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Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit II
Chapter 1: The Slander against A’isha(RA) Ifk
Exhortation and Moral Lesson
Learning Objectives:
Recite and Understand the verses 11 -20 of Surat un Nur
Infer the benevolence of A’isha (RA).
Demonstrate the negative effects of rumors on individuals and society
Competency : Problem Solving, Independent learning
Values : Integrity, Respect

Answer the following Questions.

1. Why do rumors spread quickly ?

Rumors spread quickly because of tale-telling, gossiping, social media and leisure

2. Infer some of the good outcomes of the slander of A’isha(RA) ?

Unveiling the truth about some hypocrites

In view of the incident of Ifk, rulings were legislated to deter lewdness and
Educating the Muslim community about the sanctity of the honour of other
Reinforcing the purity of the family of the Prophet [s].

3. Analyze the significance of establishing the innocence of Saiydina A’isha(RA), by

divine revelation.

By doing so, Allah has raised the honour and status of Aisha [s] in the eyes of the
Muslims till the end of time.

4. Explain the implication of using the expression “men and women” instead of “their
brothers” in verse 12.
Allah the Most Merciful, includes both men and women explicitly as Muslims are
like a building, each part strengthens the other. We should think well of others the
way we think of ourselves. The way we make excuses for ourselves, we should do
for others.

5. How should a muslim respond when he hears rumors?

A muslim should not spread it. He should make seventy excuses for his fellow
Muslim and he should try to confirm the news from a reliable source.

6. What is the punishment for indulging in slander ? How does this affect the society?

The punishment is 80 lashes and their testimony will be rejected thenceforth until
they repent.
The consequences of inflicting punishment on the slanderers
Preserved the honour of the masses. It acts as a deterrent to the people
It further saves people’s time and effort that they would put into confirming
It deters their keenness to receive such news and their hastiness to spread it
further without verifying it
7. What are the negative effects of rumor?
Weakening the morale of the individuals, which causes the loss in wars,
economic losses, etc.
Harm to women such as divorce or the reluctance of young people to marry.
Spread of hostilities between people and rivalries.
Severe ties and weaken society for other countries to take advantage.
Stirs up chaos in the society.

8. Explain the role of a muslim in combatting lewdness.

9. Read the following Quranic Verses and infer from the solutions to the problems of
false rumors.
10. Explain the verse “Allah is one who hears and knows all

It means that Allah is the Hearer of those who propagate immorality, and for those
who deny Him, He is able to take them to task for their lewd actions.

11. In the incident of Ifk what good morals do we learn from Abu Baker as Sidiq (RA)?

One of the propagators of the slander was Misthah bin Uthatha, who was a poor
relative of Abu Baker as Sidiq(RA). Abu Baker as Sidiq(RA) used to provide for him
out of concern for his relative. Inspite of that Misthah propagated the slander. Abu
Baker as Sidiq vowed not to support him after that. When an ayah was revealed
asking Abu Baker as Sidiq to be kind to Mistah, Abu Baker as Sidiq asked for
forgiveness and continued to support Misthah.
The moral lesson we learn is that :
We should always spend on the Poor
Overlook others mistakes
Forgive others, even if we have the upper hand.

12. Infer the moral qualities from the below verses and their application in life.
13. A’ishah(RA), the mother of the believers had many virtues, infer from the following
texts and complete the table.

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit III
Chapter 1 : Social Interaction Behavior and Ethics – Srah Al Noor(27-31)

Learning Objective :
• Interpret the meaning of the verses 1 to 10 of Surat un Nur of the Holy Quran and adopt
the values expressed in them.
• Explain the effects of adultery
• Infer the meaning of 'oath of condemnation (Li'an).

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Word Meaning Word Meaning

‫تستأنسوا‬ Request permission ‫ال يبدين‬ Intentionally expose

their beauty
Tastanisu laa yubdeena

‫أزكى‬ Purer and cleaner ‫جيوبهن‬ Their bosoms

Azka juyubihinna

‫يغضوا‬ Not to look at women ‫لبعولتهن‬ Their husbands

who are marriageable to
Yaghiddhu bu'ulatuhunna

‫بخمرهن‬ head coverings for ‫غير أولي اإلربة‬ Male servants not
women having need of women
bikhumurihinna ghayri uli
Answer the following Questions

1. List the controls and foundations that ensure the continuation of good relations
between members of community.
(i) Asking permission when entering the homes of others.
(ii) Casting down the looks and guard their private parts.
(iii) Not allowing women to show their adornments to non-mahrams (foreign

2. What does "asking for permission" mean?

It means to request permission to enter a place not owned by the person
asking permission.

3. Why is "asking permission" (istizaan) mentioned as "requesting permission"

(ist’inaas) in the verse?

The Arabic word ist’inas indicates stirring a feeling of mutual empathy, which
gioves the host a chance to prepare for receiving the guest. In this the way
the guest is not going to be a burden or be a cause for embarassment.

4. How many times should permission be asked?

Permission should be asked for a maximum of three times, after which they
should leave.
5.What is the verdict on asking permission when entering public places that charge
entrance fees?
It is not permissible to enter them without permission; paying entrance fees
is considered permission.

6.What are the harms of entering other people's homes without permission?
(i) Looking at what is hidden of body parts "awrah"
(ii)Doubt and suspicion of those who enter without permission

7.Asking permission is obligatory and greeting is sunnah (Prophetic tradition).


Permission is prescribed in order to preserve (awrah) what is hidden of body

parts, but greeting is done in order to spread love. Not asking permission
may entail the exposure of what is hidden of body parts, but refraining from
greeting does not entail it.

8.What is the verdict on insisting on entering the houses of others when permission
is not given?
It is not permissible to enter houses when permission is not given.

9. Mention three emergency situations in which a Muslim may enter inhabited

houses without permission.
(i) If one of them calls for help.
(ii)If a natural disaster such as earthquake,floods,etc happens.
(iii) If an accident like fire or building collapse happens.

10.What is the connection between the verse asking permission and verse of
lowering the gaze?

Allah Subhana wa Ta’la has commanded men and women to lower their gaze
as it is a means of purifying the self from the whisperings of the devil.Asking
permission has been enjoined to ensure the preservation of (awrah) which is
a means of guarding one’s chastity.

11.Why is the divine command of lowering the gaze in the present tense?
The divine command of lowering the gaze is in the present tense so that they
will hasten to execute God's command immediately and in the future.
The dangers of forbidden look for the The dangers of forbidden look for the
individual community
Corruption of the heart and sinning The spread of immorality and the
disintegration of families and

12.What is the similarity of the verse (Say to the believing men that they should
lower their gaze and guard their modesty: that will make for greater purity for
them) and (And when ye ask (his ladies) for anything ye want, ask them from
before a screen: that makes for greater purity for your hearts and for theirs) ?

Both of them indicate that lowering the gaze makes the heart purer.

13.What is the significance of the verse (guard their modesty) - for the believing
men and (guard their modesty) for the believing women?
(i)To guard themselves from adultery.
(ii)To guard themselves from the sight of others.

14.What is it permissible for a woman to show of her adornment before non-

mahrams (foreign men)?
It is permissible for women to show of what cannot be hidden such as the
face and hands.

15.What is a woman's adornment? What are the parts of adornment?

Adornments are things that women use in pursuit of beautification such as
jewellery, kohl or henna. It is divided into two kinds:

First, hidden adornment (such as a bracelet, necklace, and earring); it is not

permissible to display them but for the husband, mahram (non-foreign men),
and those included in the verse.
Second, seen adornment (except what must ordinarily appear); they are
whatever is not possible to hide such as ornament of the face and hands
(ring and eyeliner).

16.The verse (that they should draw their veils over their bosoms) indicates the
description of the Muslim woman's hijab (head covering). Explain.
Hijab must cover the head, the neck, and the bosom.

17.What is the wisdom of giving permission to the woman to display ornament

before the following:

Type Wisdom
Her origins and branches (father, They are her Mahram, she is free to be
brother, and son) herself, as they might frequently meet
Children and male servants not having They are not a threat to her modesty.
need of women

18. What is the ruling of mixing of men and women in Islam ?

Mixing ( men and women) in Islam is permitted but with the following
(i)It must not be in privacy, but in public places.
(ii)Commitment to lower gaze.
Allah says (Say to the believing men that they should lower their
(iii) Commitment to dress in accordance to Sharia.
Allah says (they should not display their beauty and ornaments
except what (must ordinarily) appear thereof; that they should
draw their veils over their bosoms).
(iv) Do not to draw attention.
Allah says (they should not strike their feet in order to draw
attention to their hidden ornaments).
Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit II
Chapter 4 : The Five Purposes of Legislation
Learning Objectives:
Recite and Understand the verses 11 -20 of Surat un Nur
Infer the benevolence of A’isha (RA).
Demonstrate the negative effects of rumors on individuals and society
Competency : Problem Solving, Independent learning
Values : Integrity, Respect

Answer the following Questions.

1. What is the purpose of creation of mankind ?
Allah(SWT) created mankind to worship Him alone, to examine and test those
who are obedient and those who are disobedient and then reward the obedient
ones and punish the disobedient ones. Allah has honored man and favored him
far above many of those whom He has created, but many people insist on
disbelief, so they are ignorant of or deny the true wisdom behind their creation,
and all they care about is enjoying the pleasures of this world.

