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ScienceDirect Pharmacology

MedXercise: a promising strategy to promote

Emily Wuerch, Brian Lozinski and V. Wee Yong

Abstract functional myelin sheaths, and is associated with axon

Multiple sclerosis is an inflammatory and demyelinating dis- survival [32,34]. Indeed, cessation of a demyelinating
ease of the central nervous system. diet in cats shows an association between remyelination
While remyelination facilitates functional recovery in animal of the optic nerve and restoration of vision [13]. In
models, it is limited in people with multiple sclerosis. Thus, addition, positron emission tomography images
multiple strategies have been put forth to promote remyelina- demonstrate that, in people with MS, an inverse cor-
tion, including exercise and medication. Exercise promotes the relation exists between dynamic remyelination and
release of growth factors and induces protein-level changes, clinical disability [4]. Despite its benefits, remyelina-
while remyelinating medications act through a variety of tion is often insufficient in MS lesions leading to
mechanisms to promote oligodendrocyte maturation within the chronic demyelination and subsequent axonal degen-
lesion. In animal models, the combination of medication and eration [16]. Thus, strategies to promote remyelination
exercise (Medication + eXercise = MedXercise) has an addi- are needed (see Figure 1).
tive effect on remyelination and other pathological features of
multiple sclerosis. In this review, we highlight the existing Several medications enhance remyelination by targeting
literature on the effects of exercise and medication on remye- OPCs and promoting their differentiation into mature
lination both independently and in combination. oligodendrocytes [44]. As well, exercise is a promising
non-pharmacological strategy to promote remyelination
Addresses in individuals with MS, potentially acting through the
Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the Department of Clinical Neurosci-
release of growth factors and modulation of the immune
ences, University of Calgary, Calgary, AB, Canada
system [6,20]. Mice with access to a running wheel after
Corresponding author: Yong, V. Wee ( demyelination display numerous local protein changes
in the spinal cord [30]. Therefore, exercise may repre-
sent an opportunity to create a more receptive envi-
Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2021, 61:120–126
ronment for remyelination while medications enhance
This review comes from a themed issue on Neurosciences: Remyeli- the OPC response. Given that these therapeutic stra-
nation (2022) tegies appear to act through independent mechanisms,
Edited by Jeffrey Huang and Tara DeSilva it is possible that their combination
For complete overview about the section, refer Neurosciences: (Medication þ eXercise = MedXercise) may have an ad-
Remyelination (2022) ditive effect on remyelination. Here, we will review
Available online 21 October 2021 existing MedXercise literature examining the effect of exercise and medication on remyelination both inde-
1471-4892/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
pendently and in combination.

Effects of exercise in the CNS

Exercise has many neuroprotective effects, as demon-
strated in both animal models and humans. Exercise is
Introduction known to exert an anti-inflammatory effect through
Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic inflammatory dis-
modulation of cytokine release [1,39], stimulate the
ease of the central nervous system (CNS) character-
release of growth factors, and promote neurogenesis
ized by demyelination and progressive
[28,10]. Exercise also upregulates antioxidants and
neurodegeneration. Demyelination impedes saltatory
protects against oxidative damage [47].
conduction and leads to the loss of trophic support for
underlying axons, ultimately producing a range of
In animal models of MS, exercise enhances remyeli-
functional deficits [15]. Remyelination occurs when
nation. For example, in the lysolecithin model of
oligodendrocyte progenitor cells (OPCs) migrate to the
demyelination, voluntary wheel running increases the
lesion and differentiate into mature myelinating oligo-
number of mature oligodendrocytes within the lesion
dendrocytes [40,17]. Work in animal models has
and promotes remyelination [23]. Furthermore, in
demonstrated that remyelination produces thinner, yet

Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2021, 61:120–126

MedXercise for myelin repair Wuerch et al. 121

Figure 1

The effect of exercise and medication on MS lesions. MS lesions are characterized by infiltrating immune cells and dysregulated extracellular matrix
components. Examples of the latter include collagens, hyaluronan, laminins, chondroitin sulfate proteoglycans (CSPGs) and fibronectin. Exercise
modifies the lesion microenvironment through the release of growth factors and myokines, as well as through protein-level changes. These changes
create a regenerative environment that is more conducive for a medication to act on. OPCs within the lesion are targeted directly by remyelinating
medications. These medications bind to receptors on the surface of OPCs and promote their maturation into mature and myelinating oligodendrocytes.
MS, multiple sclerosis; OPC, oligodendrocyte progenitor cell.

mice subjected to cuprizone-mediated demyelination, the integrity of the bloodebrain barrier (BBB). After a
exercise preserves myelin expression and reduces high-intensity interval training regimen, people with
axonal damage compared with controls [31]. In addi- MS have reduced serum levels of MMP-2 compared
tion, research in healthy mice demonstrates that with baseline [57]. In normal-weight individuals with
voluntary wheel running increases myelin thickness MS, an eight-week exercise training program decreases
and the number of myelinated axons in the motor blood levels of S100b and neuron-specific enolase [37].
cortex [55]. These markers indicate the degree of BBB integrity and
function; restoration of BBB integrity may decrease the
Studying the effect of exercise on remyelination in extent of immune cell infiltration and neuro-
people with MS presents unique challenges due to inflammation that occurs in MS.
disability and the Unthoff ’s phenomenon (worsening of
symptoms when the body is over-heated). Nonetheless, Taken together, these studies illustrate the beneficial
promising data indicates that exercise is protective effects of exercise, both for general health as well as in
against MS neuropathology. In individuals with MS, the context of MS and remyelination.
increased cardiorespiratory fitness is associated with
preserved grey matter volume and increased white Mechanisms of exercise
matter integrity [45]. Furthermore, preliminary data Although not completely elucidated, exercise is thought
shows that aerobic exercise leads to an increase in hip- to exert its protective effects in part through modulation
pocampal volume from baseline in people with MS of the CNS microenvironment. This is accomplished
suggesting a role for exercise in delaying MS-related through the release of growth factors and myokines
neurodegeneration [27]. In addition to neuro- (cytokines released from contracting skeletal muscles),
degeneration, exercise may also play a role in restoring as well as exercise-induced protein-level changes. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2021, 61:120–126

