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Research Article

Transportation Research Record

Ó National Academy of Sciences:
Statistics and Artificial Intelligence-Based Transportation Research Board 2020
Article reuse guidelines:
Pavement Performance and Remaining
DOI: 10.1177/0361198120915889

Service Life Prediction Models for

Flexible and Composite Pavement


Orhan Kaya1, Halil Ceylan2,3, Sunghwan Kim1, Danny Waid4,

and Brian P. Moore5

In their pavement management decision-making processes, U.S. state highway agencies are required to develop performance-
based approaches by the Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) federal transportation legislation. One of
the performance-based approaches to facilitate pavement management decision-making processes is the use of remaining ser-
vice life (RSL) models. In this study, a detailed step-by-step methodology for the development of pavement performance and
RSL prediction models for flexible and composite (asphalt concrete [AC] over jointed plain concrete pavement [JPCP]) pave-
ment systems in Iowa is described. To develop such RSL models, pavement performance models based on statistics and artifi-
cial intelligence (AI) techniques were initially developed. While statistically defined pavement performance models were
found to be accurate in predicting pavement performance at project level, AI-based pavement performance models were
found to be successful in predicting pavement performance in network level analysis. Network level pavement performance
models using both statistics and AI-based approaches were also developed to evaluate the relative success of these two mod-
els for network level pavement performance modeling. As part of this study, in the development of pavement RSL prediction
models, automation tools for future pavement performance predictions were developed and used along with the threshold
limits for various pavement performance indicators specified by the Federal Highway Administration. These RSL models will
help engineers in decision-making processes at both network and project levels and for different types of pavement manage-
ment business decisions.

U.S. state highway agencies are required to develop Multiple advantages of RSL have been reported in the
performance-based approaches in their pavement man- literature (4), with key positive features that include the
agement decision-making processes based on the Moving following:
Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century (MAP-21) federal
transportation legislation (1). One such performance-
based approach to facilitate the pavement management
decision-making process is to use a remaining service life 1
Department of Civil, Construction and Environmental Engineering
(RSL) model. RSL for pavements can be defined as the (CCEE), Iowa State University, Ames, IA
time span between the present time and the time when a FAA PEGASAS (Partnership to Enhance General Aviation Safety,
Accessibility and Sustainability) Center of Excellence (COE) on General
significant rehabilitation treatment or reconstruction
Aviation, CCEE, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
should occur (2). Although application of a structural 3
Program for Sustainable Pavement Engineering and Research (PROSPER),
overlay or reconstruction would normally be regarded as CCEE, Iowa State University, Ames, IA
a sign for termination of pavement service life, minor Iowa County Engineers Association (ICEA) Service Bureau, West Des
maintenance treatments or thin overlays are often not Moines, IA
Research and Analytics, ICEA Service Bureau, Ames, IA
considered as such signs (2). Models for predicting the
RSL of pavements have been developed and are being Corresponding Author:
used as part of the pavement management process (3). Orhan Kaya,
2 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