2. What is the purpose(Maqasid) of Sharia - ‫مقاصد الشريعة‬. ? Explain.

The purpose of the Islamic Law (Sharia) is for humans to achieve happiness in this
world and the hereafter, by following the law of adopting the good and
neglecting the bad. The sharia is a complete way of life; no aspect of human life
is outside of its domain. Indeed it is a set of God-made laws in every aspect of
life: personal and familial, religious and social, moral and political, economic and
business, etc.
Islam believes that an efficient religion should be based on Sharia laws, because
man-made laws are incomplete. Islam believes that human being is a very
sophisticated creature; and since he has not made his own body, nor did he
create the world in which he lives, he, therefore, is not the best candidate for
making laws about himself.

3. List the benefits of studying the purposes of Sharia.

Benefits of studying the purposes of Sharia include:
1- Fortifying Muslims against destructive ideas.
2- The purposes of Sharia are the very soul of actions.
3- It constitutes an important frame of reference in solving conflict and reducing
jurisprudent disagreement.
4- It constitutes an important frame of reference to independent reasoning in
novel matters and events.

4. What are the necessities as per Islam ?

Necessities are matters that the lives of the people are built upon, their very
existence depends upon in this world and the Hereafter. There are 5 necessities
also called the fundamentals, purposes and interests. They are
(i)Preserving Religion
(ii)Preserving Life
(iii)preserving the mind
(iv)Preserving lineage
(v)Preserving wealth

5. Infer the five necessities as described in the Ayah:

Say, "Come, I will recite what your Lord has prohibited to you. [He commands]
that you not associate anything with Him, and to parents, good treatment, and
do not kill your children out of poverty; We will provide for you and them. And
do not approach immoralities - what is apparent of them and what is
concealed. And do not kill the soul which Allah has forbidden [to be killed]
except by [legal] right. This has He instructed you that you may use reason."

And do not approach the orphan's property except in a way that is best until he
reaches maturity. And give full measure and weight in justice. We do not
charge any soul except [with that within] its capacity. And when you testify, be
just, even if [it concerns] a near relative. And the covenant of Allah fulfill. This
has He instructed you that you may remember.
Allah is the provider of sustenance, one is commanded not to
kill their own children out of fear of not providing for them

And do not approach immoralities- what is apparent of them and

what is concealed

Preserve the rights of the people in trade. Dealing in fraudulent

measures incurs Allah’s wrath and reduction in wealth.

6. What are the ways in which the Sharia preserved the 5 necessities ?
Sharia preserved each purpose in two waya:
(i)Existence Side :Establish and Fix the pillars
(ii)Protection Side: Warding off existing or anticipated aspects of defection.

7.What is the purpose of preserving religion? How is it preserved.

Religion is at the core of all interests and purposes. If religion is lost, then all
other purposes have no meaning. Religion brings together acts of devotion,
strengthens the bond between man and Allah(SWT) and helps him organize his
relationship with people and his environment.
A) Preserving religion on the existences side:
1) Establishing the pillars of belief on the basis of science, thought,
contemplation and performing the pillars of Islam and its individual duties.
2) Studying Sharia science and encouraging independent reasoning (ijtihad).
3) The call to Allah via dialogue, evidence and persuasion.
B) Protecting religion and preventing aggression on it:
1) Jihad in the path of Allah under the banner of the rule.
2) Confronting those who spread corrupt practices and resort to religion with the
intention of stirring intellectual or political division leading to social unrest.
3) Islam prohibited cursing the religions of others irrespective of the cause.

8. Explain the importance of preserving life.

Sharia concerned itself with preserving life and taking care of it. This is fulfilled in
two waya:
A) Preserving life existentially:
1) It is more imperative to man to provide himself with the means of preserving
his life such as necessary food, drink, clothing and accommodation and to
maintain his health by means of prevention of diseases and treatment when
he falls ill.
2) Allah permitted man to use forbidden things and eat unlawful food, in order to
preserve life and invest it with durability.
B) Preserving life protectively:
1) Prohibiting wrongful aggression against life.
2) Prohibiting suicide.
3) Blocking the means leading to one’s death or the death of others.

9. What are the ways through which the mind is preserved?

Mind is the greatest honor Allah(SWT) has given man and preferred him above
all creatures. It guides man to good and distances him from evil; it is his guide
and supporter. Hence the preservation of the mind is of paramount importance.
A) Preserving the mind existentially:
1) Pursuing learning
2) Motivating scientific research and employing intellectual by calling for
scrutinizing and reflecting on the miracle of Allah.
B) Preserving the mind protectively:
1) Prohibiting material corrupters of the mind like drugs and alcoholic drinks.
2) Prohibiting moral corrupters on the mind by:
- prohibiting conception and extreme ideas,
- Freeing the mind of the tyranny of myths and illusions.
- Prohibiting sorcery, augury, superstition and other forms of charlatanism and

10. How is lineage and honor preserved?

A) Preserving lineage (honor, lineage) existentially:
1) Marriage is the natural way of preserving lineage and honor.
2) Islam enacted legislations to preserve the family in all stages.
B) Preserving lineage (honor, lineage) protectively:
1) Prohibiting adultery.
2) Prohibiting slander.
3) Prohibiting adoption, by changing the name of the father.

11. List the ways of preserving wealth.

A) Preserving wealth existentially:
1) Commanding endeavor to secure livelihood by lawful means.
2) Turning over wealth and transposing it from the domain of accumulation.
3) Spending wealth on legitimate matters whether these are needs, necessities
or luxuries through moderation without spend thrifty or stinginess.
B) Preserving wealth protectively:
1) Prohibiting aggression on wealth by theft or extortion.
2) Prohibition of obtaining money from people through unlawful means such as
3) Prohibiting squandering wealth through spend thrifting and leading to
damages to the individual, family or society.
Preserving public wealth:
Islam prohibited aggression on public wealth and categorized stealing public
wealth as and wrecking public wealth as corruption.


Sufficiency duties relate to the Muslim society and its duties towards its
members and their interests. Learning universal sciences such as Medicine,
Engineering and other beneficiary sciences, involving in scientific researches,
promoting innovation, quality in industry, commerce and agriculture which
promotes a diversified economy are the “sufficiency” sciences required by

13. ned

The intellectual property rights of individuals can be preserved by

(i) providing them means of attaining knowledge in religion, science, agriculture,
Finance, economy, etc.
(ii) Innovative strategies should be designed to keep the youth involved in the
Cohesive build up of the society.
The nation(ummah) can be protected against brain drain by
(i) Providing equal and fair opportunities for all in jobs, markets and businesses.
(ii) Promoting self sufficiency in the nation.

14. Classify the following mind corrupters:

Horoscope – Listening to un inhibited songs – drugs – destructive ideas –alcohol

Material Mind corrupters Moral Mind Corrupters

Drugs Horoscope
Alcohol Listening to uninhibited songs
Destructive ideas

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit III
Chapter 3 : Forbidden Transactions
Learning Objective :
• Interpret the meaning of the verses 1 to 10 of Surat un Nur of the Holy Quran and adopt
the values expressed in them.
• Explain the effects of adultery
• Infer the meaning of 'oath of condemnation (Li'an).

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Answer the following questions :

1.Give examples of commercial fraud:

Hiding defects of the commodity, Showing the commodity better than it

really is
Not stating harmful materials in the Putting a world trade mark on bad
item items

2.Mention two negative effects resulting from fraud by hiding defects of the
1. Loss of trust among people .
2. The Prophet (PBUH) renounced fraud and the wrath of Allah is on those who deal
in fraud

3.List the types of forbidden transactions in terms of reason.

1. What is (haram) forbidden to sell for itself as wine
2. What is (haram) forbidden to sell for what it entails, such as deceit and cheating

4.Define usury.
Riba(usury is increase in the exchange of specific amounts of money or delay in the
payment thereof. It is forbidden by Sharia. It is introduced in some types of sales or
debt, thus rendering them unlawful(haram).

5. What are the types of Riba?

Muslim scholars have unanimously agreed that there are two types of "riba" usury:
1. Usury of debts.
It is divided into Usury of loan and Usury of debt.
(i) Loan riba is a conditional increment in the original loan, which is stipulated
at the commencement of the loan.
(ii)Debt Riba is an increase in the debt at the time when it is due, if the debtor
defaults on the payment. It is not stipulated at the commencement of the

2. Usury of sales.
Sales Riba relates to sales contracts and commercial exchanges. It is divided into
(i) Riba al fadhl(Increase) : It arises from the exchange between two items of the
same type, but in unequal amounts, whether in terms of quality or in terms of
delivery time.
(ii)Riba An Nasee’a(Postponement) : It unduly benefits one the counterparties in
the form of a surplus or extra amount due to delay of delivery of his side of the
transaction. An example of loan-based riba an-nasee’a would be a loan with
$1,000 principal on which $1,200 is to be paid next year. An example of sale-
based riba an-nasee’a is a sale of 100 kg of dates to be paid back with 120 kg six
month later.

6. What is the wisdom of prohibiting sales usury?

Riba has been forbidden because of its bad effects on the individual and the
1.On the individual level:
(i) Riba instils in the usurer cruelty, selfishness, stinginess and greed.
(ii) A debtor sinks in debts and spens a greater part of his life in repaying the debt
which may be many times the original amount.
2.On the level of the society:
(i) It brings about animosity among people and divides the society into 2 classes :
the rich and the poor.
(ii) Riba turns the capital of the rich into a commodity with guaranteed profits
without actually participating in real economic development.
(iii) Increase on the price of commodities, as the owners of productive goods
calculate riba interests as part of the production costs.

7.Compare between loan usury and debt usury.