122 Neurosciences: Remyelination

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) likely plays Exercise may also promote remyelination through its
a central role in the actions of exercise and is consis- effects on neuronal activity. Exercise increases neuronal
tently shown to be upregulated in both healthy humans activity in the hippocampi of rodents, and increased
and people with MS following aerobic exercise duration and intensity of exercise are associated with
[5,11,37]. In addition to a role for BDNF in neuro- greater neuronal activation [48]. In people with
genesis and long-term potentiation [36], it is also Parkinson’s disease, physical activity leads to increased
implicated in MS pathology. In experimental autoim- neuronal activity in the prefrontal cortex and substantia
mune encephalomyelitis (EAE) mice that model MS, nigra, as detected using functional MRI [24]. In animal
intravenous administration of BDNF in combination models of MS, neuronal activity has been shown to in-
with the BBB modulator ADTC5 ameliorates clinical crease remyelination. After lysolecithin-induced demy-
disease, increases myelin staining, and promotes elination, repeated optogenetic activation of neurons in
oligodendrocyte maturation [25]. In addition, BDNF the corpus callosum enhances oligodendrocyte differ-
knockdown mice fed a cuprizone diet have decreased entiation and increases remyelination within the lesion
NG2þ OPCs compared with wildtype counterparts, site [42]. In mice subject to ethidium bromide-induced
indicating a role for BDNF in OPC recruitment after demyelination, inhibition of neuronal activity prevents
demyelination [51]. remyelination and increases the number of undifferen-
tiated OPCs in the lesion [19]. Thus, there may be a
Irisin is a myokine released from contracting skeletal link between exercise and neuronal activity, which
muscles that may partially facilitate the neuro- works to promote remyelination.
protective effects of exercise. During exercise, the
transcriptional coactivator PGC-1a (peroxisome In sum, these findings demonstrate a role for exercise in
proliferator-activated receptor-gamma coactivator-1a) remyelination and neuroprotection, likely through a
upregulates the expression of FNDC5 (fibronectin wide range of mechanisms, including modulation of the
type III domain-containing protein 5); FNDC5 is then CNS microenvironment and release of various factors.
cleaved, and the cleavage product that is secreted into Of note, further elucidation of the specific molecules
circulation is irisin [46]. Although not yet studied in and signalling pathways upregulated because exercise
the context of MS, irisin is capable of crossing the BBB may allow for the development of an exercise mimetic
[43] and has been shown to exert protective effects on that recapitulates the protective effects of exercise.
the CNS, including improved synaptic plasticity [29]. Such therapeutics would be of particular interest in
Studies performed on transgenic mice with down- diseases such as MS, where individuals often experience
regulated FNDC5 expression have also demonstrated limited mobility.
a relationship between FNDC5 and BDNF expression,
suggesting that FNDC5/irisin may be an upstream
regulator of BDNF levels [54]. Thus, the exercise- Remyelinating medications
induced release of irisin may lead to BDNF- There are several theories as to why remyelination fails in
dependent increases in OPC recruitment MS. Generally, these can be broken into the failure of
and differentiation. OPCs to migrate, proliferate, or mature in the lesion. The
evidence suggests that the rate-limiting step for remye-
In addition to the above examples, exercise leads to the lination occurs due to OPC failure to mature into myeli-
release of several other factors, which may work to nating oligodendrocytes [53]. Furthermore, previous
mediate its effects on the CNS. These include the studies have also demonstrated that OPCs can be present
ketone body b-hydroxybutyrate [50], a liver-derived in sufficient numbers in MS lesions [52,26]; thus, most
enzyme Gpld1 [22], the protease cathepsin B [38], medications aim to promote OPC differentiation into
and an anti-inflammatory factor clusterin [9]. Taken mature and myelinating oligodendrocytes. In addition to
together, it is clear that exercise orchestrates a highly lifestyle-based approaches such as exercise, success has
complex release of local and systemic factors to partially been found with pharmacological strategies that aim to
mediate its effects on the CNS. promote remyelination by targeting OPCs directly.

A major consideration when it comes to exercise for Among these OPC-targeting therapeutics are clemas-
therapeutic intervention is the duration and onset of tine, first identified in a micropillar assay for its potential
exercise. Acute bouts of exercise following lysolecithin- to enhance remyelination [33]. Clemastine is an anti-
induced demyelination lead to the differential expres- cholinergic agent which acts to antagonize the M1
sion of over 150 proteins compared with sedentary muscarinic receptor found on the surface of OPCs [
controls [30]. In the CNS, affected pathways involve [8,34]]. In the lysolecithin model, treatment with
processes such as metabolism, antioxidant responses, clemastine increases the number of mature oligoden-
and synaptic transmission. drocytes when compared with controls [23]. Moreover,

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MedXercise for myelin repair Wuerch et al. 123