 Provides the time, expressed in years, before reha- and threshold limits are agency-specific parameters used
bilitation is required for any given road section for rehabilitation decision-making processes. Both per-
 Easy to understand (especially for public) formance models and threshold limits are components
 Can be a multi-conditional measure developed used in the development of RSL models.
from any type of functional, structural data, or
 Allows agencies to distinguish between two road Objectives
sections with the same current condition (i.e., the In this study, a detailed step-by-step methodology in the
same current international roughness index) development of a framework for project and network
 Provides deeper insight by converting ‘‘condition level pavement performance and RSL prediction models
measures’’ into an ‘‘operational performance’’ for flexible and composite (asphalt concrete [AC] over
measure that tells how well or long the road will jointed plain concrete pavement [JPCP]) overlays is
continue serving the public explained using real pavement performance data
 Can be an ideal tool to address the transportation obtained from the Iowa Department of Transportation
planning and performance management criteria (DOT) pavement management information system
requirements of the MAP-21 legislation (PMIS) database. Two approaches investigated for
developing pavement performance models are: a statis-
Performance curves or pavement performance models tics approach for use in project level pavement manage-
are used to evaluate how a pavement’s performance ment and an artificial intelligence-based approach for
changes over the time. They could be developed using use in network level pavement management. Using the
various pavement performance indicators (international developed statistics and AI-based models, future pave-
roughness index [IRI], distresses, and so on). Pavement ment performance predictions are successfully calculated
performance models can be categorized into two groups, for each pavement section used in this study. Network
deterministic and probabilistic, based on their prediction level pavement performance models are also developed
results (5–8). Deterministic models estimate a single con- using a statistically defined approach with the same input
dition value for a given time during a pavement’s design parameters used in those developed using AI-based
life, while probabilistic models estimate the probability approaches to evaluate the relative success of these
of a condition value for a given time (5). Most state high- approaches in network level pavement performance
way agencies use deterministic models as part of their modeling.
pavement management systems for various reasons, Automation tools based on Microsoft Excel have
including: (a) ease of explaining such models to users been developed for both project and network level pave-
and (b) ease of incorporating such models into pavement ment performance modeling and analysis to facilitate
management systems (9). development of pavement performance and RSL models,
RSL models are broadly categorized as either to make future pavement performance predictions, and
mechanistic or empirical models (10). In mechanistic to estimate RSL for any given pavement section. These
models, mechanistic-based pavement performance mod- tools, that make use of real pavement performance data
els are used (based on engineering principles), while in to produce realistic future condition predictions, can eas-
empirical models data from observed historical data and ily be incorporated into pavement management processes
other parameters are analyzed mostly through statistical and help engineers make better-informed performance-
approaches. Pavement performance models based on based pavement infrastructure planning decisions and
artificial neural networks have been developed, mostly to optimize agency resource expenditures.
model relationships between pavement performance data
and several input parameters related to pavement struc- Description of Overall Approaches and
tural design, traffic, and so forth (11, 12). However, there
are not many studies found in the literature where net-
Data Preparation
work level pavement performance models based on arti- Figure 1 depicts the stages of development of the pave-
ficial neural networks are developed to predict ment performance and RSL models followed in this
performance change of pavement sections over time in a study. Initially, statistics and AI-based approaches were
quick and efficient way (13). Moreover, no study was investigated for developing pavement performance mod-
found in the literature in which efficient network level els in use of project level and network level pavement
and project level RSL models are developed separately. management, respectively. Both project and network
Threshold limits are determined performance indica- level pavement performance models were developed for
tor values at which a significant rehabilitation treatment flexible and composite (AC over JPCP) pavement sys-
or reconstruction is needed (3). Performance indicators tems in Iowa. Project level pavement performance
Kaya et al 3

Figure 1. Schematic image of development stages of pavement performance and remaining service life models. FHWA = Federal
Highway Administration; RSL = remaining service life.

models were developed for each pavement section in  ypredicted= Model predictions for IRI or other
each pavement type, while network level pavement per- pavement performance indicators
formance models were developed for each pavement per-
formance indicator, or a condition matrix (i.e., distresses Once pavement performance models were developed
and IRI) for each pavement type. for the two pavement types, remaining service lives for the
Success of the pavement performance prediction mod- pavement sections were calculated using threshold limits
els in mimicking measured pavement performance indica- for various performance indicators. Based on the Federal
tors was quantified using a line-of-equality coefficient of Highway Administration (FHWA)’s Final Rule (effective
correlation (R2) (Equation 1), an absolute average error February 17, 2017) regarding implementation of the per-
(AAE) (Equation 2) and a standard error of the estimates formance management requirements of MAP-21 and the
(SEE) (Equation 3). Higher R2 and lower AAE and SEE Fixing America’s Surface Transportation Act (1, 14), con-
values are signs of accurate model prediction. dition of pavements is required to be determined based on
 2 the following metrics: IRI, percent cracking, rutting, and
Pn faulting (Table 1). IRI was used as a construction trigger
j=1 ymeasured
j  ypredicted
R2 = 1  P  2 ð1Þ for the rehabilitation decision-making process in project
n and network level RSL calculations. RSL is determined
j=1 ymeasured
j  ymeasured
  based on the year when future performance predictions
Pn  measured  reach the ‘‘poor’’ condition threshold for the correspond-
j = 1  yj  ypredicted
AAE = ð2Þ ing condition metric (See Table 1).
n The Iowa DOT collects pavement condition data and
uP  2 stores them in its PMIS, and information on pavement
u n  ypredicted
t j = 1 ymeasured j j structural design features and traffic volume are also
SEE = ð3Þ available as part of the PMIS. Iowa DOT’s PMIS data-
base has been used as data source in this study. This
where database includes all information on traffic, distress, and
construction information related to the pavement
 n = Data set size sections.
 j = Case number in the data set The number of pavement sections and the total num-
 ymeasured= Measured IRI or other pavement per- ber of data points for each pavement type used in this
formance indicator measurements study are as follows:
4 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