Loan Usury Debt Usury

Loan riba is a conditional Debt Riba is an increase in the
Definition increment in the original debt at the time when it is
loan, which is stipulated at due, if the debtor defaults on
the commencement of the the payment. It is not
loan. stipulated at the
commencement of the loan.
Allah says: (O ye who Allah says: (O ye who believe!
believe! Fear Allah and give Devour not usury, doubled
Evidence of
up what remains of your and multiplied; but fear Allah;
demand for usury, if ye are that ye may (really) prosper.)
indeed believers.) 278 131

8. Explain the bad effects of "riba" (usury) debts on the individual and society?

Bad Effects of Riba Debts

On individuals On society
Effect on usurer: Selfishness and Socially: Spread of hatred instead of
greed cooperation and love
Economically: a) Depriving the society
Effect on borrower: Running into
of useful projects such as factories; b)
debts and collapse of family
high price of commodities

9. List the alternatives to Riba as specified in the Sharia.

1. Good Loan(Qard Hasan): A good loan is an interest free loan. It increases the
friendliness and co operation among the people.
2. Sharakah Contract(Joint Venture, Profit sharing): The debtor and usurer enter
into a contract in which both the parties put in an amount for a joint venture in the
business and the profit or loss is shared according to the ratio determined in the
3. Mubadarh Contract(Profit Sharing): It is a form of partnership in which one
partner provides the capital and the other manages the investment using its
expertise. Profits are distributed according to a predetermined ratio.
4. Instalment selling : A commodity can be sold and its amount can be paid in
instalments as long as there is no riba involved.

10.Compare between installment sales and “riba" (usury) loan:

Installment Sale Riba Loan

Sharia ruling Permissible (halal) Prohibited(Haram)
Delay penalty No penalty in case of payment There is increase in case
delay of payment delay
Benefit for the lender
Benefit Both parties benefit
11. What are Riba commodities?
The six substances (items) that are sold by weight and measure, literally: gold,
silver, dates, wheat, salt and barley. Exchanging these substances in kind must be
in equal measure and with immediate transfer of possession (qabdh) in order to
avoid exchanging unequal amounts (measures and weights). If carried out in
conformity to these conditions, then the exchange is riba-free
(i.e., halal/permissible/shari’a compliant).

12. Give examples of different kinds of Mubadalah along with the rulings.

13. Define "najsh" according to Sharia.

Najsh means overbidding. It is to increase the price of an item that one does not
intend to buy. The Prophet(PBUH) forbade najsh. He (PBUH) said”Do not
artificially inflate the prices against one another.”

14. Explain the ahadeeth : “No man should sell over his brother.”
One should not urge somebody to return the goods to the seller so as to sell him
his own goods. One should not cancel a bargain already agreed upon (Selling to a
second buyer). It is prohibited in Islam as it leads to mistrust, conflict, and enmity
between people.

15. Define gambling. What is the wisdom of prohibiting gambling?

Gambling means to give or take money or goods depending on something that is
not known how it will end. Any game or bet that has this property and that is
played in return for money or goods is called gambling. The word "maysir"
mentioned in the Quran is derived from the word "yusr", which means ease,
which indicates that money or goods are obtained or lost easily in gambling.

Gambling is a way of obtaining undeserved money which makes man forget his
Creator, prevents him from performing prayers, leads him to laziness, eliminates
his strength to work and causes grudge and enmity among people. All kinds of
gambling, which causes irreparable wounds in individual and social life, are haram
in the religion of Islam.

16.What is the ruling on the following matters with explanation?

Matter Ruling Explanation

They sold thirty grams of used gold for 20 Not This is excess riba.
grams of new gold. permissible
They sold a 100 kg of Khalas dates for Not This is excess riba.
150kg of Al Barji dates. permissible

17.Put ( ✓ ) before the right sentence and (X ) before the wrong one. (Then correct
the wrong one.)

Sentence Answer Correct answer

1. Increase in debt when it is due is sales X Debt riba
2. Equal fees is required to sell gold, and X Equal fees is not a
reciprocal handling before parting. condition, but
reciprocal handling is a

18.Fill in the following table as appropriate:

Type Description Terms

Gold for Amount Immediate reciprocal handling of equal
gold amount
Dates for Foods Immediate reciprocal handling of equal
dates amount

19.Describe the type of transaction that fits the following terms:

(Not to cancel a bargain already agreed upon – installment sale – loan riba)

Description of matter Type of Transaction

A person bought home furniture for (30,000 dirhams) to Installment sale
be paid within six months; each month (5,000 dirhams).
A person borrowed (ten thousand dirhams) from Loan riba
another one to be paid back to him (eleven thousand
dirhams) after six months.

20. What is the Sharia ruling for each of the following matters with explanation?
1. A person bought USD 100 for 367 dirhams to be paid after two days.
Verdict: Not permissible.
Reason: Because it is delay riba (it must be immediate reciprocal handling)
2. A person bought a car for 100,000 dirhams to be paid after two months.
Verdict: Permissible.
Reason: Because it is installment sale (immediate reciprocal handling is not a
3. A person bought items that he does not want; he wants to win a prize (a car) drawn
from subscribers.
Verdict: Not permissible.
Reason: Because the amount paid was intended for the prize which is not verified.
Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit II
Chapter 5: Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak
Learning Objectives:
Explain the facets of Sheikha Bint Mubarak's character.
Mention the awards and titles bestowed on her.
Deduce her personal characteristics and how to imbibe them.
Competency : Self Confidence, Independent learning
Value: Integrity

Question Answer
How did Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak work  She worked to make women a key
to support women? partner in construction and development,
 Empowering women and achieve
equality in rights and duties between men
and women.

Clarify the view of Sheikha Fatima  Women are the key to achieving peace in
concerning women. the present time, and they can spread it.
 Women are a key partner in construction
and development.

What is the title of Sheikha Fatima? The Mother of the UAE.

Introduce Her Highness Sheikha Fatima. She is Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak Al Ketbi.
She was the wife of the late Sheikh Zayed bin
Sultan Al Nahyan, may Allah rest his soul.

Where was Sheikha Fatima born? Sheikha Fatima was born in Al Hayer in Al

When did she get married to Sheikh Zayed, In 1960 AD.

may Allah rest his soul?
How was Sheikha Fatima raised up? She lived her childhood in a Bedouin,
conservative, religious family. She loved the
simplicity of the Bedouin life and its values, so
she grew up to be a believing, generous, and
loyal woman.

Some aspects of her personality: 1. Observing Islam and ethics,

2. Paying attention to knowledge and
3. Preserving heritage,
4. Her humanitarian aspect.

Some aspects of her personality (keenness to 1. She directed the media to raise awareness
observe Islam and ethics) and strengthen the values of Islam,
2. She combated the ignoble behaviors,
3. She paid attention to the Islamic forums,
4. She Launched the Al-Bir Award to
strengthen the values of loyalty and
giving in the society,
5. Strengthening the spiritual values of the
holy month of Ramadan (Ramadan Iftar).

What fields of knowledge did Sheikha Fatima  The Quranic sciences, Hadith sciences,
study? and Islamic jurisprudence,
 Humanities, Social Sciences and History.

Explain the following: Sheikha Fatima studied To combine faith, knowledge and work.
religious sciences as well as humanities.
Explain the following: Sheikha Fatima To strengthen the values of loyalty and giving
launched of the Al-Bir Award. in the society.

Some aspects of her personality are (Paying 1. She was keen to provide education for all
attention to knowledge and education). groups of the society,
2. She was keen to obliterate illiterateness
especially among women,
3. She donated to a lot of schools in the
Islamic and Arab worlds,
4. She encouraged scientific research.

Provide evidence for the strong will of She was keen to provide education for all
Sheikha Fatima. groups of the society and to obliterate illiteracy
in the UAE and the Arab world.
Provide evidence that shows her love for good She donated to a lot of universities and schools
doing everywhere. in Arab and Islamic countries.

Some aspects of her personality (keenness to 1. She patronized heritage exhibitions and
preserve heritage) museums.
2. She supported the Arab and Islamic
heritage (for instance, she donated to the
3. Palestinian Heritage Center to preserve
the Palestinian identity).
4. She patronized the Productive Family
Project in order to preserve the
traditional handcrafts and strengthen the
sense of pride of the past.
Explain the following: the Productive Family To preserve the traditional handicrafts and
Project was held under the patronage of strengthen the sense of pride of the past.
Sheikha Fatima.
Mention some local exhibitions and festivals - Patronizing the Cultural Passport Award,
that were held under the patronage of Sheikha run by the Family Development
Fatima as an expression of her support to the Foundation in 2003 in Abu Dhabi,
local heritage and folklore. - Patronizing the My Garden is my City
competition in cooperation with the
Department of Municipal Affairs in

Some aspects of her personality (the 1. Providing care for the elderly, children
humanitarian aspect) and orphans,
2. Providing care for the people of
determination (people with disabilities),
3. Supporting the children of Iraq and
4. Donating to Egyptian Children's
5. Donated to nursing homes in Lebanon,
6. Donated to people who were affected by
drought in Africa,
7. Giving presents to the orphans in Eids.

What are the characteristics of Sheikha 1. Generosity 2. Faithfulness 3. Giving

Fatima? 4. Humbleness 5. Love for work
Describe the point of view of Sheikha Fatima It is a sincere, religious view that considers
in taking care of the weak and needy. charitable work boundless. Therefore, she was
keen to take care of them everywhere and
considered that a duty.

Why did Sheikha Fatima not limit the Because of her distinguished view that
voluntary activities to the United Arab charitable work includes all humanity. Her
Emirates? Highness considers good doing and voluntary
work Islamic duties of the Emirati people
towards all peoples of the world.

