Extra Class Worksheet

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Title: ______________________________________________________________________

List the verbs and adjectives that you can find from the text.


List the main ideas, supporting details or explanations and examples from the text.


Families are important in a person’s life. Strong bonds with family members can have great
benefits for society and individuals. This strong bond can act as a protective shield and offers a sense
of belonging in troubling times. Families provide physical, emotional and mental support that can’t be
found anywhere else.
We need our families to be with us at all times. They provide us with security and are our
safety nets. Our family members demonstrate their love to us especially when we need them the most.
For instance, when I am stressed out with my projects, mum and dad are there to help me out with
advice or suggestions or they help me buy things that I need for the project. During our birthdays and
special occasions, our family members will shower us with gifts.
My family consists of my father, mother and siblings. I am close to everyone in my family as I
love each and every one of them. However, I am closest to my mum as I can talk to her about
anything. My mum is a good listener and has a good head on her shoulders. She is able to give
sensible advice to me when I need it the most.
My mum is a calm, composed and caring person. She gently but firmly reprimands me when I
do something wrong. She understands what I go through as a teenager and explains to my dad the
things that bother me. I love my family so much and cannot imagine living without them.
During the holidays, my family made a trip to Melaka, a famous historical town. My brother
and I were jumping with joy when my father told us where we were going. I had heard a lot about
Melaka from my friends and also from brochures about Melaka. Early that morning, we excitedly got
into dad’s Camry and headed to our destination.
The first place we went to was A Famosa Fort which is a historical site. The old cannons and
the fort which are the remains of the war are still there and I gained some useful information about
history. During our trip there, my brother and I could not resist a trishaw ride. The trishaws are
decorated colourfully and our ride was such fun.
Another interesting place that we visited was the Portuguese Settlement. The houses there were
all decorated beautifully. My dad drove slowly so that we could snap some photos of the decorations
that had been put up for Christmas. Later, we tried some Portuguese cuisine. The food was
mouthwatering and we enjoyed every bit of it.
We had a short but fulfilling trip to Melaka. The memories of the trip are vivid in our minds
and we had a whale of a time. I think my family would like to go there again.

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