Lista de Magia Witch

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2nd Level Distort Gravity WARMAGE SPELLS

Acid Arrow SRD False Vision Unlike other spellcasters,

Blindness/Deafness SRD Gahoul’s Scapegoat warmages only learn cantrips,

Curse Ward Grasp of the Grave

Greater Invisibility SRD which they pick from the
Darkness SRD
Darkvision SRD Locate Creature SRD following list when they gain
Delay Phantasmal Killer SRD certain levels in their class.
Detect Thoughts SRD Secret Chest SRD If a cantrip appears on the
Enlarge/Reduce SRD wizard spell list which is not
Gentle Repose SRD 5th Level
Antilife Shell SRD represented here, the GM
Invisibility SRD
Knock SRD Cloudkill SRD can allow this cantrip to be a
Locate Object SRD Contagion SRD warmage spell as well.
Misty Step SRD Dispel Evil and Good SRD
Nondescript Dream SRD Cantrips (0 Level)
Pass Without Trace SRD Insect Plague SRD Arc Blade
Protection from Ballistics Modify Memory SRD Acid Splash SRD
Protect Threshold Pharaoh’s Curse Burning Blade
Ray of Enfeeblement SRD Scrutinize Foe Card Trick
Silence SRD Scrying SRD Caustic Blade
Spider Climb SRD Teleportation Circle SRD Cheat
Stone Bones Chill Touch SRD
Unseen Accountant
6th Level Cryptogram
Antiballistics Field Finger Guns
Circle of Death SRD Fire Bolt SRD
3rd Level Contingency SRD Force Buckler
Animate Dead SRD Create Undead SRD Force Dart
Benign Dismemberment Eyebite SRD Force Weapon
Bestow Curse SRD Flesh to Stone SRD Frigid Blade
Call Lightning SRD Frenzy Light SRD
Clairvoyance SRD Gahoul’s Spectral Scythe Lightning Surge
Counterspell SRD Harm SRD Mage Hand SRD
Curse of Blades Inexorable Sarcophagus Magic Daggers
Dead Fog Magic Jar SRD Mending SRD
Dispel Magic SRD Minor Illusion SRD
Fear SRD
7th Level Moment to Think
Abduct Phantom Grapnel
Gaseous Form SRD
Etherealness SRD Poison Spray SRD
Glyph of Warding SRD
Finger of Death SRD Prestidigitation SRD
Nondetection SRD
Sequester SRD Produce Flame SRD
Phantom Steed SRD
Teleport SRD Quickstep
Remove Curse SRD
Revivify SRD Ray of Frost SRD
8th Level Shocking Grasp SRD
Ruby-Eye Curse Antimagic Field SRD
Rusting Grasp Sonic Pulse
Clone SRD Springheel
Séance Feeblemind SRD
Stinking Cloud SRD Thunderous Distortion
Gahoul’s Glorious Gothic True Strike SRD
Speak with Dead SRD Mind Blank SRD
Vampiric Touch SRD Power Word Stun SRD WITCH SPELLS
4th Level 9th Level Witches can learn spells from
Arcane Eye SRD Heart of Darkness the following list when they gain
Blight SRD Imprisonment SRD certain levels in their class.
Death Ward SRD Power Word Kill SRD
Dimension Door SRD Storm of Vengeance SRD Cantrips (0 Level)
Dire Warning Weird SRD Acid Splash SRD
Candy Blast
Card Trick
Chill Touch SRD

Dancing Lights SRD Knock SRD 5th Level

Spell Lists
Eldritch Orb Levitate SRD Contagion SRD
Eye of Anubis Locate Object SRD Dispel Evil and Good SRD
Hocuspocus Misty Step SRD Dominate Person SRD
Mage Hand SRD Nondescript Dream SRD
Message SRD Petal Storm Frolicking Fountain
Minor Illusion SRD Protect Threshold Geas SRD
Minor Lifesteal Ray of Enfeeblement SRD Hold Monster SRD
Prestidigitation SRD See Invisibility SRD Insect Plague SRD
Produce Flame SRD Shatter SRD Mislead SRD
Resistance SRD Spider Climb SRD Modify Memory SRD
Spare the Dying SRD Suggestion SRD Pharaoh’s Curse
True Strike SRD Swift Flight Planar Binding SRD
Scrying SRD
1st Level 3rd Level Seeming SRD
Accursed Act Benign Dismemberment Telekinesis SRD
Action Bestow Curse SRD
Animal Friendship SRD Clairvoyance SRD 6th Level
Arcane Anomaly Counterspell SRD Corruption Curse
Bane SRD Curse of Blades Demand
Blood Print Dispel Magic SRD Elemental Curse
Charm Person SRD Fear SRD Eyebite SRD
Clue Fly SRD Flesh to Stone SRD
Comprehend Languages SRD Glitterdust Frenzy
Curse of Chains Hypnotic Pattern SRD Guards and Wards SRD
Detect Magic SRD Magic Circle SRD Mass Suggestion SRD
Disguise Self SRD Major Image SRD Programmed Illusion SRD
Expeditious Retreat SRD Nondetection SRD True Seeing SRD
Faerie Fire SRD Phantasmal Beauty
Flawed Reconstruction Remove Curse SRD 7th Level
Hideous Laughter SRD Ruby-Eye Curse Abduct
Hollowing Curse Rusting Grasp Curse of Binding
Prehensile Hair Séance Etherealness SRD
Protection from Evil and Good SRD Sending SRD Mirage Arcane SRD
Psychedelics Slow SRD Project Image SRD
Rumor Speak with Dead SRD Plane Shift SRD
Silent Image SRD Speak with Plants SRD Sequester SRD
Sleep SRD Stinking Cloud SRD Symbol SRD
Speak with Animals SRD Tongues SRD Teleport SRD
Thunderwave SRD
Unseen Servant SRD 4th Level 8th Level
Whispering Wind Arcane Eye SRD Antipathy/Sympathy SRD
Banishment SRD Dominate Monster SRD
2nd Level Black Tentacles SRD Feeblemind SRD
Aberrate Compulsion SRD Glibness SRD
Aerial Alacrity Confusion SRD Mind Blank SRD
Animal Messenger SRD Dimension Door SRD Power Word Stun SRD
Blindness/Deafness SRD Dire Charm
Calm Emotions SRD Dominate Beast SRD
9th Level
Curse Ward Astral Projection SRD
False Vision
Darkness SRD Foresight SRD
Gahoul’s Scapegoat
Darkvision SRD Identity Curse
Greater Invisibility SRD
Delay Imprisonment SRD
Hallucinatory Terrain SRD
Detect Thoughts SRD True Polymorph SRD
Invisibility Purge
Enthrall SRD Weird SRD
Locate Creature SRD
Hold Person SRD Mandy’s Enchanted Carriage
Intrusive Thought Mandy’s Feral Follower
Invisibility SRD Mandy’s Marvelous Dress
Jam Weapon Phantasmal Killer SRD
Polymorph SRD


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