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Vol.6(5), pp.

75-87, November, 2014

DOI: 10.5897/IJLIS2014.0434
International Journal of Library and Information
Article Number: 76D8F4849039 Science
ISSN 2141–2537
Copyright © 2014
Author(s) retain the copyright of this article

Full Length Research Paper

The role of communication in effective service delivery

in libraries and information centres: A case study of
Ekiti State University Library
Peter Olufemi Owoeye* and Florence Tope Dahunsi
University Library, Ekiti State University, P.M.B 5363, Ado-Ekiti, Ekiti - State, Nigeria.
Received 15 January, 2014; Accepted 07 August, 2014

This paper examines the role of communication in effective service delivery in libraries and information
centres. Ekiti State University Library was selected for the study and survey research design was
adopted. 70 staff were given copies of questionnaires and 64 copies were returned, with about 91.4%
response rate. Frequency distribution, percentages, tables, mean and standard deviation were used to
analyze the results. The findings show that information flows from the university librarian down the
hierarchy and that ideas of senior staff are taken into consideration in taking decisions, written form of
communication is majorly being used for official matters. It was also found that communication is a
veritable tool in service delivery in the library and that poor educational background among others is a
barrier to effective communication; and proper communication promotes job effectiveness and services
delivering in the library.

Key words: Communication, service delivery, information, library, information centre.


The role of effective communication in any organisation problem, confirm or obtain support for a position, control
cannot be over emphasised most especially in libraries situation in library and information centres or to respond
and information centres. Libraries are established to to someone else’s communication. Communication as a
achieve set goals and objectives. It is obviously clear that tool towards achieving individual and organisational goals
realizing the objectives effectively predicates on effective and objectives facilitates the sharing of information,
and adequate communication of policies and procedures experience and knowledge, transmission of ideas,
that will sustain the organisational efforts towards their decisions, information, coordination and interpretations of
goals. Communication as part of the managerial task is activities. It helps to provide all categories of employees
that which involves the symbolic manipulation of ideals in with unity of direction, a sense of shared expectations,
order to bridge the understanding between one person feelings and attitudes that are essential ingredients for
and other(s). This is done with the intention of reducing sustaining group effort and attainment of organisational
uncertainty about some referent, solve a particular goals and objectives (Itodo, 2007).

*Corresponding author. E-mail:,

Authors agree that this article remain permanently open access under the terms of the Creative Commons
Attribution License 4.0 International License
76 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Communication plays an important role in carrying out Objectives of the study

various activities that are geared towards meeting the
information needs of the users such as acquisition, This study aims at achieving the following objectives:
cataloguing, classification and dissemination of
information to various library users. For instance, to i. To find out the pattern of organizational communication
acquire information materials in university library, be it in Ekiti State University library;
print or e-resources, the acquisition librarian needs to ii. To determine the method of communication in the
communicate with different faculties and departments to library;
know the materials that would best meet information iii. To evaluate the impact of communication on service
needs of both the students and the faculty members. Any delivery in Ekiti State University;
librarian who thinks he can go ahead and acquire iv. To ascertain the barriers to effective communication in
information materials without proper communication with Ekiti State University libraries;
the clientele would be far from being termed 21st century v. To find out the perception of staff about communication
librarian. Apart from communicating with users, he still Ekiti State University library.
has to communicate with the relevant authority to
ascertain the percentage of the resources to be
channelled to print and what goes to e-resources. Research questions
The goal of the library is to make information accessible
to the users. The process is not complete without the 1. What is the flow of organizational communication in
cataloguing and classification of these information Ekiti State University Library.?
materials. To do these effectively, there must be an 2. What method of communication is predominately being
effective communication among the professionals and used in library administration?
para-professionals involved in the process. Effective 3. What are the impacts of communication in effective
communication according to Afinotan (2009) must be information service delivery?
understood as; the meeting of the minds between the 4. What are the barriers to communication in library and
sender and the receiver, on the particular information information centres?
being transmitted. When there is an effective commu- 5. What are the perceptions of staff about communication
nication in the cataloguing and classification process, the in Ekiti State University Library?
goal of classifying books according to subject and
according to the form in which the subject is presented
would be achieved; books and other information LITERATURE REVIEW
resources would be classified where they will be most
useful. Various attempts have been made by different communi-
cation experts to define the term communication.
According to Ifeagwazi (2007) citing Pearson et al. (2003)
Statement of the problem communication comes from the Latin word communicare,
which means “to make common” or “to share” and is
Communication, which is a basic skill required in defined as the process by which meaning is exchanged
rendering information services in library and information between individuals through common system of symbols,
centres, has not been accorded a necessary priority. signs, or behaviour. Communication is the process of
Most importantly, librarians and other information information exchange between two or more individuals or
professionals have not seen it as a veritable tool in organizations (Adewonyi, 1991). It is the process through
rendering effective services. It is unfortunate that some of which information, knowledge, idea, message are
the information professionals and other support staff in conveyed or transmitted from one source to another. It
the library cannot communicate well with users due to can also be seen as the exchange of meaning between
their poor master of the English language which is an individuals through a common system of symbol.
official language of communication or due to wrong Sherlekar (2001) sees communication as the ongoing
perception that they are not under any obligation to process by which people attempt to share meaning via
effectively communicate with users. It is sad enough that transmission of messages. It provides a common thread
users who are the central focus of information services for all management processes of planning, organizing,
sometimes fail to communicate effectively with reference leading, controlling and proper coordination. Cole (2002)
librarians and other library staff due to poor commu- views communication as the process of creating,
nication skills and anticipated negative responses from transmitting and interpreting ideas, facts, opinion and
the library workers thereby making their information feelings. It is a process that is sharing one, that is a
needs not to be met. Poor communication system among mutual interchange between the two or more persons. To
workers is slowing down the pace of work and increasing carry out organizational functions, the source which is the
organizational conflict. originator of the function to be carried out has to
Owoeye and Dahunsi 77

