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Statutory Construction -Notes

Definitions Pari Materia

Prospective Statutes Statutes relate to the same subject matter, or

to the same class of persons or things, or have the
A statute which operates upon acts and
same purpose or object.
transactions which have not occurred when the
statute takes effect, that is, which regulates the General & Special Statutes
future, is a prospective statute.
If the statutes treating a subject in general
terms and another treating a part of the same subject
in particular detailed manner, it is the duty of the
Retrospective Statutes
court to give effect to both. If both statutes are
A retrospective or retroactive law is one which irreconcilable, the general statute must give way to
takes away or impairs vested rights acquired under the special or particular provisions as an exception to
existing laws, or creates new obligations and imposes the general provisions.
new duties, or attached new disabilities in respect of
transaction already past.
Statute and Ordinance

The rule is that if both the statute and the

Penal Statutes
ordinance can stand together, effect should be given
As a rule are applied prospectively. However, to both. Nevertheless, if there is conflict between an
as an exception, it can be given retroactive effect if it ordinance and a statute, the ordinance must give way.
is favorable to the accused who is not a habitual
❖ All Provisions of the Constitution are Self
executing; Exceptions
Procedural Laws are retrospective
❖ Prohibitory Provisions Given Literal and Strict
However, Rules of Procedure should not be
given retroactive effect if it would result in great
❖ The Constitutional Provision on Natural-Born
injustice and impair substantive right. (Tan, Jr. vs CA,
Citizens of the Philippines Given Retroactive Effect
373 SCRA 524)
❖ The Constitution must be Construed in its Entirety
as One, Single Document

Curative Statutes are retroactive ❖ Liberal Construction of One Title One Subject Rule
are those which undertake to cure errors and
irregularities and administrative proceedings, and ❖ Resignation of the President under the 1987
which are designed to give effect to contracts and -Constitution is not governed by any Formal
other transactions between private parties which Requirement as to form. It can be oral. It can be
otherwise would fail of producing their intended written. It can be expressed. It can be implied
consequences by reason of some statutory disability
or failure to comply with some technical requirement. Suprema Lex

The Constitution is the Supreme Law of the

land. It is the law of all laws. Hence, if there is conflict
Effect should be given to the entire statute between a statute and the Constitution, the statute
In case of conflicting clauses and provisions, shall yield to the Constitution.
the statute must be construed as a whole.
Stare Decisis retrospective effect is expressly declared or is
necessarily implied from the language used.
Doctrine of Stare Decisis or the rule of
precedents is followed in that once a case has been
decided in one way, then another case, involving the
✓ Criminal statutes with a favorable effect to the
same should be decided in the same manner.
accused have, as to him, a retroactive effect.

✓ Insofar as RA 8294 is not beneficial to the accused

✓ The law looks to the future only and has no because it unduly aggravates the crime, such new
retroactive effect unless the legislator may have law will not be given retroactive application, lest it
formally given that effect to some legal acquire the character of an ex post facto law.
provisions; that all statutes are to be construed as
having only prospective operation, unless the
purpose and intention of the legislature to give ✓ Procedural Laws are retrospective.
them a retrospective effect is expressly declared
or is necessarily implied from the language used;
and that every case of doubt must be resolved ✓ Procedural Laws have retroactive application
against retrospective effect.

✓ Opinions and rulings of officials of the

✓ As a rule, laws cannot be given a retroactive effect government called upon to execute or implement
in the absence of a statutory provision for administrative laws command much respect and
retroactivity or a clear implication of the law to weight.
that effect.

✓ Section 1, Rule 39 of the 1997 Revised Rules of

✓ All statutes are to be construed as having only a Procedure should not be given retroactive effect
prospective operation unless the purpose and the in this case as it would result in great injustice to
intention of the legislature to give them a the petitioner.
retrospective effect is expressly declared or is
necessarily implied from the language used.
✓ Procedural provisions of the Local Government
Code are retrospective.
✓ Laws should only be applied prospectively unless
the legislative intent to give them retroactive
effect is expressly declared or is necessarily ✓ Curative statutes are validly accepted in this
implied from the language used. jurisdiction subject to the usual qualification
against impairment of vested rights.

