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Republic of the Philippines




Name of Professor: CORAZON FLORESCA

Title 1: Enhancing Student Engagement and Academic Performance: Addressing Issues in School

Background of the Study

Our school has noticed a drop in how engaged students are and their academic
performance. This is a critical issue, suggesting potential problems with our learning
environment. We need to understand the reasons behind this decline and find ways to address
them. Several factors contribute to low student engagement and academic performance.
Teachers, although dedicated, might face challenges in using diverse teaching methods. Students,
on the other hand, may struggle with motivation, connecting with the curriculum, and finding
opportunities to actively participate in their learning.
This research aims to investigate these issues, identify their root causes, and develop
targeted solutions. By doing so, we hope to create a better learning environment that boosts
student motivation and improves academic performance. To inform our approach, we will review
existing literature in education, looking for successful strategies from other schools. The research
will involve students, teachers, and parents through surveys, classroom observations, and an
analysis of academic records.
Our interventions will include interactive teaching methods, extra academic support,
and the introduction of extracurricular activities. We will measure the success of these changes
through both numbers and qualitative insights. The goal is not just to fix immediate problems but
to contribute knowledge that can help improve education in the long run. This study will guide
our efforts to enhance the overall quality of education, fostering a culture of continuous
improvement in our school community.
Statement of Purpose
In recognition of the evolving challenges within our school community, this statement
of purpose outlines our commitment to conducting a focused action research aimed at enhancing
student engagement and academic performance. The purpose of this study is to identify, address,
and ultimately overcome the obstacles that hinder the learning experience for our students.

Review of Related Literature

The current literature on student engagement and academic performance underscores
the intricate interplay between effective teaching strategies, student motivation, and overall
learning environments. Hattie's (2009) meta-analysis emphasizes the significance of teacher-
student relationships and interactive teaching methods, revealing a strong correlation with
positive student outcomes. Additionally, the work of Fredricks, Blumenfeld, and Paris (2004)
highlights the importance of fostering a sense of belonging and autonomy within the classroom,
as these factors significantly contribute to increased student engagement. These findings lay a
foundation for the belief that a student's emotional connection to the learning process is pivotal
for academic success.
In addressing the issue of declining student motivation, the research by Eccles and
Wigfield (2002) offers insights into the role of goal orientation in academic settings.
Understanding and aligning instructional strategies with diverse student goals can be a key factor
in reigniting motivation. Furthermore, Deci and Ryan's (1985) Self-Determination Theory
provides a theoretical framework emphasizing the critical role of autonomy, competence, and
relatedness in sustaining intrinsic motivation. As schools grapple with challenges related to
students' diminishing interest, incorporating these motivational theories into interventions
becomes imperative for fostering a renewed enthusiasm for learning.
To create a more comprehensive understanding of effective interventions, it is essential
to explore successful practices implemented in similar educational contexts. The work of
Darling-Hammond (2017) on professional development for teachers highlights the
transformative impact of ongoing training and support. Building teacher capacity in using
innovative teaching methods aligns with our goal of creating a dynamic learning environment.
Additionally, the positive influence of extracurricular activities on student engagement and
academic performance is underscored in the research by Eccles and Barber (1999). By
incorporating insights from these studies, our action research aims to leverage successful
strategies to address specific challenges within our school community.
Title 2: Title: Enhancing Teacher Performance through Curriculum Analysis and Modification

Background of the Study

The background of this study is anchored in the critical role that teachers play in the
educational system and their direct influence on student learning outcomes. While teachers are
key drivers of academic success, they often encounter challenges in the implementation of the
curriculum, impacting their performance and, consequently, the quality of education delivered.
The current educational landscape is characterized by rapidly evolving pedagogical approaches,
technological advancements, and diverse student needs. These changes, coupled with the
demands of standardized testing and administrative requirements, pose significant challenges to
teachers in effectively delivering curriculum content and fostering meaningful learning
experiences. It is crucial to delve into the specific issues faced by teachers within the curriculum,
as understanding these challenges is fundamental to developing targeted interventions that can
optimize teacher performance and contribute to an enriched learning environment.
Furthermore, the study recognizes the dynamic nature of education and the need for
continuous improvement to address the evolving demands on teachers. By conducting an action
research focused on curriculum-related challenges, the goal is to not only identify specific
obstacles but also to propose and implement meaningful modifications that align with teachers'
needs. This research is driven by a commitment to fostering a supportive and adaptive
educational environment that enables teachers to thrive professionally, positively impacting
student learning outcomes and the overall effectiveness of the educational system.