Infer the reasons behind the keenness of Because Her Highness believes that charitable
Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak to participate work needs the cooperation all organizations
and patronize charity work conferences. and countries.

What are the incentive awards that Sheikha 1. Ideal Mother of Emirates Award,
Fatima launched? 2. Community Creativity and Excellence
3. Al Dar Family Award,
4. The Best Garden Competition,
5. Afhar Women Championship for
Arabian Horses,
6. Sheikha Fatima Award for Sportive

What are the titles of Sheikha Fatima? 1. The Mother of Sheikhs

2. The Mother of the UAE
3. The Mother of Arabs

What are the awards that she received? 1. Community Creativity and Excellence
2. The Sportive Women Award

Who is the pioneering figure in women’s Sheikha Fatima bint Mubarak

action and women promoting in the United
Arab Emirates?
Explain the following: Sheikha Fatima is Because she worked hard to empower women
considered the pioneering figure of women in the society and to make women a key partner
action and women promoting in the United in the construction and development.
Arab Emirates.
Explain the following: Sheikha Fatima was Because she believes in the importance of
keen to educate all groups of the society be building the cultured, modern human and in the
them young or old. complementary roles of men and women in
building the home country

Mention some of her efforts to preserve the 1. She patronized heritage exhibitions and
heritage. museums.
2. She supported the Arab and Islamic
3. She patronized the Productive Family

Tick the correct statements and put an (x) next  Sheikha Fatima was born in Alyahar in
to the wrong ones. Al Ain (False)
 In her study, she combined knowledge
and work (True)
 One of her titles is the Mother of
 She was keen to combat the ignoble

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit IV
Chapter 1 : Marriage is the path to Chastity
Surat un Nur (32 – 34)
Learning Objective :
• Interpret the meaning of the verses 32 to 34 of Surat un Nur of the Holy Quran and adopt
the values expressed in them.
• Explain the effects of adultery
• Infer the measures for combatting adultery.

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Answer the following questions :

1.What are the hazards associated with failure to facilitate marriage ?
(i) Spread of adultery and fornication.
(ii) Children born out of wedlock.
(iii)Spread of diseases.

2.Arabic Vocabulary

And marry the unmarried among you and the righteous among your male slaves and
female slaves. If they should be poor, Allah will enrich them from His bounty, and Allah
is all-Encompassing and Knowing.
But let them who find not [the means for] marriage abstain [from sexual relations]
until Allah enriches them from His bounty. And those who seek a contract [for
eventual emancipation] from among whom your right hands possess - then make a
contract with them if you know there is within them goodness and give them from the
wealth of Allah which He has given you. And do not compel your slave girls to
prostitution, if they desire chastity, to seek [thereby] the temporary interests of
worldly life. And if someone should compel them, then indeed, Allah is [to them], after
their compulsion, Forgiving and Merciful.
Word Meaning
A man or woman without a spouse
A human being who is the property of
Your slaves another
A female slave
Maid Servants
To diligently seek abstaining from
Keep chaste fornication
A contract between a slave and his owner
Writing on an amount of money to set the slave
The male and female servants one
your slaves
Fornication for an agreed sum of money

3. What are the measures that are to be taken to prevent fornication?

Islam promotes the prevention of the crime before it occurs. Measures stipulated by
Islam are:
(i) Urging the youth to marry.
(ii)Preserving chastity: If one is unable to get married, then he should try to fast,
hoping Allah, will make his path to marriage easy.
(iii) Prohibiting prostitution and all ways leading to it.

4. Prostitution is prohibited by human and international laws. Explain.

Prostitution is trading in sex managed by a group, headed by a criminal, who
facilitates the process and encourages others to engage in it, for materialistic
interests and to gain power and authority. It causes other crimes like abduction,
coercion, murder and drug abuse, in addition to the humiliation of human dignity.

5. Explain the concept of “Mukataba” contract.

Mukataba is a contract which gave the slaves the right to set themselves free,
according to an agreement between the two parties, the slave and the slave holder.
Muslims were encouraged to free slaves, or aid through their zakkaat in fulfilling the
Mukataba contract.

6. What are some of the subjects, incorporated in the Holy Quran, from the following
Holy verse :

And We have certainly sent down to you distinct verses and examples from those who
passed on before you and an admonition for those who fear Allah .

Some of the subjects which the ayah warns are about:

(1) State the laws concerning zina(fornication), qazf(false accusation of adultery)
and li’an(oath of condemnation).
(2) Forbid the believers to marry impure men or women.
(3) Prohibit the slandering of chaste people and propagating indecencies in
(4) Lay stress on men and women to restrain their gaze and guard their private
(5) Prescribe the limits of Hijab for women.
(6) Disapprove of delaying marriage.
(7) Lay down the rule for slaves to earn their freedom through written
(8) Ban prostitution to purify society.
After all these commands and instructions, a warning is being given that now if the
people violated these instructions it would only mean that they wanted to meet with
the same doom as the lot of the wretched communities before them, whose stories
have been related in the Quran itself.
Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit II
Chapter 3 : Responsibility in Islam
Learning Objectives:
Recite and Understand the verses 11 -20 of Surat un Nur
Infer the benevolence of A’isha (RA).
Demonstrate the negative effects of rumors on individuals and society
Competency : Problem Solving, Independent learning
Values : Integrity, Respect

Answer the following Questions.

1. How has Allah(SWT) honored man ?
Allah(SWT) has honored men and raised his status among all His creations.
Allah(SWT) says in Surat ul Isra verse 70,
“We have honored the sons of Adam; provided them with transport on
land and sea; given them for sustenance things good and pure; and
conferred on them special favors, above a great part of Our creation.”
This honor bears great obligation, of submitting to the will of Allah(SWT),
observing forbidden things and the limits set by Allah(SWT).

2. Define the concept of responsibility in Islam.

Responsibility is the way man is committed to the consequences of his willful
action in religion and worldly affairs. Man will be held responsible for everything
over which he possesses the will and freedom of action.

The relationship between responsibility and choice:

The mercy of Allah, Glorified and Sublime be He, linked responsibility to man’s
choice and will; man is not responsible for something towards which he has no
choice. Color, sex, and other things are matters that man has no power over.
Also, he will not be held accountable in case of necessity, or if he fears dying of
hunger and he does not find except a dead animal and eats of it to save himself
from perishing; responsibility is annulled in such cases.

3. List the types of responsibility.

Type 1: individual responsibility:
Type 2: collective responsibility:
4. What do you understand by the term “Individual Responsibility” ?
This means every individual is responsible for himself and everything that issues
from him in words or deeds.
Division of individual responsibility:
Allah has specified these three sectors :
1- Religious responsibility: everyone will be held accountable before Allah, on
the Day of Judgment.
2- Moral responsibility: A Muslim has to subject himself to a system of self-
3- Responsibility before the government and public opinion: A Muslim is
accountable before his community, which watches over his actions and
judges him according to these actions, materially before the Judiciary and
morally before the public opinion.

5. What do you understand by the term “Collective Responsibility”?

Islam gives public interest priority over private interest because the former
subsumes individual interest. Islam views the individual in society as a part of a
Sufficiency Duties (Fard al Kifayah):
Sufficiency duties relate to the Muslim society and its duties towards its
members and their interests. They are not restricted to acts of devotion such as
the funeral prayer or founding jurisprudence academies and institutions of
collective ijtihad .
1- Learning universal sciences such as Medicine, Engineering and other
beneficiary sciences, involving in scientific researches, promoting innovation,
quality in industry, commerce and agriculture which promotes a diversified
2- Finding scientific centers for the creative and talented in different fields.
3- Achieving food and economic security in Muslim societies.
4- Finding purposive media establishments.
5- Internal and external security.
6- Creating social institutions capable of ensuring the necessities of living for
the poor and destitute.

6. What are the stages of individual responsibility?

Stages of individual responsibility:
1- Pre-action: one has to make decisions as regards what one intends to do.
This necessitates good planning, studying options and estimating consequences
before the action commences.
2- Post action: one is responsible for one’s choice, the way of executing this
choice and one should bear the effects and consequences of one’s choice.
7. What are the spheres of individual responsibility ?
Spheres of individual responsibility:
1- Man’s responsibility towards himself.
2- Man’s responsibility towards his family and relatives.
3- Man’s occupational responsibility.
4- Man’s responsibility towards his homeland and nation.

8. What are the limits of individual responsibility ?

The limit of individual responsibility: the responsibility of man is not limited to
his action alone; but extends beyond these as he is responsible for the effects of
his actions.
A man will be held accountable for the actions of others in the following three
1- if the action is taken under his order or his inspiration.
2- if others follow the example of what he has done.
3- if he keeps silent as regards an action he is authorized to change and is capable
of changing.

9. “ Whoever instigates another to commit a mistake shares the responsibility for

committing the mistake.” Justify.
Man is responsible not only for his actions, but also the ones he inspires others to
do. He cannot distance himself from the mistake, by saying that he had only
suggested, where as the action was carried out by the other.

10. Analyze and determine the responsibility in the following cases :

Choice Responsible

Compulsion Not Responsible

Choice Responsible
Choice Responsible

11. Deduce the type of responsibility

Moral responsibility. The Prophet (SAW) was taking an account of himself,
whether he had committed a sin by eating the dates, as Zakah is haram for the
prophets of Allah(SWT).

12. Suicide is forbidden in Islam. Explain.

The human body and soul is an Amanah, entrusted to man, by Allah(SWT). It is
his responsibility to take care of them, with all the means provided to him.
Trials and tribulations are a part of this duniya and getting past them is a part of
Imaan. Suicide is only attempted by those who do not trust Allah(SWT)’s plans
and despair of His infinite Mercy. Man has no right to take his own life, life
which was given to him by Allah(SWT).

