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In the enchanting tropical haven of Panglao, beneath the allure of its paradise-

like surroundings, essential infrastructure quietly sustains the vibrant tourism

industry. Numerous resorts serving as havens of luxury and relaxation, rely

heavily on the diligent efforts of maintenance personnel to ensure seamless

operations and an impeccable guest experience. As the backbone of the

hospitality sector, maintenance teams play a pivotal role in preserving the

aesthetic appeal, functionality, and overall condition of resort facilities. From

managing the upkeep of rooms, pools, and common areas to addressing

unforeseen technical issues, the maintenance personnel shoulder a significant

burden to uphold the high standards expected in the competitive tourism

landscape. The maintenance staff at resorts and hotels provide an important task

for the functioning of the establishment. Each resort has a variety of jobs that

need to be done on a daily or regular basis in order for the resort to be in good

working order and look in the best condition possible for guests.

Maintenance falls under many different categories and while some of the

housekeeping tasks include the cleaning of the front desk and lobby areas,

sometimes this duty falls onto the maintenance staff as well. The staff who are

under the maintenance personnel are responsible for maintaining areas of the

resort to which you are assigned, their task will involve a certain area or to be

limited to a specific task, but they are more often than not to be required to offer

your services in a variety of places around the resort and as called upon.

Maintenance personnel in hotels and resorts encounter a myriad of challenges in

their daily operations, striving to uphold the quality and functionality of facilities

amid the demanding and dynamic hospitality industry. These challenges

encompass a range of factors that navigate diverse facilities with specialized

maintenance needs. As hotels and resorts integrate advanced technologies and

emphasize environmental sustainability, maintenance personnel must continually

update their skills and practices. Effective communication with other

departments, such as housekeeping and management, is paramount for

seamless operations. In essence, maintenance personnel in hotels and resorts

navigate a complex landscape, requiring adaptability, versatility, and a customer-

centric approach to ensure the optimal functioning of facilities and the satisfaction

of guests.

This study aims to delve into the challenges faced by maintenance

personnel in selected resorts of Panglao.The personnel’s challenges in terms of

their job position, salary, co-workers, service attitude and communication. By

understanding these challenges, stakeholders in the tourism industry, resort

management, and policymakers can collaborate to implement strategic solutions

that enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of maintenance operations in

Panglao's resorts. Ultimately, this study aspires to contribute valuable insights to

the sustainable development and continued success of Panglao as a premier

travel destination.

Theoretical Background

This study is anchored on Herzberg’s Two Factor Theory by Frederick

Herzberg cited by Hasanein, 2020.

Herzberg's theory of motivation is also known as the two-factor theory.

According to Herzberg, there are two types of factors that affect an individual's

motivation at work: hygiene factors and motivators. Hygiene factors include

things like salary, working conditions, and company policies, which, if absent or

inadequate, can lead to dissatisfaction. On the other hand, motivators include

things like recognition, growth opportunities, and sense of achievement, which,

when present, can lead to job satisfaction and motivation. Herzberg's theory

suggests that in order to be motivated, an individual's basic needs must be met

first (hygiene factors), and then they must be provided with opportunities for

personal growth and development (motivators).

Advantages on the side of motivation:

1. Distinguishes between motivators and hygiene factors: Herzberg's

theory emphasizes the importance of differentiating between factors that

can motivate employees (such as recognition and opportunities for

growth) and those that are necessary to avoid dissatisfaction (such as fair

pay and good working conditions).

2. Recognizes the role of internal factors in motivation: Herzberg's

theory focuses on internal factors, such as achievement, recognition, and


responsibility, as key motivators for employees, rather than external

factors such as pay and benefits.

3. Emphasizes the importance of job design: Herzberg's theory highlights

the importance of designing jobs that allow employees to experience

feelings of achievement and personal growth, which can be key


4. Provides a framework for understanding job satisfaction and

dissatisfaction: Herzberg's theory provides a framework for

understanding why employees may be satisfied or dissatisfied with their

jobs, which can help managers and leaders take appropriate actions to

improve motivation and engagement.

5. Can be used as a guide for employee engagement and retention: The

theory can be applied in practice to improve employee engagement and

retention by addressing the hygiene factors and providing opportunities for

the motivators.

Employee engagement and satisfaction are paramount for organizations

striving for success and growth. To achieve this, it is essential to delve into

the realm of motivation and job satisfaction, guided by the profound principles

of Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory.

This theory offers a fresh perspective on the dynamics that drive

employee engagement and satisfaction, unveiling a path towards enhanced

productivity and organizational prosperity.


According to Herzberg, two distinctive sets of factors profoundly impact

job satisfaction: motivators and hygiene factors. Motivators, such as

challenging tasks, recognition, growth opportunities, and increased

responsibilities, directly contribute to job satisfaction by igniting intrinsic


On the other hand, hygiene factors, which encompass company policies,

interpersonal relations, salary, work conditions, and job security, are not

inherently satisfying but create the necessary foundation for contentment in

the workplace. When these hygiene factors become inadequate or

unsatisfactory, they breed job dissatisfaction and hinder overall motivation.

Understanding the intricate relationship between job satisfaction and these

factors is crucial. As Herzberg aptly stated, "If you want someone to do a

good job, you have to give them a good job to do." Organizations must

prioritize not only meeting hygiene factors to prevent dissatisfaction but also

providing motivating factors to foster satisfaction, motivation, and productivity.

In the pursuit of organizational success, Herzberg's Two-Factor Theory

provides a novel perspective. By prioritizing a positive work environment that

attends to employee needs, organizations can unlock the benefits of

increased engagement, loyalty, and productivity.

Legal Basis

DOLE D.O. 198 Workers' Rights to Know


The right to safety and health at work shall be guaranteed. All workers shall be

appropriately informed by the employer about all types of hazards in the

workplace, and provided access to training and education on chemical safety and

to orientation on data sheets of chemical safety, electrical safety, mechanical

safety, ergonomics, and other hazards and risks.

