i) Y N N Y Y – – – – – Check pressure value. Schedule on-condition

1 A (ii) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance
1 A (iii) N – – – N N N N N – No scheduled maintenance
1 A (iv) N – – – N Y – – – – Clean the strainer. Schedule restoration
1 B (i) N – – – Y – – – – – Check cylinder when shutdown. Schedule on-condition
1 B (ii) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance
1 C (i) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance
3 C (ii) Y N N Y N N N – – – No scheduled maintenance
1 D (i) N – – – N N N N N – No scheduled maintenance
1 E (i) N – – – N N Y – – – Replace bush. Schedule discard during major over haul
1 E (ii) N – – – N N N N N – No scheduled maintenance
18 V.S. Deshpande, J.P. Modak / Reliability Engineering and System Safety 80 (2003) 1–18

tasks needs to be executed regularly. In every tilting table information required for RCM analysis.
there are 10 rollers provided. Machine breakdown list does † No information is available about age-reliability pattern
not specifically provides the information regarding frequency for most of the equipment.
of breaking of particular roller chain. Hence initially a period † Traceability of scientific reasoning of existing mainten-
of 1 week can be recommended for adjustment of belt ance strategy is difficult.
tension. Subsequently this can be altered with the collection
of additional relevant data. Selection of key of proper size is These problems can be overcome through extensive
major consideration for achieving desired clearance. consultation between production/operations and mainten-
In supporting system failure of bearing occurs due to scant ance people. For this purpose, RCM review group needs to
lubrication, wearing out and high temperature. Maintenance be formulated. An RCM review can result in outcomes
tasks such as greasing of bearing, proper lubrication, namely, learning about functions, a better understanding of
temperature monitoring, are to be carried out. In the absence how the assets can fail and of the root cause of each failure,
of sufficient maintenance, data base exact frequency for list of proposed tasks and greatly improved team-working.
these tasks is not specified presently. Exhaustive mainten- Suitable training is to be provided to large number of people
ance data needs to be generated to deal with this aspect. to acquire the relevant skills in RCM. The training courses
In hydraulic subsystem in majority of the cases no are to be provided to people such as craftsmen and
scheduled maintenance is proposed because these are related operators, engineers, operation managers, supervisors,
to breakage or damage of hose-pipe, bearing pin, etc. Hence senior technicians and facilitators. The issues considered
RCM based schedule is in conformity with existing mainten- in implementation of routine tasks are grouping the tasks
ance strategy. For hydraulic power pack, monitoring of into suitable work packages, implementing planning and
pressure is essential aspect. Hence on-condition task has been control systems, ensuring that any faults found are dealt
suggested. Similarly on-condition task has been suggested with speedily. For this purpose, sound maintenance
for cylinder. For cleaning of strainer and replacement of management information system (MMIS) needs to be
bush of counterweight-arm, on-schedule and schedule developed. Thus RCM methodology can be applied to
discard tasks have been suggested, respectively. Indian industry for reduction of breakdowns as well as
optimisation of preventive maintenance cost. This can
further boost up the prospects of Indian industry to offer the
6. Discussion products at globally competitive prices.

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