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Submitted to the Department of English Education Faculty of Teaching and

Educational Sciences Unswagati Cirebon in Partial Fulfillment of the
Requirements for Sarjana Pendidikan Degree (S1)




NPM. 109060124




1.1. Background of The Study

As we know, writing skill is one of the four English language skills in

addition to listening, speaking, and readin. Harmer (2004) states that writing is a

weird activity for students because they seldom write even in their own language.

Based on the statement, writing activities for students seldom to do, they seldom

writing although using their own language so that, when they learn to write they

think writing is strange activity

Before the writer decides about writing, the writer had observed three

schools, and the writer interviewed the teachers. They said many students from

the three schools felt difficult and bored in writing, especially to arrange sentences

and grammar. Through interviews between the writer with the students, they

respond that they didn‟t like learning writing English. Some students said, writing

is the hardest skill, difficulty in generating ideas make feel bored so writing skill

to be a hard thing to do.

There are three common problems, that make writing difficult

(Harmer,2004), the first, organization problems, for instancce the choice of

sentence structure, how top organize the idea and sequences. Second, a language

use problem, it deals with the ability to use certain structure and mechanical skills.

The last content problem, such as being lost for ideas or what to say in writing.
According to John Moss as cited in Davison and Dowson

(2003:145)”Writing can be usefully isolated from the rest of the English

curriculum, producing a large quantity of writing necessarily improves finished

pieces of writing can be produced with little preparation ”.

Based on the statement above, the students have to learn many aspect in

writing, especially in learning procedure text. Due the reason above, the writer

find the good solution to make the students more interested in writing, and change

the opinion that writing is hardest skill. Numbered Heads Together is a way which

the writer apply to solve the problem in the students writing skill.

Numbered heads together is one technique of cooperative learning (Kagan,

2009). It can be as one of the effective ways to generate ideas by working in small

group where students can share their ideas or information with group member of

them (Brown, 2001).

Based on the explanation above, the writer is interested to conduct this

research using Numbered Heads Together Technique to improve the students‟

writing skill an titled : THE USE OF NUMBERED HEADS TOGETHER IN



Hopefully, this study can inspire English teacher to be more creative in using the

strategy of writing to increase the students‟ writing procedure text.

1.2. Research Question

According to the problem which appear in the background, the writer

formulates the research question as follows :

“Can the use of Numbered Heads Together technique increase students‟ skill

in writing procedure text in the eleventh grade students of SMK VETERAN


1.3. Aims of the Study

Referring to the background and research question, the aims of this study is

to find out whether the use of Numbered Heads Together ( NHT ) technique

increase student‟s skill in writing procedure text to the eleventh grade students

of SMK VETERAN Cirebon.

1.4. Scope and Limitation

This study focused on using Numbered Heads Together ( NHT ) Technique

at the eleventh grade students in SMK VETERAN Cirebon in academic years

2013 – 2014. Dealing with writing skill, the researcher focuses on writing

procedure text since it is one of text types that must be learnt by the eleventh

grade students of Senior High School. While for the comparison, whole class

lecturing method is given in control group.

1.5. Significance of the Study

This study is expected to give contributions and some informative inputs in

teaching learning English as a foreign language in terms of theoretical and

practical benefit.

1.Theoretical Benefit

The result of this study can enrich the literary on English teaching learning

process especially in teaching writing. Besides, the result of this study also can be

used as the reference for those who want to conduct a study in English teaching –

learning process.

2.Practical Benefit

The research finding can be used by students, teachers, school, and the writer

herself and will be useful to the readers who are interested in analyzing enhancing

students‟ writing skill. Here are the benefits:

a. Students

It may motivate students to improve their interest in learning English since they

will find out that procedure text not always difficult to learn. They will find a new

experience with using Numbered Heads Together that is applied to writing skill. It

is expected to help the students‟ in enhancing their writing skill and help they to

learn English language easily in context.

The research findings are expected to be used as a consideration in teaching

writing in the classroom. This Study gives input for English teacher to enhance

their knowledge about cooperative learning method, especially Numbered Heads

Together technique which may be used to help them in their classroom to develop

students‟ writing skill as well as possible. The result can be the data to improve

the teacher, especially technique of teaching learning process.

c. Writer

The study can give the information about enhancing the students‟ writing skill by

using Numbered Heads Together ( NHT ) Technique.

1.6. Hypothesis

The hypothesis brings clarity to the research problem. A hypothesis is

simply put, a prediction of the possible outcomes of the study (Fraenkel,


In line with the statement above, Fraenkel et. al (2012:48) proposed that the

null hypothesis most commonly used specifies there is no relationship in the

population. In agreement with Fraenkel, the writer uses the null hypothesis.

The writer chooses the null hypothesis because the writer doesn‟t have strong

evidence yet to make a prediction a difference before conducting the experiment.

Because this study is designed to investigate the effectiveness of the use of

Numbered Heads Together to enhance the students‟ writing skill in writing

procedure text, this study is guided by the following hypothesis:

: There is no difference between the students‟ skill in control and

experimental group after being given Numbered Heads Together (NHT)

Technique in writing procedure text.



2.1. The Previous Study

There are several previous studies that had been held by some educators and

their research in this field has been published in the journal. Therefore, we need to

do the literature review in order to know how the other researchers analyze the

topic, so that we can avoid the possibility of duplication. Below are some of the

studies that show the benefit of using literature in teaching English.