All workers, including new hires, shall be provided training and information for all

types of hazards in the workplace in a language and dialect that workers can


A re-orientation on safety and health for workers in high risk establishments must

be conducted regularly, not less than once a quarter, and to be conducted

immediately following any changes in the operations and production process.

Workers' Rights to Refuse Unsafe Work. The worker has the right of refusal to

work without threat or reprisal from the employer if, as determined by DOLE, an

imminent danger situation exists. As a preventive measure, the safety officer

may, following his/her own determination and without fear of reprisal, implement

a work stoppage or suspend operations in cases of imminent danger. Workers

affected by the existence of an imminent danger situation may be temporarily

assigned to other areas within the workplace provided there is no impending

issue with safety and health.

Section 24 of this Rules shall apply during the period of such WSO or suspension

of operations due to an imminent danger situation.


Review of Related Literature

This article discusses the challenges of maintenance personnel on

selected resorts of Panglao.

This chapter examines the existing literature on the challenges of

maintenance personnel on selected resorts of Panglao. Furthermore, based on

previous research, this chapter examines the experience of the people behind

those who are in low-level employees like in housekeeping, landscaper, under

the maintenance level, as well as guests' satisfaction with hotels' total


A janitorial maintenance worker is one of the busiest employees in a

company. They are responsible for inspecting all the offices and equipment daily.

They do the workplace's maintenance, including completing necessary repairs

and replacing supplies. They mop the floor, wipe windows and blinds, and

disinfect dirty areas. They also ensure that all employees go in and out of the

office in a clean and orderly manner. (New World of Work, 2022)

Maintenance staff in hotels often have to handle a high volume of tasks,

ranging from routine maintenance to emergency repairs. This workload can be

demanding, especially during peak seasons or when multiple issues arise

simultaneously. Hotels operate around the clock, and maintenance personnel

may be required to be on call or work irregular hours to address urgent

maintenance issues or emergencies. This can lead to fatigue and disrupt work-

life balance according to (Petzer et al., 2016)


In addition, guests expect a high level of comfort and functionality during

their stay. Meeting these expectations while maintaining facilities in good

condition requires prompt and efficient response to maintenance requests, (Chan

et al., 2019)

Moreover, according to (Hoffman et al., 2015), maintenance staff must

prioritize tasks based on urgency and impact on guest satisfaction. Balancing

preventive maintenance with reactive responses to urgent issues is crucial but

can be challenging.

According to Recardo (2015), the laborers are paid to enable them to

subsist and perpetuate the race without increase or diminution”. This payment is

also called as ‘subsistence wages. The basic assumption of this theory is that if

workers are paid wages more than subsistence level, workers’ number will

increase and, as a result wages will come down to the subsistence level. Some

employees may face challenges in negotiating their salaries, potentially leading

to disparities and dissatisfaction within the maintenance team.

Furthermore, according to (Inmam, 2009), effective communication is

crucial for maintenance teams, especially in larger hotels with multiple buildings

or departments. Poor communication can lead to delays in addressing issues

and impact overall guest satisfaction. Addressing these challenges often requires

a combination of proper training, effective communication strategies, investment

in technology, and a proactive approach to maintenance planning. Additionally,

recognizing the importance of the maintenance staff's role and providing them

with the necessary resources can contribute to overall job satisfaction and

performance. According to Carr (2022), alternatively, should individuals choose

to maintain certain relationships, then they can choose to do so by engaging in

the myriad communicative practices known to facilitate relational maintenance.

Miscommunication or lack of effective communication among team members can

lead to misunderstandings, errors, and delays in addressing maintenance issues.

Review of Related Studies

The series of studies supports the idea of the researchers in the making of
the study.

In the study of Pantaleon, et al., 2013 entitled, “Problems Encountered by

the Employees of Selected Hotels in Batangas City, revealed that, social problem

or dealing with co-workers is a problem. Additionally, the respondent’s salary are

not always given on time. Though most of the employees or personnel have

encountered problems, most of them are satisfied with the treatment of their

managers. Other findings revealed that, most of the customers are very

demanding in these maintenance personnel. Guests or customers sometimes

discriminate employees, and that these were recognized as problems of the


However, in the study of (Ilagan et al)., entitled “Problems encountered of

the Employees in Hospitality Industries in Pallocan” states that the most difficult

situation a hotel staff has to deal with is a demanding visitor. Customers that are

demanding and perhaps more bother than they are worth exist in every industry.

The main responsibility of customer service staff, especially in the hotel business,

is to keep clients happy. Even a demanding customer should be greeted with


consideration and thanks as they are still a customer. Always appreciate the

demanding client for taking the time to bring anything to your notice and assure

her that you'll do all in your power to address the issue. As she speaks, pay close

attention and interject with questions to show her that you are paying attention

and are truly interested in what she has to say. Avoid putting on a fake smile. A

demanding customer is not interested in being patronized, so have a genuine

conversation with her and use a steady but compassionate tone.

There is a limited number of research studies that focuses on the

maintenance personnel challenges thus it motivates the researchers to explore



DOLE D.O. 198 Workers'
Herzberg’s Two Factor
Theory Rights to Know


 Challenges faced by maintenance personnel in terms of job

position, salary, service attitude, co-worker and


 Data Gathering
o Thematic Analysis of Braun & Clarke (2006)
o Coding

 Findings
 Conclusion


Proposed Recommendations

Figure 1. Theoretical Framework


Statement of the Problem

This study aims to determine the challenges of maintenance personnel in

Selected Resort of Panglao.

Specifically, it seeks to find answers to the following questions:

1. What are the challenges faced by maintenance personnel in terms of:

1.1 Job position

1.2 Salary

1.3 Service Attitude

1.4 Co - worker

1.5 Communication

2. What are the coping mechanism of maintenance personnel in handling issues

and challenges?

