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Annisa Latifa1, Hj. Reni Elwiza, S.Pd2, Drs. Genta Sakti, MA3
MAN 4 Agam
UIN Sjech M Djamil Djambek Bukittinggi

This study aims to increasing the students’ motivation in learning english by using the
role play method in suggestion material in 11th. This is a descriptive qualitative study. In each
cycle contain three meetings. The steps of cycle consist of planning, implementing, observation,
and reflection. The research data were collected by using qualitative techniques (observation,
implementing, and analysis). The research findings showed that students became brave to
respond task or challenge, students had high confidence and ready to present their work orally,
students had a desire to be successful in learning English, students actively asked about the
material that they did not understand, students comprehend the material easily, and students
showed their effort by engaging in each activity of English learning. Therefore, implementing
Role Play method in English class makes an interesting atmosphere which improves not only
students' motivation but also students' English proficiency in speaking
Key words: suggestion, opinion, role play method, speaking, motivation.

A. Intorduction
Accordingly, English has already started to be taught in a variety of classroom settings,
starting with the basic, first-grade, upper-grade, and advance. Due to this, as a language that is
not intended to be the first language, it is necessary to use appropriate methods, strategies, and
models in order to ensure that the material is presented in an optimum and, at most, expected
manner. English is an a foreign language that may be used for words, structures, and even
grammatical use. In addition, English is not an infant language, so it will be difficult to learn,
understand, and apply.
Drive for education English is frequently a challenge in and of itself, thus the first step in
improving English language proficiency is to focus on raising learning motivation since it has
a direct impact on human behavior and quality of life. One of the factors that supports achieving
learning goals is the capacity to design effective and efficient lessons, and above all, to satisfy
students so that they are engaged and the lessons they get have purpose and significance for
them. However, it is evident that learning objectives will be challenging to meet if pupils lack
motivation, interest, or desire to study, especially in the case of English.
According to Sardiman (2004: 92) who says that students are motivated because of learning
needs, personal characteristics and interests. Students who have learning motivation in every
lesson have a big influence on improving learning achievement in certain subjects or materials
(Nashar: 2004).
The success of English language learning lies in its driving factors because it can more or
less influence the learning objectives. Therefore, the success of this learning is largely
determined by the driving factors, and one of the supporting factors is the use of varied teaching
methods. The method is an effort or effort used for the achievement of certain goals, the use of
a method is very necessary in the process of teaching and learning activities.
By using varied and more creative teaching methods used in teaching and learning
activities, it is expected to achieve the desired goals. At the end of learning, the use of teaching
methods must be able to stimulate the desire and interest of students to want to continue
learning further, want to take action to innovate or renew or take action to explore. And must
be able to make the learning objectives achieved to the maximum.
The author selected Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Agam, which is situated in the Tanjung
Raya sub-district of the Agam Regency, as the site or location for carrying out this Field
Practice activity. The author concludes that traditional learning methods are still being used in
the classroom based on observations collected throughout the course of two months of
instruction, or maybe three or four meetings each class. This traditional learning model
emphasizes the teacher's authority in the classroom. The lecture approach is the conventional
mode of instruction. English classes are tedious because of this lecture-based teaching
approach's propensity for repetition, which makes the process of instruction and learning
activities feel monotonous under monotonous learning settings.
This problem causes students to have a low interest in learning, especially in learning
English, this can be seen from the results of giving English assignments given by the teacher
which students are often always late in collecting and even ignored. Coupled with the low
ability of students to master English, which ultimately affects the decline in student interest
and motivation in English subjects.
Of course, in learning English, it is expected to be able to provide effective learning and in
accordance with learning objectives. In this case a teacher is required to have the ability and
creativity. The creativity of a teacher can be seen from the ability of his creativity that is applied
in teaching. The ability of creativity possessed by the teacher is very influential on the success
of learning, which is able to bring students to master the teaching material delivered from the
beginning to the end of the meeting.
Based on the description above, the author as a PPL student conveys the problems found
to the host teacher and consults. As well as following up on the learning methods that the author
will provide in the future. Then this problem was finally raised by the author as an article in
this PPL assignment in 2023.