Table 1. Pavement Condition Rating Thresholds Determined by Development and Accuracy Evaluations of
FHWA for Flexible and Composite Pavement Systems (14) Statistics-Based Pavement Performance
Condition metric Performance level Threshold Model
IRI (in./mile) Good \95 A statistically defined sigmoid pavement deterioration
Fair 95–170 curve-based approach was used for development of the
Poor .170 project level pavement performance model in this study.
Percent cracking Good \5% Sigmoidal equations have been particularly used in statis-
Fair 5–20% tics model development because: (a) they have a low ini-
Poor .20%
Rutting (in.) Good \0.20 tial slope and an increasing slope with time and (b) they
Fair 0.20–0.40 follow a trend in which pavement condition always gets
Poor .0.40 worse and damage is irreversible. Both these features of
sigmoidal models cause these models to mimic pavement
Note: FHWA = Federal Highway Administration; IRI = international deterioration behavior observed in project level studies
roughness index.
(5, 17, 18). Since sigmoidal equations have been found to
model pavement deterioration successfully when there is
single pavement deterioration trend (project level), a sig-
 35 sections for flexible pavements (430 data moidal equation for each pavement section in each pave-
points) ment type was optimized, with each equation having
 60 sections for composite (AC over JPCP) pave- different coefficients. IRI was used as a performance
ments (644 data points). indicator in project level pavement performance models.
Equation 4 is the generalized sigmoidal equation used
The pavement sections used in this study represent a for IRI calculation.
variety of geographical locations across Iowa with vari-
ous traffic levels, thicknesses, and ages. Distributions of C2
IRI = C1 + ð4Þ
locations, traffic levels, thicknesses, and ages for these 1 + eðC3 + C4 3 ageÞ
pavement sections and other detailed information can be
where C1, C2, C3, and C4 are coefficients that represent
found in another study by Kaya (15).
contributions of different input parameters.
While analyzing pavement condition data points for
Sigmoidal curves were fitted to measured IRI values
each pavement section in the PMIS database, it was
by minimizing the square of differences value between
realized that in some pavement sections, measured
measured and predicted IRI values. The fitting process
pavement condition values for some pavement perfor-
was carried out by manipulating prediction coefficients
mance indicators remained the same over several years,
(Equation 4) to produce minimum error.
after which an increase in those pavement condition
Figure 2 shows examples of IRI prediction models for
values was observed. Note that Iowa DOT has a pave-
flexible and composite (AC over JPCP) pavement types.
ment performance collection practice whereby pave-
Using these models, future IRI predictions can be calcu-
ment performance measurements for some sections are lated for these pavement types.
collected in even years while for some others they are As part of this study, a Microsoft Excel Macro-based
collected in odd years. Because pavement condition automation tool was developed, automatically updating
data was not collected or recorded every year for some and improving pavement performance prediction models
sections, pavement condition measurements reported as more data were added into the model development data-
for previous years had been recorded as pavement con- set. The benefit of this tool is that, as engineers add more
dition measurements for upcoming years for these sec- data into the model development dataset, they will be able
tions in PMIS. In such cases, a systematic data automatically to refine performance prediction models and
preparation methodology similar to one described in make decisions using the most recent and more accurate
the literature for previous studies was developed (5, 16): pavement performance models. Another benefit of using
A linear increase was achieved between the first year this tool is that pavement performance prediction models
when pavement condition data points started to be the can be developed using very few data points.
same over several years and the year when an increase
in those pavement condition values was observed. Development and Results of Statistics-
Applying this data preparation methodology, more rea-
Based Pavement RSL Model
listic pavement condition records can be obtained, and
in turn, more accurate pavement performance models Once a pavement performance model has been devel-
can be developed. oped for each pavement section, as explained in the
Kaya et al 5

Figure 2. Results of international roughness index (IRI) prediction model and equation examples for (a) a new flexible pavement section
(US 61, mile post [MP] 167.95 to 174.74, North; average annual daily truck traffic [AADTT]: 1,154; construction year: 1999) and (b) a
composite (AC over JPCP) pavement section (US 30, MP 310.08 to 318.84, West; traffic [AADTT]: 1,264; restoration year: 2000). AAE =
absolute average error; AC = asphalt concrete; JPCP = jointed plain concrete pavement; SEE = standard error of the estimates.