13. Identify the role and responsibilities of the family members.

Member Role
Parents *Rearing children in a manner consistent with obeying
*Provide basic necessities such as food, clothing,
Shelter, education and medical support.
*Teaching them about Islam, prayer, fasting,hajj.
*Teaching them moral responsibilities, respecting the
Elders, supporting the community, etc
Husband * Good companionship
*Provide protection, maintenance and overall welfare
Of his wife and children.
*Treat his wife with honour, kindness and patience.
Wife * Good companionship
*Should be faithful, trustworthy and honest.
*Take good care of the children and bring them up in
Accordance with Islam.
*Managing the husband’s assets and properties
Children *Love and respect their parents, elders,neighbours.
*Learn the Islamic way of life.
*Help the parents in household work.
*Take care of the parents when they become old.
14. Imagine you are the head of the department, in an organization. List the duties
and responsibilities towards
(i) the work environment
(ii)the employees in the division.

My responsibility towards
(i) the work environment : Perform the tasks to the best of my abilities, by
perfecting it and finding better myself everyday.
(ii) the employees in the division : Being empathetic, co operative,
approachable, supportive and encourage them to perform their best.

15. Infer the relationship between individual and collective responsibility from the

Societies are made up of different individuals who vary in race, ethnicity and
religion. The approach to Islam in this question is unique. In the process, it
creates the strongest bond possible. One of the necessary aspects of this
brotherhood is love. That is, it is an obligation upon all Muslims to love their
brother Muslims. In fact, they should love them in a manner similar to the way
they care for themselves. As the Prophet, may the mercy and blessings of God
be upon him, said:
“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for
A second necessary aspect of this brotherhood is mutual support, aid and
assistance. When his brother is being oppressed or wronged, he comes to his
aid and assistance with his wealth and soul, if possible. A third essential aspect
of this Islamic brotherhood is mercy and tenderness between the believers. A
final necessary component of our brotherhood is common acts of
courtesy. True brotherhood has to be put into practice; it cannot simply be a
statement of the tongue.

16. What are the four things a person will be asked about on the Day of
Allah’s Messenger(PBUH) said: “No one will be allowed to move from his
position on the Day of Judgement until he is asked how he spent his life; how
he used his knowledge; how he earned and spent his money; and in what
pursuits he used his health.”

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit IV
Chapter 2 : Creative Thinking in Islam
Learning Objective :
• Interpret the meaning of the verses 32 to 34 of Surat un Nur of the Holy Quran and adopt
the values expressed in them.
• Explain the effects of adultery
• Infer the measures for combatting adultery.

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Answer the following questions :

1.Islam encourages Creativity. Support your answer with an ayah and ahadeeth.
The innovative abilities of humans are a gift from Allah(SWT), to examine how man
uses them, as Allah says in the verse:

[He] who created death and life to test you [as to] which of you is best in deed - and
He is the Exalted in Might, the Forgiving . Surat ul Mulk Verse2.

The Messenger(PBUH) has said “Be keen with what is beneficial to you and seek help
from Allah(SWT), do not be reckless.”

Islam encourages man to work hard, innovate and search for new methods, develop
one’s ability, to achieve progress and prosperity to the highest level.

2. What are the most important skills required for innovation ?

The most important skills required for innovation are
• Eloquence
• Originality
• Flexibility
• Focus
• Giving details
• Sensitivity to the problem
3. Reflect and Explain :
“One of the Asma ul Husna of Allah(SWT) is Al Badi’u; The Originator”

The Originator of the heavens and the earth. Surat ul Baqarah verse 117.
Everything that is in the heavens and everything that is on the earth was created by
Allah(SWT), and He created it in the best possible way. He is the Originator of all of
the creation, in all its perfect order, structure and harmony. Without Him, life as we
know it would simply not exist. When we look at the stars, or at a seed or at our
own fingerprints, we should contemplate where these beautifully designed things
originated from. It is He who created the heavens and the earth in all their infinite
beauty and He Knows all that occurs within them.

4. Relate the story of Dhul Qarnayn with reference to Ayahs 93 – 97 of Surat ul Kahf.
Infer the creative and innovative thinking exhibited by him.
‘Dhul Qarnain‘, or “the possessor of (‫ )ذِي‬the two horns (ِ‫”)القَ ْرنَي ِْن‬. Dhul-Qarnayn was a
man endowed by Allah with many talents and abilities, including military prowess,
the ability to rule kingdoms, and extensive practical knowledge on many aspects of
life. He was also a pious and steadfast Muslim who constantly contemplated over
the signs of Allah and lived his days travelling from one destination to the next in
order to establish justice in the land and alleviate the suffering of the people.

He came across a people living in a valley between two mountains. They were
tormented by the Ya’juj and Ma’juj. The people asked him to build a barrier
between them, and were willing to pay for it. Dhul Qarnayn refused the payment
and requested to help him with manpower. Dhul Qarnain got to work, and built the

We infer the following qualities exhibited by Dhul Qarnayn

(i) The markings of a true “professional”!
Dhul Qarnayn built for the people a barrier that was bigger, better, firmer and more
long-lasting in purpose than what they had requested. Someone who does his job
better than expected.
(ii)A business deal done solely for the sake of Allah.
When he refused their offer of payment, he gave the most beautiful reason for it.
Allah had already granted him vast provisions upon earth , and instead of becoming
arrogant and miserly, he remained humble, proclaiming Allah’s bounties upon him
publicly and in an unapologetic manner.
(iii) Innovative and creative in the use of resources.
Using iron, fire, bellows, and molten copper, he utilized the knowledge, manpower
and other resources at his disposal to build an insurmountable and impenetrable
barrier that trapped the Yajuj and Majuj in the valley between the mountains.
Metallurgy was a very new concept during that period.
(iv) Public Acknowledgment of Allah’s Favors and Belief in the Hereafter
Instead of taking full credit for the job, he credited its success solely to Allah, since
every believer knows that whatever he has been blessed with, from his talents,
abilities, resources and knowledge, to the ideas and aid of other people that help
bring about the positive culmination of the projects he undertakes, are all solely
from Allah. Just as Allah can give someone all these blessings, so too, can He take
them away in the blink of an eye!

5. Give examples of incidents related in the Quran, where creative thinking was used.
(i) Surat ul Kahf : The incident of Musa(AS) with Qidr(AS) to protect the ship, from
the pirates, by making it appear damaged.
(ii) Yusuf(AS)’s innovative method of storing grains to be used during the famine.

6. What are some of the benefits of innovation and creativity?

(i) Man’s appreciation of creativity helps him to get closer to Allah(SWT),
through acts of worship and appreciation of the creativity in Allah’s Creations.
(ii) Benefit the society by finding new cures, method of farming, exploration of
(iii) Engagement of man in the overall development and progress of the society.

7.What are the factors that assist innovation?

(i) Family is an incubator for innovation and creativity.
(ii)Studying and searching for knowledge.
(iii)Sincerity and perfection

8. What are the rules to be followed while pursuing innovation and creativity ?
(i) One should not permit things that are haram and forbid what is halal.
(ii)There should be only creativity and no bid’ah(religious innovation).
(iii) Creativity and innovation should be within the ethics of Islam and should not be
Fraudulent or illegal.

9. “The source of all creativity is Allah(SWT)”. Infer this statement by observing the
environment around you.
The innovation of Allah(SWT) is clear in
(i) The perfection of creation, system of lives of the creatures, their existence, as
well as their beauty and perfection, in their harmony in spite of their diversity
and multiplicity.
(ii) Allah has adorned the skies with stars.
(iii) Perfection between man, beast, plants and inanimate things.
10.Compare divine and human creativity.
Divine creativity Human creativity
Needs no pre existing ideal Needs a model/ideal
Infinite in number, many yet to be Limited, in spite of its multiplicity.
Can create from nothing Needs a source/material

11. Identify the guiding lines of the Prophet(PBUH) as regards innovative education in
regards to the following ahadeeth :
(i) “Allah loves anyone who has done a deed to perfect it.”
To strive for perfection, without sacrificing the quality of the work.
(ii) Release prisoners of war, provided each prisoner teaches 10 children to read and
Prophet(PBUH) understood the importance of education over wealth. He traded
the freedom of the prisoners in exchange of education over money.
(iii) “It is an honest man’s sale or a man’s work with his hands.”
The best wages are earned by fair business and honest work

12. Name some Islamic scholars and their innovation.

Islamic Scholar Innovation

1. Bin Al Nafis The first physician to describe the pulmonary
circulation of the blood.
2. Bin al Haytham Excelled in Optics, Chemistry, Mathematics and
Construction Engineering.
3. Al Khawarizmi Mathematics and Geography
4. Al Idrisi Geography and Astrology
5. Bin Sina Medicine
6. Al Biruni Physics, Maths, Astronomy and Natural sciences
7. Jabir bin Hayyan Chemistry

13. Explain the significance of Sheikh Muhammad bin Rashid’s statement:

“The joy of life is to do something never done before, never expected; I am waiting for
a new innovation by you.”
Give evidence of the extent of attestation given by the leaders of the UAE to
innovators and creative persons.