B. Implementation and Method

In writing this article, the author uses a qualitative method starting from observation, then
applying and analyzing the results obtained. The implementation of this community service
was carried out using the Role Play method.. According to Brierley, Devonshire and Hillman,
the role play technique develops functioning knowledge: “a combination of propositional
knowledge (knowing aboutthe academic knowledge base), procedural knowledge (knowing
how – having the skills) and conditional knowledge (knowing the circumstances in which to
use the skills). The role play creates a stimulating environment that simulates reality enabling
students to intensify their understanding of the situation or event being reenacted. Students gain
a deeper insight into key concepts by enacting issues discussed in the classroom. They also
develop practical skills for professional practice.
According to Kanokwan and Zoe (2006) in their book entitled "Role Play As A Teaching
Method: A Practical Guide" the following are the stages in implementing this method in
Role plays can take on many forms. They can involve online elements or be conducted
face-to-face. Before designing your role play consider the resources available to you and your
students and decide on the amount of time you wish to dedicate to the exercise. The following
section will present the steps for designing and implementing a role play.
a) Design Process
1) Determine the learning objectives of the role play. The learning objectives can
be theoretical as well as practical:
a. What are the key concepts that are taught in the course?
b. Is there a key event or situation that is the focus of the course?
c. What skills should students develop through the activity?
d. Is it aimed at broadening expertise or developing new skills?
e. Do you want the students to experience a different perspective?
f. How does the role play fit into the rest of your course?
g. Is it being used to reinforce ideas already introduced through lectures or
are you utilizing the role-play to present new theories?
2) Choose a scenario or situation from reality that highlights the key concepts of
the course. By re-enacting events from reality students are able to deepen their
understanding of real life situations. Additionally readings and context can be
provided from newspaper reports, academic articles and documents relating to
the event. When selecting your scenario consider what resources may already
be available and if students may have some pre-existing knowledge.
a. What are the main issues/areas of conflict in your scenario?
b. What are the circumstances that created the conflict?
c. Consider major events or developments that characterise your scenario.
For instance major meetings, revelations or deals.
d. When and where did these occur?
3) Once you have selected a scenario you need to consider the various stakeholders
and their perspectives and adapt the situation to the classroom.
a. Who are the major stakeholders? Consider organisations, individuals
and public or private interest groups.
b. What are their differing perspectives on the situation? Each stakeholder
should have a private and public stance.
c. Consider how many students you have in your class. You may need (or
prefer) to assign students to roles in groups.
d. How will you assign the roles to students? Will students be selected
randomly or will you allow them to choose their roles?
e. Will all the roles have equal opportunity for participation? This will
depend on the scenario you are enacting. It may be pertinent to the
learning process to exclude some groups in order to reflect reality.
f. Consider the relationship between roles. Which roles can interact with
one another? Which roles are allied? Are their alliances public or
private? Do some roles act as representatives for others?
4) Plan the structure of your role play. The structure of your role play will depend
largely on how much time you wish to allocate to the exercise. It may include
online elements as well as face to face interactions. The structure outlined below
is an example of how a role play could be structured. The four stages: briefing,
interaction, forum and debriefing, involve important elements that enable the
students to familiarize themselves with the exercise, engage and reflect.
5) Consider how you will assess your students. Students could be asked to submit
a written copy of their private and public position. They could be marked on
their participation and ability to express themselves in the role play situation. A
written paper reflecting on the exercise could be submitted at the end. Set
deadlines according to your timetable.
6) The resources made available to students should assist them to participate in the
role play and fulfill their role. Resources given to students will fall into two
categories: generic and specific. You may decide to have students conduct their
own research into their role. The amount of information given to students will
depend on the subject and its level.
From the benchmark stages above, as it should be, the author has made a series of
preparations starting from designing lesson plans, selecting materials, selecting classes to be
practiced, then selecting games, preparing tools and media in learning. All preparations have
been made and prepared.
The author chose class XI MIPA 1 as the subject of this study because the students were
quite enthusiastic and had a good response to learning. There are 16 students with data Abiyu,
Auliya, Luthfiah, Naura, Zikra, Azizah, Qoniah, Randi, Ali, Rezky, Ulan, Salsa, Shafika, Nisa,
Sepia, Ranil. However, during the implementation process, there were 13 students present and
3 permits with the reason for permission as a representative asking for donations to care for
Palestine at that time.
In this suggestion and opinion material emphasizes speaking skills because its
implementation is more we find in everyday life. if students are not interested in learning in
class then they will automatically be lazy in following the next series of learning processes
even though it is something they will and can use in their daily activities. such as giving
opinions and giving suggestions. therefore the author wants this role play method to make
students more motivated and interested in using English in their daily activities.
The learning process was carried out in an orderly and enthusiastic manner. Students
are prepared with Suggestion and Opinion material which in this material students are asked to
be able to give a suggestion and their opinion in English. The lesson plan also explained in
more detail the process of implementing this method. After explaining the material briefly with
examples of its use, the author as a teacher asks students to listen carefully to a story and
conditions that will be given. Where this story will be played by the students, the teacher
provides an emergency situation such as the destruction of the world, everyone must save
themselves in a rescue bunker that can only fit 5 people. Then they are given various interesting
professions to support in order to get into the bunker. They have to argue and give arguments
about the profession they get in order to be approved to enter the bunker. Accompanied by
games and a fun introduction to learning, students are enthusiastic and interested in learning.