A thesis by Khan (Deparment of Education Faculty Social Sciences

International Islamic University Islamabad Pakistan, 2008) on the title „An

experimental Study to Evaluate The Effectiveness of Cooperative Learning

Versus Traditional Learning Method‟ concluded that cooperative learning

appeared to be more favorable for overcrowded classes after doing a research to

two classes with sixty four students in experimental and control group.

Elia Masa Ginting (Language and Art Faculty University of Medan,2012)on

the title „Improving The Students‟ Achievement in Writing Procedure Text

Through Numbered Heads Together Technique’ stated that the result of the study

suggest that Numbered Heads Together could improve the students‟

achievements in writing procedure text. Numbered Heads Together (NHT) is

applicable in teaching writing because students can be actively involved in writing

process so that teaching learning process will be lively, interesting, and enjoyable.
Based on those previous studies, we can conclude that Cooperative

Learning is the more favorable than the traditional one. It is because Cooperative

Learning is students centered approach, so that teaching with cooperative

Learning (NHT in this case) can be tried to every English material.

Despite their relevance to this study the entire theses or articles reviewed

above are not concerned with the use Numbered Heads Together (NHT)

Technique to increase writing skill of eleventh grade students which becomes the

concern of this present study. In this way, this study becomes different from them

and is relevant to conduct.

2.2. Writing

Writing is one of four skills in English teaching and learning.

I.S.P.Nation (2009;13) states that “Writing is an activity that can usefully be

prepared for by work in the other skills of listening, speaking and reading.Writing

is a process and that we write is often heavily influenced by the constraints of

genres, then these elements have to be present in learning activities ( Harmer,

2004:86), both two teories, the writer conclude that writing should reinforce the

structural and lexical terms which have been taught as well as the listening,

speaking, and reading skills. So, writing is a productive and expressive activity

and used as means of indirect communication.

Based on statement above, we can assume that everyone possesses a

skill to communicate in writing has increased enormously. They try to learn

writing structurally and lexically to build their skill based on their knowledge

which has got from other skills like listening, speaking, and reading.

According to Murray‟s (1985) as cited in Hyland (2003:10) that “Writing

is seen as springing from self-discovery guided by writing on topics of

potential interest to writers and, as a result, the approach is likely to be most

successful in the hands of teachers who themselves write creatively” .

2.2.1. Teaching Writing Skill

Teaching is a real-life reality. It is in social, work or study

situations. Teaching writing on EFL is to get things done and to form and

maintain social relationships. In reality, the teacher can teach the students

such as letter, journals, notes, instructions, essay, reports, menu. Teaching

writing is a way of conveying messages or just to keep a record of what is

in our mind.

Shaban and Gaith ( 2005) states that “in a recent research study,

teaching writing in ELT classroom is considered as means to consolidate

language”. Students very often write from someone else‟s ideas. It is

“writing as language learning”. In this stage are given a topic for building

up their writing. Moreover, in the ELT classroom, especially in traditional

pedagogy the teacher gives a topic or selection of topics, a set of

requirements, and a time limit. The students finish the task within the time

limit and hand in the product. The students‟ work is evaluated based on

the accuracy of the final group.

2.2.2. Writing Process

According to Sokolik (2003:87), writing is a combination of

process and product. Writing is a part of the whole learning process

experienced by Students in the school. The expected goals of the learning

process so that, students are able to write that express idea, opinion, and

knowledge in writing and have a penchant for writing. According to

Crafword et al. (2005 :116), the writing process contains five phases :

rehearsing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing.

1. Rehearsing

“ Rehearsing is the act of finding a topic, gathering information, and

collecting one‟s thoughts about the topic (Crafword et al.2005:116)”.

In this way, the students begin to plan a way to rite about their topic.

Survey and pondering take time.

2. Drafting

According to Crawford (2005:116) “ Drafting is the act of

setting ideas on paper in their initial form. The process is tentative

and experimental”. In this way, the students display their ideas on

paper or on a computer screen so they can see what they know and

have to say about their topic.

3. Revising

Revising is making the written work better. It is not correcting

grammar and spelling, but rather the phase in which writers move

ideas around, expand upon them, cut out non essential parts, and
other wise make their ideas clearer, even elegant (Crawford et

al.,2005:117). Revising usually requires that students distance

themselves from their work. They often do this by holding

conferences with a teacher. In the process of revising, authors may

return to the work laid out in the rehersal or drafting stages.

4. Editing

According to crawford (2005:117), “editing is the process of making

a composition presentable before it is made public. During thr editing

phase paragraph or pages may sometimes be cut or added, and the

composition may have to be re-edited to ensure coherence”. Usually,

the editing habit must be taught. It consists of three points:

1. The discipline to ensure that the paper be correct.

2. The ability to find errors

3. The knowledge to correct errors

5. Publishing

Publishing, or sharing a work with an audience, does not happen with

every piece of writing. Sometimes riters record their thoughts for

themselves only or for a single reader, and sometimes a work does

not have sufficient mo warrant sharing widely.

Based on the explanation above, the writer concludes that the process

in writing needs some steps. It means that when the students will going to
write, they have to learn about the steps or the process in writing from

the teacher.

2.2.3. The Function of Writing

Writing is to make ann essay with the specific purpose. According

to Haliday (1985) as cited in Nunan (2000), that in the modern world,

written language serves a range function in everyday life, including the


1.) Primarily for action

Public sign, e.g. on roads and stations: product labels and

instructions, e.g. on food. Tools or toys purchased: recipes; maps;

television and radio guides; bills; menus;telephone directories: ballot

papers; computer manuals, monitor and printout.

2.) Primarily for information

Newspapers (news,editorials) and current affairs magazines; hobby

magazines; non fiction books, including textbook; public notices,

advertisement; political pamphets; scholatic, medical,etc,reports;

guidebooks and travel literature.