The UAE under the wise leadership, has created an environment conducive to
innovation and creativity and discover new talents. Driven by its firm beliefs and
futuristic views, it has enacted laws, founded institutions and allocated funds for local
and international awards. 2015 was declared as the “Year of Innovation” to attract
national skills, increase distinguished research and explore new horizons to improve
economy. Establishment of two new projects, an “Innovation Hub” and a “Creative
Community”, in the Dubai Technology and Media Free Zone .The new law opens the
door for innovation-based companies operating in certain activities defined under the
law to benefit from the 100% ownership, tax free and other benefits regulated by the
Free Zone. The Innovation Hub is expected to house a workforce of around 15,000
companies of all sizes including start-ups, SMEs, multinationals and infrastructure
services including innovation complexes, creative spaces, technology laboratories and
smart buildings.

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit IV
Chapter 3: Fiqh of Priorities

Answer the following questions :

1.Define Fiqh of Priorities.

Fiqh of Priorities means giving some actions precedence over others based on
considerable evidence. The evidence on which the priority is based may be a
Qur’anic and Sharia text or mental deduction based on Qiyas(Deductive analogy)
and understanding of the purposes and goals of Sharia.

2. State some of the benefits of studying Fiqh of Priorities.

The study of Fiqh of Priorities has great benefits to individuals and societies alike.
Some of them are:
• Preserving the Sharia purposes by observing the necessities and giving it
precedence over other matters.
• Saving time and effort and realize competence in achievement as it helps us
to prioritize.
• Prioritizing deeds on the basis of importance. All the deeds are not same in
rank as they vary in the view of Sharia .
• Realizing progress and prosperity as the efforts of every individual can be
unified to realize the best results.

3.Classify the deeds.

There are two main categories in Islam; Halal (permissible) and haram (forbidden).
• Halal is divided into 4 sub-divisions based on the way in which they were made
1. Faraid = obligatory: It is something that must be done, if we do it
we’re rewarded for it if we don’t (on purpose) we’re punished for it, if we
don’t repent.
2. Mustahabb = recommended: These are acts which are encouraged by the
Prophet (pbuh). If we do them we’re rewarded, if we don’t we’re not
punished no matter what. Acts classified as Mustahabb are those which a)
The Prophet (pbuh) used to do regularly, b) those he recommended.
3. Mubah = allowed: These are some acts that are allowed and they don’t
affect our faith or relationship with God.
4. Makrooh = disliked: If we don’t do these acts we will be rewarded, but if
we do them there is no punishment. But it is better to avoid them
because they may be harmful for us and they can lead to haram actions.
• Haram = forbidden: An act is haram if Allah or His Messenger(pbuh) ordered us
not to do it, without making any exceptions. If we avoid these acts we are
rewarded if we don’t we are punished.

4. Differentiate Sunan Mustahab and Nawafil acts.

The best deeds are religious duties imposed by Allah(SWT) which are Faraid or
compulsory. These are followed by commendable acts which are Sunan Mustahab,
i.e following the Sunnah of the Prophet(pbuh). Nawafil are voluntary acts which
bring us closer to Allah. The order of priority is Faraid, followed by Sunan Mustahab
followed by Nawafil acts.

5. Someone spends money on going to voluntary Hajj and Umrah but does not pay
Zakah. Do you agree to this. Support your answer.

According to the Fiqh of Priorities, the Faraid have the highest precedence.
Performing voluntary Hajj and Umrah are considered to be Nawafil, where as paying
Zakah is Fara’id. Hence by not paying Zakah he is not doing what has been
commanded by Allah(SWT). He is falling short of performing his religious duty, for
which he will be punished.

Other examples of this mistake are

(i) performing voluntary prayers through out the night but missing on the Fajr
(ii) Keeping voluntary fasts and not performing his duties towards his family or

6.Give examples of how the companions of the Prophet(pbuh) took care in

establishing the Fiqh of Priorities.

• During the year of the famine(Aam ar Ramada), the caravan of Uthman ibn
Affan(RA), arrived from Syria with one thousand camels carrying dates, oil and
raisin. There was a stiff competition in the market to buy his goods, each one
willing to pay a higher price. But Uthman Ibn Affan(RA) gave it to the Muslims. If
it were an ordinary merchant, he would have found a rare opportunity to gain
huge amounts of money. He gave public interest priority over personal interest.
• Abu Bakr(RA) donated all his wealth to prepare and equip the army for the
Battle of Tabuk. He also gave priority to public interest over personal interest.
7. Deduce the Fiqh of Priorities from the following texts:

Here consideration of illness or hardship is given priority over lengthening the

Salah, when prayed in congregation, as there may be some who are
experiencing difficulties. Whereas when one prays alone, he should make it as
long as he possibly can.


Islam is a religion of ease. Allah(SWT) desires ease for man as he is

Created weak. If one is unable to fast due to health reasons, he should make it
up when he is able to do so. If his health does not allow him to do so, he should
feed the poor.


The Messenger(pbuh) was the first one to order an organized statistics of those
who had believed in him after his migration to Madinah. Planning is the
foundation of any successful action. Every serious work should have prerequisite
studies, planning statistics and feasibility studies before implementation.


This Hadeeth indicates to us, the importance of prioritizing the manner in which
we spend money. It is a necessity, to take care of ourself, before we spend
money for others. Preference should always be given to family, relatives, then to
any one in need.


“As for the ship, it belonged to poor people, working on the river, and I wished
to mar it, for there was a king behind them who is taking every ship by force.”
Surat ul Kahf – Verse 79.

During the journey of Musa(AS) with Qidr(AS), Qidr(AS) made some dents to
the ship, they were travelling in, to protect it from being taken over by a
King, forcefully. Hence we find that, it is possible to commit minor sins to realize
a major interest.

8. When there is a conflict of interests, how do we prioritize them?

When there is a conflict of interest then

(i) The most important event is given priority such as giving public interest
priority over personal interest.
(ii) When faced with choosing between 2 corrupt practices, we choose ‘The
lesser of the two evils’.
(iii) When interests conflict with corrupt acts, we take into consideration the
outcomes because it is possible to commit minor sins to realize a major
interest, or suspend an interest to avoid a corrupt act. For example, the
decision of the doctors to amputate a limb infected with gangrene to save
the rest of the body.

9. Make a judgement, on each of the following matters and give a reason for it.
(i) Someone spends his money in voluntary charity(sadaqah) and does not repay
his debts.
This is incorrect as the Fara’id and Nawafil acts are in conflict. Repaying one’s
debt is Fara’id, whereas spending money in voluntary charity(sadaqah) is
Nawafil. Fara’id takes precedence over Nawafil acts.

(ii) Someone does not use perfumes containing alcohol, but accepts presents
given to him because of his job.
Accepting presents given to him because of his position is haram and is a
bigger evil.
(iii) A young man possesses enough money to do one of two things, marriage or
performing Hajj. He is puzzled, as to which has to be given priority.
He should marry first, as marriage completes half of deen. Marriage takes
precedence over performing Hajj, Hajj is to be performed after fulfilling all his
obligations and if he has enough money for the journey.
Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit II
Chapter 2 : The Divine Laws
Learning Objectives:
Explain the concept and parts of the Divine Laws(as Sunan ar Rabaniyah)
Identify the conditional laws(sunan) in the Holy Quran and the Prophet’s
Apply the laws in my daily life and benefit fromit.
Competency : Problem Solving, Critical Thinking
Values : Integrity, Respect

Answer the following Questions.

1. Why is a believer subjected to trials and tribulations?
A believer understands that this Duniya is a testing ground, the higher the imaan,
the more difficult the test. Trials and tribulation are means of expiation of sins
and achievement of Rewards. The believers put their trust(Tawakkul) in Allah
(SWT) and believe that everything that occurs in the universe is according to the
will of Allah(SWT). Hence they develop a strong bond with Allah(SWT),through
which their status in Jannah is elevated.

2. Explain the concept of Divine Laws.

Divine Laws(as Sunan ar Rabaniyah) are constant and progressive laws, that
govern the system of creatures through time and place, according to the will of
Allah(SWT). It is divided into 2 parts
(i) Inevitable Laws : Man or any other creation has no choice regarding these
laws, for example death.
(ii)Conditional Laws : They are linked to the deeds and will of man. They occur in
the form of 2 interconnected events; one is a condition whereas the other is
the result.

3. Explain the ayah

If a man wants to change a state of hardship to one of ease, he must get rid of
negligence and laziness, distance himself from sins and adhere to hardwork,
obedience and diligence. This is a conditional law, if man wants the result,
then he must endeavor to satisfy the condition.

4. What is the importance of understanding the divine laws ?

Man is required to understand the laws of Allah glory be to Him, in order to
understand the world he lives in .
(i) It will assist him in organizing his life, realizing his interest and happiness
in this world and the Hereafter.
(ii) The constancy and continuity of phenomena such as rainfall, movement
of stars, alteration of night and day, different stages of a human being in
the mother’s womb, etc enabled scientists to discover and understand
many of them and consequently use them to serve mankind.
(iii) They are a means of knowing the greatness of Allah(SWT).
(iv) The discovery of these laws lead to cooperation and understanding
between people, as it requires hard work and diligence.
(v) It gives us reassurance about divine justice, as these laws apply to all
people without discrimination.

5. List the characteristics of divine law.

The laws of Allah(SWT) in the universe have 3 characteristics:
(i) Constancy : They do not change with change in place and time.
(ii) Progression : These laws occur recurrently and continuously.
(iii) Generality : The rules of these laws applies to creatures with out

6. Rain continues to fall, while sins exist and obscene acts are widespread.
Allah(SWT), is the most merciful and most forgiving. He provides for all
humans irrespective of their acceptance of Islam. Allah(SWT), in his infinite
mercy and love for His creations, continues to make the cloud bear rain.

