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College of DuPage Biology 1100 Syllabus: Fall 2015

Lecture Tue,Thu 3:00PM-4:50PM HSC 1303, Lab Fri 3:00PM-5:20PM HSC 1303
Instructor: Peter Chen Office hours: HSC 1235 before/after class
Mailbox: HSC 1235 Phone: 630-942-8332 before/after class
Email: Skype: bio1100 Web:

Course Description: Section 033; Code 159701.

Survey of Biology: 4 credits (3 lecture hours, 2 lab hours)
This biology course promotes scientific literacy for non-science majors and interested students. Organisms are studied
from their behavioral, ecological, hereditary and evolutionary perspectives. An inquiry-based approach to
understanding biological processes is emphasized. Students explore the relevance of biology to contemporary issues in
human society.

Prerequisites: MATH-0481 (or college equivalent) with a C or better, or a qualifying score on the mathematics
placement test or a qualifying A.C.T. math score. Course requires Reading Placement Test Score-Category One.

Required Textbooks:
• Jay Phelan. What is Life? A Guide to Biology 3rd edition, 2015. You have several options of buying the book with or
without Launchpad.
• Barbara Anderson. Survey of Biology 1100 Laboratory Guide 7.3 Edition, 2015.

Lectures and Labs:

Attendance for lectures are awarded 4 points per lecture; 4 points are deducted for each absence. Points may also be
deducted for tardiness or leaving early. Lab data sheets are assessed for participation, up to 4 points each. There is no
makeup for missed labs, but you can fill in the data sheets as best as you can for partial credit, otherwise 6 points are
deducted for missed labs.

There will be 4 tests, 100 points each. The lowest score of the 4 tests is weighted at 50%; so the total possible points
from tests are 350. Makeup tests must be taken by the next lecture class; otherwise a score of 0 will be recorded. A
total of 7 quizzes is planned. The quizzes are 10 points each; the lowest score of the 7 is dropped. There will be 2 lab
exams, 75 points each. There is no makeup for quizzes, lab exams, or for the final lecture test.
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exams, 75 points each. There is no makeup for quizzes, lab exams, or for the final lecture test.

Assessment Points
4 tests: 100 pts each 350 Grade Points
7 quizzes: 10 pts each 60 A (90%) 630
2 lab exams: 75 pts each 150 B (80%) 560
11 lab data sheets: 4 pts each 44 C (70%) 490
Attendance: 4 pts each (24 classes) 96 D (60%) 420
Total 700 F (<60%) <420

Grades and Tests:

Blackboard will not be used for any purpose in this course. The class web site will contain lecture and lab outlines;
you should setup a login to access online tests and your grades here. Tests are closed-book. I will try to grade tests
as soon as possible, so we can review them before moving on. If you miss a test, you need to make it up before the
next lecture session.

Study Aids:
Study aids include brief study guides, flash cards, and self quizzes.

Your assignment for every lecture is to read the scheduled chapters ahead of time. You are also encouraged to review
the major topics as outlined in the study guide and do the self quiz questions to check your understanding. Some (but
not all) test questions may be related to these self quizzes.

Etiquette and Attire:

Electronic devices, including cell phones, laptops, tablets, etc., should be turned off or silenced. Proper footwear
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should be worn on any field trips. Long pants (or long socks) and hiking shoes are advised to avoid having insects crawl
up your legs.

Extra Credit:
Extra credit reading will be provided; you can earn up to 4 extra credit points by writing a one-page report on an
article and giving an in-class presentation, up to a total of 20 points. In addition, you may teach part of a lecture,
using my notes, for 4 points per class, up to a total of 20 points.

Withdrawal Policy:
The deadline to withdraw from class is Friday, 11/20. After that date, students may file a Petition for Late Withdrawal
through the Registration Office. Petitions for Late Withdrawal will be granted for extenuating circumstances only,
including student illness, family emergencies, call to active duty, or other extenuating circumstances. The student will
be required to provide appropriate documentation for requests for Late Withdrawal. Prior to withdrawing from this
class, students are encouraged to speak with the instructor.

Incomplete Policy:
An Incomplete grade may be given at my discretion only for emergency situations. A "Contract for Incomplete Grade"
will indicate the work required and a deadline date. A grade of F will be given if the requirements are not satisfied by
the deadline.