communicate with the receiver via a channel which could report or note used daily in libraries and information
be written, in form of circular, or oral, that is, mere verbal centres within and outside the departments. It could be
communication and the actions could only be taken formal or informal, but its main characteristic is that it is
provided the fidelity of that communication is achieved relatively fast and easy way to communicate. One
(i.e. the receiver is able to understand the information shortcoming however is that, on account of its shortness,
being communicated). Joyce et al. (2009) quoting Subba it does not give a full exposition of the matter under
(2007) emphasized the following as the importance of consideration (Eboh, 1986). This is usually sent by the
communication in any organization library and information superior officers in the library to the subordinate officer
centres inclusive: and can also originate from the subordinate officer; it can
be on the new information materials to acquire, to report
i. all the functions of management such as planning, a given situation that needs urgent attention.
organizing, leading and controlling involve the act of
communication without which they cannot be performed Reports: Reports are official written accounts of any
at all; matter which are usually written after analysis or investi-
ii. managers devote a major portion of their time to the gations have been concluded on the subject matter.
activity of communication; Unlike memoranda, reports are usually very long and
iii. interpersonal relations and group relations are detailed. They are meant to provide the reader with a
maintained and developed only through the system of complete analysis of the matter under review. Reports
communication; could be written on daily basis, weekly, monthly or annual
iv. to keep employees informed of company’s progress; basis depending on the requirement of the department
v. to make each employees interested in his respective concerned and the issue at stake.
job and in the work of the company as a whole;
vi. to reduce or prevent labour turnover and Circulars: These are short written messages intended
vii. to instil each employee with personal pride of being for wide circulation. They are regularly used within the
member of the company. library and information centres as a means of communi-
cation. Circulars always show from who they emanate
Communication is needed in many organizational and to whom they are addressed (Afinotan, 2009).
functions, both internal and external. The form the
communication takes may be oral but, more often, it is Bulletin Board: These are boards upon which notices
written. In small businesses communication is usually are pasted informing people on various matters. They are
oral, often face to face. As organizations grow in always conspicuously displayed. It is meant for users to
complexity and number of members, however, more read and be informed about the activities of the library.
messages must be written. They would be forced to use
more impersonal means of exchanging information, such Shelves label: Various shelves are labelled to enable the
as memos, reports and bulletins and newsletters. Written users to know the specific materials that are located on
records are kept for reference and legal purposes. the shelf so as to guide them in the choice of the
information materials that would meet their needs.
Oral Communication: This is the best way to transmit Organisations rely on written communication for any
information meaningfully. This communication form has reasons. It provides a permanent record, a necessity in
many advantages. For one thing, it minimizes misunder- these times of increasing litigation and extensive
standings because the communicators can immediately government regulation. Written out an idea instead of
ask questions to clarify uncertainties. Oral communication delivering it orally enables you to develop an organised,
is an efficient way to develop consensus when many well-considered message. Written documents are also
people must be consulted. Face-to-face communication convenient. They can be composed and read when the
is enjoyed because it is easy and natural and it promotes schedules of both communicators permit, and they can
friendships. The main disadvantages of oral commu- be reviewed if necessary. Written communication has
nication are that it produces no written record, sometimes drawbacks, of course. They require careful preparation to
wastes time, and may be inconvenient. When people be meaningful to the receiver. Words spoken in conver-
meet face- to-face or speak on the telephone, someone’s sation may soon be forgotten, but words committed to
work has to be interpreted (Itodo, 2007). hard or soft copy become a public record-sometimes an
embarrassing one. Another drawback of written message
Written Communication: Written communication is is that they are more difficult to prepare. They demand
impersonal in the sense that the two people communi- good writing ability, and that ability is not inborn. The
cating cannot see or hear each other and cannot provide good news is that writing can be learned (Guffey et al.,
immediate feedback. The forms of written communication 1999).
are discussed below;
Non-verbal communication: This is the type of message
Memorandum: A memorandum is a short statement, that is conveyed using body language which includes,
78 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