previous section, the RSL of each pavement section can analysis time (i.e., 40 years). In other words,
be calculated using threshold limits for the pavement these pavement sections performed very well
performance indicators. In this study, IRI was used as a in relation to smoothness criteria. Adding
performance indicator for project level RSL calculations more data points (i.e., future performance
because: (a) it quantifies functional performance of pave- measurements) would change the model and
ment systems, the aspect most road users care about, (b) increase its accuracy. In these cases, the RSL
it has also been adopted as a standard for the Federal value for each pavement section was calcu-
Highway Performance Monitoring System (19), and (c) lated by subtracting the current age of pave-
it is also one of the condition metrics identified for use ment from 40 years.
by FHWA (14). The same threshold level recommended
by FHWA for poor pavement condition (i.e., an IRI Figure 3 shows the distribution of RSL for flexible
value of 170 in./mile) was selected as the threshold value and composite (AC over JPCP) pavement sections inves-
in this study for project level RSL calculations (14). tigated in this study, respectively.
The RSL for each pavement section was calculated by
the following steps:
Development and Accuracy Evaluations of
1. Statistically defined pavement performance mod- Artificial Intelligence-Based Pavement
els were developed for each pavement section in Performance Model
each pavement type (i.e., flexible and composite).
2. Using the developed pavement performance mod- An approach based on artificial intelligence (AI) was
els, future IRI predictions were calculated for investigated for developing pavement performance mod-
each pavement section. els for use in network level pavement management. AI
3. Whether future IRI predictions reached the techniques, such as artificial neural networks (ANNs),
threshold limit (170 in./mi) was checked. have been widely used to model complex pavement engi-
a. If yes, the RSL value for each pavement sec- neering problems (20, 21). ANN-based models are very
tion was calculated by subtracting the present useful tools for modeling pavement deterioration when
year from the year when IRI predictions first considering many pavement sections with various traffic,
reached the threshold limit. thickness (network level), or deterioration trends. They
b. If no, meaning that, based on available mea- are also very fast tools with which thousands of pave-
sured IRI data, future IRI predictions had ment scenarios for which various traffic, thickness, and
not reached 170 in./mile over a long period of conditions can be solved in seconds. Both of these
6 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

(a) (b)
40 40
Remaining service life (Years)

Remaining service life (Years)

35 36










20 20


10 10






0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Pavement section ID Pavement length (Miles)
(c) (d)

Remaining service life (Years)

35 36
Remaining service life (Years)



















25 24

15 15

10 9







0 0

0 5 10 15 20 25 30

Pavement section ID Pavement length (Miles)

Figure 3. Distribution of remaining service life for flexible pavement sections: (a) based on pavement section ID and (b) based on
pavement length; and for composite (AC over JPCP) pavement sections: (c) based on pavement section ID and (d) based on pavement
length. AC = asphalt concrete; JPCP = jointed plain concrete pavement.

features of ANN models make them useful tools to be used each pavement section using developed ANN models.
in the development of network level pavement performance This tool calculates future pavement performance predic-
modeling. In this study, an ANN-based pavement perfor- tions for any pavement performance indicator (i.e., IRI,
mance model was developed for each pavement perfor- each distress) of any pavement section.
mance indicator (i.e., distress, IRI) and for each pavement The following steps were used in the development of
type: flexible and composite (AC over JPCP). In the model this tool:
development, 80% of all data points in each pavement type
was used, and out of this set of data points 48%, 8%, and 1. ANN models were developed in the MATLABÒ
24% were used as training, testing, and validation datasets, environment using six training algorithms and a
respectively. The remaining 20% of the data points were variable number of hidden neurons (from five to
not used in model development but rather were used as an 60).
independent testing dataset. 2. The ANN model producing highest accuracy was
ANN models must have the following capabilities: selected as the final model for the given pavement
performance indicator.
 High accuracy: They must successfully produce 3. Weights and biases for the final ANN model were
results very similar to those from measured extracted into the automation tool.
distresses. 4. Using these extracted weights and biases, through
 Physically meaningful future Distress predictions: matrix multiplications, future distress predictions
Distress predictions must increase in the future were calculated for the given thickness, accumu-
unless a maintenance or repair activity occurs. lated equivalent single axle load (ESAL) traffic,
age, and previous two years’ pavement perfor-
An automation tool based on Microsoft Excel Macro mance records for any pavement performance
for network level pavement performance prediction was indicator. Compound truck traffic growth of 1%
developed that predicts future pavement performance for per year was assumed in calculating future traffic.
Kaya et al 7

Table 2. Summary of Input and Output Parameters Used in Development of Five ANN Models for Flexible and Composite Pavements

Model name Input parameters Output parameter

Rutting AC thickness, traffic (accumulated ESALs), age, rut (i–2) year, Rut (i) year
rut (i–1) year
Longitudinal cracking AC thickness, traffic (accumulated ESALs), age, longitudinal Longitudinal cracking (i) year
cracking (i–2) year, longitudinal cracking (i–1) year
Transverse cracking AC thickness, traffic (accumulated ESALs), age, transverse Transverse cracking (i) year
cracking (i–2) year, transverse cracking (i–1) year
IRI (approach 1) AC thickness, traffic (accumulated ESALs), age, IRI (i–2) year, IRI (i) year
IRI (i–1) year
IRI (approach 2) Age, rut (i) year, longitudinal cracking (i) year, transverse IRI (i) year
cracking (i) year, IRI (i–2) year, IRI (i–1) year

Note: AC = asphalt concrete; ANN = artificial neural network; ESALs = equivalent single axle loads; IRI = international roughness index.