Scope and Limitations

This study intends to know the challenges of maintenance personnel on

selected resorts of Panglao. The coverage of this research is limited to the hotel

industry maintenance personnel who faced different challenges.

Significance of the Study

The researchers believe that the study would be beneficial for the

following. This study will be conducted to determine the Challenges of

Maintenance Personnel on Selected Resort in Panglao rendered by the

hospitality students of Cristal e-College. This research will benefit the various

sectors as follows:

Maintenance personnel. The accomplishment of this study will pave the

way and motivate those who will soon be employed in the hotel sector.

Management/Hotel Managers. They can use this study as a guide when

managing both new and existing employees.

Researchers. It helps to study and determine the different challenges of

every employee in the hotel who are in low level.


Future Researchers. This study would help the future researchers better

understand the impact of Janitorial and Maintenance Employees.


Research Design

This study used a qualitative design approach and utilized the descriptive

method with an interview conducted in major Resort/Hotel in Panglao. The

researchers formulated interview questions to gather data from the respondents.

Research Environment

The study was carried out in the municipality of Panglao. Panglao Island is

a well-known tourist destination and pact with lots of resorts and hotels where

maintenance personnel are needed. Most of the maintenance personnel are

working in a 4 star and 5-star hotels around Panglao. The environment is very

timely in the conduct of the study.


Fig. 1 Map of Panglao

Research Respondents

The researchers selected five resorts here in Panglao and these are the

Dumaluan Beach Resort, Amarela Beach Resort, Amorita Beach Resort,

Ramede Resort and Spa and South Palms. Each resort is composed of five

maintenance personnel, in overall, we gathered 15 research respondents, using

the convenient sampling method to avoid bias and gain an objective perception.

All respondents were employees who are currently working as a Gardener,

housekeeping Personnel, Public Attendant, Technician, Pool Maintenance and

who are under repair workers. The researchers gave consent forms before

conducting the interview to the following selected maintenance personnel.

Research Instruments

The researchers used interview guide questions and conducted an

interview to gather the necessary information needed. The interview is solely for

the maintenance personnel employees. Each interview question consists of two

parts: Part I contains the challenges faced by the maintenance personnel in

terms of Job Description, Salary, Service Attitude, Co-workers and

communication skills, and Part II are the coping mechanism of maintenance

personnel in handling issues and challenges.

Research Procedure

Data Gathering

For credible and thorough facts gathering, the researchers first secured

permission from the Departmental Dean to ask for consent in conducting this

study. And then to the involved participants, who are the industry personnel, thru

a letter containing the cause of the look up and inquiring for approval to conduct

the study. The Departmental Dean will though approve the letter to respondents.

The researcher conducted an interview in 5 selected resorts in Panglao based on

the questions provided by the interviewer.

Data Collection and Analysis

The qualitative data gathered from the interviews were transcribed and

encoded using a word document to tabulate and generate codes with their

emerging themes. Specifically, this study adapted the Six-Phase Approach to the

Thematic Analysis of Braun & Clarke (2006).

Ethical Considerations

In order to protect the participants privacy and safety, the researchers

made sure that this study was conducted in accordance with ethical standards.

Before the data gathering process, the researchers obtain voluntary, informed

consent from participants before they can include them in a study. Participants

were provided with all necessary information about the research, including its

purpose, potential risks and benefits, and their rights as participants. They had

the freedom to decline participation or withdraw at any time without

repercussions. The researchers gave formal letter of consent to the managers of

the resort to gather data and final interview were conducted following the safety

protocols set by the Department of Health.

The researchers are taking the necessary steps to comply with Republic

Act No.10173, also known as the Data Privacy Act of 2012. Asking for

permission from participants and informing them about the recording of audio

and video during the interview demonstrates respect for their privacy and

ensures transparency in data collection. Handling the collected data with utmost

care and ensuring that the participants identity or full name will not be disclosed

without permission shows a commitment to protecting their confidentiality. This

aligns with the principles of data privacy and confidentiality outlined in the act.

Maintaining confidentiality is crucial in research to protect participants privacy

and ensure the integrity of the data collected by adhering to ethical guidelines

and keeping sensitive information confidential, researchers demonstrate respect

for participants autonomy and foster trust in the research process.



To provide a better understanding of this study the following terms are

operationally defined based on the related studies:

Challenges. These are the issues faced among the resort maintenance

personnel at work.

Co-worker. It refers to the colleagues or workmates of the resort maintenance


Communication. It refers to the verbal and non-verbal interaction of the resort

maintenance personnel

Job Position. It refers to the functions and responsibilities of the resort

maintenance personnel.

Maintenance personnel. They are the resort employees, who perform

maintenance work in garden,

Resorts. These are the recreational places in Panglao, Bohol that include

Dumaluan Beach Resort, Amarela Beach Resort, Amorita Resort, Ramede

Resort and Spa, and South Palms Beach Resort.

Salary. It refers the fix payment of rendered service of the resort maintenance


Service Attitude. It refers to the behavior manifested by the resort maintenance




This section provides the interpretation of data gathered. The researchers

interviewed 5 specific participants were selected in each 5 Resorts of Panglao,

Bohol. Analyzes, and interprets the data gathered from the interview obtained

from the respondents.

Challenges in terms of Job Position

In the data gathered as to time management, most of the them answered

that they always prioritize task, finishes tasks on time and help each other to

finish the task. In regards to professionalism and work ethics, personnel handles

job with professionalism and work ethics. Also, personnel familiarize roles and


Challenges in terms of Salary

In the data gathered as for insufficient salary, personnel thought the salary

is below minimum, personnel thought that the salary is not enough. According to

Recardo (2015), the laborers are paid to enable them to subsist and perpetuate

the race without increase or diminution”. This payment is also called as

‘subsistence wages. The basic assumption of this theory is that if workers are

paid wages more than subsistence level, workers’ number will increase and, as a

result wages will come down to the subsistence level. Some employees may face

challenges in negotiating their salaries, potentially leading to disparities and

dissatisfaction within the maintenance team.