C. Result and Findings

The duties and responsibilities that a teacher must have in the process of learning activities
are that a teacher must be able to facilitate, encourage, and assist and of course the teacher is
able to stimulate his students to have motivation to learn as an effort to increase student learning
One of the things that a teacher can do in increasing the motivation of his students to learn
is through the use of varied and effective methods. With the use of appropriate and increasingly
varied teaching methods used and applied by teachers, in learning activities students will be
more motivated so that students have the desire to continue learning because with the use of
varied methods there will be many new things or activities that they get and learn so that
students do not feel bored when the learning activity process takes place.
Motivation and learning are two things that cannot be separated because they are
interrelated and influence each other. In essence, learning motivation arises because of the
internal and external encouragement of the students themselves. In addition, learning
motivation also has an important role in determining a person's success in learning.
With the use of varied teaching methods, it will be easier for students to understand the
material presented by the teacher, because varied methods will accelerate the achievement of
learning objectives. Therefore, through the use of varied methods in the process of teaching
and learning activities, it is hoped that students will be more motivated, active and creative so
that learning will be fun.
The right and appropriate learning method will affect learning outcomes, with the right
method making learning activities in the classroom will become more lively and fun, so that
students can learn comfortably and without pressure and indirectly student learning motivation
can increase. Therefore, the selection of teaching methods to be used is an important factor in
the success of learning.
The teaching method is the procedure and the entire planning and stages of activity steps
in learning including the choice of evaluation methods or forms of assessment that will be used
and implemented.
Every teacher must have the ability to determine and select appropriate teaching or learning
methods to help students to achieve teaching objectives so that learning outcomes can be
achieved effectively. There are many types of teaching methods but there are a number of basic
teaching methods while the rest are the result of modifications and combinations of these basic
So with this Role Play method, students know that there are many fun methods in learning.
They no longer assume that learning is only with the lecture method. It also makes them feel
that English is fun and easy if they can express themselves as much as possible in learning.

Figure 1 dokumentasi praktek metode Role Play di kelas XI MIPA 1

The advantages of applying role-plays are:

• Students immediately apply content in a relevant, real world context.