gesture, nodding, blinking of the eyes, touching, pinching, organization because of the dictatorial tendencies. Cross-
etc. This method is more economical because it does not wise communication is a communication pattern that
involve cost and it is the easiest and fastest medium of flows horizontally between people on the same level or
communication. However, the method is more susceptible diagonally between people at different levels in different
to misinterpretation, not universally approved because of sections of an organization. Crosswise communication
the variation in the body language and it cannot be stored speeds-up the flow of information and improves under-
and preserved for future usage when the need arises. standing because it cuts across the chain of command to
by-pass the slow process of information from one
Electronic communication: This type of communication department to another (Afinotan, 2009).
involves the use of electronic medium to transmit A library with big building, stocked with print and
messages to a given destination. The electronic means of electronic resources would be far from being a library if
communication includes; telephone, public address the information resources are not being put to use. To
system, television, xerographic machines, intercom, E- effectively disseminate and utilize these resources,
mail, telex, etc. It is the fastest method of transmitting libraries must provide reference services to the clientele
information and it creates room for storage and retrieval who may not even know what they need, the type of
when the need arises. The method is very expensive to information materials that can meet their information
maintain and power failure does interrupt the transmission needs and exactly where the materials can be located on
process. Electronic means of communication is so much the shelves. To disseminate these information materials
useful in the library most especially the internet. Through and answer users’ queries, the reference librarian must
internet, it is easy for library and information centre to be an effective communicator with the capacity to link
make an online ordering of information materials to check library users with the resources of their choices. Yusuf
their orders on-line; it is even possible to monitor the (2011) opined that reference librarians are the image
order using e-mail, telephone to know the present makers for the library and the link between the library,
situation of materials being ordered. Through ICT, it is library resources, and library patrons. They are the
easy for users to communicate the in library and for the professionals to ask when a patron does not know who to
library to render a personalised service to the library ask, or when he needs a specific information and does
clientele. It can be used for Selective Dissemination of not know how to locate it. The reference librarian inter-
Information (SDI). Through goggle form, it is easy for prets information sources to library users and tells them
librarians to render current awareness services to the about how to explore them.
users (Afinotan, 2009). Katz (2002) highlighted the following as some of the
Communication in library and information centers takes duties of a reference librarian:
these dimensions: staff to staff communication, staff to
users communication and sometimes users to users 1. To promote an end product: the information sought by
communication. The flow of communication in any the user.
organization library and information centres inclusive, 2. Teaching people how to find information.
according to Eboh (1986) as quoted by Afinotan (2009),
can be upward, downward, or cross-wise. It could be uni- Such instructions can range from the individual explana-
directional (one-way) or bi- directional (two-way). Bi- tion of information sources or creation of guides and
directional or two-way communication is superior to uni- appropriate media to formal assistance.
directional or one way communication. This is basically One of the major ways through which these duties or
because in two- way communication, the receiver has an functions can be performed effectively is through inter-
opportunity to seek clarification for what is not understood personal communication between the reference librarian
or to improve his understanding of the message. One and the library user. Reference librarians engage in
way communication does not give room for proper flow of person-to-person services. They interact with library
communication between the source can be staff or user patrons and interview them to be able to articulate their
and the receiver (Afinotan, 2009). information needs clearly. They must possess conver-
Upward communication emanates from subordinates sational skills, which according to Katz (2002) is the
and then moves upward through the hierarchy of the ability to talk to all types of people, to find out what they
organization. The advantage of this is that it allows top need. The ability to communicate effectively on an
management to know what is happening at the lower interpersonal level will go a long way in ensuring that they
levels of management. Downward communication flows meet the demands of the clientele and also gain their
from superiors to subordinates. The problem with this confidence.
management style is that it is authoritarian and sub- Rothwell (2004) noted that communication skills are
ordinates may view it as management style which tends critical to learning a job, receiving a promotion and
to treat subordinates as robots which must always do his performing effectively in the workplace. Skill in inter-
bidden without expressing any opinion or contrary view personal communication is one of the factors that distin-
which in most cases may not be in the interest of the guish a reference librarian. Interpersonal communication
Owoeye and Dahunsi 79

