Living in IT Era Final

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Final Examination
Living in the I.T Era

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INSTRUCTION: Encircle the correct answer.

1. The technology required for information processing, in particular, the use of electronic
computers, communication devices and software applications to convert, store, protect,
process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.
a. Information Technology
b. Social media
c. Media
d. Information and Communication Technology
2. This refers to the knowledge obtained from reading, investigation, study or research.
The tools to transmit it are the telephone, television and radio. It is knowledge and helps
us to fulfill our daily tasks.
a. Communication
b. Technology
c. Media
d. Information
3. It is an act of transmitting messages. It is a process whereby information is exchanged
between individuals using symbols, signs or verbal interactions. It is important in order
to gain knowledge.
a. Communication
b. Information
c. Technology
d. Media
4. It is the use of scientific knowledge, experience and resources to create processes and
products that fulfill human needs. It is vital in communication.
a. Information
b. Communication
c. Technology
d. Media
5. Is a system of moral standards or values used as a guideline for computer users. It is
needed to stop the current technology products from being exploited.
a. Computers Ethics
b. Intellectual Property
c. Privacy
d. Cyberlaw
6. it the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices,
infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of
electronic data.
a. Information Technology
b. Social Media
c. Media
d. Information and Communication Technology
7. Refers to guidelines to computer users based on moral standards.
a. Law
b. Moral
c. Ethics
d. Standards
8. Refers to a rule to control computer users which is judged by judicial standards.
a. Moral
b. Ethics
c. Standards
d. Law
9. Under what use of ICT in which through chatting, E-mail, voice mail and social
networking people be in contact with each other.
a. Communication
b. Job Opportunities
c. Education
d. Socializing
10. Under what use of ICT in which it provides students from remote areas access to expert
teachers and learning resources, and gives administrators and policy makers the data
and expertise they need to work more efficiently.
a. Communication
b. Job Opportunities
c. Education
d. Socializing
11. Under what use of ICT in which we can integrate ICT in the teaching and learning
interaction, through such approaches as replacing chalkboards with interactive digital
a. Communication
b. Job Opportunities
c. Education
d. Socializing
12. When teachers are digitally literate and trained to use ICT, it can lead to higher order
thinking skills, providing creative and individualized options for students to express
their understanding. This approach is under what use of ICT?
a. Education
b. Job Opportunities
c. Communication
d. Socializing
13. ATM is an application in the __________ industry.
a. Education
b. Banking
c. Commerce
d. I.T
14. People far and near can now share information without constraints, this means that
a. The world is now very small
b. Transportations is now very cheap
c. The world is a global village
d. People already have this information
15. E-library is an application of ICT in?
a. Church
b. Education
c. Banking
d. Gambling
16. Internet and social media provide young people with a range of benefits, and
opportunities to empower themselves in a variety of ways. This example is under what
use of ICT?
a. Education
b. Job Opportunities
c. Communication
d. Socializing
17. By the help of ICT it can provide you with an easy job that you can easily do at home.
Also, we can easily apply at some companies through the internet. This example is
under what use of ICT?
a. Education
b. Job Opportunities
c. Communication
d. Socializing
18. The following are the impact and uses of ICT in education except one.
a. Adds value to teaching and learning, by enhancing the effectiveness of learning.
b. Students found learning in a technology enhanced environment more
stimulating and engaging than in a traditional classroom environment.
c. We can use cellular phones that are designed for communicating with other
people even if they are miles away from you.
d. I’ve used it already when we need it for my research paper when there is a lot in
19. Improved access to education, distance learning and online tutorials. New way of
learning, interactive multimedia and virtual reality. This is one of the positive impacts of
ICT in?
a. Information management
b. Access to information
c. Communication
d. security
20. Users may adopt a more sedentary lifestyle. This can lead to health problems such as
obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. This is one of the negative impacts of ICT in?
a. Job loss
b. Diet
c. Reduced personal interaction
d. Reduced physical activity
21. They stated that the purpose of the internet is the sense of flow of information.
a. Castells and Hoynes
b. Croteau and Hoynes
c. Hoynes and Holmes
d. Holmes and Croteau
22. He stated that the internet gives people an idea of communication.
a. Holmes
b. Hoynes
c. Castells
d. Croteau
23. The traditional way of knowing information by form of printed text.
a. Stone
b. Internet
c. Paper
d. Print media
24. China:Diamond Sutra;Philippnes: ____________
a. Bible
b. Doctrina Christian
c. Doctrina Christiana
d. Koran
25. In this type of media, content is categorized and distributed on digital platforms.
a. Print media c. Broadcast media
b. Digital media d. Media
26. Media such as radio and television reach target audiences using airwaves as a
transmission medium.
a. Print media c. Broadcast media
b. Digital media d. Media