As part of this study, an ANN model for each pave- AAE and SEE values. The IRI models developed using
ment type was developed for rutting, longitudinal crack- approach 1 and approach 2 produced similar accuracies.
ing, transverse cracking, and IRI predictions. Thirty-five In all cases investigated, high R2 and low AAE and SEE
flexible pavement sections with 360 data points of each values were obtained for all training, testing, validation
pavement performance indicator were used in model and independent testing datasets.
development and independent testing. Of the 360 data
points, 172, 30, 86, and 72 data points were used, respec-
tively, as training, testing, validation, and independent
Development and Results of AI-Based
testing datasets. Sixty composite pavement sections with Pavement RSL Model
524 data points of each pavement performance indicator Once AI-based network level pavement performance
were used in model development and independent test- models were developed for each pavement performance
ing. Of the 524 data points, 251, 42, 126, and 105 data indicator or condition metric, as explained in the previ-
points were used, respectively, as training, testing, valida- ous section, the RSL for each pavement section in a road
tion, and independent testing datasets. Table 2 sum- network could be calculated using these performance
marizes input and output parameters used in the five models and corresponding threshold limits for the pave-
ANN models developed for flexible and composite pave- ment performance indicators. In this study, IRI was used
ments. As can be seen in Table 2, AC thickness, traffic as the performance indicator for network level RSL cal-
(accumulated ESALs), age, and previous two years’ culations because, as stated earlier, this condition metric
pavement performance records were used in rutting, was determined by FHWA (1, 14) (Table 1). RSL is
longitudinal cracking, transverse cracking, and IRI determined based on the year when future performance
(approach 1) model development. On the other hand, in predictions reach the ‘‘poor’’ condition threshold.
approach 2, an IRI model was developed using age, mea- The RSL value for each pavement section in a road
sured distress values (rutting, longitudinal cracking, and network was calculated based on the following steps:
transverse cracking in this case), and previous two years’
measured IRI data. In approach 2, rutting and longitudi- 1. Using developed AI-based pavement performance
nal and transverse cracking values predicted by the models, future pavement condition predictions
ANN model, along with other input parameters, were were calculated for each pavement section.
used as inputs to predict future IRI. 2. Whether future pavement condition predictions
Figure 4 compares measured pavement condition reached threshold limits was checked for each cor-
records and ANN model predictions for flexible and responding condition metric.
composite (AC over JPCP) pavements using: (a) rutting, a. If yes, RSL value for each pavement section
(b) longitudinal cracking, (c) transverse cracking, (d) IRI was calculated by subtracting the present
(approach 1), and (e) IRI (approach 2) ANN models, year from the year when pavement condition
respectively. While the ANN models accurately predicted predictions first reached the threshold limit.
corresponding pavement performance indicators, the IRI b. If no, based on available pavement condition
models produced more accurate predictions compared data, this means that future pavement condi-
with the rutting, longitudinal cracking, and transverse tion predictions do not reach corresponding
cracking models because of their higher R2 and lower condition metric threshold over a long
8 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

0.5 AAETraining = 0.01 SEETraining = 0.01

AAETesting = 0.01 SEETesting = 0.01
AAEValidation = 0.01 SEEValidation = 0.01
0.4 AAEInd.Testing= 0.01 SEEInd.Testing= 0.01

Predicted Rutting (in)

R2Training = 0.974
R2Testing = 0.971
0.3 R2Validation = 0.962
R2Ind.Testing= 0.972

Independent Testing

0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5
Measured Rutting (in)
(b) (c)
10,000 7,000
Predicted Longitudinal Cracking

AAETraining = 142 SEETraining = 248 AAETraining = 95 SEETraining = 201

9,000 AAETesting = 141 SEETesting = 211 AAETesting = 138 SEETesting = 281

Predicted Transverse Cracking

8,000 AAEValidation = 133 SEEValidation = 236 AAEValidation = 123 SEEValidation = 252
AAEInd.Testing= 144 SEEInd.Testing= 220 AAEInd.Testing= 105 SEEInd.Testing= 190
7,000 R2Training = 0.974 5,000 R2Training = 0.978
R2Testing = 0.976 R2Testing = 0.975

R2Validation = 0.972 4,000 R2Validation = 0.956
R2Ind.Testing= 0.981

5,000 R2Ind.Testing= 0.978
4,000 3,000
3,000 Testing
2,000 Testing
2,000 Validation
Independent Testing
1,000 1,000 Independent Testing

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000 0
0 1,000 2,000 3,000 4,000 5,000 6,000 7,000
Measured Longitudinal Cracking (ft/mile)
Measured Transverse Cracking (ft/mile)
(d) (e)
250 AAETraining = 1.17 SEETraining = 1.90 250 AAETraining = 1.19 SEETraining = 1.86
AAETesting = 1.21 SEETesting = 1.85 AAETesting = 1.65 SEETesting = 2.19
AAEValidation = 1.50 SEEValidation = 3.05 AAEValidation = 1.76 SEEValidation = 3.01
200 AAEInd.Testing= 1.32 SEEInd.Testing= 2.40
Predicted IRI (in/mile)

