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What is.....

1. MOBILITY- Mobility, in my opinion, relates to the ability to move around. It is the capacity to
travel from one location to another using one or more means of transportation in order to meet
daily requirements. However, when we relate it to the modern world, specifically globalization,
it becomes one of the most significant phenomena in the modern world. At both the micro- and
macro-structural levels, it has an impact on a range of social processes. By changing one's social
position, social mobility provides a number of options to better one's position in the social
hierarchy structure.

2. Migration

a. EMIGRATION- Emigration, in my perspective, is the act of moving or transferring from one location to
another. For example, suppose you were born and raised in the Philippines but now want to relocate to
another nation. Emigration is often known as "going abroad," and it refers to the process of people
leaving one country to live in another. Or, to put it differently, the process of permanently leaving one
country and relocating to another.

b. Immigration- Individuals become permanent residents or citizens of another country through this
process. Immigration, in my opinion, is defined as an act or instance of immigration. Consequently, more
precisely, adopting a country with the intention of settling there permanently. Immigration has
historically benefited states in terms of social, economic, and cultural benefits. Besides the fact that it
benefits the country, it also benefits an individual who wishes to relocate or migrate to that country.

3. Migration Internal- For me, internal migration is the movement of an individual. A group of people
from one region of a country travel to another region of the same country. In my own understanding, it
is an act of moving from one place to another, but within a specific country. In other words, you do not
need to leave a country to migrate, but a region or place. Internal migration is the act of moving or
transferring places within a country rather than moving abroad to migrate.

4. Migration International- International migration is the movement of people across international

borders for the purpose of settlement. It is an act of moving from one country to another. International
migrants change their usual place of residence from one country to another.

5. Demography- Demography, in my opinion, is the study of statistics such as births, deaths, income,
and illness incidence that show the changing structure of human populations. Demography is also the
scientific study of human populations. Demography is also beneficial for governments and commercial
organizations in assessing and forecasting population-related social, cultural, and economic

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