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Choose and shade the letter of the correct answer in your answer sheet.

1. All organisms need several resources (such as food, water, protection ) to live. Which of the
following best explains the relationship between organisms and the areas in which they live?
a. different kinds of organisms or plants need the same food and resources.
b. different kinds of plants living in the same area need different food and resources.
c. plants have specific features/structures that allow them to use the various resources
where they live.
d. animals change their features so they can use the various resources where they live.

2. Which organism in the food chain is a producer?

a. fish b. grass c. hawk d. grasshopper
For item 3, study the diagram below.

Sun plants mosquito larvae

dragonfly larvae
turtles fish beetles

3. If all of the fish are removed from this food web, which animal populations will most likely
decrease first?
a. turtles b. pelicans c. mosquito larvae d. dragonfly larvae
For item 4, refer to the chart listing the observations about the feeding interrelationships
among the following organisms:
5. Which gas in the air would increase if a large number of trees were cut down?
a. carbon dioxide b. nitrogen c. oxygen d. water vapor
6. Jonalyn is a member of the program, Oplan Linis sa Ilog Pasig. In what way can she show her
commitment to the program?
a. dumping wastes at the Ilog Pasig
b. Promoting Ilog Pasig as a dumping center mitigate
c. Join programs that alleviate the worst condition of the Ilog Pasig
d. Join activities in lined with the restoration of the Ilog Pasig7. Why should we conserve
our forest?
a. Forests prevent flood. b. Forests give us lumber. c. forest are home of wild animals
d. all of the above 8. When is man an enemy of the forest?
a. When he cuts down trees b. When he plants young trees
c. When he gets lumber in the forest d. When he does
mountain climbing 9. What do you call the organisms that can
manufacture their own food?
a. carnivores b. consumers c. decomposers d. producers
10.The lion kills the deer before eating it. What do you call the lion in this relationship?
a. prey b. predator c. parasite d. producers
11.Which is the primary consumer in the food chain: corn rat snake eagle?
a. rat b. corn c. eagle d. snake
12.Many farm and forestlands are converted into housing areas. If more lands are used for
residential purposes, how wouldthis affect the environment?
a. Reduced habitat of wild plants and animals b. Improved health and sanitation
c. Decreased garbage problems d. More production of food
13.Which of the following is a destructive activity of human beings?
a. tree planting b. muro-ami fishing c. burying biodegradable waste d. 3Rs
14.How do animals help plants?
a. Animals supply plants with food. b. Animals give off oxygen needed by plants.
c. Animals give off nitrogen needed by plants. d. Animals give off carbon dioxide needed by
15.Which words refer to the transfer of food from plants to a series of consumers?
a. food web b. food chain c. food series d. food pyramid
16.Which organism below can start a food chain?
a. cow b. man c. worm d. rice plant
17.When a man eats both plants and animals, what do you call the man?
a. carnivore b. herbivore c. omnivore d. producer
18.Why are plants called the world’s food manufacturer?
a. because they are green b. because they live longer
a. because they are eaten by animals d. because they can
produce their own food 19. Which of the following breaks down dead
bodies of plants and animals?
a. consumer b. decomposer c. producer d. predator
20.What do you call the relationship of a group of animals fighting with each other to satisfy
their needs?
a. commensalism b. competition c. mutualism d. predation
21.Plants give off oxygen for animals to breathe and animals give off carbon dioxide needed by
plants in manufacturing its own food. What relationship exists between plants and animals?
a. commensalism b. competition c. mutualism d. predation
22.There are different relationships between and among organisms in an ecosystem. Which of
the following shows a relationship where one is benefited while the other organism is
neither benefited nor harmed?
a. orchids and trunk of a tree b. man and hookworm c. clowfish and sea anemone d.

bird and crocodile

23-24. Study the illustration carefully then answer the questions that follow:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

23. Which is the correct order in the food chain?

a. 32145 b.35421 c. 32451 d. 31524
24What is the correct order of the frog in the food chain?
a. 1st order consumer b. 2nd order consumer c.3rd order consumer d. 4th order consumer
25-28. Study the illustration below then answer the questions that follow.
25. Which organism is not an herbivore?
a. grasshopper b. raccoon c. mouse d. hawk

26. Which organism is a predator of the grasshopper

a. wolf b. mouse c. snake d. raccoon

27. Which of the following would be a prey and a predatory at the same time?
a.hawk b. wolf c. snake d. grasshopper
28. If the number of grasshopper increases in number in a food chain, which animals will also
a. mouse and snake b. toad and mouse c. raccoon and wolf d. wolf, mouse and

Which of the following illustrations shows oxygen, carbon dioxide cycle?

a. b. c. d.

29. Why do you think kaingin system a bad practice?

a. It pollutes rivers and seas. b. It pollutes mountains and forests.
c. It deprives hunters of many wild animals d. It clears the land of trees which prevents flood.
30. To help in increasing people’s awareness on the effects of population, one must
a. population campaign b. population commission c. population education
d. population migration 32. Ela is a grade 6 pupil, she is much concerned
in maintaining a healthful surroundings. Ela is _____________________.
a. participating in tree planting b. throwing away plastics into rivers
c. burying non-biodegradable materialsd. dumping biodegradable materials in a nearby canal
33.The population of Barangay Masagana doubled in two years. What effect could this have on
water supply?
a. Water supply will be doubled. b. Water supply will be lessened.
c. There would be more supply of water.d. There would be no change in water supply.
34.How can we improve water supply?
a. by buying bottled water b. by contaminating water
c. by conserving water d. by buying water purifier

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