200 AAEInd.Testing= 1.59 SEEInd.Testing= 2.48

Predicted IRI (in/mile)

R2Training = 0.994 R2Training = 0.995

R2Testing = 0.997 R2Testing = 0.985
150 R2Validation = 0.984 R2Validation = 0.983
R2Ind.Testing= 0.989 150
R2Ind.Testing= 0.989

100 100
Training Training
Testing Testing
50 50 Validation
Independent Testing Independent Testing

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Measured IRI (in/mile) Measured IRI (in/mile)
(f) (g)
0.5 AAETraining = 0.01 SEETraining = 0.01 10,000 AAETraining = 98 SEETraining = 173
AAETesting = 0.01 SEETesting = 0.01
AAETesting = 102 SEETesting = 177
AAEValidation = 0.01 SEEValidation = 0.01 9,000
Predicted Longitudinal Cracking

AAEValidation = 111 SEEValidation = 178

0.4 AAEInd.Testing= 0.01 SEEInd.Testing= 0.01
Predicted Rutting (in)

8,000 AAEInd.Testing= 117 SEEInd.Testing= 178

R2Training = 0.976 R2Training = 0.986
R2Testing = 0.934 7,000 R2Testing = 0.970
0.3 R2Validation = 0.956 R2Validation = 0.987
R2Ind.Testing= 0.969 6,000
R2Ind.Testing= 0.985

0.2 4,000
Training Training
Testing 3,000 Testing
Validation Validation
0.1 2,000
Independent Testing Independent Testing

0.0 0
0.0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Measured Rutting (in) Measured Longitudinal Cracking (ft/mile)

Figure 4. Comparison between measured pavement condition records and artificial neural network (ANN) model predictions using: (a)
and (f) rutting, (b) and (g) longitudinal cracking, (c) and (h) transverse cracking, (d) and (i) IRI (approach 1), and (e) and (j) IRI (approach 2)
ANN models for flexible and composite pavements, respectively. AAE = absolute average error; IRI = international roughness index; SEE
= standard error of the estimates.
Kaya et al 9

(h) 10,000 AAETraining = 138 SEETraining = 216

AAETesting = 140 SEETesting = 202

Predicted Transverse Cracking

AAEValidation = 139 SEEValidation = 220
8,000 AAEInd.Testing= 150 SEEInd.Testing= 286
R2Training = 0.980
7,000 R2Testing = 0.977
R2Validation = 0.982
R2Ind.Testing= 0.972


3,000 Testing
Independent Testing

0 2,000 4,000 6,000 8,000 10,000
Measured Transverse Cracking (ft/mile)

(i) (j)
250 AAETraining = 1.26 SEETraining = 2.00 250 AAETraining = 1.86 SEETraining = 2.80
AAETesting = 1.73 SEETesting = 3.38 AAETesting = 2.22 SEETesting = 4.11
AAEValidation = 2.30 SEEValidation = 4.44 AAEValidation = 1.91 SEEValidation = 2.93
200 AAEInd.Testing= 1.62 SEEInd.Testing= 2.55 AAEInd.Testing= 1.65 SEEInd.Testing= 2.19
Predcited IRI (in/mile)

R2Training = 0.996 Predcited IRI (in/mile) R2Training = 0.992
R2Testing = 0.982 R2Testing = 0.980
150 R2Validation = 0.978 R2Validation = 0.991
R2Ind.Testing= 0.993 R2Ind.Testing= 0.995

100 100
Training Training
Testing Testing
Validation Validation
50 50
Independent Testing Independent Testing

0 0
0 50 100 150 200 250 0 50 100 150 200 250
Predicted IRI (in/mile) Measured IRI (in/mile)

Figure 4. (Continued)

period of analysis time (i.e., 40 years). In Comparisons between Statistics and AI-
other words, this means that these pavement Based Network Level Pavement
sections perform very well in relation to the Performance Models
corresponding condition metric, although
adding more data points (i.e., future perfor- Network level IRI performance models were developed
mance measurements) would increase accu- using the statistically defined approach for both flexible
racy of the predictions. In these cases, RSL and composite (AC over JPCP) pavement types to evalu-
value for each pavement section was calcu- ate their relative success in modeling network level pave-
lated by subtracting the current age of pave- ment performance in comparison with those developed
ment from 40 years. using ANN-based approaches. The input parameters
used for developing statistics-based network level IRI
Figure 5 shows the distribution of RSL for 35 flexible models for both pavement types were the same as the
and 60 composite (AC over JPCP) pavement sections ANN-based network level IRI (approach 1) models:
when: (i) an IRI threshold limit of 170 in./mile was used
as the threshold limit and (b) an ANN-based network  Input parameters: AC thickness, traffic (accumu-
level IRI model (approach 1) was used as the pavement lated ESALs), age, IRI (i–2) year, IRI (i–1) year
performance model in the calculation of RSL values.  Output parameter: IRI (i) year
10 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