3.) Primarily for entertainment

Light magazines, comic strips; fiction book; poetry and drama;

newspaper features; film subtitles; games, including computer games.

2.1.2. Writing in the Classroom

There are five types of classroom writing performance based on

Brown (2001; 343-345) . The first is imitative or writing down, this type is

the simplest writing type at the beginning level of learning to write. The

second is intensive or controlled writing. The next type is self-writing, this

type is involving an element to diplay. The fourth is the display writing. And

the last type is real writing.

Regardles of how different any given writing class may be from

others, each teacher works to carry out a somewhat predictable set of task.

These involve designing and/or implementing a syllabus, structuring

individual lessons, providing students opportunities for writing, and

responding to that writing (Celce-Murcia, 2001;222).

2.1.4 The Genre of Writing

As stated by Harmer (2007:113) that genre of writing is a type of

writing which members of a discourse community would instanly recognize

for what it was .

In classroom, the genre of writing is focus on the texts, beside of the

text, writing also focuss on grammatical correctly. The genre of writing is

consist of some text. There are some genre of writing according to Wahidi

(2009) :

1) Anecdote Text

Anecdote is a text which retells funny and unusual incidents in fact or

imagination. It is purpose is to entertain the readers.

2) Recount Text

Recount Text is a text which retells events or experiences in the past. Its

social function is either to inform the purpose, to entertain or to retell the

events to audience. There is no complication among the participants and

that differentiates from narrative.

3) Report Text

Report is a text which presents information about something, as it is. It is

as a result of systematic observation and analysis.

4) Spoof Text

Spoof is a text which tells factual story, happened in the past time with

unpredictable and funny ending. Its social function is to entertain and

share the story.

5) Narrative Text

Narrative is a text focusing specific participants. Its social function is to

tell stories or past events and entertain the readers. Narrative deals with

problematic events which lead to a crisis or turning point of some kind,

which in turn finds a resolution.

6) Discussion Text

Discussion is a text which presents a problematic discourse. This problem

will be discussed from different viewpoints. Discussion is commonly

found in philosophical, historic, and social text. Discussion used to

support ideas presented in sequence to justify a particular stand or

viewpoint that a writer is taking.

7) Explanation Text

Explanation is a text which tells processes relating to forming of natural,

social, scientific and cultural phenomena. Explanation text is to say „why‟

and „how‟ of the forming of the phenomena. It is often found in science,

geography and history text books.

8) Procedure Text

Procedure is a text that shows a process in order. Its social function is to

describe how something is completely done through a sequence of series.

Procedure is same meaning with instruction.

9) Description Text

Description is used in all forms of writing to create a vivid impression of

a person, place, object or event e.g. to describe a special place and explain

why it is special, to describe the most important person in your life, or to

describe the animal‟s habitat in your report. In other words, description

text is to describe a particular person, place, or thing.

10) Argument Text

To support ideas presented in sequence to justify a particular stand or

viewpoint that a writer is taking. The writer‟s purpose is to take a position

on some issue and justify it.

11) Exposition Text

Purpose An exposition attempts to persuade the reader to believe

something by presenting one side of the argument.


2.2. The Rubrics of Writing

In this research, assessment criteria are given according to the level

importance of the elements in essays. The assessment rubrics according to

Heaton (1988:146) as noted in below:

Table 2.1

Rubrics of Writing


Content 30-27 Excellent to Knowledgeable,
very good substantive, through
development of thesis,
relevant to assigned

26-27 Good to Some knowledge of

avera subject,adequate
ge range,limited
development of
relevant to topic, but
back detail.

1-17 Limited knowledge of

subject, substance
Fair to poor inadequate
development of topic.

16-13 Does not show

knowledge of subject,
Very poor not substantive, not
pertinent, or not
enough to evaluate.
Organization 20-18 Excellent to Fluent expression,
very good clearly stated
supported, well,
organized, logical
sequencing, cohesive.

Somewhat choppy
17-14 Good to average loosely organized but
main ideas stand out,
limited support logical
but incomplete

13-10 Fair to poor Non fluent, ideas

confused or
disconnected, lacks
logical sequencing
and development.

9-7 Very poor Does not

communicate, no
organization, or not
enough to evaluate.
Vocabulary 20-18 Excellent to Sophisticated, range,
very good effective words or
idiom choice usage,
word form mastery
appropriate register.

17-14 Good to average Adequate range,

occasional errors of
word or idiom form
choice, usage
meaning not

13-10 Fair to poor Limited range,

frequent errors of
word or idiom form
choice usage,
meaning confused or

9-7 Very Poor Little Knowledge of

English vocabulary
idioms, word form, or
not enough to
Language Use 25-22 Excellent to very Effective complex
good construction few
errors agreement,
tense number, word
order or function,
article, pronouns,

21-18 Good to average Effective but simple

construction minor
problem in complex
construction, several
error of agreement
tense number, word
order or function,
articles, pronoun,
preposition but
meaning seldom

17-11 Fair to poor Mayor problem in

simple complex
construction, frequent
errors of negation,
agreement, tenses,
number, word order
or function, article,
pronouns, preposition
and fragments,
deletions, meaning
confused or obscured.

10-5 Very poor Virtually no mastery

of sentence
construction rules,
nominated by errors,
doesn‟t communicate
or not enough to

Mechanics 5 Excellent to very Demonstrate mastery

good of conventions, few
errors of spelling

4 Good to average Occasional errors of

spelling, punctuation,
paragraphing but
meaning not

3 Fair to poor Frequent error of

spelling, punctuation,
paragraphing, poor
handwriting meaning
confused or obscured.