in reference services facilitates understanding of users’ Table 1. Gender distribution of the

queries and enhances articulation of answers to users’ respondents.
inquiries. There is usually interplay of interpersonal, inter-
cultural, and interdisciplinary communications that take Sex Frequency %
place during reference services. People from various MALE 30 46.9
cultural and professional backgrounds visit the library for FEMALE 34 53.1
various reasons: to consult materials, gather information TOTAL 64 100
on various research topics, to find out what the collections
of the library are, etc. The likely person they will be
directed to is the reference librarian who must be very
skilful in communication in order to understand their Sometimes we choose the wrong meaning and mis-
information needs and be able to meet them. Katz understanding occurs.
observed that half of the battle in reference and Kemoni (2004) observed that some of the factors that
information work is to discover exactly what a reader serve as barriers to effective communication have to do
wants. The implication of this is that reference librarians with the sender of messages, others with the receiver or
must demonstrate a high level of dexterity in interpersonal both the sender and receiver. Other barriers as identified
communication. by researcher are Inferiority complex, Stereotype,
Etiquette, decorum and low level of education (Yusuf,
2011; Nwalo, 2003).
Barriers to organisational communication

Guffey (1999) sees the following as barriers to organi- METHODOLOGY

sational communication:
This study adopted a descriptive survey research design to describe
the Role of Communication in Effective Service Delivery in Libraries
1. Closed Communication Climate
and Information Centres a Case Study of Ekiti State University
2. Top-Heavy Organizational Structure Library. The study population was eighty one (81) staff in Ekiti State
3. Lack of Trust University Library; of which forty four (44) are Junior Staff and 37
4. Rivalry and are Senior Staff. The sampled population was Seventy staff (70),
5. Power and Status that is, 86.4% of the staff in the University Library. This was done to
improve the quality of the findings of this paper. Questionnaire was
the only instrument used for this study. 70 questionnaires were
Chinenye (2005) citing Koontz and O’Donnell (1976) given to the staff using simple random sampling technique out of
identified the following as barriers to effective communi- which 64 copies were returned with valid responses of 91.4%. The
cation which are: badly expressed messages, faulty instrument was tagged Communication and service Delivery Scale
translations of messages, and loss by transmission, and was divided into six sections. Section A acquired the respon-
inattention, unclarified assumptions and distrust of the dents’ bio-data information such as gender, designation,
communicator. In addition to the above, they opined that educational qualification, working experience, section where they
work. Section B deals with pattern of communication, Section C is
when the sender sends the message to the receivers, on method of communication, Section D examines impact of
there are some factors that can render the communication communication on service delivery, Section E deals with barriers to
ineffective among these factors are: effective communication in EKSU library and Section F contains
items on the perception of staff on communication. The instrument
Personal barriers: These could be as a result of mistrust was administered to the respondents in the University Library with
the support of two research assistants and the administration was
of sender by receiver, lack of mutually share code bet-
completed in ten 10 days. Data were analyzed using simple
ween the sender and receiver, difference in educational percentage, mean and standard deviation
background, world view and cultural background,
differences in age and social status, differences in
cognitive and reasoning ability. Data presentation and analysis

Physical barriers: These are common interferences that A total of 70 questionnaires were administered in the library and 64
occur in the environment in which the communication is were returned with valid responses. This represents 91.4%
taking place. A typical example of this is a sudden response rate. The data gathered is here analyzed using des-
distracting noise that temporarily drowns out a voice criptive statistical procedures such as frequency distribution,
percentages, tables, mean and standard deviation.
message, for example, traffic, static on telephone, loud
music, machinery etc.
Demographic variables of the respondents
Semantic barrier: These are limitations in the symbols
with which we communicate. Table 1 shows the gender distribution of the respondents (Figure
Symbols usually have a variety of meanings and we 1). Majority of the 34 respondents (53.1%) were females while 30 of
have to choose one meaning from among many. the respondents (46.9%) were males.
80 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Figure 1. Gender distribution of the respondents.