(a) (b)
40 40
Remaining service life (Years)

Remaining service life (Years)

35 34

30 30
25 24



20 20




15 14










1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Pavement section ID Pavement length (Miles)
(c) (d)
40 40
Remaining service life (Years)

Remaining service life (Years)

35 34


30 30




20 20



















5 4





0 5 10 15 20 25 30




Pavement section ID Pavement length (Miles)

Figure 5. Distribution of remaining service life for flexible pavement sections (a) based on pavement section ID and (b) based on
pavement length, and for composite pavement sections (c) based on pavement section ID and (d) based on pavement length. International
roughness index (IRI) model (approach 1) threshold limit of 170 in./mile used in (b) and (d).

The same generalized sigmoidal equation (Equation Figure 6a compares the accuracies of statistics and
4) was also used in the development of network level sta- ANN-based network level IRI models for flexible pave-
tistical models, and the same methodology, error minimi- ments. As can be seen in the figure, the ANN model pro-
zation, was used in the optimization of network level duced greater accuracy with higher R2 and lower AAE
statistical models. and SEE values than the statistics model.

Flexible Pavement Case Composite (AC over JPCP) Pavement Case

A globally optimized sigmoid equation (Equation 5) was A globally optimized sigmoid equation (Equation 6) was
developed by correlating the coefficients of the sigmoidal developed by correlating the coefficients of the sigmoidal
equation (C1, C2, C3, and C4) with the input parameters equation (C1, C2, C3, and C4) with the input parameters
for the whole dataset of model development (35 flexible
for the entire dataset of model development [60 compo-
pavement sections [360 data points])
site pavement sections (524 data points)]
IRI = C1 + ð5Þ C2
1 + eð17:57 + 0:93 3 ageÞ IRI = C1 + ð6Þ
1 + eð17:57 + 0:93 3 ageÞ
 C1=7.52E-7 3 ACC Traffic – 2.11 3 AC Thickness
+ 1.04 3 IRI (i–2) year + 0.32 3 IRI (i–1) year  C1=1.37E-7 3 ACC Traffic – 2.12 3 AC Thickness
 C2=20.04 3 ACC Traffic – 2.00 3 AC Thickness + 0.82 3 IRI (i–2) year + 0.30 3 IRI (i-1) year
+ 2.94 3 IRI (i–2) year + 3.90 3 IRI (i–1) year  C2=20.04 3 ACC Traffic – 2.00 3 AC Thickness
+ 2.94 3 IRI (i–2) year + 3.90 3 IRI (i–1) year
A model with the model architecture of 5-5-1 (number
of inputs-number of hidden neurons-number of outputs) A model with the model architecture of 5-5-1 was used
was used as the network level ANN model. as the network level ANN model.
Kaya et al 11

Figure 6. Accuracy comparisons between statistics and ANN-based network level international roughness index (IRI) models for (a)
flexible and (b) composite pavements. AAE = absolute average error; ANN = artificial neural network; SEE = standard error of the estimates.

Figure 6b compares the accuracies of the statistics and to model pavement deterioration successfully when there
ANN-based network level IRI models for composite is a single pavement deterioration trend (project level).
pavements. As can be seen in the figure, the ANN model One of the benefits of project level pavement perfor-
produced more accuracy with higher R2 and lower AAE mance models is that they can be developed using very
and SEE values than the statistical model. little data. Therefore, they can be extensively used when
only limited data on pavement condition or structural
and traffic are available for pavement sections.
Conclusions and Recommendations AI-based pavement performance models were used for
development of the network level pavement performance
Overall Conclusions model in this study. AI techniques such as ANN-based
In this study, a detailed step-by-step methodology for models have been found to be good tools for modeling
development of a framework for pavement performance pavement deterioration when there are many pavement
and RSL prediction models was established and sections with various traffic, thickness, and other various
explained using real pavement performance data deterioration trends (network level). They are also very
obtained from the Iowa DOT PMIS database. To fast tools that can solve thousands of pavement scenarios
develop RSL models, project level and network level with various traffic, thickness, and conditions in seconds
pavement performance models were initially developed (near real time). Both these features of ANN models make
using two approaches: a statistically defined approach them good tools for use in development of network level
for project level model development and an AI-based pavement performance modeling.
approach for network level model development. Then, As part of this study, network level pavement perfor-
using threshold limits for various pavement performance mance models were also developed using statistics and
indicators (IRI for project level and network level mod- ANN-based approaches, with identical input parameters
els) and FHWA-specified threshold limits for pavement used in both approaches to evaluate their relative success
performance indicators, RSL models were developed for for network level pavement performance modeling. It
flexible, and composite (AC over JPCP) pavements. was found that network level ANN-based pavement per-
A statistically defined sigmoid pavement deterioration formance models produced greater accuracy with higher
curve-based approach was used for development of the R2 and lower AAE and SEE values compared with net-
project level pavement performance model. Sigmoidal work level statistical models.
equations have been particularly used in the statistics As part of this study, Microsoft Excel-based automa-
model development because: (a) they have a low initial tion tools were developed for both project level and net-
slope that increases with time, and (b) they follow a trend work level pavement performance modeling and analysis:
in which pavement condition always gets worse and dam-
age is irreversible, and both these features make these  The project level pavement performance modeling
models mimic the pavement deterioration behavior and RSL calculation tool is capable of developing
observed in field studies. Sigmoidal equations were found project-based statistical models for predicting
12 Transportation Research Record 00(0)