2 Very poor No mastery of

dominated by errors
of spelling.

2.3 Procedure Text

Ginting (2012:3) in his study suggested, “procedure text is a text that shows

a process, it is a social function is to describe how something is completely done

through a sequence of series”. According to Gerot and Wignell (1994:206) said

that “ social function of procedure is to describe how something is accomplished

through a sequence of action or steps”.

Knapp and Watkins (2005:206) said : “procedure texts generally begin with

the goal of the task, which is usually stated as a heading . following this stage, a

set of ingredients or the materials required to complete the task will often be

presented in the order use”.

2.3.1. Rules of Procedure Text

A procedure text is a piece of text that gives us instruction for doing

something. There are some explanations about the rule procedure text. Mark

and Kethy (1998:252) states “several common grammatical patterns of a

procedure text, they are: use of technical language, sentence that begin with

the verb and are stated as command, use of time words or numbers that tell

the order for doing the procedure text, use the adverbs to verbs to tell how

the action to be done”.

According to Mark and Kathy (1998:257) “several common generic

structure of a procedure, they are an introductory statements that give the

aim or goal of the text, a list materials that will be needed for completing

procedure, a sequence of steps in the order they need to be done”.

According to Istianah (2011) in her study suggested “procedure text uses

simple present, often imperative sentences, it also uses the temporal

conjunction such as first, second, then, next, finally, etc”. There are several

explanation about the rule of procedure text, they are the use of action verbs,

the use of noun phrase, and the use of imperative sentences.

2.4 Numbered Heads Together ( NHT ) Technique

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique is one of the oldest form of

cooperative learning. Spencer Kagan and Miquel Kagan in Kagan Cooperative

Learning developed Numbered Heads Together Technique Teaching. Kagan

(2009:6.30) stated that:

“Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique is one application of

cooperative structure by students, numbering and the students able to
processing information, communication, developing thinking, review of
material, and checking prior knowledge. In NHT, there is cooperative
learning strategy that holds each student accountable for learning the
material that helps each other and freely shares their ideas about the text that
they write. By having students work together in a group, this strategy
ensures that each member knows the answer to the problem or question
asked by teacher:.

According to Maheady (2006) in Baker‟s study (2013: 6) stated, before

beginning the NHT phases, each student was assigned to a small heterogeneous

group consisting of at least one each high, average, and low achieving students.

Students were allowed to number themselves 1,2,3,4,or 5. Students would sit

together in their groups. The teacher would ask a question to the whole class.

About 30 seconds was given for groups to formulate their answers after which the

teacher would say “All number (1,2,3,4, or 5) who know the answer, raise your

hands”. One student would be called on to answer. Following that student‟s

response, the teacher would ask the other students with the same number if they

agreed with that response and then she would provide feedback.

Based on the description above, the writer know that Numbered Heads

Together (NHT) Technique is a good technique for the teachers who are new to

the cooperative approach in Numbered Head Together and the students become

more active in the classroom.

2.4.1 The Steps of Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique

According to Baker (2013:5) in his study there are some steps to use

Numbered Heads Together Technique :

1) Divide the students into groups of four and give each one a number from

one to four,

2) Pose a question or a problem to the class,

3) Have students gather to think about the question and to make sure

everyone in their group understands and can give answer,

4) Ask the question and call out a number randomly,

5) The students with that number raise their hands and when called on, the

student answers for his or her team.

2.4.2 . The Advantages of Numbered Head Together (NHT) Technique

Ginting and Ramini (2012) in their study explained about the

advantages ofNumbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique:

1) Easy to use,

2) Students must work together to assist everyone to know and


3) Students responses can reveal misunderstandings and an

opportunity for error connection,

4) More students will participate because they do not have to perform

in front of the whole class,

5) Each student to be ready all,

6) May conduct discussion seriously,

7) Students who are smart can teach the less intelligent students.

According to the citation above, the use of Numbered Head Together

(NHT) Technique gave some advantageous to the students to increase their

writing skills. They can improve their knowledge, attitude, and also their skill
because they can take exchange some experiences from their peers and give

students a fresh way to think about approaching their writing.



3.1. Subject of the Research

3.1.1. Population

Population is the group of interest to the researcher, the group to

whom the researcher would like to generalize the result of the study

(Fraenkel, 2012;93). Based on the description, the writer concludes that

the term population as used in research, refers to all the members of a

particular group who would like to generalize the result of a study.

In this study, the writer takes the eleventh grade students of SMK

VETERAN Cirebon in the academic year 2013/2014 as the population. The

eleventh grade of SMK VETERAN Cirebon consists of 6 classes, Each

class consists of around 40 students. So, the total of the population is around

of 240 students.

3.1.2. Sample

Sample is the characteristics that represent the whole population. In

line with the statement, Fraenkel (2012:92) stated that sample in a

research study is the group on which information is obtained.

In selecting sample, the writer used purposive sampling, Fraenkel

(2012 : 100) proposed :

Purposive sampling is different from convenience sampling in that

researchers do not simply study whoever is available but rather use their
judgment to select a sample that they believe, based on prior information,
will provide the data they need. Investigators use personal judgment to
select a sample. Researchers assume they can use their knowledge of the
population to judge whether or not a particular sample will be

Based on the explanation above, the writer will conduct the research by

using the purposive sampling technique. The samples of this study are two

classes from the second grade students of SMK VETERAN Cirebon. They are

XI AP 1 as the contro group and XI AP 2 as the experimental group, with total

member of students are 30 students of XI AP 1 and 30 students of XI AP 2.