✓ The specific terms of a law may provide for its

retroactive effect even to contracts and ✓ Curative statutes have retrospective effect.
transactions entered into prior to its enactment.

✓ The beneficent provisions of RA 7659 shall

✓ All statutes are to be construed as having only a begiven retrospective effect.
prospective operation unless the purpose and the
intention of the legislature to give them a
✓ In case of conflict between the previous article ✓ Whenever there is a conflict between an
and later article, the latter will prevail. ordinance and a statute, the ordinance must give
✓ It is basic in statutory construction that in case of
irreconcilable conflict between two laws, the latter ✓ Where a special statute refers to a subject in
enactment must prevail, being the more recent general, which the general statute treats in
expression of legislative will. particular, the provision of the latter, in case of
conflict, will prevail.
✓ Whenever two statutes of different dates and of
contrary tenor are of equal theoretical application ✓ Ordinance should not contravene a statute. In
to a particular case, the statute of later date must case of conflict between an ordinance and a
prevail being a later expression legislative will. statute, the latter will prevail.

✓ A special law prevails over a general law ✓ It is a basic rule in Statutory construction that the
regardless of their dates of passage and the enactment of a later legislation which is a general
special law is to be considered as remaining an law cannot be construed to have repealed a
exception to the general law. special law.

✓ A special law must be intended to constitute an ✓ It is elementary in statutory construction that an

exception to the general law in the absence of administrative circular cannot supersede,
special circumstances forcing a contrary abrogate, modify or nullify a statute. A statute is
conclusion. superior to an administrative circular, thus the
latter cannot repeal or amend it.
✓ When Courts are confronted with apparently
conflicting statutes, they should not declare ✓ Where the instrument is susceptible of two
outright the invalidity of one against the other, interpretations, one which will make it invalid and
but should endeavor to reconcile them. illegal and another which will make it valid and
legal, the latter interpretation should be adopted.
✓ The rule is that a special and local statute
applicable to a particular case is not repealed by a ✓ In case of conflict between an administrative
later statute which is general in its terms, order and the provision of the Constitution, the
provisions and application even if the terms of the latter prevails.
general act are broad enough to include the cases
in the special law unless there is manifest intent ✓ It is basic in statutory construction that where the
to repeal or alter the special law. law does not distinguish, we should not
✓ It is a well-settled rule that a substantive law
cannot be amended by a procedural law. ✓ Noscitur a Sociis the term under a construction
should be accorded no other meaning than that
✓ A general law cannot repeal a special law. which is consistent with the nature of the word
associated therewith.
✓ In case of conflict between a general provision of
a special law and a particular provision of a ✓ The Court cannot go against the legislative intent
general law, the latter should prevail. for it is the duty of this institution to read what
the law intends. It is a cardinal rule that, in
✓ When there is irreconcilable repugnancy between seeking the meaning of the law, the first concern
a proviso and the body of the statute, the former of the judge should be to discover in its provisions
prevails as latest expression of legislative intent. the intent of the lawmaker.
✓ The first and fundamental duty of the Court is to
apply the law. If the law is clear and free from any
doubt or ambiguity as the quoted provision, there
is no room for construction or interpretation. The
letter must be taken to mean exactly what it says
and the court has no choice but to see to it that its
mandate is obeyed.

✓ It is the duty of the court to give a statute a

sensible construction, one that will effectuate
legislative intent and avoid injustice or abdsurdity.

✓ Lex Specialist Derogat Generali. General

Legislation must give way to special legislation on
the same subject, and generally is so interpreted
as to embrace only cases in which the special
provisions are not applicable.

✓ Every statute is understood, by implication, to

contain all such provisions as may be necessary to
effectuate its object and purpose, or to make
effective rights, powers, priviliges, or jurisdiction
which it grants, including all such collateral and
subsidiary consquences as may be fairlt and
logically inferred from its terms.

✓ The principle of expressio unius est exlusio

alterius does not apply where other
circumstances indicate that the enumeration was
not intended to be exclusove, or where the
enumeration is by way of example only. English
trans of Maxim : "the expression of one thing is
the exclusion of the other"

✓ Penal Laws shall be given retroactive insofar as

they are favorable to the accused.

✓ The word "may" is permissive and operates to

confer discretion.

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