Challenges in terms of Service Attitude

In the data gathered as for good employee, personnel encounters good

employees and the personnel is fine with colleagues, personnel feel so good so

far with the colleagues, and also personnel manifest positive service attitude in

handling difficult guests and resolving the issues. In terms of facing varied

customers personnel entertains variety of customers, personnel assist irate

customers, for the time conscious the personnel are aware of duty of schedule

and other personnel follows the given schedule.

According to Chang (2017) Customer satisfaction is expected to result

from good service efficiency, which will improve customer engagement and

interrelationship. Gonzales (2007) asserted that the customer satisfaction is

linked to high service quality, which makes businesses more competitive in the


Challenges in terms of Co-workers

In the data gathered as for miscommunication personnel encounters the

diverse opinions with colleagues with the given tasks, personnel often encounter

miscommunication with the guest, personnel encounter colleagues who are

absent without leave, personnel also encounter with no proper designation, for

the argument’s personnel encounters disagreement with colleagues. In terms of

language barrier personnel encounters who don’t know how to speak in English

language. The personnel are lack of vocabulary and grammar in understanding

the English language and it has a limited knowledge in English language.


According to Carr (2022), alternatively, should individuals choose to

maintain certain relationships, then they can choose to do so by engaging in the

myriad communicative practices known to facilitate relational maintenance.

Miscommunication or lack of effective communication among team members can

lead to misunderstandings, errors, and delays in addressing maintenance issues.

Challenges faced by maintenance personnel

Job description

The researchers found that the challenges on the job position of the

maintenance personnel faced a myriad of challenges that require adept problem-

solving and proactive approach to ensure seamless operation and comfort of the

guests, most of them are not respected with their position. Other respondents

also stated that they were contented on what job or position in the industry, they

have even they faced many challenges. They simply accept the reality that they

have to take the job they have on present due to their financial situation. The

others also claimed that even though it is likewise special to them, they had

enjoyed what they are or what is their work on do it well despite the difficulties

they encounter. Overcoming these hurdles necessitates strategic planning,

ongoing training, and effective communication within the maintenance team and

with other department to ensure a positive and comfortable experience for the


According to Edmond & Mike (2013), job description is a document that

outlines the purpose of the job, the task involved, the duties and responsibilities,

the performance objectives and the reporting relationships. It gives details of the

terms and conditions, including the remuneration package and hours of work, it is

also used in the recruitment process and provides the basis for developing

workers specification. Job description is an essential tool that defines an

employee’s profile relating to his/ her job. Despite the fact that job description is

vital for efficient work performance in every organization, some research work

such as Halima (2014).


The challenges they faced about their salary were low wages, which that make

them difficult to afford their necessities in life, especially they are just working in

lower positions. Maintenance personnel often face challenges related to their

salaries, with issues ranging from inadequate compensation to limited

opportunities for advancement. Many contend with the perception that their roles

are often overlooked, leading to lower salary structures compared to other

professions. In some cases, the complexity and importance of their

responsibilities may not be adequately reflected in their pay, contributing to job

dissatisfaction. These challenges highlight the need for organizations to reassess

their compensation structures for maintenance personnel, recognizing the crucial

role they play in ensuring operational efficiency and infrastructure reliability.

Service Attitude

In service attitude, they encountered many things. As they said, they do

their jobs well and they love what they are doing. However, sometimes even they

do their job well the higher position workers were not satisfied on their

performance. Others said that due to many tasks, sometimes they feel weary and

tired, and in that situation even how tired they are, they will keep working

because they were being paid. Maintenance personnel often grapple with

challenges related to maintaining a positive service attitude, particularly when

faced with demanding situations. Balancing the urgency of addressing equipment

issues with the need for courteous and effective communication can be

challenging. The pressure to resolve problems quickly may sometimes strain

their ability to provide a consistently upbeat and patient demeanor. Overcoming

these challenges involves continuous training and support to enhance service

attitude, ensuring that maintenance personnel can effectively address issues

while maintaining professionalism and empathy in their interactions with clients

and colleagues.


The respondents shared that some of their coworkers were friendly. They

communicate well, they share some joke that make them laugh to relieve

tiredness and dizziness. They cooperate and help each other. They also treat

their selves as a one family due to long work hours and spending more time with

each other. According to other respondents, toxicity is always there. There are

some workers who are bully and, in that case, they will confront it and calmly

inform that their actions were painful and improper. Other workers also were

unskilled or lazy but the coworkers also extend a hand on them, teach, and talk

their coworkers. Mostly a lot of harassment and sipping just keep waiting at work

for other people can cause trouble in the workplace.


Majority of the workers who were interviewed stated that communication is

hard to them. Not all workers know the languages of the guest they encounter.

Especially if there are foreign guest. They tried their best to make a good

conversation to their guest. Even their communication skills were not good they

can manage to let the guest understand them. They also enhance their

communication skills by studying and practicing on it. The complexity of their

work often requires translating intricate technical details into understandable

language for both colleagues and clients, demanding strong communication

skills. Additionally, coordinating with different departments and stakeholders can

be a hurdle, as miscommunications may lead to delays or misunderstandings in

task execution. Maintaining open lines of communication with team members,

superiors, and clients becomes crucial, especially when conveying updates,

progress reports, or addressing unexpected issues. Striking a balance between

technical accuracy and accessibility in communication is an ongoing challenge

for maintenance personnel, requiring continuous efforts to enhance their ability to

convey information clearly and concisely.

Coping mechanism of maintenance personnel in handling issues ang


The coping mechanisms employed by maintenance personnel play a

crucial role in their ability to navigate and effectively address the myriad of issues

and challenges they encounter in their daily responsibilities. Maintenance work is

often dynamic, requiring personnel to manage unexpected breakdowns, adhere

to stringent schedules, and address a diverse range of technical problems.