Table 2. Distribution of the respondents by designation.

Designation Frequency %
PORTERS 8 12.5
TOTAL 64 100

Table 2 shows that 8 respondents (12.5%) were librarians, 4 respondents (59.4%) disagreed that information flows from the
respondents (6.3%) were library officers, 1 respondent (1.6%) was lower level staff to the management of the Library. This shows that
system analyst, 41 respondents (64%) were library assistants/ communication flows from the top in Ekiti State University Library
attendants, 2 respondents (3.1%) were binders, and 8 respondents though the junior staff can freely communicate with their boss on
(12.5%) were porters (Figure 2). matters concerning their job and users can easily express their
Table 3 showing the qualification of the respondents revealed information needs to the staff and management consult the senior
that 8 respondents (12.5%) had MLS/MLIS, 10 respondents staff before taking some decision but the form of communication is
(15.6%) had OND/NCE, 22 respondents (34.4%) had B.Sc. top down the hierarchy.
/B.A/B.ED/BLIS while 24 respondents (37.5%) had SSCE Figure 3).
Table 4 showing the working experience of the respondents
shows that 12 respondents (18.8%) had 0-5 years working RESEARCH QUESTIONS 2: What method of communication is
experience, 22 respondents (34.4%) had 6-10 years and 11-15 predominately being used in library administration?
years working experience respectively, 6 respondents (9.4%) had
16-20 years working experience while 2 respondents (3%) had 21- The method of communication used in Ekiti State University Library
25 years working experience (Figure 4). revealed in Table 6 shows that 58 respondents (90.6% and 1.91
means score) which is the majority agreed that memorandum,
circulars, and shelves label were predominately used to
RESEARCH QUESTIONS 1: What is the flow of organizational communicate in the library followed by bulletin board and oral
communication in Ekiti State University Library? communication (54 respondents-84.4% with 1.84 mean score)
followed by reports (48 respondents -75%, with 1.75 mean score),
Majority of the respondents in (Table 5) agreed that information e-mail and non-verbal communication (22 respondents- 34.4% and
flows from the university librarian down the hierarchy and that ideas 1.34 mean score), telephone (20 respondents- 31.3% and 1.31
of senior staff are taken into consideration in taken decision in the mean score), social network (16 respondents- 25% and 1.25 mean
library (54 respondents with 84.4% and 1.84 mean respectively). 38 score) and Intercom which has the least (8 respondents-12.5% and
Owoeye and Dahunsi 81

Figure 2. Distribution of the respondents by designation.

Table 3. Distribution of the respondents by qualification.

Qualification Frequency %
Ph. D Nil Nil
MLS/MLIS 8 12.5
OND/NCE 10 15.6
B Sc /B.A/B.ED/BLIS 22 34.4
SSCE 24 37.5
TOTAL 64 100

Figure 3. Distribution of the respondents by qualification

82 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Table 4. Distribution of respondents by years of experience.

Working experience Frequency %

0-5 12 18.8
6-10 22 34.4
11-15 22 34.4
16-20 6 9.4
21-25 2 3
TOTAL 64 100

Figure 4. Distribution of respondents by years of experience.

Table 5. Pattern of communication.

S/N QUESTIONS Agree Disagree Standard

N % N % Deviation
Information flows from the University Librarian down the hierarchy in your
1 54 84.4 10 15.6 1.84 0.36
Information flows from the lower level staff to the management of the
2 26 40.6 38 59.4 1.4 0.49
Ideas of senior staff are taken into consideration in taken decision in the
3 54 84.4 10 15.6 1.84 0.36
4 The Library management often listen to the junior staff in decision making? 24 37.5 40 62.5 1.38 0.48
5 The management of the Library does not consult anybody? 14 21.9 50 78.1 1.2 0.41
6 I can communicate freely with my boss in matters concerning my job? 50 78.1 14 21.9 1.78 0.41
7 Users can freely express their information needs to me? 46 71.9 18 28.1 1.7 0.45

1.13 mean score). revealed that 64 respondents (100%) with 2 mean score agreed
that effective communication promotes better understanding of task
to be accomplished, followed by 62 respondents (96.9% with 1.97
RESEARCH QUESTIONS 3: What are the impacts of mean score) who agreed that effective communication enables
communication in effective information service delivery? subordinates to become involved in the work, reduces frustration
among employees, encourages greater productivity and reduces
Table 7 showing the impact of communication on service delivery conflict among staff in the library respectively. 60 respondents
Owoeye and Dahunsi 83

Table 6. Form of communication.

