Class Test - Grade3 Science

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Academic Year 2022 - 23 Date

Name of student Grade 3

Subject Science – class test


1. Answer the following questions:

a) The animals that eat both animals and plants are called Omnivores
b) Butterflies have 4 stage life cycle.
c) A group of living organisms consisting of similar individuals is known as .species
d) ______________ is a green pigment that is present in all green plants and is
responsible for the green color of the leaves. chlorophyll
e) All living things grow ________________ and become bigger.

2. Write movement for each animal.

a) Duck waddle_______________

b) Kangaroo hop_______________

c ) Monkey walk / jump _______________

d. Cheetah run________________

e. Write the method of seed dispersal for the following plants.

a) Maple - ________________________ wind

b) Berries- _________________________animals/ birds

c) Dandelion - ______________________wind
2. Answer the following questions:

a. Write any 5 differences between living and non – living things. Living things Non – Living things

1. Living things breathe Non-Living things do not breathe

2. Living things grow Non-Living things do not grow

3. Living things reproduce Non-Living things do not reproduce

4. Living things shows sensitivity Non-Living things do not show sensitivity

5. Living things respire Non-Living things do not respire

b. How do you say a, fire as a non - living thing?

Fire is a non-living thing as it does not show seven – life process. It do not breathe, eat,
grow or reproduce. Hence it is a non – living thing.

c. What do you mean by metamorphosis?

Metamorphosis is the major change in the structure of some animals or insects that
happens as they become adults.

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