27. Media consisting of paper and ink, reproduced in a printing process.

a. Print media c. Broadcast media
b. Digital media d. News Media
28. Satellite is an example of what type of media?
a. Print media c. Broadcast media
b. Digital media d. News Media
29. Contrary to print media, this type of media airs audio and video materials for the
public's interest, information, or leisure.
a. Print media c. Broadcast media
b. Digital media d. News Media
30. From the given choices, which one is an example of New media?
a. Print media c. Broadcast media
b. Digital media d. New Media
31. What do you call the computer-mediated technologies that facilitate the creation and
sharing of information, ideas, career interests, and other forms of expression?
a. Etiquette c. Internet Safety
b. Mobile Media d. Social Media
32. It is OK to forward or post an email message that you received if ___________________.
a. The message is typed in all capitals.
b. It does not contain any copyrighted materials.
c. The author of the message has permitted you to post it.
d. The author of the message hasn’t marked it as confidential.

33. Name the Internet Icon that you see in the picture…
a. Google Drive c. Google Mail
b. Google Disk d. Google Plus
34. What is the most important thing to ask yourself before posting on social media?
a. Will this make me more popular?
b. Will my friends think this is funny?
c. Am I ok with everybody I know seeing this?
d. Did I check my spelling?
35. When you get a friend or follow request what should you consider?
a. Block
b. Let them add me, who cares?
c. Request, what's a request?
d. Do I know who it is?
36. I can defriend someone who is offending me or I don't like what they are posting.
a. True
b. False
c. I’m not interested
d. None of the above
37. Color is the essence of _____ as the sound is of music.
a. drawing
b. painting
c. dance
d. architecture
38. It is the infrastructure and components that make modern computing possible.
a. Social Networking
b. Technologies
c. ICT
d. all answers are wrong
39. Today you can do this through chat, email, voicemail, and social networks with other
people around the world.
a. Job Opportunities
b. Socializing
c. Communication
d. Education
40. What category of social media provides users with an online publishing tool for the
regular posting of written stories or narrative commentaries?
a. social networking
b. wiki
c. blogging
d. social bookmarking
41. It can be viewed as the process of adapting behavior for a child to become an effective
member of society.
a. Job Opportunities
b. Socializing
c. Communication
d. Education
42. What is the age group of millennials?
a. Millennials are typically considered to be born between 1981 and 1996, making
their age group between 25 and 40 years old in 2021.
b. Millennials are typically considered to be born between 1997 and 2012, making
their age group between 9 and 24 years old in 2021.
c. Millennials are typically considered to be born between 1946 and 1964, making
their age group between 57 and 75 years old in 2021.
d. Millennials are typically considered to be born between 1970 and 1985, making
their age group between 36 and 51 years old in 2021.
43. How do millennials consume news?
a. Millennials consume news by reading print newspapers and magazines
b. Millennials consume news by attending live events and conferences
c. Millennials consume news through various digital platforms such as social
media, news websites, and mobile apps.
d. Millennials consume news by listening to news on the radio
44. What role does social media play in millennials' news consumption?
a. Social media has no impact on millennials' news consumption
b. Millennials only rely on traditional news sources for information
c. Millennials are not interested in news and current events
d. Social media plays a significant role in millennials' news consumption, as they
often rely on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay updated
with current events and news stories.
45. Are millennials more likely to fact-check news articles?
a. Depends on the source
b. Yes
c. Sometimes
d. No
46. How do millennials perceive the credibility of online news sources?
a. Millennials generally perceive online news sources as less credible compared to
traditional news sources, and they tend to seek out multiple sources to verify
b. Millennials only rely on one online news source for all their information
c. Millennials perceive online news sources as more credible than traditional news
d. Millennials do not care about the credibility of online news sources
47. What impact does fake news have on millennials' perception of news?
a. Millennials become more trusting of media due to fake news
b. Fake news has no impact on millennials' perception of news
c. Fake news leads to better-informed millennials
d. Fake news can lead to misinformation, distrust in media, and polarization of
beliefs among millennials.