S/N QUESTIONS Agree Disagree Standard

N % N % Deviation
1 Oral communication is daily being used in your library? 54 84.4 10 15.6 1.84 0.36
2 Memorandum is used to pass information in your library? 58 90.6 6 9.4 1.91 0.29
Reports which are usually written after analysis or investigations have been
3 48 75 16 25 1.75 0.43
concluded on the subject matter is sometimes used in your library?
Circulars are often used to send short messages for wide circulation in your
4 58 90.6 6 9.4 1.91 0.29
Bulletin board which is meant for users to read and be informed about the
5 54 84.4 10 15.6 1.84 0.36
activities of the library is often being used to pass information?
6 Shelves are label to enhance easy access to information materials? 58 90.6 6 9.4 1.91 0.29
7 Telephone is used to communicate in your library? 20 31.3 44 68.7 1.31 0.46
8 Intercom is being used to pass information in the library? 8 12.5 56 87.5 1.13 0.33
E-mail is often used to communicate among library staff and with the
9 22 34.4 42 65.6 1.34 0.47
external world?
Social network such as facebook, twitter, eskimi and library 2.0 is used to
10 16 25 48 75 1.25 0.43
communicate in your library?
Non-verbal communication methods such as gesture, nodding, blinking of
11 22 34.4 42 65.6 1.34 0.47
the eyes, touching, pinching are often being used in the library?

Table 7. Impact of communication on service delivery

S/N QUESTIONS Agree Disagree Standard

N % N % Mean Deviation
Effective communication enables subordinates to become involved in the
1 62 96.9 2 3.1 1.97 0.17
2 It improves employee commitment to the organisation? 60 93.8 4 6.2 1.94 0.24
3 It reduces frustration among employees? 62 96.9 2 3.1 1.97 0.17
4 It encourages greater productivity? 62 96.9 2 3.1 1.97 0.17
5 It encourages spirit of co-operation? 60 93.8 4 6.2 1.94 0.24
6 Effective communication reduces conflict among staff in the library? 62 96.9 2 3.1 1.97 0.17
7 Users would be free to express their information needs? 60 93.8 4 6.2 1.94 0.24
8 It promotes better understanding of task to be accomplished? 64 100 0 0 2 0

(93.8% and 1.94 mean score) agreed that it improves employee communication as a result of top-heavy, multilevel structure in the
commitment to the organisation, encourages spirit of co-operation library (36 respondents- 56.3% with 1.56 mean) (Table 8).
and better expression of information needs.

RESEARCH QUESTIONS 5: What are the perceptions of staff

RESEARCH QUESTIONS 4: What are the barriers to about communication in Ekiti State University Library?
communication in library and information centres?
Perception of staff about communication shows that 58 respondents
54 respondents (84.4% with 1.84 mean) agreed that poor (90.6%, 1.91 mean) agreed that proper communication makes their
educational background is a barrier to effective communication work better and faster, 56 respondents (87.5%; 1.88 mean) agreed
followed by Poor expression (52 respondents- 81.3% with 1.81 that staff are willing to communicate with the users to meet their
mean), faulty translations of messages and Inferiority complex (50 information needs, 56 respondents (87.5%; 1.88 mean) agreed that
respondents- 78.1% with 1.78 mean) respectively; senior officers students can freely communicate with any staff of the library without
are afraid to reveal difficulties, losses, or other conditions that make any intimidation respectively, 32 respondents (50%; 1.5 mean)
them look weak and Low level of education ( 48 respondents- 75% agreed that there is a proper communication system in Ekiti State
with 1.75 mean respectively), rivalry (44 respondents- 68.8% with University Library. 38 respondents (59.4%; 1.4 mean) disagreed
1.69 mean), lack of trust among members of staff (38 respondents- that Ekiti State University students have poor communication skills,
59.4% with 1.69 mean), long lines of communication as a result of 50 respondents (78.1%; 1.2 mean) disagreed that it is not important
top-heavy, multilevel structure in the library, and long lines of to communicate various policies and programmes of the library with
84 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.