3.2. Research Design

In this research, a quasi experimental design will be used to gain the data.

For this occasion, this study is going to be conducted by quasi experimental

research design since it is not feasible for the study to use random assignment.

As stated by Fraenkel ( 2012:275 ) that : Quasi experimental design do not

include the use of random assignment. Researchers who employ these designs

rely instead on other techniques to control (or at least reduce) threat to internal


Based on the explanation above, a quasi experimental design doesn‟t

need random sampling. In fact that, it is hard to find control group that could

be used in this study. Furthermore, the pre-test post-test group design which is
the subset of quasi experimental design will be conducted. In this design, there

are two groups taken as the investigated groups. First group is for the

experimental group ( X ) that will receive the treatment ( the independent

variable ), while second group is for the control group ( C ) that will receive the

conventional one. This design is represented below.

Table 3.1

The Experimental Research

Groups Pre-test Treatment Post-test

ExExperimental O1E X O2E

CControl O1C - O2C


O1E : The pre-test for the experimental group

O2E : The post-test for the experimental group

X : The treatment

O1C : The pre-test for the control group

O2C : The post-test for the control group

3.3 Research Method

This research use quantitative method to gather the data with the

experimental method. As stated by Fraenkel (2012:265) that

“Experimental research is one of the most powerful research methodologies

that researchers can use. Many types of the research that might be used, the

experiment is the best way to establish cause and-effect relationship among


Based on the explanation above, the writer applied the quantitative

method to gather the data because this method is one of the many types of the

best way to conclude the data.

3.4. Technique of Collecting Data

The steps in collecting the data as follows :

3.4.1. Interview

In this research, the writer collected the information about writing

using interview in three schools, three teachers, and three students to find out

the problems in writing teaching and learning.

3.4.2. Test

To gain the data, writing test is used in this research. According to

Fraenkel, “an instrument is the device (such as a pencil and

paper test, a questionnaire , or a rating scale) the researcher uses to collect

data. In addition, the writer used some instruments in collecting the data to

answer the research questions. It consists of test (pre-test and post-test)”.

a. Pre-test
The pre-test given to the experimental and control group before the teacher

give the treatment to find out the students‟ scores in learning procedure


b. Treatment

Numbered Heads Together Technique is used by the writer as a treatment

in teaching learning process of enhacing students‟ writing skill in procedure

text. This startegy will given at class XI AP 2 as the experimental group.

c. Post-test

The post test carried out after the treatments of teaching procedure writing

by using Numbered Head Together Technique for the experimental group.

The test will be given to both the experimental and the control group.

3.5. The Research Variables

In this research, the writer decided where the dependent and independent

variable are as follow :

a. Dependent Variable

According to Fraenkel (2012:80) defined that “Dependent variable

is a variable which appear because the effect of independent variable”. In

commonsense terms, the dependent variable “depends on” what the

independent variable does to it, how it affects it. The writer decided that

writing procedure text as the dependent variable.

b. Independent Variable
Independent variables are those that the researcher chooses to study in

order to assess their possible effect(s) on one or more other variables. An

independent variable is presumed to affect (at least partly cause) or some

how influence at least one other variable (Fraenkel, 2012 : 80). The

writer decided that Numbered Heads Together as the independent variable.

It means that the writer want to know that Numbered Heads Together

Technique is effect in the student‟s skill in writing procedure text.

3.6. Technique of Data Analysis

3.6.1. Mean

The mean is another average of all the scores in a distribution. Mean is

computed by using the formula proposed by Fraenkel (2011:199):

= Mean

= Sum of frequency times scores

= Total number of scores

3.6.2. Variance

The variance of a group of scores is computed by using the following

formula :

SD2 =

SD2 : Variance

f : Frequency

After the data had been collected and the result of the test complied, the

writer will computed the data of pre-test and post-test by using statistical analysis.

To differentiate whether the students‟ result of writing procedure text using

Numbered Heads Together Technique and without using Numbered Heads

Together Technique is significant or not, the writer used the t-test formula

purposed by Fraenkel (2012:252) :

Where :

t : t-tes

e : mean of the experiment group

c : mean of the control group

: standard deviation of the experiment group

: standard devition of the control group

: number of experiment group

: number of control group



4.1. Research Findings

4.1.1. General Description

This research is an Experimental research that the purpose of

the research is to find out whether the use of Numbered Heads

Together (NHT) Technique in writing can increase the student‟s skill

in learning writing procedure text.

The time allocated for the research was suited with the schedule

already existed in the school. The schedule of both control and

experimental groups was on Thursday and Wednesday. Over all, the

research was conducted in four meetings involving pre-test, two time

treatments based on the syllabus, and also post-test. The pre-test was

conducted on September, 24th 2013. Both of groups was given the

same procedure text test and they had to do the test individually in 45

Then treatment session began after the pre-test was taught by using

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) Technique in teaching writing

procedure on the other hand, the control group was taught without

using Numbered Heads Together

Finally, the post-test was conducted at the end of the treatment

the test was administered on October. 2nd 2013, for the groups. The

students was asked to do same test about procedure text individually in

45 minutes. The data in this study were quantitative data which were

obtained by pre-test and post-test from both class.

4.2. The Use of Numbered Heads Together in Learning Procedure Text in

The Eleventh Grade of SMK VETERAN Cirebon

As explained in the first chapter that this research is conducting to find the

differences students‟ score between the experimental class and the control class.

