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This is a picture of three people in the pharmacy.

On the right side of the picture, a man blowing his nose into his handkerchief.
On the left side of the picture, two women standing in front of the computer. Also, they are
dressed in white lab coats.
In the background of the picture, many small boxes are placed on the shelves.
Generally, it seems like a sick man trying to buy medicine at the pharmacy.

This seems to be a pedestrian walking area because I didn't see any vehicles.
In the foreground, I can see many people walking on the street.
In the background, there are so many roof shapes building in a triangle.
Among them, the house on the left side of the picture has many rectangular windows.
Generally, it seems like a clear holiday because there are many parents walking with their

1. A man in a doctor's uniform standing in the third row.

2. Three girls are enjoying their lunch.
3. There is a glasses on an open book.
4. A man making a presentation at a business meeting.
5. A man is asking a couple for directions.

This job is both fixed and flexible in location.
My preferred workplace is Kaohsiung, which is my hometown.
However, if I have the opportunity, I would like to work in an environment different from my

My ideal job is one that I am currently on the path to acquire. The job I hope to obtain in the near
future is that of school teacher.
The most fundamental skill one needs for this profession is a ______
This is a job that interests me because it combines
Furthermore, I believe I have the personality for this profession. I am ___, _____ and____

I want to do the job because I love ____ and I want to

____ need to be good at ___ and ___ so that I can
I also need to be patient and

The teacher is like a farmer sowing knowledge as seeds and providing nutrients and water.

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