48. What do you call this knowledge acquired by those who study and read scientific
papers, conducted and examined findings from studies, and earned their advanced
a. Wiki Knowledge c. Advanced knowledge
b. Expert Knowledge d. Prior knowledge
49. What do you call this knowledge mostly learned from the internet that users
collaboratively modify the content of some topics and structure directly from their web
a. Wiki Knowledge c. Advanced knowledge
b. Expert Knowledge d. Prior knowledge
50. What allows students like Scarlett, Charlotte, and Nora to connect in various ways and
build communities online? Choose the BEST answer.
a. Email c. Internet Explorer
b. Web browser d. Social media
51. A form and type of social media known for being the most popular and casual use of
social media users.
a. Social networking c. video site
b. Forum d. Search engine
52. A form and type of social media that allows users to view video material based on
a. Social networking c. video site
b. Forum d. Search engine
53. A form and type of social media that helps users perform a task on what has been
a. Social networking c. video site
b. Forum d. Search engine
54. How can millennials use social media for career development?
a. Millennials can use social media for career development by networking with
professionals in their industry, showcasing their skills and expertise, staying
updated on industry trends, and seeking job opportunities through platforms
like LinkedIn.
b. Millennials can use social media for career development by engaging in
controversial discussions and debates on social media profiles
c. Millennials can use social media for career development by ignoring professional
networking platforms and only using social media for personal use
d. Millennials can use social media for career development by posting personal
photos and updates on their profiles
55. What are the benefits of using social media for education among millennials?
a. Limited access to resources
b. Some benefits include increased engagement, access to a wide range of resources,
and the ability to collaborate and communicate with peers and experts.
c. Inability to collaborate and communicate with peers and experts
d. Decrease engagement and motivation
56. What are some ways in which social media can be utilized for networking and job
opportunities for millennials?
a. By ignoring social media and focusing solely on traditional networking events
b. By only connecting with friends and family on social media platforms
c. By joining professional groups and communities, following industry leaders and
companies, and sharing relevant content to showcase skills and expertise.
d. By avoiding sharing any content or engaging with others on social media
57. How can social media platforms help millennials in building their brand for career
a. By posting random personal photos and updates
b. By showcasing their skills, networking with professionals, and sharing valuable
content related to their industry.
c. By sharing controversial and unprofessional content
d. By ignoring professional networking and only focusing on personal connections
58. How can social media be used as a learning tool for students like Olivia, Liam, and
Hannah to access educational resources and information?
a. By sharing memes and viral videos
b. Students like Olivia, Liam, and Hannah can access educational resources and
information by following educational accounts, joining groups related to their
field of interest, and participating in discussions and webinars on social media
c. By ignoring educational content and focusing on entertainment
e. By only following celebrities and influencers
58. What role does social media play in providing a platform for Zoe, James, and Nora to
engage in educational discussions and debates?
a. Social media only provides a platform for entertainment and not for educational
discussions and debates
b. Social media has no impact on educational discussions and debates for Zoe,
James, and Nora
c. Social media provides a platform for Zoe, James, and Nora to engage in
educational discussions and debates by allowing them to share and access
educational content, connect with experts and peers, and participate in online
forums and groups.
d. Millennials do not use social media for educational purposes
59. Social media has its beneficial platform that can help and offer benefits for mental
health, like increased feelings of belonging, and purpose, increased levels of happiness,
reduced levels of stress, etc.
a. Help you live longer.
b. Decrease your risk of suicide
c. Boost your mental health
d. Improve your quality of life.
60. The most popular form of print media was used to disseminate reliable news to a huge
mass of people.
a. Newspaper
b. Newsletter
c. Radio
d. Podcast

Test II
A. Name at least 5 types of Print Media.

B. Give the 4 social network principles.

Prepared by: Heny Jean A. Pansoy, LPT

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