This part presents about the use of Numbered Heads Together in teaching learning

English in writing procedure text. In teaching and learning process using

Numbered Heads Together Technique to increase the students‟ writing skill in

procedure text, the teacher given some activity to conduct and collect the score of

the students. The teacher was design some lesson plans before the teaching and

learning was conducted. And then the teacher given some activity for the students,

that the teacher conducted the writing activity.

4.2.1. The Research Activity

In this research, the writer was conducted some activities to collect the

data from the students, the activities includes of designing the lesson plans, pre-

test activity, and post-test activity, there are would be outline below: Designing the Lesson Plans

Before the teacher conducted a teaching and learning activity in

the pre-test and post-test activity, the teacher designed some lesson plans to

guidance the teaching and learning process. The teacher designed the lesson

plans as follows in the curriculum of the school. And the writer used the

lesson plans to help the writer in teaching and learning process. The Pre-test Activity

This research is an experimental research. In this research, the

writer was taken two class to collect the data using test. The first test which

the writer conducted before the treatment had been conducted, the writer

given a pre-test in the experimental class and the control class to got the

students‟ score before the students in the experimental class received the

treatment using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique . The pre-test

had been conducted by the writer in the two classes on Sunday

September 2013. It was followed by 30 students in the eleventh grade. In

pre-test activity, the writer gave written test about procedure text. The test

was conducted before the students received the treatment. The test was
contains of an essay that asked the students to make procedure text. The

teacher gave 45 minutes to finish the test.

When the writer provided 45 minutes to finished the pre-test, there

are some students took more than 45 minutes to finished the pre-test. Based

on the stated before, the writer concludes that majority of the students didn‟t

understand and also felt difficult about the procedure text when they were

doing the pre-test. The Classroom Activity

After the teacher gave pre-test to the students, then the writer

gave treatments for the experimental class using Numbered Heads Together

(NHT) technique and for the control class without using Numbered Heads

Together (NHT) technique. In the treatments, the writer gave some steps

based on the NHT steps. There are some steps which the writer conducted in

the treatments: the first, divide the students into groups of four and give

each one a number from one to four,the second, pose a question or a

problem to the class, after that have students gather to think about the

question and to make sure everyone in their group understands and can give

answer, than ask the question and call out a number randomly,finally the

students with that number raise their hands and when called on the student

answers for his her team.

The treatment above was conducted by the writer on Wednesday

September 2013 and Tuesday 1st October 2013 using Numbered Heads
Together (NHT) technique but for control group without Numbered Head

Together technique. The writer explained the whole material accordance

with the lesson plan that has been made by writer. After the writer

conducted the treatment, then the writer conducted post-test to got the

students‟ score in post-test after they received the treatments.

The post-test was conducted on Wednesday October 2013

for the experimental class and the control class. The post-test gave after the

writer gave the treatments using Numbered Heads Together in writing

procedure text in the experimental class. In the post-test, the writer gave

written test about narrative text. The writer asked the students to make a

procedure text. The writer gave 45 minutes to finished the test.

When the post-test were given in 45 minutes, majority of the

students in the experimental class able to finished post-test in 45 minutes.

It‟s different with the control class. It means that after the students received

the treatments used Numbered Heads Together technique in writing

procedure text, it proved that the students‟s post-test in experimental group

more better than the students‟s post-test in the control group .

4.3. The analysis of the Data

After the test was given by the teacher in the experimental class and the

control class, the teacher got the score of pre-test and post-test. The writer would

like to calculate the data as follows:

4.3.1. The result of the pre-test and post-test in Control Group.

The students, pre-test and post-test scores in control group is

presented in the table below. The scores are as follow:

Table 4.1

The Pre-test and Post-test of Control Group

P i
o n
s -
e G
t M
St - a
- e (X
u t i
t a e
d e n
N e n -
e s
o s
n t (
t o )
t X
s ( c
X )
2 a
) i


3 .

5 6 1 . 4
0 0 0 2 9
4 7

8 .

5 6 1 . 8
0 5 5 2 9
4 7

S - 7.

– 2 6
5 5
3 4 . 1
0 4
3 7 7

6 6
S 0.
– 0
6 7 .
4 7 5
3 0 2
4 7

S 1.
– 5
6 7 .
5 8 3
3 1 2
5 7

3 .

5 6 1 . 4
0 0 0 2 9
4 7

S 1.
– 5
6 6 .
7 8 3
0 8 2
7 7

S 6 6 0 0.
8 7
– 0 7 . 0
2 6

8 6 7

S 1
– 6 6 .
9 8 3
0 8 2
9 4

3 .

1 5 6 1 . 4

0 5 5 0 2 9
4 7

– 3
1 5 6 1 .
1 1 5 5 0 2
1 4

S 1 1.
1 5 6
– 8 . 5
2 7 9
2 3
1 4 7

2 6

– 1
1 6 6 .
8 3
3 1 0 8 2
3 4

- 0.

0 9
1 6 6
6 . 2
4 1 0 6
9 1
6 6

S 38

– 6 .

1 5 6 1 . 9

5 1 4 7 3 2 3

5 4 7

1 S 6 6 - - 13

6 – 5 0 5 1 8
1 .

1 . 2

6 7 9

6 7

S 10

– 3 .

1 6 7 1 . 4

7 1 0 0 0 2 9

7 4 7

– 0
1 6 6 .
7 6
8 1 0 7 2
8 6

- 0.

0 5
1 7 7
5 . 7
9 1 0 5
7 7
6 6
– 2
2 6 6 .
9 1
0 2 0 9 2
0 4

– 1
2 6 6 .
8 3
1 2 0 8 2
1 4

– 0
2 6 7 .
7 5
2 2 8 5 2
2 4

S - 3.