7. Deduce the condition and reward in the conditional laws mentioned in the
following ahadeeths.

1. “He who is deprived of kindness is deprived of goodness”

Condition : Being unkind and cruel to the creations.
Result: Allah will deprive them of His mercy and kindness.
2.” Good works protect from evil fates.”
Condition: Acts of righteousness, by spending from one’s possessions and
abilities for the sake of Allah.

Result: Prevention of any unforeseeable misfortune or suffering that might

occur in one’s life.
3.” A false oath uproots a house.”
Condition : Giving a false oath, which is one of the major sins in Islam.
Result: Uprooting and destroying Allah’s blessings.
4.“If someone with whose piety and character you are satisfied comes to you
asking to be married to one of your daughters, marry her to him. If you do not
do so, there will be trials in the earth and a great deal of evil.”
Condition: Rejecting the good pious suitor
Result: Spreading trials and evil in the earth
5. “Whosoever desires to have expansion in his sustenance and a prolonged
life, should treat his relatives with kindness”
Condition: Kindness to relatives
Result: Expansion in sustenance and life
6.“Anything you stop doing for the sake of Allah, Allah shall give you something
better than it in compensation”
Condition: Not doing things for Allahs’ sake.
Result: Allah compensates with something better.

Spread of Phenomena Result

1. Spread of adultery in society Spread of plague and
2. People cheating in measuring and Poverty, Hardship,
weighing, and being unfair to one another Oppression
in trading
3. Not paying the Zakah Rain ceases to fall on their

8. Advise your fellow student as regards the following case

He neglects his studies arguing that he puts his trust in Allah, glory be to
on the basis of your understanding of the conditional law in the hadith:
A man said to the Prophet, peace be upon him, I leave my camel and
trust in Allah? The Prophet said, “Tie your camel then put your trust in
Trusting and relying on Allah is a condition for faith but after using all the
available means of success. Hence I would advice my friend to put in hard work
and then put his trust in Allah to score well.

9. Is it necessary that the results of the conditional laws are to be evident

immediately. Justify.

Allah in His infinite Mercy and Wisdom rewards or punishes according to His
will, as He is the Most Just.
If there is a delay in the rewards, it is only to be rewarded in the Hereafter,
which will be more than what we could imagine.
If there is a delay in the punishment, it is because Allah, being the Most
Merciful and Forgiving, is repeatedly forgiving them and waiting for them to
regain their sense and ask for forgiveness.

10. Explain the Holy verse:

“Let there be no compulsion in religion” Surah Baqarah 256.

This worldly life is available to both the believers and the non believers.
Allah out of mercy provides for both of them, if not people will believe out
of sheer greed for provision and not out of conviction and certainty. No one
should be forced to accept Islam.

11.Explain: The significance of the interconnection between conditional laws

and the action and will of man.
It signifies that all human beings have the free will in life to choose whether
good or bad, and the reward or punishment will be accordingly rewarded
upon their choices.

12. Do you agree or disagree to the claim that the universe existed accidentally.
I disagree to the claim that the universe came in to existence accidentally. It
is a false claim because this universe was created innovatively and
systematically. Chance and luck couldn’t do that. But it causes chaos and

13. Explain: Aspects of harmony between the law of evaporation and the Plant
It is an integrated relation. Evaporation causes rainfall, and then rain revives
plants and soil.
14. Identify some of the results due to the spread of lewdness.
(i)Spreading corruption and vices through Muslim community.
(ii)Depriving from Allahs’ bounties and blessings.
(iii)Allahs’ anger.

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit IV
Chapter 4 : Globalization
Learning Objective :
• Identify the fields of Globalization.
• Explain the position of Islam towards Globalization
• Infer the negative and positive effects of Globalization.

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Empathy, respect

Answer the following questions :

1.Define Globaliztion.
Globalization as an idea is as ancient as civilizations and human societies; it
manifests itself in commercial exchanges, population movements, diffusion of ideas,
forming markets and extending transport grids.
Globalization is an increased connection and co operation between human societies
through exchange of goods, capitals, movement of persons and exchange of
information, irrespective of the political and geographical borders. It is imposing a
particular pattern of civilization in the realms of thought, culture, economy and
politics and generalizing it worldwide.

2. What were some of the factors that contributed to globalization in modern days?
Some of the factors that led to globalization are :
• Political changes, emergence of Western capitalism as a widespread model.
• Technical development especially in the means and modes of transport and
• Establishment of International Organizations such as the International
Monetary Fund, World Health Organization, etc.

3. What are the forms of globalization ?

Globalization takes on 2 forms :
Economic Globalization
It involves free international trade whereby goods, services and capitals move
between states without obstacles or barriers. It helps to raise the standard of living,
through provision of goods and the ease of attaining them.
Cultural Globalization:
It is the transfer of ideas, customs and values between societies through the
internet, social media and international travel to reinforce social relations. It helps
to spread different cultures across national and regional borders.

4. List the important means of diffusing culture in the present time.

• Internet
• Social Media
• Travel

5. State the positive and negative effects of globalization.

Positive effects of Globalization:
• Global economic competition will lead to improved production in the fields of
industry, agriculture and services, making life healthy and convenient.
• Humanitarian problems can be solved through unified efforts to control
problems such as spread of diseases, environment pollution and challenges
relating to climate.
• Promotes human values like tolerance, co-operation and co-existence.
Negative effects of Globalization:
• Dissolving national and personal identity and reforming it in the framework of
a global personality.
• Suspending national interests especially when it conflicts with the interests of
• Controlling domestic markets by global institutions of powerful influence.
• Dominance of powerful and influential nations over weaker states, until they
confirm to the needs of globalization.
• Aggravation of drug trafficking and terrorism.
• Widening the gap between the rich and the poor.
• Exploiting resource rich but under developed nations by rich, manufacturing

6. State some practical means and methods to combat the negative effects of
• Enhancing and fortifying the national identity
• Changes to the educational system to keep abreast with the developments of
• Implementation of laws to protect the interests of the weaker states.

7. Explain the following Sharia text with respect to the universality of Islam’s
perception of mankind:
“Would you (O Muhammed) compel men until they are believers.”
Surah Yunus, verse 99

Islam has secured the freedom of people to practice their own religion, as there
should be no compulsion in faith. Islam has to be accepted willingly.

(ii) The Messenger(PBUH) said, “Allah is beautiful and loves beauty. Allah is good
and only accepts that which is good. Allah is clean and loves cleanness.”

Islam advocates man to appear his best, do his best in all spheres, as
Allah(SWT) loves perfection.

(iii) The Prophet(PBUH) has said,” There is no superiority for an Arab over a non
Arab, nor for a non Arab over an Arab. Neither is the white superior over the
black, nor is the black superior over the white – except by piety.”

Racism or any other forms of discrimination is not permitted in Islam. We are

encouraged to show respect to all irrespective of creed, color, caste, gender or


Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due and when
you judge between people to judge with justice.
Surat un Nisa, Verse 58

Islam encourages virtues of trustworthiness and justice.

O Mankind, fear your Lord, who created you from a single person.
Surat un Nisa, Verse 1

Man should fear Allah(SWT) and abide by His rules, as he was created from a
Single person, Adam(AS). Hence all of humanity has to uphold the ties of


Say: “I am only a mortal like you. My Lord inspires me that your God is only one
Prophets and messengers are only mortals like us, and they have been given a
special status by Allah(SWT) to carry the message of Islamic Monotheism
(Tawheed). They should not be in any case elevated to the status of God.

8. Name some countries that strongly oppose globalization.

China and North Korea.

9. What is the Islamic view on globalization ?

Islam is a global religion and is not restricted to time, place or nation. The
Prophet(PBUH) dealt with people of other religions, in a perfect manner while
conducting trade, according to Islamic ethics. Islam encourages mercy, tolerance
and brotherhood, it does not advocate racism, terrorism or any other act which
causes damage to any other human being. Islam celebrates the differences in
different nations and does not compel anyone to have the same attire, tradition or
culture as long as it is within the limits of the Sharia. Hence Islam advocates
individuality as well as a feeling of community. It does not coerce any one to accept
Islam. Hence it tries to achieve all the positive effects of globalization while warding
off the negative aspects.

10. How does Islam unify mankind?

Islam unifies mankind through
• Belief in Islamic Monotheism
• Universal Brotherhood
• Non imperialization of natural resources
• Justice for all
• Upholding the dignity of human beings
• Spreading peace

11. What are the hazards of obliterating national identity?

Man has a natural inclination towards the nation he was born into. He feels a
sense of belonging and security. Obliterating national identity causes an identity
crisis, which leads to an extinction of certain societies and their cultures.

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit III
Chapter 2 : Prophetic Methodology in health care

Learning Objective :
• Interpret the meaning of the verses 1 to 10 of Surat un Nur of the Holy Quran and adopt
the values expressed in them.
• Explain the effects of adultery
• Infer the meaning of 'oath of condemnation (Li'an).

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Answer the following questions :

1. Justify why preserving the health is one of the greatest purposes of Sharia.

It is impossible to count the blessings of Allah(SWT), even if one were to count it

through out his lifetime. One of the greatest blessings of Allah(SWT) is good
health.The Prophet(SAW) has said “Ask Allah for forgiveness and good health,for
after being granted certainty, one is given nothing better than good health.”
Thus preserving good health is one of the greatest purposes of Sharia.

2. Define “Health” and “ Health Care”.

Health means safety and well being in psychological, intellectual and social terms
and not merely the absence of disease and incapacity.

Health care means refining and supporting behavioural patterns relating to health
and providing suitable circumstances for health such as prevention, protection,
care and treatment in order to improve health and quality of life.