Understanding the coping mechanisms that maintenance personnel employ

provides valuable insights into how they maintain productivity, job satisfaction,

and overall well-being in the face of these challenges. One prominent coping

mechanism is problem-solving orientation. Maintenance personnel often develop

a problem-solving mindset enabling them to systematically approach issues,

identify root causes, and implement effective solutions.

This adaptive approach allows them to tackle challenges methodically,

reducing the impact of unforeseen issues on equipment performance and

operational efficiency. Effective communication skills also serve as a vital coping

mechanism. Maintenance personnel frequently collaborate with colleagues,

superiors, and other departments to address issues promptly. Clear and concise

communication helps in conveying information about the status of equipment,

required resources, and potential obstacles, fostering a collaborative

environment that facilitates problem resolution. Adaptability and flexibility are

inherent coping mechanisms within the maintenance profession.

The ability to adapt to changing priorities, schedules, and unexpected

disruptions is essential for personnel to thrive in this dynamic environment. This

adaptability enables them to handle emergent issues without compromising the

overall efficiency of maintenance operations. Training and continuous learning

act as coping mechanisms, allowing maintenance personnel to stay updated on

the latest technologies, methodologies, and industry best practices. A well-

trained workforce is better equipped to handle complex challenges, enhance

troubleshooting capabilities, and contribute to the overall improvement of


maintenance processes. Time management and prioritization are critical coping

mechanisms to ensure that the maintenance personnel can address urgent

issues while also managing routine tasks.

The ability to prioritize effectively helps in preventing minor problems from

escalating into major disruptions, contributing to the overall reliability of

equipment and systems. Finally, social support and teamwork serve as valuable

coping mechanisms. Establishing a supportive work environment where team

members can share experiences, insights, and collaborate on problem-solving

fosters a sense of camaraderie and collective responsibility. This supportive

network helps personnel cope with the inherent stress and pressure associated

with maintenance work. Understanding and appreciating these coping

mechanisms not only sheds light on the resilience of maintenance personnel but

also provides valuable insights improving work conditions, enhancing training

programs, and promoting overall job satisfaction within the maintenance


Chapter III


The primary aim of this research is to determine The Challenges of

Maintenance Personnel on Selected Resorts of Panglao. Here in, the summary

of findings, suggestions and recommendations of the researchers are written.


1.) Employees whether in the housekeeping department, Gardening Area

and Public Attendant have encountered challenges towards their specific


2.) All the respondents have a different complain in terms of their salary;

therefore, Considerate it is a challenge because it is not high for them.

3.) The coping or problem solving that employee does, appear to be

dependable on how they handle such challenges that comes their way. In

terms of technical issues respondents answered, it depends on what

technique his going to use to solve the said problem. Housekeeping

department on the other hand answered they all work together to solve a

certain problem they face during work on the certain day.


Based on the findings gathered, the researchers have concluded that:


1. Majority of the Maintenance personnel are experiencing challenges in their


2. All of our respondents are satisfied with their salary and this is not considering

a challenge for them.

3.) Respondents have no specific way of coping or solving the challenges they

face; coping depends on their own skills and capability.

4. The maintenance personnel in a resort play a pivotal role in ensuring the

seamless operation of the facilities and enhancing the overall guest experience.


From the data gathered, the researchers have come up with the following


Regular Inspections – Conduct routine inspections of facilities, including rooms,

pools and recreational areas, to identify and address maintenance needs


Possible trainings that may apply are

Technical Skills Training – This could be categorized from basic to advance, a

tool to refresh advance technical training for pool maintenance, groundskeeping,

diagnostic tools usage and customer service skills

Customer Service Training – An essential factor in the hospitality industry that

teaches employees to cater guest in a polite and proper manner, this will help the

employees to be more confident and at ease when interacting with guest.


Re-educating of establishment policy & rules – A specific dos and don’ts

created by the establishments that will allow employees to come up with the best

option and

solution for a problem relating to customer service. This has specific instructions

that employees could use when encountering stubborn guests.

Horticultural Training - Gardeners are professionally called horticulturist,

horticultural training is a process of educating gardeners about the art of shaping

plants and maintaining its condition. This training is essential for gardeners to

avoid and determine problems relating to plants and how to possibly solve such

problem upon its occurrence.

2.) Establishments should indulge employees to the working area doing

their specific tasks in observance of applying what they have learned from the

training. To deeply evaluate their performance. Evaluation must last one month

to expose them in different situations.

3.) Evaluation must be highlighted the skills of problem solving, attitude

towards the problem, application of learnings from the training and other minor


4.) Furthermore, aside from the training application and evaluation the

establishment must conduct a monthly evaluation to ensure that the employees

are continually performing base on standards.



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State of the Hotel Industry Report (2019) Key Challenges Facing

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The Fair Labor Standards Act FLSA (2016) employee refer to the federal

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Amy Dignon (2023) Five Biggest Challenges Facing the Hospitality

Industry From COVID-19 to the Cost of Living Crisis, the


hospitality industry face significant challenges in 2023.

Akshay Nain (2018) A Study on Major Challenges Faced by Hotel

Industry Globally, Amity School of Hospitality, (Amity University Haryana

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David Recardo (2015), Comparative Advantage Theory,

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College of Business Administration
Km. 15, Central Highway, Tawala, Panglao
Philippines, 6340

November 15, 2022

Dear Respondents,


The fourth-year students of Cristal e-College taking up Bachelor of Science in

Hospitality Management is conducting a research study entitled “CHALLENGES
Moreover, this research study is part of our requirement for the course,
Hospitality Research.

