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Goal: Successfully Complete and Defend Thesis in Financial Management

What are the specific steps or actions you need to take to work toward your goal? (You
may use
additional blank sheet for your answers.)
1. Data Collection: Gather necessary data for your research.
2. Data Analysis: Analyze the collected data.
3. Thesis Writing: Begin writing your thesis chapters.
4. Review and Revision: Review and revise your thesis for clarity and coherence.
5. Presentation Preparation: Prepare a structured presentation for your thesis defense.
6. Thesis Defense: Successfully defend your thesis.
7. Final Revision and Submission: Make any necessary revisions and submit the final thesis.

Set DEADLINES for each step/action.

1. Data Collection: Gather necessary data for your research.
i. Deadline: Begin data collection in this semester and finish within two weeks.

2. Data Analysis: Analyze the collected data.

i. Deadline: Complete within one week after conducting data gathering

3. Thesis Writing: Begin writing your thesis chapters.

i. Deadline: Continuous writing, with a goal to complete the initial draft within
a week before defense

4. Review and Revision: Review and revise your thesis for clarity and coherence.
i. Deadline: Start the review process within the final two months.
5. Presentation Preparation: Prepare a structured presentation for your thesis defense.
i. Deadline: Complete preparation at least one week before the scheduled

6. 9. Thesis Defense: Successfully defend your thesis.

i. Deadline: As scheduled by our academic department.

7. 10. Final Revision and Submission: Make any necessary revisions and submit the final thesis.
i. Deadline: Within two weeks after the defense.

Identify POTENTIAL OBSTACLES OR CHALLENGES you might encounter on your

journey to achieving this goal.
1. Data Collection: Gather necessary data for your research.
a. Potential Challenges:
i. Difficulty in accessing required data sources.
ii. Ensuring data accuracy and reliability.
b. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Start data collection early to allow for unforeseen delays.
ii. Seek guidance from professors and experts on data sources and validation

2. Data Analysis: Analyze the collected data.

c. Potential Challenges:
i. Learning and using complex data analysis tools.
ii. Interpreting and making sense of the data.
d. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Take advantage of online courses or tutorials to improve data analysis skills.
ii. Collaborate with a mentor or advisor for data interpretation.
3. Thesis Writing: Begin writing your thesis chapters.
e. Potential Challenges:
i. Writer's block or difficulty in organizing thoughts.
ii. Balancing thesis writing with other academic and personal commitments.
f. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Create a detailed outline before starting to write.
ii. Set aside dedicated time for writing and stick to a schedule.

4. Review and Revision: Review and revise your thesis for clarity and coherence.
g. Potential Challenges:
i. Difficulty in objectively reviewing your own work.
ii. Addressing feedback and making necessary revisions.
h. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Seek feedback from peers, professors, or advisors.
ii. Take breaks between revisions to maintain objectivity.

5. Presentation Preparation: Prepare a structured presentation for your thesis defense.

i. Potential Challenges:
i. Nervousness and anxiety about public speaking.
ii. Ensuring the presentation aligns with the thesis.
j. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Practice the presentation multiple times in front of peers or mentors.
ii. Review and rehearse answers to potential questions.

6. Thesis Defense: Successfully defend your thesis.

k. Potential Challenges:
i. Handling tough questions from the thesis defense panel.
ii. Managing anxiety and stress during the defense.
l. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Conduct mock thesis defense sessions with peers.
ii. Practice relaxation techniques to manage stress.

7. Final Revision and Submission: Make any necessary revisions and submit the final thesis.
a. Potential Challenges:
i. Last-minute revisions and formatting issues.
ii. Meeting submission deadlines.
b. Strategies to Overcome Challenges:
i. Create a checklist for final revisions and formatting.
ii. Submit well before the deadline to account for any technical issues.

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