Soal Ujian Akhir Semester 1 Kelas XI LM Bahasa Ingris

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soal ujian akhir semester

mata pelajaran : Bahasa inggris lintas minat

kelas : XI MIPA

Choose the best answer from the options a, b, c, d, or e correctly.

The dialogue for the question number 1-3.

Peter : “aunty May, I’m home. How was your day aunty?

Aunty May : “Hii Peter, welcome home. ………………,

Peter : “Anyway, I want to introduce my new friend, aunty. She is Kamala”

Aunty May : “oh really? She is very charming.”

Kamala : “Hallo aunty May. I am Kamala. Glad to see you”

Aunty May : “Hallo Kamala, I am May, Peter’s aunty. Glad to see you too sweetie.”

1. What is the best responses of Aunty May from the Peter question?
a. It’s been good all day
b. I’m cooking for dinner
c. No, thank you
d. I will make it for you
e. I don’t know about it
2. What is the purpose of the dialogue above?
a. to invite aunty May to go shopping
b. to introduce Peter to aunty May
c. to introduce Kamala to aunty May
d. give congratulation from aunty May to Kamala
e. to explain aunty May to Kamala
3. “oh really? She is very charming.”
The similar meaning of the bold word is…
a. Arrogant
b. Cool
c. Tall
d. Stunning
e. Bad

Wanda : “excuse me. Can I sit here?”

Gamora : “oh yes, sure.”

Wanda : “………. I am Wanda from class C, what’s your name?”

Gamora : “you can call me Gamora or Ora. We are classmate.

Wanda : “really? It means that you are also class C?”

Gamora : “yes, right mate. Now we can be friend.”

4. What is the best sentence to fill the blank?
a. Thank you
b. I am sorry
c. That’s good
d. Of course
e. I don’t think so

This text for question number 5-7.

My friend and I had plan to go refreshing in this weekend. My friend is waiting for me at the
corner of the street in the barker’s shop. We promised to meet at exactly 3 o’clock so that
we can do some shopping and then go for a coffee. After that we go to the culinary market
by bus. We tried all the food that I want. That’s the best healing.
5. What is the main idea from the text above?
a. Go refreshing in the weekend with friend
b. Go shopping in social media
c. Refreshing to the beach with friend
d. Try all food on the party night
e. Refreshing in the weekend at home
6. From the text, which one of the preposition that show a location/
a. At exactly 3 o’clock
b. After that
c. By bus
d. In the barker’s shop
e. To go refreshing
7. From the text we know that…
a. The writer and her friend felt sad
b. The writer and her friend was so excited
c. The writer afraid of her friend
d. They are the seller on culinary market
e. They didn’t enjoy their weekend
8. “We like to meet our friends at restaurant after long time no see”
What kind of this preposition?
a. Preposition of manner
b. Preposition of place
c. Preposition of time
d. Preposition of method
e. Preposition of direction
9. Which one of these sentences uses the correct preposition?
a. I always brush my teeth at the morning
b. I go to the gym at Mondays and Wednesdays
c. She was born on Novemberr 7th
d. I left the keys in the counter
e. I am on my room
10. “they went to Sumedang ….. bus”
Fill the blank with the correct preposition
a. On
b. By
c. In
d. At
e. With
11. “When I arrived in Jakarta, Rara had already returned to Bandung. I didn’t know what
happen. I have seen her house after I had been travelling at night, so I was tired.’
Choose the sentence that show Past perfect continuous…
a. When I arrived in Jakarta
b. Rara had already returned to Bandung
c. I didn’t know what happen
d. Had been travelling at night
e. I have seen her house
12. Which sentence below is the past perfect tense?
a. I had been working here for 3 years
b. I have worked here for 3 years
c. I had worked here for 3 years
d. I will had been work for 3 years
e. I had work here for 3 years
13. Which sentence below is the future perfect tense?
a. Will have be here tonight?
b. Will they have be here tonight?
c. Would they have been here tonight?
d. Will the to be here tonight?
e. Will have been here tonight?
14. “it had ..... raining for several hours, and the sreets were slippery”
a. Been
b. Be
c. Have
d. To be
e. To have
15. “I’ll not have finished the report by tomorrow morning”
From this sentence we know that the subject “I”....
a. Want to finish the task tomorrow morning
b. Won’t finish the task tomorrow morning
c. Will finish the as soon as possible
d. Have finished her task
e. Have to collect the task tomorrow morning

This text for question number 16 & 17.