treatment with clemastine reduces clinical score and apoptosis-inducing factor Bax [14]. This has implica-
promotes remyelination in EAE mice [35]. tions for MS, as apoptosis has been associated with
neurodegeneration [18,49].
U-50488 is among a group of k-opioid receptor agonists
that bind receptors found on OPCs and promote their Although current data regarding the effect of MedXer-
differentiation into mature oligodendrocytes [34,2]. cise on remyelination is somewhat limited, it is indeed
Application of U-50488 to OPCs in culture leads to promising. Further investigation is needed to elucidate
increased remyelination, as indicated by an elegant the neuroprotective mechanisms of MedXercise before
micropillar assay. Furthermore, U-50488 leads to its translation into clinical trials for MS.
decreased demyelination in the EAE model and
increased remyelination in mice subjected to cuprizone Conclusions and future directions
[12]. In the lysolecithin model, treatment with U-50488 In conclusion, studies in animal models have demon-
increases the proportion of myelinated axons when strated that exercise and medication are independently
compared with vehicle controls [34]. capable of promoting remyelination. Emerging data also
support the idea that combination therapy of medica-
In addition to these examples, there are many additional tion and exercise (MedXercise) may have an additive
medications that exert their effects on OPCs, including effect and promote remyelination and neuroprotection
domperidone [56], thyroid hormone [21] and metfor- better than either therapy on its own.
min [41]. In sum, these findings demonstrate the po-
tential for therapeutics to enhance remyelination by Before MedXercise can be translated into human trials,
acting directly on OPC differentiation. there are several unanswered questions that must be
resolved. First, whether or not different types of exercise
Medxercise provide different levels of neuroprotection is unclear.
Research in animal models of MS suggests that medi- Although aerobic exercise is most commonly studied in
cation and exercise may promote remyelination to a animal models, the types of exercise that could be
greater extent than either therapy on its own. employed by individuals with MS are variable; this could
include but is not limited to aerobic, strength, or balance
When combined with voluntary wheel running, clem- training. Thus, this field would benefit from additional
astine has an additive effect on remyelination in the studies examining a range of exercise paradigms.
lysolecithin model of demyelination [23]. Compared to
individual treatments of either exercise or medication, In addition, the minimum intensity of exercise required
combination therapy leads to enhanced myelin thick- to obtain neuroprotection is not well-understood.
ness and an increase in the proportion of surviving axons Although some studies have indicated that higher in-
that are remyelinated. Furthermore, this combination tensity exercise may confer greater benefit than mod-
increases the number of mature oligodendrocytes pre- erate intensity, this may not be feasible for individuals
sent within the lesion. with MS that experience fatigue or reduced motor
function and may not be able to participate in rigorous
In EAE mice, four weeks of prior treadmill exercise was exercise paradigms. Thus, the minimum intensity of
combined with the immunomodulatory therapeutics exercise, that is, required to obtain a therapeutic effect
glatiramer acetate or dimethyl fumarate [3]. When is unclear but of great interest to this population.
compared to exercise on its own, exercise and glatiramer Furthermore, the development of an exercise mimetic is
acetate together lead to reduced astrocyte immunoreac- another promising strategy to promote exercise-induced
tivity in the spinal cord. In addition, the combination of remyelination in individuals with limited capacity for
dimethyl fumarate and exercise ameliorates clinical intense physical activity.
symptoms and increases Iba1 immunoreactivity compared
with mice that receive dimethyl fumarate on their own. Finally, thus far only clemastine, dimethyl fumarate,
One possible explanation is that exercise and dimethyl glatiramer acetate, and galantamine have been tested in
fumarate work additively to modulate the microglia/ conjunction with exercise. There exists a range of MS
macrophage population, promoting a neuroprotective medications that act through different mechanisms,
phenotype. This data suggests that a lifestyle consisting of such as regulation of the immune system, promotion of
regular exercise can work in conjunction with disease- OPC differentiation, and inhibition of non-permissive
modifying therapeutics to ameliorate disease. factors. Whether one drug category interacts most
ideally with exercise is still yet to be determined. In
In the EAE model of MS, there is increased apoptosis in addition, the optimal dose and temporal administration
the CNS [7]. In rats with EAE, the combination treat- of both exercise and medication are important factors
ment of exercise and galantamine elevates expression of that must be elucidated before the translation of
the anti-apoptotic factor Bcl-2 and reduces the MedXercise into MS clinical trials. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2021, 61:120–126

124 Neurosciences: Remyelination

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stitutes of Health Research and the MS Society of Canada. EW is 14. El-Emam MA, El Achy S, Abdallah DM, El-Abhar HS,
supported by studentships from the Hotchkiss Brain Institute and the * Gowayed MA: Neuroprotective role of galantamine with/
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Chair (Tier 1) program.
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