3. What are the causes of the spread of diseases in our time, despite the progress
man has made in medicine?

Unhealthy lifestyles, such as lack of physical activity and sport exercise / unhealthy
4. If a society lacks health security, it will lead to economic deterioration. Justify.
Human resources are the most valuable resource to any nation. Physically and
psychologically fit people help in the all round progress of the society. These two
empowers man to engage in acts of devotion and in extending good to his folks
and nation, which helps to increase his productivity. Prophet Muhammad(SAW)
said “The strong believer is more beloved to Allah, than the weak believer, but
there is goodness in both of them.”

5.List the elements of the Prophet's method in physical health.

The elements of the Prophet's method in physical health.
1. Nutrition
2. Cleanliness
3. Protection
4. Sports
5. Treatment

6. Elaborate the Prophetic tradition on nutrition.

The Prophet’s(SAW) Sunnah has established nutrition as a basic factor in preserving
health. The directions given are
(i) Choose good food and abstain from evil types of food.
(ii) Be keen on having a balanced nutrition.
(iii) Adopt moderation in supplying the body with its basic needs of nutrition.
(iv) Maintain cleanliness of the food and drinks being consumed.

7. Elicit the Prophetic directions and health values from the following:

(i)"I saw the Prophet (PBUH) eating snake cucumber with fresh dates."
Balance and diversity of food (choice of food quality)
(ii) "Use olive oil in eating and for rubbing (on the body), for it is from a blessed tree."
Body and skin care
(iii) "No man fills a container worse than his stomach."
The importance of food balance in terms of quantity and non-extravagance
(iv) "The Prophet (PBUH) forbade breathing in the pot."
Taking care of clean food and drink

8. Highlight the aspects of cleanliness that the Prophet (PBUH) was interested in
guiding the Muslims with the help of ahadeeth:

Clean body
There are five acts which conform to the pure nature: circumcision, removing of the
pubic hair, clipping nails, plucking the underarm hair, and trimming the moustache.
Clean environment- clean street
Removing harm from the road is charity.

(Moral hygiene) Cleanliness is related to religious behavior and is rewarded by God.

Purity is half of faith "Iman"

9.What are the preventive health measures in the Prophetic Sunnah?

Preventive health measures in the Prophetic Sunnah has taken two ways to
maintain the health of the individual and community at their best:
1. Prevention of harm and disease before they occur.
2. Prevention of infection if it occurs.

10. What preventive measures are called for by the Sunnah of the Prophet(SAW)?
Support your answer with ahaadeeth.
A. Preventive measures: Quarantine
"If you heard of the plague in the land, do not enter it."
B. " Preventive measures: isolation of the infectious patient
"A sick person should not mix with unaffected people.”
C. " Preventive measures: cover the mouth when yawning to avoid diseases
"When one of you yawns, he should keep his mouth shut , with the help of his
hand, for it is the devil that enters therein.”
D. Preventive measures: Marriage should not be limited from relatives
"Choose the best for your sperms and marry compatible women and propose
marriage to them."
E. Preventive measures: Put it out when you go to bed
"This fire is indeed your enemy, so put it out when you go to bed.”
F. Preventive measures: Don’t pollute stagnant water
"None amongst you should urinate in standing water that does not flow and
then bathe in it."
G. Preventive measures: Don’t frighten people
"It is not lawful for a Muslim to terrorize another Muslim."

11.What is the concept of sport?

Sports is a range of activities that maintains the body’s strength and fitness. It also
has a preventive potential to protect the body against many diseases like
hypertension, diabetes, heart disease, etc.

12.The Sunnah guided people to do some sports because the Prophet did them or by
approving the companions to do them. Mention them.

A. "Verily, power is shooting." Shooting. (Archery)

B. "Goodness is tied to the forelocks of horses until the Day of Resurrection"
Equestrian (horse-riding)
C. "I was with the Prophet (PBUH) and I raced with him…" Running
D. "He wrestled the Prophet (PBUH) and the Prophet (PBUH) won the match."
E. "The Prophet (PBUH) passed by people who were quarrying stones…"

13. The Prophet (PBUH) said: (Allah has not made a disease without appointing a
remedy for it. What God has revealed from disease is revealed, and what is not
revealed is not …). What does this hadith tell us?

The Prophet Peace and Blessings be upon him has commanded muslims to get
treated for their illnesses. He has linked medicine to diseases. A cure is created by
Allah(SWT) for every disease. It is a duty upon the muslim doctors and scientists
to engage in research and investigations to discover medicines for diseases whose
successful treatment is unknown.
On the authority of Jabir, the Prophet (PBUH) said: "Every disease has a cure."

14.What does the Prophet (PBUH) relate cure of disease to?

1. The right treatment.
2. God’s will
The Messenger of Allah(PBUH) said, “Every disease has a cure. If a cure is applied
to the disease, then it is relieved by the permission of Allah(SWT).”

15. Explain: Prevention of infection in Islam is not a weakness in certainty, or escape

from the act of God?
Muslims when afflicted by diseases, should not have a lax attitude in searching for
a cure, attributing it to the will of Allah. They should make use of all available
means, in finding a cure for the disease.

16. The Prophet’s approach (PBUH) includes three topics to promote psychological
health. What are they?
1. Consolidation of the concept of faith
2. Enhancing the abilities of the Muslim to control his motives and emotions
3. Guiding the Muslim towards the necessary qualities of psychological health

17. What is the impact of Prophetic guidance in psychological health through the
(i)Hadith of (If you ask, then ask Allah alone… And know that if the Nation were to
gather together to benefit you with anything, they would not benefit you except with
what Allah had already prescribed for you. And if they were to gather together to
harm you with anything, they would not harm you except with what Allah had already
prescribed against you.)
Relaxation and psychological comfort.
Muslims must rest reassured, that nothing happens except by the will of Allah.
If Allah has predestined something for us, then there is no force in the whole
World, which can stop it, similarly if Allah has not willed something for us,
however hard we may try with all our energy, money, etc, we will never be able
to achieve it.

(ii)Hadith of (When one of you looks at someone who is superior to him in property
and appearance, he should look at someone who is inferior to him.)
Satisfaction and being contented is the secret of happiness.
It teaches us to control our desire to own more and more materialistic things. It
guides us to thank and praise God

(iii)Hadith of (When one of you becomes angry while standing, he should sit down. If
the anger leaves him, well and good; otherwise he should lie down.) and hadith of
(The strong man is not one who is good at wrestling, but the strong man is one who
controls himself in a fit of rage.)
Controlling the motives of anger
Anger is one of the evil whispers of Shaytaan, which leads to so many evils and
tragedies, of which only Allah knows their full extent. For this reason Islam has
a great deal to say about this bad characteristic, and the Prophet (peace and
blessings of Allah be upon him) described cures for this "disease" and ways to
limit its effects.

Islamic Studies
Grade 12
Unit III
Chapter 4 : National Service
Learning Objective :

Competency : Critical Thinking

Problem Solving

Value : Care , Respect

Answer the following questions :

1. Infer the significance of the words of the Prophet PBUH “How sweet of a land you
are and how dear you are to me, and if it were not that my people expelled me from
you, I would not have lived in other than you.”
It shows his love for his countrymen because he grew up among them,despite their
violation of him and forcing him to leave Makkah.

2. What is the significance of the verse: (Believers! Obey Allah and obey the
Messenger, and those from among you who are invested with authority)? And the
Prophet’s (PBUH) words (You should listen to and obey, your ruler even if he was an
Ethiopian (black) slave whose head looks like a raisin.)?
Obligation to hear and obey rulers

3. What are the duties and responsibilities of the ruler?

The ruler is responsible for preserving the homeland and appreciating its interests
and maintaining it.

4. If the ruler issues an order, people shall listen and obey (execute) as ordered and in
the manner prescribed by him. Explain?
It reinforces unity of action , which is fundamental to social cohesion and to
protecting and preserving the homeland.

5. Belonging to the homeland appears in many forms. Elaborate.

Belonging to the homeland, manifests itself in many ways
1. Preserving the reputation of the homeland and citizen.
2. Respecting its systems and laws.
3. Paying attention to its cleanliness and beauty.
4. Preserving its facilities and achievements.
5. A worker’s sincerity in his profession.
6. Explain: The Prophet (PBUH) changed the names of some regions?
The Prophet (PBUH) changed the names of some regions to deepen the love of
people for their land and their homeland.

7. When was the National Service Law issued in the UAE?

The National Service Law was issued in the UAE in 2014 by His Highness Sheikh
Khalifa bin Zayed Al Nahyan.

8. What does National Service mean and why is it important?

- The concept of national service has two meanings:
1. General meaning: Commitment of the citizen to assume his responsibilities
towards his homeland after being prepared and has participated in the
development of his homeland in all fields.
2. Special meaning: A period of time determined by the ruler is spent by the young
man in the army. He receives special training and general principles of patriotism,
defense and respect for its laws.

- The importance of national service:

1. Deepening the values of the homeland, leadership, sacrifice and belonging.

2. Strengthening the capabilities of the state's security in the face of crises and
emergency disasters.
3. Increasing the efficiency and productivity of young citizens.
4. Reinforcing the concept of good citizenship among the youth.
5. Building leadership personalities, by fine tuning their physical strength, self
reliance, bearing responsibility, discipline, appreciating the value of time, etc.

9. Give an example of the UAE's affiliation and principles:

The participation of the UAE Army in the process of restoring hope to the Yemeni
people and sacrificing lives in defense of the right and promotion of peace.

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