– 1 0
2 6 7
5 . 9
3 5 0
2 7 7

3 6 6
– 1
2 6 6 .
8 3
4 2 0 8 2
4 4

– 2
2 6 6 .
9 1
5 2 0 9 2
5 4

S 76
– .
2 6 6 - 7
6 2 7 5 2 3
6 7

S - 0.

2 – 6 6 0 5
7 0 6 . 7

2 7 7
7 6 6

S -
– 1
2 7 6 - 1
8 2 0 5 5 .
8 7

– 0
2 6 7 .
7 6
9 2 3 0 2
9 6

S 22
– .
3 6 6 6
2 .
0 3 3 5 5
0 7

TO 1 2 2 56

T 7 0 0 8
A 9 0 3 .

L 8 5 6 The Computation of the Mean Scores of Control Group The computation of the mean of pre-test of control

group The computation was calculated as follows:


= 60

The mean of pre-test of the control group was 60 The computation of the mean of pre-test of control

group The computation was calculated as follows:


= 67

The mean of post-test of the control group was 67 The computation of the mean scores of control group

The computation was calculated as follows:

= 6.76

The mean of the control group was 6.76 The Computation of the Standard Deviation of Control


The Standard Deviation (SD) is computed by using the

following formula proposed by Fraenkel (2011: 199):



The standard deviation of each value of the control group is 4.35

Based on Table 4.1 was showed that there were thirty students

in the control class. Mean of pretest was 60; minimum pretest score

was 50; and maximum score of pretest was 70. Meanwhile, mean of

posttest was 67; minimum score of posttest was 54; and maximum

score of posttest was 75. standard deviation of control class was 4.10;

mean scores of control scores was 6.76.

4.2.2 The Pre-test and Post-test Scores Analysis of Experimental Group

The students‟ pre-test and post-test scores in experimental group is

presented in the table below. The scores are as follows:

Table 4.6

The Pre-test and Post-test Score of Experimental Group


r o G a

St e s a i
u - t i n
d t - n -
N -
e e t M
n s e ( e
t t s X a

s t e n

( )

Y ( o
1 Y f

) 2

) G

S -
– 0
6 7 1 2
1 .
0 0 0 9
1 3

S 58.
– 3
6 8 1 .
2 6
8 6 8 6
2 9
S -
– 0
6 7 1 2
3 .
2 2 0 9
3 3

S - 28.

– 5 7
7 7
4 5 . 2
1 6
4 3 9

6 6

2 6.9

6 7 1 . 6
3 6 3 6 9
4 6


S 1 6

– 3 .
6 8 2
6 . 0
3 7 4
6 6 4

4 9

7 S 7 7 6 - 19.
– 0 6 4 0

. 0

7 3 9

6 6

- 74.
8 6
– 6 8 1
8 . 4
8 7 9
6 9
4 6

- 69.
8 8
– 6 7
9 2 . 8
8 0
3 9
6 6

S - 19.

– 4 0
1 6 7
6 . 0
0 4 0
1 3 9

0 6 6

S - 69.

1 – 6 7 8 8
1 8 0 . 8

1 3 9
1 6 6

1 5

1 .
1 6 8 2
. 4
2 1 5 7 2
6 8
4 9

– 2 2.6

1 6 7 1 . 9

3 1 6 9 3 6 6

3 4 9

– 6
1 6 7 .
4 4
4 1 8 2 3
4 6

1 S 6 8 1 7 58.

5 – 8 6 8 . 3
6 6

1 4 9

5 6

– 0.1
1 6 7 1 2
6 1 9 9 0 9
6 6

- 11.

3 2
1 6 7
7 . 8
7 1 3 0
3 9
6 6

- 87.

9 6
1 7 7
1 . 0
8 1 5 6
3 9
6 6

1 S 6 7 1 7 58.
9 – 0 8 8 . 3

6 6

1 4 9

9 6

– 3
2 6 7 1 .
0 2 5 9 4 6
0 4

- 20.

6 4
2 6 7
4 . 4
1 2 7 1
3 9
6 6

– 2 6.9

2 6 7 1 . 6

2 2 3 6 3 6 9

2 4 6

– 2 6.9

2 6 7 1 . 6

3 2 5 8 3 6 9

3 4 6

– 3
2 6 7 1 .
4 2 3 7 4 6
4 4

- 69.

8 8
2 6 7
2 . 8
5 2 8 0
3 9
6 6

S -
– 1
2 6 7 4
9 .
6 8 7 9
2 3
6 6
– 1.8
2 6 7 4
9 .
7 2 8 7 9
7 6

- 19.

4 0
2 6 7
6 . 0
8 2 0 6
3 9
6 6

– 3
2 6 7 1 .
9 2 5 9 4 6
9 4

S - 28.

3 – 6 7 5 7
0 5 9 . 2

3 3 9
0 6 6

O 1 2
3 .
T 9 3
1 5
A 7 0
1 1
L 6 6
6 The Computation of the Mean Scores of Experimental Group The computation of the mean of pre-test of experimental group.

The computation was calculated as follows:


= 65.86

The mean of pre-test of the experimental group was 65.86 The computation of the mean of pre-test of experimental group

The computation was calculated as follows:


= 76.86

The mean of post-test of the experimental group was 76.86 The computation of the mean scores of experimental group

The computation was calculated as follows:

= 10.36

The mean of the experimental group was 10.36 The Computation of the Standard Deviation of experimental


The Standard Deviation (SD) is computed by using the

following formula proposed by Fraenkel (2011: 199):

SDe =

= 5.64
The standard deviation of each value of the experimental

group is 5.64

Based on Table 4.2 was showed that there were thirty students

in the experimental class. Mean of pretest was 65.86; minimum pretest

score was 60.00; and maximum score of pretest was 75.00.