Because of this, we would like to have a few minutes to answer the

questionnaires completely. Truthful responses would provide a positive impact on
the success of the said study. We assure you that the responses will be used for
academic purposes only. Thank you, and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Group Representative


OIC Dean, Business and Hospitality Management


College of Business Administration
Km. 15, Central Highway, Tawala, Panglao
Philippines, 6340

November 15, 2022

Dear Mrs. Martin,


We, the students from Cristal e- College, pursuing a Bachelor of Science in

Hospitality Management, are conducting a research study entitled,“
PANGLAO. This research study is also part of our requirement for the course,
Hospitality Research.

In relevance to this, we are requesting for your support and endorsement to

administer one-on-one, face-to-face interviews to the Maintenance Personnel
among resorts in Panglao, Bohol. We know that you share the enthusiasm and
interest in helping promote the cause of research and knowledge. Rest assured,
that all responses will be treated with utmost confidentiality.

We are hoping that this request may be granted and we are acknowledging in
advance, your generosity. Thank you, and God bless!

Respectfully yours,


Group Representative Dean

Business and Hospitality Research


Presentation of Thematic Analysis

Interview Question 1. How do you manage your responsibilities in your current job

Respondent Utterances Codes Themes General


1 professionalism Time
I handle it with and work managemen
professionalism and right ethics. t
working ethics.
2 Ang una nakong gebuhat Awareness of
mao ang pag-ila sa akong responsibility
mga responsibilidad sa
trabaho og dayun anam anam
nga makat on niini. Kini aron
masiguro nga nahibal an
nako ang akong mga tahas
alang sa kompanya.
3 In this field of work, I tired
experienced so
4 Nasinati nako ang bisan
unsang problema bahin sa
wala’y bisan unsang
gigikanan sa kuryente nga
magamit sa ubang mga
5 Ang akong trabaho naglakip hard
sa pagplano sa layout sa
tanaman, pagdesisyon kon

unsang mga tanom ang

motubo, ug pag-andam sa
yuta pinaagi sa pagtangtang
sa mga sagbot, pagdugang
sa compost o abono, ug
pagpatag sa yuta. Nakit-an
nako nga lisud kaayo ang
akong trabaho tungod kay
naglambigit kini sa daghang
pisikal nga pagtrabaho,
gikan sa pagkalot sa mga
lungag hangtod sa pag-alsa
sa bug-at nga mga bag sa
compost. Kini mahimo nga
usa ka hago nga trabaho
nga makadaot sa lawas sa
paglabay sa panahon.
6 I prioritize tasks, Prioritize/time
communicate with team management
members, and use
organizational tools to
manage responsibilities
7 By finishing it on time to time Time
and manage it. management
8 Mahitungod sa akong hard
posisyon sa trabaho nga
usa ka pagmentinar sa pool
daghan kog mga hagit bahin
niini nga posisyon, sama sa
paglimpyo sa pool, tingali,
daghan kanila nag-ingon
nga kini nga trabaho sayon
kaayo apan alang kanako
lisud, tungod kay dili lang
ang imong trabaho
paglimpyo sa pool apan
kinahanglan nimo nga
ayohon ug ayohon ang
tanan nga kadaot sa pool
9 . Maayo usab ang among
mga guest. Usahay
makadungan mig kaon sa
mga guest. Usahay ang
atong mga bisita adunay init
nga kinaiya ug masuko sa

gamay nga sayop

10 I have experienced in my
current position in my work
because there are problems
and arguments in our work,
not only in our work but also
in the complaints of the
11 Sa akong trabaho didto, Common
dapat naay common sense sense
ug hinumdoman ang angay
buhaton para dali ra.
12 I can manage and handle my Serve with love
job position even though it is
tiring but I enjoy serving with
13 I am capable of managing my patience
workload with patience and
efficiency. I may modify my
mindset and provide myself
with encouragement by using
14 I handle my work especially time
my job position helping management
together with my colleagues.
We must have time
management especially to our
15 I wake up early and arrive on motivated
time. I make sure to clean first
before work to be motivated
because if I am working in a
clean environment, it makes
my mind peace of free of

Interview Question 2. Do you face any challenges related to your salary, and if so, how
do you address them?
Responden Utterances Codes Themes General
t No. Idea

1 Yes, I do it was the inflation that insufficient Insufficient Insufficient

made me realize my salary salary salary
does not justify enough.

2 I have not experienced such Sufficient

yet. and
3 Ang akoa kay gamay ra sab, insufficient
kay wala pa man gipataas ang
minimum nga suholan, matud
pa nila, pero wala pa gipataas
ang sweldo.
4 Bahin sa sweldo, makaingon insufficient
ko nga dili gyud sa taas nga
minimum nga suholan nga igo
na aron abagahon ang tanang
5 Oo. Sama sa ubos nga insufficient
sweldo alang sa trabaho ug
kahanas nga gikinahanglan,
kakulang sa kasiguruhan sa
trabaho, ug kalisud sa
pagpangita og trabaho sa una
tungod sa kompetisyon ug
seasonal nga
panginahanglan. Ang ubang
mga hardinero nanlimbasug
usab sa pagbalanse sa ilang
kita gikan sa pagpananom
uban sa ubang mga tinubdan
sa kita, tungod kay ang
pagpananom dili kanunay
makahatag og usa ka
makanunayon o kasaligan
nga kita.

6 Salary challenges are Sufficient

discussed through open and
communication with supervisors satisfied
or HR, seeking fair
compensation based on
7 No, because I am satisfied with Sufficient
my salary, which is enough to and
support my family. satisfied
8 My salary is not enough insufficient
because I have a family and
need to meet. It is not easy
even if I have a salary. I always
save for myself.

9 Dili, kay okay ra man ko sa Sufficient

akong suweldo, kontento na and
ko niini, igo na kini nga satisfied
ikasuporta sa akong pamilya,
ug igo na kini nga ikapalit og
10 I have a problem with my salary insufficient
because it is below the
11 Part of the salary will also be insufficient
brought to raman but it will be
less compared to the service
12 About salary, Yes is not enough insufficient
to pay other expenses needed.
Like tuition at school.