Table 8. Barriers to communication.

S/N QUESTIONS Agree Disagree Standard

N % N % Mean Deviation
There are long lines of communication as a result of top-heavy, multilevel
1 36 56.3 28 43.7 1.56 0.50
structure in the library?
2 There is lack of trust among members of staff? 38 59.4 26 40.6 1.59 0.49
3 There is rivalry among staff in the library? 44 68.8 20 31.2 1.69 0.46
Senior officers are afraid to reveal difficulties, losses, or other conditions that
4 48 75 16 25 1.75 0.43
make them look weak?
5 Poor expression is barrier to effective communication? 52 81.3 12 18.7 1.81 0.39
6 Faulty translations of messages; is a barrier to effective communication? 50 78.1 14 21.9 1.78 0.41
7 Poor educational background is a barrier to effective communication? 54 84.4 10 15.6 1.84 0.36
8 Low level of education? 48 75 16 25 1.75 0.43
Inferiority complex is one of the barriers to effective communication among
9 50 78.1 14 21.9 1.78 0.41

Table 9. Perception of communication.

S/N QUESTIONS Agree Disagree Standard

N % N % Mean Deviation
1 There is a proper communication system in the library? 32 50 32 50 1.5 0.5
2 Staffs are willing to communicate with the users to meet their information needs? 56 87.5 8 12.5 1.88 0.33
Students can freely communicate with any staff of the library without any
3 56 87.5 8 12.5 1.88 0.33
4 Effective communication is not important in the library? 2 3.1 62 96.9 1.03 0.17
5 I don’t need to communicate with anybody in the course of doing my work? 12 18.8 52 81.2 1.19 0.39
6 Proper communication makes my work better and faster? 58 90.6 6 9.4 1.91 0.29
It is not important to communicate various policies and programmes of the library
7 14 21.9 50 78.1 1.2 0.41
with the staff?
8 Ekiti State University Students have poor communication skills? 26 40.6 38 59.4 1.4 0.49

the staff, 52 respondents (81.2%; 1.19 mean) disagreed that they effective implementation. In a situation where information
do not need to communicate with anybody in the course of doing and communication cannot originate from the bottom to
their work and 62 respondents (96.9%; 1.03 mean) disagreed that
effective communication is not important in the library. Therefore
the top level management, such organisation may be
one can conclude that the staff of Ekiti State University Library tending towards autocracy and effective communication
perceived effective communication among staff and together with may be difficult to achieve and that will have negative
users as an important tool in rendering their information services impacts on service delivery.
(Table 9). Written form of communication is often used in
communication although oral communication is used in
some official and unofficial matters; written form of
DISCUSSION OF THE FINDINGS communication is predominantly used in communicating
official matters in form of memorandum, circular, reports,
In Ekiti State University Library, information flows from notices, queries among others. It becomes imperative to
top to the bottom and also the junior staff often use written communication because organisations are
communicate with their supervisors about their duties. legal entities and it is only written documents that are
This agrees with Afinotan (2009) who opined that admissible in law court and also provide framework for
communication can be upward, downward, or cross-wise. carrying out organisational daily routine. Written form of
In an ideal organisation, the flow of information should communication is of a permanent nature and serves as a
not be uni-directional; though programmes and policies corporate memory; it is difficult to deny it because it is in
should as a matter of fact flow from the top management black and white.
level down the hierarchy, the other levels should be able It was found out that effective communication in library
to clarify and make their own contributions toward and information centre enables subordinates to become
Owoeye and Dahunsi 85

