MCR3U 1.2 Domain and Range Filled

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Section 1.

2 : Domain and Range

Number Sets:

Real Numbers
a ...
b ­1 0 2
b=0 0 1
1 2
... ... N

R Real C Complex
N Natural Numbers
W Whole
Z Integers (from Zahl, German for number)
Q Rational (from quotient)
Q Irrational
Domain and Range describe the sets of all possible x and y
values of a function or relation.

Domain: the set of values of the independent variable (x) for

which the relation is defined

Range: the set of values of the dependent variable (y) for

which the relation is defined

We use set notation to describe domain and range.

{ x ∈ Number Set | equation/inequality/restriction }

variable is an integers (Z) such that =, <, >, ≤, ≥, ≠

element of or real (R)
Example: Translate this domain into English!

Domain = { x ∈ R | ­2 ≤ x < 4 }
"x is an element of the real numbers such that x is greater than or
equal to ­2 and less than 4"

NEW! Definition of a function:

Function: a relation in which each element of the domain

corresponds to only one element of the range
Examples: Discrete Relations (points or dashed line)
The number set represented by these examples is _____________
Z .
The short form for this set is ________

{ x ∈ Z | x ≥ ­1 }
Domain:___________________ {x∈Z|2≤x≤5
Domain:___________________ }

Range:____________________ {y∈Z|1≤y≤4
Range:____________________ }
Examples: Continuous Relations (solid line)
The number set represented by these examples is _____________ .
R .
The short form for this set is ________

Domain:___________________ { x ∈ R | ­2 ≤ x < 4 }

Range:____________________ { y ∈ R | ­3 ≤ y < 2 }
Examples: Continuous Relations

Domain:___________________ {x∈R}

Range:____________________ {y∈R|y≥0}
Another One!
State the domain and range.
Example: Interpreting Equations

1) Determine the domain and range for each relation.

Hint: What type of function or relation is represented?
a) f(x) = ­2x + 1 b) f(x) = ­2x2 + 1 c) x2 + y2 = 25

2) For the function f(x) = 3x ­ 6, state the range if the domain

is { x ∈ R | x > 2 }.
p. 35 #1bc, 3, 5, 10ab, 11ac, 16*

quiz tomorrow!
WRITE DOMAIN AND RANGE on a small piece of paper

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