• Students take on a decision making that might let them diverge from the confines of
their normal self-imposed limitations or boundaries.
• Students can transcend and think beyond the confines of the classroom setting.
• Students see the relevance of the content for handling real world situations.
• The instructor and students receive immediate feedback with regard to student
understanding of the content.
• Students engage in higher order thinking and learn content in a deeper way.
• Instructors can create useful scenarios when setting the parameters of the role play when
real scenarios or contexts might not be readily available.
• Typically students claim to remember their role in these scenarios and the ensuing
discussion long after the semester ends.
The disadvantages of applying role-plays are:
• It requires expert guidance and leadership.
• Sometimes participants may feel like threatened.
• Strongly depends on students imagination.
• Participants may be too shy.
• It becomes difficult for teachers to evaluate the student individually .
• Its a time consuming process.
• Its a failure when the group does not understand.
Getting every kid to participate and be genuinely involved in the role-playing process is
one of the hardest problems. Teachers should think about strategies to boost the possibility of
active student engagement. A participation grade that is in some way linked to a brief product
that students create from their point of view in their assigned role may be offered by the
instructor. If students are acting out roles in a group setting, it's a good idea to discover ways
to make them more conscious of the possibility that their group will be asked to present their
solution to the class as a whole.
From the expression of Tabrani R (1994: 121), which provides an explanation regarding
the importance of learning motivation in other words, learning must be motivated, one of which
is that motivation must be formed in various ways or methods so that interest arises from within
students. The importance of student learning motivation is intended to be able to increase their
interest in learning and students' curiosity about the material taught by the teacher.
What is important from the implementation of this activity is the achievement of the results
of activities that can be applied in schools, namely in terms of the ability to use various learning
methods as a method used in order to achieve a learning objective in accordance with the
desired results. One of the important things that can increase the competitiveness of society,
especially in the technological era, is the ability to master language (Tamrin & Ali, 2019).
This method also provides results in the form of the ability to be able to adjust in choosing
and determining the method to be used and it is hoped that the desire to explore further
information and knowledge related to the application of teaching methods as an important thing
in the success of a lesson, especially those carried out at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri 4 Agam
Then the author also got the desired results where students were more motivated in learning
English. This can be seen from the response of students from other classes who also want to
learn with the same method as in the XI MIPA 1 class. They even wanted to repeat their
material so that they could learn like the method that the author had applied. From this, we
have seen good results from improving the teacher's method of teaching. Because the teacher
is the main factor and influence on student response as well.
Friendly, patient, and respected teachers are also very influential on student response.
without us realizing students make their teachers role models that they will imitate. Aka from
that being a teacher who is liked and creative we must always strive for. In order to produce
students who are obedient and motivated in learning. With this, students are also indirectly
motivated both from outside, namely from how we teach and from within, namely from good
examples and examples from teachers making them want to be better than us.

D. Conclusion and Suggestion

The understanding of a teacher becomes the main thing in conveying learning materials,
the teacher is required to be able to master the class, be able to master the material to be
conveyed, the teacher must also be able to master the situation when students experience
boredom, sleepiness and boredom in learning. The teacher is required to be able to master the
class, be able to master the material to be conveyed, the teacher must also be able to master the
situation when students experience boredom, drowsiness and boredom in learning. and as much
as possible the teacher is able to give appreciation to students who can show the results of their
learning both orally and in writing.
A teacher is required to create a pleasant and not boring learning atmosphere, besides
that the teacher must also be able to master teaching materials, media and master various
teaching methods so that learning activities do not seem monotonous so that what is the
learning objective can be achieved easily and from the success of this learning, student learning
motivation will also increase.
With this PPL activity, it can provide suggestions and input, namely in carrying out the
learning process, teachers should try to see the conditions of student needs before determining
and choosing the right method to be applied in the classroom, trying to create a pleasant,
interactive, active and creative classroom atmosphere so that students do not feel bored and
bored so that learning objectives can be achieved as expected.

E. References

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