Smoking is Dangerous
Smoking is a dangerous habit that has numerous negative impacts on health,
finances, and the environment.
It is the leading cause of preventable deaths worldwide and contributes significantly
to environmental pollution.
Additionally, smoking is an expensive habit and can negatively impact those around
the smoker through secondhand smoke.
16. What is the social function of the text?
a. To persuade the reader that the smoking is dangerous and avoid it
b. To entertain the reader by the topic of smoking
c. To explain the reader how to smoking
d. To retell the story about the smoking
e. To persuade the reader that smoking is allowed
17. What is the effect from smoking to our environment?
a. The smoke contributes signficantly to environmental pollution
b. Our environment will be healthier
c. The smoke will brings the fragnant
d. It can clean the air
e. Nothing happen

This text for question number 18-21.

The bad side of fast food

In this practical era, people in a city tend to consume fast food. Some of them have no time to cook
or make their own meals. Besides its efficiency, fast food is considered to be more delicious and
prestigious than traditional food such as ketoprak, pecel or gado-gado. However, many experts
consider that fast food is not good for our health.

In the 1940's, fast food found popularity in the United States Fast food restaurants spread rapidly
within a few years Oddly, obesity and cancer started to rise at the same time.

Fast food contains so many additives. To ensure low-costs, they are made with highly processed
ingredients to give extended life, to maintain consistency, and to make it more delicious, the original
healthy form has to be altered.

Calories in fast food do not damage health, but chemical additives do such as monosodium
glutamate and aspartame. Studies show that fast food contains chemical additives. Thus, there is
absolutely no nutrition in fast food. Fast food only satisfies hunger and cravings.

................, fast food is not good for our health.

18. The social function of the text is...

a. To describe the fast food
b. To tell the reader about the story of fast food
c. To entertain the reader with the fast food
d. To persuade the reader to avoid the fast food and it’s not good for health
e. To explain the reader about the advantages of fast food for health
19. “... a few years Oddly, obesity and cancer started to rise at the same time”
The similar meaning of the bold word is...
a. Decrease
b. Spread
c. Stopped
d. Delayed
e. Increase
20. “................, fast food is not good for our health.’
What is the correct conjunction to complete the sentence?
a. Firstly
b. Then
c. Next
d. Last argument
e. In conclusion
21. “In this practical era, people in a city tend to consume fast food. Some of them have no time
to cook or make their own meals”
From this text we know that the fast food...
a. Have to be consume to other people
b. The people in the city is too busy, so they consume fast and have no time to cook
c. In the city people just consume fast food because there’s no health food
d. There’s no fast food in the city
e. The people in the city have many times to cook fast food

This text for question number 22-25.

The Elephant and the Ants

There was once a proud elephant who always bullied smaller animals.

He would go to the anthill near his home and spray water at the ants. The ants, with their
size, could do nothing but cry. The elephant just laughed and threatened the ants that he
would crush them to death. One day, the ants had enough and decided to teach the
elephant a lesson. They went straight into the elephant’s trunk and started biting him. The
elephant could only howl in pain.

Finally, he realized his mistake and apologized to the ants and all the animals he bullied.

22. This story tell about?

a. about the elephant that play happily with the ants
b. the ant bullied the elephant
c. the elephant help the ants to attack others animal
d. the elephant who always bullied smaller animal, like ants
e. the ant who always bitting the elephant
23. What is the elephant reaction when an ants cry?
a. Elephant just laughed and threatened the ants
b. Elephant realized his mistake
c. Elephant apologized to the ants
d. Elephant bitting the ants
e. Elephant bullied the ants again
24. “and threatened the ants that he would crush them to death”
The bold word have similar meaning with...
a. Scare
b. Amuse
c. Entertain
d. Save
e. Crush
25. The social function of the story above is, except...
a. to get the moral value
b. to describe the elephan and the ants
c. to entertain the reader with the story
d. to amuse the reader with the story
e. to teach the lesson about the story

this text for question number 26-30.

The Ant and the Grasshopper

In a field one summer's day, a Grasshopper was hopping about, chirping and singing to its
heart's content. An Ant passed by, bearing along with great effort an ear of corn he was
taking to the nest.

"Why not come and chat with me," said the Grasshopper, "instead of toiling and moiling
away?" "I am helping to lay up food for the winter," said the Ant, "and recommend you to do
the same." "Why to bother about winter?" said the Grasshopper; "we have got plenty of
food at present."

But the Ant went on its way and continued its toil. When the winter came the Grasshopper
found itself dying of hunger, while it saw the ants distributing, every day, corn and grain
from the stores they had collected in the summer.

Then the Grasshopper knew..


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