Meanwhile, mean of posttest was 76.86; minimum score of posttest

was 71.00; and maximum score of posttest was 87.00. standard

deviation of control class was 5.64; mean scores of control scores was


Table 4.3

The Comparison Scores of the Control and Experimental Group

Control Experimental
Group Group
N : 30 N : 30

1 :
1 : 60

2 :
2 : 67

c : e

6.76 :10.36
SDc :
SDe : 5.64

The chart below showed the improvement of the mean of pre-test and

post-test in control and experimental group.

Chart 1
The Improvement of pre-test and post-test scores of
Control and Experimental Group

Control Group
20 Experimental Group


Based on Table 4.3 and chart 1 was showed, mean of pretest

was 60 and for posttest was 67; standard deviation of the control class

was 4.35; mean scores of the control scores was 6.76. And for

experimental class was showed, mean of pretest was 65.86; and for
posttest was 76.86; standard deviation of the experimental class was

5.64; mean scores of the experimental scores was 10.36.

4.4. The Result of Analysis

After calculating the mean and standard deviation of each

class, the data were computed by using independent t-test formula:


t : t-test

: Mean of the experimental group

: Mean of the control group

: Standard deviation of the experimental group

: Standard deviation of the control group

: Number of experimental group

: Number of control group

After the researcher got the , , SDe then be calculated the t-test. The

result was:


After the writer calculates the data, the writer get that t

account = 2.76 meanwhile, t table = 2.002, where = 0.05, = 58 at the

level of 5%. It means that is higher than

( > . It means that Numbered Heads Together can help the

students to increase the students‟ skill in writing procedure text in the

eleventh grade of SMK VETERAN Cirebon.

4.5. Hypothesis Analysis

Based on the data above, there is difference between two group means. .The

writer compare and to accept the hypothesis. To prove the

hypothesis ( ) can be received or rejected, it can be seen at the statement below:

( ) : There is difference between the students‟ skill in control and

experimental group after being given Numbered Heads Together

(NHT) tecnique in writing procedure text.

The result of the calculation show that is 2.76 is higher than

= 2.002. It means that > , So, the hypothesis is

accepted. Then, the writer concluded the use of Numbered Heads

Together (NHT) technique can increase the students‟ writing skill in

procedure text at the eleventh grade of SMK VETRAN Cirebon.

4.6. The interpretation of Research Finding

The result of this study shown that there is the comparison

between the experimental class used treatment Numbered Heads

Together technique and the control class without used Numbered

Heads Together technique. After the writer calculated the data, the

result could be seen as follows:

“Can the use of Numbered Heads Together technique

increase students’ skill in writing procedure text in the eleventh

grade students of SMK VETERAN Cirebon?”

The score of post-test of experimental class are higher than score of post-test

of control class (see table 4.1 and 4.2) the writer found the experimental group

were active and enthusiatic in the learning process. Whereas in control group, the

students got bored during the learning process.

The activities of the student in the classroom are important to achieve

good of their teaching and learning process. The students‟ activities in the

classroom are various, such as tell to how to process a tool.

After the treatment was conducted, the writer found that there are

significant differences of the students‟ writing skill. The score of the students‟

post-test in experimental class (2306) is higher than the students‟ post-test in

control class (2005). After the writer was given the treatment about NHT

technique to the experimental class, they are more entaustic when they to make

paragraph about procedure text,and more active to answer the questiom for the

writer, whereas in the control class the students more silent and got bored the

learning process.

4.7. Discussion

Based on the data that the writer collected in the experimental class and based on

the related theories in some chapters before, the writer concluded that the use of

Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique in writing procedure text can

increase the students‟ writing skill. It proved that after the students received the

treatments using Numberd Heads Together (NHT) technique, the students in the

experimental class more active and more enthusiastic when they were going to

write, and also it proved based on the students‟ score. The data of students‟ score
in post-test of experimental class (2306) is higher than students‟ score in pre-test

of control class (2005). It means that there is difference between the students‟ skill

in control and experimental group after being given Numbered Heads Together

(NHT) technique in writing procedure text.



5.1. Conclusion

Based on the writer‟s experiment in the chapter before, the writer

concluded that there are many ways that can be conducted to help the students to

increase their writing skill, especially in writing procedure text.

In this research, the writer found that the use of Numbered Heads

Together technique can help the students to increase their skill in writing. It

proved that after the teacher given a treatment using the Numbered Heads

Together technique, there are some differences between students‟ score in control

class and students‟ score in experimental class. After the writer calculated the

data of the result, the writer concluded that the score in post-test of experimental

class is higher that score in post-test of control class. Through Numbered Heads

Together technique in teaching writing, the writ is higher than (t account = 2.76 >, t

table = 2.002). It means that the hypothesis is accepted. Based on the explanation

above, it means the use of Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique can

increase the students‟ writing skill in procedure text to the eleventh grade of SMK

VETERAN Cirebon.
5.2. Suggestion

Based on the findings of the research, discussion and conclusions that

was done by the writer, the writer suggests that to improve the students skill can

use some technique or strategy. And the writer suggests that teaching writing

using Numbered Heads Together (NHT) technique can helps the students to

increase their writing skill.

After that, the writer also suggest that in teaching and learning process

needs some preparation to make the class is comfortable and enjoy for the

students when they are going to study. Actually for the teaching and learning

process in writing, the teacher must be more accurate to choose the lesson


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