Plagiarism/Academic Dishonesty:
All books, notes, and electronic devices should be removed from your table when taking quizzes and tests. Cheating or
plagiarism will result in a score of 0. See COD policies on Academic Honesty and Code of Student Conduct

Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions about this class, or about your career here at College of
DuPage and beyond.

College of DuPage Biolo1100 Section Schedule: Fall 2015

Week Date Lecture Tue,Thu 3:00PM-4:50PM HSC 1303 Lab Fri 3:00PM-5:20PM HSC 1303
1 9/15 Chap 1 Scientific Thinking
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9/17 Chap 1 Scientific Thinking
9/18 Measurement
2 9/22 Chap 2 Chemistry
9/24 Chap 2 Chemistry
9/25 Graphing
3 9/29 Chap 3 Cells
10/01 Chap 4 Energy
10/02 The Microscope
4 10/06 Chap 5 DNA, Gene Expression, and Biotechnology
TEST 1; chaps 1,2,3,4 (Room TBD) (Tuesday)
10/08 Chap 5 DNA, Gene Expression, and Biotechnology
10/09 Cells
5 10/13 Chap 6 Chromosomes and Cell Division
10/15 Chap 6 Chromosomes and Cell Division
10/16 Photosynthesis
6 10/20 In Service Day - No Class (Tuesday)
10/22 Chap 7 Genes and Inheritance
10/23 Respiration
7 10/27 Chap 8 Evolution and Natural Selection
10/29 Chap 8 Evolution and Natural Selection
10/30 LAB EXAM I (Room TBD) (Friday)
8 11/03 Chap 9 Evolution and Behavior
TEST 2; chaps 5,6,7,8 (Room TBD) (Tuesday)
11/05 Chap 9 Evolution and Behavior
11/06 Mitosis and Meiosis
9 11/10 Chap 10 The Origins and Diversification of Life on Earth
11/12 Chap 10 The Origins and Diversification of Life on Earth
11/13 DNA - The Master Molecule
10 11/17 Chap 11 Animal Diversification
11/19 Chap 11 Animal Diversification
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11/20 Deadline to withdraw from biolo1100 (Friday) Human Genetics
11 11/24 Chap 13 Evolution and Diversity Among the Microbes
TEST 3; chaps 9,10,11 (Room TBD) (Tuesday)
11/26 Thanksgiving - No Class (Thursday)
11/27 Thanksgiving - No Class (Friday)
12 12/01 Chap 13 Evolution and Diversity Among the Microbes
12/03 Chap 14 Population Ecology
12/04 Thermal Pollution
13 12/08 Chap 15 Ecosystems and Communities
12/10 Chap 16 Conservation and Biodiversity
12/11 Classification and Keying
14 12/15 TEST 4; chaps 13,14,15,16 (Room TBD) (Tuesday)
12/18 LAB EXAM II (Room TBD) (Friday)

A. General Course Objectives:

Upon successful completion of the course the student should be able to do the following:
1. Apply the scientific process
2. Recognize the broad interdisciplinary nature of biology as it pertains to the function, structure, ecology,
behavior, genetics, and evolution of organisms
3. Demonstrate an understanding of human influence on evolution, biological inheritance, behavior, and
relationships with the natural world
4. Explore contemporary global issues from a biological perspective
5. Demonstrate scientific literacy in biology
B. Topical Outline:
1. Introduction to the scientific process
a. Hypothesis testing
b. Generating theories
c. Limits to science
2. Introduction to biology and biodiversity
a. Characteristics of life
b. Evolution is the unifying theory
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c. Biodiversity
3. Evolution
a. History of evolutionary thought
b. Theory and mechanisms
c. Evidence
d. History of life
4. Genetics
a. Mitosis and meiosis
b. Mendelian genetics
c. Human genetics
d. Basic molecular genetics
e. Genetic technology
5. Behavior
a. Innate and learned behavior
b. Social behavior and communication
6. Ecology
a. Populations and communities
b. Ecosystems and biomes
7. Basic cell biology
a. Domains of life
b. Basic cell structure and function
8. Humans and environmental issues
a. Human population growth
b. Natural resource depletion and energy
c. Pollution and habitat degradation
d. Biodiversity crisis
e. Climate change
f. Infectious diseases

Contents of this syllabus are subject to change at the instructor's discretion.

Menu 5:5 Updated: Sep 11, 2015.

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