13 No, because I’m okay with my Sufficient

salary, I’m satisfied and
14 Oo, sa walay pagduhaduha. insufficient
Sa tinuod lang, ang akong
sweldo karon dili motakdo sa
akong binuwan nga kita
15 I am already satisfied with my Sufficient
salary. It is more than enough and
for my family and me. satisfied

Interview Question 3. In your service attitude, Do you have any challenges in your job?
Responden Utterances Codes Themes General
t No. Idea
1 It is the overflowing pressure and pressure Good
the toxic working environment and the employee
2 Dili, kay sakto sab ang akong Good Facing
mga kauban employee varied
3 Good employee, reliable person, Good Time
easily deal with others. employee conscious
4 In terms of my attitude during at Time pressure
work, I always follow the time what conscious and the

given to me. toxic

5 Nakasugat ko og lain-laing mga
hagit sa akong trabaho, sama sa
pisikal nga mga buluhaton,
pagkaladlad sa mapintas nga
kahimtang sa panahon, pag-
atubang sa mga peste ug mga
sakit, ug ang panginahanglan
alang sa padayon nga pagkat-on
ug pagpalambo sa kahanas aron
makasunod sa pinakabag-o nga
mga teknik ug uso sa
6 Maintaining a positive service Positive
attitude is crucial and challenges service
involve handling difficult guests or attitude
resolving issues diplomatically.
7 Oo, kinahanglan ka nga Love of
mapailubon ug dili work
maghinamhinam nga tapuson
ang imong katungdanan. Pinaagi
sapaghigugma sa akong
8 Sa natad sa akong kinaiya sa Good
pagserbisyo, wala pa nako employee
nasinati ang labing daotan sa
akong mga kauban, tungod kay
ako usa ka maayong trabahante.
9 We are okay in our work and we Good
are enjoying together in our work employee
10 You must always be aware of your Time
schedule and the schedule you are conscious
on duty, you can’t always refuse
11 Nothing, because I got used to my Good
job. At first, it was difficult, but after employee
a while, I realized that my job is
easy to me
12 My challenges in my job are facing Facing
a variety of customers to entertain varied
them. customers
13 Indeed, I have. I encounter a Facing
variety of people at work, each varied
with their own attitude, therefore I customers
must modify mine. I am certain
about one thing when it comes to

enhancing your work environment.

It is in exchange for civility and
deference. You will come across
as a professional due to your polite
demeanor, work habits and
positive outlook.
14 Yes, especially assisting the irate Facing
customer or guests. varied
15 None so far. So far so good Good

Interview Question 4. Can you share the challenges you experienced with your co-
workers? Do disagreements arise in your work?
Respondent Utterances Codes Themes General
No. Idea
1 Ang mga kalainan Diverse Miscommunication
nga personalidad personalities

2 In my case, there is No proper Being in arguments

no proper designation
Whatever the case, I
see it as an
additional learning
experience, though
occasionally. I get
upset since it seems
like primary
obligations are
coming last.
3 Maduolan kaayo Good colleagues
nga tawo, buotan ug
4 To my co-workers, I Good colleagues
always treat them as
a simple person I am
as what the Filipino
people known as a
hospitable person
5 Kami adunay mga Miscommunication
kalainan sa mga
opinyon sa mga
pamaagi sa
pagpananom, mga

bahin sa alokasyon
sa mga
kahinguhaan o mga
buluhaton. Dugang
pa, ang pagkaguba
sa komunikasyon,
dili pagsinabtanay
ug dili maayong
mosangpot sa mga
dili pagsinabtanay
ug mga hagit namo
nga mga hardinero
nga nagtrabaho og
nagtinabangay nga
6 Yes, my co-workers Miscommunication
and I faced workload
or communication
challenges but
disagreements are
address through
open dialogue and
7 Sometimes, when my Miscommunication
co-worker do not
work and sometimes
she is not on duty for
no reason.
8 It’s also about my co- Miscommunication
workers, not every
time I’m together with
them, because there
are always problems
and mistakes, that’s
why we can avoid
losing our co-
workers, its hard but I
don’t care as long as
I work well
9 In my job, Arguments Being in arguments
are unavoidable
because it is normal.
In our job, we prefer

you to avoid
arguments. We must
love our job no
matter how hard it is.
10 Our simple thoughts Miscommunication
should not have
opponents or
enemies, that’s what
usually happens in
the challenges that
we face
11 Sa komunkasyon Miscommunication
usahay ang
empleyado ug ang
guest dili
magkasinabot sa
usahay ang
empleyado ug ang
guest dili
12 The challenge of my Miscommunication
co-workers is that
some of them are not
devoted to their job.
Because few are,
absent without leave.
13 Yes. All the time. I Being in arguments
handle it by
explaining my reason
behind my
However, I largely
separate the
disagreement with
what I think of the
14 Kanang mo-absent Miscommunication
nga wala’y pagtugot
15 We are a family. We Good colleagues
do not do things that
will be a
disagreement for
someone. We do
meetings and open
forums to express
each other’s


Interview Question 5. What communication challenges arise when dealing with guests
most especially foreign national guests?
Respondent Utterances Codes Themes General
No. Idea
1 Kini ang dili pagsinabtanay ug sayop Lack of
nga pagkadungog sa impormasyon, vocabulary
kakulang sa bokabularyo ug dili
maayo nga kahanas sa
komunikasyon sa Ingles.
2 Language barrier is first. That maybe Language
the case, but because of the barrier
availability of technology, we ease that
3 Sa bahin sa komunikasyon, Language
makaingon ko nga dili ko maayo sa barrier
English speaking pero naningkamot
ko sa akong pinakamaayo matag
higayon nga adunay guest nga
mangayo og tabang.
4 It is difficult, especially when I Language
encounter foreign national guests. barrier
Because I am not very good in English.
I can talk but not perfect. Because I
know, the grammar is wrong. As long
as they understand.
5 When interacting with foreign guests, Language
we face several communication barrier
challenges such as language barriers,
cultural differences, time zone
differences and accessibility problems.
6 Language barriers and cultural Language
differences can be communication barrier
challenges. Clear communication and
patience help overcome these issues
with foreign guests.
7 Language barrier, and if their using Language
their language instead of English. barrier
8 My challenge is to talk in English Language
because I’m afraid of wrong grammar barrier
9 The language barrier is usually not Language
always understood. barrier
10 Kung kalit ka nga adunay mga guest, Language
ilabi na ang mga foreigner waka barrier
kahebaw og kung unsa ang imong