future pavement performance as well as calculat- performance behaviors with time. This can be an ideal
ing RSL values based on user-defined threshold approach to addressing the transportation planning and
limits. It is also capable of automatically updating performance management criteria requirements of the
and improving pavement performance prediction MAP-21 legislation.
models because it allows more data to be added Note that RSL models are only intended to help engi-
into the model development dataset. The benefit neers in their decision-making processes. They consider
of this tool is that, as engineers add more data into only a limited number of condition metrics (IRI, some
the model development dataset, they will be able distresses, etc.) but may fail to consider other important
to refine performance prediction models automati- parameters, such as the structural capacity and integrity
cally and make decisions using more recent and of pavement systems. Engineers should consider various
more accurate pavement performance models. parameters as well as RSL model results, combined with
 The network level pavement performance their engineering judgment to determine when a pavement
modeling tool is capable of making pavement per- section will fail and need major rehabilitation or recon-
formance predictions based on pre-developed struction. Note that calculated RSL results in this study
ANN-based pavement performance models. are based on a limited number of dataset elements, devel-
While having only thickness, traffic, age, and pre- oped pavement performance models and FHWA-speci-
vious two years’ pavement performance records fied threshold limits. Adding more data points (i.e., future
for any pavement performance indicator, it can performance measurements) would change the pavement
make future pavement performance calculations performance models as well as the calculated RSL results.
in less than one second for any pavement section.
It is also capable of producing pavement perfor- Acknowledgments
mance predictions for thousands of pavement sce- The authors gratefully acknowledge the Iowa Highway
narios under various traffic, thickness, and other Research Board and Iowa County Engineers Service Bureau for
conditions in seconds. The network level pave- supporting this study. The project technical advisory committee
ment performance modeling tool is also capable (TAC) members from Iowa County Engineers Association
of (a) making future pavement performance pre- (ICEA), including Lee Bjerke, Zach Gunsolley, Todd Kinney,
dictions for some distresses (i.e., transverse crack- Mark Nahra, John Riherd, Brad Skinner, and Jacob Thorius,
are gratefully acknowledged for their guidance, support, and
ing, rutting, and longitudinal cracking), then (b)
direction throughout the research. Special thanks are expressed
using these predicted distress values as inputs in
to Steve De Vries and Danny Waid, who developed the original
making future IRI predictions. concept of this study.
The pavement performance modeling and prediction
models developed and explained in this study are very Author Contributions
powerful and versatile tools that can easily be adopted The authors confirm contribution to the paper as follows: study
by federal and state highway agencies, county engineer conception and design: Halil Ceylan, Orhan Kaya, Sunghwan
offices, and so on for predicting the future performance Kim, Danny Waid, and Brian P. Moore; data collection: Orhan
Kaya and Sunghwan Kim; analysis and interpretation of results:
of their transportation infrastructure systems and can
Orhan Kaya, Halil Ceylan, Sunghwan Kim, Danny Waid, and
easily be used as a decision-making tool in managing Brian P. Moore: draft manuscript preparation: Orhan Kaya,
their transportation infrastructure assets Halil Ceylan, and Sunghwan Kim. All authors reviewed the
results and approved the final version of the manuscript.
Declaration of Conflicting Interests
This study can be further expanded by: (i) including other
pavement performance indicators (i.e., faulting for rigid The authors declared no potential conflicts of interest with
respect to the research, authorship, and/or publication of this
pavements, material-related distresses, etc.), (ii) defining
other agency-specific threshold limits, and (iii) prioritizing
some pavement performance indicators over others, and so Funding
on, as part of RSL model development. Some state high-
way agencies use decision trees to determine when a major The authors received no financial support for the research,
authorship, and/or publication of this article.
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