involved in the work, reduces frustration among Conflict of Interests

employees, encourages greater productivity and reduces
conflict among staff in the library, it improves employee The authors have not declared any conflict of interests.
commitment to the organisation, encourages spirit of co-
operation and promotes better understanding of task to
be accomplished. This is corroborated by Ifidon and REFERENCE
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educational background which may hinder a Canadian edition. I T P Nelson: an International Thomson Publishing
communicator from reaching the audience due to poor Company
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proper communication will make their work better and Case Study of Private Sector. Int. J. Lang. Commun. Stud. 1:1-2.
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model: Its Application to Archives Administration. Afr. J. Library,
this will create conducive work environment
Arch. Infor. Sci. 14(2):167-175.
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Analysis of Managerial Function 6 Edition. Tokyo: McGraw Hill
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Lin T (1997). Inferiority Complex: Prevention in Children and Relief from
it in Adults.
Communication is needed in many organizational Nwalo KIN (2003). Reference Sources and Services. Ibadan: Centre for
functions, both internal and external. The form the External Studies, Univesity of Ibada.
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communicate effectively to know their information needs Publishers.
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and the materials to meet them. Efforts should be made
Delivery in Academic Libraries. Library Philosophy and Practice
to tackle various barriers to effective communication
among library staff and with the users. Librarians and
other library staff should take advantage of web 2.0
technology to improve communication with users in
meeting their information needs and among library staff
for optimum benefits of the organisation.
86 Int. J. Lib. Inf. Sci.




Dear Respondent,

I am embarking on a research on the role of communication in effective service delivery in libraries and information
centres. I solicit your assistance in completing the questionnaire and all the information supplied will be treated as
confidential and used only for research purpose.

Yours faithfully,

Owoeye, P. O.


Tick the Column Where Appropriate

1. Gender: Male ( ) Female ( )

2. Designation………………………………………
3. Educational Qualification: PhD ( ) MLS/ MLIS ( ) M.Sc., M.A, M. Ed ( ) BLIS, B. Sc,
B.ed, B.A ( ) HND ( ) ND ( ) SSCE ( ) Primary school certificate ( )
4. Working experience: 0- 5years ( ) 6- 10 years ( ) 11- 15 years ( ) 16- 20 years ( )
21- 25 years ( ) 26 – 30 years ( ) 31- 35 years ( )
1. Section where you work...................................................................................


Pattern of communication YES NO

1 Information flows from the University Librarian down the hierarchy in the library?
2 Information flows from the lower level staff to the management of the Library?
3 Ideas of Senior staff are taken into consideration in taken decisions in the Library?
The Library management often communicate with junior staff before decision making in matters
affecting them?
5 The management of the Library does not consult anybody?
6 I can communicate freely with my boss in matters concerning my job?
7 Users can freely express their information needs to me?
8 Programmes and policies only flow from top to bottom


Method of communication YES NO

1 is oral communication daily being used in your library?
2 is memorandum used to pass information in your library?
are reports which are usually written after analysis or investigations have been concluded on the subject
matter sometimes used in your library?
4 are circulars often used to send short messages for wide circulation in your library?
is bulletin board which is meant for users to read and be informed about the activities of the library often
being used to pass information?
6 are shelves label to enhance easy access to information materials?
7 is telephone used to communicate in your library?
8 is intercom being used to pass information in the library?
Owoeye and Dahunsi 87


9 is e-mail often used to communicate among library staff and with the external world?
10 Is social network such as facebook, twitter, eskimi and library 2.0 used to communicate in your library?
are non-verbal communication methods such as gesture, nodding, blinking of the eyes, touching, pinching
often being used in the library?


Impact of communication on service delivery YES NO

1 Does effective communication enable subordinates to become involved in the work
2 Does it improve employees’ commitment to the organisation?
3 Does it reduce frustration among employees?
4 Does it encourage greater productivity?
5 Does it encourage spirit of co-operation?
6 Does effective communication reduce conflict among staff in the library?
7 Are users free to express their information needs?
8 Does it promote better understanding of task to be accomplished?


S/N Barriers to effective communication in eksu library YES NO

1 Is there free flow of information in the library?
2 Are there long lines of communication as a result of top-heavy, multilevel structure in the library?
3 Is there lack of trust among members of staff?
4 Is there rivalry among staff in the library?
5 Are senior officers afraid to reveal difficulties, losses, or other conditions that make them look weak?
6 Is poor expression barrier to effective communication?
7 Faulty translations of messages is it a barrier to effective communication?
8 Is poor educational background a barrier to effective communication?
9 What about low level of education?
10 Is inferiority complex one of the barriers to effective communication among staff?


S/N Perception of communication YES NO

1 Are they proper communication systems in EKSU library?
2 Are staff willing to communicate with users to meet their information needs?
3 Can students freely communicate with any staff of the library without any intimidation?
4 Is effective communication not important in the library?
5 I don’t need to communicate with anybody in the course of doing my work?
6 Is proper communication the key to effective information services?
7 Is it important to communicate various policies and programmes of the library with the staff?
8 Do Ekiti State University students have poor communication skills?

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