buhaton, dili ka kahibalo mosulti og

11 Ang conflict atong language kay dili Language
man pareha so nagpraktis gyud ko og barrier
english og unsa imong gusto isulti para
ma deliver nimu ang gusto nimung
gusto epasabot.
12 Some foreign customers or guests do Language
not know how to speak in English. barrier
13 The first and most obvious barrier is Language
language. Foreigners might not have barrier
the ability to speak in our native
language. Since we rely on language
to communicate various things, this
difference is a barrier. The second
barrier is cultural differences,
especially in the way we assign
meaning to non-verbal cues.
14 Usa sa labing mahagiton kanamo. Language
Sa diha nga ang usa ka guest dili barrier
kahibalo sa pagsulti sa English ug
dili makasabut sa English labi na ang
mga Chinese.
15 Having face to face with foreign Language
nationals who don’t speak english is barrier
one of the hardest challenge


Table 1.1 Challenges in terms of Job Position

Themes Challenges in terms of job position

Time management  Personnel prioritizes task
 Personnel finishes tasks on time
 Personnel helps each other to
finish the task
Professionalism and work ethics  Personnel handles job with
professionalism and work ethics
 Personnel familiarizes roles and

Table 1.2 Challenges in terms of Salary

Themes Challenges in terms of job position

Insufficient salary  Personnel thought the salary is
below minimum
 Personnel thought the salary is
not enough

Table 1.3 Challenges in terms of Service Attitude

Themes Challenges in terms of job position

Good employee  Personnel encounters good
 Personnel is okay with
 Personnel feels so good so far
with colleagues
 Personnel manifests positive
service attitude in handling
difficult guests and resolving
Facing varied customers  Personnel entertains variety of
 Personnel assists irate
Time conscious  Personnel is aware of duty
 Personnel follows the given

Table 1.4 Challenges in terms of Co-workers

Themes Challenges in terms of job position

Miscommunication  Personnel encounters diverse
opinions with colleagues in the
given task
 Personnel often encounters
miscommunication with the
 Personnel encounters
colleagues who are absent
without leave
 Personnel encounters no proper
Being in arguments  Personnel encounters
disagreements with colleagues

Table 1.5 Challenges in terms of Co-workers

Themes Challenges in terms of job position

Language barrier  Personnel encounters guests
who don’t know how to speak in
English language
 Personnel lacks vocabulary and
grammar in understanding
English language
 Personnel has limited
knowledge in speaking English

Table 2 Coping Mechanism in Handling Issues and Challenge

Themes Challenges in terms of job position

Language barrier  Personnel encounters guests
who don’t know how to speak in
English language
 Personnel lacks vocabulary and
grammar in understanding
English language
 Personnel has limited
knowledge in speaking English



Name: John Jerel C. Estoque

Contact Number: 09922987495
Email Address:
Address: Tangnan, Panglao, Bohol
Date of Birth: February 19, 2002
Place of Birth: Tagbilaran City, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Ceferino H. Estoque
Mother’s Name: Aurelia C. Estoque

Cristal e-College
15km. Central Highway Tawala, Panglao, Bohol

Lourdes National High School
Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol
Elementary:Lourdes, Elementary School
Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol


Name: Jovie Dominisac

Contact Number: 09636435691
Email Address:
Address: Bil-isan, Panglao, Bohol
Date of Birth: July 8, 2000
Place of Birth: Bil-isan, Panglao, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Iglesia ni Cristo
Father’s Name: Wilfredo Dominisac
Mother’s Name: Esterlita Dominisac

Cristal e-College 15km. Central Highway
Tawala, Panglao, Bohol
Tabalong, National High School
Tabalon, Dauis, Bohol
Bil-isan Elementary Schoo
Bil-isan, Panglao, Bohol


Name: John Mark G. Clemen

Contact Number: 09569563245
Email Address:
Address: Das-ag, Doljo, Panglao, Bohol
Date of Birth: September 2, 1999
Place of Birth: Doljo Panglao, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Marcos M. Clemen (+)
Mother’s Name: Florita G. Clemen


Cristal e-College
15km. Central Highway Tawala Panglao, Bohol
Lourdes National High School
Lourdes, Panglao, Bohol
Panglao Central Elementary School
Poblacion, Panglao, Bohol


Name.: James Paul Barafon

Contact Number:09534252533
Email Address:
Address: Bood, Maribojoc, Bohol
Date of Birth0: July 23,2000
Place of Birth: Bood, Maribojoc, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion:Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Leonardo Barafon
Mother’s Name: Imelda E. Barafon


Cristal e-College
15km. Central Highway Tawala, Panglao, Bohol
Cabugcayan National High School
Cabugcayan, Biliran
Lagtangon Elementary Schoo
Lagtangon, Maribojoc, Bohol


Name: Christian P. Morascallo

Contact Number: 09954403575
Email Address:
Address: Poblacion Occidental Valencia, Bohol
Date of Birth: August 14, 2000
Place of Birth: Jagna, Bohol
Civil Status: Single
Citizenship: Filipino
Religion: Roman Catholic
Father’s Name: Jonathan Morascallo
Mother’s Name: Delsa Morascallo


Cristal e-College
15km. Central HighwayTawala Panglao, Bohol
Valencia ALS Alternative Learning Center
Valencia, Bohol
Valencia Central Elementary School
Valencia, Bohol

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