Statement of Purpose
This action research aims to understand and tackle the challenges teachers face in
implementing the current curriculum, focusing on how these challenges affect their overall
performance. We want to identify specific issues within the curriculum that hinder effective
teaching and job satisfaction. By analyzing these challenges, we aim to suggest changes to the
curriculum that can enhance teacher performance, create a supportive teaching environment, and
improve student learning outcomes. The ultimate goal is to provide practical insights for
immediate improvements while establishing a foundation for continuous enhancements in the
curriculum, supporting ongoing teacher development and contributing to the overall
advancement of the educational system. Through this research, we hope to make a positive
impact on both teachers and students, fostering a flexible and supportive learning environment
for everyone involved.

Review of Related Literature

The challenges faced by teachers in curriculum implementation have been a subject of
considerable scholarly attention. Darling-Hammond and Richardson (2009) emphasized the
importance of teacher expertise in navigating complex curricular demands, highlighting how
teachers' ability to adapt and innovate within these structures directly influences student success.
Additionally, Fullan (2014) discussed the need for a collaborative approach to curriculum
development and implementation, arguing that involving teachers in decision-making processes
enhances their commitment to the curriculum and positively impacts their performance.
Furthermore, the work of Hattie (2009) on visible learning underscores the significance of
effective teaching strategies within the curriculum, emphasizing the need for continual
assessment and feedback to inform instructional practices. Together, these studies provide a
foundation for understanding the multifaceted challenges teachers face within the curriculum and
emphasize the importance of teacher involvement and ongoing professional development.
In addressing the impact of curriculum challenges on teacher performance, Andrews and
Soder (2015) conducted a study that explored the relationship between teacher job satisfaction
and their ability to navigate curriculum demands. Their findings indicated that when teachers
perceive the curriculum as aligned with their teaching goals and values, job satisfaction
increases, underscoring the critical connection between curriculum design and teacher well-
being. Additionally, Cochran-Smith and Lytle (2009) emphasized the role of teacher learning
communities in overcoming curriculum-related challenges, promoting collaborative problem-
solving and supporting continuous improvement. This body of literature not only highlights the
significance of understanding and addressing curriculum challenges but also emphasizes the
potential for positive outcomes when teachers are actively engaged in the process of curriculum
development and adaptation.
Title 3: Enhancing School Principal Effectiveness: An Action Research on Addressing Common
Challenges in School Management

Background of the Study

Education is a cornerstone of societal development, and the role of school principals is
pivotal in shaping the learning environment and ensuring the success of educational institutions.
School principals are not only educational leaders but also managers responsible for the efficient
administration of schools. However, the multifaceted nature of their responsibilities often
exposes them to a myriad of challenges that impact their ability to lead effectively.
The landscape of education has evolved, and with it, the demands on school principals
have intensified. The modern school principal is confronted with a range of challenges that
extend beyond traditional academic concerns. This study focuses on identifying and addressing
the common problems encountered by school principals in managing schools, aiming to
contribute valuable insights that can enhance their effectiveness in this crucial role.

Statement of Purpose
This study aims to understand and tackle the common challenges faced by school
principals in managing schools. We want to identify these challenges, explore how principals
currently handle them, and develop practical solutions to enhance their leadership.

Review of Related Literature

The role of school principals is multifaceted, encompassing not only academic
leadership but also effective management of various administrative challenges. A key challenge
identified in the literature is the increasing administrative burden faced by school principals
(Hallinger & Murphy, 1986). This burden includes navigating bureaucratic processes,
compliance issues, and a myriad of paperwork, often diverting their attention from educational
leadership. Moreover, the literature highlights the critical issue of teacher recruitment and
retention as an ongoing challenge for school leaders (Ingersoll & Strong, 2011). High-quality
educators are essential for a positive learning environment, and principals often grapple with
strategies to attract and retain skilled teachers while addressing issues related to staff turnover.
Communication and stakeholder engagement emerge as additional significant
challenges for school principals. Effective communication is vital for fostering collaboration
among teachers, students, parents, and the community (Epstein, 2001). Insufficient
communication can lead to misunderstandings and hinder the development of a positive school
culture. Furthermore, budget constraints and resource allocation present formidable challenges
for school principals (Honig & Hatch, 2004). The literature underscores the need for strategic
decision-making to optimize limited resources and meet the diverse needs of students, teachers,
and the overall school community. These challenges collectively contribute to the complexities
faced by school principals in their efforts to create thriving educational environments.

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