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Art Appreciation

➢ is a craft of specialised form of skill like carpentry, smithying, or surgery

Assumption of Art

1. Art is universal
2. Art is not nature
3. Art involves experience

➢ is a perceiver who is directly in touch with art

1. Why is art ageless and timeless?

2. Why does art involve experience?

Categories of an Artwork

1. What is it about?
2. What is it for?
3. What is it made of?
4. What is its style?

The Role of Creativity in Art Making

➢ requires thinking outside the box. It is often used to solve problems that
have never been occured before. Conflict function and style, and simply
make life a more unique and enjoyable experience.
➢ In art, creativity is what sets apart one artwork from another. We say
something is done creatively, when we have not yet seen anything like it or
when it is out of the ordinary.

A creative artist does not simply copy or initiate another artist's work. It does not
imitate the lines, flows, colors, and patterns. In recreating nature, he embraces
originality, creates his own favor in his work, and uses his principle creative piece.

Forms of Art Expression

Visual Arts
➢ appeal in the sense of sight

➢ arts of putting together in order to create an illusion of movement
Performance Art
➢ is a live art and the artist’s medium is the use human body to perform

Poetry Performance
➢ express arts through words

➢ in the making of beautiful buildings

➢ is a series of movements that follows the rhythm of the music

Literary Arts
➢ expresses arts through words

Theater Arts
➢ uses live performers to present accounts or imaginary events before live

Applied Arts
➢ is incorporating elements of style and design to everyday items with the
aim of increasing their aesthetic values

Types of Subject

Representational Arts
➢ refers to objects or events occurring in the real world, it is also called
figurative art.

Non Representational Art

➢ does not make any reference to the real world whether it be a person place
or things or events, it is also called abstract art

Classification of Different Functions of Art

Personal Functions of Art

➢ they are buried and subjective

Social Functions of Art

➢ addresses a particular collective interest as opposed to a personal interest

Physical Functions of Art

➢ can be found in an artwork that are crafted in order to serve some physical

Philosophical Perspective

1. Art is an imitation
2. Art is a representation
3. Art as a disinterested judgement
4. Art is a communication of emotion

Content Art
➢ pertain to the acknowledge and interpretation of artwork using signs and
symbols as the bases of being

Subject Art
➢ to recognize and grasp the message of the artwork

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