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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Bayambang, Pangasinan

Media and Information Literate


12 Individual 2


In this lesson, you will be gaining knowledge on the basic media and information which can be beneficial to
an individual. Literacy in using different media platforms would help you utilize its purpose.


Learning Competencies
Discuss the implication of media and information to an individual and the society.

Learning Objectives:

At the end of this lesson, the student should be able to:

1. Explain the implication of Media and Information to an individual and the society;
2. Recognize how different media have shaped personal and social life; and
3. Construct a post on a social media to support a campaign or advocacy.


Implication of Media and Information

A. Effects of media and information in the “Personal” side

1. It improves the quality of life;
2. Communication has been made easier;
3. Information has become widely accessible;
4. Conducting research has become more convenient;
5. Long-distance communication between family members have become possible through video calls or
instant messaging; and
6. It provides entertainment through various cable channels and internet access.

B. Effects of media and information in the “Political” side

1. It generates greater political participation;
2. Media keep the public and even the government informed on what is happening in the country, helping
both sectors make political decisions; and
3. Through media reports of government activities and issues becomes publicly available.

C. Effects of media and information in the “Economic” side

1. It promotes economic opportunities;
2. The new media have made it possible for ordinary individuals to offer their materials for consumption,
whether free or paid;
3. Advertisers pay to display their ads with the videos (Eq: YouTube); and
4. It creates new job opportunities (Eq: Social media managers, multimedia specialist, and programmers).
Learning Guide in Media and Information Literacy Module # 12 Page 1 of 2
D. Effects of media and information in the “Education” sector
1. It improves learning environment through different interactive media platforms;
2. Reinvention of learning modalities makes knowledge accessible to more people;
3. Information can be easily accessed and assessed, thus, making studying convenient for students; and
4. Learning resources can be easily improvised and customized to suit the aptitudes of different types of

E. Effects of media and information “Socially”

1. Individuals can form groups that does not only have relational implications but also create social impact;
2. People are being connected in ways that were not possible before;
3. Media and information literate people would rarely, if ever, fall victim to fake news and consequently react
to it in a way that would destroy social relationship;
4. It allows people to develop camaraderie and interaction; and
5. It can be used to build support groups engaging in different advocacies. (Eq: Facebook and Instagram).

F. Effects of media and information “Professionally”

1. It builds professional networks.
2. Looking and applying for a job becomes easy by checking different websites.
3. Job hunting becomes convenient for applicants.
4. An individual can conveniently work from home.


Activity # 1: Let’s Create! (Performance Task)

Use social media as platform to encourage people to plant trees as a means to fight climate change.
Write a post on your social media account to support this campaign. Choose one of the following forms: text
information, infographics or vlog.


Having a literacy in media and information has different implications in every individual and in the society
as a whole. It has positive effects in the following sectors/sides: Personal, Political, Economic, Education, Socially
and Professionally.


Media and Information Literacy by Boots C. Liquigan, Diwa

Media and Information Literacy Curriculum Guide by DepEd
Media and Information Literacy Senior High School Alternative Delivery Mode by DepEd

Learning Guide in Media and Information Literacy Module # 12 Page 2 of 2

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